Garden hibiscus from seeds. Garden hibiscus - propagation, care: Possible problems in cultivation. Growing hibiscus from seeds

There was a single copy of the Chinese Rose in my flower collection. I decided to propagate the plant and chose the seed method for this. Firstly, it was interesting to conduct the experiment, and secondly, plants grown using this method can be obtained in sufficient quantities. large quantities. It turned out that there was nothing particularly difficult to do. The main thing is to do everything according to the rules and follow all recommendations. Today I want to tell you how to grow hibiscus from seeds at home, which must be taken into account.

Many experienced gardeners prefer to propagate this ornamental plant with very beautiful flowering cuttings or dividing the bush. However, the seed method is in no way inferior in productivity. Even a beginner can succeed in such an experiment.


Eat undeniable advantages such a method. Let's list them briefly.

  • All activities are quite simple and do not require extensive experience in floriculture.
  • By growing hibiscus from seeds, you can see beautiful blooms this year.
  • A plant grown in this way has stronger immunity and gets sick less, since it was initially adapted for specific room conditions(temperature, humidity, lighting).
  • Seeds germinate perfectly if all procedures are carried out on time.
  • If the mother plant is healthy, then the seeds good quality. As a result, diseases and viruses are completely eliminated.
  • You can save a lot of money, since purchased adult hibiscus may begin to hurt in a new place.
  • You can choose the variety and variety that you like and will fit harmoniously into the interior.


There are several disadvantages. But they are not so significant compared to the advantages.

  • New young plants may not adopt all varietal characteristics from the mother plant and often differ significantly.
  • It is extremely difficult to find really high-quality seeds that would be distinguished by their quality and would make it possible to grow the desired hibiscus.

We purchase planting material

If you are just starting to get acquainted with floriculture and, in particular, with the Chinese Rose, then the natural question will be: where can you buy high-quality grains for planting?

  1. There are many varieties and types of hibiscus. In specialized flower shops or garden centers you will be offered a choice of the desired planting material and will advise.
  2. The packaging usually indicates F1. This means that the seeds belong to 1st generation hybrids. Look carefully at the date. It is advisable to plant seed material current year, since last year’s seeds lose their viability.
  3. Do not buy seeds secondhand, as you may end up with a plant that is completely different from what you dreamed of. In addition, it is possible to infect other plants in the apartment with viruses and infections.

We prepare seeds ourselves

This option is also possible. To do this, you need to know some of the characteristics of hibiscus and the timing of collecting planting material.

  • To get seeds from an existing houseplant, you need to pollinate it, and then collect them in time after the flowering period.
  • On the apical part, seed pods are formed, breaking up into 5 valves - pods. They contain grains. The doors open, and the seeds fall to the ground and begin to germinate. This is how hibiscus reproduces in nature.
  • You can find out when to collect grains for planting by the change in color of the pods to brownish brown.
  • Cover the area under the bush with paper sheets to prevent the seeds from scattering directly into the ground when the pods open.
  • As an alternative, carefully open the doors with a knife or your hands and remove the seed material yourself. In this case, the seeds can be different color. This is normal because they do not ripen at the same time.

After collecting the seeds, they should be sorted and selected only the largest, strongest, without a broken shell. They will germinate better and will later produce a full-fledged plant.

Technology for growing hibiscus from seeds

First you need to prepare all the necessary components. Everything should be at hand. You will need:

  • plastic or wooden container;
  • water bottle with spray;
  • pre-composed nutrient soil mixture;
  • film or glass suitable in size for the container.

Seed processing

Experienced plant growers advise subjecting the prepared seeds to stratification, that is, hardening. This process improves germination and subsequently plant immunity.

  1. Place the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate for 1 hour. For 100 grams of water, take 1 gram of potassium permanganate. This way you will disinfect the seeds.
  2. Prepare a small container and place the planting material there. Mix it with river sand, which you pre-moisten.
  3. Place the container in a cool place, maybe in the basement or refrigerator for 14 days.

Soil composition

Sudanese Rose, as hibiscus is also called, is quite demanding on the soil. Unlike many indoor plants she loves acidic soil.

