Material for the formation of new stars. How a star is born. Young stars found

The smooth-haired Guinea Pig has a short, even, dense, soft and shiny coat, consisting of fine silky hairs about 2.5 cm long. The coat covers the Guinea Pig in an even layer with a slope from the head to the back of the body.
Smooth-haired Guinea pig breeds differ in coat color options, which can be divided into three groups:

  • Solid color options (Self);
  • Ticked color options;
  • Marked color options.
Any variation of the color of Smooth-haired breeds, as a rule, is found in other Guinea pig breeds, which differ in the type of hair of the animal.

Crested Guinea pig - Crested Guinea pig breed group

The Crested guinea pig has a characteristic rosette (tuft) on its head, while the rest of the body should be covered with soft, silky and short hair without rosettes. The crest is a rosette in the shape of a regular circle, growing from a point center located in the middle of the forehead. The color of the rosette should be clean, bright and even. The requirements for the fur of other parts of the body are the same as for a smooth-haired guinea pig.
An American Crested pig should have a white rosette with any other color of the overall coat color, and in English Crested Guinea pigs the color of the rosette completely matches the overall color of the entire body.
The Crested guinea pig in Russia is often called the Crested Guinea Pig (Crested - crested, crested, decorated with a crest).

Satin Guinea pig - breed group Satin (Satin Guinea pig)

Guinea pig Satin has a satin coat with a satin sheen, which shines and shimmers due to the special hollow structure of the hair, which reflects and refracts light. Wool with a satin sheen is found in all known breeds of Guinea pigs.

Ridgeback guinea pig (back Guinea pig)

The Ridgeback Guinea Pig is a short-haired, smooth-haired guinea pig with a straight comb of vertical hair on the back that looks like a mountain range and runs along the entire spine. The smooth coat of the Ridgeback Guinea Pig is distinctly different from the distinct, continuous ridge that consists of erect hairs and runs from the ears to the hips. The height of the crest is about 2.5 cm; females, as a rule, have a lower crest than males. Ridgeback guinea pigs can have coats of any color and color combination. Selection work on breeding this breed was most actively carried out in the early 90s of the last century in Great Britain. In 2004, the Ridgeback Guinea Pig received its own BCC Preliminary Standard for show competition.

The Rhodesian Ridgeback is the only South African dog breed recognized by the FCI. The most noticeable breed characteristic is the "ridge" on the back - the "back" (back), formed by hair growing in the direction opposite to the rest of the dog's coat. The ridge should be clearly defined, symmetrical, starting just behind the withers and continuing towards the croup, tapering towards the end, reaching the pelvic bones.

Rough Guinea pig breeds

Abyssinian Guinea pig

Abyssinian Rosette Guinea pig is one of the most ancient breeds guinea pigs, known since the nineteenth century. The Abyssinian rosette Guinea pig has rosettes formed in a circle, emanating from a point center and not merging. The sockets are arranged as follows: 4 on the back, 4 on the back, and one socket on each shoulder. Some animals even have a rosette on their nose. The rosettes should be evenly distributed throughout the body and have clear boundaries. The total number of rosettes can range from 10 to 12. The Abyssinian rosette guinea pig has a crest, a collar around the shoulders and pronounced whiskers. The animal looks symmetrical and has an almost square body shape. The Abyssinian rosette guinea pig has coarse hair up to 3.5 cm long.

Rex Guinea pig

A distinctive feature of the Rex guinea pig is its short, very dense, thick and curly hair, 2.5 cm long. The structure of the Rex guinea pig's hair ensures vertical placement of elastic hair throughout the body, without deviations or sagging. The Rex Guinea Pig has a curled mustache.
Guinea pigs with this type of fur were first described in 1919, but the breed was formed much later. All current stock comes from a litter produced in 1975 in England. Rex Guinea Pig has longer, coarser fur than Teddy pigs.

Teddy American Guinea pig

The American Teddy Guinea Pig has a bouncy, erect, plush coat that is soft to the touch. Unlike Rex Guinea Pigs, the American Teddy has shorter and less coarse hair. With a soft touch, the wool shows elasticity and returns to its original appearance.
Teddy guinea pigs were developed in Canada in the 1960s and, as the name suggests, bear some resemblance to the popular American toy Teddy Bear.

Two Russian immigrants, Morris Michton and his wife Rosa, decided to name a toy teddy bear after Theodore Roosevelt - "Teddy". After some time, Michton received official permission from the White House to use the shortened name of Theodore Roosevelt.
"I'm not entirely sure that using my name will bring success to the teddy bear industry, but if you really insist, then please, you can name it after me." - Theodore Roosevelt, 1903.

Teddy Swiss Guinea pig

The Teddy Swiss guinea pig has a very hard, coarse, erect and elastic coat of equal length throughout the body (about 6 cm). The Swiss Teddy Guinea Pig has curled whiskers and wavy fur on his belly. Very dense and erect hair gives the Teddy Swiss pig a fluffy appearance, the animal resembles a pile of fluff or a ball of hair. The Swiss Teddy breed was developed in Switzerland in the 1990s, which is reflected in its name.

