Chlorhexidine for intimate hygiene. Chlorhexidine instructions for use for rinsing the mouth, throat, and gynecology. Treatment of candidiasis in men

Pomelo is the largest fruit in the citrus family. It has an unusual taste, combining sweet, bitter and sour shades.

Most of the pomelo is inedible - it is the peel and a thick layer of white, bitter pulp that protects the edible part from damage.

There are three types of pomelo: white, red and pink:

  • white pomelo softer and improves digestion;
  • red pomelo contains more vitamin C and potassium;
  • pink pomelo the sweetest and contains many seeds.

Regardless of the variety, pomelo has a positive effect on the body, improving its functioning.

Composition and calorie content of pomelo

The medicinal properties of pomelo are due to its composition, which contains vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, fiber, pectin and enzymes.

The composition of pomelo as a percentage of the daily value is presented below.


  • C – 102%;
  • B1 – 2.27%;
  • B6 – 1.8%;
  • B2 – 1.59%;
  • B3 – 1.1%.


Calorie content of pomelo – 38 kcal per 100 g.

Pomelo, like all citrus fruits, strengthens and restores the body. The vitamins in pomelo allow the fruit to be used in the treatment and normalization of the functioning of individual body systems.

For muscles and bones

Potassium in pomelo is important for fluid balance in the body. It ensures muscle elasticity, prevents stretching and tearing of ligaments, and also relieves cramps.

Potassium will help prevent osteoporosis by improving bone mineral density. It facilitates the absorption of minerals needed to maintain strong and healthy bones.

For the heart and blood vessels

One of the best properties of pomelo is its ability to normalize and maintain blood pressure levels, thanks to potassium.


  • relieves tension from blood vessels;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes;
  • minimizes the load on the heart.

In addition, pomelo prevents the formation of “bad” cholesterol in the body and prevents the appearance of plaques in blood vessels.

Pomelo can act as a prophylactic against. The abundance of vitamin C in the composition helps absorb and absorb iron.

For nerves and brain

Pomelo is used as an antidepressant. It will help not only calm down and get rid of anxiety, but also cope with depression.

For teeth and gums

Vitamin C, which is present in abundance in pomelo, is important for maintaining oral health. Regular use of pomelo will relieve bleeding gums and strengthen teeth.

For the gastrointestinal tract

For kidneys and bladder

One of distinctive properties pomelo – protects the urinary tract from infections. High level The vitamin C content in pomelo increases the amount of acid in the urinary system. This protects against infection and kills harmful bacteria.

For skin

Pomelo improves blood circulation, so skin cells are saturated with oxygen. This prevents the appearance of wrinkles and eliminates the signs of aging.

Pomelo protects the skin from harmful effects ultraviolet rays. It fights acne and pimples, accelerates the healing of wounds, burns and cell regeneration.

For hair

Vitamins C and B1 in pomelo are good for hair. They make them healthy, strong and beautiful.

The fruit eliminates thinness, fragility and brittleness of hair, strengthens its roots and prevents hair loss, making hair thicker. It soothes the scalp and fights bacteria that cause dandruff.

For immunity

Vitamin C is necessary for the health of the immune system. Pomelo helps the body fight viruses and infections, which reduces the risk of colds and flu, and also makes the disease easier.

With the help of pomelo, you can fight free radicals and increase the activity of leukocytes. Pomelo increases the growth of antibodies and immune cells. It helps in the treatment of cancer and prevents the formation of cancerous tumors.

Pomelo during pregnancy

It is useful to eat pomelo during pregnancy. It contains folic acid, which has a good effect on the development of the fetus.

Pomelo is the largest fruit in the citrus fruit family. This unique representative of its genus can reach truly gigantic sizes, up to approximately 30-40 cm in diameter. The weight of such a handsome man ranges on average from 1 to 3 kg, and sometimes up to 10 kg. Seeing this fruit on the counter, many begin to wonder: “Pomelo is a hybrid of what fruit? Or maybe this is the result of modern selection or the bold development of genetic engineers?

In fact, what this “hybrid fruit” is derived from will remain a mystery, since it has been growing in the vast expanses of Asia for thousands of years and is being used local population for food and medicinal purposes.

