Storage of gardening tools at the dacha. Devices for storing garden tools. Storage of garden tools and other things at the dacha

The dacha is an outlet for many city residents who are tired of routine work and a noisy metropolis. But here, as in a city apartment, it is important to properly organize storage systems. We have prepared 10 practical and stylish ideas, which will help you keep your garden equipment in order.

1. Old fence

At the dacha, old things get a second life. Like, for example, this fragment of a fence that has served well. It can no longer be used as a fence, but it can turn into a storage organizer gardening tools. At the same time, it will successfully complement the exterior.

2. Rails

The traditional place for using roof rails is in the kitchen. It turns out that they can act as holders of small garden tools in the country. The good thing about them is that they can be mounted on a door in a utility room or shed, in a closet or even on a fence.

3. Pallets

Wooden pallets are renowned for their versatility. They make them coffee tables, beds, tables, headboards, decorate the interior with them. They can also be used in the countryside, especially for large tools. All you have to do is place the pallet vertically and put shovels, picks and rakes in it. To prevent such a storage system from tipping over, it is best to secure it to the wall with nails.

4. Organizer board

The so-called pegboard has already taken its place in home offices, kitchens and garages. It is convenient because it has many holes, and it is easy to attach small garden tools to it. The board does not take up much space, it can be easily repainted in any color, and it is also mobile and lightweight - just remove it from the wall and move it to another place, if necessary.

5. Hooks

Hooks are perhaps the simplest and fastest option that does not require special costs or effort. Just install required amount hooks on the wall and place equipment on them. When purchasing hooks at a hardware store, you should pay attention to special double holders for garden tools. So, rakes, pruners, shovels and other tools will always be at hand and in order.

6. Door

If gardening tools are used very often, then you can give them a place right on the street. For these purposes, it is convenient to use a fence or door that is not in use. At the top, equip one or more shelves for flower pots and every little thing. At the middle level, organize the storage of small garden tools (secateurs, scissors, scoops). In order to secure them, it is enough to drive in a few nails instead of hooks. Here you can hang several large shovels or lower them to a lower level.

7. Bags for small items

In apartment design, special textile or polyethylene organizers are often used to store small items. They are usually hung on doors or in closets. This convenient device will also come in handy in the countryside. It will fit gloves, scissors, pruning shears, scoops - everything you need to care for flowers.

8. Plastic and metal containers

At the dacha, plastic and metal containers will come in handy. It is most convenient to mount them on the wall or hide them under the table. They can be used to neatly organize medium-sized tools and household items.

9. Flower pots

There is one convenient device that allows you to avoid losing small equipment in the garden (and then not wasting time looking for it). This flower pot with sand or gravel. You just have to fix scoops or pruning shears in it, and they will always be in sight.

10. Rake

If you have rakes that are no longer used for their intended purpose and are simply lying around in the shed, you can use them to make a hanger for small garden tools. For convenience, it is necessary to secure it at the level of the elbows, so as not to bend too low for the equipment or not to reach for it.

The summer season is in full swing - it's time to explore ingenious solutions for a summer house in our special review, where we have collected.

Summer residents often have a rather pressing issue of organizing the storage of garden tools. if you have country cottage area or own house, then you probably use a lot of gardening tools. And you are most likely familiar with the situation when you need to look for a shovel or pruning shears throughout the entire area or try to pull it out of a pile of other garden tools. But at the height of the summer season, it is necessary that the tools are always at hand, but at the same time you, in the literal sense, do not have to step on a rake.

For all these problems there is one simple solution - to spend time once and equip a place for storing garden tools.

The first thing to do is disassemble the entire tool. Sort it by size: large equipment in one group, small scoops, shovels, rakes in another, hammers, chisels, screwdrivers in a third. So you can understand which storage method to choose. Also, inspect your tools to see if they need to be cleaned, sharpened, or generally spruced up.

How to store shovels and rakes

To ensure that shovels, forks and other equipment with long handles do not take up much space and do not get in the way, you can make a kind of organizer: you will need 2-4 boards, a feather drill, a hacksaw, sandpaper and screws. Mark the location of the holes in the boards (so that they coincide in diameter with the handles of the tools), drill them using a drill bit, make side cuts with a hacksaw, sand them and secure them at the same level on the wall with screws.

It can also become a storage device wooden pallet. Attach it to the wall as shown in the photo and simply place your inventory in it.

In addition, if you have a wide board, you can use a hacksaw or jigsaw to cut out recesses in it of such a width that the tool handles fit freely into them. With help metal corner attach the board to the wall and “hang” shovels and rakes work surface up.

Take a polypropylene pipe of a suitable diameter, cut it at an angle into sections 5-7 cm wide. Secure them with screws to the wall. Individual storage compartments are ready.

