Short organza tulle how to lengthen it. How to lengthen curtains with your own hands. Rip out the bottom allowance

How to lengthen curtains with your own hands? This is a frequently asked question on forums, in the studio or in any Internet search engine. Have you changed your place of residence and brought your favorite curtains with you to your new apartment, but they don’t fit at all? Bought fabric and didn’t guess the window size? Or maybe the fabric of your curtains has shrunk after washing? If you don’t yet know how to lengthen your curtains, then we bring to your attention the easiest and simple ways, which will allow you to very quickly at home, and most importantly, to add curtains for free the new kind with your own hands.

With your own hands, you can lengthen the curtains so that they will change your interior, introducing new trends and accents. There are many ways to lengthen curtains to a certain size, you just need to decide on the most suitable option. And it will depend solely on the individual preferences of the owners, the style of curtains and interior design, which is planned to be completed. Own Creative skills and skills will be a godsend for you in the process of changing the length of curtains.
We invite you to familiarize yourself with the main, most accessible ways, allowing you to change the length of the curtain.

First method: rip and iron the bottom of the curtain

If 10-15 centimeters are missing, you can safely add them by spreading the bottom hem of the curtain. Having received the missing centimeters, your curtain will gain desired length.

Second method: sew on fabric loops

This is one of the simplest methods, which requires a minimum investment of time, mental and physical effort.

  1. Determine the size of the loops. To do this, you need to attach the curtain to the cornice and calculate the missing centimeters. When folded, the loops should have a length equal to the length which is missing. To this length you should add 1.5 - 2 cm (for seam allowances). That is, if your curtains have a length of 2 m 60 cm, and you need 2 m 90 cm, then the length of each loop should be 32 cm (folded), or 64 cm (the total length of the fabric that will be used to sew one loops). If you plan to use fasteners, leave another 5 cm. Select the fabric for the loops.

    Remember! The material for the loops should be similar in structure to the fabric from which the curtains are made.

    The fabrics of loops and curtains can be within the same color, but in different shades, or they can contrast with each other. Curtains that use lace as an insert look very luxurious.

    Loops can be sewn from fabric, thick braid or decorative cord.

    Loops can also be different shapes, for example, in the form of bows, straps or ties. The loops can have a solid appearance and can be held on by buttons, which are also preferably covered with fabric.

  2. Attach the loops to the top of the curtains. You can sew them on, attach them with buttons, connect them with bows or ties.
  3. Place the hinges on the curtain rod.

In this way, you can lengthen the curtain by 10-12 cm. The most correct length for curtains is considered to be the length behind which you cannot see top part window opening. When performing a number of these actions, do not forget about this.

Third method: lengthen the curtains, creating a lambrequin

This method allows you to lengthen the curtains only visually. This best option for the case when the length of the curtains is only a few millimeters less than the desired length. Lambrequin is a modern decorative detail. It is very easy and simple to create with your own hands. Using a step-by-step algorithm, attach the lambrequin to the curtain.

  1. Buy a thick but lightweight fabric material. Don't forget to buy lining material.
  2. Measure the height of the window and the length of the tulle (curtain).
  3. Create a drapery template natural size.
  4. Attach the resulting template to the cornice, while measuring the center of the window.
  5. Create a pattern for the lambrequin and for the lining.
  6. Don't forget to allow seam allowances (approximately 1.5-2 cm).
  7. Place the pieces wrong side up and sew the lining and lambrequin together.
  8. Leave the uncovered side.
  9. Press the seams.
  10. Turn out the drapery.

The resulting design will add the missing millimeters to the curtain, visually lengthening it.

Fourth method: sew on frills

The frills should be sewn on carefully, without disturbing the overall design of the curtain. If your room is decorated in a minimalist style, do not under any circumstances sew voluminous ruffles and flounces on the bottom. Try to create something light and weightless. It is advisable to sew frills from fabric that will be in maximum harmony in color and texture with the main fabric of the curtains. In this case, the frills should not be voluminous, the curtains should have a flirty look. appearance.

Fifth method: use transverse inserts

Of all the ways to lengthen curtains, this method is the most painstaking. Get ready to have to completely redo your curtains.

Cut the curtains where you plan to use the insert. The most stylish will look like curtains that have insert material not directly in the center of the fabric, but slightly to the left or right.
Use material in contrasting colors as an insert, but as close as possible in style, type and texture. To prevent the sewn-in inserts from looking alien, we recommend sewing tiebacks for curtains or any other decorative elements (for example, pillowcases or tablecloths) from the same material. Add the finishing touch by sewing on a border made from the same material.
The inserts do not always have to be transverse; if desired, they can be oblique. Using in practice this method increasing the length of the curtain, it is recommended to carry out the work with a high degree of accuracy - so that the resulting result does not look cheap and patchwork.

Sixth method: special pendants

Using this method allows you not only to lengthen the curtains, but also to add some zest and charm to their design, creating the overall splendor of the image.

  1. Buy beads, strings of pearls or pendants with stones and crystals.
  2. Secure them to the bottom of the fabric.

You can attach special pendants at certain distances, in the form of waves or hanging threads, in general, as your imagination allows you. Such curtains look very solemn, and the length... reaches the desired size. Are you ready for the fact that you will have to not use ready-made pendants, but make them yourself, using creativity and resourcefulness? Such accessories will give your curtains a certain charm that entails a lot of emotions.