Externally, pomelo fruits are similar to grapefruit. They have a moderately sweet and refreshing taste; unfortunately, they are inferior in juiciness to oranges, but they are not bitter, like. Among other fruit names, the most famous are shaddock and pompelmus, but official name The fruit, after all, is a pomelo. So, what are the benefits and harms of pomelo for the human body? Is it possible to eat it while on a diet, and how to use it correctly so as not to cause harm to health?

Beneficial features

Pomelo is a real vitamin bomb!

What are the benefits of the fruit? Buying this exotic fruit, every person, willy-nilly, is interested in what is contained in this wonder of nature and is it good for health? Like many other fruits, sheddock contains in its pulp a lot of vitamins and microelements, as well as valuable organic compounds that normalize the body’s activity.

The benefits of citrus fruit for the human body are manifested in the following:

  • due to its fiber content, the fruit is able to restore normal intestinal motility and improve the functioning of the digestive system;
  • it is a valuable source of iron, which takes part in the construction of hemoglobin and prevents the development of anemia;
  • potassium in sheddock has a beneficial effect on myocardial function and eliminates periodic manifestations of arrhythmia;
  • the fruit contains a so-called lipolytic enzyme that breaks down fat cells, which makes it possible to use it for weight loss;
  • The vitamins contained in the fruit perfectly stimulate the immune system;
  • limonoids, which are contained in pompelmus fruits, are an excellent means of preventing cancerous tumors;
  • vitamin composition exotic fruit allows it to be used as a prophylactic during an epidemic of viral diseases;
  • pectins protect the gastric mucosa from irritation;
  • With the help of the lipase enzyme, fat metabolism is activated and protein is properly absorbed.

How much vitamin C is in sheddock? Every 100 grams of fruit contains up to 53 mg of ascorbic acid. This figure is very high, which suggests that the fruit is capable of improving the condition of the vascular wall and preventing the development of viral infections and make their course easier, help maintain the rheological properties of blood at the proper level.

Are dried citrus slices healthy? The beneficial properties of dried pompelmousse are not as pronounced as those of fresh fruits. It contains much less ascorbic acid. In addition, candied fruits contain a lot of sugar, and therefore their caloric content and BJU indicators are as follows: 308 kcal per 100 grams and 0.2%/1.8%/98%, respectively.

Is it possible to eat pomelo if you have diabetes? How much sugar is in these juicy fruits? The low glycemic index of pomelo allows it to be included in the diet of patients suffering from diabetes. Only pomelo for diabetics is best taken in the form of juice obtained by passing the fruit through a juicer, since it contains all the substances necessary for a sick body. There is no need to worry about the compatibility of pomelo and medications. Citrus in acceptable quantities goes well with taking medications and other foods.

Benefits for women

How is pomelo beneficial for a woman’s body? The benefits and harms of pomelo for women’s health are also explained by the characteristics of its composition. These fruits prevent constipation and therefore have a beneficial effect on the condition. skin. Representatives of the fair sex who consume pompelmus several times a week in moderate quantities note that the elasticity of their facial skin has significantly increased, the first wrinkles have disappeared, and a healthy blush has appeared on their cheeks.

Is it possible to eat pomelo during pregnancy? When answering the question of how fruit is useful for pregnant women, it is important to understand that the body of the expectant mother is very susceptible to different kinds infections, therefore needs increased activity immunity. Pomelo is ready to offer just such protection in the form of vitamin C to a pregnant woman.

How is pomelo useful and harmful for breastfeeding? Is it possible to enjoy pomelo while breastfeeding? Despite the considerable amount of vitamins, pediatricians do not recommend mothers during breastfeeding consume this fruit in the same way as other fruits of the citrus family. This is due to the allergenicity of these fruits, which can provoke the development of allergy symptoms in infants.

Benefits for men

It is also known about beneficial properties ah pomelo fruit for men. It has been proven that after a good feast with alcoholic drinks the next morning, just a few slices of fruit can eliminate the symptoms of alcohol intoxication, invigorate a person and return him to normal life. The benefit of pink pomelo for men also lies in the fact that it is a powerful aphrodisiac that increases potency and restores reproductive abilities in the stronger sex.

Benefits for weight loss

Do you lose weight or gain weight from citrus? Does it help you lose weight and how much pomelo can you eat without gaining weight? How many calories and carbohydrates are in fresh pomelo? These questions interest many people who watch their weight. Fortunately, the giant citrus is one of the low-calorie products (the calorie content of pomelo is 38 kcal per 100 grams), so it can be included in the menu of those losing weight. Pomelo helps burn fat when losing weight. You can eat it even at night without fear of gaining weight. The recommended dose of fruit is no more than 150-200 grams per day.

