Fighting rats in a private home - means and methods. How to get rid of mice and rats in a private house - folk remedies and other options Get rid of mice and rats in the house

Usually, when trying to get rid of rats in a private house, the first thing they use are mousetraps (rat traps), or one or another rat poison. Someone may also remember about cage traps, about rodent glue, electrical traps and ultrasonic repellers. But here’s the thing: often the use of these and other means in a private home does not give a visible result, or the result is minimal.

It also happens that the result is not at all pleasing - for example, a poisoned rat begins to gradually decompose somewhere behind a wall or under the floor, saturating almost the entire house with a corpse-like smell for several months.

So, to obtain the necessary effect when fighting rats and mice, it is important to take into account the specifics of a private house: in most cases there is a direct connection to the street (which the owners often do not even suspect), cavities under the floor and in the walls, usually many rooms, there is a basement , an attic with a lot of insulation under the roof is an almost ideal place for rodents to live.

Secondly, you need to choose the right means and methods of fighting rats, taking into account important nuances their practical application(sometimes even when using effective remedy the result can be zero - for example, when the owner of the house buys an effective rat trap, and puts bait in it that is absolutely unattractive to rats, or even installs the rat trap in the wrong place where it should be).

Features of fighting rats in a private home

If we approach the problem from the point of view of a professional pest control specialist, then getting rid of rats and mice in a private home seems to be a more difficult task than, for example, in an apartment or a small commercial enterprise.

There are several reasons for this:

  1. The house usually has large area, and often the product used in one part of it does not affect rodents living in another part or on another floor. This is especially true for devices that have a strictly defined coverage area (for example, ultrasonic repellers);
  2. Private houses have premises different types and varying degrees of clutter. If the premises are heavily cluttered, it may be more difficult to get rid of rats;
  3. Often in houses there are many places that are convenient for rats to live and move around, and not all such places can use rodent control agents;
  4. People live in the house, often with children and pets, and some means of controlling rats and mice can be simply dangerous for residents. For example, highly effective rat poison and traps can usually be used to kill rodents in the basement, but they usually cannot be used in the kitchen or bedroom for safety reasons;
  5. In some homes, it is generally undesirable to use poisons, since rats can die in inaccessible places (for example, behind the ceiling, under the floor, or in the insulation of a house wall) and, as they decompose, will emit a disgusting odor for a long time;
  6. There are often huge numbers of rats and mice right around the house - in the garden, in the barn, in neighboring areas. And they will all constantly try to get into the house (especially when it’s cold outside and there’s little food). Therefore, by the way, getting rid of rats in the house once and for all is quite problematic - it is possible to destroy existing pests, but new squads of them will willingly try to enter the premises again and again;
  7. Variety of layouts, sizes, building materials, the quality of houses and, as a consequence, the lack of a universal method of rodent control. What works in small house, may not be effective at large.

However, there are quite universal principles effective fight with rats and mice, applicable in private homes. Let's talk about how to put all this into practice and what specific means can be used.

How to use rat traps effectively?

In most cases, a variety of rat traps are the most preferred to use. Many of them at correct use are very effective, with their help you can methodically destroy rats one by one until complete extermination. At the same time, rat traps are quite affordable: you can buy them in markets, hardware stores and online stores.

On a note

It is also worth keeping in mind that well-made homemade traps work no worse than industrial ones.

An important advantage of traps over poisons when used in a private home: If poison is used, there is a high risk of rodents stealing the poison around the house or summer cottage; in addition, pets can find and eat a poisoned, dying rodent. When using traps, these risks are eliminated. And what is important, when using traps, you can be sure that a dead rat or mouse will not begin to decompose somewhere behind the wall of the house.

However, rat and mouse traps have a number of disadvantages that also need to be taken into account:

Potentially dangerous traps (mousetraps and rat traps like a masher with a spring) can only be used in areas where children and pets do not enter - in the basement, pantry, boiler room, attic.

Alternatively, the trap can be placed in a closed box, in the wall of which several holes with a diameter of about 5 cm are made - exactly enough for a hungry rat to squeeze through, but through which no pet can get in.

Such boxes are called bait stations - they are commercially available (usually made of plastic). They can be used in any room, but sometimes the most cautious rats still do not get into them, even if there is a very attractive bait inside (in the trap).

Live traps are more convenient in this regard - they do not pose a threat to either people or pets, and they can catch rodents even in the bedroom or children's room. But they force you to decide additional problems: how to kill an animal after catching it yourself, or where to take it out and release it so that it does not return to the house. Not everyone can kill a live rat, and not everyone has the time to release it a kilometer from home.

