Pearl barley - benefits and harm, what kind of cereal, folk recipes. What is pearl barley made from in production?

Pearl barley porridge is one of the traditional dishes of Russian cuisine. Moreover, Peter the Great himself loved pearl barley porridge, which is why it became widespread in his time. But now this dish has been undeservedly forgotten, and in our time, not everyone knows what kind of grain it is made from.

Let's fill this gap in knowledge and find out where and how pearl barley “grows”.

What grain is pearl barley made from?

So, pearl barley is just barley grains, purified in a special way. To do this, the so-called primary removal is carried out - removing the bran (the upper hard shell) from the grain. Unlike rye and wheat, barley is rarely ground into flour because it does not produce a sufficiently porous, well-baked dough. Instead, the processed barley grain turns into pearl barley - best variety cereals from this type of cereal.

There is another type of pearl barley called Dutch. It looks like a whole grain of barley rolled into a ball. Dishes made from this type of pearl barley have a more delicate consistency, and the Dutch barley cooks faster.

Another type of pearl barley is barley. Unlike whole grains, traditional for pearl barley porridge, “yachka” is a finely chopped cereal, and it can be different varieties depending on the size of the grains. Porridge, gruel, and kolivo are cooked from it.

How does the barley from which pearl barley is made grow? Of course, in the fields! This is an annual plant that belongs to the crops early date seva. It should be noted that the climatic conditions suitable for growing barley are more varied compared to other cereals. Barley is also considered the fastest-ripening crop among grain crops; it is less demanding of moisture and tolerates drought better than others.

Pearl barley is a cereal widely known to Russian consumers, to which many have an ambiguous attitude. However, it saturates well and has extensive beneficial features and even helps in the treatment of certain diseases. In addition, pearl barley finds non-food use as a supplement for fishing and food for poultry.

From this article you will learn:

Pearl barley - what grain is it made from?

Pearl barley is made from barley, one of the most common cereal crops. Despite the common name, this product is divided into two types: pearl barley itself and barley groats.

Pearl barley (pearl barley) is a cereal made from whole grains that have been subjected to primary removal. On this technological stage grains are stripped of their awns and bran membranes. In Russia, it is used for cooking porridges, soups and preparing fillings. Due to the widespread addition to soldiers’ diets, barley porridge began to be called soldier’s porridge. In Italy, this grain is used to prepare a traditional dish orzotto.

Pearl barley is the most common type of barley consumed on earth. The reason for this is that it cooks quickly, compared to whole grain or Scotch grits, which are less thoroughly processed.

Barley is pearl barley chopped into small particles. They have sharp edges and angular shapes because the product is not sanded after receiving. It boils quickly, so it is most often used for porridges.

Photo: barley grains, barley groats, pearl barley - differences

Attitude to pearl barley

Due to its low cost and high nutritional value, pearl barley was included in the diet of soldiers serving in the USSR and post-Soviet countries. The servicemen themselves did not like her very much. In the Russian Federation, since 2011, cereals have been made one of the components of dishes, but not the main one. Prisoners in Russian colonies and prisons are also fed pearl barley. Penitentiary institutions partially produce it themselves.

In 2016, an Aeroflot airline passenger expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that business class passengers were offered canned pearl barley porridge. True, the complaints were most likely related to the low cost of the product.

In the same 2016, the All-Russian Festival of Cooks was held in the Tver region in honor of the “Holiday in Russia” form. It popularized the benefits of pearl barley porridge, which the organizers, without false modesty, dubbed “Tsar Porridge.” The justification for such a high status was the opinion of Peter the Great and Mikhail Gorbachev about their great love for porridge.


Pearl barley is smooth polished grains of barley grain, consisting of endosperm and a small part of the seed and fruit coats, as well as the aleurone layer. Based on particle size, cereals are divided into five numbers:

  • No. 1 and No. 2: white or yellowish-white color, oval shape;
  • No. 3, No. 4 and No. 5: white with dark stripes, spherical shape.

The pearl barley size number is determined by the difference in the size of the cells through which the product passes and remains:

  • No. 1 passes through 3.5 mm and remains at 3.0 mm;
  • No. 2: 3-2.5 mm.
  • No. 3: 2.5-2 mm.
  • No. 4: 2-1.5 mm.
  • No. 5: 1.5-0.63 mm.

Nutritional value and composition

In terms of nutritional value, barley groats are very close to polished wheat. Most of the composition is starch. Its grains have a size of 5-12 microns. Compared to other cereals, starch grains gelatinize and swell slowly. Gelatinization occurs at a temperature of +58-63˚C. Most of the sugars are sucrose. Monosaccharide content – ​​0.3-0.5%.

Pearl barley proteins are close in fractional composition to wheat proteins. The basis is glutelins and prolamins, which together account for about 70%. In terms of amino acid composition, the barley product is superior to analogues from wheat, millet and corn. Pearl barley is superior to oatmeal in terms of methionine content and contains an equal amount of lysine. In total, the product contains more than 20 essential and essential fatty acids.