Is it possible to eat pomelo at night or not? Naturally, yes! Eating sheddock at night for weight loss makes it possible to normalize metabolism and improve intestinal function, so this fruit can easily replace foods intended for a diet dinner. Another question that interests those who want to lose weight: “Which is healthier: grapefruit or pomelo?” When choosing between these two representatives of the citrus series, you should still choose the first option, since grapefruit is richer in vitamin C.

You will learn more about the benefits of exotic fruit from the video:

Possible harm

Who shouldn't eat pomelo? It is no secret that pomelo has not only beneficial but also harmful properties.

Among the main negative effects of the fetus are:

  • the allergenicity of citrus, since it often provokes the development of allergic reactions (whether the use of sheddock is allergic or not in each specific case can be determined using special allergological tests);
  • irritating effect on the gastric mucosa, so the fruit is prohibited from being used for gastritis and ulcers digestive tract;
  • choleretic effect, due to which it is better to exclude pomelo from the diet of patients suffering from cholelithiasis.

Therefore, before consuming the fruit, you should pay attention not only to its beneficial properties, but also to the contraindications to consuming pomelo. Otherwise, the benefits and harms of red pomelo can work against a person and cause damage to his health.

Features of use

Most often, pomelo is eaten simply by removing the peel and dividing the fruit into slices. However, there are several interesting recipes light dishes that are prepared in a couple of minutes and do not spoil your figure.

You can make a very delicious salad from this citrus. To do this, place pomelo slices, quarters of hard-boiled eggs, crab meat and sweet onion rings on a lettuce leaf. All ingredients can be topped with natural yoghurt or served without it.

Pomelo is a delicious component of many desserts. For example, you can make a smoothie or jelly based on it. The fruit goes well with sweet cottage cheese, custard and cranberry jam. It can be safely added to fruit salads and combined with other fruits in compotes and juices.

IN folk medicine pomelo has found its place as a remedy for the treatment of cardiovascular ailments, cough, chronic bronchitis and kidney inflammation.

Juice from the fruit can increase hemoglobin levels and prevent the formation of blood clots in patients with arrhythmia. If you use rinse solutions daily oral cavity prepared by mixing citrus juice in equal proportions with water, you can forget about caries forever. Less commonly, healers recommend brewing decoctions based on the peel of the fruit, which perfectly saturate the body with vitamins and microelements, increase immunity, and treat colds.

In cosmetology, pomelo is used to prepare masks and scrubs. The healing components of the fruit can make the skin softer, healthier and more radiant, prevent the appearance of wrinkles and get rid of acne. To prepare the mask, simply mash the pomelo pulp with a fork and apply the resulting pulp to your face.

You might be interested to know that birch buds will also help get rid of acne.
Read more

How to clean and cut a pomelo - watch the video:

How to choose and store fruit correctly?

The effectiveness of the pomelo fruit, its benefits and harm to humans, is largely determined by how correctly it was chosen.

In order to acquire a truly healthy fruit, you should:

  • pay attention to its peel, which should be smooth, without dents or dark spots;
  • smell the fruit (fresh sheddock has a pleasant citrus aroma);
  • take a fruit that is smaller in size but heavier in weight (this product has a good peel-to-pulp ratio).

It is better to store citrus in a cool place. You should not buy fruit in reserve, as it may rot. It is better to always buy fresh citrus fruits in the store and get only the benefits from them.

Similar materials

IN modern world There are a huge number of citrus fruits on sale that are beneficial for the human body. Pomelo has already gained great popularity among the population of our country. The fruit combines interesting taste characteristics And healing properties. His homeland is considered Asian countries. The fruits are treated with great respect there and are often presented as a gift. This one is especially popular citrus fruit Used by the Thais and Chinese. Let's take a closer look at it.

Application of the fruit

So, what makes it special? What can a pomelo be used for? The benefits of this fruit have long been known. In cooking, it is often used as an ingredient for cooking various dishes. This citrus goes well with fish, meat and confectionery products. Pomelo zest can be used as an additive to jams and hot drinks. The taste characteristics of freshly squeezed pomelo juice are especially appreciated.

