How to calculate wallpaper. Universal methods for calculating wallpaper in rooms of various configurations using formulas and a calculator. Should windows and doors be subtracted?

Have you finally decided to re-wallpaper your room? It’s time for old wallpaper to retire and you’re wondering how to calculate the quantity, how many rolls do you need? The answer is further...
The most common size of wallpaper is a 10 meter roll half a meter wide, 10 m x 0.53 m. It is enough to cover about 5 square meters walls and or ceiling. There are rolls of wallpaper 15*0.53 m, 10*1.06 and 25*1.06 m long.

Wallpaper calculation

  1. First measure the perimeter of your room. Do not forget to remove from the result the perimeter of the surface that is not subject to pasting; these are windows and doors, (6.5+4) x 2 = 21 m.
  1. And then, divide the resulting number by the width of the roll (usually 50 cm). The resulting figure shows the number of stripes, 21 / 0.53 = 40 stripes.
  1. Measure the height of your walls (remember to add a little extra for later trimming, say 5 cm) 2.50 + 0.05 = 2.55 m
  1. Then count the number of strips in the roll, 10/2.55 = 3
  1. Now divide the number of strips by the number of strips per roll to determine the number of rolls, 40/3=14 rolls

Special cases

If there are ledges or recesses in the door niches, then add 1-2 additional rolls of wallpaper.

If you use wallpaper with patterns, you need to add a margin to the height calculation to adjust the pattern: 2.50 + 0.05 (cutting off excess) + 0.30 (adjusting the pattern) = 2.95 m.

Ceiling calculation

Everything is the same with the ceiling. However Lately Wallpapering the ceiling does not look elegant. Today, many relief ceiling tiles have appeared that look more organic and aesthetically pleasing.

Don't forget to buy one or two additional rolls of wallpaper. Especially if the connections are in a checkerboard pattern, also for your mistakes, the displacement is higher and lower.
- Be sure to pay attention to the wallpaper series number. If the series are different, the difference in color and brightness will be noticeable after pasting.

How to save money?

If you made a mistake in the calculation, and it is no longer possible to purchase such wallpaper, then you can purchase similar ones. And decorate some of the walls with different wallpaper. In fact, this option looks very modern and non-standard. In this case, the species zones will change, that is, from different parts The appearance of the room will be different, which will also have a pleasant effect on its perception.
The option of not pasting behind the sofa and closet is not for everyone.

Calculator to help you

If you are not sure about the calculations, you can also use a ready-made table to determine the number of rolls of wallpaper:

Use the following table to calculate wallpaper:

Room perimeter (in m)

Roll size 0.53 / 10.05 m = 5.33 m2

Room perimeter (in m)

Roll size 0.53 / 15m = 7.95m2

Room perimeter (in m)

Roll size 1.06m /10.05m = 10.65 m2

Room perimeter (in m)

Roll size 1.06 / 25m = 26.50m2

Calculation of wallpaper for a room. Table and formula

Learning to count required amount wallpaper for the room: table and formula

In order to hang new wallpaper, it is not necessary to invite builders. Such redecorating it's quite possible to do on our own. The main thing is to buy required quantity material and carefully study the gluing instructions on the packaging. But how can you correctly calculate how much wallpaper you need for a room? Calculation rules for home repairs.

Measurement matters

Basis of construction calculations - precise measurements, for which you will need a construction tape measure. First you need to measure the perimeter of the room being renovated (the length of all walls) without taking into account the width of windows and doors and the level of the walls. And then the length and height of the areas above and below the window sills, as well as above the doors. Now let's move directly to the calculations.

We derive the calculation formula

We divide the resulting perimeter of the room by the width of the selected wallpaper (it can be from 50 centimeters to a meter) and get the number of solid stripes.

And we divide the length of the roll by the height of the room and get the number of pieces that can be cut from one package (if placed at 2.5 m, this is four strips).

After this, we divide the total number of solid strips by the same number obtained from one roll. The result of the arithmetic will be the number of rolls that are needed to cut only whole strips.

