Constructive possibilities for organizing openings in load-bearing walls. Is it possible to coordinate an opening in a load-bearing wall? The main task is cutting load-bearing walls

Many times in our lives we come across reconstructions of apartments or houses. And often this process is accompanied by the construction of new entrances. But what to do when behind the layout this passage is in load-bearing wall? This task is not at all easy. If you make a mistake, the structure of the room as a whole may suffer. The situation becomes more complicated if a person decides to do all the work with his own hands, but in no case should you despair. You just need to take into account some of the subtleties of working with a load-bearing wall.

Coordination of redevelopment

Before starting work, it is necessary to obtain the consent of the relevant authorities. Their answer is influenced by the following factors:

  • housing design (so that the room is not completely destroyed due to the opening);
  • wear and tear of walls (walls, like people, have the ability to age and lose their former strength and durability);
  • wall type and thickness;
  • placement of the opening (it should not coincide with the junction of the ceilings and the wall);
  • the size of the opening in relation to the area of ​​the wall;
  • the gap between the opening and adjacent walls;
  • the gap between the highest edge of the opening and the ceiling;
  • opening width;
  • number of floors above the opening.

Only after receiving a positive response from the relevant authorities do we proceed to direct work.

Selecting Tools

First of all, in any construction work is the preparation of equipment. Professional builders use a concrete cutter, a tool for working with load-bearing walls with your own hands - a jackhammer, a hammer drill will also work. In addition to this you will need:

  • sledgehammer;
  • marking equipment;
  • welding;
  • studs or bolts (depending on the profile);
  • nuts;
  • washers;
  • channels;
  • cement mortar.

Preparatory work

1. Make sure there are no electrical communications behind the wall or turn them off.

2. Mark the outline of the opening. Due to the fact that load-bearing walls are thick, they have to be dismantled from both sides.

3. Drill through holes using a 12mm drill bit in the corners of the outline. They will help you navigate while marking the opening on the other side.

4. Cut the channels to the required length.

Installing a jumper

The jumper is the most important component in the whole process. The load on the load-bearing walls will be transferred to this part, so the safety of the entire house depends on its correct installation.

To install, first of all we knock down the plaster and knock out a recess along the top line of the opening, we will lay a channel into it. The length of the recess is: the width of the opening plus one meter. The profile must fit tightly into the space prepared for it. We clean the remaining bricks with a wire brush and rinse with water.

For tightening fasteners, we drill holes in the profile in increments of approximately 3 cm (no more). When everything is ready, we wet the surface and apply a cement mortar into which we immerse the channel. We drill through the wall, focusing on the prepared holes. WITH reverse side, thanks to the previous stage of work, we can easily outline and carve out the same niche. We insert the second profile into it (with holes drilled, as in the first one) and tighten both channels with studs (bolts), at the ends of which we put washers and screw in the nuts. We fill the voids in the profiles with concrete or brick.

Another way to install the jumper:

In addition to the above method of installing a jumper, there is a second one. For it we will need two beams with an L-shaped profile. This design is called a precast concrete lintel. Such profiles do not need to be tightened with studs (bolts). After the grooves in the places where the lintel is supported are cleaned, place a thick layer on both sides cement mortar. Next, we proceed to install the reinforced concrete beam. When the solution has dried, we can begin cutting out the opening.

Cutting the opening depending on the material

Many people worry about how to make an opening in brick wall. In fact, among all materials, with brick this process will be the easiest. By removing one row, all the rest will go without problems. The situation is completely different with concrete. You will have to work long and hard with a hammer drill.

  • Knocking out a concrete wall:

We make an opening in a concrete load-bearing wall; to make our work easier, we will proceed as follows:

1. Divide the wall area into several small squares.

2. We cut the concrete along the marked contours using a grinding machine or drill with a hammer drill (this will take more time).

3. Some elements of the wall can be knocked out quite easily with a sledgehammer, but in others you will need to disassemble the reinforcement.

For those who prefer to see how to properly break through a load-bearing wall, the video is at the end of the article.

