Brown sink in the kitchen interior. How to choose a comfortable kitchen sink with a round bowl. A competent approach to choosing a design solution for a sink

Diameter, bowl depth and material - we figure out what round kitchen sinks are and offer an overview of popular round models from different manufacturers.

A round sink is well suited for a small kitchen: it is deep, roomy, convenient and less noticeable than a rectangular or square one. Round sinks are usually the most inexpensive. Plus, a decent model can be found in the assortment of any major manufacturer of kitchen plumbing fixtures.

What to look for when choosing?

A round sink has two sizes, which must be indicated in the product card: the diameter of the bowl itself and the overall diameter of the sink, including the sides (for example, 370 and 480 mm). If you wash dishes by hand rather than in the dishwasher, make sure that the diameter of the bowl is large enough for you to wash large plates. Don't forget to look at the minimum width kitchen cabinet requires the model you like: usually it is 45-50 cm.

Round kitchen sinks are usually deep: bowl heights of 20 centimeters or more are not uncommon. Due to this they are more spacious. Even a small sink is quite convenient for washing large pots, plates and baking sheets. But keep in mind: if you have to stand at a deep sink for a long time, your back may hurt due to the awkward bend.

Hole for mixer
Most round models do not wrap around and have a pre-fabricated hole for the faucet. On the one hand, this is convenient - you don’t have to punch it yourself or cut the faucet into the countertop. On the other hand, you will have few options for installing the sink: you will have to position it the way the manufacturer intended. An exception is integrated sinks for installation under the countertop or on the same level with it. Usually it's just a bowl without sides or wings. You can install this sink any way you like.

Filter hole
If you plan to install a water filter, check whether the sink you like has a hole for an additional faucet.

Choosing material

Let's see what sink options manufacturers offer from different materials.

Round stainless steel kitchen sinks

The most inexpensive and accessible - price quality models from of stainless steel starts on average from 3 thousand rubles. Sinks made in Europe (Germany, Italy, the Netherlands) are more expensive: on average 6-8 thousand rubles.

  • The cost of a sink is most influenced by its size, the quality and finish of the steel, and the installation method. The most inexpensive are standard sinks built on top. The model will cost the most universal installation, which can be installed in any way - above or below the tabletop, or flush with it.

Typically, steel sinks have one bowl. But if you need a double sink with round bowls, in the interior it looks like this:

Here are the options with one bowl and a tray for defrosting food:

Meet and original models, for example, a heart-shaped sink:

Examples of how round stainless steel sinks look in a kitchen interior different styles and size, see the gallery below:

  • Learn more about how to choose a good stainless steel sink. Do not miss!

Oval sinks with round bowl

If you cook a lot and often wash dishes by hand, a sink with a wing may be more convenient. In this case best option- oval sink with round stainless steel granite bowl. Fender width may vary, so if you have small kitchen, try to choose a “thumbelina” model with the required dimensions.
Price - from 4 thousand rubles, on average 5-7 thousand rubles.

Round sinks made of artificial stone

Manufacturers of kitchen sinks made of artificial granite and marble also love round shapes. Therefore, choosing the right model will not be difficult for you.

  • The depth of the bowl can be different: from 17.5 cm (for example, for German granite sinks) to 23 cm (for a Cubo granite sink from). However, much more popular are models with a depth of 18-19.5 cm: they are the ones that are best suited for everyday use: comfortable, roomy, and water does not splash out of them, and you do not have to wash dishes at an angle.
  • The size of the shell itself can vary quite a lot depending on the type artificial stone. Round granite kitchen sinks are larger and usually have a diameter of 48 to 51 cm. Round marble sinks are smaller - Russian manufacturers produce models with a diameter of 44.5 to 52 cm and offer many models for small kitchens.
  • Some sink models, in addition to the main round bowl, have a small additional triangular section with a separate drain: it is convenient to store a sponge in it or pour leftover coffee or tea into it so as not to dirty the large bowl.
  • There are round stone sinks different colors: the most popular is the neutral natural range - models in shades of beige, vanilla, champagne, jasmine, white, anthracite, chocolate are available from almost any manufacturer. Sinks from cast marble Russian production have a wider palette - they can be green, pink, light green, terracotta, etc.

Sinks made of natural granite

On Russian market These are offered by a Japanese manufacturer: the brand produces sinks from natural granite. But their price is appropriate - from 46 thousand rubles for the simplest round model.

Copper sinks

Not all manufacturers have copper sinks with a round bowl. Such sinks can be found in the Zorg Copper collection from the Czech factory Zorg (price is about 37-45 thousand rubles for a built-in sink with a grooved surface 19 cm deep, depending on the diameter). Copper sinks offers and Russian manufacturer Seaman - the Natural collection features an antique model for installation in a tabletop with a diameter of 46 cm (costs about 40-41 thousand rubles).