Fats, which account for no more than 1.5% of weight, consist mainly of unsaturated fatty acids: linoleic, oleic and linolenic. Saturated fatty acid represented by stearic and palmitic. Distinctive feature barley vegetable fat – high content of tocopherols. In the list of cereals in terms of total mineral content, barley occupies the middle position. It contains (per 100 g):

  • potassium - 172 mg;
  • calcium – 38 mg;
  • magnesium – 40 mg;
  • sodium – 10 mg;
  • sulfur -77 mg;
  • phosphorus – 323 mg;
  • iron – 1.8 mg;
  • cobalt – 1.8 mcg;
  • manganese – 0.65 mg;
  • copper – 280 mcg;
  • molybdenum – 12, mcg;
  • nickel – 20 mg;
  • titanium – 16.7 mcg;
  • fluoride – 60 mcg
  • chromium – 12.5 mcg;
  • zinc – 0.92 mg.

Vitamins and their content per 100 grams of pearl barley:

  • thiamine (B1) – 0.12 mg;
  • riboflavin (B2) – 0.06 mg;
  • pantothenic acid (B5) – 0.5 mg;
  • pyridoxine (B6) – 0.36 mg;
  • folate (B9) – 24 mcg;
  • alpha tocopherol (E) - 1.1 mg;
  • vitamin PP – 3.7 mg.

Nutritional value per 100 g:

  • carbohydrates: 66.9 g;
  • fat: 1.1 g;
  • proteins: 9.3 g;
  • dietary fiber – 7.8 g;
  • water – 14 g;
  • ash substances – 0.9 g.

In dry form, 100 grams of pearl barley have a calorie content of 324 kcal. For ready-made porridge, this indicator depends on the liquid with which it is made and additives:

  • pearl barley porridge on water – 106 kcal;
  • pearl barley porridge with milk – 156 kcal;
  • pearl barley porridge meat broth– 135 kcal;
  • adding butter gives an additional 30-40 kcal per 100 g.

Barley and pearl barley - what are the differences?

First of all, these products have different ratios useful substances in chemical composition. Barley lacks an aleurone layer and shells, therefore it is rich in starch. It contains less ash elements, fats, fiber, proteins and vitamins.

Both cereals are not divided into varieties. Pearl barley must contain at least 99.6% of a good-quality kernel, and barley must contain more than 99%. Barley cereals always contain underdir. These are particles that have remnants of the flower film on them. Pearl barley is allowed to contain up to 0.7% underdir, and barley - up to 0.9%.

Consumer benefits of barley cereals

Barley and barley also differ in consumer characteristics. To cook the first one, it takes 1-1.5 hours, during which its volume increases 5-6 times. The kernels retain their shape and the boiled product has a crumbly consistency. First of all, pearl barley is used for cooking porridge and filling soups.

Yachka cooks faster, in 40-45 minutes, and increases in size by 4-5 times. Due to the fragmentation of the grain, the porridge comes out viscous. When cooled, it is hard because the starch quickly releases water.

Pearl barley: benefits and harm for women

The use of pearl barley for cosmetic and dietary purposes does not leave the fair sex indifferent. Barley porridge helps to lose weight by 2-3 kilograms in about a week, but for this it is consumed without any additives along with fruits, fish, fermented milk products. Eating pearl barley automatically cleanses the body of toxins and waste.

It is also important for women that the increased content of vitamin E and amino acids guarantees skin rejuvenation and the elimination of wrinkles, evening out complexion, if a decoction of cereals or pearl barley itself is added to homemade masks and scrubs. British experts also claim that pearl barley porridge during the period before menopause minimizes the likelihood of breast cancer. Nursing mothers will certainly appreciate the fact that the consumption of pearl barley increases the volume breast milk from girls. However, despite the wide range of health-promoting properties, barley can pose some danger for pregnant women and during lactation. A large amount of complex carbohydrates slows down the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which affects the condition of both mother and child.

Barley porridge for men

Pearl barley is especially useful for men in old age. High level The antioxidants in the composition help to slow down the aging process, and porridge with milk will help cope with diabetes. Moreover, those men who engage in physical labor, have traumatic work, they can appreciate the antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties of pearl barley.

It is also worth noting that for active men, pearl barley is indispensable as a source of protein and fiber, i.e. this is a very nutritious protein-based product that energizes and helps in gaining muscle mass, not fat. Taking the first porridge can, among other things, be considered a good prevention of sexual diseases.

The benefits of pearl barley for children

For children, pearl barley is not necessary early age, but only after three years. It is best to make similar porridge for them at school and adolescence so that the growing body receives such important minerals and substances as iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and tocopherol.

In addition, eating pearl barley will help prevent the development of vitamin deficiency. However, you also need to be aware of the possible harm of pearl barley for the younger generation. In particular, eating porridge on on a regular basis due to gluten content, it can cause problems with stool and intestinal dysfunction. Therefore, it is enough to give children this dish 2 times a week with a short interval of 2-3 days between doses. With such a diet, pearl barley will become an indispensable assistant in protecting your baby from colds and flu.

It is also useful to give the dish to overweight children. It should be noted that when preparing baby pearl barley porridge, you need to take into account the need for a delicate taste and beautiful presentation. The first is achieved by adding milk, and the second is by using sauces or pieces of fruit.