  • Finishing work:

After the opening is ready, it is necessary to further strengthen it. Between two channels we weld a continuous strip of steel, approximately 6 mm thick. Another option: we weld the plates in increments of 2 cm. We install corners on both sides of the opening, or if they are missing, channels will also do, but they will require niches. We weld them to top crossbar opening. Also, we tie each pair of corners together using steel plates and tighten them with pins (for them, on the corners or channels, you need to drill holes in advance). If this strengthening seems insufficient to you, then to make the load-bearing wall stronger, install a lower horizontal lintel and weld it to the racks.

Door from window

There are often cases when they plan to make a door in place of a window. This operation does not require much effort.

In order to make a door from a load-bearing wall window with your own hands, we will need:

  • steel corners (necessarily at an angle of 90 degrees);
  • channels;
  • reinforced concrete beams;
  • powerful hammer drill;
  • ruler;
  • Bulgarian;
  • sledgehammer;
  • Sander.

First of all, we remove the window. There may be remnants of plaster and paint in its old place, remove them grinder. Afterwards we get rid of the lower partition, if it is made of brick, then we simply break it with a sledgehammer, if it is concrete, then we cut it out as with a regular opening. If there were metal fragments in the partition, we get rid of them using a grinder. Plasterboard partition we disassemble it piece by piece (we remove the screws first).

We get rid of the debris and begin to install the jumper. The lintel is installed using the same technology as when creating a doorway from scratch.

Considering that we are making the opening in a load-bearing wall, it is advisable to secure the overlapping structures using long vertical racks along the entire height of the housing.

Arch in load-bearing wall

Sometimes, instead of a doorway, owners put an arch. It looks much nicer. But there are many nuances in working with an arch. For example, make it in brick house This can only be done by a professional, since it requires a relationship with the location of the masonry joints. With a panel house the situation is different. This option can be done independently.

First of all, we cut out a U-shaped opening, which we strengthen with profiles; we will fit an arch into it. The next step is to measure the doorway.

After measuring, we begin to create the frame:

1. We make a frame on which in the future we will attach a curved strip; for it we use a 27 by 28 profile.

2. We select metal scissors; it will be most convenient to work with those that have a spring mechanism (with this type, the handles themselves recline back after compression).

3. We cut the profile, 2 sides out of three, it is necessary that it takes on an arched shape (the steeper the bend you plan, the more often we make cuts).

4. Turn the profile clockwise on its side, thereby placing it inside the fixed right front part of the arch (the second one should be on the opposite side).

5. We make cuts on the top and middle parts every 50 mm.

6. The frame is ready, but it needs to be strengthened. We install crossbars made from a 60 by 27 profile, securing them with short self-tapping screws.

7. Install the frame in the opening.

Next we need to make the front parts of the arch. For this you can choose any material, but self-production the best option will become drywall. The front parts are shaped like a semicircle. To obtain the ideal shape, we will make a “compass” from the things at hand. Take a thread and fasten it in the center of the semicircle, measure the radius (the width of the opening divided by two) and fasten the second end to a pencil. We draw, cut and attach to the frame. Our arch is ready, we can safely plaster or paint it.

Connecting a room with a balcony

A balcony is always built in a load-bearing wall, this is the main problem. It is very difficult to obtain permission to connect it to the room. In addition, it is worth considering that the balcony is a settling area in case of fire. It is easiest to remove a person from him. Therefore, before you decide to take such a step, think carefully.

If the decision has not changed and you have received permission, then proceed following works. The first step is to glaze the balcony. Next, we dismantle the wall, but since it is load-bearing, we must install a lintel that will take on the entire load. Also, during the work it will be necessary to raise the floor on the balcony. The last step will be to insulate the balcony.

It is worth adding that this process is very labor-intensive and for safety it is better to consult a professional.

Closing the old opening

Very often, after creating a new entrance, the need for the previous one disappears and it must be closed. In case of internal partition It is possible to lay it with a plasterboard sheet, but from the outside, apart from the capital laying, there are no other options. For sealing we use materials such as brick or foam block.

