How to remove old plaster from a wooden wall. How to remove paint from a ceiling: cleaning methods. Impact removal method

Plaster is a fairly durable finishing material that can last for decades, but only if all technological requirements for plastering are met. There are a number of factors that lead to disruption of the layer of this type of finish. In such situations, its complete replacement is necessary.

The process of dismantling plaster, at first glance, does not require any special skills. However, to remove putty, you will have to arm yourself with certain knowledge.


Often during the renovation process, people think about how to remove old layer plaster, and is it worth doing it at all? In order to produce correctly necessary work, you should familiarize yourself with some of the nuances of this process.

Based on the nature of the deformations, all damage to the plaster is conventionally divided into two main types:

  • Technological defects are those that appear as a result of non-compliance with the technology for preparing the batch or when it is applied incorrectly.
  • Operational defects arise during the period of operation. The reason is, as a rule, unfavorable conditions, various mechanical influences or a long period of use.

Depending on the situation, dismantling of damaged plaster can be complete or partial. Complete dismantling is carried out if the finish has become unusable due to prolonged use, it has deteriorated appearance, and a layer of plaster began to crumble over the entire surface. Partial replacement It is produced only in some places where the layer has crumbled slightly, if the main mass remains intact.

Finding out which areas require replacement is quite easy– the previously plastered surface must be tapped with the handle of a hammer or other blunt object. In places where a dull sound is clearly audible (there are voids), repairs are necessary. An obvious sign that the finish has been replaced is the presence of mold or fungal infestations.

If the coating included cement, then over time the surface may become covered with cracks, but this does not mean that the layer needs to be replaced. If, when tapped, the finish does not begin to crumble and crumble, then there is no need to replace the plaster.

If more than 70% of the surface has peeled off and crumbled, then it is more advisable to completely remove the layer of the previous plaster. The old coating layer must be stronger and heavier than the new one, otherwise the finish will not be able to attach securely and will fall off over time.

Types of mixtures

Having decided on the need to remove the old finishing layer, next stage it is necessary to study what dismantling methods can be used. The latter depend on the type of mixture applied previously. In any case, first remove weak areas of the plaster over the entire surface using hand tools. After these manipulations, mechanized methods can be used.

Gypsum plaster is especially easy to knock off. This coating is quite loose, not very durable and not resistant to moisture. Before removing the plaster finish, it is necessary to wet the walls well (20 minutes before starting work). To make the material soft and friable, it is advisable to add not a large number of acetic acid. The same method can be used to dismantle clay or lime based plaster.

Decorative gypsum plaster is removed quite simply, which cannot be said about polymer (acrylic) or silicate compounds. The latter are highly durable, and removing them can be very problematic. However, the advantage of such coatings is that they can be left untouched, since they are a reliable basis for a new layer, regardless of its composition.

When dismantling decorative or Venetian finish It is unacceptable to use a hammer drill, since this coating has a very thin layer, and if handled carelessly, the base of the wall can be damaged.

It is undesirable to knock down such plaster, so it is better to remove it with a regular scraper or clean it with a grinding and stripping machine.

With the latest tool the process is much faster, and even withdrawal textured plaster becomes easy and takes little time. It is enough just to “walk” the sole of the switched on machine several times along the surface of the wall with a certain pressing force. The only disadvantage of this method is the need to purchase a rather expensive tool.

Removing concrete plaster from walls is not easy. In some cases, this is difficult to do even with a hammer drill, since the coating is thick and durable. In such situations, it is necessary to use a grinder to cut the coating into half-meter squares. After this, the dismantling process becomes easier.

Tools and equipment

Regardless of the dismantling method, you need to “arm yourself” with a certain set of tools:

  • a respirator or protective mask to protect the respiratory tract and tight-fitting goggles to protect the eyes;
  • construction gloves;
  • with a wide brush and a water container or garden sprayer;
  • a chisel for ease of use (preferably with an extended handle);
  • an axe, hammer, sledgehammer or pickaxe;
  • spatula, scraper, scraper;

  • hand wire brush;
  • a hammer drill with wide attachments or a drill with a hammer;
  • grinder with appropriate discs;
  • a machine for cleaning plaster with coarse abrasiveness;
  • dustpan, broom or broom, garbage bags.

