DIY photo frames made from eggshells, shells, paper and other scrap materials. DIY photo frames made from cardboard step by step How to make a photo frame from wood

Photography is of considerable importance in our life - because what, if not photography, reminds us of some of the memorable moments of our lives captured on it?..

A photograph is a bright and wonderful reminder of a vacation or weekend spent, especially if it happened in the lap of natural beauty...

The wooden photo frame offered below can be an excellent addition and a worthy frame for your photographs of this kind.

It can be an interesting and useful gift for an experienced tourist, an avid fisherman or hunter, as well as decorate the interior of your home. wooden house or baths (see photos 1, 2 and 3) .

Using very inexpensive tools and devices, following the steps described below step-by-step technology, you can make a similar thing for your home from a ubiquitous material - branches.

First you need to select the material - since it is distributed almost everywhere, this should not be a problem.

Preferences are such that it is more desirable to select healthy hardwood branches with bark, cut down in winter. They should be moderately even - but it is better if they have a slight curvature. The diameter of the branches should be approximately 4-5 cm and they should have well-preserved bark. Moreover, it is desirable that the bark is not smooth, and even better if there are also pieces of moss or lichen on it - in this case the frame will be more expressive.

We cut the found branches into pieces of approximately 40-50 cm and dry them for some time (about a month) in a warm room.

After some drying, you can start working. We cut the blanks to length, with an allowance of 2-3 cm. Since the photo has dimensions of 20*30 cm, we cut the long blanks at approximately 46 cm (30 cm length of the photo, 10 cm for two joints, and 6 cm for two tails) , and short ones - about 36 cm (same as the previous size, minus 10 cm). Measure the required length with a tape measure and cut it off hand hacksaw woodworking (see photos 4 and 5) .

Next, we lay out planes on the workpieces using a universal woodworking machine, or using a manual electric planer (see photos 6 and 7) . The thickness of the workpieces should be approximately the same.

Of course, when working on a machine and with power tools, you should not forget about safety regulations .

After pre-treatment, you need to let the workpieces sit for a while and dry, if necessary. After a few days of exposure, we check the evenness of the planes - if necessary, level them again.

Now let's start making connections. The connection is simple - half a tree, and in this case it does not require special precision and accuracy.

First, we make markings - place a sheet of paper or thick cardboard measuring 20*30 cm on the laid out blanks and mark the location of the cutouts on the lower blanks (see photos 8 and 9) .

Using a wood hacksaw, follow the markings and make several transverse cuts half the thickness of the workpiece. (see photos 10 and 11).

Prices for wood hacksaws

wood hacksaw

Now with a sharp chisel using light blows of a mallet we cut off the excess material (see photos 12 and 13) .

Similarly, we mark and make cutouts on the remaining two blanks and remove excess material with a chisel (see photos 14 and 15) .

As a result of these simple operations, four blanks are obtained with cutouts for a half-tree cross connection. (see photo 16) .

On a flat plane, lay out the workpieces in the same order as during marking and fasten them at the joints using wood screws (see photos 17 and 18) .

Find out the advice of professionals from our new article on our portal.

The planes of the workpieces after fastening must be in the same plane - if this is not the case, then we adjust the joints with a chisel (see photo 19) .

Now you need to inside Using the resulting structure, cut a recess for inserting glass. To begin, mark the contours of the future recess using a sheet of paper and outline its boundaries with a pencil along a ruler, adding 2-3 mm on each side (see photos 20 and 21) .

We set up a manual milling machine - install a groove cutter in the collet and set the milling depth equal to the thickness of the glass and photograph (see photo 22) .

Using a square, set the stop for smooth milling and secure it with self-tapping screws (see photos 23 and 24) .

Prices for chisels


Pressing the sole of the milling machine against the stop, carefully mill out the recesses on all four workpieces (see photo 25) .

We trim corners and burrs with a sharp chisel (see photos 26 and 27) .

