Description of varieties and hybrids of onions for growing from seeds in one year. Varieties of onions from seeds in one season The best varieties and hybrids of annual onions

Traditionally, it is customary to grow onions using a scheme in which onion sets are obtained from nigella, sown in the fall or early spring, and selections are obtained from it. They plant it after a year and only then do they get onions. This makes it possible to get good harvest product, but the process lasts two seasons. Therefore, growing onions from seeds is becoming increasingly popular.

This method makes it possible to collect onions in one season and is more economical, since the seeds are cheaper than sets. And onions grown from seeds are preserved better. Another important factor should be noted: onion sets produce a large number of arrows that need to be removed in time. As a result, not only does the process of growing the bulb become more complicated, but its quality often deteriorates.

Advantages of the seed method

It is more advisable to plant onions by seeds for many reasons. Here are the main ones:

Note! For getting good results You should be responsible when choosing a plant variety.

What seeds should you use?

It must be remembered that the germination of onion seeds directly depends on the shelf life. When buying them, it is advisable to choose those that have a two-year supply. In this case, you can get 90 percent germination.

Seeds with a shelf life ending in landing year— their permissible germination rate is no more than 35 percent.

When thinking about how to grow onions from seeds, you should first find out which varieties are most suitable for this purpose. Here are some of them:

This list can be continued by Arzamassky, Odintsovets, Chalcedony, Exhibition and Carmen MS.

You can grow bulbs from seeds in one season using three methods:

The first method involves planting nigella after the first light frost. This is done in order to prevent premature germination of seeds and the threat of their death from severe frosts.

When sowing in spring, it is advisable to plant planting material immediately after the soil thaws. To obtain seedlings, nigella is sown after February 25 in order to plant it in prepared soil in April.

Preparatory activities

The preparatory stages are of no small importance for obtaining high onion yields in one season.

Rules for sowing seeds in the ground

A bed prepared for spring or autumn planting nigella, should be properly marked. The best option: the width between the grooves is 15-20 cm, the depth is about two cm. There are 10 cm indentations along the edges of the bed.

These indicators and normal weather conditions make it possible to transplant the plants into open ground. Marking: row spacing - about 40 cm, between seedlings - up to 5 cm. The soil must be lightly pressed against the stem. After 1–2 days, the plants must be watered and the soil must be loosened.

How to care

Caring for plants grown from seeds in one season is no different from the usual requirements. This:

There are disagreements regarding loosening the soil. Some vegetable growers recommend loosening the soil after almost every watering. Others warn that this can damage the plants, especially since partial loosening is done during weeding.

Weeding is carried out as it appears weeds, preventing their growth, since when removing large weeds, there is a high probability of damage to the roots of the onion.

Watering in the second half of July can cause delayed ripening of onions.

To protect plants from pests, you can use an infusion that contains wormwood, dandelion (leaves), shoots removed from tomatoes, and peppercorns. Raw materials are taken in arbitrary quantities - about a liter jar per 10 liters of water. Pepper – 5-6 peas. Pour boiling water over the plant mixture, leave for 24 hours, and strain. Two liter jars of infusion are added to eight liters of water - you can water the soil. The remaining mixture should be stored in the refrigerator for future waterings.

Harvesting and storage

The readiness of the onion can be judged by the wilting of the tops. Optimal timing cleaning: last days of July – beginning of August. In some cases, the feather does not always turn yellow by this time. In this case, you should collect the bulbs and leave them to ripen, spread out in one layer along with the feather.

Subsequently, the dry feather is removed, the onion is well dried to prevent the occurrence of putrefactive processes. Onions must be stored in boxes, observing temperature regime no more than 18 degrees. With more high temperature Onion sprouting is possible. Important element storage - regular checks for the appearance of spoiled onions, which should be removed in a timely manner to avoid the spread of rot.

Growing onions from seeds may seem complex process. But when comparing it with planting from onion sets, the high cost of the latter method is obvious.

In addition, following all the rules will make it possible to grow wonderful harvest not only with low costs, but also with an obvious difference in yield.

The reliability of the seed method is a priority due to the fact that crop loss due to the abundance of arrows that spoil the bulbs is completely eliminated. But each gardener decides for himself which method suits him best.