Longhair Guinea pig breeds

Long-haired breed of Guinea pig Alpaca (Alpaca Guinea pig)

The Alpaca guinea pig has long, curly, thick, soft-to-touch fur and two closely spaced rosettes on its back. The Alpaca Guinea pig breed is considered a curly-haired analogue of the Peruvian Guinea pig. The Alpaca Guinea Pig has curled whiskers and curly fur on its belly. The coat of the Alpaca Guinea Pig forms a curtain of hair of equal length around the body, parted along the spine. Alpaca guinea pigs can have coats of any color and color combination.

Alpaca is a domestic artiodactyl animal descended from the vicuna (vigoni). Bred in the highlands of South America (Andes). It is valued primarily for its wool (24 natural shades), which has all the properties of sheep, but is much lighter in weight. Alpaca wool fibers are straighter than sheep wool, are not squeaky and are extremely silky with a subtle sheen. Such qualities are not found in any other type of fur.

Long-haired breed of Guinea pig Coronet (Coronet Guinea pig)

The Coronet guinea pig (coronet - crown) has long, smooth hair and a characteristic rosette (crown) on the head of the Crested breed. The Coronet guinea pig breed is a Crested, long-haired guinea pig, similar to the guinea pig breed, but with a rosette on the head. The long, smooth coat of the Coronet Guinea Pig has no parting and grows from the head back along the entire body of the animal. Coronet guinea pigs can have coats of any color and color combination.

Long-haired breed of Guinea pig Lunkarya Guinea pig

The Lunkaria guinea pig has long, coarse, curly fur with a coarse texture, giving it the appearance of a small sheep. The Lunkarya guinea pig breed was bred in 1986 by sisters Monika and Annika Lundqvist from Stockholm (Sweden). The name of the breed "Lunkaria" connects the name of the discoverers of the "Lunka" breed from Lundqvist and the appearance of the animals "ria" - "carpet with long pile" (Swedish), pronounced with an emphasis on the "i". After bathing or combing, the coat of the Lunkaria Guinea Pig gathers into tight curls again, this is what distinguishes it from the Texel, Alpaca and Merino breeds. Lunkaria Guinea pigs can have fur of any color and combination colors.

Long-haired breed of Merino Guinea pig

The Merino guinea pig has a long, soft, curly coat of uniform density throughout the body and a single rosette on the head, like the Coronet breed. The Merino Guinea Pig's head is covered with short hair, with long hair starting on the cheeks and between the ears, then covering the entire body. The Merino Guinea Pig has curled whiskers and curly fur on its belly.

Merino is the wool of sheep grouped under the “merino breeds” group. Merino is a breed of fine-wool sheep, the largest population of which is found in Australia and New Zealand. Merinos are different from other sheep breeds high quality worsted (combed) wool. Ultrafine (11.5-15 microns) Merino wool is suitable for blending with other fibers such as silk and cashmere. Merino wool is a very valuable yarn, used exclusively in the production of clothing.

Long-haired breed of Peruvian Guinea pig

The Peruvian Guinea Pig has a very long, soft, straight and silky coat that hangs over the eyes. long bangs, completely covering the muzzle. The body of the Peruvian Guinea Pig is covered with thin flowing hair up to 50 cm long, forming a kind of mantle around the animal and having a characteristic parting along the entire spine. On the back of the Peruvian Guinea pig there are two parallel and close to each other rosettes, which determine the growth of hair in the direction of the head. The first Peruvian Guinea Pigs were shown in Paris at an agricultural exhibition in the late 19th century. Peruvian Guinea pigs in Russia are sometimes called Angora (Angora).

Long-haired breed of Guinea pig Texel (Texel Guinea pig)

The Texel guinea pig has long curly hair, collected in ringlets and directed from the head to the rump. The Texel Guinea Pig has upright, short, crimped hair covering its face, while longer, curled hair begins between the ears and forms a kind of mane that extends to the end of the animal's body. The Texel Guinea pig breed is considered a curly counterpart.

Texel breed agriculture is an easily recognizable, white-fronted breed of sheep without hair on the head and legs, with well-developed muscles and dense, thick wool. The meat-and-wool breed of Texel sheep was bred to small island Texel in the south of Holland. Now Texel is considered one of the best meat sheep breeds and is famous for its high-quality wool. Texels are characterized by simply phenomenal adaptability to environmental conditions. They easily tolerate both extreme heat and severe frost.

Long-haired breed of Guinea pig Sheltie/Silkie Guinea pig

The Sheltie Guinea Pig (Silkie) has a long, soft, silky, smooth and straight coat that grows from the head to the back of the body. The Sheltie Guinea Pig has a head covered with smooth, short hair, long hair starts from the cheeks and ears, grows from the muzzle and forms a kind of mane, falling over the shoulders and back of the animal. The Sheltie Guinea Pig, also known as the Silkie Guinea Pig, is one of the newer guinea pig breeds. Sheltie guinea pigs were bred in the early 70s of the 19th century; the first standard was developed in England (1973).