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

When choosing a kitchen sink, you need to consider the practicality and quality of the model. Special attention should be paid to the shape, type of product and its stylistic features. You need to buy a sink based on the size of the kitchen unit and its location. Using the recommendations given, you can quickly and easily find an original and convenient model.

Selection of kitchen sink by material

In modern plumbing stores you can find kitchen sinks made of a variety of materials: ceramics, stainless steel, artificial stone. Each of them has an attractive appearance and has a variety of shapes and configurations. But the most important difference is the cost of the models and the features of care, their shelf life. Therefore, when choosing, you should consider the following qualities:

Kitchen sinks made of artificial stone

They are affordable, light weight and easy to install. Resistant to damage, scratches, and does not absorb dyes (for example, spilled juice or wine). They easily tolerate temperature changes.

Stainless steel kitchen sink

It is low cost and easy to install. Tolerates exposure hot water, but with careless use it quickly becomes covered with scratches. It can have a matte or glossy surface. The latter are difficult to care for due to the constant appearance of streaks and stains on the surface.

Ceramic sinks

Refers to more expensive models. Have average weight, due to which, when installed in the countertop, water is prevented from getting inside the headset (due to its tight fit to the prepared hole). The matte surface of the products gives it nobility and sophistication. They are not resistant to sudden temperature changes and may change color with prolonged exposure to coloring liquids.

Using these descriptions, you can find out which models are the most practical and which are the most attractive. But they will also help you figure out how to choose a kitchen sink and the following descriptions of the features of the products according to their shapes, sizes and type of installation.

Optimal size and shape of a kitchen sink

Distinguish among modern models mortise sinks and overhead analogues. The first ones are optimal for an assembled set and easily fit into the overall design. The latter are placed on a separate cabinet, allowing you to maximize its service life, but have less aesthetic appeal. Regarding the special shape mortise sinks, then you need to remember the space it occupies on the countertop and its location. While a corner sink will save space, a trapezoidal model will make it easier to use.

When choosing, you should also pay attention to the predominance geometric shapes in room design. For example, round kitchen sinks or oval-shaped analogues are well suited for stylized kitchens (classic, rococo, Provence). Square and rectangular ones look good in simplified or strict, discreet interior. The depth of the sink directly depends on the placement features (presence/absence of a shelf in the cabinet) and the requirements of the housewife.

Which kitchen sink will be truly convenient?

By studying the attached photos you can see the variety of modern sinks. They can have a steel shine, have a matte beige, light green tint, or have a “marbled” design. But the practicality of the product is determined by the presence of auxiliary compartments. An additional bowl will help you defrost food or dry dishes and utensils at any time. The grooved wing allows you to dry cups and glasses. Such assistants will be very useful to the housewife, but they slightly increase the size of the product. Therefore, when choosing, you should also focus on the ratio of parameters to convenience. In some cases, buying a small and simple sink will really be the right and profitable decision.

A few years ago, when choosing a color for kitchen sink, no one could think of red or green. Today, manufacturers can turn a kitchen dishwashing accessory into a design element.

The main question that people ask when choosing an element such as a bright colored sink is how will the shade affect the performance characteristics of the product? And it’s useless to even argue - this is the question that worries consumers in the first place. We found this out by studying a large number of forums. We have already researched more about how to care for stone sinks.

Colored sinks in the kitchen interior

So how does color “get” into the sink? First of all, you need to decide which one?

Bright kitchen sink: what's what?

If color is decisive for you when choosing a product, then you are willing to pay for it. Let's see who makes kitchen joys brighter and for how much.

Sink type Manufacturer Price issue Note
Standard. color With color
Made from artificial stone Grandfest 3500 and above The price will not change depending on the color Bright colors: red, green, blue - on order.
Made from natural stone Omoikiri From 20,000 and above
Coated stainless steel Zorg
From 15,000 to 100,000 and above From 15,000 to 100,000
From copper Zorg
From 40,000 to 200,000 and more The presence of spraying does not affect the cost of the product
Ceramic Blanco
From 30,000 and above color models are 10-15% more expensive Only some models can be colored; please check with company managers.
For example, Blanco glossy white, matte white, glossy magnolia, jasmine, gray aluminum, basalt, black. Franke: white, vanilla, almond, graphite, onyx

Colored sinks in the kitchen - combining the right combinations

If you have already firmly decided that your interior will be complemented by a red kitchen sink, then you need to understand what to combine it with. Of course, as a rule, the opposite happens: first, the style of the space is determined, and then its components and accessories are selected.

Here we decided to turn to textbook on coloristics and imagine which colors go together and which experiments should be abandoned.

