Types of front door door frame. The size of the door frames is standard. Dimensions of door frames for interior doors, for bathrooms. Dimensions of double doors

The door frame is a load-bearing base on which the hinges are attached and the lock opening is cut into. In addition to one decorative function, the frame performs a protective function and largely determines the geometry of the door, which is why it is so important to choose it correctly. The frame and entrance doors are often sold together - to suit the size of a certain opening, but can also be made separately. In the presence of suitable material(pine or other needles) you can make the box yourself.

Types of door frames

They are not limited to just one design. No matter how similar they are, there are quite a few basic types of door frames:

Telescopic design

Otherwise this variety door frame ki called a Eurobox. The telescopic box received this name due to the presence of a groove. It consists of wooden planks, each of which has its own groove determined by the design; such a frame allows you to install an additional frame without additional connection, which greatly facilitates the task. The telescopic box allows you to significantly save time on installing it yourself, since liquid nails are used instead of screws and self-tapping screws.

Some telescopic boxes have an additional soundproofing layer and sealing rubber bands. This box is ideal for interior door.

Casing box

It consists of 4 main elements: a top, a window sill and two sidewalls. When installing the door frame, the window sill is not used. The casing box is often used in the construction of a log house. During installation, a gap of 4-6 mm remains between the frame elements and the doorway. It is necessary for further shrinkage of the log house; later, after drying and shrinkage, the gap is filled with insulation and finishing materials. The most difficult thing in calculating the casing is to calculate and form the locks - the junction of the top and the sidewalls.

Door frame with threshold

We can say that the door threshold is a long-forgotten past, but everything is not so simple. A box with a threshold is not only an obstacle and a step, it is one of the main effective elements of a doorway, which has the following main advantages: a natural seal (prevents the outflow of oxygen, makes up important element sound insulation), prevents the penetration of smoke, protects the room from dust and drafts.

Most often, do-it-yourself door frames with a threshold are installed in the bathroom, especially if, thanks to the tiles, the floor level in the bathroom is higher than in another room, in which case a frame with a threshold can save the parquet from water ingress.

Extension on a two-door door frame

One of the areas of application of a two-door frame is thick-walled buildings. If the width of the walls in the room exceeds 30 cm, then in this case an extension is used - a special element of the box. In fact, the extension is a plank, the width of which is equal to the width of the opening, and the extension is attached to the frame itself and the trim. The extension is made to match the color of the box material and is its continuation. The material itself may differ, but more often the same is used, be it MDF or chipboard. The extension can be attached to the door frame using a special groove, or without it, in this case liquid nails or furniture screws are used.

Hidden door frame

Doors with a hidden frame are most often used in office buildings, in entertainment complexes and in modern design. The frame is mounted according to the usual rules, but if the platband, extension and threshold are not used, ordinary hinges are also replaced with hidden ones - they are already quite often used by many well-known door manufacturers. It is painted over or puttied to match the color of the wall and does not stand out in any way; visually the door just hangs on the wall.

When purchasing such a door frame, it is worth checking whether the material can withstand painting and whether the frame will “make friends” with putty and primer.

Door frame material

The frame must support the weight of the door leaf along with the fittings. Entrance doors, however, have different weights, and the additional weight that a person creates when opening the door must also be taken into account. When designing and creating boxes, the following basic materials are most often used:

Door frame installation

You can install the door frame yourself. The most difficult and responsible process is determining the size of the future box. Openings are different, as are entrance doors, although a single standard exists, it is conveniently ignored in private housing construction. Installing the box yourself includes the following steps:

  • Preparation of the structure: checking dimensions, eliminating defects and distortions (you need to know the exact width, height, thickness of the walls, distance to the nearest wall, corner);
  • Drilling holes in the wall for fastening the door frame;
  • Checking the door tilt level (otherwise spontaneous opening is possible);
  • Direct installation of the box and its fixation;
  • Checking parameters;
  • Installation of the door leaf.

An example of creating a box with a threshold in the following video:

DIY door frame

The frame can be assembled without any special tools with your own hands, this way you can save a considerable amount of money, and besides, you can create a unique door frame, which has its own decor and perhaps even carvings. For this you will need following materials: jigsaw, screwdriver, nails and screws, varnish, paint, film, hinges and the wooden slats themselves.