In order not to torment the calculator and not fill your head with unnecessary numbers, you can use a ready-made table (but it is worth considering that it, like any online service, has some error):

Adjustment for products with a pattern

Of course, when you choose wallpaper for renovation that does not require adjustment, everything is more or less simple. What to do if the choice fell on wall covering With large drawing? In this case, the pack will yield 1 whole strip less (due to the need to adjust the pattern). Therefore, the calculation needs to be adjusted.

Calculation example for persistent

There is a room 3 x 4 meters, height 2.50 m; with a doorway whose width is 0.8 m and height - 2.1 m; and a window, the horizontal of which is 1.2 m and the vertical is 1.5 m. Wallpaper was selected, 60 cm wide, the roll length of which is 10.5 meters.

Perimeter excluding the width of windows and openings: 3+3+4+4-0.8-1.2 = 12 m

Number of solid cuts: 12:0.6 = 20 pieces

At a standard room ceiling level (2.5 m), the package will yield 4 solid strips (by the way, you need to cut it with a margin, that is, the length of the piece should not be 2.5 meters, but ten centimeters longer).

Number of packs for cutting out whole strips: 20:4 = 5 pieces

With a window size of 0.8x1.5 and doors 2.1 m high, scraps from 5 rolls are enough to cover the space above the functional openings, but for the space under the window sill you will have to buy another one (although you can cover the wall under it with a composite piece). This means that in total you will need 6 plain rolls or 7 packages with a large pattern.

Standard wallpaper sizes

Previously, it was most acceptable to our compatriots standard width wallpaper, which was 53 cm and the length was 10.05 m. These dimensions are still confirmed by the interstate standard.

Modern Russian manufacturers to this day they adhere to the listed sizes, but they have begun to produce them much more often wide wallpaper for walls - 1.06 m, as they are of increasing interest to our compatriots. German or Italian companies have a wallpaper roll width of 0.53; 0.6; 0.7; 1.06; 1.4 m.

Gluing wallpaper 1 meter wide, as opposed to the traditional 0.53 m, is much faster, and there are fewer seams on the walls.

A number of manufacturers produce products of various sizes. Dimensions textile wallpaper for walls they can be 3.18 m wide and up to 50 m long. But it is worth noting that such products are very limited in nature, since they are expensive and high-status.

In this case, manufacturers are guided GOST 6810-2002, and more detailed information You will read about them in the article “”. The table shows the dimensions of the textile wall covering.

As we see , meter wallpaper Manufacturers offer fabrics close to this standard from any material.

But still, according to studies compiled by ABARUS Market Research based on FSGS RF 09.12.2015 “Market of rolled wall materials: paper wallpaper, non-woven wallpaper, vinyl wallpaper, glass wallpaper”, the dynamics of increasing the share vinyl wallpaper compared to total production.

Sentence diagram

The table shows the characteristics of vinyl sheets; they are produced according to state standards.

A roll of premium wallpaper from the Belgian factory Omexco has a width of 90, 100 and 140 cm, and the collections of the French company Elitis offer samples with a width of 70 and 90 cm. According to our research, Russian consumers until recently preferred wallpaper for walls with a roll width of 0. 53 m. But according to data collected in 2012, wide wallpaper sizes are now a priority - 1.06 m.

After analyzing the sizes of wallpaper rolls currently sold, we compiled a table where we classified all the popular wall hangings.

Formula for calculating roll quadrature

Knowing the width and length of the roll, it is easy to calculate its quadrature.

$\quicklatex(size=25)\boxed(S_roll = (A\times B)$

  • S roll – area;
  • A – width;
  • B – length.

Let's say we need to find out how many squares there will be in a meter roll canvases having a length of 10 meters. That is, A = 1.06 m, B = 10 m, which means

S = 1.06 x 10 = 10.06 m2.

Instructions for calculating the amount of wallpaper on the walls

To do this, several formulas are used, because not all rooms are rectangular - there are rooms of various geometric shapes:

  • oval;
  • trapezoidal;
  • triangular;
  • multifaceted.