I heard that you can grow onions without sets, straight from seeds. How to do it?

K. Puzyreva, Klin

Answers onion specialist of the selection and seed production company "Poisk" Magomedrasul Ibragimbekov:

For growing turnips from seeds in the center of Russia, only early and mid-ripening varieties or hybrids are suitable. Fits familiar Stuttgarter Riesen or Chalcedony, but it is better to pay attention to modern high-yielding varieties and hybrids. For example this Alonso F1, Bennito F1, Grandfather, Denver, Esaul F1, Lukic, Master or Sissy.

Even with making the right choice variety, the success of growing depends on the conditions, density of plants and their care. Choose high place, where the soil warms up quickly in the spring. It is better to grow onions after cucumbers, zucchini, early cabbage or potatoes. The crop should be returned to its previous place no earlier than after 4-5 years. For spring sowing, the bed is prepared in the fall.

Before sowing, the seeds can be soaked in water and slightly dried. They are sown as soon as the soil begins to dry out (in middle lane this is the second half of April). The seeding depth is 1-1.5 cm, between rows 20-30 cm. The crops are mulched with humus or peat to prevent the formation of a crust.

It is very important to thin out thickened seedlings in a timely manner. The first time this is done when there are two true leaves, leaving 2 cm between plants, and after the formation of three or four leaves, the procedure is repeated up to a step of 5-6 cm. After this, it is better to feed the onions with complex fertilizers.

Care consists of loosening the rows, weeding and watering (especially in hot summers). The first time these procedures are carried out as soon as the rows are identified: they water based on the norm of 15 l/m2, remove weeds and loosen the soil. Repeat as necessary. The crops must be free of weeds - otherwise the bulbs will be small, and the yield may decrease by 4 or more times. Moisture is especially important for onion plants in the first 2 months of growth, and in total from 4 to 10 or more waterings are carried out during the summer. The last 3-4 weeks before harvesting do not water.

Along with water, fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is applied. A total of three feedings are recommended with an interval of 15-20 days. The first is nitrogen fertilizers - 2 weeks after germination. With the second, complex fertilizers are applied, and with the latter, only phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are applied, since nitrogen slows down the ripening of the bulbs.

Onion loves care. Photo:

Is it better as a team?

I've been growing onions for several years now and experimenting with them. This year I studied the German experience and came across a new method of planting onions in nests, recommended for eco-farmers. Onion seeds are sown in peat cubes of 6-8 pieces, seedlings are grown, and after about a month this entire group is planted in the ground, without dividing into individual plants. Is it possible to do this?

Vladimir, Germany

Answers candidate of agricultural sciences Science Valentina Kokoreva:

The described method is not new - similar technologies were developed at the Vegetable Station TSHA (Moscow) more than 30 years ago! It should be noted that this method is recommended when growing onions not for storage, but for processing - for canning or drying. Besides, optimal quantity plants in a group are not 6-8, but 4-5.

It should also be noted that in our time there have appeared good hybrids onions, which are grown directly from seeds without seedlings, and this method loses its relevance.

It is quite possible to grow onions from seeds in one year. Our resourceful summer residents have learned to do this very successfully, using two methods: firstly, early spring thickened sowing of seeds; secondly, it is cultivation through seedlings.
The most suitable varieties for such onion cultivation are considered Myachkovsky, Strigunovsky and Odintsovets. Varieties are also good Russian size And Exhibition, which have very large bulbs (350 g each, and sometimes up to 500 g) with a delicate, sweet taste.
Now let's take a closer look at each method.

Early spring planting. For growing onions Early varieties are most suitable in this way and onions grown in this way will not be stored for so long, so it is best to use them first.
It is recommended to start sowing approximately April 20-25 (depending on the weather). We warm up the seeds, disinfect them, germinate them and sow them very early in the beds prepared in the fall.
The beds should be covered in advance plastic film so that the ground warms up well before planting the seeds.
On the day of planting, remove the film from the bed, make grooves and water them hot water. Then we lay out the seeds, sprinkle them with humus or compost, compact the soil and cover the bed again with film.
We remove the film from the garden bed only when shoots appear.
Further care for plantings is the same as for onions, which we grow from sets. The only difference is the need to thin out the plantings.
The first time you should thin out the onion when it reaches 7-10 cm. We carry out the second thinning after 3 weeks and the third - 2-3 weeks after the second.
As a result, the distance between the bulbs should be about 10 cm. With this method of growing onions, it is very important that the bulbs have time to fully ripen.
To somehow speed up this process, you can do the following:

  • In the second half of the growing season, unhill the bulbs so that they are half above the ground.
  • Lift the bulbs a little by the feather, as if lifting them in the ground, or lightly trim the roots with a shovel.