If you've decided to get a guinea pig, you've probably learned that there are several breeds of these animals. And which one should you choose? If you are having difficulty making this choice, don’t worry, we have compiled a list especially for you of all the popular breeds of guinea pigs that differ in color, size and, of course, character. However, rest assured that no matter what type of pig you decide to choose, he will be a sweet companion with whom you can build a wonderful relationship.

American guinea pig

With its short, smooth coat and round body, the American guinea pig is one of the most common. She has a pleasant disposition and generally gets along well with other pigs and children.

American pigs are easy to care for and this is one of the reasons why they are so popular. Their coat comes in many colors and requires virtually no maintenance, unlike long-haired breeds.

Abyssinian guinea pig

One of the oldest breeds, the Abyssinian guinea pig has long hair with so-called rosettes or curls, which provide it with a unique and quite impressive appearance. To participate in exhibitions, the recommended number of sockets should be from 8 to 10.

On the other hand, a pet's long hair is more difficult to care for. This guinea pig also requires more frequent grooming. However, their sweet and loving nature certainly outweighs the possible extra care they will require.

Peruvian guinea pig

Another long-haired breed, the Peruvian has the longest coat of all guinea pig species. Unlike the Abyssinian, the Peruvian pig has straight hair. Another feature of the fur is a kind of “bang” that falls on the animal’s eyes.

This breed also requires extra grooming, although many owners choose to trim their coat short as it is easier to maintain. If you want to get yourself this breed, then you should know that regular brushing really makes a difference for them. great importance, otherwise their fur will simply get tangled and cause discomfort.


Sheltie guinea pigs are very similar to Peruvian guinea pigs in that they have long, smooth coats. However, there is a difference between them. The Sheltie's coat on the head looks like it's combed back. It is on this basis that the breed is difficult to confuse with any other.

The Sheltie's long, beautiful coat requires proper care, so you'll want to take that into account if you're considering getting one. The breed has many colors and is perfect for small children, but not for grooming, but just for playing. As with other long-haired breeds, the parents must take on most of the grooming.

American Teddy Guinea Pig

The American Teddy has a thick coat that is often called wiry due to its harshness. The breed is relatively easy to maintain, but its coat is quite tough, so it requires regular brushing to remove various objects and debris. Believe me, as soon as the time comes for the next combing, with a 99% probability you will find garbage there.

The breed is also known for its uncanny resemblance to a teddy bear. It comes in many colors, ranging from light sand to chocolate.


The Texel guinea pig has a truly special appearance. This breed has a curly, soft coat all over the body, including the belly. The unique wool and spectacular appearance of Texel pigs provide them with one of the best results at exhibitions.

However, as you probably already understood, their fur requires special care because it often gets tangled. However, if you want to show off such an exotic pig to your friends and acquaintances, then keeping it will be worth it!


These little furry pets have many fans all over the world. Crested pigs are very easy to recognize because they have a kind of “crown” of rosette wool on their heads. Guinea pigs that have a white "crown" and a different overall color than white are known as white Crested, or American Crested.

With the exception of the "comb" these pigs are very similar to the American guinea pig. They have short, smooth hair, which makes them fairly easy to care for. They are also great for kids. Although Cresteds are much more difficult to find than American pigs, they are essentially the same.

Rex (royal guinea pig)

Rex guinea pigs are a short-haired breed with fur that does not exceed 1 cm in length. Most mammals have three various types wool, including the main, guard type, performing protective functions. A special feature of the Rex breed is that it does not have guard hair, so its fur is dense, elastic and generally strange to the touch.

This breed seems to be the favorite among children as it has a unique texture and appearance of the coat. These pigs' coats are also relatively easy to care for.


Coronet guinea pigs are a combination of 2 breeds: Crested and Sheltie. They have very long hair and an easily recognizable "crown" crested on their head.

Himalayan guinea pig

The Himalayan guinea pig is also known as the Siamese. This wonderful breed has a special color, reminiscent of the Siamese color of cats. The breed has a truly special appearance, but is quite rare and not widely distributed throughout the world.

The coat of Himalayan pigs is quite short and therefore does not require much care.

Skinny guinea pig

Almost naked, skinny pigs still have a little hair on their legs. The breed arose as a result of selection and crossing of short-haired and hairless pigs. Although they are not the most attractive breed, they are quite common today and make excellent pets in many families.

Guinea pigs have long been popular pets. These cute rodents are easy to purchase in pet stores or at the Bird Market. However, the animals sold there are often outbred (crossbred) because they do not have any documents confirming their origin. Of course, this will not prevent the pig from becoming a pet, but if you plan to engage in serious breeding of these animals, then such a “breeding breeder” can please you with an unpredictably diverse offspring. For breeding, you should purchase purebred pigs of known origin. Today there are a number of clubs for guinea pig lovers that coordinate the activities of breeders and organize exhibitions. In these clubs you can purchase young specimens different breeds with pedigrees. The choice of breeds is quite large: from the already familiar smooth shorthaired, Peruvian and Abyssinian, to a variety of rare and exotic ones (curly Texels, crested Cresteds, etc.). In general, today there are more than 80 breeds of guinea pigs, differing in the structure, length and color of their coat, and thanks to the work of breeders, more and more new ones are appearing. The most popular marine breeds will be discussed in this article.