Changing the length of a curtain with your own hands is quite easy, the main thing is desire, creativity, a set of sewing skills and abilities. In most cases, a curtain lengthened independently at home looks much more graceful and elegant than before its transformation. Now you know at least six ways to lengthen curtains, and probably one of them will definitely come in handy.

The proposed methods can be used not only in critical situations, when it is necessary to correct the situation and lengthen the curtains. They can be used when you simply want to make changes to the appearance of boring curtains.

Beauty, comfort, functionality - these are the criteria for choosing tulle for windows. The issue of curtain length remains at the discretion of the owners, because any options are acceptable. This method is suitable if you need to increase the curtains by a few centimeters. When using this method of increasing the length of a curtain in practice, it is recommended to carry out the work with a high degree of accuracy - so that the resulting result does not look cheap and patchy. Modern design allows the use of shortened curtains for any room. Please note that they are not suitable for rooms with high ceilings, because they visually make the room lower. These curtains are the most difficult to sew. It is better that the structure is similar to the material of the curtains. If you are making hinges in a new shade, then think about how they will fit with the rest of the room's design. There are many varieties of short curtains suitable for any room. In most cases, a curtain lengthened independently at home looks much more graceful and elegant than before its transformation. When choosing a curtain for this room, you need to pay attention to its density, especially if curtains are not used. They can be used when you simply want to make changes to the appearance of boring curtains. There are many ways to extend curtains to a certain size, you just need to decide on the most suitable option.

Checks and stripes are not often found in interiors. And if they do occur, then their use is mainly determined by the design in traditional style country type. A small apartment is usually associated with the first step towards independent life or the desire to live closer to the center with limited financial possibilities. Because the this process involves rework existing product, then it is important to do everything right. The compatibility issue can be resolved as with the second method. Only at first glance does it seem that choosing a painting as a gift is a simple procedure. It is very easy and simple to create with your own hands.

15 wide). And then they tied the whole thing together with the help of a beautiful cord. You can attach special pendants at certain distances, in the form of waves or hanging threads, in general, as your imagination allows you.

The maximum is to cut off the bottom with a jagged edge and insert the finishing fabric there. But this is not possible with every drawing. Next, you need to throw the tape through the curtain pipe and take measurements. Additionally, you should provide 1.5 cm for seams and another 4-5 cm for securing buttons or ties.

When folded, the loops should have a length equal to the length that is missing.

Shabby chic and tulle - the perfect combination

There are fabrics from which it is almost impossible to achieve smooth, beautiful tails. If the fabric does not stretch much, then you need to do additional sewing, preferably from the same fabric as the curtains (if there are any). If you couldn’t find buttons in the right shade, then try covering them with fabric. One type of fabric is needed for outside, and the second for the lining. In other words, upper layer the curtains should be thick enough so that the bottom layer of the curtains does not show through. The most stylish will look like curtains that have insert material not directly in the center of the fabric, but slightly to the left or right. In this case, the fabric consumption will be greater, and the drapery, touching the floor, will accumulate dust. In addition, pets can either stain or damage the product.

If the curtains are too short, look under the curtain tape. As a rule, a supply of fabric is hidden there in the sewing workshop. It is better to leave the hem wide enough at the bottom. Extending curtains using a pelmet requires some sewing skills. If you are not confident in your abilities, then contact the professionals in the studio. I didn’t even know that there were so many ways to lengthen curtains. You will need to take out any of your curtains from the closet and increase their length using one of the suggested options. The ties can be made from the same or another fabric, giving the curtains a playful look. If the connection is made by stitching, you can decorate the junction of the curtain and loops by making a border. The material for combination must be selected carefully, in accordance with the texture and color of the main curtain. You can complement the curtain with a edging made of additional fabric or by creating flirty ruffles. If you want to give the room charm or a new look, then extend the curtains from the bottom by attaching pendants. Curtain to the floor. This length of curtains has the opposite effect - it visually makes the ceilings higher. This option is considered classic and looks very elegant and aesthetically pleasing.

If you are saving on curtain assembly factor, then do it in such a way that the curtains look natural. But do not forget that, unlike clothes, we see curtains all day under the influence of backlight, against the light. Use short curtains in the interior of any room is necessary, based on its purpose and size.

If the curtain is made with an arch or does not reach the window sill, then short tulle for the kitchen is decorated with braid, frills, and fringe. To prevent the sewn-in inserts from looking alien, we recommend sewing tiebacks for curtains or any other decorative elements (for example, pillowcases or tablecloths) from the same material.

A curtain in the form of a lambrequin - a very short tulle or a beautiful lambrequin is located under the cornice, and the light opening is covered with horizontal or roller blinds.

Next, all that remains is to turn the lambrequin out and iron it. You can try it on a curtain. A short tulle curtain looks harmonious with long curtains. Examples of curtain edging and decorative tie made from patchwork.