In Europe you can find crafts made from pomelo skins for sale. It is also used to make sachet. This accessory will fill the room with the aroma of citrus fruits. If you place such a sachet in your room, you can improve the quality of your sleep. It will be much easier to wake up, and you will provide yourself with a boost of energy and good mood all day.

Calorie content

Many people are interested in the benefits and harms of pomelo from the point of view of creating a dietary menu. This citrus, despite its rather rich composition and big size, refers to low-calorie foods. The number of calories in 100 grams of the product depends on the sweetness of the fruit. The pulp can be of three types: red, pink, white. The low calorie content of the product is due to the fact that the fruit consists of 90% water.

Chemical composition of exotic fruit

What are the benefits of pomelo for the body? Here are just some of the vitamins and microelements contained in this fruit:

  1. Ascorbic acid: It has already been scientifically proven that pomelo helps strengthen the immune system. Thanks to vitamin C, the body will not be afraid of viruses and infections.
  2. Essential oils. If you catch a virus during the off-season, eating pomelo will help you overcome your cold in the shortest possible time. Essential oils help speed up the healing process. They help effectively strengthen the body's immune system.
  3. Coarse fibers: these substances move through the intestines and allow you to effectively cleanse it. They help remove toxins from the body.
  4. Lemonides: in general, pomelo has a beneficial effect on all organs and cells human body. The pulp of this citrus helps increase vitality and helps fight depression. In turn, lemonides normalize performance and productivity.
  5. Phosphorus: this component is responsible for improving brain activity.
  6. Calcium: this mineral is responsible for strengthening bone tissue. In addition, calcium is necessary for the growth of nails and hair.
  7. Antioxidants: Everyone knows that these substances help the body stay young and healthy. They allow you to protect it from toxic compounds and toxins.


The benefits of pomelo for the human body are simply enormous. Firstly, it has been scientifically proven that regular consumption of this fruit has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart. Even doctors recommend using it to prevent cardiovascular diseases. In addition, pomelo helps normalize arterial pressure and avoid the occurrence of thrombosis.

Latest Scientific research confirm that pomelo is effective against cancer. This citrus fruit helps fight inflammation malignant tumors. Some people confuse pomelo with grapefruit, although these fruits have clear differences in color and peel size. In addition, the pomelo has a characteristic pleasant aroma. Grapefruit is slightly smaller in size and has a brighter peel. It is also worth considering that pomelo pulp has a sweeter taste and does not taste bitter.

Citrus for various diseases

Who else should eat pomelo fruit regularly? Benefit of this product for respiratory diseases has been scientifically proven. Pomelo helps remove toxins from the body. It is recommended to eat it when you are very thirsty. Doctors advise including pomelo in the daily diet for people suffering from diabetes mellitus. Regular consumption of this fruit helps stabilize blood glucose levels. Citrus will also be useful in the early stages of gastritis. It also perfectly helps with other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. To prepare medicinal decoctions, pomelo zest is used.

What else can this fruit be used for? Pomelo peel is effective at the first signs of a cold. It helps relieve nasal congestion and relieve nasal congestion. Pomelo has proven itself to be a great way to lose weight. People who want to get rid of excess weight, you should definitely include this fruit in your diet.

Pomelo is actively used in protein synthesis and promotes effective fat burning. There is a significant improvement in metabolism. The calories just melt before our eyes.

What other benefits do pomelo have? For women, this product can be used as a cosmetic product. Various creams and masks are made based on pomelo. Its juice is useful for moisturizing and nourishing the skin. Pomelo is also great for removing oily shine. It helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and reduce the production of subcutaneous sebum. If you wipe the skin systematically with this composition, the effect will be noticeable after the first use. The unpleasant oily sheen will disappear, and the tissues themselves will be renewed at the cellular level.

Pomelo is very useful to eat for diseases of the central nervous system. This fruit is great for coping with stress and depression. It contains serotonin, which is directly related to positive emotions. At the same time, not only the pulp of the pomelo, but also the aroma itself can lift the mood.

Can children eat fruit?

All citrus fruits are strong allergens. Therefore, when giving a broom to a child, you should be especially careful. Children under one year of age should not eat this fruit at all. If you are planning to include pomelo in your diet, consult your pediatrician. After eating, be sure to monitor your child's condition. If allergic reaction does not arise, then you can safely continue to give your baby fruit. At the same time, it is worth remembering about the more familiar seasonal citrus fruits. It will be easier for our body to absorb the necessary microelements from pears and apples. Such fruits will not cause any harm, and they are also hypoallergenic.

