From an old box. Furniture from boxes. Stylish and functional furniture from boxes: the secrets of creating it yourself. other ideas for creating shelves from old cabinet drawers

Design ideas for the interior can really surprise. There are many creative solutions, how to create an amazing thing from simple scrap materials, for example, some furniture from boxes. A lot can be done with your own hands.

Old unnecessary boxes usually accumulate in huge quantities at the dacha or on the balcony. It’s a shame to throw them away, but there’s no point in storing them either. Such material can be used to great advantage if you come up with pieces of furniture that will add convenience and decorate any room.

Tables, cabinets, and shelves fit best into a rustic style. WITH minimal costs can be done functional room. To work, you only need the boxes themselves, self-tapping screws, as well as furniture fittings and the desire to create.

Unique furniture by no means has to be expensive. Any person who has imagination and can do something with his own hands can easily create the interior of his dreams literally from scrap materials.


A dressing room is every woman's dream. However, standard cabinets for this room are expensive, and when made to order, the price turns out to be sky-high. The issue of storing clothes and shoes for the whole family is especially acute, because it is important to think through as much as possible. convenient option, which would still look attractive.

Furniture made from old drawers can easily be both beautiful and functional. Many people limit themselves to small interior details to begin with, but some risk making this particular project the basis of the room.

First of all, you need to understand what can be done. There are practically no restrictions with this material. If there is a shortage of boxes, it is easy to put them together yourself from unnecessary boards.

When you don't want to do it anymore simple crafts, you can take on the dressing room project. In your storage space, you need to have many small cabinets. This will help you sort your clothes and shoes and always keep them in perfect condition.

A dressing room can be strict, when single-color wooden boxes are simply stacked on top of each other along the wall, or very unusual, when assembled in a checkerboard pattern or individual modules are installed. Furniture made from wooden boxes can be easily painted in any shade.

The most important thing when assembling such large-scale project, like a dressing room, is to show your imagination and realize all your wishes. Additionally you can add furniture fittings, tighten back wall Decorate the drawers with a beautiful fabric or otherwise.

Rest zone

A relaxation area is a must in every home. At least a small corner in which you can relax, chat with the whole family, or meet a guest over a cup of tea. It is necessary to think over an interior that would calm and relax, providing an opportunity to escape from problems. When choosing furniture for this corner, you should not focus on sophistication; it is better to add simplicity and a little creativity. This option is easy to do yourself.

When choosing a product to make with your own hands, you need to realistically assess your strengths. If there is no specific experience and practice in this matter, then it is better to make a table from boxes. Such work will require a minimum of time and skills, as well as a small amount of materials.

A coffee table made from drawers requires only four drawers; you will additionally need to cut out 4 legs. They are located in such a way that the open part is on the outside; in the future it will serve as a substitute for a bedside table; newspapers, books and much more can be placed there. In order for the table to look holistic, it is necessary to compare wide and narrow edges; a semblance of a checkerboard pattern will allow you to create an excellent model. The hole in the middle is occupied by a pot of flowers or other beautiful addition.

He makes furniture from boxes with his own hands very quickly. It is somewhat more difficult to give it a designer look. For the tea table the best option Simply coat it with varnish to protect it from moisture and place it on four legs. If desired, you can use wheels instead of them, then the furniture will be mobile.

Additionally, for the recreation area you can make bookshelf. In this case, the boxes are simply mounted one on top of the other and secured with self-tapping screws. Books, photo frames, and figurines are placed in the resulting shelves.

Decorative elements

In order for the apartment to feel cozy and comfortable, it is necessary not only to properly furnish it and make repairs, but also to think through the pleasant, beautiful little things that characterize the owners and create for them great mood. Examples include decorative shelves, stands, various paintings and figurines.

Do-it-yourself items for interior decoration are often made from wooden boxes. Painted in bright color a shelf or an original box on wheels for children's toys will add zest to any room. Each person can come up with their own design. Perhaps this will be an antique option, coated with natural varnish and preserving the natural color of the wood; sometimes they decide to add bright colors and use colors, and some line the drawers with fabric, in which case they look very nice and homey.


Making your own furniture from wooden boxes attracts... Lately many. Rustic style is coming back into fashion, and skilled men prefer to create something special with their own hands rather than purchasing standard options in stores. There are several main advantages to this solution:

  • Economical. To create it, we use things that almost everyone has in their home and no one needs. They get a second life.
  • Creation. There is an opportunity to show your imagination and realize all your wishes.
  • Simplicity; to make furniture from wooden boxes you do not need to have special skills and tools; anyone can easily cope with this task.
  • Eco-friendly, wood natural material, so there are never any issues of toxicity or other health hazards with it.