You can choose any material, preferably wood coniferous species: pine, spruce, etc.

Do-it-yourself door frame assembly includes the following processes:

  • The first step is to measure the length and width wooden slats or timber;
  • Then careful grinding of the workpieces and their processing will be required;
  • After processing the material, you can attach door hinges to pre-designated areas.
  • Then the box must be assembled according to the specified parameters;
  • After the assembly process, you need to attach the door frame to the door and estimate all the gaps, then fit the frame under the door leaf as tightly as possible.

Further finishing options depend only on the imagination and needs of the owner of the apartment or house.

A door frame (door frame) is a functional part of a door block, mounted in an interior opening, after which the door itself is attached to its hinges. The name "box" is given component received because, together with the threshold, it forms an even rectangle. Door frames are used to install swing-type structures. The Dverka hypermarket of interior doors will help you select a door frame and an interior door.

The functional purpose of door frames is to support the weight of the door, and therefore their selection and installation should be given close attention: only when correct selection Lutki door structure will be strong and durable.

What does a door frame look like?

Typical door frame for installation of single-leaf internal doors swing type will have the following constructive solution: frame, trim, threshold and seal. The frame of the frame is shaped like the letter “U”, which is formed by a pair of side posts and a cross member at the top of the box.

On the side posts of the structure there is a longitudinal cavity into which the door leaf will fit. This cavity is called the narthex. The frame casing is made of planks with ends located at an angle of 45 degrees. It is needed to tightly close the gap between the loot and the wall.

There may not be a seal in the cavity, but the presence of this element is desirable, as it will significantly increase the sound insulation in the room.

The set includes gutters for interior door designs a threshold may also be included.

Modern door frames for interior designs can be made from different materials: MDF, natural wood, laminated wood. Each type has its pros and cons, which are worth understanding in more detail:

  • Lutki made from MDF are the most a budget option of the possible. The design looks quite presentable and you can choose the product to match any door leaf. But there are also significant disadvantages: MDF boxes can be used exclusively for lightweight doors, the product is not strong and durable, increased sensitivity to moisture, due to which MDF boxes are not recommended for installation in kitchen and bathroom doorways;

When installing MDF frames, do not putty the gaps between the frame and the door opening. The material will quickly absorb moisture and the door may not open.

  • The wooden frame is highly durable and suitable for any type of structure made from a wide variety of materials, we can easily adjust it to fit the dimensions, if an error was made in them, if there is a need to change the canvas, the color of the lace will be easy to adjust to new door by simply sanding it and painting it. But when choosing a wooden box, it is worth taking into account the obvious disadvantages of the product: installing the frame will not be easy and it will have to be additionally coated with a special moisture-proof mixture.

The modern and most expensive option is a door frame made of laminated wood. The design will have solid durability and strength, provides excellent noise insulation in the room, and can withstand any weight of fabric. Laminated boxes have few disadvantages: high price, complex installation, sensitivity laminated coating to mechanical damage.

But a high-quality door frame is chosen not only by its material, but also by its design. What designs are there for modern door hatches - we will look at them in detail below.

Types of door frames

According to their structural design, the beams are graded into the following types: covering, end and corner frames. Each type has optimal options consumption.

For example, an end beam will be most convenient for installation when it is placed in an opening with thin internal partitions. However, you should be aware that the end structure needs additional reinforcement, since constant opening and closing of the door can reduce the reliability of the structure as a whole. For this reason, it is recommended to install end boxes in a metal frame, which will certainly affect the dimensions of the opening.

Luts are considered universal corner type. They fit into any openings, between any rooms. Corner door frames are equipped with a platband, neatly connected to the frame profile.

The corner door will have to be additionally sealed, since without a seal there will be a significant gap between the frame and the door leaf, the presence of which is fraught with drafts in the room and increased noise levels.

The design of wrap-around boxes combines a frame and an extension, which also has a casing that matches the color of the frame material. The option is convenient in that you do not have to carry out work to modify the opening for the installation of the trap.

