What colorless varnish to coat the lining inside the house. How to cover the lining outside and inside the house - methods, varnishes and paints for painting wood. Various types of processing compounds

Lining is a finishing material that looks good in the interior wooden house. It is used for both residential and utility rooms. The wood from which it is made needs to be treated with protective agents. And to give an attractive appearance, a decorative coating is applied to the lining. Naturally, to create a beautiful coating you need to choose the right processing products and decorative materials.

Why treat lining and how to choose the right products

Before processing the lining you should find out:

  • is it necessary to apply protective covering, or you can do without it;
  • in which rooms the treatment will be carried out - dry or with high humidity;
  • whether to apply a decorative coating, tint or leave it natural.

Having decided, you can begin to select the impregnation and material for the decorative finishing of the lining in the interior. You can leave the lining uncoated, but this option is suitable for people who are satisfied with the fact that the wood darkens over time. Some owners do it on purpose artificial aging by using blowtorch. After this, it not only darkens, but also releases resin, which gives the surface its individuality. It happens that bathhouse owners do not treat the walls because they use cheap lining. It will be more practical for them to change it completely after a few years rather than waste time and money on processing it.

In order to properly process the walls, you should know what functions the impregnation for the lining inside the house should perform. So, the impregnation should:

  • give good protection from ignition, such qualities give wooden products flame retardants that reduce its flammability;
  • protect from moisture, especially in damp areas. To do this on wooden surface antiseptic agents are applied;
  • protect from mechanical damage (chips and scratches);
  • protect from exposure ultraviolet rays. Wood treated with agents that increase resistance to ultraviolet radiation changes its color more slowly;
  • provide bactericidal protection against insects;
  • give walls beautiful view. You can give the lining the desired shade using tinting. Using varnish, you can make the surface glossy, matte or semi-matte.

To give wood necessary properties Usually several compositions with the desired qualities are used.

Types of compositions - fire retardants, stains, varnishes and paints

All compositions for processing lining can be divided into two groups: protective and decorative. The first are designed to extend service life. They protect against moisture, insects, fungus, and mold. The latter give the lining an attractive appearance. The treatment must be updated regularly, as over time the products lose their properties. Processing of lining indoors is carried out with the following compounds.

Fire retardants reduce the flammability of wood. This is especially important for living rooms. If a fire occurs, fire retardants prevent the fire from spreading and help extinguish it. They are odorless and therefore harmless to health.

Antiseptic agents protect against the formation of mold and mildew. Stops the spread of existing mold. Over time, the product is washed out and evaporates, so re-treatment is required. There are bio moisture protective equipment, which not only protect against fungus, mold, and pests, but also give the wood water-repellent qualities and an attractive appearance. They are expensive, but make it possible to refuse treatment with stain, antiseptic and varnish.

The stain performs antiseptic functions, but at the same time gives the wooden surface a tint. The most popular stains are those that impart dark shades. This product does not create a film on the surface, but penetrates into the pores of the material to a small depth. Wood saturated with stain should be varnished, otherwise the surface will look dirty. Drying oil was previously very popular, but in Lately it is used less and less. The wood quickly darkens, and after 2-3 years the surface becomes sticky. It is used for utility rooms.

Bleaching agents are designed to remove dark stains, areas with a blue tint, and stripes from wooden surfaces. There are several types of such products, differing in application and effectiveness. Usually the product is applied to the surface and washed off after a certain time.

Varnishes are used if you want to preserve the naturalness and texture of wood. Acrylic varnishes that are harmless to human health are used indoors. The first layer is applied transparently, without dyes, and in the second layer coloring pigments are added. Alkyd varnishes are more used for floors, as they have high strength properties. They are applied to walls in places where large mechanical loads are possible. An alternative is wax mixtures that protect the wood and give the surface a semi-matte shine.

Oil paint penetrates deeply into wood, provides good protection from moisture, and is resistant to mechanical damage. Used for decorative finishing. Flaws: low vapor permeability, takes a long time to dry, loses color over time. Acrylate paint is in many ways superior to its oil counterpart: it dries quickly, does not fade over time, penetrates well into pores, gives a rich color, and has high vapor barrier qualities. It does not crack if the panels are affected by temperature changes. This paint has one drawback - its high cost.