The benefits of pearl barley for weight loss

Nutritionists say that thanks to the complex carbohydrate compounds in its composition, pearl barley quickly fills an empty stomach and maintains a feeling of fullness for a long time, since insulin levels decrease gradually. At the same time, pearl barley accelerates metabolism and expels it from the body. excess water And harmful substances, because it moves through the intestines very slowly. It does not allow fat deposits to accumulate in the human body, because it has a low glycemic index. Thus, the value of the product in the diet menu or diet fasting day very big. In addition, the content of vegetable proteins in pearl barley does not allow the body to burn its own muscles, and the high volume of lysine in the cereal guarantees the absence of such unpleasant consequences of sudden weight loss as sagging skin or prolapse of internal organs.

In its dry form, the calorie content of the cereal is quite high - 315 kcal - which is why some girls are afraid to eat pearl barley. But all worries on this score are in vain, because the calorie content of porridge on water per hundred grams is only 109 kcal, and since the cereal is boiled, finished form the figure turns out to be even lower: 500 ml of liquid porridge is only 250 kcal. At the same time, pearl barley, due to its vitamin composition, helps maintain good spirits, which is important for those losing weight.

Losing weight involves creating porridge in water without oil, sugar or salt, preferably in a slow cooker or pressure cooker. You can eat this dish for a week (one serving - 200 g), drink a lot of liquid additionally and at the same time allow yourself green apples without peel, beets, chicken, sea fish, omelet, puree soups, prunes, kefir, cottage cheese. Also, pearl barley porridge goes well with cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, even if the grains are added to the salad. If you get bored with your main course, try making pearl barley soup. In any case, you will lose 1-2 kg due to the removal of excess water and toxins from the body. Remember that cereals do not interact very well with coarse fiber, causing stomach cramps, so give up fermented foods, radishes and radishes, carrots, parsley and pears during the diet. The same rule applies rye bread, bran, juices with pulp, products with acidophilus starter.

If your figure requires more serious changes, you need to choose a mono-diet for 5 days. With it you can lose 5-7 kg, but you can’t eat anything other than 750 g of pearl barley porridge per day. The total portion is divided into 5 doses. It is very important to consume 2 liters mineral water without gas, green tea, rosehip infusion. After seven o'clock in the evening it is advisable not to eat anymore.

The benefits of pearl barley for treatment

Treatment of intestines and stomach ulcers

As already mentioned, pearl barley is widely known for its ability to improve the functioning of the intestines and stomach. Therefore, a decoction of this product is used to treat problems of the digestive system, because the liquid envelops the mucous membranes and alleviates pain. Consumption of pearl barley porridge cleanses the body from the inside and normalizes stool. Fiber from cereals not only removes all excess from the intestines, but also stimulates the development of beneficial bacteria that produce butyric acid to saturate the organs with energy. The benefits of boiled barley are especially great for people with ulcers and kidney diseases, but not during an exacerbation. In case of gastritis, you need very boiled pearl barley porridge or a decoction, but the dish will be beneficial only with normal or low acidity. Such a disease requires pouring water over the cereal overnight in a ratio of one to one and a half. For gastritis, you can add a piece of butter and a little sugar or salt to taste to this porridge.

Antioxidant properties

Most of the healing properties of pearl barley are associated with the presence in its composition of lysine, which fights various viruses, hordecin, which destroys dangerous microflora in the body, and selenium, an excellent natural antioxidant. The presence of phosphorus in cereals is also very useful, because this element stimulates brain function. Silicic acid minimizes the likelihood of stone formation in internal organs.

For diabetes

Pearl barley porridge is often recommended for diabetes. It increases hemoglobin levels, suppresses bad cholesterol, and reduces the load on the cardiovascular system. Nutritionists and endocrinologists recommend pearl barley to diabetics to stabilize sugar levels without sudden spikes.

To boost immunity

The rich vitamin and mineral composition of the cereal allows it to support the human immune system and vitality. As a result, the body gradually increases its resistance to colds, infections, and fungal diseases. B-group vitamins contained in cereals help to survive stressful situations, improve the functioning of the nervous system, and add stamina. Doctors often prescribe pearl barley in cases of arthritis, prostatitis, and hemorrhoids. Sometimes it makes sense to apply cereal externally, i.e. make warm compresses to treat sore throat, sinusitis, and various chronic forms of runny nose.

Treatment with pearl barley decoction

A decoction based on pearl barley is also used to suppress the growth of cancer cells, as an excellent diuretic, and an assistant in the formation of sputum in dry coughs. Porridge itself has long been used to reduce the risks of anemia, obesity, and colitis. The high level of nutrients in pearl barley improves vision, strengthens bones and blood vessels, and stabilizes metabolism. Pearl barley reduces the likelihood of allergic reactions, diseases of the endocrine system, and gall bladder. Of course, such a product cannot become a complete replacement for medications, but it is simply necessary for prevention and therapeutic nutrition.

For liver treatment

Pearl barley is also very useful for the liver due to its enveloping properties and general strengthening, which turns out to be the mucus of boiled cereal made from protein and starch. Eating porridge for pancreatitis will be no less effective, you just need to soak the cereal and make it in milk using a steam bath.