If you look around, everyone has material at hand. All that remains is to come up with an idea and start bringing it to life. This process brings pleasure, because it is very pleasant when a unique designer item comes out from under your hands. All guests will definitely appreciate such furniture, and the owners themselves will find it extremely convenient to use it.

Everyone should try themselves as a craftsman and create furniture from wooden boxes with their own hands, which will completely suit them.

Where does your old furniture go after purchasing new furniture? To the garage? To the dacha? To the “poor relatives”? But, as you know, if the furniture is still quite strong, it deserves a chance to new life- just thanks to your imagination and skillful hands.

Let's assume you have old chest of drawers, desk or kitchen cabinets, which you don’t want to throw away, but there is no point in leaving them in the same place, because their new analogues have already been purchased. What these pieces of furniture have in common is that they have drawers that can be turned into an unusual and practical interior element.

You can make original ones wall shelves and even shelving from the drawers of an old chest of drawers, table or cabinet. On such improvised shelves you can place useful or simply beautiful little things, creating cute islands of decor. Most likely, such creativity will appeal to lovers of vintage solutions, as well as those who want to update their interior with virtually no investment.

Any old drawers will do - made of wood or chipboard, from a chest of drawers, desk or old kitchen:

any size and quantity drawers You can find a worthy use, as you will now see.

Here is the algorithm for your actions:

remove the drawers from old furniture, check them for the integrity of surfaces and connections;

whether to remove the handles or not is a matter of taste, however, many believe that with them the look is more original;

change the appearance of the drawers if you want;

add cross shelves if you want to place small items in several tiers;

screw it to the wall with screws at a convenient height;

small drawers can be made removable - with reverse side frame, attach 2 fasteners for hanging light furniture on the wall;

Arrange your little things or decor.

how to use drawers from an old chest of drawers or wardrobe

Small boxes are optimal for interior decoration, while medium and large ones can be used to create extra seats for storing things

option number 1: beautiful - displays for decoration:

Beautiful dishes, small plastic items, any collections and even photographs - all this in boxes mounted on the walls looks very unusual.

option No. 2: convenient - shelves for small items:

Books and CDs, bath and table accessories, shoes and jewelry, handicrafts and stationery, garden and household tools - this is far from full list little things that can be placed in drawers from old furniture hung on the wall.

how to make shelves from drawers more attractive and practical

Change the appearance of the boxes as your imagination dictates and based on their purpose.

back wall decoration:

In this case, the “back wall” is the bottom of the box. How to make it more interesting? Remnants of wallpaper or fabric (for any surfaces), smooth or textured paint (for wood and plywood), chalkboard paint, sheet music or old geographic Maps. In a word, everything that can be found in the house.

internal shelves:

In boxes that will turn into volumetric shelves, it makes sense to make horizontal partitions, i.e. internal shelves. Sometimes they already exist as intended by the manufacturer. If you are going to place small but heavy items, take care to reinforce the bottom (with a wooden plank or bracket).

other ideas for creating shelves from old cabinet drawers

If you have a lot of boxes from old furniture, you can create a creative composition. And shelves made of drawers can be horizontal, as if extending from the wall.

how to combine several boxes:

Close to each other or at a distance from each other, under different angles and in combination with traditional shelves, adding wall decor or modular compartments.

horizontal mount:

In small drawers, traditionally mounted to the wall (with the handle forward), you can place even more small items. But they must be hung on reliable brackets used for shelves.

floor shelving from old chest of drawers

You can also build a shelving unit, and even if it won’t be the most spacious, you won’t spend a penny! In addition to checking the reliability of the boxes and possibly updating their appearance, you will need to correctly compose the composition of the modules so that it is stable, and then firmly connect the boxes to each other, and then additionally attach them to the wall.

modular bookcase made from old drawers:

No less interesting solution when from old kitchen furniture There are not only drawers made of wood, but also frames. Rotating elements different sides, create the optimal composition, if possible, without gaps. Attach each element to the wall, and add strong brackets below.

Boxes, you shouldn’t get rid of them right away - perhaps you can make something interesting and useful out of them.

Using some tools and paint, crates can be used to make various pieces of furniture that will be useful in the garage, at the cottage, and even in your home.

Old boxes are very easy to paint, because... they are made from untreated wood. They are also easy to connect to each other.

Here are a few ideas that can be turned into reality from ordinary old boxes:

Toy storage box

If converted old box, paint it and add wheels, you can get this interesting and convenient storage for toys.