Why is exotic citrus good for girls?

Today there is a lot of talk about such an extravagant fruit as pomelo. The benefits and harms to the body of this product are quite controversial issues. It has been scientifically proven that pomelo helps get rid of toxins. The skin becomes silky and radiant. This is especially important for the fair sex. The fruit also helps with constipation. Regular consumption of pomelo helps to cope with the disease in a short time. After all, such problems are often reflected on the face. Try to eat pomelo every day, of course, if there are no contraindications.

Application in cosmetics

How else can you use a broom? The properties and benefits of this product allow it to be used to create cosmetics. You can use pomelo juice as a tonic. It is suitable for any skin type. It is also useful to create various nourishing masks based on fresh juice. The juice is suitable for dry areas of skin. Proper hydration will be provided to the damaged areas. Pomelo peel can be used to wipe nails and cuticles. This will strengthen the plates and make them more even.

Green or ripe fruit

How to choose the right broom? The health benefits and harms of this product directly depend on its quality. The ripe fruit contains a large number of important chemical elements. Nutrients complement this set and bring great benefits to the body.

To choose a high-quality pomelo, just follow the following recommendations:

  1. Take the fruit in your hand. Despite its relatively small size, it should be quite heavy.
  2. A high-quality fruit should have a pleasant aroma.
  3. Be sure to feel the skin of the pomelo. It should be soft.
  4. The color of the ripe fruit should be yellowish, with no signs of redness or greenness.
  5. It is better not to buy pomelo from January to March. At this time, the fruits ripen.
  6. Be sure to inspect the fruit for damage. If there are visible cuts or dents, it is better to refuse the purchase.
  7. If you plan to store the broom for some time, it is best to use a ventilated wooden box for this purpose. Ripe fruits can be kept in the refrigerator for no more than three days.

Contraindications and harm

Before eating the fruit, be sure to read this question. Some people are absolutely contraindicated from eating pomelo. In this case, it is unlikely to be of any use.

Let's look at what diseases you should not use pomelo for:

  • For hepatitis, colitis, nephritis, allergies, increased stomach acidity, ulcers.
  • Pomelo should not be eaten during exacerbations of chronic diseases of the digestive tract. Citrus fruits contain many acids, which can cause irritation and heartburn.
  • It is better to refrain from eating pomelo if you have unpleasant symptoms after eating lemons, oranges and other citrus fruits.
  • You should not eat pomelo fruits during pregnancy. The unborn baby may develop individual intolerance.


In the east, pomelo is considered a symbol of well-being, prosperity and prosperity. It is customary to give this fruit to each other during major holidays. But be that as it may, today many are afraid to use pomelo. The benefits of this fruit are simply enormous. Nutritionists strongly recommend including it in your diet. It has many useful properties. The vitamins and minerals contained in pomelo help normalize the functioning of the body and speed up metabolism.

Most importantly, do not forget that you need to choose the right broom. The benefits will be maximum only from fresh and ripe fruit.

Gynecologists usually prescribe douching with chlorhexidine to their patients in cases where women complain of thrush. Some doctors see chlorhexidine as something that has been proven for decades and accessible remedy, others believe that this drug is hopelessly outdated and can do more harm than good. However, thousands of women resort to douching with chlorhexidine at home, barely detecting any discharge and not finding it necessary to consult with specialists.

What is chlorhexidine, and what effect can it have on female microflora? Is it harmful to reproductive health? How to douche correctly with a liquid called chlorhexidine, and in what cases can this be done? “The Fair Half” has prepared answers to all these delicate questions.

Chlorhexidine: composition, indications, effect

The liquid, which can be used for douching, is usually sold in pharmacies under the name “Chlorhexidine bigluconate”. The fact is that chlorhexidine itself is an odorless crystalline powder. It is characteristic of him White color and poor solubility in water and alcohol. The liquid topical spray, known as chlorhexidine, is made from purified water with the addition of 70% ethanol and 20% chlorhexidine digluconate (a compound that includes gluconic acid). Ready drug has antiseptic properties and appears as a colorless or light yellow transparent liquid.