Rectangular walls

We use a regular tape measure to get an accurate result. To correctly calculate the wallpaper for any room, measurements are taken in meters; accuracy to one centimeter (two decimal places) is sufficient.

  1. Calculate the area of ​​each wall, remove the square of door or window openings, add up the resulting numbers.

Let's calculate the area using the formula: $$\quicklatex(size=25)\boxed( S = ((a\times h))+((a_(1)\times h))+((b\times h))+( (b_(1)\times h)))$$

  • S – wall area;
  • h – room height;
  • a, a1 – length;
  • b, b1 – width

After calculation, we subtract the area of ​​the openings and get the required figure.

  1. Measure the perimeter of the entire room, multiply it by the height, and subtract the area of ​​windows or doors from the resulting quadrature.

Perimeter is the sum of the lengths of all sides of the room; it is better to measure along the floor. Measure the length of each wall from one corner to the other and add the resulting 4 numbers.
$$\quicklatex(size=25)\boxed(P = AB+BC+CD+DA)$$

  • P – perimeter of the room;
  • AB, BC, CD, DA are the lengths of the walls.

We multiply the result by the height and get the area. We will make the calculation using the formula:

$$\quicklatex(size=25)\boxed(S = (P\times h))$$

  • S – room area;
  • P – perimeter of the room;
  • h – wall height.

In order for the calculation of wallpaper based on the area of ​​the room to be reliable, it is necessary to subtract the area of ​​door or window openings from the total area of ​​the walls. Having a tape measure, this is not difficult to do, just measure their height and length. But we offer you tables with their standard sizes.

The table shows dimensions, area of ​​window and balcony door blocks made according to GOST 23166-99, which apply to products made of wood, plastic, and metal alloys.

The picture shows various options design window and balcony door blocks.

Domestic wooden doors are manufactured according to GOST 6629-88 and standard sizes of typical openings are reflected in the table.

Besides standard sizes doors, when all the parameters are known, there is a possibility of installing non-standard panels. This practice is especially used in low-rise construction.

Window area and doorways measured along the outer contour of the box.

The diagram shows the dimensions required for the calculation.
$$\quicklatex(size=25)\boxed(S = (A\times h))$$

  • S – opening area;
  • A – opening width;
  • h is its height.

If it is not possible to determine exact dimensions, then the width dimensions are easy to find on your own.

To do this, we determine the width of the opening using the formula:

A of the opening = A of the canvas + A of the box∗2 + A of the spare gap for filling polyurethane foam(on both sides of the canvas).

The height of the opening is also considered:

h of the opening = h of the leaf + h (thickness) of the box + h of the threshold + h of the spare gaptop and bottom.

To calculate an arched opening you need:

  1. Visually divide it into a rectangle and a semicircle.

$$\quicklatex(size=25)\boxed(S = (A\times h))$$

  • S – opening area;
  • A – opening width;
  • h is its height.

b) make another calculation using the formula:

$$\quicklatex(size=25)\boxed(S =(\frac (\pi\times R^(2))(2)))$$

  • S – opening area;
  • π is a constant number whose value is 3.14;
  • R is the radius, which in this case is equal to half the length between opposite walls.
  1. Add up the resulting areas and get the total area of ​​the opening.

You need to know that according to the standards, depending on functional purpose premises, dimensions door leaves have different sizes.

Walls with complex configurations

If you know how to correctly calculate how much wallpaper is needed for a room that has various shapes, these tables will help you cope with the task.

There are also rooms with round configurations.

Their area will be calculated using the following formula:

Attic rooms have the following design features.

Trapezoidal wall shape

Lovers of extraordinary interiors

Before counting the number of wallpapers for any room, do correct measurements. If you use a laser tape measure, make sure that its beam is directed strictly perpendicular to the surface. Otherwise, there will be a large error in the measurements and final results.

You can determine how many rolls of wallpaper you need to cover a room in the following sequence:

But if you want to know exact figure without tedious calculations and knowledge of geometric formulas, then the calculation of the amount of wallpaper per room is presented in the following table. To compile it you needed:

  • room area;
  • ceiling height;
  • data on how many square meters (m2) are in one roll of wallpaper (length times width).