In addition to the above, pearl barley has good antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties, so it has been used since ancient times in case of colds. Pearl barley broth was made from a liter of water and 100 g of the main ingredient and taken 3 large spoons before bed. But to prevent cancer, modern doctors advise making a decoction differently: pour a glass of cereal with one and a half liters of hot milk, boil and do not strain, taking 150 g three times a day.

Sprouted pearl barley - health benefits?

Germination of pearl barley is a rather complicated process, because the grains, stripped of most of their shells, can no longer be called “living”. For this reason, only a small part of them actually germinate and do not just swell. Barley, whose benefits are more extensive due to its wholeness, is a more viable choice for sprouting.

Pearl barley is germinated as follows:

  1. Rinse several times.
  2. Pour in double volume of water (two glasses of water per glass of cereal).
  3. Leave for 6-12 hours.
  4. Optional: either replace the water and continue germinating, or use what you got.

It is impossible to say in advance how many grains will germinate and how many will simply increase in size. This apparently depends on the technology of processing and production of cereals.

Based on the technology of germination of cereals, it can be assumed that the composition of sprouted pearl barley grains changes, but it is unlikely to become very rich. He doesn't have large quantity grains that have sprouts, most likely some of the carbohydrates have been converted into simple sugars, and proteins into amino acids and vitamins. The rest of the product simply swells, but this also has its own benefit - this way the cereal will cook faster.

In general, it is better to start germinating barley right away. The grain is the same, but the composition is richer and most of the grains will actually germinate and become healthier.

Pearl barley in cooking

Primary processed pearl barley is the basis for a wide variety of liquid or viscous porridges and slimy soups. Therefore, barley is often chosen for the diet menu, although dishes based on it must be eaten hot, since cold barley loses its taste and is difficult to digest by the body. Soups with this grain have a special protein-starch component that does not stimulate gastric secretion. Liquid pearl barley porridge is prescribed for ulcers, pancreatitis and colitis. But to activate intestinal motor function, it is advised to prepare, on the contrary, crumbly porridge.

The benefits of pearl barley porridge increase significantly if it is prepared correctly. A crumbly dish can only be obtained after thoroughly washing the cereal and soaking it overnight. In this case, you can soak pearl barley not only in water, but also in yogurt. The porridge itself is also made with water or warm milk, but in the traditional version it is prepared after boiling not over an open fire, but using a steam bath for 6 hours. Pearl barley porridge goes well with cream, butter, fried mushrooms and onions.

In addition to the above-mentioned dishes, pearl barley can be used to make pickles and side dishes for fish and meat. In general, cereals look good in any first course, because they make it more satisfying. You can add pearl barley to cutlets, casseroles, goulash and even salads. Minced meat with such grains is put into cabbage rolls or wrapped in pancakes.

With the right spices, pearl barley porridge can be a good topping for baked goods or other desserts. With all this, the nutty notes of barley’s flavor palette make it possible to combine it with spicy sauces, spices, fruits and vegetables. Many housewives simply replace rice with pearl barley in their favorite recipes.

Possible harm and contraindications of pearl barley

One of the main risk factors is high gluten content. Because of this, pearl barley porridge and other cereal dishes are contraindicated for people suffering from celiac disease. In combination with a large amount of fiber, gluten negatively affects the functioning of the digestive system. There is a risk of flatulence, obstruction, and constipation.

During pregnancy, in order to avoid complications, it is recommended to consume the product in small portions, observing how it is absorbed. The optimal age at which children can be fed pearl barley is 3-4 years.

A negative effect is possible with increased acidity of gastric juice, ongoing gastritis or stomach ulcers. To process the product, an increased amount of secretion is released, which irritates the walls of the organs.

Pearl barley in cosmetology

Experts have long known that pearl barley is beneficial not only for the body, but also for the skin. Moreover, thanks to its mineral and vitamin composition, cereals also strengthen nails and make hair softer.

Homemade cosmetical tools can be made on the basis of a decoction or the porridge itself. Regular use of such drugs will remove wrinkles, even out complexion, and cure allergic reactions, psoriasis, stye and acne, slow down aging. Pearl barley accelerates collagen production due to its lysine content, which means it makes the skin tight and elastic.

Cereals have an equally good effect on both oily and combination skin, and it provides not only nutrition, but also hydration. That's why modern girls make masks, compresses, tonics and scrubs with cereals, mixing barley with various esters, eggs, fruit and vegetable juices. Main secret in the creation of such products - the use of washed cereals, boiled with warm milk.

Other areas of application of pearl barley

Pearl barley as chicken feed

The effectiveness and importance of cereal crops for poultry nutrition is confirmed not only by the theoretical knowledge of biologists, but also practical experience farmers. Pearl barley in this role is not inferior to the more popular wheat and buckwheat groats, but complements their beneficial properties.

The benefit of pearl barley lies in its overall nutritional base with many carbohydrates, proteins, minerals and amino acids. Lysine is of great value for birds, as it prevents them from losing too many feathers during molting. It is also believed that cereal enhances the body’s ability to resist seasonal diseases, viruses and maintains heart tone.

In order for pearl barley to benefit chickens, you need to take No. 1 with the most large size particles. You can try its germination. The so-called "Dutch" rounded shape grains, it is not recommended to use them for these purposes.

