How to make a push block in Minecraft. How to make a pressure plate in Minecraft and how to use it? Wood pressure plate

The world of Minecraft is incredibly diverse - here you can find the most incredible things that you could never even imagine or dream about. Did you think that you would have to stack blocks on top of each other to make a house? Of course, you can do this, no one will limit you here, but if you wish, you have the opportunity to even create complex electrical circuits and systems. Therefore, you should not perceive Minecraft as children's entertainment. This is a rich and action-packed game that definitely won't make you bored. If you decide to get involved in electronics, then you will have to figure out a lot of things, since this is far from the easiest undertaking. For example, you will need to learn how to make a pressure plate in Minecraft, as well as how to use it and other switches available in the game.

Activation of electrical circuits

Let's say you built a certain design, connected its elements with wires through which electricity will be transmitted. But how to activate it? Naturally, you will need a special object for this. This is where you will need to learn how to make a pressure plate in Minecraft, since it is one of the most common switches. Of course, there are other versions, such as a button or a lever, and each of these items is suitable for a specific situation, but the pressure plate can be used in the most various fields, which makes it literally universal. That is why everyone should know how to make a pressure plate in Minecraft.

Making and using a stone slab

There are several varieties of this switch, but the main type is made of stone. How to make a pressure plate in Minecraft using only cobblestones? Very simple. To do this, you will only need two stone blocks, which in the workbench will need to be placed in the central cell, as well as in the one located under it. As a result, you will receive a slab block that can be installed on any horizontal surface. By connecting a wire to it, you will connect it to electrical circuit, thereby making it activating. To power the entire network by sending current through the wires, you need to stand on this block. Due to this property, a pressure plate is often used in the construction of traps, since a mob that steps on it also activates the net. But it has other uses, which is why the weight pressure plate is so widespread in Minecraft.

Features of the wooden analogue

In addition to the stone version, there is also a wooden one. It is made according to the same principle as the pressure stone slab in Minecraft. Moreover, it has almost all the same properties as its cobblestone counterpart. But there is one very important difference that must be taken into account. If you install a wooden slab, you can activate it not only by stepping on it, but also by throwing an object on it. This makes activation more accessible since you don't have to step onto the stove yourself. Crafting a pressure plate in Minecraft is quite simple, so many users actively use this switch. Besides, in latest versions New plates have been introduced that have special functionality.

Weighted plate and its capabilities

So, you have already become acquainted with stone and wooden slabs, perhaps you are already using them with all your might, but you don’t know that recently it has become possible to craft gold and iron pressure plates. They are intended for the same purposes, but weight variability has been added to their functionality. This means that the amount of electricity that is supplied through the wires when you press the plate depends on how much weight is applied to it. The higher this weight, the more electricity is supplied. This is very convenient in many mechanisms, and we can say that this innovation is exactly what the Minecraft electricians lacked.

Secondary crafting and special abilities

Even if you have tried all four types of buttons, you should definitely craft at least one along with the rails - this is a very useful feature that for some reason many players ignore. If you have ready-made tracks, then at the desired point you can replace one block of rails with one that also contains a button - and new possibilities will open up for you. But it is worth remembering the differences between stone and wood. To activate the stone button on the rails, you need to be in the minecart yourself or place a mob there, while the wooden button activates even when an empty minecart passes over it. Crafting such rails is not the most difficult - for one block you will need six iron ingots and a block of red dust in addition, of course, to the pressure plate block itself. A slab block is placed in the central cell of the workbench, redstone is placed under it, and columns of ingots are lined up along the edges.

In Minecraft, many things (doors, music blocks, etc.) can be configured to respond to various factors. This is done using switches, of which there are five types in the game. One of them is a pressure plate. The division does not stop there, and the points also “branch”. In Minecraft you can find regular and weighted plates. And don’t forget to download games for Android so that your favorite Minecraft and other games are always with you, and not just on your computer!

Regular switches

Ordinary items can be made from stone and wood. What is their difference?

  • Stone activated in Minecraft if a mob or crafter steps on it.
  • Wooden will give a signal both when someone steps on it and when an object is thrown at it.

If a plate is “tied” with wires to an object in Minecraft (or it is placed on something that is adjacent to the object), it provides energy to it when a crafter or mob is on it. If no one is on it, the power supply stops. You cannot place objects (for example, sand) on the item. However, throwing an item onto a slab of wood will trigger the activation.

The push button can be activated in Minecraft by boats and minecarts. Wooden ones always react when any vehicle passes over them. Stone ones are activated only by transport passengers. But press These are not rails, so you can only drive over them at high speed. Otherwise, the point will be the final stop for transport.