The data is calculated for an average room with one door and window, so you will need to subtract no more than 7 m from one roll and discard 10% of the actual area for scraps.

If the sheets need a pattern selection, you will have to add 15-20% - for every 6 rolls add one more.

Expert opinion website

We will also tell you how to determine the number of sheets in one roll. To do this, you need to know how many meters the total length is (indicated on the packaging insert) and the height of the future canvas. Let’s say the length of the roll is 10.05 m, and the height of the canvas is 3.45 m.


In this case, the integer 2 is obtained, which means that from one canvas of this length you can get only two full-fledged canvases. The remaining trim, 3.19 m long, can be used for places of lower height or left in reserve. But if you need to adjust the design, you will be left with an even smaller piece.

It is important to remember that most canvases are produced with a compatible pattern, therefore, the consumption of wallpaper per room will be greater than in the case of simple wallpaper no patterns.

Good afternoon everyone! There are several ways to calculate wallpaper according to the area of ​​the room. In addition, the calculation of the quantity also depends on the pattern on the wallpaper, the method of gluing - is there a need to adjust them or are they glued in a row, without matching.

Wallpaper is a magnificent type of decoration; there are a great variety of them - for every taste. It is advisable to calculate the wallpaper as accurately as possible so that there is not a lot of waste left, and most importantly, that the purchased amount is enough for the room.

How to calculate wallpaper correctly

We set the dimensions of the room:

  • Width = 3 meters
  • Length = 5.5 meters
  • Height = 2.5 meters

To determine the area of ​​the sticker, you multiply the perimeter by the sum of all sides of the room by its height. In numbers it looks like this:

3+3+5.5+5.5= 17m x 2.5m = 42.5m2.

Now you need to subtract the area of ​​the openings from the total area - this is a door and a window or two. We measure the width and height of the window with a tape measure - they are different for everyone, but in the example we use the area size - 1.5x1.5 = 2.25 m2 .

If you have and balcony door, then I offer all balcony block count together as a rectangle, since the battery is usually located under the window. Then the calculation will be: 1.7x 2.35 = 4m2, like mine.

We take into account the door to the room. In area it will be equal to 2.1 x 0.8 = 1.7 m2

Now let’s calculate the final wallpaper needs:

42.5 m2 (total area) – 2.25 (window) – 1.7 (door) = 38.6 m2.

Or with a balcony, then 42.5 - 4 - 1.7 = 36.8 m2.

Now you should choose the wallpaper so that you know its length and width and determine how many rolls you need. For example, you chose wallpaper 10 meters long and 0.53 meters wide, then the roll area = 5.3 m2. You need to take 38.6: 5.3 = 7.3 rolls, that is, 8 pieces.

wide wallpaper

If the wallpaper is meter long, then the area of ​​the roll = 10.6 m2 and you will need 38.6:10.6 = 3.64 or 4 pieces. If you plan to glue them, then read the article - how to properly glue meter-long wallpaper.

Suddenly someone decided to paste wallpaper of two colors, then you can read about it in the article - pasting wallpaper of two colors. General requirement The wallpaper will remain the same, just divide it into different colors.

My working painters calculate the amount of wallpaper in their own way - they don’t need space, since the girls count the number of stripes using old wallpaper on the walls. If the wallpaper has already been removed, then they measure the width of the wallpaper with a tape measure and apply the specified width along the entire perimeter of the room, calculating the number of stripes. Let's say you get 26 strips, which means you need 26:4 = 6.5 rolls. Round up to seven. And you know, they think no worse than I do with my arithmetic calculations.