  • Chlorhexidine is traditionally used for disinfection in preparation for surgical operations, for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, in the treatment of gingivitis, cystitis, wound infections.
  • In gynecology, chlorhexidine is used to treat and sanitize the genital tract during therapeutic and prophylactic procedures, as well as after surgical interventions.

    When treating thrush, douching with chlorhexidine can only be done on the recommendation of an obstetrician-gynecologist, since the dosage of the drug is selected strictly individually.

    How to do douching with chlorhexidine?

    Chlorhexidine for douching does not need to be poured into a special rubber bulb - this solution is sold in convenient bottles equipped with long tips.

  • Approximately 5-10 ml of the drug is injected into the vagina and left for two to three minutes. At this time, it is best to take a horizontal position and raise your legs, bent at the knees. It is convenient to carry out such procedures while lying in the bath, for example, as is done when douching with celandine. There is another method in which it is recommended to lie on a bed or couch and place a medical vessel under the pelvic part of the body.
  • There is no need to rinse the vagina with water after administering chlorhexidine - the excess drug will flow out on its own, so it makes sense to attach a disposable pad to your panties. After treatment with chlorhexidine, do not urinate for two hours.

    Contraindications and precautions for douching with chlorhexidine

    Chlorhexidine is incompatible with drugs containing iodine. Otherwise, you may get a burn to the skin or mucous membranes.

  • Douching with chlorhexidine is contraindicated for women who have been found to be hypersensitive to this drug or have a tendency to dermatitis and allergic reactions.
  • TO side effects include the appearance of sensations such as itching and dryness. Some people experience irritation in the vagina after such douching.

    Recent studies have shown that chlorhexidine often becomes the culprit of gardnerellosis, that is, vaginal dysbiosis. Under the influence of the solution, beneficial female microflora often dies. Miramistin is recognized as a safer analogue of this drug, but it costs several times more than chlorhexidine. To restore vaginal microflora after using chlorhexidine, some doctors recommend using Ecofemin vaginal capsules.

    P.S.: If you have experience with douching with chlorhexidine, you can tell about it in the comments to the article.

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    One of current problems gynecology are inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. Inflammatory process can be caused by bacteria, viruses, protozoa and fungi. Moreover, the latter in modern conditions occupy the largest share.

    We are talking about fungi of the genus Candida, which cause thrush. This problem is known to most women and causes a lot of inconvenience to the fair sex.

    Unfortunately, neither antiviral nor antibacterial drugs can combat the cause of the problem. Antifungal agents and antiseptics are used to treat thrush.

    The group of antiseptics includes the drug chlorhexidine bigluconate; it is available in several dosage forms and can prevent not only thrush, but also other inflammatory diseases.


    Thanks to what effects is the antiseptic (antimicrobial) effect of the drug achieved? The mechanism of operation of the tool is as follows:

    1. When binding to the cell membrane, the chlorhexidine bicluconate molecule interacts with special phosphate groups.
    2. This causes a change in fluid balance and the cell is filled with water from the inside.
    3. There is a violation of the integrity of the cell membrane and its death.
    4. The described effect predominantly affects vulnerable microbial cells, with virtually no effect on the condition of human tissues.

    Thus, chlorhexidine bigluconate does not inhibit bacterial division, like many antibiotics, but destroys already adult forms of microorganisms.


    Chlorhexidine bigluconate was discovered in the mid-twentieth century, but has not lost its relevance. This is achieved by having certain advantages:

    • The drug is active against various forms bacteria (Neiseria, chlamydia, treponema, ureaplasma), protozoa (Trichomonas), herpes virus and fungi (Candida).
    • The effect of the product is not instantaneous; it remains in the vaginal cavity upon insertion and continues to act for a certain time.
    • The medicine can have an effect even inside purulent contents.
    • The drug is used not only in the human body, but also for the treatment of medical instruments.
    • There are several dosage forms of the drug.

    It is due to this number of advantages that chlorhexidine digluconate is used in gynecology for the treatment of various inflammatory diseases.


    How exactly to use the product? What are the indications and contraindications for the use of chlorhexidine bigluconate? These and other questions are answered by the instructions for use of the medicine.