  • The substrate must be supplemented with the necessary nutrients. Preparations low in phosphorus and high in potassium: the most good combination for this plant.
  • You can make your own soil: mix equal parts of leaf soil and regular soil from the garden, add humus. Sometimes peat is added. You need to be careful with the latter, as it can negatively affect the root system.
  • As an alternative: 2 shares of leaf humus and 1 share of perlite. You can also plant seeds in such soil.
  • If you don’t have enough experience or don’t have time to tinker with the substrate, then purchase it ready-made.


At the bottom of the container, place a layer of expanded clay at least 2 - 3 cm so that the soil is airy and moisture-permeable, water does not accumulate, and putrefactive processes do not begin.

Make small grooves in the container, into which place the seeds at a distance of several centimeters. It is advisable to moisten the soil before planting. Sprinkle the seeds on top with a layer of soil no more than 1 cm.

Moisten the soil again with rain. Next, place glass on the container or cover with film. This will create greenhouse conditions that will allow you to get seedlings faster.

It is better to place the containers in a room where there will be a lot of diffused light and the air temperature is at least +28 degrees. In early spring Daylight hours are still short, so use additional artificial lighting to prevent the seedlings from stretching out.

Periodically remove the cover and ventilate the soil, do not forget to moisten the substrate in time. The soil should not be allowed to dry out.


When shoots appear, and then several independent leaves appear, the seedlings need to be transplanted. Or, more simply put, dive.

  1. Moisten the soil in the container well and evenly. The next day, carefully remove the plants.
  2. Transplant them into separate pots, which you fill in advance with a drainage layer and soil mixture.
  3. Water the plants and place them in a room where there is sufficient quantity sunlight (not direct rays) and heat.
  4. This procedure is done to ensure that there is enough space for the root system.

Rules of care

Transplantation is only half the battle. Young flowers especially need attention and care. What procedures must be followed to get lush blooming Chinese Roses?


  • Hibiscus is a plant that loves moisture. Its crown is quite lush with strong stems, plenty of foliage and large flowers during the flowering period. Therefore, quite a lot of nutrients are needed.
  • On hot summer days you need to water the bushes in the morning and evening time. However, there is no need to flood the plant so that the roots do not begin to rot.
  • IN winter period Hibiscus often suffers from fungal diseases due to improper care. This tropical plant who needs to be provided desired temperature and humidity level.
  • In the autumn-winter period, limit watering and pre-settle the water. The pH level should not exceed 5 - 7.


This procedure is mandatory for hibiscus. The first buds must be removed so that the flower uses all the nutrients for growth and development, including the root system.

In spring, it is advisable to shorten the branches so that the plant wakes up faster after winter. The shoots will begin to develop more actively. In winter, pruning is not carried out, since subsequently the flowering will not be abundant.

In the second half of autumn, it is necessary to carry out sanitary pruning: remove all dry, damaged branches, dried buds and flowers.


  1. Potassium is added during active flowering and bud formation. The substance helps leaves to better participate in the process of photosynthesis.
  2. Phosphorus must be added in very small quantities. Otherwise, the plant stops growing.
  3. In winter, fertilizers are not applied, but during the growing season once every 7 days.


  • Growing hibiscus from seeds is actually not a difficult process if you follow the basic rules. It is necessary to prepare the substrate and planting material in advance.
  • After the sprouts appear, diving is carried out. Subsequently, you need to care for the plant: water, feed on a schedule and prune.
  • It is very important to water the right amount soil and eliminate unnecessary shoots. Regular care will allow you to grow blooming and healthy hibiscus.


  • Easy to grow.
  • Flowering in the year of planting.
  • High germination rate.
  • Elimination of infections.

Flaws: does not convey the varietal characteristics of the “parents”.

When is the best time to sow?

It is recommended to sow in March. There is no need to create at this time special conditions to grow from seeds indoor hibiscus. If you sow in winter, you will have to provide additional light to the seedlings and maintain the required temperature.

Soil preparation

The correct choice of seed material and selection of high-quality soil will help to grow healthy plant. The soil for planting hibiscus should be light and nutritious.. You can buy it at the store or prepare it yourself. It is worth considering that purchased soil mixture contains few microelements. Therefore, it is better to prepare it at home.