There are various classifications of guinea pig breeds in the literature. One of the most common classifications is the division of guinea pigs into three large groups - long-haired, short-haired and rare. Modern breeders also use next option division into groups:

  • English Self - guinea pigs of solid color (solid color)
  • Long Hair non Selfs – (Sheltie, Peruvian, Coronet, Texel, Alpaca, Merino)
  • Shorthair (woolen) (Coated, non Selfs) – (agouti, American and English Cresteds, Abyssinians, Rexes, etc.).
  • Rare Varieties are so-called new breeds that are still quite rare.

The range of colors in guinea pigs is also very diverse; they can be completely monochromatic (white, black, buff, red, chocolate), agoute (natural color), variegated, two or three colors, and even Dalmatians.


Selfies are one of the ancient representatives of the pig family. They were developed in Great Britain in the 19th century. A distinctive feature of Selfies is their uniform (solid) coat color (white, black, brown, beige, lilac, etc.). The eyes are often dark, but can also be red. The photo shows a guinea pig of the English Self breed.

One spotted interesting feature of this breed: females living together in the same cage or enclosure take care of the offspring through joint efforts; we can say that these are the only family rodents of their kind.

Abyssinian (rosette) guinea pigs

The Abyssinian breed is one of the most popular. Abyssinians first appeared in England in 1861 as a result of a mutation in the coat gene, and in 1866 the first individuals were brought to Europe.

A characteristic feature of the Abyssinian breed is a special growth of hair, which is why rosettes are formed (the hair in the rosettes diverges from the center to the periphery). Sockets must be correct form, have clear boundaries. Total sockets - 8-10, maximum 12. The standard specifies their location: 2 on the nose, 1-2 on the shoulders, 4 on the sides and 4 on the back of the body. In addition, they must be symmetrical. In some individuals, as a result of mutation, the number of rosettes can reach 30 pieces - these are no longer considered purebred. The rosettes located nearby form tufts, or ridges. Any colors are possible. The fur reaches 3-4 cm in length; in females it is softer than in males. The body of Abyssinian pigs is strong, muscular, and moderately long. The shoulders and chest are wide, the back is straight, the back is rounded. The legs are straight and short. The head is short, rounded, with large ears, large shiny eyes and a slightly elongated nose (this is called a Roman nose).

Pigs are distinguished by their unpretentiousness and goodwill towards humans. In the vast majority of cases, Abyssinians quickly get used to being handled and get along well with children. Among the disadvantages, one can note the extraordinary gluttony, so the owner needs to be extremely attentive to the amount of food in his pet’s bowl so as not to overfeed him. Due to excessive consumption of food, pigs suffer from obesity and heart disease.

Peruvian guinea pigs

This is a fairly old breed, known in Europe since the mid-19th century. In Peruvian pigs, the hair grows forward, towards the muzzle from two rosettes located on the rump, and falls over the eyes. Ideally there should be only 2 sockets at the bottom. The length of the coat must be at least 15 cm, and for show-class Peruvians it can reach 50 cm.


Alpacas are very similar to Peruvian guinea pigs, but have a more wavy coat that also grows forward towards the face. There are two sockets at the back.


In England, Shelties were recognized in 1973, in the USA - in 1980.

The long coat, which grows strictly from the muzzle downwards, is soft and silky. Unlike alpacas, Abyssinian and Peruvian guinea pigs, there is not a single rosette on the body. There are different colors.


The same shelties, but on the crown there is a rosette that looks like a crown.


Texel is one of the most beautiful breeds, known since the mid-80s of the last century. Texels are distinguished by long, thick fur that breaks up into clearly defined curls, a long train and fluffy sideburns. The length of the coat is 12-18 cm. The rounded muzzle is decorated with large expressive eyes. Texels are calm, friendly and sociable.

Looking at the photo of a Texel guinea pig, it seems that caring for such luxurious fur requires special effort. In reality, they do not require daily brushing, and it does not take much time to select hay and sawdust from their fur. Animals that do not take part in exhibitions usually have their fur shortened.

The curly coat grows in the same way as the Texel, only there is a rosette on the head.


Agoutis are the ancestors of all modern breeds. Each animal's hair has different shades at the base and at the end.


The head, paws, ears are painted in the main color without any admixture of another shade, only on the body there is a so-called salt and pepper mixture, when hairs of one color are mixed with hairs of another color.