The most popular rat traps are divided into several types:

  1. Pressers are the same well-known dies with a spring, colloquially called mousetraps, only they are small for mice and larger for rats. They are quite effective, inexpensive and durable, but when used without bait stations they are not always safe;
  2. Electric rat traps, in which the rat is killed by an electric shock. The most modern models They are able to “pack” the carcasses of victims into a special compartment and recharge, due to which the rat trap can kill several rats without human inspection. To throw them away, simply shake out the contents of the compartment into a trash bag;
  3. Glue traps, which are made of cardboard or plastic with special anti-rodent glue applied to the surface (there are ready-to-use sticky traps industrial production, or you can buy glue and make such a trap for rats and mice with your own hands). In general, we can say that glue traps are difficult to use, cause a lot of trouble if a pet or child gets dirty with glue, and are very inhumane - the animal dies a painful death on the glue within a few days. On the other hand, anti-rodent glue is good because it can catch not only rats and mice, but also domestic pests - cockroaches sometimes stick to it in much larger quantities than rodents;
  4. Live traps in the form of cages with a slamming door are perhaps the safest, but they are quite bulky and poorly presented on the market.

If rats have been present in a private home for a long time and have managed to breed, sometimes you have to spend a considerable amount of time fighting them with the help of rat traps. It is likely that in a large house the trap will have to be rearranged several times, selecting optimal place, or catching rodents in turn in each room. It is best to place the device where excrement and traces of animals eating are found, or where it is known for certain that rodents are running through here (for example, traces of rats rubbing with fur are visible).

On the other hand, a trap purchased once will last for years. The only one consumables there is bait in it.

It should be borne in mind that the effectiveness of the trap largely depends on the bait. Even the most effective trap will not work if loaded with bait that is unattractive to a rodent, and vice versa - a good bait will lure even a cautious rat into a trap that the animal would otherwise prefer to avoid.

Practice shows that best baits for rats - this is smoked sausage, minced meat with onions, lard, canned fish, and for mice - pieces of fruit, the same lard or bread crust dipped in vegetable oil.

On a note

In general, lard can be considered one of the most versatile and effective baits for any rodents in the house. There is a little trick - if you lightly burn the lard with a match before placing it in the rat trap, then even the smartest and most careful rats often cannot resist its smell.

Traps should be loaded and placed in the house as long as they catch rats. It often happens that rodents no longer visually show themselves in any way, but, for example, a trap steadily continues to catch them day after day. For the same reason, by the way, it is useful to simply keep a charged rat trap in places where rats appear most often - if a new pest gets into the house from the street, he will immediately try to steal the bait lying in the most visible place, and will be caught...

Simplifying your life: homemade rat traps from scrap materials

It is quite possible to make a trap for rodents with your own hands from available materials. This allows you to get rid of rats and mice from minimal costs finance, and often homemade traps work no worse than industrial options.

For example, at home it is very easy to make a very effective live trap from a deep container, a piece of thick wire and two or three strips. The task here is to make a tipping bridge from wire and one plank. A bait is placed on the edge of the bridge, it is installed on the container, and an improvised ladder is made to the entire structure, along which the animal can climb to the edge of the container. As soon as he tries to get closer to the bait, the bridge overturns and the rat falls into the container.

It is useful to do two non-obvious things in such a design:

  1. Pour water into the container so that the rat cannot push off from the bottom and jump out;
  2. Attach the bait to the bridge - after the rat falls into the container, the structure will return to its original position and will be able to catch more than one rat.

There are many options for implementing such a mechanism: a rat can fall from the table after climbing into cardboard house with bait on the edge; or above a container (barrel, bucket) you can place a bottle rotating on a metal rod, coated with bait, so that it rotates under the weight of the animal and “drops” it into the container.

You can watch the video below clear example this trap works:

There are other simple options homemade traps that allow you to get rid of rats in a private home without using any other means. Traps can also be made lethal, so that the rat does not have to be killed personally or shaken out alive.

Such traps are used in the same way as store-bought ones, and their main advantages are the ability to be manufactured at home and, in most cases, increased safety of use (which, however, depends on the design).

On a note

But the conditional freeness of homemade rat traps should hardly be considered such a significant advantage. The price of a good crusher today is 70-80 rubles, and rat poison in an amount sufficient to get rid of rats in an average-sized private house costs about 50 rubles on the market. However, not every home owner will be willing to spend an hour or two of his time creating a homemade rat trap.

To summarize: traps are well suited for the safe, methodical extermination of rats in the house, and if you use them in conjunction with bait stations, you can catch rodents in almost any room. Traps are probably not suitable in cases where a large number of rats or mice need to be destroyed as quickly as possible, all at once.

In this case, rodent poisons can come to the rescue.

How to get rid of rats in the house using poison?

One of the main advantages of the so-called rat poisons is the ability to quickly exterminate a large number of rodents with their help. After being laid out in the house, such preparations work completely autonomously, and only as the animals eat the poison, its quantity must be periodically replenished with new portions.

An example of how this usually works in practice: say, if five rats live in a house and they all feast on such a poisonous bait in one night, then they will all die at about the same time. In a week or two, the house will be rid of rodents.

However, it should be borne in mind that not all rat poisons are equally effective - the most effective drugs today contain blood anticoagulants as active ingredients (substances that cause extensive hemorrhages in rats during internal organs and subsequent death).