Bait for fishing

The benefits of boiled pearl barley are especially well known to fishermen. River hunting for crucian carp, ide, roach or bream requires special bait and bait, and pearl barley is a real savior. It is not only cheap, but also easy to prepare, combining with salt, sugar, vegetable oil, and honey. This mixture is ideal for low-active biting.

You can also make pearl barley with garlic and anise oil - this will be a high-quality bait. Another option, but for catching carp, is to combine pearl barley with semolina and sunflower seeds. As a last resort, pearl barley you can simply steam it in boiling water while fishing, but experienced fishermen advise adding aromatic oils to attract prey.

How to select and store

When purchasing, either by weight or in original packaging, you should evaluate the cereal visually. Its color and shape must correspond to the specified size numbers. Good pearl barley is crumbly and has a light golden hue free of inclusions, dark spots and foreign particles. If there are caked lumps or the cereal was stored incorrectly, it is better not to buy it. It is advisable that the buyer has the opportunity to find out the date of manufacture and packaging. The younger the pearl barley, the less likely it is to go rancid. By the way, you can also smell it before buying - the smell should not be musty, bitter or sweet.

Spoilage of barley groats occurs due to oxidation and soaking. In the first case, you need to avoid contact with air and sunlight. Therefore, containers for cereals must be opaque and airtight. To avoid getting wet and mold, pearl barley should be kept at low humidity. Sealed packaging also helps prevent it from becoming saturated with foreign odors. Shelf life – 12 months from the date of manufacture.

Cereals are beneficial for the body due to their high content of vitamins and proteins. Among them, pearl barley, or, as it is more often called, pearl barley, occupies a special place. It is one of the most popular healthy cereals present on our table. It is an excellent low-calorie, low-cholesterol food and a source of dietary fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals.

This cereal has been valued at all times. In Ancient Greece they believed that it strengthens intellectual abilities, lifts the mood, and invigorates. This is true, which is confirmed modern research scientists.

Pearl barley types

The name of the cereal comes from the Old Russian word “pearls”, which means river pearls. The grain acquired such an unusual comparison due to its similarity in shape, shade and polished surface to precious pearls.

Among our great-grandfathers, pearl barley was considered a royal dish. This product has excellent nutritional value.

Pearl barley is obtained from barley. Barley is the oldest grain crop. It is grown in both temperate and subtropical climates. This grain crop is less demanding on soil compared to wheat. Externally, their grains are similar, only in barley they are smaller and rounder.

In order for the grain to be called pearl barley, they are cleared of the outer shell and polished, which facilitates further preparation.

On this moment Several types of cereals are obtained from barley:

Dutch pearl barley - during the production of this variety, barley grains are separated from the awning segments and formed into balls. Used to prepare porridge with a more delicate structure;

Whole grains, peeled from the outer shell. Used in preparing porridge, first courses and various fillings;

Yachka is finely ground pearl barley that has not undergone the grinding process. It is called barley groats.

Most often, when preparing everyday dishes, housewives use ordinary pearl barley made from polished, peeled barley.

Why is pearl barley useful? chemical composition

Cereal grains contain a wide range of useful substances, which makes the product superior compared to other cereals in terms of medicinal properties and impact on internal organs body. Barley is often called the “queen of porridges”, this is entirely due to its beneficial composition.

Among the elements found in pearl barley, the largest part are:

Vitamin E (alpha tocopherol);

Vitamin A (retinol);

B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic and folic acid, choline, pyridoxine);

Vitamin K (phylloquinone);

Macro- and microelements: zinc, molybdenum, fluorine, manganese, iron, copper, chromium, cobalt, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, sulfur.

In addition, it contains:

Alimentary fiber;

Complex carbohydrates;

Amino acids.

The calorie content of 100 grams of cereal is about 315-320 kilocalories.

Useful properties of pearl barley

Considering that pearl barley is made from barley, the cereal contains all the qualities of this cereal. The product contains sufficient quantity natural fiber. It is known to be needed for normal intestinal function and acts as a panicle for the human body. Dietary fiber helps effective cleansing gastrointestinal from waste and deposits accumulated on its surface, normalizes bowel movements and prevents constipation.

Barley decoction is used in the presence of inflammation in the stomach. This is especially true for recovery after surgical intervention in the peritoneal area.

You can use water or milk for preparation. The decoction is prepared as follows:

250 grams of washed cereal grains are poured with 1.5 liters of boiling liquid.

After boiling, boil for 15-20 minutes. The resulting product has the consistency of homemade sour cream. No need to strain. You can add salt or sugar to taste.

Take the decoction three times a day, 100–150 grams. Ready mixture Can be stored for no more than 24 hours in the refrigerator.

With regular use of the product, the cholesterol-lowering effect is enhanced, thanks to which you can completely cleanse the body of it and bring its content back to normal.

Retinol contained in pearl barley is important for maintaining immunity. Without a well-coordinated immune system, it is impossible to resist viruses and various diseases.

Vitamin A helps protect the respiratory tract from pathogenic microbes and enhances the protective functions of mucous membranes. The daily requirement of this vitamin for an adult is 900 mcg, and 100 grams of pearl barley porridge contains 1.2 mcg of the substance.