Teddies are similar to Rex cats, but their fur is slightly shorter and softer. Thick, dense and elastic, straight (or slightly wavy), the hair stands on end all over the pig's body, and feels like plush.Pictured is a Gold and White American Teddy


The main difference between Rex guinea pigs is their hard, dense, slightly curly fur, about 1.7 cm long. The hairs stand on end, which creates a plush effect. Color options can be any.


It is a smooth-haired pig, but there is a difference - there is a rosette on the rump, and on the back the hair is collected into a kind of comb of standing vertical hair.


Smooth-haired pigs with a rosette on the crown. There are English and American Cresteds. In American cats, the color of the rosette should contrast with the color of the main color; in English cats, it should be identical to it.

Satin guinea pigs

A distinctive feature of the satin pig group is its surprisingly soft, silky coat with a glossy effect. The wool shines and shimmers due to the special hollow structure of the hairs. The Satin coat type is found in all short-haired and long-haired breeds. The rarest animals are golden, lilac and buffalo in color.


The main color of the entire body is pure white, only the ears, nose and paws are black or brown.


Giant guinea pigs are native to South America. At birth they weigh 100–150 g, and adults can reach a weight of 3–4 kg. Kui owners note that their pets are not as trusting of humans as ordinary pigs, they are more cowardly, and the females treat each other quite aggressively.


Newly registered pig breed. Feature– plain wool with a white belt on the back.


These pigs of truly exotic appearance appeared as a result of a mutation in 1978 at the Institute of Montreal (Canada). They have no fur, only on the nose and paws there are sparse curly and coarse hairs. Skinny skin is very soft and velvety. The most common color is chocolate; there are black, tortoiseshell, silver, lilac, etc.

Skinnies have an excellent appetite, which is not surprising: they have a faster metabolism, as they need to retain body heat. Therefore, they eat 3 times more than their furry counterparts, sometimes gnawing on something all day long.

Due to their lack of fur, skinnies require a little more care and attention than regular guinea pigs. The main thing that future owners of these cute and gentle creatures need to know is that skinnies need to be protected from drafts and always kept warm. If most animals fasting days only for the benefit, then for a skinny to remain for two days without food is literally like death. At the same time, skinnies are prone to obesity, so the owner’s task is to carefully consider the diet, establish a diet and strictly adhere to it.


Unlike Skinnies, who have tufts of hair on their paws and nose, Baldwins are a completely hairless breed. Babies are born covered with fur, like ordinary pigs, but by the age of one month it completely falls out. Baldwins have extremely delicate skin; both cold and direct sunlight are dangerous for it.

A person who has decided to get a guinea pig and has become acquainted with all the variety of breeds faces a difficult question: how to choose “your breed” among all this diversity?

Surely, many people want to have a rare breed of pig at home. Thus, hairless guinea pigs are very in demand and popular today. But here you need to take into account that these are more delicate and sensitive animals, they are more demanding in terms of care and living conditions. And the price for such exotics will be significantly higher than for pigs of less rare breeds. In addition, when purchasing a pig of a rare breed with a good pedigree, additional responsibility is imposed on the owner: you need to join a club, take part in exhibitions, find your pet the most suitable partner for mating, etc.

Pigs of less rare breeds can be no less beautiful and affectionate pets. Short-haired guinea pigs are easier to care for, they have high immunity, which means they get sick much less often than other breeds of pigs. Animals with short hair are best choice for the beginning breeder. In addition, if you are purchasing a guinea pig for a child, it is best to choose just such a pet. Caring for rosette pigs is also not very difficult, but they are somewhat more expensive. As for guinea pigs of long-haired breeds, they need more thorough coat care, which will require much more time.

In contact with

Guinea pigs are not at all similar in appearance to the “piggies” we are familiar with, and they received this name because they grunt very similar to them. There is nothing nautical about them except the name. Guinea pigs are small pets and weigh up to 1.5 kilograms and live on average 5-6 years, their length is usually up to 30 centimeters. These are domesticated rodents from South America, which were kept by the Incas, mainly for gastronomic purposes. Brought across the ocean to Europe, they became exclusively decorative pets. Now there are already many breeds of this amazing animal. The largest guinea pigs are called cuys, they can weigh up to 4 kilograms and are about half a meter long and are now kept in Latin American countries as a source of meat and hides. But there are no small or dwarf species among these animals.


American guinea pig- a well-known breed that is the most widespread and most unpretentious, it is also sometimes called English. It has short, straight fur of various colors with a glossy sheen. The color of the eyes, which are quite large in size, can also be very different, and often matches the coat. This fur feels silky and smooth to the touch. Among the colors of her fur there are even lilac and red.

Her wide nose is slightly crooked. It is of average size among the species, loves to play with toys, and is active. It is better to keep these animals in pairs, as they live longer.

Important! Falling from a height is dangerous for pigs. Even if an animal falls from a low surface, this can be fatal for it.