The color wheel is the basis of knowledge about harmony in color solutions. Relying on simple rules you can choose the best options.

Good combinations between colors:

  • in one sector (shades of the same color);
  • in front of each other;
  • located in the corners of a triangle inscribed in a circle, which can be rotated in any direction

However, this is only a theory; in practice, everything turns out to be much more complicated, so it is worth turning to the opinion of professionals.

Anna Tenitilova

Interior designer

Professional credo: Think globally, act locally.

Colored sinks in the interior of a residential or public space are best used in certain styles, or as a specially designed accent. Nowadays the loft style is very popular in interior design. The red shell may become interesting element and support the brick to match. And for an apartment in the pop art style, a colored sink is a real gift. Pop art cannot exist without bright spots and a splash of color.

I would also like to note that for a kitchen in the Provence style, a delicate green or blue sink will be very useful. Color can be used to support the apron or kitchen facades. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment with color and look for exclusive solutions.

Natalia Kalinina

Interior designer

Professional credo: Interior designer is not a profession, but a state.

There is no other place in our lives where the influence of color is stronger than ours. own house. And the kitchen in modern interiors is the heart of the home. Correctly selected colors and combinations shape your feelings, awaken happy memories, and even influence the relationships of all family members. The sink occupies one of the central places in the kitchen and its appearance and color scheme are a formative element of the interior style.

However, colored kitchen sinks are a definite tribute to fashion. First of all, they are an object of increased use, and secondly, they are a design element. If the interior requires a bright accent in the kitchen, then in this case it is better to choose a sink in which the colorant is added to the very structure of the object. These are primarily composite options, in which the shade remains for many years, in addition, in case of chipping, they can be restored.

Reading time: 8 minutes.

Every housewife has to deal with washing dishes in the kitchen every day, which is sometimes a tedious task. To ensure that the process does not cause inconvenience, you need to carefully consider all the nuances in the work area, making the place for the sink and the sink itself as comfortable and practical as possible.

Read further in the article about what nuances you should know and take into account when choosing a durable, comfortable sink that matches the style of your interior.

Classification by type of material of manufacture

The initial and one of the main selection criteria is the material of the product. It must meet increased requirements for regular mechanical loads, not be afraid of constant humidity, and not lose its well-groomed appearance during operation.

The quality is also indicated by resistance to chemical influences. detergents, because the washbasin will have to be cleaned repeatedly. And, of course, to everyone style decision kitchen design has its own materials and color schemes, which must be combined with each other into an overall harmonious composition.

Get to know the most common modern types of materials to know all their strengths and weaknesses for further selection.

Stainless steel sink

Stainless steel products lead among all other options due to some significant advantages, one of which is affordable price, so anyone can purchase them.

High-quality material is a durable alloy of steel with the addition of chromium and nickel, with a thickness of up to 1.2 mm. There are no harmful impurities in the composition, it is environmentally friendly and safe for health.

The surface texture can be glossy, with a matte effect. They also produce a modern anti-graphics coating that can hide accidental scratches and water stains. This will keep it new longer and ensure a well-groomed appearance in the kitchen.

Stainless steel is quite elastic, flexible, and is not afraid of accidental impacts from falling objects. Such a sink will not rust over time and will not be damaged by high temperatures if you pour hot liquid into it. The downside is that there is a lot of noise when opening the tap; you will need to take care of a special lining. Salt deposits can also disturb you; after washing the dishes, you should wipe the bowl dry.

The stainless steel washbasin has a wide variety of shapes and designs and will fit perfectly into most modern designs. Kitchens in high-tech or loft style include chrome and steel elements. This material has a metallic sheen gray color will harmoniously highlight the interior.

Composite material for sinks

Composite material It is a base made of stone chips, and a polymer serves as a binding component. The strength and wear-resistant properties of the product directly depend on the type of base.

A granite sink with quartz sand provides the sink with high strength, exceeding the parameters of natural materials, but its cost is quite high. A marble sink is a little cheaper, but is characterized by sensitivity to mechanical stress and does not tolerate temperature changes.

High-quality composite bowls can last up to 10 years, which is much longer than ceramic and stainless steel. It’s easy to care for them; you just need to wash the surface with a damp sponge, removing plaque and food residues. Artificial composite is not afraid of heavy dishes, sharp knives, or falling small items. For minor damage, repairs will not be a hassle; you will only need to sand the imperfections with sandpaper.

As for the disadvantages, besides the high price, aggressive abrasive agents should not be applied to such a product so as not to damage upper layer. It is better to purchase a soft gel and use it carefully.

Attention! If you place hot dishes that have just been removed from the stove into such a sink, you can get deformed, so avoid contact with hot objects.

These specimens made of composite material are suitable for both classical and modern interior in the kitchen. A rich color palette allows you to choose a model to match kitchen set or in contrast to it, at the request of the owner.