It is important not to allow water to accumulate at the bottom of the pot. The roots and stems of the flower may rot.

The soil mixture should consist of:

  • 2 parts leaf humus;
  • 1 part perlite.

You can read more about how to prepare soil for hibiscus.

Choosing a pot

Seeds should be planted in plastic cups or ceramic pots with drainage holes.

Hibiscus flower seeds produce long roots, so you should choose a high container for planting seeds.

Selection and preparation of seed material

Flower seeds can be bought in the store.

When purchasing seeds in a store, you need to pay attention to the date they were collected. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the germination of grains will deteriorate in the second year after packaging. That's why seeds must be purchased collected this year.

If you already have hibiscus at home, you can get seeds at home.

The seed material is found in hibiscus pods. When ripe they open up. Brown color the pod indicates its maturation. In order to collect the seeds, you need to place a bag or paper under the pod. The pods must be opened with a knife or hands. Seeds can be of different colors. The reason for this is not their simultaneous maturation. Seed material should be carefully selected. Small, immature and damaged ones are not suitable for planting.

Before sowing, it is advisable to soak the seeds in a solution, containing growth stimulants (potassium humate). You need to pour a little solution of epin, fumar or cycron onto a regular jar lid. The instructions for the drugs should include detailed description use of growth stimulants.

The solution should cover 2/3 of the seed. You need to soak for one day. After this, the seeds must be disinfected in a manganese solution. The solution should be pale pink so as not to destroy the plant. Disinfection is carried out within one minute.

How to germinate an indoor flower at home?

After processing the seeds, the next stage of their preparation begins - germination. You will need cotton cotton pads.

  1. They need to be wetted warm water.
  2. 5–7 seeds are laid out on a wet disk.
  3. To preserve moisture, the discs are placed in a greenhouse.
  4. You just need to cover the disc plastic bag or plastic cup. You definitely need to make holes in them.

The optimal temperature for germination is 23–25 degrees. For this you need to choose a slightly darkened place.

Important! You should check the moisture content of the napkin once a day so that it does not dry out, otherwise the grains will not germinate. If the napkin dries out, you can spray it with warm water from a spray bottle.


When and how to plant in the ground?

Hibiscus begins to hatch on the fourth day. When small, white sprouts appear, they need to be planted in the ground. How to plant seedlings indoor flower into the ground:

  1. At the bottom of the pot it is necessary to pour a layer of drainage of 2–3 cm. The best option– fine expanded clay.
  2. Next, ¾ of the pot is filled with soil, lightly compacted.
  3. It is advisable to spray the soil before planting to keep it moist.
  4. You can plant 3 seeds in one pot. The sprouted part should lie sideways on the ground.
  5. You need to pour soil 1–1.5 cm high on top of the seeds.
  6. It is necessary to spray the soil.

You can learn about planting hibiscus in open ground from.

Care after landing

  • Temperature. Pots with planted seeds are placed in a warm place, the temperature in which is not lower than 28 degrees.
  • Lighting. You need to make sure that diffused light falls on the seed pots. Otherwise, the seedlings will stretch their stems and fall. In winter, additional lighting is necessary.
  • Humidity. For seedlings, you need to create greenhouse conditions. You can simply cover the pots with a plastic bag. Hibiscus needs daily ventilation and monitoring of soil moisture.
  • Top dressing. There is no need to fertilize the plant in the first month after planting. Subsequently, fertilizing is carried out once every 2 weeks with a very weak solution of complex liquid fertilizer.

When will it bloom?

Flowering can be observed in the year of planting, subject to regular feeding and creation of favorable conditions for the formation of new shoots.

What to do if the plant does not take root?

Hibiscus is a resilient plant.. If it does not take root, then it is worth changing the growing conditions. The reason may be a lack of fertilizer, overwatering, lack of light or too bright lighting. Having achieved proper care, the plant will receive everything it needs and take root.

Pledge successful cultivation hibiscus - correct room care at home. When you grow a flower from seeds, it adapts more easily to changes, grows better and will delight you with beautiful long-lasting flowering.