Removal process

The process of removing plaster is, in principle, simple. Even a person who does not have any experience in construction can do it with his own hands.

In this case, it is better to follow the step-by-step instructions:

  • A general requirement for all types of plasters is that you should not start dismantling on a dry surface; the finish should be thoroughly wetted. This will help soften the layer and significantly reduce the formation of large amounts of dirt and dust.
  • Before cleaning the old layer, you should carefully analyze the condition of the plaster on the surface. If replacement of the coating is not required, then it is not necessary to remove the entire layer, it is enough partial dismantling weak fragments.
  • To determine the adhesion strength of the plaster to the base of the wall or ceiling, you should tap the surface with a hammer or some other non-sharp metal object. In places with good grip, the sound of impacts will be more intense.
  • The first step is to break the integrity existing coverage. This is done on weak areas of the surface, which are removed in small parts. The cleaned fragments make it possible to reach the end part of the layer.
  • You need to drive a scraper, steel spatula or scraper under this layer and try to remove the coating. Every movement of the plaster under the action of a tool is a sign of weak adhesion to the base. Such fragments require mandatory removal.

  • If the finish is held strong enough and cannot be dismantled, you can use a chisel or chisel and continue beating, lightly tapping the tools with a hammer. It is necessary to hold the tool at an acute angle, this will protect the base of the wall from destruction.
  • More durable compounds that cannot be knocked down with a hammer require the use of a hammer drill or impact drill. Be prepared for noise and a lot of dust. At concrete covering You should use a grinder first.
  • A grinder is used to remove small pieces of mortar.
  • If there is a brick wall under the plaster, then after removing the coating it is necessary to knock off the remaining finishing from the brick and “go through” the seams with a chisel.

Having familiarized yourself with the stages of removing plaster, you can understand how important, but at the same time unpleasant, this process is.

Builders who deal with such situations every day offer some useful advice to beginners:

  • When starting work, you should first determine the location of the wiring and, if necessary, turn off the power supply. Prepare in advance all the tools and materials, as well as the means necessary for personal safety.
  • The hammer drill should be used carefully so as not to damage the base of the wall. It is better to remove the plaster layer a little longer than to repair the damaged base again.
  • Used on a small layer of coating Sander. If the layer exceeds 3 mm, a vibration grinder is used. Her distinctive feature is another principle of movement of the working element.
  • If the old layer of finishing partially remains on the surface, then the next layer must be a little weaker. For example, on cement-sand or polymer coating Any composition can be applied. A gypsum or clay mortar will fit well on the lime layer. Gypsum is not able to withstand the cement layer, since it is heavier. And nothing at all should be applied on top of clay plaster; this composition can only withstand its own kind. But the clay-sand mortar will stick to any surface.

If you decide to make renovations in an apartment or private house, then you should think about what will need to be removed from the walls old plaster. The complexity and labor intensity of the removal process depends on how well the previous plastering of the surface was performed. One way or another, this problem should be approached very carefully.

When exactly should you remove old plaster from walls?

It's no secret that many houses were built during the era of Soviet Union. The volumes of mass construction were reverse side- low quality. Even with the naked eye you can see that the wall “goes in waves.”

In this case, there are simply no options for what to do with the old plaster, and before applying another coating to the walls, gluing wallpaper or performing other actions, the old plaster is removed to the base. You can do this either with your own hands or seek help from specialists.

Important: Applying fresh plaster to old plaster is strictly prohibited. This approach can lead to extremely negative results – peeling of the new coating.

Plaster is also removed in cases where cracks or chips appear on the surface of the wall, and there is also doubt about the quality, otherwise, finishing material may fall off along with the old coating.