First, let's prepare the hole. We remove the plaster (and if present, then paint) to the very base. This process We do it along the entire wall, and not just in the slopes. We make indentations in the brick opening that will be needed for bonding with fresh masonry. We remove half a brick in every fourth row. We drill one-sided holes in the ends of the concrete wall and drive metal rods 7-9 mm thick into them. A prerequisite is that the holes are located in places between the rows of future masonry. We cover the threshold of the opening with waterproofing; roofing material will serve as it.

Before laying each subsequent brick row, it is necessary to stretch the thread in a horizontal position between the two opposite walls of the opening. This will be required to avoid errors during laying. To be completely sure it is also worth building level. We knit the rods peeking out between the rows with reinforcement (masonry mesh is suitable as a replacement).

After filling the opening with bricks, we wait a day and begin plastering. We prime the areas that have been cleared of plaster and the masonry itself. We attach a steel mesh to the primer (for greater strength) and plaster again. How much plaster solution needs to be applied depends on the unevenness of the walls.

Openings in the interior are much easier to seal. First, we install the sheathing (using a profile) on one of the sides of the old passage. Having plastered the first side, you can proceed to installing the sheathing on the opposite side. We lay a sound insulator ( required condition) and sheath it with panels. The finishing work will be finishing.

Creating a new doorway in a load-bearing wall can be challenging, but once you look at your updated room, you'll realize it was worth the effort. This process is possible even with your own hands, without the help of professionals. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations for working with load-bearing structures, and you will not have any problems. And always remember, safety comes first in this matter.

When remodeling an apartment in order to make the housing layout convenient, along with moving load-bearing partitions, quite often it is necessary to make an opening in a load-bearing wall.

We will tell you in detail in this article how to properly coordinate such changes in an apartment, what to pay attention to, how much it will cost and how long it will take.

When might you need to make an opening in a load-bearing wall?

Today, organizing an opening in a main wall is a common measure when renovating a residential premises. Typically, the need for a procedure may arise in the following cases:

Arranging a passage between two adjacent rooms (For example, between the kitchen and living room)
Enlarging an existing doorway in a wall
Combining two adjacent apartments through a load-bearing wall.

Why must an opening in a main wall be approved before work begins?

Touching a load-bearing wall is a direct intervention in the structure of the building and may affect further safety capital structure, these changes must be coordinated with the author of the house project and the Moscow Housing Inspectorate, as well as all other redevelopment activities before the start of repair work.

In addition to safety, there are several other important reasons that require prior approval.

  1. This is required by law. Namely point 2.2.4. (Appendix 1) Resolution of the Moscow Government No. 508, approval must be carried out before the start of repairs, otherwise the redevelopment is unauthorized and illegal.
  2. It is not always technically possible to create a new or expand an old opening.
  3. Fines for uncoordinated renovation work.
  4. Restoration of damaged building structures.

Approval procedure

As with conventional redevelopment (which we wrote about in detail here:), 3 key stages can be distinguished:

  1. Preparation of a set of documents
  2. Obtaining a decision on approval of redevelopment
  3. Acceptance of the apartment after completion of repairs by the inspector and receipt of a new floor plan of the apartment from the BTI.

First stage is directly related to paperwork and includes the following actions:

  1. Order a technical passport
  2. Consultation with the author of the house project (for panel houses– JSC MNIITEP, JSC MOSPROEKT. For houses that do not have an author - State Budgetary Institution "Expert Center")
  3. Survey load-bearing structures engineer from the author of the house with the issuance of a Technical Report on the possibility of carrying out the planned work
  4. Preparation of the project (by any design organization or the author of the house)
  5. Examination of the project with the issuance of a positive conclusion (in the case of preparation of the project by an organization that is not the author of the house).

Secondly the prepared set of documents is submitted to the Moscow Housing Inspectorate through the MFC to obtain a Permit. In case of refusal, the documents are corrected and resubmitted. The result is obtaining permission to carry out repair work in accordance with the developed project.