With these actions, the process of nutrients flowing from the leaves into the bulbs is significantly accelerated and their ripening occurs faster.
Some summer residents crush onion leaves to speed up ripening, but this method is dangerous because pathogenic bacteria or pests can get into the neck of the bulb.
With this method of planting from seeds, it is quite possible that not only turnip onions will grow, but also onion selections and onion sets. Therefore, after harvesting and drying the onions, they must be sorted into large (more than 4 cm), medium (3-4 cm) and small (up to 3 cm).
Then we leave the large bulbs for winter storage; medium bulbs must be consumed first; they are also suitable for forcing green onions; We leave small bulbs (sets) in storage for spring planting.

Onions through seedlings. Growing onions through seedlings is, of course, troublesome, but not difficult. But there are many advantages: firstly, onions ripen perfectly by autumn, no worse than those planted with sets; secondly, we get a harvest twice as large as when sowing seeds directly into open ground.
We sow seeds for seedlings at the end of February - the first half of March. We grow onion seedlings at home in boxes, seedling pots or other containers with a height of at least 10 cm.
The main condition is that the walls of the containers should not be transparent, as light will interfere with the development of the root system.
Seeds can be sown in furrows 1 cm deep or simply planted densely over the entire area of ​​the container.
Then we cover them with a layer of earth (1 cm), lightly compact them, and carefully water them (preferably with a spray bottle, so as not to wash the seeds out of the soil) warm water and place the container in a warm place (22-25ºС), covering it with film.
After about 10-15 days, shoots begin to appear and the film is removed. After the sprouts (loops) appear, place the containers with seedlings in the brightest place, and it is advisable to maintain the air temperature at 9-12ºC for 3-5 days.
Then it is recommended to increase the temperature to 15-20ºC during the day and 10-12ºC at night. If the air temperature in the room is higher, then regular ventilation is necessary so that the seedlings do not stretch out and get sick with blackleg.
In addition, if the seedlings grew at elevated temperature, then later, when planted in the ground, it does not take root well.
Water the onion seedlings moderately; do not over-moisten the soil. Before planting seedlings in the ground, we feed them twice, but if they grow strong and healthy, then you can feed them once.
We carry out the first feeding a week after germination, and the second - two weeks after the first.
The fertilizing solution can be prepared from either mineral fertilizers, and from mullein infusion, stirred in water in a ratio of 1:6.
We feed very carefully - little by little.

At the age of about 60 days, the seedlings can already be planted in the garden. By this time, it becomes strong, has a developed root system, 3-4 true leaves and a thickness at the base of 3-4 mm.
Typically, onion seedlings are planted in the garden between May 1 and May 10, depending on the weather in the region and the condition of the soil. She is not afraid of slight frosts.
The best time The second half of the day is considered for planting, when the air temperature is already beginning to decrease. Before transplanting, water the seedlings thoroughly, then carefully remove each plant from the ground.
If the roots are long, then they need to be shortened a little, by about one third. This is done so that when planting the roots do not bend upward, as this reduces the survival rate of the plants.
We plant onions in rows with a distance between plants of 8-10 cm, between rows - 20-25 cm. If you are planting large varieties of onions, it is better to stick to the 30x30 cm pattern. Immediately after planting, water the bed well.
Subsequently, during the first week, until the plants take root, water every day, keeping the soil moist. Then watering should be done as the soil dries.
The following agrotechnical measures are no different from those used when growing onions in other ways, namely: weeding, watering, loosening, fertilizing, harvesting.