Technology for applying protective and decorative coatings

At the finishing stage, a novice builder has to master new technologies. You need to nail the lining correctly, know how and with what to process it, and perform decorative finishing. Coating the material with the selected means is carried out in stages. Before processing, prepare the lining.

  1. 1. First, it should be cleaned of contamination with a solution. For this purpose in warm water dissolve the soda. Wash the lining with this solution. If there old layer paint, for better adhesion it is advisable to completely remove the previous layer to remove cracks and peeling.
  2. 2. Inspect the cleaned lining: remove mold, mildew, and treat darkened spots with bleach. Finally, the panels should be wiped with a clean rag to completely remove dirt and paint residues. If there are damaged panels, they must be replaced.
  3. 3. On next stage We polish the surface. The operation is performed using pumice or fine-grained sandpaper. To avoid any unsanded areas, divide the entire wall into small areas and process them consistently. Sanding should be done evenly, being careful not to rub in one place and not to apply much force.
  4. 4. The final stage of preparing the lining for application of products is priming. Apply a layer of primer to the wall using a brush or spray gun. The seams between the panels must be treated especially carefully. One layer is enough. Sometimes a painting compound is used as a primer.

By yourself or with a brush. For painting, prepare two brushes: narrow and medium - use the narrow brush to paint hard to reach places. In order for the coating to serve for a long time and be durable, you need to apply 2-3 thin layers. The painting procedure is as follows:

  • mix the paint and pour it into a small container;
  • dip the brush in paint up to half the bristles;
  • Before applying, press the brush to the surface and smoothly move it along the panel;
  • then apply the paint in the same way over the entire surface, without touching the painted areas;
  • We paint corners and openings with a narrow brush.

You should start applying paint from the top to avoid drips. To eliminate shade differences, apply one coat at a time. If you need to take a break, you should leave your work out of sight. Apply the next layer after completely dry previous one. Finishing layer we do minimum thickness, apply with light, even movements from top to bottom.

The varnish is applied in the same way. If the product is tinted, it should be thoroughly mixed before application and stirred periodically during use. We add less coloring pigment to each subsequent layer, in this case the surface after painting will acquire a deeper and more attractive shine.

Your home is your fortress, a reliable rear, a place for mental relaxation. Therefore, the environment in it must correspond to all these parameters. What creates comfort and peace in the home? Of course, the corresponding interior. Many owners, to create an atmosphere of comfort, warmth and a special aura of goodness and well-being in the house, use ordinary wooden lining as interior decoration, which has again come into fashion in recent years.

But beautiful finish, like a beautiful woman, requires a reliable protector.

Lining protection

No matter what kind of wood the wooden covering is made of, its protection must be approached with all responsibility. After all, it depends on it natural beauty and durability.

There is currently no shortage of protective equipment. What types of protective coatings exist and what properties do they have? Experts highlight the following:

1. Translucent and opaque antiseptics so-called glazing and covering.

These products protect the wood from fungal growths, darkening and rotting. They can serve as protection from 3 to 5 years.

Glazing coatings, protecting the surface with a translucent film, highlight the structure of the wood and emphasize its beauty.

Coating products not only protect, but also decorate the tree, hide its defects, highlighting its relief. We can recommend: Valtti Techo, Vinha. All of them are produced by the Finnish company Tekkurila.

Video - how aqualak works on wood:

2. Oil paints- a good and fairly common type of protection. Their distinctive feature is their special resistance to adverse natural influences.

They are well absorbed into wood and prevent deep penetration water vapor into its structure.

Of course, slow drying and change color range(burnout) are among their negative qualities, but in general they are quite suitable for protective purposes. Durosil and Teho are commonly used types oil paints for wood.

3. Acrylic paints retain their color and shine for many years. While protecting the wood, they at the same time allow it to “breathe”, and the substance included in their composition - acrylate - prevents the dye from cracking, preserving it original appearance for a long time, can last up to 10 years. Some of the representatives are Pinya Pro and Pica Techo.