Pearl barley contains a sufficient amount of silicic acid, which is very useful for the prevention of stones in the kidneys, gall bladder and bladder.

Cereals contain water-soluble vitamins that need to be constantly replenished with food or multivitamin complexes. But with food they are absorbed better and faster.

B vitamins normalize metabolic processes, speed up metabolism, and regulate the functioning of many other body systems. They are important for the nervous system and participate in the transmission of nerve impulses.

Pearl barley contains three times more of them compared to some other cereals. It is thanks to the presence of these vitamins that pearl barley dishes are recommended to be included in the diet during stressful situations, tension, overwork.

Phosphorus helps regulate the functioning of the circulatory system, improves the absorption of other useful elements and brain activity. It is involved in maintaining bone health.

Amino acids support heart function, participate in recovery processes, protect against viral infections, and promote the breakdown of fats.

Complex carbohydrates help keep you feeling full longer by releasing energy slowly.

The presence of two or three cereal dishes in the weekly menu will bring invaluable benefits to the body, helping to prevent various diseases. It is especially useful for allergies. It is used for poisoning and hangover.

Contraindications and harm

If consumed in excess, even the healthiest product can cause harm. With regard to pearl barley, the problem may be the gluten contained in the product, which, if the norm is exceeded, can lead to the leaching of calcium from the body.

Lack of calcium leads to the development of rickets in children under 6 years of age, and makes bones brittle and brittle in people over fifty.

Doctors advise using it with caution if you are prone to flatulence and frequent constipation.

During the period of exacerbation of peptic ulcers, it is better to completely abandon the use of pearl barley, because coarse fiber can lead to additional stress on the stomach and intestines.

Individual intolerance is possible, in which cereals are completely excluded from the diet.

IN childhood Pearl barley can be included in small portions in the diet after the age of three.

Use in cooking

Most often, pearl barley is used to prepare porridge and pickle. True, not everyone loves this porridge equally. It evokes the least delight among men who have served in the army and have eaten their fill of it.

Cereals can be used to make a variety of puddings, soups, and pickles. You can also add it to jelly and flour products.

Classic pearl barley harmonizes perfectly with meat, mushroom and fish dishes. In combination with fresh salad or assorted vegetables, it will also suit your taste.

By adding a small amount of cereal to the goulash, the dish will acquire a delicate aroma and a pleasant thick consistency.

You can replace the usual rice with pearl barley in the process of preparing cabbage rolls.

Considering the ability of pearl barley to retain liquid, you can add it to the minced meat, which will make it soft and elastic.

For children's meals, cereals are prepared with the addition of milk, apples, dried apricots, quince or raisins. The presence of sweet and healthy ingredients will help feed healthy dish even the pickiest kids.

A pleasant surprise will be porridge cooked with honey, apple or cherry juice. The dish will turn out incredibly aromatic and pleasant to the taste.

How to cook pearl barley

In order for pearl barley to become both a tasty and healthy dish, it is important to know how to prepare it correctly.

To make the cereal tasty and healthy, you need to adhere to the following rules.

Carefully sort and clean from foreign inclusions;

Soak for several hours before cooking, preferably overnight;

Small grains (barley) do not need to be soaked;

Before cooking, it is best to fry it in a dry frying pan;

Do not stir the porridge during cooking;

It is best to cook over medium or low heat so that it heats and cooks evenly.

Pearl barley: how to choose and store

Pearl barley can be bought by weight or packaged in carton boxes, transparent cellophane bags. When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the purity of the cereal and the presence of foreign impurities in it.

The cost of cereal is not high, even lower than millet or semolina.

GOST 5784-60 for barley cereals was developed back in 1960 and has not been processed since then. The shelf life of cereals is determined by GOST R 51074-2003.

As a rule, the maximum shelf life, subject to storage rules, is from 12 to 18 months. For pearl barley Belarusian manufacturers– 24 months.

Pearl barley for weight loss

Despite the fact that 100 grams of pearl barley contains about 320 kilocalories, it is classified as a dietary product. Therefore, it is quite suitable for maintaining a figure and normalizing weight.

Barley is rich in amino acids and fiber, which improve and normalize the functioning of the digestive system and help remove waste and toxins from the body.

Carbohydrates break down slowly and relieve hunger, helping you stay energetic for a long time.

When consuming pearl barley, the body is saturated with many beneficial nutrients and gets rid of everything unnecessary.

A popular diet is called “Six Grains”, which is designed for one week during which you are allowed to eat only millet, wheat and barley groats, rice, oatmeal and barley. On the seventh day, porridge is prepared from all these grains.

All the beneficial properties of cereals for weight loss completely depend on the method of its preparation. Before cooking, it needs to be soaked overnight to activate the germination process.

You can add fresh fruits or berries, dried fruits, kefir, juice to it. The only thing that should not be there is salt and sugar.

Such a diet will get rid of extra pounds and will have a positive effect on health without causing severe stress body.

You can eat pearl barley when your liver hurts

Many nutritionists are against including cereals in the diet for liver and stomach diseases, arguing that they are heavy foods.

These statements are not entirely true. It has a positive effect on the entire body, including the liver. The main thing is to prepare it correctly.