Also on this topic:

Beauty, comfort, functionality - these are the criteria for choosing tulle for windows. The issue of curtain length remains at the discretion of the owners, because any options are acceptable. This method is suitable if you need to increase the curtains by a few centimeters. When using this method of increasing the length of a curtain in practice, it is recommended to carry out the work with a high degree of accuracy - so that the resulting result does not look cheap and patchy. Modern design allows the use of shortened curtains for any room. It should be borne in mind that they are not suitable for rooms with low ceilings, as they visually make the room lower.

These curtains are the most difficult to sew. It is better that the structure is similar to the material of the curtains. If you are making hinges in a new shade, then think about how they will fit with the rest of the room's design. There are many varieties of short curtains suitable for any room. In most cases, a curtain lengthened independently at home looks much more graceful and elegant than before its transformation. When choosing a curtain for this room, you need to pay attention to its density, especially if curtains are not used. They can be used when you simply want to make changes to the appearance of boring curtains. There are many ways to extend curtains to a certain size, you just need to decide on the most suitable option.

Checks and stripes are not often found in interiors. And if they do occur, then their use is mainly determined by the design in a traditional country style. A small apartment, as a rule, is associated with the first step towards independent living or the desire to live closer to the center with limited financial resources. Since this process involves reworking an existing product, it is important to do everything correctly.

8 ways to lengthen curtains if they are short

The compatibility issue can be resolved as with the second method. Only at first glance does it seem that choosing a painting as a gift is a simple procedure. It is very easy and simple to create with your own hands.

15 wide). And then they tied the whole thing together with the help of a beautiful cord. You can attach special pendants at certain distances, in the form of waves or hanging threads, in general, as your imagination allows you.

The maximum is to cut off the bottom with a jagged edge and insert the finishing fabric there. But this is not possible with every drawing. Next, you need to throw the tape through the curtain pipe and take measurements. Additionally, you should provide 1.5 cm for seams and another 4-5 cm for securing buttons or ties.

When folded, the loops should have a length equal to the length that is missing.

There are fabrics from which it is almost impossible to achieve smooth, beautiful tails. If the fabric does not stretch much, then you need to do additional sewing, preferably from the same fabric as the curtains (if there are any). If you couldn’t find buttons in the right shade, then try covering them with fabric. One type of fabric is needed for the outside, and the second for the lining. In other words, the top layer of the curtains should be thick enough so that the bottom layer of the curtains does not show through. The most stylish will look like curtains that have insert material not directly in the center of the fabric, but slightly to the left or right. In this case, the fabric consumption will be greater, and the drapery, touching the floor, will accumulate dust. In addition, pets can either stain or damage the product.

If the curtains are too short, look under the curtain tape. As a rule, a supply of fabric is hidden there in the sewing workshop. It is better to leave the hem wide enough at the bottom. Extending curtains using a pelmet requires some sewing skills. If you are not confident in your abilities, then contact the professionals in the studio. I didn’t even know that there were so many ways to lengthen curtains. You will need to take out any of your curtains from the closet and increase their length using one of the suggested options. The ties can be made from the same or another fabric, giving the curtains a playful look. If the connection is made by stitching, you can decorate the junction of the curtain and loops by making a border. The material for combination must be selected carefully, in accordance with the texture and color of the main curtain. You can complement the curtain with a edging made of additional fabric or by creating flirty ruffles. If you want to give the room charm or a new look, then extend the curtains from the bottom by attaching pendants. Curtain to the floor. This length of curtains has the opposite effect - it visually makes the ceilings higher. This option is considered classic and looks very elegant and aesthetically pleasing.

If you are saving on curtain assembly factor, then do it in such a way that the curtains look natural. But do not forget that, unlike clothes, we see curtains all day under the influence of backlight, against the light. It is necessary to use short curtains in the interior of any room, based on its purpose and size.

If the curtain is made with an arch or does not reach the window sill, then short tulle for the kitchen is decorated with braid, frills, and fringe. To prevent the sewn-in inserts from looking alien, we recommend sewing tiebacks for curtains or any other decorative elements (for example, pillowcases or tablecloths) from the same material.

A curtain in the form of a lambrequin - a very short tulle or a beautiful lambrequin is located under the cornice, and the light opening is covered with horizontal or roller blinds.

Next, all that remains is to turn the lambrequin out and iron it. You can try it on a curtain. A short tulle curtain looks harmonious with long curtains. Examples of curtain edging and decorative tie made from patchwork.

Also on this topic:

Extending the curtains

Other fabric


Sometimes the curtains are only missing a couple of centimeters.

How to beautifully shorten curtains without cutting them

This problem can be solved in this way: lower the cornice a little lower.


Ruffles on curtains look very beautiful, especially on the kitchen window. This method must be approached carefully so as not to disrupt general form products. If you have decorated your room in a minimalist style, then you should not lengthen the curtains with flounces and lush ruffles at the bottom. It’s better to create something airy and light:


Curtains in the living room interior are an element that gives the room completeness and individuality. The window in the living room is a reflection of the atmosphere that fills the room, so it is very important to choose correct design. Curtains in the living room not only help to create coziness, but also to hide some defects in the walls and corners, and also visually change the size of the room. Especially it concerns combined curtains from several colors. We will discuss how to sew two-color curtains with your own hands and choose the right fabric in this article.