Among such substances are flocumafen, brodifacoum, bromadiolone, difenacoum and some others. Of the drugs based on them, the following are quite popular today (with good reason):

  1. Storm;
  2. Nutcracker;
  3. Rat Death #1 and #2;
  4. Ratindane.

And some others.

These rodent poisons are inexpensive, sold in many stores and really allow you to get rid of rats and mice even in a large private home. The principle of their action is based on the fact that after eating poison, the animal’s blood clotting mechanism is disrupted and, as a result, multiple internal bleeding develops.

On a note

Approximately on the third or fourth day after the first consumption of the poisoned bait, the animal dies. Rats do not recognize the presence of poison in the bait by smell, and before receiving a lethal dose the animal does not feel signs of poisoning - due to this, the pests do not develop wariness towards such agents, they do not avoid them and are actively poisoned.

Poisons are placed where rodents are likely to find them. Periodically, the presence of poison is checked, and new portions are placed in place of the eaten bait.

Rat poisons can only be used where they cannot be found by pets, children, or anyone other than rats and mice. In particular, it is unacceptable to use such drugs on the street, where birds or stray animals can become poisoned. You should also consider the danger to pets who may eat a dying or already dead poisoned rat.

In order to increase the safety of use, poisons, like traps, can be used in bait stations. However, although domestic animals will not find the actual poison, they may well be able to detect a poisoned rat.

Summary: it makes sense to use poison where there are a lot of rats, and at the same time it will be possible to find the corpses of animals after death without special effort- V stone houses and basements with a strong, good finish, in rooms where soft insulation is not used in the walls. However, if there is a risk that a cat or dog will find a poisoned rodent, it is better to avoid using poisons.

What is useful to know about the use of ultrasonic rat and mouse repellers

Ultrasonic rodent repellers are good because with their help you can sometimes get rid of rats in the house without killing the animals or having any contact with them at all. An effective repeller simply generates sounds high frequency, creating a feeling of discomfort in rats, and they try to leave the house.

At the same time, the signals of ultrasonic repellers are inaudible to humans, and therefore the operation of the device at home is practically unnoticed by people (however, some may get headaches from ultrasound). But pets can clearly react to ultrasound – often the devices cause them stress and discomfort. This must be taken into account: if rats need to be driven out of a room in which a cat or dog is constantly located, then it is better not to use an ultrasonic repeller for this.

A significant disadvantage of ultrasonic repellers is that they protect only a strictly limited area from rats and mice, mainly they allow you to get rid of rodents within one room (ultrasound does not penetrate walls and, moreover, is actively absorbed by carpets, upholstered furniture and other interior items).

As a rule, quite expensive devices cope more or less reliably with the protection of large rooms of a private house - Biostrazh (about 4,500 rubles), Chiston 2 Pro (cost about 2,500 rubles), Banzai TM-315 (about 10,000 rubles). More modestly priced repellers sometimes manage to scare away rats from small spaces, for example, from a small basement or garage, or from part of them, while rats will feel quite comfortable literally through the wall.

It is clear that it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely get rid of pests in a large private house in this way, and it would be much more rational and effective to catch the rodents with a trap.

It should also be borne in mind that sometimes even powerful ultrasonic repellers do not allow you to get rid of rats in the house (in the basement, pantry, room). This is due to the fact that rats can get used to the ultrasound emitted by the device. It will be possible to accurately check whether the device will work or not only in practice.

On a note

Chinese inexpensive devices in the form of small boxes, positioned today as magnetic resonance or electromagnetic, and supposedly allowing you to get rid of any pests in the house (rats, mice, cockroaches, bedbugs, ants, etc.), in practice do not give any visible effect at all , which is confirmed by numerous reviews on the Internet.

Folk remedies for rats for a private home

When rats start somewhere in a country house and completely overwhelm the residents, old “grandmother’s” recipes for rodent control are often used. Indeed, some of these remedies sometimes produce results.

For example, a poison for mice and rats made from milk with alabaster can to a certain extent replace more effective and modern means based on blood anticoagulants. Alabaster (gypsum), once in the gastrointestinal tract of a rodent, leads to intestinal obstruction, as a result of which the animal dies. However, in practice, rats are usually wary of such baits and avoid them.

Sometimes in private houses, rat holes are plugged with rags soaked in kerosene or vinegar - it is assumed that due to strong odor this will scare rats out of the room. Ground red pepper was also used for repelling in the past, but the effectiveness of such repellents is very low.

In general, we can say that it is rarely possible to completely get rid of rats in a private house using folk remedies alone. But even if you try to do this, you need to take into account possible dangers.

For example, when actively wetting rat holes with kerosene or denatured alcohol, do not forget that these liquids are a fire hazard, and milk with alabaster mixed in it is dangerous not only for rats, but for cats and dogs too.

Protecting your home from rodents

All the means and methods of getting rid of rodents discussed above, even if effective, have one common drawback - they are all temporary. Rats can be poisoned, they can be caught, sometimes they can be scared away, but if they once appeared in a private house, it means they have found their way here, and with a high probability their brothers will come here in the future along the same path.