After this, use coarse sandpaper to sand off the remaining pile and uncut fibers. (see photo 28)

We cut off the “tails” with a hacksaw, making them approximately the same length 3-4 cm (see photo 29) .

Using an electric plane or a sharp chisel, we form beautiful ends of the “tails” at the ends (see photos 30 and 31).

We cut off the remaining burrs and fibers with a sharp chisel and sand the ends with sandpaper (see photo 32).

From jute twine (with coarse fibers) we cut four pieces of 8-9 meters each (see photo 33) and using an electric drill we twist them into cords approximately 1.5 m long (fold in half, fasten one end, fasten the other into the chuck of an electric drill, twist into a double cord. Disconnect both ends and the cord itself will twist into a quadruple.) (see photo 33 and photo 34).

Using a hacksaw and chisel, cut out indentations for the cord approximately 1 cm wide from the inside of the joints (see photos 35, 36 and 37) .

And after that we begin to tightly tie the connection with a cord, carefully ensuring that the cord passes exactly in the place where the recesses are cut (see photos 38 and 39) .

We tuck the end of the cord into an already wound cord or secure it with a stapler (see photos 40 and 41) .

The result is four beautifully designed corner connections (see photos 42 and 43).

Now you need to cut back wall, which will hold the glass and photograph in its place in the recess.

Using a ruler, measure the required length and width of the wall - it should cover the recess, plus you need to add 15 mm on each side to attach the back wall to back side framework. After this, we cut out a rectangle from hardboard or thin plywood according to these dimensions. (see photos 44, 45 and 46) .

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We mark the locations of the holes for fastening, drill them with a drill with a diameter of 3 mm and countersink them with a drill with a diameter of 8 mm for the screw heads (see photos 47 and 48) .

Cut glass using a roller cutter required size– it should be 2-3 mm smaller sizes a recess cut for it. To avoid cutting yourself in the future, sand the sharp edges with fine-grained sandpaper secured in the block. (see photos 49 and 50) .

We apply a protective and decorative coating - wood oil or varnish - to the wooden parts of the frame and let it sit for about a day until it dries completely. This coating will make the frame brighter and more expressive. (see photos 51 and 52).

After the protective and decorative coating has dried, insert the glass and photograph into the recess intended for them. (see photos 53 and 54) .

Using small self-tapping screws, screw the back wall to the frame. Using a piece of twine tied to two small screws, we make fastenings for hanging on the wall. (see photos 55 and 56) .

And after that, the finished frame can be hung on the wall.

Various frames are used to frame paintings, favorite photographs, and children's crafts. You can buy them in the store, but they are different standard sizes And appearance, and designer products have a high cost, which is not always justified. How to get out of this situation? It will take a little patience and the ability to work with simple carpentry tools. You can make a wooden frame with your own hands. If you have experience, you can create a real work of art yourself by decorating the products with original carvings.

For photography custom size You can make a wooden frame yourself.

How to make such a frame with your own hands? There is nothing complicated about this, they are used as the main material wooden slats or plywood, you can cut patterns with a jigsaw. Before work, you should take measurements and think through design options.

To make a frame with your own hands from wood, you need to prepare the following materials and tools:

Sawing wooden blocks at an angle of 45° is done using a special tool.

  • wooden slats of the required length and thickness (if a carved frame is being made, you can use a plywood sheet for this);
  • a sheet of thick cardboard;
  • acrylic paints, finishing varnish;
  • a set of brushes for decoration;
  • jigsaw with a set of files;
  • nails;
  • hook or metal loop;
  • Sander;
  • sandpaper.

Wooden frame with passe-partout

Any wood can be used for the frame with mat. The product is manufactured in the following sequence:

Using cutters you can make different patterns.