This guinea pig has the longest hair her long hair parted at the back makes it look like a small woman's wig. According to standards officially registered in 1930, this ancient breed must have the following characteristics:

  • thick hairs of a wide variety of colors can be up to 30-50 centimeters long;
  • straight parting along the ridge;
  • long bangs cover the entire muzzle of this pig;
  • a pair of rosettes in the sacral area;
  • a slight curl of fur on the nose, which then develops into “whiskers”.
But Peruvian guinea pigs have short fur on their legs and tummy. On the paws between the toes, short hair is directed towards the body.


Abyssinian breed has another name - rosette. They started talking about it at the end of the twentieth century. Appeared in the 60s through a wool mutation. As a result, representatives of these guinea pigs have woolen rosettes all over their bodies, which give the animal an unusual appearance. Each rosette has a more or less pronounced center, from which the hairs grow into different sides. Ideally, the number of rosettes in purebred individuals is twelve large rosettes throughout the body, plus two more small symmetrical ones on the nose. But the presence of sockets on the nose is not necessary; the main thing is the presence of eight main ones. Their ears are drooping and do not stick out.

Fur middle length and stiffness, the hairs are straight, about 4-5 centimeters, and should not be curly. The ridges between the rosettes are clear and not interrupted anywhere. Must have a thick mustache and large, clear eyes.

Did you know? In many countries Latin America Guinea pig meat is still eaten today. There it is considered dietary, along with rabbit meat, and can be ordered in restaurants.

Abyssinian satin

Abyssinian satin differs from a simple Abyssinian in that it has a so-called satin coat. This fur has a hollow structure, as a result of which light easily passes through the hairs and they look unusually shiny and iridescent. Wool is also softer to the touch. This makes satin specimens extremely decorative. Dark satin breeds are difficult to distinguish by eye from ordinary ones, since well-groomed fur of dark tones can shine no less. But this is a brilliance of a different nature. The satin coat is always monochromatic and its color is associated with the eyes.

The following colors are observed in satin pigs: black, chocolate, lilac, beige, red, gold, buffalo, saffron, cream and white. The satin effect looks very interesting on the rosettes and combs of the Abyssinian breed.

American satin

In almost all breeds of guinea pigs there are individuals that clearly exhibit satin effect. Of course, the satin gene did not bypass the common American pig. The extraordinary shine of silky monochromatic wool is the hallmark of all satin pigs. But since most pigs available for sale are American pigs, if you decide to get a satin pig, most likely it will be an “American.” The smooth-haired American with a satin effect looks very beautiful.

Sheltie (Sealie)

Another long-haired pig breed. It is very similar to the Peruvian one, but does not have any rosettes. Wools grow from head to tail and fall down the sides. Long hairs grow from the cheeks and between the ears and create a mane effect. Fine fur with a silky structure and shine, for which they are also called snares, i.e. silk. Shelties were also called Angora for a long time. The shape of the body from above is similar to a drop. The colors of the coat and the color of the large eyes may vary.


They are the result of painstaking selection and appeared about twenty years ago. Coronets They differ from Shelties by the presence of a rosette (crown) on their head, which is how they got their name. This is a long-haired breed with an even parting on the back and hairs that become thinner towards the end and thick at the base. The fur can lie on the sides, or can be trimmed or wrapped in curlers. It is not recommended to make ponytails, as this can cause split hair.

Colors can be very different. Like all long-haired animals, it requires a lot of time to care for its fur.

Important! The coat of long-haired breeds requires careful care and balanced nutrition, otherwise you will not achieve a beautiful shine and proper thickness. The diet is best supplemented with food for breeds with long hair.


It became a recognized breed in 1978, and appeared thanks to an unusual but successful mutation that made these rodents look like a bear Teddy. Was received in Canada. They have thick, short (up to two centimeters) fur. Thanks to its rigid structure, it stands up straight and makes the pet look like a plush toy. The compact size of the rather large body complements this similarity. The ears are large and hanging, the Roman nose with a hump. In babies, the fur is softer and slightly curly, but with age it straightens and becomes stiffer and the animal becomes plush in appearance.


She is also called white Crested or American Crested, and also the American Crested. She has a white rosette tuft on her forehead. The breed is relatively young; it appeared in America in the 60s of the last century completely by accident. Among the cubs of the smooth-haired Dutch breed, cubs with a white rosette on their heads were discovered, and breeders got down to business. The body color itself is far from white; on the contrary, it excludes white colors in the main color.

But in general, the coloring can be either plain or of another type, for example, tiger. The closest breed to them - English Cresteds - have a crest of the same color as the main color.

Did you know? Guinea pigs respond to their name and are intelligent enough to learn a variety of commands. In addition, these animals make many different sounds: squealing, chirping, rumbling and even purring.


There are only two hairless or hairless breeds of pigs - skinny and baldwin. They are very popular among pet lovers and are perfect if someone in the family suffers from allergies.

The skinny guinea pig is not completely hairless, but has some hair on its head and legs. As she gets older, she may develop some more fur. Baldwin pigs are born completely covered with hair, but then become completely bald around the fifth day of life. These are completely hairless pigs.