Having decided on the type of box, you should not lose sight of this important criterion like the sizes. The most important indicator will be the width. The dimensions of the opening will depend on the width of the product frame, and this indicator may interfere with the installation of the box - the loot may simply not fit into the existing opening. It is not always possible to destroy the opening in order to install the frame, since the wall can be load-bearing. To find out for sure, you should contact the BTI and get a plan of the living space. Height and thickness are not critical criteria.

At self-construction and making openings, the dimensions of the box will also have to be calculated independently. It is necessary to measure the dimensions of the canvas, the trays, resolve the issue of the presence or absence of a threshold, and determine the width of the casing. The width of the box is calculated according to the following formula: you need to add double the thickness to the width of the canvas and to these indicators also add the value of the installation gap, divided by two. The height of the box is calculated as follows: the value of the height of the canvas is added to the thickness of the box and either the height of the threshold or the size of the installation gap is added to the resulting figure.

Features of fastening during installation

Fastening the door frame can be done in different ways:

Hidden installation

The rigidity of the frame in this fastening method is ensured by the use of anchors and screws. All fasteners are carefully hidden in the hinges. Fixation points at hidden installation there are three: in the hinges, in the wall, under the decorative plate of the lock. After installing the box, spacers are installed and all gaps are filled with foam. The fastener turns out to be rigid and durable, but is quite difficult to carry out and requires the most accurate calculations, otherwise the box will have to be dismantled, since it will no longer be possible to adjust its position after installation.

Mounting on hangers

The essence of the method is to screw the plates to the frame, after which it is placed in the opening and adjusted for level. If everything is correct, the plates are fixed. The method is reliable, but applicable when it has not yet been completed fine finishing premises, since the places where the plates are fixed have to be masked with plaster.

Bolt-on fasteners

The standard option, but at the same time one of the most reliable and less troublesome. Holes for bolts are made at the required points in the structure, then the box is placed in the opening, additional holes are drilled in the concrete and the tray is secured. The fasteners are closed with decorative plugs. This method is reliable and allows you to use the door almost immediately.

The easiest way to fasten the box in the opening is with foam. However, not all types of boxes can be fixed with foam alone, so this installation method is used in practice extremely rarely.

If the dimensions of the opening and the dimensions of the tray itself have been determined correctly, there should be no problems with the assembly and installation of the structure. If the structure is purchased as a complete set, then the entire installation process will consist only of installing the assembled elements into the opening and fixing them. The fastening on our own will take place in several stages:

  1. The structure needs to be assembled, all dimensions rechecked and possible inaccuracies eliminated.
  1. Holes for fastenings are made in the sections of the tray adjacent to the wall surfaces.
  1. The gap between the door leaf and the frame is checked.
  1. The perpendicularity of the installation of the box is checked using a plumb line.

It is necessary to check the perpendicularity, since in its absence the door can open on its own.

The door frame should be selected with the same care as the interior doors themselves. The frame must necessarily support the weight of the door, so it is impossible to buy doors made of natural solid wood and a frame made of MDF. A heavy canvas will lead to deformation of the frame, and problems will begin with the normal opening and closing of doors.

It is imperative to take all dimensions correctly: the slightest error in dimensions can make it impossible to install the frame in the opening or cause poor quality work of the structure, which will ultimately lead to its damage and breakage.

For ready-made structures There is a table with dimensions, using which you can correctly select a box for the dimensions of the doorway.

We hope that after studying this article-instructions, you received answers to the questions - what is a door frame, what types of structures exist, how to choose your own door frame for interior doors.

Build process door frame implies not only the presence of the box itself, but also certain tools and devices necessary for its installation, namely: building level; hammer; measuring tape; chisels; hacksaws; screwdriver or screwdriver; self-tapping screws

On my own this process not complicated. For success, you only need to know its constituent elements and assembly methods.

It consists of three structural components: a lintel or top beam; loop timber; porch. There are several ways to connect these parts.

  • The first way is finger joint. Its essence is to file the tenons on the elements of the box and then align them with the corresponding grooves on the opposite segment.
  • The second method is to connect elements by sawing down parts door frame at an angle of 45 0 or 90 0. Most simple option assembly at an angle of 90 0 is considered.

Before starting work, the surfaces to be joined must be leveled using a chisel and secured with self-tapping screws. We mark the holes for them and disassemble the elements to install the hinges.