I guess I’ll end this article here. In it, I told you about growing onions from seeds in two ways: as a two-year crop - we grow onion sets, and then from them into next year- turnip and annual onions - in one year we get turnips directly from seeds, planting them either very early in the spring or as seedlings

Onions can also be grown directly from seeds by sowing them in early spring or before winter. But not every gardener can do this. And the whole secret of obtaining a marketable bulb using this method lies in the correct choice of location and variety, early and thickened sowing of seeds, since this reduces the plant’s feeding area and accelerates the rate of formation of the bulb.

But, as people say, every stick has two ends. So here too, not all gardeners manage to get large bulbs during our short summer, since they do not always ripen well and have a thick neck, and in this case they are stored worse than onions grown from onion sets. Therefore, such onions often have to be used for the table first, without leaving them for long-term storage.

To start sowing, you need to stock up on seeds of early, low-germinative onion varieties, i.e. those that produce only one onion. The most suitable for this are early varieties with a short growing season and a small nest - Kaba, Myachkovsky, Odnoletniy Sibirsky, Oktyabrsky, Red Baron, Strigunovsky local, Skvirsky, Tsitaussky, etc.

To grow onions from seeds in the fall, you need to choose a drier and higher area so that in the spring it warms up faster, with fertile soil. This bed should not be shaded by trees or tall vegetables at all, which is something gardeners often forget about. In this case, do not expect a harvest of large bulbs. It is desirable that cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, and legumes grow in this bed before.

The soil for sowing nigella is completely prepared in the fall. To do this, when cultivating the soil, add per 1 square meter. meter 0.5 buckets of humus, 1 tbsp. spoon of superphosphate, 1 glass of wood ash.

Then low beds are prepared, where the soil always warms up better in the spring. This is especially important if your site is located in a low-lying area. Here the beds also need to be made higher. Over the winter they will settle, but still the soil on them will ripen 7-8 days earlier than on the rest of the site.

In the spring, as soon as the soil allows, apply per 1 square meter. meter of area 1 teaspoon of ammonium nitrate. Before sowing, the soil is loosened to a depth of 10-12 cm, the bed is straightened and lightly compacted. Then it is watered with hot water at a temperature of at least 50 degrees and covered with film for 2-3 days before sowing the seeds.

Onion seeds should be no older than two years, and it is better to use only fresh seeds, since they germinate very slowly and usually have low germination rate. Therefore, before sowing, the seeds must be well prepared.

Most often, gardeners soak seeds in water at room temperature for 24 hours, replacing it with fresh water 3-4 times. IN scientific literature It is often recommended to bubble the seeds for 18-20 hours, i.e. During this entire time, pump air or oxygen through the water using an aquarium compressor. But this effective method is very labor-intensive for the average gardener, and not everyone has an aquarium compressor.

In my opinion, the most acceptable (simple and effective) way to prepare onion seeds for sowing is to pickle them in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate for 45 minutes, followed by mandatory soaking in a solution of “Epin” (2 drops of the drug per 100 ml of water) in for 18 hours at a temperature of 24-30 degrees.

Sowing seeds in the spring is done as early as possible, since onion seedlings without shelter can withstand frosts down to minus two degrees. But a further drop in temperature can cause serious damage and death to plants. Before sowing seeds, remove the film from the prepared bed, cut grooves and water them with hot water from a watering can.

Most often, seeds are sown in three- or four-line ribbons at a distance of 12-15 cm row from row, but this can also be done across the bed. Seeds are sown no thicker than 1-1.5 cm apart, to a depth of 1-1.2 cm on heavy soils and up to 1.5 cm on light soils.

When growing onions from seeds, it is very important to follow all the elements of onion growing technology. First of all, the prepared bed must be carefully leveled before sowing, because on a lumpy bed the seeds will be embedded unevenly in the soil, and the seedlings will be either dense or sparse. At the same time, underdeveloped bulbs will grow from deeply planted seeds.

To ensure uniform sowing, the seeds are mixed with dry sifted sand or powdered with chalk so that they are clearly visible against the background of the soil. At the end of sowing, the soil should be slightly compacted to draw moisture to the seeds, mulch thin layer peat and stretch the film over the bed.

As soon as the first onion shoots appear, this film must be removed immediately, otherwise on sunny days the shoots under it may burn. Instead of film, the bed should be covered with lutrasil or spunbond and this cover should not be removed until the beginning of June.