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Hibiscus or Chinese rose is one of the most popular flowering houseplants. Since ancient times, this flower was considered a sign of luxury and prosperity in the family, so earlier it could be found as a decorative decoration only in rich wealthy houses.

Africa is considered the birthplace of hibiscus, where the humid tropical climate favorably affected its development. Today this unpretentious and beautiful flower is very popular in our region. Hibiscus does not require any special care. The most important thing when growing hibiscus is to choose a good place and container for planting, and also to follow the watering regime. Otherwise, if the soil dries out, the hibiscus flowers and leaves may fall off. In just a few days the plant will simply die. However, excessive moisture also negatively affects flower development. The leaves will quickly wither, curl and fall off.

Hibiscus remains attractive throughout the year. The plant has bright green leaves that completely frame the bush. The presence of such a flower in the apartment has a beneficial effect on the well-being of all household members. In winter, this evergreen tree decorates the room and brings joy to the owners. With the coming early spring at Chinese rose The flowering period begins. Buds appear and leaves grow noticeably faster. You should not touch the flowerpot with a flower and move it to another place, otherwise you may be provoked by dropping the buds. The next flowering is expected only on next year. The plant needs to get stronger and regain its strength. Transplantation during this period is prohibited if you do not want to disrupt the process of bud formation. Of course, the transplanted tree will grow and put out new leaves, but you can forget about the flowers.

If you still decide to grow hibiscus at home, then you should work hard to purchase it. There is little hope for acquaintances, since not every one of them is ready to part with an adult plant, and it, in turn, may simply not take root in other conditions. It is rarely possible to grow hibiscus from a shoot. The plant also takes root poorly and is picky. Even experienced flower growers It is not possible to grow a full-fledged healthy flower; often the sprouts freeze and die. Seed cultivation of hibiscus is considered the most reliable method, which makes it possible not only to save money, but also time for breeding.

Initially, choose the variety of hibiscus you like, since there are various variations of this flower, differing in the color of the buds and the structure of the vegetative parts. The hibiscus variety looks great, with beautiful lush flowers. They are so huge that they can close adult palm. Some species bear small but frequent flowers. During the flowering period, this variety of hibiscus looks like a solid bud of small flowers, which can have different colors. Hibiscus varieties are often found in the form of shrubs with pronounced red buds. There is even popular belief, which is associated with this type of flower.

Soil preparation

After that, you chose a certain variety, next step will prepare the soil for cultivation. Typically, gardeners use a purchased soil mixture or prepare it themselves. To do this, you need to mix the same amount of leaf and garden soil and add humus. Sometimes the mixture is replaced with peat. However, peat can negatively affect plant roots if mixed in the wrong proportions. The prepared earth mixture is carefully sifted and placed in a container for planting.

Using a stick, narrow grooves are made on the leveled soil surface. Tiny hibiscus seeds are carefully sprinkled into them. After that, the grooves are lightly sprinkled with earth on top. Containers with planted seeds are stored in a dry, warm room. Hibiscus is planted at the end of winter, so the containers can be placed next to heating radiators.

Caring for hibiscus seedlings

At first, the crops need abundant and regular watering, since the air near the radiators constantly dries out. To ensure that the soil in the planting boxes retains the necessary moisture for a long time, they are placed in bags. When young shoots appear, the containers are immediately removed from them and transferred to a bright place. As soon as the sprouts grow a little, they are planted in separate low flowerpots. Over time, the plant must be transplanted into other, more spacious pots to allow the root system to fully develop, which will only increase in volume. After each transplant, the shrub needs to be constantly watered. Like many decorative house flowers, the first buds of a transplanted hibiscus should be cut off to allow the plant to grow stronger and regain its strength.

Seed cultivation of hibiscus is the most in a simple way breeding this flower. Adaptation of new shoots occurs much faster and more reliably.

Seeds have the following advantages:

  • it is not possible to obtain a plant with an exact match of the varietal qualities of the “parent”;
  • When purchasing planting material, it often turns out to be of poor quality.

You can find out more about how to propagate Chinese roses.

Where can I buy seed material?

You can purchase hibiscus seeds in specialized stores. The average cost in Moscow and St. Petersburg will be 35-250 rubles. The price varies depending on the variety.