Skinnies were bred artificially in 1978 by Canadian scientists as a result of experimental research in the laboratory. The Baldwin was also a relatively recent artificial breed; this breed is about twelve years old.

Skinny pigs have smooth skin with pronounced folds on the neck and around the legs, they do not have a tail, and their muzzle is wide and somewhat blunt. The skinny's body is somewhat plump, one might say plump, unlike other breeds. They somewhat resemble small hippos and look very interesting.

Important! Due to their lack of fur, these breeds are very sensitive to temperature fluctuations. And also their body temperature is higher than that of other breeds - 38° C. They need more to maintain that temperature.feed and waterthan ordinary guinea pigs. They must be kept in a well-controlled, warm room. Please note that the skin of naked breed pigs should be protected from negative impact sun rays.


Guinea pigs alpaca They are distinguished by their long, slightly curly coat. This American breed was created by crossing the Peruvian breed and the Rex. There are two rosettes at the back, from which the fur grows towards the head. Over time, a beautiful bang appears on the head, and fluffy sideburns appear in the cheek area. The length of the wool can reach from 12 to 30 cm, and it is soft and silky to the touch. Color may vary.

Colors are considered valuable lemon, buffalo, roan and cream. This breed has broad shoulders, a short and elastic body, a somewhat wide and rounded muzzle, and rather large hanging ears. The eyes are set wide apart, rather large and shiny.

Guinea pigs are popular among pet lovers due to their friendly nature, intelligence, and low maintenance. This is an excellent choice for a family with small children. In our article we have given examples of the most popular types of guinea pigs, their photos and names, but we would like to note that beginners should not begin their acquaintance with this animal with long-haired varieties.

The guinea pig is a surprisingly cute and funny animal that is always loved by children and adults. This article describes some of the most popular breeds of guinea pigs with photos. And although they are called that, they have nothing in common with ordinary pigs. Zoologists believe that the ancestors of these rodents got their name due to the fact that when they are happy, they make sounds reminiscent of grunting. And when an animal is afraid, it squeaks. Why are these pigs called guinea pigs if they do not live in the sea and cannot swim at all? It is believed that “sea” is a transformed word “overseas”, since the homeland of these rodents is South America, and they were brought to Europe by the famous navigator Christopher Columbus in 1580.

What are animals called in other countries?

This furry rodent is called a guinea pig in Russia and in several other countries. In Spain, Italy, France and Portugal they gave it the name Indian. In England - a small, restless Indian pig, as well as a Guinean pig. In Belgium the animal is called mountain.

Animal Features

Any breed of guinea pigs are considered decorative pets. Their weight reaches 1.5 kilograms, body length - up to 30 centimeters. Life expectancy is approximately 5-6 years. A long time ago, the Incas living in South America domesticated these rodents for gastronomic reasons. After guinea pigs appeared in Europe, they became exclusively decorative pets.

It's amazing that these wonderful animals respond to their name and have enough intelligence to be able to learn some simple commands. At the same time, guinea pigs make a wide variety of sounds: chirping, squealing, purring and purring.


Now there are many breeds of these animals. One of largest breeds Guinea pigs, whose name is kui, can weigh 4 kilograms and reach about half a meter in length. They are kept in South American countries as a source of hides and meat. Among the kuis there is no dwarf varieties.

American guinea pig

This is one of the most famous breeds of guinea pigs, which is the most widespread and unpretentious. It is also sometimes called English. These guinea pigs have short, straight fur that comes in a variety of colors. color scheme and glossy shine. The color of the eyes is also quite varied and often the same tone as the fur. The fur is very pleasant to the touch: smooth and silky.

The American breed of guinea pigs even comes in lilac and red colors. She has a wide and crooked nose. This breed of guinea pigs has a medium body size compared to other breeds of guinea pigs. This is an active, playful and sociable animal, so these animals should be caged in pairs, which will make their life happier and longer.

It is important for owners to remember: if they let their pigs out of the cage, be sure to watch them closely, because falling even from a small height is deadly for them.

Peruvian guinea pig

Looking through it, you realize that representatives of the Peruvian marine breed are distinguished by very long (30-50 cm) and thick hair, parted on the back, which makes it look like a woman’s wig. The bangs of these guinea pigs completely cover their faces. They have short fur only on their legs and belly.

Abyssinian variety

The Abyssinian breed of guinea pigs is also called rosette. Its appearance dates back to the 60s of the last century. This pig was bred through mutation, so it has wool rosettes all over its body, which gives it an original look. Each rosette has a center from which the hairs grow in different directions. There should be twelve rosettes in total, they should be located on the body and on the nose. The ears of these animals are not protruding, but drooping. Their fur is somewhat harsh, and their short (approximately 4-5 cm) hairs are only straight and should not be curly. distinguished by a thick mustache and large, clear eyes. In some countries of South America, the meat of these animals, like the meat of rabbits, is still eaten to this day. It is considered dietary and is served in restaurants.