Selecting the texture of combined fabrics

Sewing curtains in two colors most often involves combining fabrics. In order for fabrics to harmoniously combine with each other, you need to choose a material of the same or at least similar texture. Firstly, such a combination looks more attractive in appearance. And, secondly, from a practical point of view, fabrics of different textures can shrink differently after washing, which can ultimately lead to distortion of the entire curtain.

In addition to texture, the density of the material must also be taken into account. Particularly successful for curtains would be a combination of medium-density fabrics that flow and do not weigh down the window. In addition, the density of the fabric will depend on what function of the curtains is being emphasized. If the curtains serve only for decorative purposes, then you can choose any fabric that suits the style and color, since by securing these curtains, you will not move them often.

If curtains are needed to shade a room during the day or hide a room in the evening and at night, then in this case more will be required thick fabric, with good light transmission.

Having decided on the texture, you need to carefully select the colors for the curtains. You can create a lot of combinations of two colors, but whether they will be appropriate in the living room is not an easy question. What do designers recommend about this? Here are some of their tips:

  • When combining two colors of fabric for curtains, take as a basis those shades that are present in the design of the living room. Perhaps it will be just one shade - it will be the main one, and an additional one can be selected to match this main one. In this case, two-color curtains will echo the overall composition of the living room;
  • Particularly interesting are combinations of contrasting colors, for example, red and white, black and white, pistachio and chocolate, brown and turquoise. Such curtains will become an accent element in the interior; they are great for monochrome decoration of the living room, if the room seems boring to you;
  • You can combine colors on curtains both vertically and horizontally. If the room has low ceilings, it is better to combine colors vertically. If it is necessary to extend the width of the room, colors are combined horizontally;
  • it is better to combine fabrics of two colors with each other so that more dark color fell on the lower part of the curtain, and in the case of a vertical combination, on the extreme part.

What is needed to sew straight curtains?

Let's look at a simple example of how you can sew two-color curtains with your own hands. Having basic cutting and sewing skills, make two straight classic curtains won't be difficult.

How to lengthen a curtain or tulle without the help of a specialist

The first thing you have to do is measure the length of the cornice and the height of the ceilings from the floor to the hook on the cornice. These parameters will help determine required amount fabrics.

For curtains, they usually take 1.5-2 lengths of cornice, that is, for a three-meter cornice, taking into account the hemming of the side sections, you will need 4.9-5.4 meters of fabric. The height of the fabric is calculated as follows: add fabric to the height of the ceiling to hem the curtains at the bottom and top, for example, for a ceiling 2.5 m high, fabric 2 m 66 cm is sufficient. In addition, if you combine the fabric vertically, then you need to add more to the length 2 cm (4.9 +4 = 4.92 m), and if horizontal, then add the same value to the height of the curtains. Thus, we found that for curtains with a vertical color combination, you will need a piece of fabric with a length of 4.92:2 = 2.46 m and a height of 2.66 m of one color and the same piece of a different color.

In addition to fabric, you will also need:

  • threads;
  • needles;
  • curtain tape;
  • scissors;
  • pins.

We sew curtains ourselves

Before you start sewing, take two pieces of purchased fabric and cut each of them exactly in half vertically. To sew a fabric from two parts of different colors, you need to fold them front side to each other. Then, at a distance of 1 cm from the edge, stitch on sewing machine and overlay. Next, gently press the seam with an iron. Fold the sides 2 cm and also iron, fold again 2 cm and iron again. Now carefully make an even stitch along the edge of the fold. The bottom edge of the curtain is hemmed in the same way.

Let's move on to sewing the curtain tape. To do this, fold the curtain to the width of the tape and iron it. We apply the tape to the lapel with the loops facing up and fasten with pins. We make a stitch along the upper and lower edges of the curtain tape. The second curtain fabric is sewn in the same way.

Important! Before you start sewing, check the quality of the stitching on a separate piece of fabric and, if necessary, adjust the thread tension so as not to spoil the fabric later.

Well, now all you have to do is thread the hooks into the loops of the ribbon at an equal distance from each other. And hang the curtains on the cornice. Such curtains usually complement beautiful tulle or light transparent organza, in combination with which it looks elegant and attractive. Thanks to this, no one will be able to see you, day or night.

Thus, two-color curtains for the living room can not only be ordered from experienced craftsman, but also sew it with your own hands. Combined curtains will help refresh the interior, even if you do not plan to renovate. A little patience, a desire to work, and you yourself will turn the reception room into a cozy and comfortable place where your loved ones and friends will gather.

Photo of combined curtains in the living room interior

The question of how to properly and beautifully lengthen curtains may arise for any housewife. There are different reasons for such a decision: after washing the fabric shrunk, there was a desire to make changes to the design of the curtains, new apartment higher ceilings and larger windows, etc. Let's find out ways to beautifully lengthen curtains from the bottom.

Extending the curtains

Today, many people have the opportunity to turn to professionals for help. To correct your curtains, a specialist will come to your home and discuss the style and color of the product with you, as well as take all measurements. However, not everyone has the opportunity to call a designer to their home or wants to create a masterpiece to decorate a window with their own hands. In this case, this article will help you do your own lengthening of curtains.