A natural stone

Natural stone is incredibly attractive, it will give the interior a presentable, noble, expensive look, but the price of the model is not cheap. They make natural products from granite, basalt, marble, cutting out a solid shell from rock manually. Natural models have a solid base, are not destroyed by high temperatures, and are also environmentally friendly when used.

They will look very beautiful in the kitchen, attracting the views of others. Some options on the surface have shiny inclusions of mica, graceful stains created by nature.

All kinds of colors will allow you to create an interior to suit every taste. In the kitchen in classic style or Art Nouveau style, such a bowl will become a highlight of the design, but it is important to combine it with furnishings also made of natural stone, such as a countertop or bar counter.

The disadvantages include careful care without the use of harsh detergents, as well as mandatory coating with special impregnations that repel water and grease. It must be applied at least once a year.

Ceramic sink

Ceramic sinks have their own characteristics. Bowls are made from porcelain stoneware, which is impact-resistant and can easily withstand temperature changes and shocks. There are also options made of porcelain and earthenware.

Strength is determined by the production method from clay, additives and water. This composition is heated, pressed, and then coated with special components to improve performance. Next, a coating or decorative paint is applied to the sink.

During the washing process, the sound of water is practically inaudible. The material does not emit unpleasant odors, safe for food. The disadvantages are the heavy weight of the product, which can be destroyed if dropped, high price, and you should also avoid abrasive cleaning compounds that destroy the coating.

Ceramic sink material comes in a wide range of shapes and colors. If desired, you can order a model with an individual pattern or original color. For a country style, you can buy a sink with the effect of artistic aging.

What types of sink installation are there?

When choosing an installation method, pay attention to its complexity, as well as the design features of the kitchen unit and the general style of the room. The choice of option depends on the personal preferences of the owner, the size of the kitchen, and the furniture model.

Get to know existing types settings:

  • Countertop sink mounted on a separate module in the form of a cabinet, without entering the general work area. It is advisable that all furniture be the same height. Convenient type for corner layout kitchens. It is easy to do it yourself. The downside is the gaps between the cabinets, which can allow water to get in.
  • Mortise type can be mounted instead of a tabletop. The one-piece product is distinguished by its quality, protection from damage and the penetration of contaminants. Installed with standard furniture fasteners.
  • Under-desk option mounted under the countertop, diversifying the design, allowing you to observe the beauty of the material, often made of natural stone, in cross-section. This sink is easy to use and maintains hygiene at a high level.
  • Integrated type sink is mounted at the level of the countertop, thereby creating a single surface with work area. It is difficult to install and requires services experienced craftsman. But the interior is created chic, incredibly attractive, taking into account fashion trends design.

Different product shapes: how to choose the right geometry

The shape of the product is classic, that is, rectangular and square, as well as round geometry in the form of an oval or circle. Classic type sinks are more common because they are practical, can be of any size, with different designs. Round sinks are suitable for modern styles, will fit perfectly into the corner of the layout, but their dimensions must be roomy.

Advice! If you have a small kitchen and you have to wash a lot of dishes, then it is better to refrain from installing a small round sink on it. During operation, pans with long handles may not fit into the sink if the size of the sink is small.

A competent approach to choosing a design solution for a sink

There are sink models equipped with more than one bowl. There may be two, three or more. Of course, this is very convenient, because you can wash vegetables in one, dishes in another, and defrost food in a third. The question is whether such a structure will fit in your space. Therefore, base your choice on the area of ​​the room.

We equip the kitchen sink with additional accessories for convenience

Before purchasing a kitchen sink, you need to pay attention to the availability of components. Optional equipment simplifies work processes, saves time, adds convenience and comfort.

A mixer with a removable shower head is indispensable when planning a sink near a window. When opening, it is easy to turn or remove, which will not interfere with the ventilation of the room. A useful accessory is a holder for washcloths and cleaning products, allowing you to keep everything you need at hand.

Also, built-in dispensers for liquid soap will come in handy. They help you wash your hands quickly. Indispensable for kitchen sink Removable strainer that retains large food debris. All these details make life much easier and every housewife will certainly appreciate them.

How to achieve ergonomic kitchen sink: some expert advice

To organize the most comfortable, functional place for washing dishes, it is important to correctly determine the dimensions of the product that fit your set, kitchen layout and room area.

The height and depth of the bowl is selected taking into account the number of family members and dishes. Do not forget about the size of the mixer, because it must be moderately high so that everything you need fits under it. The place for washing is most often determined next to hob, separated from it by a tabletop.

A thorough analysis of all factors, including the convenient location of the sink in the kitchen, will make work processes in the kitchen optimally ergonomic, which will significantly save your effort and time.