Installing hinges on the door frame.

It is necessary to mark the preliminary location on the timber door hinges . We find it by attaching loops to door leaf. Position bottom loops determined after joining the upper ones. Only after completing these steps can you insert and fix the canopies.

Let's start the process door frame assembly. Using the previously marked holes, we connect the hinge and lintel beams. This step must be carried out on a flat, hard surface, such as the floor. All elements of the door frame are connected with self-tapping screws. After connection, the box is carefully inspected for defects. If there are none, begin installing the door frame in the doorway.

Fixing the door frame in the wall opening.

Herself installing a door frame in an opening, represents a certain sequence of actions. Before starting installation, we completely dismantle the previous box. After this, for subsequent installation it is necessary to prepare the surface of the wall opening. If the installation is carried out directly into the opening in the wall, we create a rigid and solid foundation. To do this, we nail small narrow wooden planks into the corners of the assembled structure. If there is no threshold, this is not a problem; to do this, the lower part of the opening is temporarily secured with a bar of the required size.

Today door frame installation carried out using polyurethane foam. By using preliminary fixation with anchor bolts, additional reliability of the structure can be achieved. This will ensure greater safety for the interior door and increase its service life. In general, the installation process looks like this:

Door frame assembled installed in the wall opening and fixed with wooden wedges. When installing, you must use a building level. After leveling, the box is attached to the wall. At least three holes are drilled in the bars located vertically, and corresponding recesses are made in the opening. After this is completed, the box is screwed to the wall.

Pay special attention to ensure that between installed door frame and there were no voids in the wall. They are filled with polyurethane foam, work surface The doors are protected from the penetration of polyurethane foam using masking tape.

When using polyurethane foam, pay attention to the fact that when it hardens, it increases in volume by up to 50%. If this is not taken into account, you may end up with unwanted door frame deformation.

Prevent the above Negative consequences You can use additional spacers for the door frame. Wooden wedges are suitable for this purpose and must be placed around the entire perimeter of the structure. 24 hours after installation polyurethane foam hardens and the spacers can be removed along with excess foam. After this, it is necessary to install platbands.

Therefore, assembly and door frame installation- a simple process. By following the correct sequence of actions and following the above steps, you can independently and efficiently install an interior door.

It is known that furniture comes in standard and non-standard sizes. In the first case, it is easy to find suitable items and easily repair them. And their price is more affordable, since production does not require equipment setup. In the second case, select a product with suitable parameters much more complicated, and custom-made will cost more.

The thickness of the door frame of an interior door refers to precisely these parameters.

Emergence of a standard

The emergence of a standard for any product is associated with several factors. For kitchen furniture, for example, ergonomics and dimensions kitchen appliances, For bookcase– the sizes of books, which are quite standardized. Doorways are also made based on certain rules:

  • the width of the opening cannot be less than 60 cm. Otherwise it will be almost impossible to use it;
  • the same parameter for a single-leaf structure cannot be more than 120 cm, since in this case the leaf will have excessive mass;
  • the height, as a rule, is limited to 2100 cm, and even lower is found, since houses with very low ceilings were built in the USSR;
  • the wall material has virtually no effect on the thickness of the box, but the thickness of the canvas does matter;
  • When developing the frame, the material of the canvas is taken into account. As a rule, the frame and the canvas are made of the same material, so the weight is consistent here. But when replacing a product, this feature must be taken into account.


In a store or when made to order, a model is usually offered along with a box. Moreover, when choosing dimensions, attention is paid specifically to general dimensions. Measure the dimensions of the entire block, add 1.5 cm each and get the opening parameters that are needed to install the door.

If we are not talking about a main wall with a very large thickness, then adjusting the dimensions of the opening to the dimensions of the canvas in the frame is easier and, ultimately, cheaper than ordering a product for the opening.

On average, the box adds 70 mm to the canvas around the perimeter. The standard dimensions of the box correlate with the parameters of the sash itself as follows.

Dimensions of interior door frames: width, height and thickness.

Interior door Door frame
Height, mm Width, mm Height, mm Width, mm
2000 600 2071 671
2000 700 2071 770
2000 800 2071 870
2000 900 2071 970
2000 1202 2071 1272
2300 900 2371 970
2300 1402 2371 1472
2300 1802 2371 1872

The last 2 options assume the presence of 2 valves, at least a narrow inactive one and a wide active one.