And the most effective and popular defenders among consumers, without any doubt, are various: polyurethane, alkyd, varnishes water based . Which lining varnish perfectly protects and is best suited for the interior, as well as its distinctive features, we will look in more detail.

Water-based varnishes - features, advantages and disadvantages

Choosing a varnish for the lining inside a house is not an easy task.

Experts who work with various types of wood know this firsthand. First of all, they advise paying close attention to the water base. and their individual characteristics:

  • High degree of protection against adverse factors environment.
  • Durability. They note that they stay on the surface for 5 to 7 years.
  • Decorative features that positively affect the structure wooden coverings and their appearance. They do not spoil the natural color of the wood and do not give a yellow tint.
  • Environmental friendliness. They do not emit harmful fumes that have a detrimental effect on the health of household members. They do not have allergic components.
  • Quick drying (up to 24 hours) and self-leveling, which makes it possible to obtain a perfectly flat surface.
  • Fire safety. They contain components that inhibit wood fire.

The main feature of such paints is that, while forming a transparent film on the surface of the wood, they do not spoil the surface texture, leaving a natural wood pattern and color.

In addition, they do not contain solvents that cause allergic reaction body.

Many water-based varnishes contain one or two components. What does it mean?

One-component ones do not contain a hardener and are easier to use. However, they have a significant drawback - they are not very durable.

Two-component varnishes contain a hardener, which better protects the surface of the wood and prevents it from crumbling or swelling for many years.

Speaking about water-based varnishes, experts, based on their features and consumer reviews, give them an excellent rating and believe that they are the best suited for interior decoration premises.

However, minor disadvantages should also be noted - you should not use strong detergents when cleaning and washing. chemicals. May fade. Therefore, you need to carefully choose detergents and cleaning agents, and preferably, on a natural basis.

Preparing the lining for varnishing

So that the varnish for the lining lays beautifully and the surface of the wood is smooth and pleasing to the eye, it needs to be prepared for painting.

First of all, you need to clean the wood from dirt, dust and remove all irregularities. To do this, you can walk over the surface with a steel or hair brush.

Then use pumice and sandpaper to clean off all roughness, especially carefully at the ends and chamfers. The wood can then be washed warm water with the addition of 2% soda. And let it dry well. This is the first stage of preparation.

Second stage preparation is to treat the wood with a primer. This stage is very important. The primer fills the entire porous surface of the wood, which significantly saves paint consumption. You can apply the primer either with a brush or a roller; many people use a spray gun to speed up the process.

Now you can begin the varnishing process itself.

Video - DIY painting:

Varnishing of lining with a water-based composition

Covering is not very difficult. The main thing is to know the operating technology and follow the operating instructions.

  • Do not dilute with drying oil or other thinners. Water-based varnish may curl. They are diluted only with water.
  • The dye should not be stored at sub-zero temperature, especially to paint. May freeze and become unusable.
  • Stir thoroughly before use until smooth.
  • To apply varnish, it is better to use brushes made of natural bristles, small in diameter. They crumble less and do not leave unwanted fragments on the surface.
  • The use of a spray gun is encouraged. The varnish will be evenly distributed throughout the wood.
  • Can also be used paint roller, but with short pile.
  • The varnish should be applied in a continuous motion along the surface, then it will lay down in an even layer.
  • It is advisable to make two or three such layers. Which will give a rich, uniform color.
  • When covering the lining with each subsequent layer of varnish, you must allow the previous layer to dry. After drying, it is better to sand each layer with zero-grade sandpaper before applying the next layer of dye. Then the surface will delight the master with a deep, uniform color.

Video - final processing:


Water-based lining varnishes have different prices. It all depends on the manufacturer and the quality of the product. Here are some of them:

  1. PANELLILAKA- a water-based mixture for varnishing walls and ceilings made of wood, produced by the Finnish company Teknos. The cost is 409 rubles for 0.9 liters.
  2. Varnish TOBAGO, the same company Teknos. Also applicable for interior work and is water based. Price for 0.9 liters is 209 rubles.
  3. PANELLI ACCA matte- also water-based from Tikkurila. Used for wooden coverings. Price for 0.9 liters is 475 rubles.
  4. PANELLI ACCA semi-matte- intended for wood panels. Water-based. Price for 0.9 liters 637 rubles.