Therefore, once you have managed to get rid of rats in the house, you need to do everything possible to prevent them from getting here in the future. To do this you should:

  1. Find out how pests get into the house. There can be many options - rats and mice can dig holes under the foundation in the basement, chew through insulation, make holes in wooden walls, climb through open doors or through ventilation pipes, penetrate through the sewer;

  2. Block access routes for rodents - close metal mesh ventilation, lay a mesh under the floor in the basement (if the floor is earthen), use materials that rats do not gnaw as insulation for the house (for example, they do gnaw on stroypena, so you can use expanded clay, foam glass, ecowool);
  3. Take measures to ensure that there are fewer rats near your home. It is useful to keep a rat-catcher cat in the yard (and let it into the house from time to time), use it in the barn and summer kitchen take the same protective measures as in the house, take care of the garden and vegetable garden so that rodents do not feel at ease here even in summer. In such conditions, the likelihood that pests will approach the house is significantly reduced.

Finally, in the most difficult situations You can call specialists from pest control services for help. Their services are quite expensive (at least if it’s a really good service), but when the rats are really overwhelming and you can’t get rid of them yourself, or there’s no desire to do it, professionals usually solve the problem fairly quickly.

if you have personal experience fighting rats in a private home - be sure to share your story by leaving a review at the bottom of this page.

Interesting video: making rodent traps from improvised materials

An example of making another original rat trap

Fighting rats in a private house Hello, dears!

We went shopping today and the saleswoman in the hardware department praised a miracle device that supposedly repels rats and is harmless to health.

Natural distrust and curiosity forced me to stop and engage in conversation.

It turned out that she herself had never used this device, but had read about its properties in a brochure from the manufacturer. And she only saw what real rats looked like on TV in Discovery Channel programs.

If you have to fight real rats in a private house, read our article!

How to get rid of rats and mice in a private home

How to defeat a rat infestation in a private home? The question is incredibly difficult. As experience has shown, not all means are good in this fight. Unfortunately, I had to verify this from my own experience.

With the first frosts, it seemed like uninvited guests came to our house. We began to suspect this after something “boomed”, rustled and rang. After just about three weeks, the cautious noises turned into thundering madness.

While we were thinking about the humaneness of the methods and the inadmissibility of using poisons in the house, the rats began to multiply exponentially. And then we began to use all possible methods suggested to us, which we were assured would work 100 percent, but it turned out to be quite the opposite. But more about this...

From neighbor to internet

Where can I get the necessary information? The easiest way is to use smart tips from the World Wide Web. “A mousetrap is the most tested and reliable means of fighting rodents,” as it is written as a carbon copy on the Internet.

Indeed, my neighbors, using this simple device installed under the bathroom sink, caught all the mice. We had to fight a more serious enemy. Experienced fighters for sanitary cleanliness of houses note that it is much easier to defeat mice than their more intelligent relatives, rats.

They don't fall for the same trap twice. Rats are capable of thinking and analyzing: if one individual from a large family dies, an analysis is immediately carried out and the entire family will avoid this source of danger.

Mousetraps also have sizes

It turned out that these traps come in different sizes: miniature ones for catching mice and larger ones for rat “hunting”. You can find this device on the Internet for more than 50 rubles plus shipping costs, but in the nearest hardware store it costs only about 20 rubles.

According to all the laws of conspiracy, we treated the mousetrap with fragrant sunflower oil, put bait and installed it on the rat path. On the very first night, the device worked, knocking out a small rat.

This happened only once. Never again, none of the rodents fell for this trap. No matter how much we ventilated and washed the mousetrap, no matter how much we placed it on the most tricky paths, the rodents masterfully avoided the dangerous obstacle and did not succumb to the alluring smell of cheese or other baits.

Crazy pens and glue

Delighted with the first result, we stated: one - zero in our favor! But the rats immediately struck back - they chewed through the cord from the refrigerator, which, moreover, was energized at that time. We immediately understood that this was revenge. There was nowhere to retreat.

Neighbor Maxim came to the rescue:

— Try making a glue trap. Place some seeds on a piece of hard cardboard and spread special glue on it. It is sold in all gardening stores. I am under kitchen set I laid a trap like this: every night, a mouse would be caught.

But, alas, glue bait for our rodents turned out to be an overly naive method of control. Meanwhile, the husband was making another “correct” remedy, according to experienced mouse fighters. I took a 3-liter jar with a screw-on metal lid from my supplies.

I dug a hole in the center of the lid and cut about seven rays from it, which I slightly bent inward. It turned out to be a kind of mink. A lot of goodies were placed inside the jar: roasted sunflower seeds, sunflower oil. They placed the jar on its side on the path in the hope that the rodents would like the house.

As the authors of this can invention guaranteed, the rodent will definitely crawl into the hole to feast on it, but will not be able to get out because the sharp teeth of the metal lid will be directed at it and will prick it. But our rodents had a different logic. Not a single rat ever used the jar trap.