Third And The final stage is marked by a call from an inspector from the Moscow Housing Inspectorate to check the completed repairs for compliance with the agreed project and to sign an act of completed redevelopment. Then you should call a BTI technician to take new measurements. Next, current BTI plans are prepared.
The registration procedure is completed, the owner receives everything Required documents. After this, we also recommend making changes to the Unified State Register.

Conditions influencing a positive result in agreement

For successful approval, the apartment or house must meet certain requirements:

  • Your apartment is at the top of the building
  • Your neighbors above and below do not have a load-bearing wall
  • Do you have a monolithic or brick house?
  • You have a panel house built before 2007 (only if the author of the house is JSC MNIITEP).

In general, each redevelopment during which it is planned to affect the load-bearing wall must be considered individually.

Documents received during approval

During first stage The following documents are prepared:

  • Technical passport of the apartment
  • Redevelopment project
  • Technical conclusion on the possibility of carrying out work
  • Expert opinion on the project.

Everyone has their own reasons for “reformatting” their home - adding to the family, arranging a separate, additional room for an office, installing an arch or something else. As a rule, redevelopment does not cause any particular difficulties for owners; There are techniques that have been developed over the years. Another thing is an opening in a load-bearing wall. It is a loaded element of the building’s structure, and in this case, only the owner’s desire is clearly not enough.

general information

The owner of a private building decides independently whether to cut through the wall or not. He does not need to coordinate this issue with the supervisory authorities. But also responsibility for Negative consequences will fall entirely on his shoulders. If redevelopment is done in an apartment, then permission must be obtained. An opening in a load-bearing wall, constructed incorrectly, in violation of all norms and regulations, can lead to the appearance of cracks along the entire height of the building, displacement of floors, and the like. And it is unlikely that the matter will be limited to administrative penalties.

Any approval by the authorities is a long procedure; sometimes the issue takes months to resolve. This time can be spent rationally if you evaluate, check and analyze something. Perhaps the problem will disappear automatically, since quite often the opening where you want is impossible in principle or is technically extremely difficult. Which means it’s inappropriate.

What to consider:

  • Degree of deterioration of the building.
  • Wall material and thickness.
  • The number of floors of the house and the level on which the dwelling is located. Maximum load ends up on the walls of the lower floors. For this reason, for such apartments, even if cutting an opening is allowed, its dimensions are limited.
  • Whether it will be necessary to reinforce the wall in this place, by what method, with what - this question must be clarified in advance.
  • Layout of the room and the distance of the opening from external wall. And there is a limitation on this point. If the interval is less than 1 m, then work cannot be carried out, otherwise interior partition can "lead". This is mainly typical for a brick house.
  • Opening geometry. Simply put, what exactly do you want to do. Basically, 2 options are implemented: a simple passage (rectangular) or an arched one. If the opening only needs to be shifted without changing its geometry, then everything is much simpler; partial expansion on one side and sealing on the other.

Conclusion - before running around the authorities, coordinate various papers, pay for an audit and the like, it’s worth consulting with a professional. Perhaps it is impossible to make an opening in this particular room.

Operating procedure

The legal side of the issue is a separate issue. From a practical point of view, something more interesting is how a passage is cut in the wall depending on its material.

Preparation stage

Home redevelopment begins with this.

  • Drawing up a diagram. It is advisable to inquire whether openings were made in the apartments on the floor below/above. It is optimal if they are located equally. By the way, this will make obtaining permission somewhat easier. During the design process, the parameters of the door are also taken into account, and therefore the appropriate model should be looked at in advance. Otherwise, you will have to further expand/narrow the opening, and this is extra work.
  • Cleaning the base. Before you start cutting through the wall, you need to assess its condition. If signs of rot are visible, then you will have to do treatment, impregnation with special agents. In addition, it will become clear what will be needed during the work. Making an opening in a load-bearing wall with only a set of household tools at hand will definitely not work.