There are many varieties and types of Chinese roses. You can find out more about one of them - the Chinese rose “Angel Wings”.

Is it possible to extract it yourself from an adult plant?

Chinese rose flowers form pods that contain the seed. When they ripen, they open and the seeds fall to the ground, from where they germinate. To use planting material for planting in a specific place, you must first collect it:

  1. The ripening of the pods can be determined by their brown color.
  2. Before dumping, cover the plant with paper bags. This will prevent the planting material from scattering on the ground after the pods open.
  3. Open the pods with your hands or a knife, and collect the resulting seeds in a bag. Do not be alarmed if they are of different colors, since they do not mature at the same time.


After collecting the seeds, they should be sorted to exclude small, unripe or damaged grains.

Attention! It is best to use seeds with a larger diameter, as they germinate faster and produce strong, healthy shoots.

How to plant hibiscus at home?

Necessary equipment

To plant wild rose seeds you will need the following materials and equipment:

  • container made of wood or plastic;
  • nutrient soil;
  • water container with spray bottle;
  • glass or plastic film.

Before planting, seeds must undergo stratification. This is a procedure during which artificially created winter conditions. Due to this, the planting material germinates faster, which increases its germination rate.


  1. Place the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate (100 ml of water and 1 g of the drug). Keep the planting material there for 1 hour.
  2. Sprinkle the seeds in large quantities with moistened sand and place in the refrigerator.
  3. Remove planting material after 2 weeks.

Watch a video about how to properly carry out stratification:

Substrate preparation

Important! Hibiscus places increased demands on the soil. First you need to check the pH of the soil.

Chinese rose prefers acidic soil. You will also need to add nutritious fertilizers and substances. It is allowed to add fertilizers with a low concentration of phosphorus and a high concentration of potassium to the soil.


Landing activities are carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Place expanded clay on the bottom of the container. Its thickness will be 2-3 cm from the height of the pot.
  2. Fill the remaining ¾ of the container with the nutrient mixture. Lightly compact the soil.
  3. Spray it, mix and spray again with water.
  4. Place the seeds in the pot with the sprouted part on its side. Sprinkle them with 1-1.5 cm of soil, but do not compact them.
  5. Spray the soil with the seedlings again.
  6. Place the containers in a warm room where the air temperature is 28 degrees Celsius.
  7. For successful germination, seeds need a lot of diffused light. Otherwise, the stems will begin to stretch and fall. When growing is carried out in the spring, and daylight hours are short, you need to take care of additional lighting.
  8. Cover the container with a plastic bag and open it slightly once a day.
  9. Spray the bud as necessary, avoiding it from drying out or becoming waterlogged.

When the seedlings have grown and 2-3 leaves have formed, it is worth moving on to planting the plants in separate pots.

  1. To do this, water the seedlings with water, and the next day carefully remove them from the pot.
  2. Transplant to new pot with the nutrient mixture and water.
  3. Keep the pot in a warm and well-lit place.

Watch a video about hibiscus rooting methods:

Aftercare for a young plant

Let's look at how to grow beautiful hibiscus at home and what you need to do for this.

To maintain healthy growth and beautiful decorative look it is necessary to apply fertilizing.

For this purpose the following substances are used:

Important! In summer, it is best to apply high-calorie compounds. It is advisable to water the rose with diluted liquid fertilizer 1 time per week. In winter, bait can be completely abandoned.

Solving possible problems

In the process of growing Chinese roses, the following difficulties may arise:

  1. If the leaf blade turns yellow, this indicates a lack of iron and nitrogen. Watering with settled water with the addition of iron compounds will help solve this problem. When fertilizing does not give the desired result, it is worth inspecting the roots, as they may be damaged by frost or fungus.
  2. If there are few flowers and a lot of greenery, stop applying nitrogen-containing fertilizers. Also take care of high-quality lighting and warm climates.
  3. During dry weather, with inadequate watering, the plant can be damaged. spider mite. To prevent this, spray the bush in the morning and evening with water from a spray bottle.
  4. Sweet nectar attracts aphids to flowers and buds. Here you will have to use special chemicals for processing.