Do ultrasonic repellers help? Numerous publications by experienced experts often write the following: “In Lately The ultrasonic method has been successfully used.

Its work is based on the use of sound waves of a certain frequency, which causes the animals a feeling of anxiety and discomfort, and they leave the habitat that is inconvenient for them.”

We turned to this method, hoping for it as a panacea. ABOUT great power advertising persuasion!

Ultrasonic device for repelling rats and mice, famous in numerous media trademark, was perceived by us as something modern and efficient and impeccable.

Many thanks to our neighbor Nadezhda, who convinced us not to run for a super-remedy, but to take their repeller for a couple of days.

“You can use it as much as you want, we didn’t need it anyway!” They took it for more than 4 thousand rubles, the mice were a little afraid and climbed out of their holes. Useless thing.

Let's try out the device. We plug it in and wait for hordes of rodents to rush out of our house under the influence of miracle sounds. The device crackles comfortably. And nothing happens. As it turned out, rodents wanted to sneeze on the miracle device.

Maybe this particular device is defective? Friend Natalya from the house opposite throws up her hands:

“I can’t find the peasant seller so that I can present a claim to him.” I bought an ultrasonic repeller from him based on an advertisement, and he delivered this thing to my home, but it only generates electricity and does not fight mice.

By the way, Natalya’s device turned out to have a different name than the one we tested. But, alas, it didn’t help. A resourceful seller of ultrasonic products, who was finally found, is convinced:

“You just need to buy a second device: their coverage area will be larger and the rodents will definitely go away.”

You can't deny the seller of miracle devices some entrepreneurial spirit.

Flour with a dangerous secret

As you know, rodents are always eager to eat flour. This is the basis of another so-called proven method of combating them using a gypsum-flour mixture.

A dry mixture is prepared from wheat flour and building plaster in a 1:1 ratio. The bait is poured, for example, into a plate in the amount of 1/2 cup per individual (for a rat). Water for drinking is placed nearby.

When the rodent has eaten and drunk, the mixture solidifies in its stomach within five minutes, and the animal dies. The bait has a familiar smell and does not arouse suspicion. Tests on the ground have proven that we transferred the products completely in vain. In our case, flour with gypsum turned out to be completely ineffective.

A product with a marine name

In desperation, we took the most severe measures - chemical ones. They were a little afraid to use poisons because they had a small kitten growing up at home. Pet products seller Tatyana said:

— It is most effective to fight rats with drugs that are characterized by a slow development of poisoning. Accumulating in the animal’s body, they gradually lead to its death. Small amounts of the active substance contained in the bait, the virtual absence of taste and unpleasant odor are not recognized by rodents, and the animals willingly re-eat the poisoned bait in almost the same quantities as products without poison.

Another trick I learned: it’s easier to fight mice using poisoned grain bait, while rats prefer food in briquettes. We purchased a poison with a marine name: the package contained 8 briquettes in small bags. We laid out the poison in the cellar. The next day everything was eaten.


Baits with a slow-acting drug that accumulates in the body must be laid out 3-4 days in a row or 2-3 times every other day. The next day and the day after, the situation repeated itself. We placed baits, and the rats ate them intensively.

We saw the first result on the fifth day: the night noises stopped all at once. The potatoes in the cellar no longer disappeared. The drug caused blood clotting disorders and suffocation in rats, which is why they intuitively began to look for a way out and went out of the house into the street, where they could easily be collected and destroyed.

Calico cat - double strike

Cat against rats People say that the most courageous and implacable fighter against rats is a tricolor cat.

Intuitively, we got just such a cat.

Three months after completely defeating the rat family, we suddenly discovered our seven-month-old Muska playing with the defeated rat.

From this we concluded that, alas, a safer and more stable means of controlling rodents than a cat-mouse trap has not yet been invented. Thank you Muska for our calm “tomorrow”!

For reference

Rodents are the most harmful animals to humans. They are carriers of such dangerous diseases as mouse fever, encephalitis, etc. Rodents begin to be more active in urban conditions in the autumn-winter period, when it gets cold outside and there is less food.

Then a residential building becomes an ideal place for them to live. Having found a suitable place to live, rodents begin to breed. If you notice signs of these uninvited guests, take immediate action.


Folk ways and methods of poisoning rats

If you need to poison rats, you can prepare rat poison, which will be much safer than its chemical counterparts, at home. Below are various rat poison recipes.

Homemade Rat Baiting Remedy

  1. Mix 100g gypsum and 100g corn flour in a small, possibly disposable bowl. Plaster of Paris can be purchased at most craft and hardware stores. It is a dry powder that, when mixed with liquid, expands in volume and eventually hardens.
  2. Add 1-2 cups (0.2 - 0.5 l) milk. You can add more milk if the clumps of cornmeal or gypsum remain dry.
  3. Knead this mixture into a dough by hand.
  4. Tear off and roll 2.5-5 cm balls from the resulting dough.
  5. Place the balls behind the refrigerator, inside cabinets, under the stove, or other places to bait rats.
  6. Wait a few days and check the balls to determine whether they have been eaten or not.