Caring for onions begins even before emergence with careful loosening with a rake across the entire surface of the ridge across the rows. With the emergence of seedlings, the onion grows slowly within about three weeks until 2-3 true leaves appear, because... at this time he has root system very weak and needs to be provided with oxygen and nutrients. During this period, the main enemies of onions are fast-growing weeds, which can quickly obscure the onions.

It is at this time that the soil must be sprinkled with ash or a mixture of naphthalene and sand (in a ratio of 1:20) to prevent damage to young seedlings by onion fly larvae.

The emerging shoots begin to be gradually thinned out, otherwise a good bulb will not turn out. The first thinning must be done when one true leaf appears, leaving 1-1.5 cm between plants. The most important thing is that at this time the plants, growing, do not crowd each other in the rows.

The second thinning is carried out in the phase of 2-3 leaves, leaving a distance of 2-3 cm between the plants. When 4 leaves appear, you can carry out the third thinning, leaving 5-6 cm between the plants. Just remember to press the soil around the remaining plants with each thinning so that onion fly couldn't lay eggs.

If you place the plants more densely, the bulbs will turn out small, and with a greater distance, their ripening may be delayed. But you shouldn’t be in a particular hurry to thin out the onions, since you can also harvest an additional harvest of green onions from the garden bed.

There are no special secrets for caring for onions in an annual crop. The main thing is to do everything on time. The remaining conditions are frequent but shallow (3-4 cm) loosening between the rows, especially on heavy soils, and watering.

As the plants grow, they are periodically fed. The first fertilizing is carried out when the 2-3rd leaf is formed with a solution of slurry (1:15) with the addition of 1 tbsp. spoons of superphosphate into a bucket of solution or a solution of bird droppings (1:12).

If necessary, during subsequent feedings for cooking nutrient solution For 1 bucket of water take 1.5 teaspoons of potassium sulfate and 1 tbsp. spoon of superphosphate. Potassium and phosphorus fertilizers accelerate the ripening of bulbs, increase their density and keeping quality. And if there is an excess of nitrogen in the soil, the shelf life of the bulbs deteriorates. When fertilizing with solutions of mineral fertilizers, light watering is carried out first.

In May-June, onions are usually watered once a week, in hot weather - 2 times. Watering is done carefully better method sprinkling, being careful not to break the feathers. In mid-July, it is necessary to stop watering onions even in the absence of precipitation, since during this time is running ripening of bulbs. When lodging leaves, the plants must be pulled out, dried and sorted by size. Depending on the intended use of the onion, it is necessary to select the desired temperature regime for storing it.

And all other cultures, for which the time has also come, are already preparing for this with all their might.

One of these popular garden crops is onions. Many people sow it for seedlings, sowing seeds, while others plant seedlings, sometimes for greens, and sometimes for the growth of good strong heads.

Be that as it may, in order to grow a good harvest, it is best to use high-yielding, early-ripening varieties. Therefore, when purchasing seeds in a store, pay attention to the information on the packaging.

When selecting seeds for growing turnips, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the variety has an early or at least medium ripening period. And also the fact that these seeds were collected last year.

It is worth noting that among annuals, varieties such as exhibition and chalcedony are considered the best. Keep this in mind when purchasing seeds.

If you decide to plant it through seedlings, then you must first select the right soil. To do this, it is best to stock up on your own garden soil in the fall, with the addition of humus and a small amount of wood ash.

Having prepared the soil, take the necessary container - a box, or individual cells. The seeds must be thoroughly dried. Seeds should be sown in a common container at a distance of 1 cm from each other, and then covered with soil about two centimeters. There are two or three seeds in cassettes. In both cases, cover the plantings with polyethylene and keep them at a temperature of 24 - 25 degrees. Wait for shoots.

Seeds are also planted using the “snail” method. This is done on toilet paper, and simply on soil. This method will be discussed in the videos, which you can find later in the article.

As soon as the first young shoots appear, the cover can be removed. At the same time, the temperature drops to 20 degrees. Under this regime, the seedlings will not grow much. It is necessary to water as the soil dries out, and this is best done with a spray bottle. If seedlings are planted in winter, additional lighting is necessary.