You will need:

Sandpaper (if the wood needs to be sanded)

Acrylic paint and brushes

Wheels (4 per 1 drawer)

Screwdriver and bolts (to attach the wheels)

Wood glue (if necessary)

Chalk board (if desired)

1. Sand the drawers.

2. Paint the boxes any color you like (you can get the kids to color them however they like).

* You can attach a board for drawing with chalk to the side or make such a board with your own hands from a piece of plywood and special paint, which, after drying, turns into a cool one chalk board, on which you can draw with chalk. On such a board you can write which or whose (if there are several children in the house) toys are stored in this or that box.

The board can be glued to the box.

Bench with drawers

You can make a bench like this out of several boxes.

If necessary, treat the boards and paint them.

Shoe box (with seat)

You will need:

Sandpaper (if necessary)

Screwdriver and bolts

Acrylic or spray paint

Wheels (if desired)

Small piece of plywood (for seating)


Thick fabric

Construction stapler.

* You don't have to make a soft seat, but it still adds charm to your product.

1. To make a seat, prepare plywood and attach it to it on several sides along the edges thick fabric, leaving room for filler. Insert the filling and secure the fabric until the end.

2. The box can be processed and painted.

3. Attach the seat to the box using a screwdriver and bolts.

4. You can attach wheels to make it easier to move the seat.

*If you have extra plywood, you can use it to make a shelf for the drawer, which can be attached using corners.

What can be made from boxes: bookshelves

In the pictures you can see bookshelves from boxes. They all take up an entire wall in the bedroom, but at the same time everything looks very nice.

The boxes can be processed and painted. They are connected with bolts, and if necessary, they can be attached to the wall so that they do not fall.

DIY compact garden from boxes

Wooden shipping pallets and crates can be used to create a multi-level garden where you can grow flowers and herbs, for example.

To do this, you need to secure a tight seal inside each drawer. plastic film. To make this easier, use a staple gun.

Shelves for small flowers, books and other small items made from plywood boxes

Small drawers can be turned into these cute shelves for small items. If necessary, the boxes can be treated with sandpaper, and if you paint them, they take on an even more beautiful appearance.

Please note that the outside of the boxes were painted one color and the inside another, which gives them a very nice look.

Such shelves are attached to the wall, but they can also be stored on the floor, in a closet, on a balcony, window sill, etc.

Kitchen table made of wooden boxes

If you have several large boxes lying around or wooden pallets, you can make a kitchen table out of them.

Sand the drawers with sandpaper and paint them in a color suitable for the interior.

Secure everything with bolts so that the structure is strong and does not wobble.

It is not necessary to make a table for the kitchen; you can make it for the dacha to sit in nature with a cup of tea.

Coffee table made from drawers

If you connect 4 drawers in a certain order, you can make a cute coffee table.

Pay attention to how the boxes are connected.

It is also worth noting that it is advisable to treat the drawers and paint them with varnish or brown paint to make them look even more like a coffee table.

You can attach wheels if you wish, although this may require attach several plywood boards (which will better secure the entire structure)to the bottom of the table and only then attach the wheels.

IN last years So-called “life hacks” have come into fashion. From available materials, through simple manipulations, they construct something useful for the home. Wooden boxes are also used, from which it is easy to assemble the original, multifunctional furniture. They mainly use food containers: canned food, fruits and vegetables. In bachelor apartments, military boxes that used to store weapons and ammunition will look good. Stylish, “masculine” decor is not specially painted in order to preserve the markings and natural shabby appearance. Of course, such non-standard decoration is not combined with all styles in interior design. Strict classics, uncompromising modern, laconic high-tech are difficult to combine with wooden packaging. The boxes will look cute and appropriate in homes where the concept of Provence, country, ethnic, fusion, Scandinavian, Russian, and rustic style is implemented. If you try to decorate, then such a decoration can organically fit into designer composition loft and minimalism. Let's talk about ways to use wooden boxes in the interior and how to make furniture elements from them with your own hands.

Wall shelves

Slatted boxes are most often used, but plywood “models” are also available. Both options are useful for decorating a room. Wall system storage is needed in every home. Using hanging shelves, you can save space in a cramped bathroom, living room, kitchen, and even in a pantry or loggia. Fruit or vegetable wooden boxes make an excellent organizer that will help contain things and household items in strict order. After pre-processing the container, the modules are fastened together by screwing self-tapping screws into their side walls. If you need “single” shelves with spaces between them, then the scale of work is reduced. They are painted in desired color, decorate and attach the bottom cover to the wall vertically or horizontally. The sides will serve as shelves. In another option, the boxes are placed “naturally”, that is, one of the sides leans against the surface. Such shelves will be more spacious, but are used more often in closets, since the contents will not be displayed. An original solution will be manufacturing wooden frame, in which decorated drawers will be placed as pull-out containers. By the way, in the same way you can organize hanging shelves from baskets. To make the storage system look more beautiful, it is decorated with forged support at the bottom. Metal goes well with wood. Unusual design solution The wall in the hallway will be decorated using different-sized drawers. The center of the composition will be the mirror in wooden frame. Boxes of different sizes are placed around it: some are used as key holders, hats and gloves are placed on others, and on others - houseplants and small decor. The design is completed by securing the slats with hooks for bags.