If some of the balls were not eaten, you will have to make another batch of poison and place the poison in other places. The plaster will harden and the bait will become inedible over time.

How to get rid of a rat in an apartment

  • Mix 130g flour, 1 cup (200g) sugar and 130g baking soda in a large bowl.
  • Place the dry mixture in shallow containers, such as canning jars.
  • Wait one day and check the jars.

This is another effective way to control rats in your home because the bicarbonate in baking soda reacts with the rat's stomach acid and produces carbon dioxide gas. Rats cannot regurgitate gas formed in the stomach. Gas will accumulate in digestive system rats, which will ultimately lead to the death of the rodent.

  • Combine one package of dry (cooked) potatoes and a cup of plaster of Paris in a large bowl.
  • Add a pinch of cinnamon to the mixture.
  • Add one glass of water to the bowl.
  • Stir the mixture and form small balls from the resulting dough.
  • Place the balls (or mixture in canning jars) in areas where rodents live.

Adding a little peanut butter to your poison bait will help you attract and kill rats faster. Make sure you find dead rodent carcasses, as decomposing rodents can fill your home with an incredible stench that will linger for months and is also potentially hazardous to your health.

Do not leave rat poison where pets or children can reach it. Even though homemade rat poison is less toxic, it is made from substances that are hazardous to health if ingested.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of rats using absolutely safe means for humans and pets. Wash and thoroughly disinfect the bowls in which the poison was mixed if you plan to use them in the future. It is better to use disposable tableware.


Fighting rodents with folk remedies

I will tell you one old way to get rid of rodents in your basement and cellar. People call it dirty. And that's why.

Getting rid of rodents using ash

You need to take wood ash and grind it finely, and then sprinkle it on the dry floors of the basement and cellar at the rate of one bucket per 5-10 m2, of course, only in those places where it will not interfere with you.

The ash contains alkali, which corrodes the paws of rodents. They lick it off, which causes further irritation to the mouth and stomach. Therefore, rats and mice are forced to move to another place.

For humans, unlike mice, ash is absolutely harmless, which is why the method I described is good. But there is also a disadvantage to this means of getting rid of rats and mice, because the “tailed ones” spread ash throughout the house and this does not make it cleaner.

Fighting rats and mice using culinary methods

There is another one in my collection of folk wisdom original method rodent control, I call it culinary. Wheat flour and building gypsum(alabaster) is mixed in a 1:1 ratio and this dry mixture is poured into a container.

Water for drinking is placed nearby. The bait has a familiar smell and does not arouse suspicion. The essence of the method is that after eating and drinking, a rat or mouse gets specific indigestion, since after a few minutes the mixture hardens like cement in the rodent’s stomach.

In our village, sometimes instead of flour and alabaster they used a dry mixture of quicklime and sugar. And there is another tricky way - take a wine cork and cut it into small pieces with a knife, mix it with finely chopped crusts of bread, and flavor it with a few drops of unrefined sunflower oil.

When this culinary delight gets into the mouse’s stomach, the plug begins to swell and gets stuck in the mouse’s intestines. Did you know that rats are very sensitive to human smell? Therefore, when preparing bait for them, you need to use something plastic or wooden, it could be a stick or a spoon.

You can wear rubber gloves. Before spreading the bait, the rats must be fed normal food for several days. And only then food with a “surprise” is placed in the same place.

Exterminating rodents with perfume

To repel rodents, formaldehyde or kerosene has long been successfully used, the smell of which is so disliked by mice and rats. But these liquids can only be used to protect non-residential premises. I recommend that you spray the corners of the cellar or basement with formaldehyde or kerosene and the rodents will immediately leave there.

If you yourself do not like the smell of kerosene, then you can take a piece of old rubber, place it in a bucket and burn it on the fire using a blowtorch. It is better to do this while storing food in the cellar.

Well, if you are somehow not satisfied with all of the above methods, try another one. Mice and rats cannot stand the smell of mothballs. Make a mixture of equal parts naphthalene derivatives and sawdust and sprinkle it near mouse holes, passages and holes.

Mice can be effectively exterminated with turpentine, the smell of which they cannot tolerate. To do this, soak a rag in turpentine and place it in the hole. After a few days, this operation must be repeated.

Reinforced concrete method of fighting rats and mice

Reinforced concrete method of fighting rats In order to prepare a cellar or underground for storing food, all existing holes must be filled with glass, stoned or concreted, and the supply and exhaust pipes closed with a fine metal mesh.

A week before storing food, you should disinfect the room with a bleach solution.

And I recommend smoking the cellar, which is located outside the residential premises, with a sulfur bomb before storing the harvest.

This is done like this: we plug up the vents and cracks in the room being treated. Light the wick and close the door tightly. The smoldering time of the checker is about 1 hour, the time of the cleansing effect of the smoke is 24-36 hours. After this, it is necessary to ventilate the cellar well for 1-2 days until the smell disappears completely. And your cellar will be cleansed of fungus, mold, rot, and insects. And the rodents will run away.