Pearl barley for diabetes

Barley contains many useful substances that can serve as a preventive measure for type 2 diabetes. It is able to regulate and reduce blood sugar levels.

Pearl barley is, of course, a healthy and nutritious food product. To preserve and maintain good health, our menu should be as varied as possible. Cereals must be present in it, including pearl barley.

Test purchase: how to choose pearl barley

Not everyone knows what pearl barley is made from and subsequently ends up on our table. That is why we decided to devote this article to this difficult topic.

General information

Before telling you about how and what it is made of, we should tell you what this product is.

Pearl barley is a whole grain that has undergone primary removal, as a result of which the awn (that is, bran) has been partially removed from it. This product is most often used for making soups, porridges or various fillings.

When choosing cereals for preparing delicious homemade dishes, you often come across a product such as “Dutch”. This is a whole grain that has been rolled into a spherical shape, completely cleared of its awn. It should be especially noted that thanks to such careful processing, this product cooks very quickly, and the porridge from it turns out to be more tender and tasty than from ordinary pearl barley.


Few people know, but pearl barley is a product that is made from a cereal plant such as barley. We talked about two varieties of this cereal a little higher. However, it should be noted that there is a third one. This is obtained by thoroughly grinding pearl barley.

As a rule, this product is used to prepare tasty, satisfying and nutritious porridges.

Historical reference

Now you know how and what pearl barley is made from. It is obtained by grinding grains such as barley.

The first mentions of this product are found in the Bible. As you know, in the old days, porridge made from the mentioned cereal was prepared only for noble people. For the royal table, carefully polished grains were soaked for a long time, and then boiled in a large cauldron and simmered in the oven. Before serving for dinner, such a dish must be seasoned with high-fat cream. Subsequently, pearl barley, or rather dishes made from it, became firmly established in the daily soldier’s menu.

What beneficial properties does it have?

Having talked in detail about what pearl barley is made from, one cannot ignore its beneficial properties. As you know, this product is very rich in amino acids. It contains a large amount of lysine, which is directly involved in the formation of collagen and helps to noticeably slow down the appearance of age-related wrinkles. That is why creams and masks based on this ingredient help keep the skin smooth and very elastic for many years.

It should also be noted that pearl barley is rich in microelements and vitamins. It contains a lot of iron, potassium and calcium. The following elements are also present: manganese, copper, molybdenum, zinc, cobalt, chromium, strontium, bromine, iodine and phosphorus. Among other things, like pearl barley, it is rich in vitamins E, A, group B, D and PP. It should also be noted that in terms of the amount of fiber this product is superior to the well-known wheat.

Contraindications for use

We found out how and what pearl barley is made from. However, it should also be said about what contraindications this product has.

So, barley is not recommended for pregnant women to regularly consume, as it contains a lot of gluten, which can have a detrimental effect on the unborn baby. Also, porridge from the presented cereals quite often causes increased gas formation. In this regard, it should not be abused by those who have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as constipation.

In representatives of the stronger sex, excessive consumption of pearl barley can cause a noticeable decrease in libido.

Pearl barley: how to make it for lunch?

Before cooking this product, please note that it takes 40-90 minutes to cook. This difference in the interval is associated with the pre-processing of the cereal. If you soaked it in water and left it overnight, then to soften it you will need 40 minutes of continuous heat treatment. If you did not have time to implement this process, then dry pearl barley should be cooked for about an hour and a half, or even more.

It should also be noted that during cooking, the cereal increases in volume by about 6 times. It is recommended to cook it in slightly salted water. Moreover, the ratio of these components should be 1:3.

Even after prolonged heat treatment, it turns out crumbly, and yards of cereal retain their shape.

Since childhood, we have heard about proper and healthy nutrition, the main component of which should be porridge as a source of essential carbohydrates. Pearl barley porridge is considered one of the most healthy and nutritious. In the article we will talk about how pearl barley is useful for the body, and what it can do for you. harm him.

Pearl barley is the name given to cereals made from round barley grains and porridge made from this cereal. The grains are processed special method, cleared of awns and polished. They are medium in size, light gray in color with a dark brown stripe located in the center. They are used to prepare porridges, soups, and are used as fillings for some dishes.

Did you know? The name pearl barley comes from the word “pearls” due to the external similarity of its boiled grains to the precious mother-of-pearl gifts of the rivers.

After cooking, the porridge has a slight aftertaste. When cooked, the grains become moderately elastic, but not soft. This is one of the porridges that takes a particularly long time to cook.

The beneficial and nutritional properties of barley porridge have been known for a long time - a few centuries ago, noble nobles and merchants loved to consume it. However, it was often on the tables of poor peasants.

Calories, vitamins and minerals

Let's look at the nutritional value of barley grains and what beneficial elements are included in their composition.

100 grams of pearl barley have a fairly high calorie content - 320 kcal, when boiled (in water) - 121 kcal. If we compare with other cereals, then, for example, the calorie content is 343 kcal in raw form and 110 in boiled form - 350/88, rice - 358/116, corn grits - 337/86.