Wooden boxes can be decorated as original shelves for storing wine bottles. Inside, they are divided into sections using crossbars, and then varnished, decorated with twine, pieces of burlap, fixed to the wall and laid with a backing of hay. The themed wine storage shelf is ready. In another version, an open cabinet is made from a box. It is placed vertically top cover reinforced with a decorative table top made of boards. Shelves are installed inside for horizontal placement of bottles, as in wine cellars.


Wooden boxes make excellent shelving units. They can be strict rectangular shape or have asymmetrical edges, which will add a special touch to the decor of the room. Perfect similar system storage for your home workshop, office or living room. The boxes are secured to each other using self-tapping screws or self-tapping screws, painted and placed against the wall. You can store whatever your heart desires on such racks: books, things, jewelry, food, towels and pillows, household chemicals, small decor. The designs look original, on the shelves of which “necessary” things are placed, alternating with flower pots. Rectangular racks can be assembled from identical boxes, which are arranged in a strict order or vertically and horizontally, but in such a way that a storage system of the correct shape is formed.

Drawers mounted on special legs with spaces between the modules will be an excellent addition to the kitchen in rustic style. They store vegetables (potatoes, onions, carrots), jars of pickles or canned food. It is important that each drawer is secured in its natural position, that is, with the bottom down. Thus, the strength of the cabinet will increase, because the container was originally designed for heavy loads.

The footwear stand

A shoe cabinet is assembled according to the same principle as a rack of drawers. The only thing worth considering: different heights sneakers, shoes, ankle boots and winter boots. For the first two, shelves made of drawers located horizontally are suitable, and for tall shoes they are placed vertically. If you make a homemade cabinet from an old container that is unevenly painted, then such an element will complement the hallway in the Provence style.

Bedside tables and tables

From the drawers you can make cabinets, coffee tables and boxes for storing small items instead of plastic or wicker baskets. In the latter case, choose containers with high sides. It is simply sanded, varnished or painted and equipped with paired handles on the sides for ease of movement. Bedside tables are assembled from two drawers connected to each other. They store photographs, watches, phones, magazines and books, and the top cover is used as a shelf for lamps or indoor plants. For creating coffee table you will need:

  • Four drawers;
  • Plywood sheet;
  • Self-tapping screws;
  • Wheels (optional).

A square-shaped pallet is cut out of plywood. The width of its edges should correspond to the sum of the length of one box and the height of the other. If desired, you can add small indents of a couple of centimeters. Wheels are first attached to the pallet, and then the boxes are attached in a spiral, that is, the side of the next one rests against the back wall of the previous one. The empty middle is decorated flower arrangement, a group of candles or a lamp. This coffee table can be used to decorate your living room or backyard in the summer. It is complemented by sun loungers assembled from pallets or poufs from old tires, decorated with rope.

From miniature boxes you can make decorative boxes for jewelry or boxes for flowers on the holiday table.

Ottoman for the hallway

To make an ottoman for the hallway or living room, you will need:

  • Box;
  • A sheet of durable wood for the top cover;
  • Foam rubber;
  • Upholstery material;
  • Construction stapler;
  • Wheels.

The box is sanded and varnished. Wheels are attached to its bottom, and a lid is attached to the top. If you need to use the ottoman also as a storage system, then it is placed on hinges so that the seat can be opened in the future. Then foam rubber is fixed to the lid and covered with fabric using a stapler.