As you can see, prices vary greatly. You can decide for yourself which varnish to choose. We hope that our advice will help you make your home cozy and safe.

When constructing or renovating residential premises, the question often arises: how to cover the lining in a house? Here is the most collected full information about the treatment of cladding with a protective composition, their properties, grades and technology. We also talk about preparation and processing based on our experience.

Principles of mixture selection

How to cover the lining inside the house? A similar problem often faces attentive owners of their homes. To solve this problem, you need to answer the following questions:

  • Is it necessary to cover it with something?
  • Will the treatment be carried out in a damp or dry room?
  • Does the material need tinting? Or, on the contrary, do you need to preserve the natural color of the wood?

Having answered these questions, you can already understand what special mixture to take for interior work in the room for impregnation.

What properties should the mixtures have?

  • Moisture protection
  • Temperature protection
  • Anti-pollution
  • Protection against mold formation
  • Increasing the level of fire resistance of wood
  • Prevention of mechanical damage
  • Protection against fading due to sun rays
  • Required visual characteristics

Now it’s worth focusing on certain types of lining made of lining. These can be impregnations, stains, as well as varnish mixtures or paints. The choice of how to paint the wood remains with the buyer.

Impregnations with stains differ in that they penetrate into the structure of the tree. These include drying oil, which is currently used only in utility rooms.

It does its job well, but after a while the skin darkens under its influence and acquires an unpleasant film on the surface.

Protective impregnations are often used for antiseptic and fire-fighting purposes, so the wood is coated with the composition on both sides before direct installation. But after using such impregnation, you should definitely pay attention to its compatibility with any finishing coatings, for example, paints.

Antiseptic film compositions are close in their functions to protective impregnations. They are especially well suited for lining outside a building.

Stain is mostly used to give the material a certain tone and to disinfect the surface of the lining.

The most common brands of impregnations and stains:

  • "Tikkurila"
  • "Senezh"
  • "Pinotex"

Now it’s worth paying attention to such protective mixtures as varnish coatings and paints. Their use is absolutely optional, since a good stain or impregnation will provide reliable protection wood

Paints are often used in decorative purposes, since they are able to hide distortions, sometimes the color of the lining that is unpleasant to the eye after it is finished with stain or impregnation.

But still we cannot discount protective properties paints

When starting a conversation about varnishes, it should be said that they are used to preserve the natural color and structure of wood.

Color palette

Types of varnish coatings:

  • Water based
  • Acrylic
  • Alkyd
  • Polyurethane

If it is necessary to cover the cladding indoors, it is recommended to use water-based varnish, since they do not contain toxins; moreover, they are fire resistant and easy to use. In addition, the owner can choose two types of textures: matte or glossy.

If you need to cover outer skin, then a transparent coating that has a high degree of resistance to ultraviolet rays is well suited.

In order to “age” wood for decorative purposes, it is recommended to coat it with varnish with the addition of color.

Alkyd composition can be applied to parquet and floorboards due to the fact that it has high level strength, and is also able to withstand severe mechanical damage.

If in some places in the room the cladding can also be subject to mechanical stress, then it is best to apply alkyd varnish to it “spotwise”.

Continuing the conversation you can’t help but pay attention to the different colors, although they are used much less frequently than varnishes. An excellent option is translucent paint, which partially preserves the natural structure of the wood.

Popular paint brands:

  • "Belinka"
  • "Senezh"
  • "Texturol"

Professionals also advise considering painting the lining with wax-based paint. It is made from natural flax oil, so it is less toxic. But the disadvantage of this paint is difficulty in application and high cost.


You need to cover it 2 times.

It is very important to know the sequence of coating, since high-quality processing is the key to ensuring that the facing material will be in excellent condition for a long time.

The necessary tools when painting lining are the protective compound itself, a tray for it, a brush, roller or sprayer, primer, safety glasses, if necessary, a ladder, and pumice stone for sanding.