You should not use an impact-type electric tool (jackhammer, hammer drill with this function). His work initiates the appearance of cracks in the wall, and where they can “go” is unknown. And this means a decrease in the strength of the structure. To cut a passage into residential building the only acceptable option is cutting the material with a grinder (with a diamond blade).

  • Surface marking. This is necessary in order to obtain the correct geometry of the opening, without bevels or curvatures of its end parts. This is especially true for thick walls; It is in this case that significant errors are inevitable, since you will have to cut into the material alternately from both sides.

After drawing the contour along its perimeter, maintaining the exact direction cutting tool(perpendicular to the base), through holes are drilled (at what distance is decided on the spot). Based on them, a similar outline is drawn on the back side of the wall.

Arrangement of the opening

  • Installation of supports. The feasibility of this is determined by local specifics. But logs (sleepers, beams) installed vertically in the area working area, unload the wall, and the load on it is reduced.
  • Protection flooring. Dust is not as bad as heavy fragments. When making a doorway in a panel house, you need to be prepared for large pieces of concrete with protruding reinforcement to fall off. Therefore, plastic film will not save the floor. It is advisable to cover it with rubber strips, thick fabric, etc. Chipboard slabs/sheets, plywood, boards will do.
  • Removing material. At the first stage, you should mark the contour with an insert of a disk on both sides of the opening. After that, break it into segments and cut them out one by one. If we're talking about about masonry, it is even simpler - it is dismantled in rows.

  • Processing the opening. In any case, the wall in this place must be strengthened. Therefore, it is necessary to give the passage the correct geometry. If there is little work in a brick building, then in relation to panel house its volume increases. You will have to cut off all protruding pieces of reinforcing bar and perform concreting damaged areas. The result should be a rectangle of the calculated width and height.
  • Strengthening the passage. The technique is selected depending on the wall material.
  • Brick. In this case, a channel is sufficient. At the top of the opening they arrange small niches, on both sides, where it is laid metal blank. To ensure the reliability of the stop, its edges must extend into the masonry by at least 25 cm. It is somewhat more difficult with a thick wall. To strengthen it, you will need 2 channels installed on both sides of the opening. They are tightened with through studs, onto the ends of which bolts are screwed. The cavities formed in the wall are filled with solution.

  • Concrete products For concrete, a horizontal lintel alone is clearly not enough. To really strengthen the load-bearing wall, a U-shaped frame is installed in the opening. You can make it in advance (by size door block) or weld during operation from strip (thick) iron, I-beam, channel. This design is fixed with anchors; Reliability cannot be achieved simply by “landing” on the solution.

If the opening is large enough, then its additional reinforcement can be made in the form of supports for the floor, stylized as columns. Easiest to use steel pipes large section. There are enough options for decorating them, and the services of a specialist will not be needed.

Even at the stage of preparation for marking the wall, it is necessary to clarify exactly how the in-house electrical wiring is organized in this area. Moreover, if it was not the owner who was doing it, but someone else. The most simple technique- by using cell phone in "FM" mode. By moving it along the surface of the wall, it is easy to determine the wiring layout based on the noise level.

To increase strength structural elements(pipes, channels) it is advisable to perform injection. That is, introduce a solution of good fluidity into the cavity. After hardening, it will not only improve the strength of the samples, but also increase the reliability of their bonding to the base material.

In principle, making an opening in the wall is not difficult. The technology is quite simple and powerful home handyman. But only subject to proper calculations and the right choice tools and materials. Therefore, it is at the preparation stage that one should pay attention Special attention. Everything else is a matter of time.

When carrying out redevelopment, a new doorway in a load-bearing wall may be needed if:

  • association of apartments;
  • extension of the bathroom into the corridor leading to the kitchen - in this case you need new entrance through the living room;
  • combining a kitchen with a living room, etc.

However, installing a new doorway not only makes the apartment more comfortable to live in, but non-residential premises– more functional, but also implies responsibility for the implementation of such redevelopment.