    There are possibilities for using the drug to disinfect instruments and surfaces in the field of clinical medicine. However, the instructions for use of chlorhexidine bigluconate contain mostly pathological conditions, for the treatment of which the drug is used. The drug can be used against the following diseases in gynecology:

    1. Colpitis.
    2. Cervicitis.
    3. Vulvitis.
    4. Primary syphilis of the genital organs.
    5. Chlamydia.
    6. Ureaplasmosis.
    7. Gonnorrhea.
    8. Trichomoniasis.
    9. Herpetic infection of the genital organs.
    10. Thrush.
    11. Emergency prevention of sexually transmitted infections.

    The drug is also used to treat diseases in other areas of medicine. In addition to gynecological problems, the following indications can be mentioned:

    • Wounds of the skin and mucous membranes.
    • Inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity.
    • Burns.
    • Insect bites.
    • Prevention of infection after cosmetic procedures.
    • Diseases of the ENT organs.

    The additional indications listed apply to dosage forms of gel and solution. In gynecology, vaginal suppositories and douching with chlorhexidine are used.


    Since the drug has quite pronounced activity and can interact with human tissue, there are certain contraindications for use. These include the following conditions:

    1. Allergy to the components of the product.
    2. Autoimmune dermatitis.
    3. Simultaneous use of iodine.
    4. Childhood.

    Regular use may cause chemical burns.

    Use during pregnancy

    Another advantage of using chlorhexidine for the treatment of gynecological problems is the ability to use the medicine in any trimester of pregnancy.

    Moreover, the product is used to treat the birth canal after injury. Prophylactic use of chlorhexidine reduces the risk of postpartum infectious complications.

    The medicine can also be used during lactation. The drug has an exclusively local effect and does not penetrate into the bloodstream or breast milk.

    Side effects

    Use of a medicine in the presence of contraindications, violation of the technique of use, as well as individual characteristics the body may affect the occurrence of side effects of the drug. These effects include:

    1. Allergic reactions.
    2. Itching of the skin and mucous membranes.
    3. Vaginal bleeding in the presence of mucosal defects.
    4. Increases skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation when used externally.
    5. Taste disturbance when used in dentistry.
    6. Chemical burns due to frequent use of concentrated solutions. In turn, they can cause urethral stricture.

    Side effects should lead to discontinuation of the drug and consultation with a specialist.

    Methods of use

    Instructions for using the medicine differ significantly from the form of the drug. The product is available in the following versions:

    • Vaginal suppositories.
    • Aqueous solution 0.05% for intimate hygiene.
    • Gel for topical use.
    • Skin patch.

    In gynecology, the first three forms are used.

    There is a solution form with a concentration of 1%. It is only suitable for economic needs: disinfection, equipment processing.

    Vaginal chlorhexidine suppositories are inserted into the vagina 3-4 times a day. The duration of the course is prescribed by the attending physician. It lasts from one to three weeks.

    The gel is applied to the vaginal mucosa thin layer 2 to 3 times a day. The course of application is 7–21 days.

    Douching with chlorhexidine

    It is worth taking a closer look at how to use chlorhexidine solution for intimate hygiene. This form is used for washing and douching. It is worth clarifying that the product has a concentration of 0.05%. Only this dosage is permissible for hygiene procedures.

    This form of medicine is available in a special bottle with a tip, this allows you not to use a pear for irrigation. You need to douche according to the following method:

    1. The woman takes a horizontal position in the bathtub or on a couch with a prepared medical bed.
    2. About 10 ml of the product is applied to the inflamed surface of the organ.
    3. The injected solution should remain in the organ cavity for three minutes.
    4. There is no need to rinse the vaginal cavity with water after the procedure. It is advisable to use a pad to absorb excess solution.

    Do not douche too often using chlorhexidine. Irrigation should be done according to the course prescribed by the doctor.

    The medicine can be used in the described manner for emergency prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. In this case, douching must be done no later than three hours after unprotected sexual intercourse.

    special instructions

    There are some nuances to using the product. These include the following points:

    1. When using suppositories for insertion into the vagina, preliminary toileting of the external genitalia is necessary.
    2. The medicinal properties of the drug increase with increasing temperature. It is necessary to use medicine at room temperature.
    3. The effect of the drug is weakened by the presence of soap on the mucous membrane; it must be washed off before douching with chlorhexidine digluconate.

    Compliance with the instructions, as well as a preliminary consultation with a doctor before using the medicine, will ensure its safe use and achieve the desired effect against pathogenic microbes.