This is especially true in situations where the cladding of the wall surface will be carried out using sufficient heavy materials such as tiles, natural or fake diamond and others,

It is worth noting that the presence of cracks does not always indicate poor quality coverings. To eliminate all doubts, you can lightly tap the surface with a hammer and find out whether you just need to repair the old plaster, or whether you still have to completely remove it from the wall.

Removing plaster

Preparatory work

Before you start removing old plaster from the walls, you need to find out where the electric wires and get everyone necessary tools and means personal protection ().

Let's look at them in more detail:

  • Respirator. During work, a large amount of dust is formed in the air, which means it is necessary to protect the respiratory system from it;
  • Gloves. It is recommended to use fairly thick and high-quality gloves to avoid the appearance of calluses on your hands;
  • Safety glasses with a tight fit that will protect your eyes from dust;
  • Impact and chopping tools - hammer, pickaxe, sledgehammer, hatchet and others;

  • A sharp chisel with a long handle;
  • A metal brush, as well as special attachments for a drill and grinder;
  • A hammer drill with a jackhammer function and a chisel-shaped attachment;

  • Angle grinder (grinder) and drill. These tools may not be required, but should be at hand if necessary;
  • A bucket of water or a regular spray bottle;
  • Devices for removing and collecting garbage.

Tip: To find out the location of the electrical wiring (if the diagram is lost), you can use a special device - a detector, like the one shown in the photo. After which experts strongly recommend turning off the power to the room.

Removing old plaster

How to remove old plaster from walls? To make it much easier to remove the old coating, the surface of the walls is wetted before starting work. hot water. This way you can not only get rid of the dust that is already in the air, but also slightly soften the existing plaster.

Among other things, similar steps must be repeated throughout the entire work process, carefully ensuring that the wall is always damp.

Instructions for further actions looks like that:

  1. First of all, the surface is tapped with a hammer or small sledgehammer. This is done in order to determine how firmly the old coating holds. The plaster that is loosely connected to the surface will fall off immediately. To make work easier, pieces of the coating can be pryed up with a pick;
  2. In those places where the coating adheres very weakly, it can be removed with a regular spatula. It is worth noting that this tool it becomes dull quite quickly, which means it needs to be sharpened regularly;

  1. If a spatula, a pick and even a chisel prove powerless, you can pick up a hammer drill with a special attachment shaped like a spatula. In this case, it is recommended to warn neighbors in advance that the apartment will be very noisy;

  1. To make the task a little easier, you can divide the wall surface into small sectors. For this, an angle grinder and a disc for working with stone and concrete are used. Shallow cuts are made on the surface of the wall. It is worth noting that the smaller the so-called cells are, the more the existing coating will weaken;

  1. The work can be completed using specialized grinding machines. As a rule, not everyone has them, which means that purchasing them requires additional financial costs.

Depending on the power and reliability of such tools, the price can vary from the most budgetary to extremely high. In addition, during sanding, a lot of dust is generated, because the old plaster is not knocked off, but is simply sanded off the wall.

  1. When the main part of the plaster is removed, you need to take care of the seams and joints. In order for the new coating to bond to the surface as tightly as possible, the seams are cleaned and slightly embroidered (to a depth of 5-7 mm).

  1. After completing all the above steps, the surface of the wall is cleaned using a metal hand brush or a drill with a special attachment.


When the wall is completely cleared of the old plaster coating, you can begin removing dust and collecting debris. First of all, it is necessary to remove any remaining dust from the surface. For this you can use hot water and the hardest possible brush ().

The wall is actually cleaned of dust. After this, all garbage is put into bags and taken away.

If you still have questions or doubts regarding removing old plaster from walls, I recommend watching the video in this article.

Removing plaster may be necessary different cases. This may be natural destruction from time to time, poor-quality installation, any negative physical or chemical exposure etc. The reason is not important, the main thing is that local repair impossible.

How to remove old plaster from walls using different tools

When removing plaster, especially if you have to work with a hammer drill or a stripping machine, be sure to wear a respirator.