Abyssinian Satin Guinea Pig

The Abyssinian satin breed differs from the usual Abyssinian in that it has a soft satin coat. This fur has a hollow structure, so it is very shiny and iridescent. Therefore, this breed is unusually decorative. The satin coat is monochromatic, usually matching the color of the eyes. Typically, satin pigs come in the following colors: black, lilac, chocolate, beige, gold, red, saffron, buffalo, white and cream. The satin effect looks great on the combs and rosettes of the Abyssinian breed.

American Satin Guinea Pig

In many breeds of these animals there are individuals that exhibit a satin effect. The satin gene also appears in the American pig. Attractive shine and silkiness of plain wool - business card satin specimens.

Sheltie (Sealie)

The Sheltie guinea pig is another long-haired pig breed. Shelties were called Angoras for a time. They closely resemble Peruvian pigs, but they do not have rosettes.

Fine hair of a silky structure grows from head to tail and flows down the sides. Long hairs grow on the cheeks and between the ears, creating a mane effect. When viewed from above, their body shape is similar to a teardrop. The coat color of these guinea pigs may differ from the eye color.


Texel guinea pigs are wonderful animals characterized by beautiful long curly hair. This breed was developed in 1998 in the UK.

The Texel is a very attractive breed, but such a pet requires frequent and thorough coat care. If the coat is not brushed daily, tangles will form on it.

These guinea pigs have a calm nature. They are very friendly, which makes this breed even more popular among lovers of these pets.

The Texel is the curly-haired equivalent of the Sheltie, and they are brushed in the same way as the Sheltie. The difference between the Texel breed is that its strands are wavy.


How many breeds of guinea pigs are known and loved all over the world! In 1978, thanks to a surprisingly successful mutation, a wonderful breed similar to a Teddy bear appeared in Canada. Teddy pigs have thick and short (up to 2 cm) fur that puffs up funny, making the rodent look like a plush toy. This similarity complements the compact size of the rather powerful body. Their large ears droop and they have a Roman nose with a hump.

White guinea pig

This breed appeared in America more than fifty years ago absolutely by accident: among the babies born to the smooth-haired Dutch breed, individuals with white rosettes on their heads were found. Breeders got down to business.

These animals are also called white or American Cresteds, and also American Cresteds. On their foreheads there is a white rosette crest. But the color of their body is not white at all, but on the contrary, it completely excludes White color in color. The color of Cresteds can be either plain or, for example, brindle. English Cresteds have a crest of the same color as their main color.


This breed, the result of long selection, appeared about 20 years ago. These guinea pigs get their name from the rosette (crown) on their head. They have long hair, an even parting on the back and hairs that are thick at the base and thinner towards the end. The wool can either lie on the sides, or be trimmed or curled into curls.

It is impossible to make tails for coronets, because this will split the hair. The colors of these funny animals are very diverse. Coronet wool requires regular grooming and proper nutrition for an animal.


Alpaca guinea pigs have long and slightly curly hair. This American breed was developed by crossing a Rex and a Peruvian breed. These pigs have two sockets on the back. Fur grows from them towards the head. After some time, these animals grow bangs on their heads and thick whiskers on their cheeks. These pigs are distinguished by soft and silky long hair (from 12 to 30 cm) and a wide variety of colors. The most prized species are lemon, buffalo, roan and cream colors. Alpaca guinea pigs have a short and elastic body, broad shoulders, a somewhat wide and rounded muzzle, and large floppy ears. The eyes of animals of this breed are set widely, quite large and shiny.

Before getting guinea pigs, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the features of caring for them, how and what to feed them. Guinea pigs are incredibly popular among pet lovers because they have a very friendly nature, are smart and easy to care for. These animals can be an excellent choice for families with small children. Wonderful animals will be an unquenchable source of positive energy and Have a good mood for the whole family, they are always fun to be with. However, if your family decides to have guinea pigs, you should not start getting acquainted with these animals with long-haired breeds that require special care and certain experience.

Naked representatives

Guinea pigs of different breeds have very beautiful fur. But there are also naked - hairless - breeds of these animals: skinny and baldwin. Oddly enough, these guinea pigs are very popular. They are well suited for people with allergies.

Skinnies have a little hair on their paws and head. Baldwins are completely covered with hair at birth, but by the fifth day of life they become completely bald. Skinny was artificially bred in 1978 by Canadian scientists. The Baldwins were also artificially bred just over ten years ago.

The skinny has smooth skin with folds on the neck and around the legs. They have no tail, their muzzle is widened and blunt. Their bodies are a bit plump, which sets them apart from other breeds. Skinnies are surprisingly similar to small hippos.

Guinea pig owners need to remember that due to their lack of fur, hairless breeds are incredibly sensitive to temperature fluctuations. Their body temperature is higher than that of other breeds - 38 °C. To maintain this temperature, they need more water and food than other pigs. They need to be kept in a warm room and the delicate skin of animals of such breeds should be protected from the sun.

Those who are planning to have these cute animals at home need to familiarize themselves with photographs of guinea pig breeds and information on the peculiarities of their maintenance.