Watch a video about hibiscus prevention and preventive measures Pest Control:

It may seem to some that the seed method of planting hibiscus is a complicated matter, but to others this propagation option will seem the most optimal. But all gardeners certainly agree that The flowering of this bright plant brings joy and at the same time pride in growing this beauty.

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Garden hibiscus is considered the king of the tropics, unlike. It grows throughout the world, preferring wild tropical, subtropical and warm temperate regions.

Hibiscus is a very diverse genus and consists of approximately 220 species of annuals, herbaceous perennials, shrubs, subshrubs and trees. These plants have been bred over several centuries, like their common garden neighbor.

Everything about growing bush and tree hibiscus

The name "Hibiscus" comes from "hibiskos", the old Greek name for marshmallow. Often, garden hibiscus flowers are large, flat, bright and funnel-shaped. They consist of five petals and have very beautiful various colors ranging from white to pink, red, purple or yellow color. The size of the plant's petals varies from 4 to 15 cm in width.

It can be grown from seeds, cuttings and layering. The main thing is to properly care for the bush, because... The plant is quite moisture-loving and susceptible to many diseases.

Garden or outdoor varieties

Ardens is a variety of garden hibiscus. It has beautiful lilac-pink flowers that bloom in early summer. Maintains its shape and does not require pruning. Counts perennial plant(from 3 years old). In adulthood it reaches more than 3 meters in height.

Blue Bird is a very popular type of garden hibiscus shrub. It is famous for its rare shade of flowers - clear blue with a red spot in the center. This species is a long-lived shrub and reaches up to 4 meters in height.

Antong Two Lil Kim is an unusual plant variety that is famous for its bicolor flowers. miniature shrub, reaching only 30 cm in height. It blooms profusely, the flowers are small with three ruffled petals, each white with a red spot. They bloom within one to three days.

Hibiscus flowers Antong Two Lil Kim in the photo

Pink Giant is a fast-growing, erect, deciduous shrub. The leaves are diamond-shaped, toothed, dark green. The flower is large, pink with a burgundy eye. Blooms in summer and autumn.

Russian Violet is famous for its long flowering, unlike climbing nasturtium, which you read about in. The buds begin to bloom in August and continue to bloom until the end of September. The flowers are large, dark purple with a red heart. This perennial shrub reaches two meters in height.

Reproduction at home

Hibiscus can propagate by seeds, cuttings and layering, i.e. dividing the bush.


Hibiscus flowers produce pods that contain a seed. When ripe, the pods open and the seeds fall to the ground, where they germinate easily. In order to plant healthy seeds in the right place they must first be collected, as with.

Seed collection:

  1. The ripening of the pods is determined by their brown color.
  2. Before harvesting, the bush of the plant must be covered with paper bags or bags. This will prevent the seeds from scattering on the ground after the pods open.
  3. Clean the bag periodically.

When purchasing seeds, you need to pay attention to the description and photo of the plant variety.

The video shows the rules for planting garden hibiscus:


Planting garden hibiscus seeds:

  1. Before sowing, it is necessary to do a test for the viability of the seeds, as when growing perennial morning glory, read about planting and caring for it here. To do this, place 5 to 10 beans in a damp paper towel and seal in a plastic bag.
  2. Leave the seeds at room temperature for 5 – 7 days. After a while, remove and check for swelling or root formation. If such signs are present, the seeds are viable.
  3. Fill the planting tray with a moistened organic mixture.
  4. Sow the seeds at a distance of 0.5 cm from each other, lightly sprinkle with soil on top. Water generously from a watering can.
  5. Keep the pot in a warm, sunny place. Don't let the soil dry out. Complete germination occurs in two to three weeks.

It is important to note that when propagated by seeds, plants are particularly resistant to weather conditions and other stressful conditions. But at the same time they can lose their varietal qualities.


Photos of cuttings of a tree variety

One of the types of propagation of garden hibiscus is propagation by cuttings. It is often carried out in early summer or late autumn.