An old, leaky plastic barrel or tank with a lid can still serve you well. Make holes in the bottom or lid and insert the equipment into them.

How to store tools in the garden

If you have a large number of screwdrivers, that is, an easy way to conveniently place them in your shed or pantry. Drill holes in a board 10-15 mm thick required diameter, attach such a shelf to the wall and simply stick screwdrivers into the resulting holes.

You can make a bar to accommodate the pliers. Secure 2 small bars 3-4 cm wide with screws to the wall, and nail a narrow strip onto them.

Hanging pockets can be very useful. You can put gloves, pruning shears, small spatulas or other small but useful items in them.

How to store nails and screws

Do you have a lot of nails and screws? Take several jars of a suitable size and fill them with nails. Secure the covers with screws under a shelf that is convenient for you. Now simply “screw” the jars onto the lids.

Buy large metal coat hooks and fix them on the wall. Now just hang your hoses on them.

With the onset of warm weather, gardeners and gardeners take out tools and various household equipment from sheds and storerooms. In the midst spring work everything that a summer resident needs should be at his fingertips. There is a constant need for shovels, rakes, scoops, forks and pruning shears. On the one hand, they need to be as close as possible to the work site. On the other hand, I really don’t want the neat appearance of the area to be disturbed by objects scattered around! There is only one way out: you need to determine and equip a place for summer storage tools. Yes, and in winter they also have to be put somewhere in order to meet the new one fully armed. summer season.

The aesthetics of the open space will not be compromised if you use one of the proposed ideas convenient storage tools. Everything you need will be at your fingertips, but not in front of your eyes.

The space under the terrace or porch

If at the design stage of the house you provide even a slightly raised or, consider that you have already determined the place for shovels and rakes. It is enough for the structure to be at least half a meter from the surface of the earth. The greater the distance from the ground and the length of the same terrace, the wider your possibilities.

The free space under the terrace is well organized. Even the steps of the stairs have been converted into drawers in which a wide variety of small items can be stored.

You can simply close off the space by providing it with an aesthetic door. The result will be an original barn, which, by the way, will additionally strengthen the terrace. If there is not too much space under the porch, it is better to limit drawers, turning the side of the porch into a kind of chest of drawers. The design should be chosen according to your own taste, it is only important that it matches general style buildings

Another option for creating a utility room under the terrace of the house. It can accommodate not only garden tools, but also a bicycle, for example, or a small boat

A garden bench will also work

Typically, the space under garden benches no one is particularly interested. And we will fix this and not let it sit empty. Let us have a box instead of an ordinary bench in which we will put the tools.

At the same time, the overall aesthetics of the site will not suffer in any way, but the space under the bench, where it is so difficult to mow the grass, will be put to use. Secateurs, scoops and hoses can be stored directly next to the place where they are used.

This bench doesn't look like tool storage, but that's how it's used. Externally similar to a fashionable sofa, it is multifunctional

We build a special box

Now let's do it differently. First, let’s calculate the box with what parameters we need so that all the equipment can easily fit there, and then we’ll think about what other functions it could perform on our site.

Such a wooden box will definitely find some other useful application on the farm. For example, you can grow seedlings on it or use it in a gazebo as a dining table

Let's say we make a container with pull-out shelves or a hinged lid, or even a combined structure in which the drawers are located at the bottom, and space for shovels, rakes and hoes is at the top. The result is a rather voluminous structure that can be used as a table for growing seedlings, a lounger or a place for children to play.

Original obelisk-shaped design

A decorative detail on the exterior of your home can at the same time be a very useful structure. It would never occur to anyone that brooms and shovels are located right here, this design looks so neat and natural.

Who would have thought that the owner would hide shovels, scoops and fishing rods in such a neat and inconspicuous hiding place? Yes, there is also an air conditioner hidden at the bottom of the obelisk.

The lower part of the container can be occupied, for example, by an air conditioner, and instruments with long handles will be placed on top. You can also put fishing gear here, which also needs storage space.

For the necessary little things

However, not all garden tools have big sizes. Sometimes we need little things like pruning shears, balls of twine, gloves, scoops and pegs. Where should I put all this so I don’t have to look for it for a long time? For them, you should build a birdhouse on a stand that matches the height of the gardener.

This is a true illustration of the expression “everything is at hand.” The board is intended to contain information that the gardener should not forget. For example, dates of vaccinations may be noted here

This can be a stand-alone storage unit or an original addition to a large utility room. In any case, in such a “house” every little thing will be in its place. A necessary information just write with chalk on the board with inside doors.