Video - painting technology (if you need to paint):


Boards after drying

  1. Before covering the board in the house, it requires initial drying, cleaning, sanding, and sanding small flaws and irregularities.
  2. If there are small dark areas on the material, it is necessary to clean them using special compositions for bleaching wood. It could be “Senezh Neo” or “Iney”.
  3. After the bleaching procedure, the material must be washed and dried again.
  4. Be sure to cover the boards with a primer that will fill its pores. Moreover, the primer reduces the consumption of the protective product. The right decision will give the primer the same shade that the varnish has, using the same color.
  5. Next, you should treat the surface with antiseptics and fire retardants.

After waiting for the skin to dry, you can begin the second stage of work.

Applying varnish to the trim

You can cover it with a sprayer if the area is large.

Everyone chooses the tool with which the application will be carried out, if this work will be carried out by the owner with his own hands.

It all depends on the material and the required coverage area.

These can be brushes, rollers or sprayers. But many professionals believe that the highest quality and most beautiful coating is obtained when applied with a brush.

Video - how to cover wooden walls:

Application sequence:

  • 1. The coating should be mixed so that the toning is uniform. Before you start painting, it is recommended to make a stroke in an inconspicuous place to check the saturation of the pigment.
  • 2. Using brush movements along the wood grain, apply the first layer.
  • 3. Leave the first layer until completely dry. After this, sand it and apply a second coat.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that if eurolining is treated with a similar composition, then with each subsequent layer the amount of color shade should decrease.

By applying the varnish in this way, it will acquire a deeper and glossier color.

Plastering a varnished surface. Then cover again.

By the way, the main differences between regular and eurolining are the fastening, since the latter has more complex profile, the quality of the wood, the presence of channels for wood ventilation, the depth of the tongue-and-groove joint and, of course, the price.

4. The final layer should be transparent. It should not be sanded.

When painting, much attention should be paid to the ends of the lining, since this is the most vulnerable part of this material.

Cost of work

A full range of work, including coating wood with a protective solution and antiseptic with layer-by-layer sanding, will cost approximately 250-290 rubles per 1 square meter.

1 liter of varnish costs approximately 140-150 rubles, depending on the brand.

Thus, you should treat it very responsibly, sparing no effort, time and money. You should also very carefully read the information written on the can of the protective agent.

We hope that this information will help when covering the clapboard paneling with your own hands.

Lining is one of the most commonly used materials nowadays. It usually has an outer protective coating, so many people think that just installing it is enough and nothing else is required. However, in order to improve the resistance of this finishing material to the effects of negative external factors, and also, to extend the life of the boards, it is advisable to use lining varnish. This composition protects the surface and also makes it visually attractive.

Typically, high-quality lining is made from natural wood, after which it is coated with special impregnations, so this material already has some protection. But if you apply a suitable varnish to the surface, the aesthetic properties will increase and the protection of the given surface will increase. facing material. Thanks to the finishing with transparent varnish, you can preserve it for a long time, and even highlight it. natural texture, wood shade. It will not change when negative impact ultraviolet rays, especially if the lining is not used inside the house, but on the balcony.

Nowadays, lining is used not only on balconies and under the roof space, but also inside the house, where it looks very attractive. Thanks to the coating with a pigmented type of lining varnish, you can make the shade more saturated. And if you apply it to a natural wooden surface, you can completely transform the wood, making it more solid and expensive. Many people have a question: what kind of varnish can be used to coat the lining inside the house and on the balcony? Next, popular types of varnish compositions will be considered.


To process wood on the balcony and at home, best option- This is an environmentally friendly and harmless varnish composition, preferably without any unpleasant odor or toxic components. Experts say it's better to paint wooden base water-based varnish.

Water-soluble types of varnish mixtures can be safely applied inside living rooms; such products do not contain solvents, so they do not have a specific unpleasant odor. In addition, water-based varnish is hypoallergenic, safe for human health, has a long service life, and can be used to cover ceilings and walls, as well as various floors, partitions, balcony elements and loggias.

There are one-component and two-component water-soluble varnish mixtures. What is the best varnish to use for lining? Two-component varnishes must be mixed before use; they create a better protective layer. Applying varnish on the balcony and at home is quite easy; it does not require special knowledge or skills in the field of finishing; it is easy to work with the varnish mixture. Depending on the structure of the wood, its absorbency, as well as how many layers the composition will be applied, the consumption of varnish will depend.