  1. First, the dimensions are measured with a ruler. If the edges of a photograph or painting are slightly worn, it is best to trim them slightly.
  2. On thick cardboard, use a pencil to mark the position of the photograph. After marking, the resulting rectangle is carefully cut out. It is allowed to use scissors, a special stationery knife with replaceable blades. A special cutter designed for working with mats is best.
  3. Using a jigsaw, 4 elements are cut out for the future frame. End internal corners done at an angle of 45 degrees. It is necessary to ensure that the edges are even and smooth, otherwise when gluing quality connection will not work.
  4. A small amount of wood glue is carefully applied to the ends, the elements are connected to each other, and clamped with clamps.
  5. You can use glass for the frame, which will protect the photo or painting from damage. You can cut the glass yourself; for convenience, use a glass cutter. From a specialist you can order not just smooth glass, but glass that is already decorated. This frame will become even more attractive and stylish.
  6. To install glass, special grooves are first made on the back side of the profile. The grooves are marked to a depth equal to the thickness of the glass.
  7. On front side products can be provided original decoration. There are many options, you can use your imagination if you wish. The frame can be painted, gilded or varnished. The most simple option is the coating of wood with varnish. To do this, first polish the surface and remove all dust. After this, the wood is carefully varnished with a brush. You can use both transparent mixtures and those with any shade.
  8. When everything is ready, you can start assembling the frame. If the product is dry, it must be carefully laid face down. After this, glass and mat are placed on top (it should fit tightly to the wood). A photograph or painting is attached to the back of the passe-partout; a second piece of thick cardboard is used to fasten the back part, thin plywood, piece fiberboard. The backdrop is attached to the product with small galvanized nails. It is necessary to ensure that the nails do not pierce through the frame. You need to attach a loop or hook from the top. If the frame will be used for a shelf or table, then it is best to provide a special stand instead of a loop.

Types of baguettes for paintings

After all the parts are ready, they are glued together with PVA glue.

Today you can make baguettes for photographs and paintings with your own hands. The most popular material for implementing ideas is wood; frames can also be made from plastic and metal. Wood is the most expensive material, but at the same time the highest quality, durable and beautiful. Real baguette classic type made only from wood. It can be made in a modern minimalist style or more elaborate with intricate carvings that would be great for an antique Renaissance painting.

The wooden frame is a universal option; it can be used in any interior. It is best to take wood from deciduous, tropical, coniferous species. Ideal option is pine, ramin, exotic ajos. The wood must be dense and not form cracks or chips during processing.

The wood must be selected so that it does not absorb moisture, is not subject to temperature influences, and is durable.

You can make regular classic, reverse, flat, or service profiles from wood. The surface of the frame can be coated with varnish or paint, you can use special oils, silver or gold coating.

After the frame is ready, it needs to be decorated, this can be done by painting it with acrylic, or by gluing beads or shells on it, gilding it or aging it.

Aluminum is a cheaper option for frames, but there are certain limitations. Similar hardware They are not decorated as richly as wooden ones; design options are limited. Lepnina and others decorative types decorations for metal frames are not used. Usually they are simply painted or varnished, covered with special films. Aluminum moldings are not always suitable for home use; they are usually used in office premises.

An aluminum baguette is perfect if you need to design posters, large photographs, diplomas, posters, graphic images. Advantages aluminum frames the following:

  • high quality and strength of the frame;
  • low profile weight;
  • the ability to use special paints that literally saturate the material.

Plastic baguette for interior

Plastic baguettes are sold by the meter; they just need to be cut and glued.

Plastic frames are not only high quality, but also cheap. From such material you can create an imitation of a wooden frame, but the cost and weight will be much less.

You can use plastic baguettes (most often made of PVC) for mirrors, photographs, modern paintings, and children's crafts.

The assembly process is simple; you can purchase ready-made ones in many specialized stores. plastic profiles for making beautiful and durable frames.

Wooden, plastic or metal frame is better? It is definitely difficult to answer this question, since they all differ in their advantages. But working with wood is much easier, and the result is more attractive. The manufacturing process is not complicated, you just need to be careful and patient - the result will be amazing.

Today, there is a wide variety of ready-made photo frames in stores. But sometimes there is a desire to do something yourself so that the product turns out to be truly original.