Both wooden and stone items are destroyed with a pickaxe. This process is accompanied by the loss of item blocks, which can be installed again. You already know a thing or two about these steps, but it's time to learn how to make a pressure plate in Minecraft. Her crafting doesn’t even smell of any complexity. A couple of blocks of planks or stone is all you need.

Stone p. in Minecraft is also involved in the crafting of pressure rails. Its “colleagues” are redstone and iron ingots.

Weighted versions

Unlike ordinary ones, these items do not react to Minecraft characters. Only discarded objects can make them give a signal. Weighted items are also divided into two types - gold (light) and iron (heavy). These items can be made almost as easily as regular ones. They are located in a grid in the same way as simple ones; a little more complexity lies in the extraction of materials. Still, gold is not wood.

The strength of the redstone signal supplied to an item in Minecraft depends on the number of objects on it. The table demonstrates this dependence.


  • With v. 13w36a weighted push button is capable of outputting signal strength, adjusting to the number of characters on it.
  • The destruction of the switch is accompanied in Minecraft by the sound of boards.
  • Well, if you want to download games for Android, then the link is at the beginning of the article;)

Today’s topic turned out to be quite difficult to explain and I can’t say that I did a good job with it. However, to explain in detail everything from character escaping to the JSON format and programming, it would require me to create another channel with several hundred videos. Unfortunately, this is not possible, so you have to explain it on your fingers. So, today for the first time I touch on the topic of JSON and, to some extent, NBT. Of course, there are many online generators that allow you to get ready-made commands in a few mouse clicks, but practice shows that you cannot do without at least a superficial knowledge of the subject. Very often, due to a small mistake in the team, people reach a dead end and are forced to ask for help. Well, at the same time we’ll talk about how to make pressure plates. =D

What would you like to add to the lesson on NBT and JSON? A few things to pay attention to when working with teams:

Only a comma character is allowed between variables, and if a space suddenly appears there, this is an error
- where possible, do not use quotes inside variables, and if this is unavoidable, escape them with a backslash \
- all commands and NBT data must have an even number of parentheses. if you opened a curly brace (don't forget to close it at the end of the list)
- read the wiki! command format is very important =Ъ

Well, as icing on the cake, two commands from this lesson.

An example of creating a simple sign:
/setblock ~ ~1 ~ minecraft:wall_sign 4 replace (Text2:"(clickEvent:(action:\"run_command\",value:\"say Hello world!\"),text:\"TEST\")")

An example of a sign from the time mechanism:
/setblock -128 72 374 minecraft:wall_sign 4 replace (Text2:"(\"clickEvent\":(\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/playsound @a ~ ~ ~\"),\"text\":\"Time:\")",Text3:"(\"clickEvent\":(\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\" :\"/say Time changed to \"),\"text\":\"MORNING\")",Text4:"(\"clickEvent\":(\"action\":\"run_command\",\ "value\":\"/setblock -129 73 370 minecraft:redstone_block 0\"),\"text\":\"\")")

When copying commands from here, check them for spaces, YouTube likes to paste them. Consider this a little DIY assignment. =]

Enjoy your viewing!

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Do you want more let's plays for different games, examples and tutorials on redstone schemes? hidden doors, traps and other interesting designs - subscribe to the channel. The more in demand the channel is, the more often and regularly I will post fresh content. Well, at least I'll have more incentive to do it! =D

Music used:
"Bama Country" by Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0"

In Minecraft, plates are like switches. There are several types of them. Before the release of Minecraft version 1.5 there were only wooden and stone plates, but after that iron and gold plates also appeared. To activate a wooden plate, the player needs to throw an object at it, or shoot a bow at it, or it will automatically activate when a mob hits it. As for the stone pressure plate, it only reacts to mobs.

You cannot place various kinds of objects on the pressure plates, for example, sand and so on. Although if we're talking about about a wooden plate, then throwing this very object at it can cause it to be instantly activated. With stone pressure plates everything is completely different; a normal throw will not activate them.

Creating Pressure Plates

Pressure plates are also activated when using boats and minecarts. Wooden ones are generally activated every time any vehicle hits it. And stone ones only if there is something in the transport. It doesn’t matter who or what exactly: a player or a mob, or maybe some object. It is important to note that pressure plates in Minecraft cannot function exactly like rails, meaning passing traffic will only remain on the pressure plate unless it is passing at a fairly high speed.

Crafting pressure plates is so simple that they can be made even without the help of a workbench, that is, by hand. You only need two boards if we are talking about a wooden pressure plate and 2 pebbles if you wish craft stone pressure plate.

Both plates, by the way, can be destroyed by picking up a pickaxe. But this time the plate will not collapse at all, the ingredients will simply fall out and can be reassembled.