Water-soluble types of varnishes for lining have many advantages:

  • environmentally friendly and non-toxic;
  • do not have an unpleasant odor, so you can use this varnish for lining inside the house;
  • are fireproof;
  • not sensitive to sunlight, after many years the protective coating will not turn yellow and will not change the color of wooden products;
  • have an excellent adhesion rate, that is, they adhere well to wood;
  • have a good level of physical and mechanical protection;
  • very easy and quick to apply;
  • can be tinted in any available color.

Despite these advantages, coating lining with varnish has some disadvantages. These compositions take quite a long time to dry because water evaporates longer than the organic solvent. Water-based acrylic varnish (one of the most common) is quite expensive. If necessary, before painting the base, it is necessary to properly prepare it - remove dust, dirt, and other contaminants from it, and sand the surface.

What kind of varnish can be used to coat the lining on the balcony if you need to protect the outer surface located under open air? For this would be better suited alkyd or polyurethane varnish new solution. These varieties are more suitable for external surfaces; they will last much longer, and also more reliably protect the lining from the harmful effects of the environment and precipitation. The disadvantage of polyurethane and alkyd varnishes is their toxicity, they emit substances harmful to humans into the air, because one of their components is an organic solvent, so they are suitable for coating external parts balconies or loggias.


In addition to varnish mixtures, special impregnations are also used to protect the lining. They penetrate deeply into the surface of the wood and create a reliable protective layer. Quite often, impregnations or stains that have a wax base are used on balconies. The most simple option impregnation is stain, which is quite inexpensive, and in terms of characteristics it is practically no worse than expensive materials.

Different types of stains have an alcohol, acrylic, oil and water base. In addition, powder, gel and ready-to-use stains are produced; they are intended for either external or internal use. Impregnation, which has a wax base, protects the wood from high air humidity, so the wood does not begin to rot. Protective layer, formed on the surface, withstands temperature changes, the surface becomes very attractive. Impregnations are often used to protect the lining from harsh climates, large temperature fluctuations and high humidity; they are applied to internal surfaces saunas and baths.

Varnishing rules

To acrylic lacquer or another type of varnish composition is firmly held on a wooden paneling indoors or outside a balcony, loggia, veranda or terrace, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules for applying varnish mixtures. Before applying any type of solution, such as acrylic varnish, polyurethane or alkyd, the surface must be cleaned and sanded.

Then, in order to reduce the consumption of expensive varnish, as well as improve the adhesion (adhesion) of the varnish mixture to the lining, experts recommend priming the base. Also, thanks to priming, the protective characteristics are improved. decorative covering. If a water-based varnish is applied, then the primer should be the same in composition so that it interacts as well as possible with the varnish solution.

When the impregnation or primer has dried (usually this takes 4-24 hours, depending on the temperature and humidity), you can begin to apply varnish to the lining. The application process can be carried out using a brush, roller, spray or swab. A swab and brush are used when you need to varnish a small surface area, a roller and a spray gun allow you to varnish very quickly a large number of square meters linings.

Before applying the composition, it must be thoroughly mixed. If the varnish mixture is very thick, it can be diluted according to the instructions, either with water or thinner. More liquid solutions spread over the surface much better, and the layer is not very thick. Do not exceed the dilution ratio specified in technical specifications or in the instructions.

Important! If pigment dye or tint is added to the varnish, it is important to thoroughly mix the composition to obtain a uniform consistency in viscosity and shade.

Apply the varnish to the surface of the lining carefully so that the mixture does not get on the skin, eyes, or nearby objects. You need to work in a respirator, goggles and gloves. If varnish gets on your skin or other objects, it must be washed off immediately with water before it dries, otherwise it will be much more difficult to remove. It is advisable to varnish in several layers to ensure maximum surface protection. There is no need to save money when choosing paint and varnish products; they must be of high quality, because the success of varnishing and subsequent operation of the lining depends on this.

Artificial Decoration Materials gradually experienced their boom, and gradually wood began to win back the market. This statement is relevant not only for the construction of houses, but also for their interior design clapboard. Completely environmentally friendly cladding adds additional comfort, warmth and beauty to the premises. However, not knowing how to cover the lining, some owners leave it unprotected. As a result, beautiful wood, which with proper treatment could last for many years, needs to be replaced after 5-7 years. This happens due to its destruction, chipping, stains during cleaning, and contamination.