Removing the mortar using a perforator

The simplest and effective method removal - use a drill or hammer drill with a “wide chisel” attachment for it.

  • We put the attachment on the tool and turn on the chiselling mode.
  • We place the hammer drill against the wall at an angle of about 80 degrees and pierce the layer to its entire depth.
  • Immediately reduce the angle to 30-40 degrees and in this position move the tool along the wall, removing the plaster.

The same applies to the question “how to remove plaster from the ceiling”: we use a hammer drill.

Note:We use a large angle of entry in cases where we are breaking through an untouched area, and we begin the movement from already processed ones with a small one. During the process, we make sure that the hammer drill does not damage the material from which the wall itself is made during the removal process.

How to remove old plaster from walls: the video illustrates how to use a hammer drill.

How to remove plaster from walls using a scraping spatula or chisel

Delete old mortar possible without the use of power tools. This is done using a wide chisel or a roughing spatula. First, we lean the tool against the wall vertically and, tapping it with a hammer, we poke out a recess over the entire thickness of the coating. Next, we tilt the chisel/trowel at 45 degrees and continue to work from the “beginning”: moving in any direction while continuously tapping the handle with a hammer.

For your information: This method of removing wall coverings is the quietest and does not result in clouds of dust. However, it makes sense to use it only when you need to remove a small area, since the speed of work will be very low.

How to remove old plaster from walls: use a scraping spatula

Removing decorative plaster

How to clean the walls from plaster if it forms a lot? This question arises in cases where it is necessary to delete . If in the case of leveling coatings we had to knock them down, then here we will grind or scrape them. The fastest way to work will be with a sanding machine. On its “sole” there are serrated rollers that, while rotating, remove a small layer from the surface.

How to remove decorative plaster from walls: it’s very easy to do with a power tool

Removing it this way will not be difficult. With the machine turned on, we press the “sole” against the wall and move it from side to side with pressure. The number of passes through the same place is determined visually: bare rough coating– move on to deleting the next section. Surface cleaning occurs quickly and with a minimum of physical effort. The downside is the need to purchase a tool that is not too cheap.

How to remove decorative plaster from walls: working with a grinding and stripping machine

Note:The second way to remove the decorative layer is by scraping off the cycles. The work is not difficult - we simply move the tool along the surface from side to side, scraping off the finish. There is one disadvantage to this method, and it is quite significant: the scraper has a small width, which means you can remove very small area plaster. Removal will be slow.

Features of removing plaster from different surfaces

It's easiest to shoot. They are quite loose and at the same time sensitive to moisture. Therefore, about 15 minutes before the removal begins, we soak the walls well. You can add acetic acid to the water. This will make the finish soft and pliable. The same applies to lime and clay based plasters.

How to remove plaster from walls if it was made recently and from good concrete? A coating that is too strong and thick is sometimes difficult to remove even with a hammer drill. In this case, a grinder will help us. We use it to cut the surface to the finishing depth, in squares of approximately 50x50 cm. Further removal will become much easier. And if there is a brick wall under the plaster, then do not forget to go through the seams with a chisel to remove the remnants of the finishing, which are not noticeable at first glance.

How to remove old plaster from walls: the gypsum surface can be pre-wetted

Before you make a total renovation or create an intriguing accent in the interior, you need to beat the plaster down to the brick. The whole process is divided into several stages. First, they examine the base of the finish for strength, prepare the room and proceed directly to the elimination of the dilapidated layer. It should be remembered that these works lead to dust and noise. The dismantling process is carried out within the time strictly permitted by law, otherwise conflicts with neighbors cannot be avoided.

How do you know how durable plaster is?

Removing plaster from wall surfaces begins with deciding on a fragmentary or complete change of coating. The entire area of ​​the room is examined and it is found out how firmly it is fixed to the brick wall. To do this, check the plaster layer using a spatula or scraper blade. If decorative plaster destroyed in one or two places, then the weakened zones are beaten off or covered with a composition that includes fine-grained sand.