It's another matter if the curtains are very short. In this case, you will need to find a way to lengthen the curtains so that they look original and beautiful. The main thing is that the new curtains bring complete harmony to the common decision interior There are several methods you can use to solve this DIY problem.

Other fabric

You can lengthen the curtains at the bottom with another fabric. At the same time, they try to use curtain fabric in the same style as the main material from which the curtains are made. If you need to lengthen the curtains by 10-15 cm, just undo the hem at the bottom and carefully iron the edge. However this option will do if, when sewing the curtains, the hem was made of sufficient length. By opening the seams, releasing the remaining fabric and ironing the fabric well, the changes in the product will be invisible, as in the photo.


If you don’t want to part with the length of these curtains, you can cut off the problematic lower part of the curtains and lengthen the curtains from below: the photo shows how to do this beautifully. Women who know how to do this will make the new seam invisible. Of course, it is difficult to choose a pattern and color of fabric that would successfully match the main fabric. But you can choose a contrasting fabric that will match the curtains and look stylish. So, you can add a red hem to the bottom of light curtains, and to dark curtains suitable fabric with a golden or silver tint, as shown in the video.

Sometimes the curtains are only missing a couple of centimeters. This problem can be solved in this way: lower the cornice a little lower.


A very beautiful extension of curtains is performed using original pendants, which can be found in specialized stores. Such pendants can be made in the form of tassels made of bright silk threads, Swarovski glass, beads and pearls. Using this method, you can lengthen the curtains if they are short and achieve the length that you need. In addition, beautiful pendants can add special charm and elegance to the interior of your room. You can also make your own pendant that will fit perfectly into the style of your interior. To extend fabric or tulle curtains, you can find your own correct solution. All that remains is to attach these products to the bottom edge of the canvas and your curtain will acquire the length you need. This method is not suitable if the curtains are very short. But even in this case, pendants can perfectly decorate a window opening.

Ruffles on curtains look very beautiful, especially on the kitchen window.

This method must be approached carefully so as not to disturb the overall appearance of the product. If you have decorated your room in a minimalist style, then you should not lengthen the curtains with flounces and lush ruffles at the bottom. It’s better to create something airy and light:


There are many other ways to beautifully lengthen short curtains with your own hands: using fabric loops, lambrequins, transverse inserts, etc. You can practice any methods yourself, and your curtains will take on the desired format, and the interior of the room will sparkle in a new way.
It is worth noting that if your curtains belong to the category of luxurious and very expensive curtains, you should not try to lengthen them yourself. It is better to give such expensive things to professionals for restoration.

You can use any method to lengthen your curtains. The main thing is that you use your imagination and try to do the work carefully. All the methods described above can be used not only in extreme cases when you need to lengthen the curtains. They are also suitable for cases when you just want to change the design of curtains that you already have your eye on. Moreover, a do-it-yourself elongated curtain will always look more elegant and prettier.

Review of ways to beautifully lengthen curtains from the bottom.

A room does not look complete without curtains on the windows. Their choice is given Special attention, since curtains occupy the main place in the room and attract the views of residents and guests. If you didn't guess the length of the curtains, then short curtains may compromise a carefully thought-out design. What to do in such a situation? Go for new curtains or try to correct the mistake. You can solve the problem yourself without resorting to the help of a workshop. We suggest you learn how to lengthen curtains at home.

What length is considered correct?

Before you start cutting new curtains, decide what effect you want to get from them. For window decoration, it is customary to use the following options:

  1. Curtains that don't quite reach the floor. Distance between curtains and floor covering is 5–6 cm. This option is used most often since the products are not exposed to contamination. It should be borne in mind that they are not suitable for rooms with low ceilings, as they visually make the room lower. These curtains are the most difficult to sew. It is very easy to make mistakes in calculations.
  2. Curtains to the floor. They visually lengthen the room and make it more solemn. They do not always turn out to be ideal in size due to uneven floors in the room. If the curtains are slouchy, then this oversight will be invisible.
  3. Curtains reaching to the windowsill. They are usually hung in the kitchen or dining rooms. Errors at the stage of measuring the window length lead to incorrect calculations.

Measure your curtains, they may just seem short to you. If they do not fit the described options, then you can safely take up threads and scissors.

Since this process involves reworking an existing product, it is important to do everything correctly. To ensure that the restored curtains are of the required length, consider the following nuances:

  1. Measure the height from floor to ceiling near the window. In other words, exactly in the place where the curtains will hang.
  2. Remember to leave 2-3 cm on both sides of the curtains. These allowances will be used for seams, fasteners and other details.
  3. When making a pattern, add a couple of centimeters. This stock will go to the cornice.

Necessary materials and tools for extending curtains

Curtains can be increased using fabric loops, decorative pendants, inserts and lambrequins. To complete the work you need to prepare:

  • sharp fabric scissors;
  • material for loops, inserts or lambrequin;
  • centimeter or tape measure;
  • pencil and chalk;
  • threads with a needle;
  • sewing machine;
  • material for pattern;
  • decorative elements for decoration;
  • iron.

This is a standard set that you will need to extend curtains. It can be shortened or increased depending on the method chosen. For example, to create a lambrequin you will need fabric for the lining, and buttons or rivets for the loops. In order not to be distracted from the creative process, prepare in advance necessary materials and tools.