Wallpaper calculation with pattern selection

  • Wallpaper with a selection of patterns can be calculated using the same principle, determining the area of ​​the walls. To select a pattern you need to shift the canvas by 15-30cm. So calculate that each roll will take up to 1.2 meters (4 strips x 0.3 m offset). That is, you will already have 3 whole canvases and a piece. Moreover, there is a pattern - the larger the pattern, the more you need to move the wallpaper to select it.
  • Of course, in order to save money, and we are all striving for this, we can use these pieces and cover wall after wall, cabinet and other objects with them. This is especially true if the wallpaper is expensive, and we are financially frugal. There are different situations.
  • But I want to tell you that it is not without reason that they say that “the need for invention is cunning.” You can use these meter or one and a half meter pieces to combine the bottom or top of one wall, and the second will be made from wallpaper of a different tone and texture. Or use them to make an insert into the wallpaper of another room. Here you have waste-free production, and it will turn out to be original in design.

Now they offer many tables and “calculators” for counting, but I am an “unbeliever Thomas” and I count everything myself, I measure and calculate exactly according to the above method, which I shared with you.

To make a simple but quite attractive renovation in standard room, it is enough to use high-quality, inexpensive wallpaper. They will be an excellent means of finishing a room, providing good performance and aesthetic qualities.

Calculate volume building materials for decorating a room is as difficult as it is simple. Let's start with the fact that often the trick is to uneven walls or ceilings, the end result is not very pleasant when in the end there is a little bit of calculated material missing to complete the repair. Therefore, we will try to take into account as many factors as possible to achieve the desired result. Let's find out how to calculate wallpaper for a room.

You will learn about:


An important basis further actions are accurate measurements. To perform this operation you will need a tape measure. With its help, we first find out the perimeter of the room, not taking into account the width of doors and windows, as well as the areas above or below these elements.

Based on this data, you can already calculate the wallpaper for the room. The resulting figure must be divided by the width of the wallpaper to determine the number of canvases. The length of the roll must be divided by the height of the ceilings, which will allow you to calculate the number of canvases in one roll. Now all that remains is to divide the total number of whole canvases by the number that is obtained from one roll.

As a result, we get the number of integer stripes. To them you need to add more incomplete pieces, which must be taken into account in the calculations. They can be counted using the same principle.

If there is a drawing

We considered the calculation option if plain wallpaper, but if you use products with a pattern that requires combining the canvases, what should you do? The number of wallpapers per room in this case is calculated somewhat more complicated.

It should be taken into account that the cost per sheet per roll will be less.


Let's give an example of how to calculate how many rolls of wallpaper you need. For example, we have a room area. 12 sq. m. height 2.5 m. The room has a window (1.2x1.5 m) and a door (0.8x2.1 m). Let's say we have chosen a material whose roll width is 60 cm and length is 10.5 m.

In this case, the perimeter will be 12 m, minus the width of the window and door. As a result, you will need 20 canvases: 12/0.6. With a roll length of 10.5 m, you get 4 pieces of wallpaper. As a result, there will be 5 whole stripes: 20/4.

It is also necessary to take into account the areas above the door, as well as above and below the window. There will be enough scraps for this. However, it is recommended to add at least one more roll for an area of ​​12 square meters. m. Therefore, if the wallpaper is plain, you can buy at least 6 rolls, with a pattern - 7.

A room of 18 square meters is calculated in the same way. m. How many rolls will be required in this case? Let's try to calculate according to the old scheme.

So, the perimeter will be 20 m. 34 canvases will be required: 20/0.6. And there will be 8.5 whole stripes. That is, you need to buy 10 rolls without a pattern, and 11 rolls with a pattern. These are the recommendations for rooms with an area of ​​18 square meters. m.

The selected examples are not accidental, since these room sizes, 12 sq. m and 18 sq. m. are the most popular. Therefore, for many, the task of calculating how much wallpaper is needed for a room will be significantly simplified.

Let's sum it up

Don't be dismissive of similar recommendations, since they allow you to lay a high-quality foundation for further actions, which means that the result will depend on them. The calculation should be made as accurately as possible, this will eliminate the need to purchase additional material in the midst of the repair process.

The calculations can be compared to preparing walls for wallpapering. If the procedure is implemented efficiently, the result will be attractive. It remains to recommend not to rush into calculations. As they say, it’s better to measure seven times and cut once...