If lime or cement mortar disappear when the trellises are removed, it is not possible to reconstruct this covering. The finishing layer should be beaten off without any residue and a fresh one should be applied. To check the stability of plastered slopes, ceilings and brick walls, an acoustic method is used - tapping the surfaces with a hammer handle. In areas where the coating has moved away from the base, a dull, unclear sound is heard.

If traces of mold are visible in the room, it is important to remove the contaminated coating not only in these areas, but also to cover the surrounding areas by about half a meter along the contour. Mold and grease stains are eliminated by excision and washing by special means. The resulting depression is covered with new plaster.

Any cracks and chips in the ceiling or wall coverings are widened into a wedge-like shape, moistened with water, plastered and washed. Plaster is applied in several stages. A solution of 1/3 of the groove volume is applied to the brick. After drying, fill 2/3 full. Allow to dry again, and at the end the flaw is completely covered.

How to remove plaster from brick surfaces?

Before removing the plaster, you need to cover the windows with film.

Before clearing the surface of the finish, make a groove until brickwork. Check the quality of the brick wall on which the mortar will be applied. If the foundation is not solid enough and collapses with a weak blow, then they abandon this endeavor, since the final result will be disastrous. Before beating the plaster, they prepare the room - take out the furniture, cover the windows and doorways with film, because dust is generated during the process.

The worker must protect his respiratory system from dust with a special mask, and his eyes with goggles.

After preparation, the process of knocking down the finishing from the brick wall begins. The plaster is completely or partially dismantled. Areas with defects or the entire area are beaten with a hammer or other hand tools. The damaged areas will disappear instantly. Using a metal spatula or scraper. The remaining hard areas are moistened. To do this, use a brush-mop or rag and tap the surfaces again with a hammer.

Special devices

You can use a belt sander for this job.

When the layer is difficult to knock down manually, use a puncher, which is equipped with the “impact” option. In the instructions for each model electrical device it is indicated how to quickly remove the plaster correctly, but the technique is simple - a drill is inserted into the chuck, and the toggle switch is placed in the “impact” position. You can trim the finish using a grinder with a cutting disc. On the plaster floors, cuts are made both transversely and vertically. longitudinal directions. Then use hand tools, such as a scoop-scraper, spatula. Building materials stores sell electrical devices that can be used to remove the plaster layer from a brick wall.

Plaster is one of the main methods of finishing walls at the rough and finishing stages. Therefore, it is not surprising that questions about removing old decorative and other plaster arise quite often. Depending on the situation, the process can be simple or very labor-intensive, when it becomes quite difficult to remove a layer of plaster with a tool. But with our tips, you can do it yourself in the shortest possible time.

When conducting overhaul We assess the condition of the finish on the walls and decide whether to maintain, repair or remove it. In the event that the plaster layer is severely damaged, sometimes ideal solution will break it completely, reaching a brick or concrete wall, since repairs will become too labor-intensive.

Sometimes, as part of a major renovation, we want to implement a radically different concept for decorating a room, and then the only option is to completely clean the walls, gaining access to them, then carry out insulation and finish everything again in accordance with the plan. For example, old plaster must be removed when installing heavy elements such as tiles and natural stone, since the base for them must be as strong and reliable as possible.

Important! Sometimes it may be necessary to remove not all the plaster, but to clear part of the wall from it. This happens when the wallpaper is unsuccessfully dismantled, other damage to the coating occurs, or when greasy stains that cannot be removed in any other way.

When not to do this

When trying to knock down plaster, it is necessary to take into account the condition of the walls themselves. If we're talking about about concrete, then there should be no problems in this case. However, when working with old brick walls, it is necessary to evaluate their strength. Punch a small hole and assess the condition of the bricks. If they crumble from external influences, then it is better to refrain from removing all the finishing. Especially when it comes to plaster on cement based, which is especially difficult to clean off.