  • Select a peg from the top of the bush and use pruning shears to cut it obliquely. Remove the lower leaves from the cutting, but leave a few on the top. Before planting, place the pagon in water.
  • Fill a quart tray with quality soil and water until there are no dry gaps. Make a hole in the center of the pot into which the cutting will be planted.
  • Place ½ teaspoon of powdered growth accelerator into the hole. Lower the cutting into the prepared recess 3 - 5 cm deep. Sprinkle with soil and press to remove air, water.
  • Using a frame and film, create a small greenhouse around the cutting. Keep at room temperature in a brightly lit area. In this case, you should avoid direct sunlight, as the plant can get burned.
  • Root development is observed after 3 weeks, as with. It is very simple to check their appearance - you need to pull on the leaves; if the cutting is rooted, it will be firmly gray in the soil.

Dividing the bush

  • Reproduction by dividing the bush is carried out mainly by complex hybrid plants. And it consists of dividing the rhizomes, and only large, heavily overgrown shrubs are selected.
  • Held in spring period. To do this, the bush is completely dug up and divided into several parts, depending on the number of stems and buds.
  • It is allowed to tear the roots by hand, as well as use pruners.
  • After planting, all plants must be fertilized and watered abundantly, as when planting and caring for heather, a photo of which can be seen here.

This propagation method is convenient in the case of maintaining varietal purity.

Selection of location and soil

All types of garden hibiscus grow best in partial shade. In this case, the plant needs about 6 hours of sun per day.

  1. Choice the right soil will create favorable conditions for plant growth and development.
  2. Proper soil should be 5% perlite, 50% peat moss and 45% hardwood bark.
  3. For good growth The plant's pH level should be in the range of 5.5 to 6.5. This pH range makes the soil slightly acidic.
  4. The plant feels best in soil with a high content of organic matter.
  5. Garden hibiscus prefers good soil drainage. The soil should not remain wet for a long time, as this can lead to rotting of the roots and slower growth.

Planting technology

Before planting the plant in the ground, it is important to prepare the planting hole.

  • Check drainage. Initially, you need to make sure that the soil has good drainage. This can be done by pouring a gallon of water into the hole. If the water disappears within an hour, the drainage is quite good. If after an hour the water remains, then by planting the plant in such soil, there will be a high risk of flooding its roots.
    Once drainage has been established, plant the seedlings quite deeply, covering the roots with a few centimeters of soil.
  • Water permeability test. To find out how well water is absorbed by the soil, you need to dig a small hole at the top of the soil. Then fill it with water 2 or 3 times over the course of half an hour. Then check how far the water has been absorbed. If the ground is moist at a depth of 30 centimeters, then the soil has high permeability and the plant will be comfortable in it. With low permeability, the soil gets wet by 5 - 10 centimeters and the plant can die from drought, regardless of how much water it is watered.
  • Sandy soil. Excessive sand in the soil causes water and fertilizer to pass past the roots. In this case, frequent watering and the use of surface feeding are necessary. You can also change sandy soil good compost and other organic ingredients that can absorb and retain water and nutrients.
  • Digging a hole for planting. The hole for planting hibiscus should be slightly wider than the pot from which the plant is transplanted. If the location where the plant is planted is often exposed to frost, plant the hibiscus deeper. If the area is damp and warm, dig a shallower hole so that the tops of the roots are above the ground.
  • Planting a plant. Before planting hibiscus, you need to pour water into the prepared hole to moisten the soil. Then carefully remove the plant from the pot, being careful not to tear the roots. Place into the prepared hole. Make sure that all branches grow in the desired direction without bending. Fill with soil and water 2 or 3 times, as with.

Hibiscus care

To properly care for the plant at home, you need to consider that hibiscus is an outdoor bush plant that requires pruning and crown formation.


Hibiscus is a water-loving plant. It has many large leaves and large, sloping flowers that will require a lot of moisture.

Watering hibiscus can be divided into two zones - in cold weather and in hot weather. In hot weather, hibiscus will require a lot of water and usually prefer a steady supply. In this case, it is necessary to avoid flooding of the roots, as well as stagnation of water for a long time.

If there is not enough water in hot weather, the leaves will wilt. To avoid this, the plant needs frequent and abundant watering during drought. In cold and wet conditions the plant is susceptible to fungal diseases of the roots. You can avoid this problem by limiting watering the plant. During this period, dry land is preferable to overflow and stagnation of water. Because this is one of the few signs that cause frequent plant death.