How to make a photo frame

The process of creating a photo frame from wood with your own hands is quite creative. Therefore, different methods are used to obtain the final result.

DIY wooden photo frame.

First way

Least labor intensive and easy to use.

  1. First of all, you need to choose the right fittings from which the future photo frame will be made. To make a wooden frame, you will need wooden slats, glue, paints, sandpaper, and staples for a stapler.
  2. Of course, it’s also worth paying attention to what size the future frame will be. Next, the same length of all four sides of the future product is correctly measured. After which the edges of the slats are filed at an angle of 45 degrees.
  3. Then, using staples, the two sides of the frame are connected, so that the joint becomes barely perceptible. But this is not enough; the sides of the future frame should be coated with glue before connecting them with staples.
  4. After the glue has dried, you can start decorating the frame. In this regard, everything will depend on your own wishes and imagination.
  5. Having decorated the frame and gluing the selected ones to it decorative elements, you can put a photo in it. This can be done using a stapler, and the photo must first be laminated. This will allow you to maintain its appearance for as long as possible.

Second way

The next method is more labor-intensive, although the initial principle of operation is the same as in the first case. But this version of the frame requires the presence of a baguette. First of all, stick together wooden blocks identical sizes, then the same bars are glued together, but smaller in size, for the second frame. The result is an object that looks like a box.

The decorative elements of a wooden photo frame can be very diverse.

The joint that connects the two frames is glued decorative baguette. It is coated with glue twice before use. After drying, the wooden frame can be painted at your discretion. The result is an unusual and original product.

An item made with your own hands always brings more joy and satisfaction than something bought in a store. For example, a picture frame assembled with your own hands will always evoke more positive impressions.

A frame with your own hands can also be made using a special woodworking machine, where you can cut out beautiful patterns and create an unusual ornament. But this is usually done by craftsmen who have experience in this type of work.

Wood photo frame

A wooden frame will always win among others with its appearance, and plus, environmentally friendly materials. And any photo in it will look harmonious. When the question arises of how to make a frame out of wood, you should understand that, no matter which version of its manufacture is chosen, it is the end result that is important.

Original do-it-yourself wooden photo frame.

Very often, in order to make a frame, they use in a simple way tightening it with a rubber band. That is, the tape tied in a loop glues wooden blanks, which must be sawn at 45 degrees. True, it is not always possible to complete such work the first time, since it requires certain skills.

Another method can be used. It requires a square sheet of plywood, along the edges of which beams are screwed. They should be located at an angle of 90 degrees. With their help, already prepared elements of the future frame are pulled together and glued together. After tightening, you need to check how the corners of the frame are located relative to each other.

Any frames made of wood will always be the best decoration for any photographs or any works of art, since wood is a very elegant and expensive material. It can always be an excellent gift and decoration for any interior.

Contemporary artists often sell paintings without frames. They believe that a person has the right to choose which frame to use, and whether it is necessary at all. In specialized stores you can buy ready-made picture frames, but they are of a certain size. And if the canvas does not correspond to them, then you will have to somehow get out of the situation. Best option- do everything yourself, because it’s not difficult. This way a person will receive a decent frame for a picture of the required size, as well as a design that, in his opinion, suits him perfectly.

Now we will describe in detail how to make a picture frame with your own hands from wood. This classic material. The first frames began to be made from it back when art was just emerging. Therefore, let's start with him.

Selection and quality of material

First you need to select the slats. The wood for their production is not cured in a certain way, so in places where there are knots, cracks and unevenness appear when the material subsequently dries out. It is for this reason that you need to carefully select material that does not have flaws. However, if in the design of the frame you need to show the structure of the wood fibers, then it is better to make the slats for the baguette yourself. This type of production of picture frames requires seasoned wood, only the knots in it do not have cracks, because it was dried using a special technology for a year.

How to create a profile for a frame

To turn the slats into a wooden baguette, from which the frames will be made, use milling machine. Curly cutters are sold especially for it, which are capable of cutting any recesses and creating the necessary pattern on the surface. The product can also be profiled hand tools. For this purpose, special planes, zenzubels, and also moldings are used.