Legality of constructing an opening in a load-bearing wall

The important thing to remember here is that You cannot make an opening in load-bearing walls without first approving such redevelopment . Unauthorized touching of capital structures can lead to an accident, an accident, penalties and an order from government authorities to return the apartment original appearance, and at your own expense.

To approve an opening in a load-bearing wall, two fundamental documents will be required:

  1. Technical report (it must be ordered from the author of the house project).
  2. Redevelopment project with a section on strengthening the doorway.

If the author of the house project is not known, you must apply for a technical conclusion to the State Unitary Enterprise MoszhilNIIproekt. This state organization was authorized by the Moscow Government to develop technical reports for buildings built according to individual project, for which at the moment, for various reasons, the authors - the developers of the house - have lost their legal force.

Most often this apartment buildings, built before the 50s, whose authors cannot be identified today. Or modern monolithic houses, built according to a one-time project, the developer of which has ceased to exist.

By the way, we provide assistance in obtaining a technical opinion from the author of the house project, since we have many years of successful experience in cooperation with all the leading research and design institutes in Moscow .

The redevelopment project is developed by any organization with an SRO certificate. This can be done for you by our partner - a well-proven design bureau that designs project documentation in accordance with all current regulations and rules, as a result of which the prepared redevelopment projects are successfully coordinated with the Moscow Housing Inspectorate and the administrations of cities near Moscow.

Without knowing the intricacies of the legislation, many owners agree to install an opening in load-bearing walls based only on a design project. However a redevelopment project and an apartment design project are two completely different documents .

A design project allows you to understand what your apartment will look like after renovation work. This project is prepared by a designer who, relying on his taste, professional experience and knowledge offers options for color design interior, finishing methods, “arranges” furniture, etc. All this, of course, helps a lot when planning and carrying out repairs.

You just need to take into account that design project is an informal document, not having any legal force when carrying out complex redevelopments. It is prepared exclusively for you and it will not be possible to reconcile it , if during repairs an opening was made in the load-bearing wall. Therefore, redevelopment carried out on the basis of a design project will be considered illegal, which is fraught with serious problems for the homeowner.

Read about redevelopment projects.

Unlike a design project, a redevelopment project has a full-fledged legal status and it is this that is submitted to the Moscow Housing Inspectorate for approval, after which permission is obtained for redevelopment, and, accordingly, for the construction of a new doorway.

AND You shouldn’t listen to the opinion of those builders who will try to convince you to make an opening in a load-bearing wall without any approval, saying: “We’ve already done this a hundred times, renovating other apartments, and nothing happened.”

Firstly, the habit of carrying out repair work without approved project documentation most likely indicates their illegal status, and, therefore, low qualifications and professionalism.

Secondly, punching an opening without taking into account technical characteristics buildings and premises, and without taking into account the condition of the supporting structures, such builders risk allowing partial or complete collapse of the structure, which means they put the health and life of you and your loved ones at risk.

In the end, if an illegal redevelopment is discovered, you will also have to pay a fine and return the layout to its original state at your own expense.

Prohibitions on the construction of openings in load-bearing walls during physical work

To create an opening, it is very risky and inconvenient to use outdated impact equipment (jackhammer, scrap metal, sledgehammer, hammer drill), which has a destructive effect on the surface being treated - concrete and brickwork.

The use of such a tool leads to cracks appearing in the concrete and the brick begins to crumble. This violates the strength and stability of the building’s load-bearing structures and is fraught with tragic consequences.

The result of using percussion tools when constructing doorways:

Today, they are used to cut out a door or window opening in a wall. Moreover, the project documentation clearly states that the use of traditional tools is limited or completely prohibited, and instead it is recommended that partial dismantling capital walls use diamond equipment.

In addition, it is forbidden to violate the technology for laying a cut out fragment of a wall on the floor, sawing it into blocks and transporting them, because if a piece of concrete weighing several tens of kilograms falls, the interfloor ceiling may be damaged.