We use suspended structures

For curly ones flowering plants, cucumbers and grapes, various supports are often used. on their vertical surfaces It’s easy to make some fastenings like hooks. With their help, it will be possible to hang all the equipment that is not needed at the moment. In fact, it is in plain sight, but it is either not noticeable, or it will look quite neat.

Take a good look at the pillars, because the equipment placed on them is actually practically invisible

If the climate in your area is dry, this method of temporary storage will be very useful. If it often rains, then you can put hooks on the wall of any outbuilding that is reliably protected by an overhanging roof. However, everything is possible outer surface transform the walls into a kind of organizer. We will talk about its construction below.

Aesthetic cylindrical racks

If in progress construction work Do you have scraps of metal or polypropylene pipes, do not rush to part with them. By securing them in a quiet corner somewhere behind the house or behind a gazebo, you can store all your tools and handles in them. Each item has its own place, which makes it easier to access later.

The only thing alarming about this method of storing equipment is the forks, the sharp teeth of which point upward. We can only hope that this structure will be located in compliance with safety regulations

Making a shelf with your own hands

Ways to do simple shelf there is a lot for DIY tools. We bring to your attention one of them. For the base of the shelf we need one board over 1 meter long and 40 mm thick. In addition, we will prepare the remains of boards, planks, as well as identical trimmings of triangular plywood.

We take plywood triangles and cut out a groove on each of them with a jigsaw, corresponding to the board that we prepared for the base of the shelf. We screw the trim strips to the triangles with self-tapping screws and file off their edges. Now each triangle is a console.

This shelf is not difficult to make: to create it there is no point in buying new materials, you can use those left over from previous construction work

Using self-tapping screws, we fix each console to the base board so that shovels, rakes and other tools can be hung with the working part up. Cutting boards or chipboards should be inserted between the consoles. This will give general design necessary rigidity.

It must be said that the finished structure is quite heavy. To secure such a shelf to the wall, you need an assistant to support it. If the master works alone, then it is easier for him to initially secure support board, and only then screw consoles and elements that provide rigidity to it.

The only difficulty is the weight of the shelf itself, which will be a problem if you have to attach it to the wall alone, but in this case there is a way out

Another option involves fixing finished design using one large nail, and then final installation self-tapping screws. In their locations, you can make through holes in advance. The resulting simple shelf collects all the main equipment.

Garden organizer made easy

For a simple garden organizer we won't need extra effort and significant financial costs. It's quite simple!

We'll need four edged boards 25 mm thick. They need to be prepared for work - planed. The picture shows where the holes will be placed on the two boards. Let's outline them. Using a feather drill, we will make holes according to preliminary markings and then, using a jigsaw or a simple hacksaw, we will cut out the side cuts.

There is nothing complicated about assembling such an organizer. This simple process is reflected in sufficient detail in these pictures.

Let's connect the boards in pairs with self-tapping screws to make two L-shaped structures. Now we have two vertical racks. We choose the wall on which our organizer will be placed. Let it be, for example, the outer wall of any outbuilding. The racks need to be screwed to it parallel to each other at a shorter distance than the length of the shovel handle.

Why not show off such a worthy result of your work? It's always nice when your tools are kept in order. Work will be more fun with clean equipment

The work is finished. All that remains is to place all your equipment in the organizer and be glad that it will always be in order.

When the summer season is over

When cold weather sets in and work at the dacha is curtailed, it’s time to preserve the tools that have served us faithfully and send them for storage. If we follow all the rules, in the spring we will not have to spend money on buying a new one. Spring expenses are already high.

We send gardening equipment for storage

All shovels, hoes, rakes and other gardening tools should be preserved. We will conduct an initial inspection and repair anything that has broken down during the working season. Dirt and rust must be removed. Cleaning is best done with a wire brush or spatula. Lubricate cutting edge and metal surfaces with oil.

Tools should not be left dirty and ungreased during the winter. All the same, we will have to do the same work ourselves in the spring. And in the spring, as you yourself know, there is a lot to do without it

It is necessary to sharpen the blades of the loppers and pruning shears. To remove nicks from the blade of a lopper or garden saw, use a file. Secateurs for the same purpose would be better suited grindstone. You also need to take care of the wooden handles. They are also thoroughly cleaned, after which they are generously lubricated with ordinary sunflower or linseed oil. Handles impregnated in this way will not dry out and will last a long time.

Particular attention should be paid to the fertilizer sprayer. It is cleaned, thoroughly washed and dried. All levers and fastenings of the device are thoroughly coated machine oil. Free the hoses from any remaining water, roll them into a ring and hang them on the wall. They should only be stored indoors.

Rules for storing electrical equipment

A well-equipped summer cottage cannot do without electromechanical equipment. When preparing it for winter, the following steps are necessary:

  • draining all excess fuel;
  • changing engine oil;
  • checking the availability of fasteners (brackets, plugs, screws) and making up for actual shortages.