Preparing the premises for work

  • Please note that in trying to remove the plaster from the walls, we will create a lot of dust. So, first of all, we completely clear the room of furniture and provide the room with effective ventilation;
  • Access to adjacent rooms, floors and window sills are covered with film, which, when collected later, we can more effectively get rid of dust and debris.

What kind of plaster will you have to deal with?

The degree of complexity and other nuances of the work depend on what kind of composition was previously applied to the walls. On this moment There are several options that are most popular on the market:

  • Cement plaster. It sits extremely firmly on the sides, and it is quite difficult to knock it down. Therefore, it is worth thinking about the feasibility of the work, looking for compromises - the ability to finish the room without the need to remove this layer:
  • Lime composition. Over time, it may weaken and lose the ability to interact effectively with other types of finishes;
  • Clay plaster. If necessary, repeat plastering works, the clay layer must be completely dismantled, unless, of course, it is planned to apply exactly a similar option to it. All other types of plaster will be too durable for such a base;
  • Polymer option. Due to their flexibility and durability, these types of finishes are highly durable and may not need to be removed frequently. The exception is the hasty initial finishing, when the building has shrunk and the material simply cracks;
  • Gypsum plaster. The option of dismantling it may become relevant if necessary to carry out Finishing work something stronger and heavier than plaster.

In this case, it is easiest to remove clay, gypsum or lime compounds from the wall.

What tools need to be prepared

There are two main ways to remove plaster. The first one is manual option. In this case we must prepare wire brush, scraper, chisel, spatula, sledgehammer or hammer. The mechanized method uses a hammer drill, grinder or grinder.

Important! Regardless of the method, it is necessary to prepare personal protective equipment. First of all, these are gloves and goggles that will protect your eyes from dust, as well as from fragments flying out at high speed. A respirator will help make breathing easier while working.

Finding weaknesses

The work of cleaning the wall needs to start somewhere. And it’s better to do this from the area where the coating has already been weakened. You can understand this by tapping the wall. Tap areas located at a distance of 30-40 centimeters from each other. In the case of a ringing sound, we are talking about good adhesion of the coating to the wall. Well, if the sound is dull, there are voids there, which will make the work easier. Also, wet spots or cracks can be a sign of weakness in a place.

Important! When cleaning a wall fragmentarily, it is necessary to remove not only the problem area, but also the surrounding finish at a distance of about forty centimeters.

We knock down the plaster by hand

In the event that work is being carried out to remove plaster from plasterboard walls, then it is better to use a well-sharpened cycle for this. We try to drive this tool between the layer of plaster and the wall surface, breaking off fragment after fragment. In a similar way you can work on brick, as well as concrete walls. If the scraper does not cope, then we try to do its work with a stronger chisel or chisel.

We work using an automatic tool

  • Hammer. We switch the drill to impact mode and insert it into the thickness of the plaster at an angle of 80 degrees. Having reached the base, we shift the slope to 40 degrees, after which we move the tool to the side, destroying the plaster along the way;
  • Bulgarian. The wall is divided into squares with sides of half a meter, along the perimeter of which grooves are cut. The latter will become the starting point for working with a hammer drill;
  • Sander. On the surface of the tool there are rollers with spikes, which allows you to remove the plaster if its strength is relatively low. Advantage this method is energy saving, but the disadvantage is a large amount of dust.

In general, the work is about automatic means we can say that the grinder has relatively little efficiency in cutting plaster. Well, with a hammer drill, you need to take into account that during operation there is a lot of noise, and the duration of the process is very long, so the neighbors will have a hard time. Therefore, it is still better to try to get rid of it manually.

Important! We can radically reduce the amount of dust during work by pre-wetting the walls with water. Use this trick with any method of removing plaster, as it also softens the coating, making it easier to remove.


It is important to note that when removing old plaster from a wall, it must be done completely. Especially it concerns brick walls, where this finish is firmly deposited on the surface of the blocks and in the seams between them. The reliability of the adhesion of a new layer of such coating to the wall depends on how well the removal is carried out. An exception can be made only if further finishing does not involve the plastering process.