  • What is the thickness of the interior box the door will fit, depends on the size of the wall. The thickness of the opening wall in most buildings is 75 mm. Respectively, standard thickness The frame size of the interior door is 75 mm. A value of 95 mm is very rare, and even less common is 65 mm.

If the wall has very atypical dimensions, then they resort to special techniques. For example, if the opening is large, the opening is blocked using an expander - a slope or extension. And if the wall is too narrow, then even cutting the frame is allowed, as long as it can hold the canvas. The photo shows the design of the opening with slopes.

It is much more convenient to consider the parameters of a kit rather than a canvas due to the fact that finished block There are gaps for free opening of the sash and for installation of fittings. If the frame is selected separately, the gaps must be taken into account independently, and their size depends on the material of the canvas.


It's best if all door block made from the same material. Firstly, the same material reacts to changes in temperature and moisture in the same way. Secondly, the material wears out approximately equally, which does not cause aesthetic dissonance.

This parameter does not affect the dimensions of the interior door frame in terms of thickness, however, if it is necessary to use expanders, it becomes important.

  • Solid wood is expensive and beautiful material, enjoying constant popularity. However, the array noticeably reacts to dampness.

  • MDF is the most popular material. What sets it apart from wood is its constancy of size: the canvas does not change under the influence of temperature or dampness. MDF may have different coating, which both increases and decreases the cost of the product:
    • veneer – a cut of natural wood. This option is indistinguishable from solid wood, and its resistance to dampness is higher;
    • eco-veneer is a multi-layer plastic that exactly reproduces the color and texture of wood. Eco-veneer has very high wear resistance, which is why it is recommended for use in public places;
    • Melamine film is a common coating for the material; it reproduces the color, but not the structure of wood.

Wide selection of interior doors offered modern manufacturers– by color, material, texture – big advantage when choosing suitable model. But one problem often arises: choosing the right box size. Measuring a doorway is not as simple as it seems, and assessing the properties of a product also has its own subtleties.


The majority of doors are made standard, but it is important to take into account that there are no clearly prescribed frame sizes for interior passages. It is recommended to select the box in such a way that the entire structure can fit harmoniously into the opening. In terms of height and width, it is recommended to take a set slightly (within three centimeters) inferior to the opening.

The largest standard box size in width is 90 centimeters, but you can’t find such a model in every manufacturer’s catalog. Indeed, in multi-storey and modern private houses, openings of a suitable size are very rare. The widest doors can be found in “Stalinist” buildings, as well as in large office centers.

Door frames and leaves produced abroad are made to completely different standards, so you need to choose them carefully!

Frames for doors that do not have thresholds are made in the shape of the letter P, from a pair wooden racks, connected at the top by a crossbar. The advantage of such solutions is compatibility with the sashes of the different heights and their cheapness. Rectangular frames, which initially have a threshold, are needed by those who want to install the entire structure as simply and quickly as possible. It is recommended to choose telescopic trims , because products with them will be easier to rearrange during a major overhaul.


The parameters of a particular room are also taken into account - how large it is, what it is intended for. The most common type has dimensions of 88x205 cm in two planes, with a width of 80 cm - such blocks are suitable for both apartments and offices. For kitchen openings you should use boxes measuring 65x200 cm, and for a bathroom or combined toilet 60x200 cm. Even if the size of the entrance to such rooms allows, many people still choose narrow boxes, making up for the missing centimeters by adding extras.


Typical width ranges from 50 to 90 centimeters. The parameters of a particular room are taken into account - how large it is, what it is intended for. It is customary to make the widest openings in living rooms so that all guests can pass through unhindered. The gap between the walls is 122 cm, and the door frame is then 119 centimeters wide and 193 centimeters high.

For multi-leaf doors, doors of 55 centimeters are used, for single-leaf doors (in small-sized housing) - 80 or 90 centimeters. It is not recommended to do even less, no matter how cramped it will be, because sometimes you will have to take out or bring in furniture. Attention: French single doors standard sample They are 68, 79 or 89 centimeters wide.