The same amount of cereal contains:

  • proteins – 9.3 g (12%);
  • fat – 1.1 g (3%);
  • carbohydrates – 73.7 g (85%).
Pearl barley is very diverse in composition and contains a huge amount of significant macro- and microelements. The following list will give you an idea of ​​what vitamins are in pearl barley:
  • A (0.014 mg / 100 g);
  • B1 (0.12 mg);
  • B2 (0.006 mg);
  • B3 (4.4 mg);
  • B5 (0.5 mg);
  • B6 (0.36 mg);
  • B9 (24 mcg);
  • E (3.7 mg);
  • K (0.003 μg);
  • RR (3.7 mg).
In addition, grains contain about 20 micro- and macroelements, including:
  • phosphorus (323 mg/100 g);
  • zinc (0.92 mg);
  • potassium (172 mg);
  • calcium (38 mg);
  • magnesium (40 mg).
They also include iron (1.8 mg), copper (280 mcg), manganese (0.65 mg), selenium and other important chemical elements.

Did you know? Pearl barley contains twice as much phosphorus as any other cereal crop.

In addition to all of the above components, cereal also contains about 20 amino acids, of which eight are essential.

And due to the presence of a fairly large amount of fiber, pearl barley is considered a powerful antioxidant and body cleanser. In terms of fiber content, pearl barley surpasses wheat.

Varieties of pearl barley

Depending on the processing method, pearl barley includes the following varieties:

Benefits for the human body

If you look at the composition of pearl barley, it becomes obvious that due to the content vitamin A she's capable strengthen vision, immune system and improve metabolism.

Vitamin B as part of porridge stabilizes nervous system, strengthens hair, cleanses skin .

For rejuvenation and beautiful looking skin in the answer vitamin E.

By eating porridge just twice a week, you can ensure that your hair, nails and skin are in excellent healthy condition.

Barley has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and brain activity. She is prescribed in diets for ulcers and those who suffer from colitis, pancreatitis, or simply want to lose weight.

In addition, pearl barley can influence blood purification, coat the gastric mucosa, has a diuretic effect, lowers bad cholesterol and increases the necessary hemoglobin, and slows down the aging process. It is recommended to be included in the menu for people suffering from diseases of such important organs as the liver, genitourinary system, and gall bladder.

Silicic acid contained in barley groats can naturally destroy sand and stones in the kidneys, gall bladder and bladder. For problems of this nature, it is advised to use decoctions rather than porridge.

But the presence of gordecin gives the cereal an antifungal and antibacterial effect.

Experts claim such properties of pearl barley as reducing the body’s susceptibility to adverse external factors which are accompanied by allergies.

For men

Men will be interested to know that the presence of a high phosphorus content in cereals affects the intensity and speed of muscle contraction. Therefore, it should be in the diet of those people who lead an active lifestyle, visit GYM's, goes in for sports, bodybuilding.

For women

Perhaps the main thing that pearl barley is useful for women is the presence of lysine in it. After all, it is he who forms collagen, a substance that is responsible for the condition of the skin and the youth of the body.

And, of course, this porridge should be consumed by those who are watching their figure and are worried about having extra pounds. Barley can remove the feeling of hunger for a long time without being deposited as fat in the stomach. problem areas on the body, and also cleanse the intestines. Barley porridge can often be found as part of fasting and therapeutic diets, and it is also included in a variety of face masks.

For children

Availability in children's menu pearl barley porridge will provide the growing body with the required vitamins and minerals. Children who regularly use it have strong immunity, suffer colds more easily and less frequently, and are active and energetic.

Due to the presence of phosphorus, porridge has an excellent effect on the condition of bones, brain activity and the functioning of the endocrine system. The fiber that enters the child's body with pearl barley will allow the gastrointestinal tract to function normally.

As we have already indicated, in cooking, barley groats are used in porridges, soups and fillings.

Pearl barley porridge is not very popular and is not as often included in the menu of ordinary families as, for example, other porridges. This is most likely due to the fact that it takes much longer to cook, and many do not even know how to carry out this process correctly. Therefore, it turns out slimy, hard and, as a result, tasteless.

If you also cannot get pearl barley to taste good, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the recommendations on how to cook it.

So there are two ways: on the stove and in the slow cooker. Let's look at both.

On the stove. The secret to preparing tasty and crumbly porridge is in thoroughly washing it. Fill and drain the water several times to remove the gray coating from the cereal. Next, pour three glasses of cold water into the cereal, place it on the stove and boil. After this, boil for another six to seven minutes and place in a colander, allowing it to drain thoroughly. Meanwhile, pour two glasses of water into the pan and wait until it boils, then add the half-cooked cereal. Season with salt and add a small amount of butter (vegetable) oil. Cooking duration is 30-40 minutes. From time to time you need to stir the porridge.

Important! In order for the porridge to become especially tender and the cooking process to go faster, it is recommended to keep it in water for 12 hours or over steam for 20 minutes before cooking.

In a slow cooker. Place one glass of washed cereal in the multicooker bowl. Pour in 2.5-3 glasses of water. Cook by setting the timer for 1.5 hours and the “Stew” mode. Add liquid as needed.

You can cook this porridge not only with water, but also with milk and meat broth. It goes well with mushrooms. It will become especially unusual in taste when you add herbs, herbal spices, etc.