Varnishing of lining

Main purpose of wood processing

After covering interior spaces clapboard, it is necessary to carry out the first surface treatment no later than a week later. By using a varnish that is correctly selected for the conditions of the internal microclimate, you will be able to guarantee the material:

  • durability - after treatment with varnish, the appearance of fungus, mold, and rotting processes is no longer possible;
  • aesthetics – neutral reaction to UV radiation;
  • improved performance – the outer layer protects against impacts and other types of physical impact;
  • fire resistance – protected wood can withstand strong flame pressure.

Regardless of the type of varnish chosen, the lining is pre-treated various materials: drying oil, antiseptic, protective impregnation, stain or heat treatment. For self-execution This procedure uses a torch to slowly scorch upper layer each element, achieving uniform darkening.

During processing, especially coniferous species, resin is released, which gives the lining a special originality. However, now such operations are carried out much less frequently, since more effective protective agents and varnishes are available on sale, the work with which is carried out much faster.

How to choose a varnish

When choosing what to cover the lining with, you need to familiarize yourself with all types of similar products. The most popular varnishes among builders are:

  • water soluble;
  • polyurethane;
  • alkyd;
  • acrylic.

All of them are suitable for application inside residential premises, as they do not emit toxic fumes and are completely safe for the health of the inhabitants of the house. At the same time, polyurethane and alkyd types of varnishes can also be used for external treatment of structures, which makes them universal and facilitates the task of painting for owners.

This is what varnished lining looks like


They perfectly help wood retain its unique texture and are good choice for those who are just deciding how to paint the lining inside the house. They protect surfaces from exposure to sunlight, and the aesthetic perception of the lining only benefits from this.

Depending on the main composition, following the instructions, acrylic coatings diluted with water, alcohol or ethers, which dry very quickly after application. Acrylic surfaces do not tolerate moisture well, so when dirty spots on the walls, it is better to refrain from the desire to wash them. It is especially undesirable to use these materials in particularly wet areas, for example, in the kitchen.


They are no less beneficial, because they are moisture resistant and, unlike their acrylic counterparts, the surfaces coated with them can even be washed. True, without using household chemicals and abrasives. An actual advantage if small children and pets live in the house. In addition, after complete drying, the varnish becomes so durable that it can withstand some physical exercise, protecting the wood directly from chips and scratches.

The disadvantage of alkyd varnishes is the unpleasant odor when working with it and the long drying time, which takes at least 48 hours. The last problem can be easily dealt with by adding a special hardener to the composition.


Their advantages are difficult to overestimate, since this type of varnish protects the lining not only from problems and aging during interior lining, but climatic tests on external walls designs. This coverage guarantees:

  • increased moisture resistance;
  • lack of reaction to chemical components, alkalis;
  • UV resistance.

Having so many positive qualities also determined the price of polyurethane varnish - it is significantly higher than other analogues.

Water soluble

All water-based varnishes, including acrylic, are characterized by quick drying and complete absence of unpleasant odors. They are so non-toxic that you can paint the lining inside a house using such compounds even without a respirator. Water-soluble varnishes are applied only to the lining located inside the house.

Example of water-soluble varnish for lining

What to consider additionally

There are several nuances, taking into account which you can create a very durable, high-quality and aesthetic coating:

  1. Regardless of the type of varnish chosen, maximum strength can be achieved by applying it in 2 layers.
  2. If the varnish is available for sale in two forms: translucent and completely transparent, apply the second option first. The surface will receive a certain, more saturated shade, but at the same time the structure of the wood will be preserved for visual inspection.
  3. We must not forget about the protective impregnation against biocorrosion, which must be carefully treated with the lining before varnishing.
  4. During operation, the varnishing agent is often stirred to maintain a uniform structure. When the first layer is completely dry, you need to sand it a little and only then re-paint the lining inside the house.

Coating the lining with varnishes does not present any particular difficulties. The owner of the house can cope with such work himself. Especially if it uses the information provided.