Power cords also require mandatory inspection. If the integrity is broken, it is better to replace them with new ones. The trimmer head is cleaned, washed and dried. The mower blades are sharpened and lubricated. Both the electric shears and the herb chopper need cleaning. All the knives metal parts and movable hinge joints of different units must be cleaned and lubricated.

Any electromechanical devices require careful care. But the life of a gardener and gardener is greatly simplified if he has them and is in good condition

Under no circumstances should the tool be left where it could get wet by rain or covered with snow. Even moisture from fog negatively affects its performance properties. Ideal place there will be special storage utility room. If there is no such room, a workshop or even a storage room in the house will do. Carefully preserved gardening tools will successfully survive the period of lack of demand and will not let its owners down in the spring.

Ecology of consumption. Homestead: If you feel like it's taking too long to find the right rake or you're just thinking about tearing down an old barn that's bringing more problems, than good, because everything is piled up inside it - it’s time to think about building a “proper” shed. But how it should be will be discussed further.

If you feel that finding the right rake takes too much time or are simply thinking about demolishing an old shed that is causing more trouble than it is worth, because... everything is piled up inside it - it’s time to think about building a “proper” shed. But how it should be will be discussed further.

And to begin with, it should be noted that a shed or other structure for garden tools can not only fulfill its direct function as a banal storage facility - if you apply a little imagination, a “rake house” can even become a decoration for your garden plot.

Storage of "high" inventory

It makes sense to divide your tools into several categories and create their own small storage for each of them, based on their shape and purpose. For example, to store equipment such as shovels, rakes and other tools with long handles, you can make a tall and narrow shed, the dimensions of a telephone booth. In such a booth, its contents will not constantly fall on your feet (or on your head), but the necessary tool can be easily found right away.

You can make such a shed “from scratch” - from boards and pieces of slate for the roof, and then paint it in some bright, pleasing to the eye color. Or don’t knock it together, but “put together” a shed like a puzzle, for example, from four old doors. If at least one of them has glazing elements, you can inspect the presence inside the right tool without even opening the shed.

If you do not want to make storage for rakes and shovels separately, you should set aside a special place for them in a large shed, making special devices screwed to one of the walls.

In this option, you just need to create an individual mount for each existing tool. If the length and height of the wall allows you to place the entire collection, then you will definitely not lose anything else.

If you decide to make a longitudinal storage system, then (polyvinyl chloride) may be suitable as “pocket” holders. plastic pipe required diameter, sawn into required quantity parts. If you choose a transverse system (tool shafts parallel to the floor), then wood may also work.

But in general, if you have a plastic pipe, then you can use it to create a storage system for almost anything - from pencils, pliers and screwdrivers, right down to drills and screwdrivers.

Can also be converted to vertical plane storage and small garden tools (and, in principle, almost any tool). To do this, you need to drive nails into the surface of the wall and make hooks on which you can hang even coiled hoses. If inside the barn (in our weather conditions it is still better to store equipment inside) you have walls made of logs and therefore uneven, then you can use an inverted one as a flat base. wooden pallet, and attach the necessary hooks to it. Then, among other things, you can take out the entire structure for a while gardening work out.

Well, if you don’t want to do anything special, but have free pallets, then you can simply place the pallet vertically against the wall and use it as a stand, for example, for shovels. Just remember to make sure the structure is stable. You may still have to attach it to the wall.

Storing smaller items

To store bags of fertilizer or other items that you need a little less frequently, it makes sense to use plastic containers. This is nothing new, unless, of course, you decide to hang them from the ceiling. This will significantly save you valuable space in the shed. If the ceiling height allows, you can build special “rails” there and remove a lot from the passage.

This principle is also applicable for storing all small things - nuts, screws, nails, etc. To quickly find what you need, you can put them in glass jars. And so that the lid of this jar does not get lost, screw it to the bottom surface of some shelf, or even the ceiling of the barn.

If there is a problem with small items getting mixed up, then you can build a special sorting box following the example of toys for very young children.

It is quite possible to combine several of the above ideas and make an outdoor, most compact mini-shed that will not take up much space and at the same time will accommodate what you need.

Garden work table

For various small gardening and household work, such as replanting plants in pots or preparing fertilizers, you can build a table that will allow you to do everything comfortably without bending over.

You can make it, like everything else, from scratch according to your own sketch, or you can build it from an old bench, an old table, a pallet, a used door. For greater convenience, install it on your desktop as back wall piece metal mesh from the fence, on which you can, among other things, hang small equipment.

As you can see, you can come up with a lot of ideas - the main thing is to start. That's what we wish for you! published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

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