Marine method of getting rid of rats

One day, while sitting on a rubble, I heard about an ancient maritime method of fighting rodents. It is said that several healthy adult rats were placed in a strong metal barrel. Left without food, they began to devour each other.


The surviving rat was released into the hold of the ship, where it found and ate all its relatives. Today, the method is not relevant, since it requires a strictly limited space for the activities of the surviving individual: otherwise you raise a monster and it will run away to another place. Yes, and there are simpler and less bloodthirsty methods of controlling rodents.

We exterminate rats with vodka.

And the last method of exterminating rats - you don’t know for sure - is with the help of vodka. Frol Fomich's eyes sparkled slyly: - here, dear man, wine cork If you can't get away with it, you'll need half a liter for a scientific experiment. I had to respect the old man.

Before his story, they took a sip of a glass. From a good conversation and a drink, Frol Fomich became slightly tired and he snored sweetly and took a nap on the rubble. I didn’t wake him up, so Frol Fomich will tell you about fighting rodents with alcohol next time.


Destruction of rodents or how to get rid of rats and mice

With the onset of autumn and the time of harvest, owners of various buildings have a question - how to destroy rats and mice in a house or barn. Interestingly, these rodents are the most adapted to cohabitation with humans.

Such a neighborhood cannot be called pleasant - both rats and mice in the country (and in any other habitat) are considered pests. To know how to protect against rats and mice, you must first determine what kind of object we are talking about.

You can also contact our specialists for help (consultations are provided by phone or online). Our offers include many effective ways, solving the problem rodent infestations forever.

Rats in city apartments or offices - is such a neighborhood necessary?

Wild rats thrive in urban landscapes. They can move into living quarters from a nearby pond or landfill. In addition, rats and mice can live in the entrance or in the sewer. They can enter the apartment both through open doors and through cracks in the walls or ceiling, as well as through ventilation ducts.

How to remove or get rid of mice and rats in an apartment or office

How to remove or get rid of mice and rats So, rodent control in the house is definitely necessary.
  1. Firstly, rats and mice are carriers of many serious infectious diseases, including salmonellosis, rabies and plague.
  2. Secondly, these animals can live perfectly well behind drywall (even in a layer of foam plastic or insulation) and, as a result of their activities, damage not only the finish, but also the main load-bearing and engineering structures Houses.

People may be concerned bad smell emanating from rodents, as well as constant night noise. There are also cases where rats have seriously injured pets and children - and these are just a few reasons to drive away harmful rodents for good.

What does effective protection against mice and rats in homes mean in this case? What set of measures should be taken and what means should be used:

  • when choosing how to deal with mice at home, you can turn your attention to traps with glue: they “grab” the rodent in the same way as happens when using a mousetrap, but the whole process is much more humane,
  • if there are not many rodents in the apartment, then measures to destroy them can be reduced to installing several traps with bait,
  • methods based on pesticides will be appropriate if there are a lot of rodents and it is not possible to deal with them in any other way.

To ensure that protection against rodents is not needed again after their destruction, simple preventive measures will be required: thorough cleaning, sealing all cracks, and so on.

Rodents in the garden - how to get rid of or drive away rodents from the dacha

Indeed, the removal and destruction of rats in the countryside is very important for humans. First of all, rats and mice in the house are carriers of various “infections,” and mice in the walls can ruin many structures.

In addition, they feel great in a bathhouse, attic, cellar, chicken coop and even in beehives. So, the main methods are how to remove or get rid of mice and rats in a private home.

Effective control of mice in a private home

Possible measures depend on what kind of private buildings the pests have chosen for themselves:

  • application chemicals: with their help, you can decide how to deal with rats in the cellar, preventing damage to household goods, or remove rats from the basement, minimizing the possibility of damage to the subfloor. But you cannot use poison in rooms with pets,
  • traps and traps: in this way you can exterminate rodents in hives. Although, if we are talking about constant migration of pests, traps may not help.

Rodents on the site - how to preserve the harvest

Before deciding how to get rid of mice, garden rodents and rats in the garden, you need to know how they get there. For example, the vole mouse multiplies rapidly all summer - the number of individuals during the warm season can increase several dozen times (at the same time, they settle both near trees and directly in the beds).

Complete destruction of mice and rats in the vineyard is possible only after taking radical measures. Of course, the fight against voles in the fields also requires prevention - that is, keeping the area clean and free of waste accumulated on it. But rodents won’t just go away, which means that the fight against mice in the garden should be carried out using proven means.

Rodent control in the garden

Voles and other rodents are pests not only fruit trees, apple trees, pears, plums and fruit bushes but also actively destroy root crops, flowers (especially bulbous ones) and grain crops - not only eating the crop, but also damaging root system plants. The actual fight against rats and mice in the garden may involve using the following means:

  • traps and other types of traps can only be used in such an event as garden protection if you know the permanent mouse trails or where their feeding areas are located,
  • One of the ways to fight rodents in the garden is the use of pesticides. But in most cases this method is not only impractical, but also not safe for humans,
  • the most modern means Repellers are highly effective in controlling rodents. Purchasing repellers – humane way and will save you from having to look for animal corpses. Pests will simply leave an uncomfortable environment - even if there are many of them.