Before transplanting, seedlings must be fed regularly. An infusion of chicken manure diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10 is well suited for these purposes. Or use other fertilizers, such as Krepen or Zdraven.

Unlike other types of seedlings, onion seedlings do not need to be plucked. The only thing that can be done is to straighten it out by removing the weakest copies. It must be taken into account that for the effective development and growth of seedlings, the distance between them should be one and a half to two centimeters.

After two months, the seedlings can begin to be prepared for planting in open ground.

Before this important moment, only good sprouts are selected. Leaves and roots must be cut off by one-third. Immediately before transplanting, the earth is dug up and a bed is formed, furrows are made, which are thoroughly watered.

Small plants should be planted at a depth of about 2 cm so that they feel stable enough in the ground. And between the rows, be sure to maintain a distance of at least 50 cm.

After the plants are planted in their place, they must be watered abundantly and covered with mulch. After 3-4 days, the soil should be slightly loosened to allow better access of air and water.

After such care and attention, your harvest will grow and will certainly bear good fruit.

Features of growing from seeds in the middle zone

In central Russia, the conditions for growing this crop are most favorable. It has been developed here for centuries various technologies its cultivation.

Most gardeners increasingly prefer to grow it from seeds. They begin to prepare them for seedlings in February. They select, buy seeds, prepare the soil and containers for planting.

Then they begin to work directly with the seeds.

It's best to soak them in hot water, its temperature can be up to 50 degrees. In this case, you can add to the water boric acid. After this, the cloth is moistened with a growth stimulator, seeds are placed in it and left overnight in a warm place.

Then everything is as usual. Seeds are sown in a container filled with soil and pre-moistened with water. They should be covered with cellophane or film and placed in a warm place. After the first sprouts appear, the film is removed.

  • If it is cloudy outside, and the days are also short, then the seedlings are illuminated throughout the day.
  • The soil must be constantly moist. In order not to break the seedlings, it is better to water them with a spray bottle.
  • Every 10 days, seedlings are fed with complex fertilizers. They are applied according to the instructions on the package.

Growth must be monitored every day, all necessary procedures in a timely manner.

In March, seedlings can be slowly hardened off on the balcony. By mid-April it becomes quite strong and lush and can be prepared for planting on your summer cottage.

Among the many early varieties Suitable for growing in the middle zone, I would like to note such a variety as Sturon. Not only does he have early dates ripening, but also excellent taste. In addition, it has a fairly high percentage of germination and, accordingly, high yield.

The only thing you should know is that this variety is not suitable for producing green feathers.

Another early ripening variety worth paying attention to is Stuttgarter Riesen. Equally high-yielding and with great germination. He is loved by many gardeners for his excellent qualities.

And the last variety, which also cannot be ignored, is the high-yielding onion Centurion, which is sown even on an industrial scale.

It has a slightly spicy taste and is very good for long-term storage. However, this variety is also grown for feathers.

Growing onions from seeds for greens

Growing this crop for greens is the most traditional way. Fresh vitamins are always good. Many people probably put a glass with a sprouted head on the windowsill and plucked off the green feathers that appeared.

However, it is better to grow onions for greens using sets rather than seeds. The duration of growth of greenery grown from seeds with fertilizing and proper care will be up to two years. Whereas from the heads - only a few weeks.

Varieties such as batun, multi-tiered onions, chives and leeks are well suited for planting crops on greens. These are all early ripening varieties, so they can be planted directly into the soil (in spring).

If you are growing green onion seeds in the fall, then it is important to cover the beds well with snow and insulate them with spruce branches.

When growing seedlings, the soil for planting must be prepared in the fall. Before this, the seeds must be germinated. Sprouted seeds are planted in the ground to a depth of 1 cm. Moreover, they are sown two months before the moment when they begin planting sprouted greens in the soil.

Before the first shoots appear, the temperature should be about 25 degrees. When they appear, the temperature must be lowered to 10 degrees, then raised again, but to 20.

After the seedlings grow to 20 cm and 3-4 leaves appear on them, you can prepare them for planting outside. This usually happens around the 15th of April.

The seedlings are planted in a row with a row spacing of up to 20 cm. At the same time, the roots are slightly trimmed.

How can you grow an exhibition variety from seeds in one season?