How to extend curtains with loops?

A simple method that can be done by a person who does not have sewing skills. To create loops you will need any material. Trust your taste here. You can choose a contrasting fabric or one in the same tone as the curtains. It is better that the structure is similar to the material of the curtains. If you are making hinges in a new shade, then think about how they will fit with the rest of the room's design. Sew tiebacks from this fabric or decorate it with a pillow, make a picture from the fabric. This way you will create a unified composition in the room.

Lengthening the curtains with loops occurs as follows:

  1. Cut strips from your chosen fabric. Their length is easily determined. To the missing centimeters add 2 cm for seams. If you plan to decorate the loops with buttons or other fasteners, then add another 2–3 cm. The width, as a rule, is no more than 4–5 cm.
  2. The prepared loops must be sewn to the curtain. There are other options. You can secure them with ties or bows. The last option is well suited for a girl’s room. If you couldn’t find buttons in the right shade, then try covering them with fabric.
  3. The final step is to connect everything together. The hinges need to be hung on the cornice.

When placing curtains on the window, try to ensure that they do not open the upper opening of the window. This method is suitable if you need to add curtains up to 12 cm. Also note that it is intended for a tube cornice.

Visually lengthening curtains using a lambrequin

This method is suitable if you need to increase the curtains by a few centimeters. The lambrequin only visually lengthens the curtain. Before you begin, make sure your cornice will fit the decorative piece. There must be a profile product with three or more rows. To create a lambrequin you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Select material. One type of fabric is needed for the outside, and the second for the lining. Dense and light material is best.
  2. Prepare a lambrequin template. To do this you need to know the length of the window. Then you should attach the blank to the curtain and mark the center.
  3. Cut out two parts. One blank is prepared for the main surface, the second for the lining. When cutting out parts, do not forget to add 2 cm for seams.
  4. Sew the blanks. Patterns need to be sewn from the wrong side. Next, all that remains is to turn the lambrequin out and iron it. You can try it on a curtain.

Extending curtains using a pelmet requires some sewing skills. If you are not confident in your abilities, then contact the professionals in the studio. There is an opinion that lambrequins collect dust. In fact, the workpiece can be removed and cleaned of dirt at any time. Such simple detail not only lengthens the curtains, but also makes the room more elegant.

You can solve the problem with curtains in one evening. If the curtains are 10–15 cm shorter, then simply open the hem of the fabric. Next, wet this area and iron it thoroughly. In this simple way you can slightly lengthen curtains made of any material.

If you need to add a larger section, then use the frill method. To do this, you need to select the fabric, cut out the desired part and put it on from below. The main thing is to stick general style premises. Voluminous ruffles are not suitable for a room decorated in a minimalist style. The frill can be decorated with lace, buttons or other decorative elements.

If you want to give the room charm or a new look, then extend the curtains from the bottom by attaching pendants. These can be beads, stones, silk threads and other figures. You can make them yourself or purchase ready-made ones. All that remains is to attach the pendants to the curtains from below. This method is the easiest and most original due to minimal alteration of curtains.

Extending curtains using inserts

If you love to sew, then this method is just for you. It can be safely called the most painstaking, since you will have to remake the finished curtains. First of all, decide where you will make the inserts. Don't choose a spot right in the center. They look best if you step back 40-50 cm from the top edge.

Using insert material, you can set the mood for the entire room. Light and plain fabrics are suitable for a room in classic style. Bright inserts can be combined with decorative elements. Material with flowers or polka dots will fit well into a room with similar wallpaper. Choose the most good option. The main thing is not to forget that the curtains should support the style of the room.

You can increase the curtains from various materials. Big choice ways to get down to work creative individuals and people who do not know sewing techniques. By lengthening your curtains, you get completely new products that can decorate and make any room cozy.

On the Internet on women's forums, questions often arise regarding how to adjust new curtains to the required sizes. It often happens that people simply move; naturally, they take their favorite curtains and drapes with them, but they do not match the length of the new window opening. Also, everyone has probably had a situation in their life when the sizes of new curtains were simply calculated incorrectly. But it happens that washing has a negative effect on the fabric - it shrinks a lot. If you are wondering how to lengthen the bottom of the curtains with your own hands, then you will certainly find the following simple methods that can be implemented even at home useful.

The most popular ways to shorten curtains with your own hands

What can you do if the curtains are short? A little effort and doing the work yourself will allow your interior to change dramatically and sparkle with new colors, find new accents and trends. There are many options for how to do this, the main thing is to choose the appropriate method in a particular case. Here everything will depend on your individual preferences, interior design and curtain style. In the process of changing the sizes of curtains, you can unleash your creativity and acquire new knowledge.

Now let's get acquainted with the most common and already proven methods of changing the length of curtains:

  • Ripping out seams.
  • Sewing on loops.
  • Lambrequins.
  • Frill.
  • Cross inserts.
  • Pendants.

Rip and iron

Are you wondering how to beautifully lengthen curtains when only 10-15 cm is missing? Everything is very simple here, you can simply add the missing centimeters by steaming the bottom hem of the product. As a result, you will get the desired length, and all you have to do is iron them thoroughly.