Entertainment complex for cats

From boxes and metal pipes create entertainment center for cats. As you know, tailed animals get bored in apartments. To prevent the animal from damaging the furniture and wallpaper, you can occupy it with your own miniature cottage, where the cats will sleep, play and sharpen their claws. Some boxes are covered with plywood lids with round entry holes, others are left with only the bottoms, which are covered with soft foam rubber and upholstered with fabric, and on others, scratching posts are attached. The modules are connected to each other in any order. Additionally, the “house” is equipped with a ladder system to make it more convenient for the animal to move around the “floors”. Instead of a purchased bed for a cat or dog, cribs are created from a box. The box is thoroughly sanded. It is better not to coat it with varnish, as your pet may not like its smell. Then a pair of upper slats are cut off from one of the sidewalls, which will be the front one. The inside of the box is filled with foam rubber or other soft material and cover it with a blanket. Additionally sleeping area decorated with miniature hand-sewn pillows. Of course, the size of the box and the future crib is selected according to the dimensions pet. To make a feeder, you will need a bowl of of stainless steel, wooden containers and plywood. The top cover is cut out from the last sheet. They do it in the center round hole under the bowl. The plywood is then secured to the box. All that remains is to insert the bowl. You need to choose one with protruding sides, which will hold the container by the lid. The bowl can be easily removed to wash or replace with another. A double feeder is made from a large box using the same technology with paired containers for food and water.

Using boxes in the garden

The boxes make excellent flower beds. They can simply be placed on a base, creating an original composition in front of the house, or they can be combined into a vertical flowerbed with several floors. The boxes are placed on top of each other in a chaotic disorder, connected in parallel with self-tapping screws to obtain a stable structure. In pain complex options use four slats, fixed in pairs at an angle to each other. Instead of steps on this “ladder” there are boxes with flowers or herbs. If there is a free wall of an outbuilding or wooden fence, then the modules are fixed on it, in the manner of shelves in which pots with plants are placed. Original version there will be a composition of five boxes, four of which form the sides of the rectangle, and the fifth will become the center, touching the corners with the remaining modules. If containers of different sizes are available, then a multi-tiered flower bed is made from it. A large box is placed at the bottom, and smaller modules are placed on top so that the smallest one becomes the top of the pyramid. The “square-rhombus” alternation will look beautiful in this composition. Garden flower beds-steam locomotives are also made from the boxes, where the modules are equipped with decorative wheels and transformed into trailers, and the front one will become the “head of the train.”

To make it, just connect 4 ordinary wooden boxes. They can be painted, simply coated with varnish or wood impregnation to highlight the natural color and texture. By the way, the table will also come with shelves for storage, and if you attach wheels to it, it can be moved around the apartment.

2 Rack with storage drawers

Such a rack can be placed in any room: living room, hallway, children's room. It will fit perfectly into, especially Scandinavian and loft. To repeat this experiment, we need boxes different sizes and tabletops for the base and top of the shelving. You can paint it any color, and you don’t have to put the same wooden boxes inside; you can use any boxes or baskets.


This shelf can also be used as a bench. It is enough to connect 3 drawers, put them on legs and attach the tabletop. And choose the color according to your taste and desire.

4 Shelf for books and storage

Another example of a nice shelving unit, only this time the owners decided to stack the drawers like a puzzle: one horizontally, the other vertically. The rack can be painted with colored paint or varnished.

5 Bedside table

From one wooden box It turned out to be such a cute little nightstand with storage space. The box needs to be painted, but inside... In principle, the design of such a bedside table can be anything: depending on whether you paint the drawer and use prints.

6 Pouf

Wooden box pouf? Easily! It is enough to strengthen the corners with metal plates and reinforce the top of the box before making soft seat, - this will increase its strength and you can sit down without fear of ending up on the floor or breaking the structure.

7 Shelves for storage in the hallway

This idea couldn’t be easier to implement - take several ordinary boxes, paint them and attach them to the wall in any order. Ready! On such shelves you can also store the necessary accessories in the hallway.

8 Children's "garage" for toy cars

Inventive parents can make such a garage for children toy cars. To do this, you will need one wooden box and cardboard tubes - paper towels can be used. Divide them into several parts and fold them like a checkerboard inside the box. Can be secured with glue. The child will definitely like it.

9 Pet couch

One box, 4 wheels and a soft blanket are all you need for your pet's personal couch. Suitable for a cat or small dog.


There is nothing complicated about this idea either. The main thing is to come up with a design for the box and attach wheels to it for convenience.


A mini-shelf for important small items and keys will come in handy in the hallway. And it can be made from a wooden box. Attach nails or hooks inside on which you can hang a bunch of keys, and experiment with the design: paint, varnish or label the box.

12 Table for player

Look at this wonderful table in. Of course, it is not at all necessary to use it for a player and records, but in this design it looks very stylish. But everything is much simpler than it seems: an ordinary box was painted and attached to metal legs.

13 Wine cabinet

From a wooden box and a beam, which was sawn, painted and criss-crossed to the box, a very stylish wine cabinet was created. It will truly decorate any kitchen modern style, as well as in country or Provence aesthetics. Take note.