The height of doors for interroom transitions most often ranges from 195 to 207 cm. In Russia, Finland, Spain and Italy, structures with a height of 190, 200 and 210 centimeters are produced.


This parameter fluctuates different designs from 2 to 7.5 centimeters. There is nothing surprising here - different thickness optimal for different walls. If they are made of plasterboard or are brickwork, it is best to buy boxes with a thickness of 75 millimeters. It will be easier for you to mount them, and if there is a slight difference with the actual size, It won’t be difficult to eliminate it with extras.

How to choose?

The easiest way is to buy boards and bars 5-6 centimeters thick and 10 centimeters wide to create a wooden interior door. But it would be better to spend a little extra time and choose a beam whose thickness does not differ by a millimeter from the thickness of the door.

In addition to the size of the interior door, you need to choose the material for it. Larch and linden are considered the best varieties wood, pine is just acceptable. But alder, hornbeam, and beech are bad because they often warp when the air is dry or excessively humid. Oak is more reliable in this regard, but high prices prevent its widespread use.

Steel and plastic structures can be used as door frames at the entrance, or in bathrooms, toilets and toilets. Always evaluate and color solutions, and the type of finish, and its texture, and the type of threshold. When assessing suitable dimensions, you need to consider whether an automatic door closer will be used or not. When it is known that the floors have not yet been laid, an adjustment is made for the height of the screed and the characteristics of the coating itself, the limitations associated with the use of water and infrared heated floors cannot be ignored.

In addition to the opening parameters, the width of the box should also be adjusted to the height of the ceilings. Quite often a situation arises when, for design reasons, it is impossible to use the right door. When installing the box on plasterboard walls need to have a location map load-bearing frame, so that you don’t need to suddenly move part of the wall.

When calculating, the width of the sash increases by double the thickness of the timber (do not forget that the cross-section of the box is L-shaped). Take into account the part of the sealing material extending beyond the contour of the opening (it can be from 30 cm and have a height of 2.5-3 centimeters), and the supporting surface under the beams. By adding another 20-25 millimeters of clearance for installing the box, compare the resulting figure with the actual dimensions of the passage. The same principles will help to calculate the final height (you also need to introduce a threshold correction for it).

Expanding the opening if necessary is better than artificially narrowing it with various designs: when installed with extensions, a door will not stand as stable as one placed close to the wall. And more heat will be lost.

To ensure that the parameters are measured as accurately and quickly as possible, always use a level, preferably a laser one. When the depth of the opening is 10% or more greater than the depth of the product, serious problems can arise. Then you need to either install slopes, or (which is less professional), saw the timber along the length, reducing its thickness, but no more than 1-1.5 centimeters.

Please note that you should only take on such work experienced performers with high-quality instruments. If the exact width and height of the opening cannot be determined due to its complex configuration, you need to take measurements in at least three places for each plane. The arithmetic mean of the results obtained is taken as the final value.

When you need to complete the door frame with extensions, it is better to take plastic elements, they are the most flexible and make it easier to fit the main surfaces. Please note: any additional element must have the same color and texture as the rest of the structure. To make fewer cuts, it is better to cover the gaps separating the opening from the frame with wide platbands. Choosing the size that is right for you will not be particularly difficult in any specialized store.

Do not buy door frames made from a combination of different materials - they inevitably differ physical properties, and therefore warping may soon occur, the door will be harder to close. Important: when old door is still standing, distances are measured from the central part of the platbands.

In apartments commissioned before 1991, interior doors with frames measuring 108 millimeters are used; if the partition is 10 centimeters thick, you need to install a box 120 millimeters thick. Attention: according to current regulatory requirements in any room where 16 or more people can be present at the same time, you can only use doors from 1.2 meters wide.


Installation of the door frame is carried out using wedges and beams, an electric cutter, a hacksaw, a miter box, and a drill. Additionally, you will need polyurethane foam and a pencil, building level, a knife with a thin pointed cutting edge, screws and nails with miniature heads. When the installation of the box begins, the slopes should already be checked in at least three places, both vertically and horizontally. A deviation of five centimeters or more is unacceptable, it requires additional alignment. Do not forget to maintain a technological gap to the floor surface, it is 1.5 cm.