Extension with loops

This method requires a minimum of time, physical and mental effort. The main thing is to correctly determine the size of the loops. And we do it this way:

  • You need to attach the curtain to the cornice and measure how many centimeters are missing.
  • Your folded loops should be equal in length to this segment.
  • Add 1.5-2 cm to this figure for a seam allowance.
  • If you still intend to use fasteners, then add another 5 cm to the length of the loops.
  • Now select the material from which the loops will be sewn. It is better if its structure is close to the fabric from which the curtains are made. They need to be attached to the top of the curtains by sewing, tying, bows or buttons. Then the loops are simply put on the curtain rod, and your curtain is extended by 10-12 cm.

Important! In principle, the materials of hinges and curtains can either harmonize or contrast in color. You can sew loops from decorative cord or thick braid. They can also be varied in shape - ties, straps, bows. They can be either solid or held on with beautiful buttons.

We create lambrequins to lengthen curtains

Did you buy curtains that are too short? How to lengthen them beautifully to hide visually missing millimeters. Lambrequin can be called a fairly popular modern decorative element. It’s very easy to do it yourself, following this algorithm:

  1. Buy a light one, but dense material for lambrequins and fabric for making lining.
  2. Carefully measure the length of the curtain and the height of the window.
  3. For natural-size drapery, create a template.
  4. Attach the finished template to the cornice and measure where the center of the window is.
  5. Make a pattern for the lambrequin and lining.
  6. Allow 1.5-2 cm allowance on seam allowances.
  7. Place the details on flat surface wrong side, sew the lambrequin and lining together, leaving one side uncovered.
  8. Press all seams thoroughly.
  9. Turn out the drape.

Sew on the original frill

You can sew on the frill so carefully that the overall design of the curtains will not even change at all. If the room is decorated in the style of Minimalism, then it is not recommended to lengthen the curtains with too voluminous ruffles and flounces. It is better to create something more weightless and light.

It is better to make frills from a material that will best match the texture and color with the main material. The main thing is that the frills are not too large, otherwise the curtains will not become flirty.

Extension with cross inserts

This option is considered the most painstaking of all those previously listed, since you will have to completely redo the seams in order to refine the short curtains. How to beautifully lengthen products:

  • Cut the fabric where the inserts will be. To make the curtains more stylish, it is better to make the inserts not in the center, but a little to the right or to the left.
  • It is better to make inserts from materials that are contrasting in color and as close as possible in type, style and texture. To prevent them from looking aloof, you should sew tiebacks from the same fabric.
  • To complete the look, sew on a border using the same fabric.

Important! The inserts do not have to be transverse; you can even make them oblique. It is recommended that all work be done as carefully as possible, so that finished goods didn't look too cheap.

Special hangers for curtains

It would be most appropriate to use this method if the curtains are short. What can you do to use this trick to add some zest, splendor and charm to the design of your premises?

  • Buy strings of pearls, beads, pendants with crystals and stones.
  • At the bottom of the curtains, attach them at a certain distance in the form of hanging threads or waves.

Such curtains will look incredibly solemn, and their length will be as needed.

Can you imagine your apartment without curtains? Most likely, 99% of our readers will answer no. After all, with the help of curtains, the interior of the room is transformed, creating a cozy home environment. In addition, a curtain can regulate the level of illumination in the room and create protection against the penetration of cold air. Curtains also help hide some of the shortcomings that we “got” from the builders. But sometimes an incident happens with curtains, and many housewives begin to rack their brains with the question of what to do if the curtain turns out to be shorter than necessary.

We made a mistake with the sizes when purchasing, the natural fabric shrunk during washing, we gave our daughter her favorite curtains when she moved, and the ceilings in the new apartment turned out to be higher - there are many reasons for correcting the length of the curtains. And this drawback can be eliminated yourself by applying your sewing skills to sewing machine and the desire to make the apartment beautiful and elegant.

What length of curtains is considered correct?

  • Slouchy curtains. Most nice option. They give the interior smoothness and comfort, but are difficult to use, as they get dirty faster from touching the floor and, accordingly, fail faster.
  • Floor-length curtains. Visually elongate the height of the room. The interior becomes more elegant and elevated. But if the floor is uneven, the curtains may look sloppy.
  • Curtains do not reach the floor 5-8 cm. The most common length option. Gives the interior lightness and airiness. They are less susceptible to contamination and therefore wear out more slowly. The disadvantage is that they are unacceptable for rooms with low ceilings, as they “conceal” the height.
  • Curtains up to the window sill. A good option for children's room and kitchen. Allows you to place flowers, books, toys on the windowsill. Fits organically into any interior.

What tools and materials do you need to have on hand to lengthen the curtain with your own hands?

  • In principle, everything could be done manually, but then this process would drag on for a long time, so the most important tool in lengthening curtains is a sewing machine.
  • Next comes the fabric, matched by texture and pattern to the curtain that needs to be lengthened. The fabric will be needed to make either a lambrequin, or inserts, or loops - depending on the chosen option.
  • Special scissors for fabric.
  • Chalk or pencils.
  • Threads and needles.
  • Centimeter and tape measure.
  • Iron.
  • Decorative elements - beads, rhinestones, stones, braid, etc.