"Knocked out" opening in a brick wall

No technology was used at all when constructing this opening.
Usually, with the most primitive “technology”, the contours of the opening are “cut” with a grinder to the depth of its recess on both sides and then the opening is broken with an impact tool (a hammer drill, a drill with hammer mode, etc.).
Here, there was neither one nor the other. The opening was simply “knocked out” with a sledgehammer and carefully “knocked” around the perimeter.

Also, one must not deviate from the agreed upon redevelopment project, which, when installing a doorway in the wall, is provided with an additional section devoted to its reinforcement with metal structures and in general carrying out work. They suggest:

  • installation;
  • preliminary reinforcement of an opening that has not yet been cut with a transverse beam made of double angles or channels;
  • installation of a reinforcement frame;
  • voids and gaps between metal reinforcement elements and the wall with cement mortar.

In order to comply with the order of construction and strengthening of the opening, before hiding the traces of the work performed behind the plaster, the organization that developed the design documentation and carries out the designer's supervision carries out control measures to establish the compliance of the completed repairs with the approved project .

When such a correspondence is established, they sign. This document confirms that the opening in the load-bearing wall was constructed in accordance with established norms and rules.

Our company has all the necessary permits to carry out work on installing and strengthening door and window openings in load-bearing walls. By contacting us, you can be 100% sure that all activities will be carried out efficiently and in compliance with current construction and sanitary standards and regulations.

Contact information on how to contact us is presented in full on our website .

Quite often when you do major renovation apartments, there is a desire to move doorway. This is due not so much to the uniqueness of the apartment design, but to its inconvenience, since in some of our apartment projects there is no logic at all. Therefore, if you want to make an opening in a main wall, or make a door in it, then we would like to consider this issue in this article.

Many apartment owners are wondering: is it possible to make an opening in the load-bearing wall of a panel house. Theoretically, it is possible to make an opening in a load-bearing wall, but there are a lot of “BUTs” here. First, you need to agree on the redevelopment. Why? There is no need to believe that permission and approval of the opening is a purely bureaucratic procedure. It is such because of the officials, and it was created with good intentions, so that with your changes you do not violate the structure of the building and so that the building does not simply begin to collapse, especially an apartment building.

There are two types of homemade opening in the wall: illegal and legal. Their differences are as follows: a legal layout is a guarantee of quality and safety, you will be sure that harm supporting structures you did not damage the house and the opening itself will be done according to all the rules. An illegal opening in the wall will help you avoid the procedure for legalizing redevelopment on initial stage, but if the fact of redevelopment in the future is established, then you will be obliged to block the opening or will be required to legalize it, and with the payment of a fine. Therefore, website builders strongly advise you to do everything legally, and besides permitting documentation will include a clear and detailed redevelopment plan, which will simplify the procedure for making an opening.

When everything is agreed upon, you hire a team of builders, or make the opening yourself, using special equipment. Before making an opening in concrete wall it must be cleaned of paint and wallpaper, after which you need to mark the opening on the wall on one side. When the marking is applied, we transfer it to another wall, this can be done using beacons, that is, on the side where the marking is located, you make through holes, based on them you will transfer the opening marking to the other side of the wall. This must be done because the opening will be cut on both sides and so that the “contours” of the opening are smooth and symmetrical.

Attention! In order to make an opening in the wall, do not use percussion instruments, such as a jackhammer. Due to the high degree of impact, cracks and other damage may appear on the wall.

In order to make an opening you will need a 12 mm drill, an angle grinder and a diamond-coated disk for it. The opening is made in parts, divide the opening space into parts, approximately 40 by 40 cm, and cut it out in such pieces. To do this, make through holes with a drill in increments of 3-4 cm, then cut out this part with a grinder. When cutting, use construction vacuum cleaner, which will collect all the dust. When you pull out the cut parts of the wall, make a flooring from wood materials so as not to damage the floor.

The next stage of work is the so-called strapping. It is necessary for strengthening. Tying is done using metal corners, plates and reinforced rods. More details about the installation of the strapping, the width and length of the corners, as well as other nuances, will be described in the project documentation.