In addition to growing onions for greens, they are also planted on turnips. For this purpose, varieties are selected that have good quality heads One of these varieties is the handsome one - Exhibition.

This variety is distinguished by its rather large head sizes compared to others. The weight of one head reaches up to 700 – 800 grams. This variety came to us from Holland, and is gaining more and more popularity every year.

As usual, to grow this magnificent variety, you need to start by preparing the soil. There are no special or specific requirements for this. You can use soil either from the garden or purchased in a store.

Plant the seeds in small plastic containers with a lid. Then you will get a kind of mini-greenhouse. But if there is no such container, you can use any boxes, pots, etc. Before sowing the seeds, they should be soaked for two days in water at room temperature, or even slightly warm.

Before planting, water the soil abundantly. Sowing can be done quite densely, with the depth of the seeds being 1 cm. Wrap the box with the planting in film material and place it in a warm place, somewhere near the radiator. The air temperature should not be less than 20 degrees. If the conditions are met, the sprouts will appear on the 7th day.

The sprouts have appeared, and the film can be removed and the shoots exposed to the light. As they grow, mineral supplements are added. Onions love complex fertilizers.

When it comes important point transplanting sprouts on your site, and this should be stable warm weather, you can good mood start the procedure. Since the bulbs result in big size, this must be taken into account when transplanting. Therefore, it is better to make the interval between rows at least 30, and between seedlings at least 20 cm. Planting should be done to a depth of at least 3 cm. The roots and shoots of the plant can be trimmed a little.

After planting the seedlings, it is necessary to ensure regular watering. However, overfilling must also be avoided. Water for irrigation should be warm. It is also necessary to take care that the onions are not overgrown with weeds. For this purpose, we use the ones sold in the store. chemicals, which are applied over black soil about a week before the start of planting work. This will help provide weed protection throughout the plant's growth and maturation.

If you approach the matter correctly and carry out all the work correctly, you will get an excellent harvest in the fall.

Features of growing leeks from seeds

Our gardeners love to grow leeks. summer cottages, he is loved and popular garden crops. As you know, it is a biennial plant. But now they have learned to grow it in just a season

If you care for it properly, you can get stems weighing from 100 to 600 grams. In addition, this variety is characterized by high cold resistance. The main advantage of leek can be called the high concentration of vitamin C in it, which, by the way, not only retains winter storage, but even saves.

The peculiarity of this variety is that its seeds can germinate at air temperatures from -2 to 0 degrees. And this is a real miracle. But if you want them to germinate faster and the seedlings to turn out excellent, then warm conditions of 22 - 24 degrees are still preferable.

For better germination, seeds must be soaked in hot water, the temperature of which is 40 - 45 degrees. Leave them in this form for a day. Then hold the seeds, wrapping them in a damp cloth and placing them in a warm place for 4 or 5 days. And only then sow them in the soil.

Keep warm. And after the seedlings appear, the temperature should be lowered to about 16 degrees during the day. At night it can be up to 10 degrees. This will be quite enough for all the seeds to germinate and for the emerging sprouts to not stretch too much. After this, the temperature rises again.

Do not forget to water the seedlings regularly, they are thin and you should not wait until the soil dries out. Feed every two weeks. When the plants get stronger and grow, they can be prepared for hardening and planting in the ground on the plot. permanent place. But this will happen no earlier than 6–8 weeks after the seedlings appear.

Leeks are considered unpretentious plant. However, subject to the right conditions By growing it you can get what people love it for. Namely, a thick white “leg”, the diameter of which will reach 1.5 cm.

And finally, a video with details about growing leeks.

Video about how to care for leeks from planting to planting in the garden

This video explains the method by which leek seeds are sown on toilet paper, using the “Snail” method. IN Lately Others also sow in this way. vegetable crops. The shoots turn out friendly and strong.

And also from this material you will be able to learn how to sow it in containers, plant it and care for it throughout the entire growth period.

And with the onset warm days It's time to plant the grown seedlings in the ground. And here you can also see how to do it. Of course, there is a lot of work and worries ahead, but if you want to get decent harvest, then you can try. And in the video you can see how gorgeous the bow has grown.

And today I also wish you exactly such harvests.

Good luck with this, and have a great mood!