What options for extending curtains exist?

There are quite a lot of options for how to lengthen it. The best of them are presented below. To understand in more detail how to lengthen curtains, the photos attached to the descriptions will be necessary.

Increasing the length of curtains by unraveling

This is the simplest method and is suitable in cases where optimal length 5-6 centimeters are missing and there is no weighting cord at the bottom of the curtain. There is always a supply of fabric in the hem that can be unfolded and neatly smoothed, and the edge can be beautifully processed by hand or with an overlocker. You just need to look to see if the curtain has faded during use and if there is a noticeable difference in color.

Increasing the length of curtains with ruffles

With this treatment option, the curtain will not only become longer, but also more elegant. Should be considered color combination and fabric texture, as well architectural style premises. Ruffles will look out of place in rooms decorated in a minimalist style, but are suitable for rooms in Provence and country styles.

Increasing the length of curtains using decor

Relevant if you want to know how to lengthen short curtains. The decor can be fringe, various pendants made of beads, rhinestones and stones, attached to a suitable ribbon. When choosing this option, keep in mind that this is a rather painstaking process that requires patience and perseverance from the performer. Otherwise, the unfinished curtain may lie in the drawer for a long time. And one more caution is to carefully wash such a product, otherwise the entire decor will remain either in washing machine, or in your hands.

Increasing the length of curtains using inserts

This method is suitable for those housewives who want to learn how to lengthen the curtains from below with their own hands, and who love and know how to sew well, since in this option they will have to reshape ready-made curtains, and this is a very difficult process. In rooms with low ceilings inserts are not made in the center of the curtains, but in the middle part between the window sill and the bottom of the product. This visually increases the height of the ceilings. And in rooms with high ceilings, you can make an insert on the curtain, retreating 30-40 cm from the top. In this option, the color of the inserts should be in harmony in colored products with the color of the main curtain, and for plain curtains- with the color of the wallpaper.

Increasing the length of curtains using eyelets

Eyelets are metal or plastic fittings(rings on the legs and a washer for fixing them), to insert which you will need to sew a thicker fabric on top of the main curtain.

Currently, this is a fairly common method for attaching curtains, as it makes it possible to hang curtains without using curtain tape, hooks and other accessories, collecting them in beautiful and even waves. The diameter of the eyelet holes ranges from 2 to 5 cm and depends on the thickness of the cornice and the weight of the curtain fabric. The holes in the eyelets should be 1-2 cm wider than the diameter of the cornice itself - this will allow the curtains to be opened completely freely and silently.

This option is good to use when lengthening tulle curtains. In this case, it should be taken into account that the fabric at the top of the curtain will be located above the cornice, so it is necessary to leave space between the cornice and the ceiling required width. The cornice must be round, without hooks or clips. The fabric on which the eyelets are attached and the fabric of the main curtain should also match the pattern or be in contrast with each other.

Increasing the length of curtains using loops

In this case, loops made of the same fabric from which the main curtain is made, or fabric that matches the texture, are sewn to the top of the curtain, or braid or decorative rope is used as loops. There are many options here. The length of the loops is calculated based on the missing length of the curtains. However, it is necessary to ensure that when placing the curtains on the hinges, the upper edge of the window opening is not visible. The width of the loops should be sufficient to avoid the impression of too sharp folds in the curtains. To create in the room overall composition The same material can be used to make tiebacks and covers for pillows on sofas and armchairs. The cornice in this version should also be round.

Increasing the length of curtains using a lambrequin

Another option for lengthening short curtains is to use a lambrequin. This decorative element across the entire width of the cornice, located at the top of the curtains. It consists of frills that directly cover the cornice itself and the upper part of the curtain. Sewing a lambrequin is a rather complicated task, requiring certain knowledge and skills. Therefore, it is better to make a lambrequin in a specialized studio, but you can fix it correctly yourself. Initially, it was believed that the lambrequin performed a purely decorative role and was able to “stretch out” the curtains only visually. However, it is important to know that a special cornice is required to attach the lambrequin. You can play on this detail by lengthening the curtain. To do this, the cornice is immediately above the window opening - that is, the length of the curtain increases by lowering the cornice, and the cornice for the lambrequin is located 10-30 cm higher, thus covering the upper edge of the curtains.

Increasing the length of curtains by combining options

  • Sometimes one insert on a curtain looks like a patch and immediately reveals the owner’s intentions, but two or more inserts are a bold, innovative solution.
  • A combination of a strip of fabric on which the eyelets are attached with the same fabric, but somewhere closer to the bottom edge of the curtain.
  • Fastening with hinges and an insert made of the same fabric from which the hinges are made at the bottom of the product. Sometimes this option can use multiple inserts.
  • The combination of lambrequin frills with ruffles at the bottom of the curtains, made from the same fabric, also adds brightness and a certain piquancy.

The information above will help you figure out how to lengthen the curtains at the bottom. The photos attached to them give a visual representation of the result. Thanks to this, you can choose several more options for extending curtains with my own hands- it all depends on the imagination of the hostess.

The most important thing is that when starting this exciting activity, you need to take into account many details, be careful and collected.