Tools for creating corners when cutting baguette

Wooden picture frames must have right angles, unless, of course, their shape is to be traditional. It is very difficult to saw a baguette and maintain the exact degrees of its angles. For this it is better to use special device, such as a miter saw. It is not cheap, but the result justifies the money. But still, how to make a picture frame with your own hands without a special machine? If engaging in such production is not part of your plans, then buying such an expensive tool is not advisable. Therefore, it is better to purchase a miter box for sawing baguette. If you still can’t cut out the corners perfectly, you can always refine them using sandpaper. It will allow you to carefully sharpen the corner so that everything fits together.

Gluing the frame and the tools needed for it

Now the manufactured frame parts need to be glued together. Titebond II glue is ideal for this; it has been tested by many woodworkers. It is very important to clamp all parts of the frame tightly. To do this, use a special tool - tape clamps. They allow you to tighten all parts of the frame evenly and tightly and maintain perfectly right angles. This simple device easy to use, even if the picture frame is made from plinth. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s plastic, foam or wood. The most important thing is to initially cut out even corners. You can fasten the frame without glue; for this you can use metal corners, which are driven into the connection. However, such fastening is not as reliable as gluing.

Sanding the finished product

When the glue dries, you need to sand the entire surface of the frame to give it a smooth and beautiful view. To do this, use the finest sandpaper, the base of which is fabric. It is better to clean in small sections - this makes it easier to penetrate into the corners and profile relief.

Frame Surface Finish

We understood in detail how to make a picture frame with our own hands, and now as for its decoration and covering protective composition. For this purpose, stain and varnish are used. If you need to achieve dark color, covered with stain and then varnish. When they want to leave the natural color of the wood, they take a transparent varnish - then all the fibers seem to stand out a little, creating a great look. If you want to add color to the frame, for example, make the wood pinkish, then you can add a little potassium permanganate to the varnish. All compounds that are applied must be highest quality. If you take cheap ones, you can easily damage the frame. If everything is applied to the surface using a spray gun or airbrush, then the risk of damage to the product is reduced due to the finest spray.

Carved frames

Making picture frames carved shapes will require special tools. Such work cannot be automated, so practical skills in wood carving are required. Craftsmen use a variety of cutters and chisels for this craft. various forms and sizes. This is very fine work, where not only skills are needed, but also an understanding of the structure of wood fibers. Therefore, creating such a frame is much more difficult.

Creating a carved frame

First of all, the image that is going to be cut is drawn or translated on the blank. After this, it is cut out with a jigsaw. Well, then they begin the most difficult part - wood carving. This process cannot be described in words; it can only be comprehended in practice. It's better to start with simple drawings and gradually move on to more complex ones. Now about the tree. For carving, only seasoned material from soft rocks (for example, linden) is taken. All other processes are identical to the above.

The presented picture frames, the photo of which clearly displays all types of their coatings, as well as the main shapes, look simply amazing. The main thing is to want and try.

We fully understand how to make a picture frame with our own hands, now all that remains is to assemble all its parts. To do this, you need to place the frame face down on a clean surface and insert everything in the following sequence:

  • glass;
  • painting;
  • piece of cardboard.

After this, you need to secure everything with nails driven into the frame. This is quite a responsible process, so it is worth dwelling on it in detail. To successfully fix a picture in a frame, you need to be careful and careful. After all, making picture frames is a rather labor-intensive process, not to mention painting canvases, so you need to do everything perfectly.

We attach the nail to the frame with light blows. It should press the cardboard, picture and glass tightly enough. Then a ruler is slipped under this baited nail. Place the head of the hammer on top and, carefully sliding along the surface, make blows until the nail is driven deep enough so that it can hold everything tightly. In this way, all the nails that are necessary to tightly hold all parts of the picture are driven in.

In this article, we examined in detail how to make a picture frame with your own hands and assemble it. All that remains is to do everything in a practical way and get what you want.