Why do rats appear in garages and how to get rid of them?

Why do rats appear in garages? Smart and hardy, and also voracious gray rats can live in any conditions, not disdaining even such seemingly unsuitable living quarters as a car or truck.

The danger of such a neighborhood is as follows: a rat in a car can chew through wires, contacts or damage other important parts.

As a result of such “interaction”, the use of the vehicle will become, if not impossible, then very dangerous (after all, drivers, including truck drivers, will not know that the car has suddenly become faulty). Garages are also attractive from the point of view of rodents. wooden crafts, containers and household items located “under the floor”.

Getting rid of rats and mice in the garage and car

However, in this case you can get rid of rodents quickly. Possible ways here we can name: glue installations, traps, poison will not be effective in the garage, since rodents can come into this room unhindered and not live in it permanently.

Rodents are carriers of dangerous infections and diseases, so solving the question of how to get rid of rats and mice becomes urgent as soon as the owners suspect the presence of them in their home. There are many methods of controlling rodents, each of which has its own characteristics.

What is the danger of rodents settling in houses?

Rats and mice often settle in houses with the arrival of cold weather; they take a liking to barns, chicken coops, basements, and also, gnawing cracks, enter living spaces where they can harm people and things:

  • mice and, as well as blood-sucking insects (ticks and fleas);
  • spoil baseboards, furniture, electrical wiring in the house, which can cause short circuit and the likelihood of a fire;
  • they dig holes in the basement and under the house, thereby damaging its foundation;
  • destroy food and food supplies.

Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of rats in a private home as quickly as possible, before they cause much harm.

Methods for getting rid of rodents

There are several ways to combat rats and mice:

  • mechanical: traps, mousetraps;
  • use of chemicals;
  • installation of ultrasonic devices;
  • calling a rodent extermination service (deratization).

Mechanical methods

The most effective and environmentally friendly method to help get rid of rodents, especially in a private home, is to get a cat that will successfully and happily catch mice and rats. Rodents are even afraid of the cat’s smell itself and may leave so as not to encounter it.

The next common method is making homemade or purchased traps. effective along walls in places where traces of rodents are found: eaten food or things, mouse or.

On a note!

Ready-made mousetraps are quite effective for killing mice, but rats are too smart animals, so often after the death of one individual, those following the rat trap may not climb.

Traps homemade, helping to remove rodents from the house:

  1. Used flower pot(made of clay or thick plastic). A sharpened wooden support with bait strung is placed inside it. The pot is placed upside down, and when the rodent tries to climb for food, the support falls and the pot covers it.
  2. Take a 3-liter jar, pour a small amount of a mixture of vegetable oil and water into it. The jar is placed in an inclined position so that when the animal climbs inside, it becomes vertical. The mouse will not be able to get out due to sliding on the oil.

Such traps will help get rid of rodents in a private home, garage, cellar or country house. and it is better to change the rats periodically so that the fresh smell of food is present. Afterwards, the device should be washed and reinstalled.

Ultrasonic repellers

  • guarantee good result using a formal contract;
  • In addition to the destruction of rodents, preventive treatment of the premises is also carried out, which will repel pests for a long time;
  • companies that professionally exterminate rodents provide a certain warranty period;
  • There are many sanitary services, which will allow you to choose the most suitable one in terms of quality and price.

The disadvantage of this method is the high cost of the service compared to purchasing chemicals and other methods.

As a result of the introduction of the achievements of chemistry and physics into practice, many new products are constantly appearing on the market for means of controlling domestic rodents.

At the same time, owners of private households often rightly prefer folk remedies in the fight against mice and rats, which have been tested for centuries and have absolutely no effect harmful effects on people and at the same time very effective.

Neighborhood with rats and mice sometimes does not really bother the owners if the number of animals is small and they appear only on the site, but not in the house.

The danger of such a neighborhood cannot be underestimated. Domestic rodents, even with a short and small stay in the home, can cause various diseases in humans.

What diseases do rodents carry?

  • Bubonic plague is a disease that can be infected by rodent bites or by exposure to pests living on animals;
  • Infection with hemorrhagic fever occurs by inhaling dust from the space in which rats and mice were located;
  • Direct contact with a sick animal significantly increases the likelihood of infection;
  • Leptospirosis can develop through contact with water, products touched by sick rodents;
  • Tapeworm larvae can be transmitted to humans through food and water;
  • Murine typhus is transmitted only through direct contact with infected rodents. The risk of developing the disease from bites is especially high;
  • Pseudotuberculosis can occur in humans when they eat raw foods, which were stored for a long time in basements or closets with rodents.

Diseases caused by rodents can be cured with modern drugs. It is better not to test the possibilities of medicine.

Fighting rats at home using folk remedies is available to everyone. Without spending a lot of time and money, you will achieve peace of mind and confidence in the safety of yourself and your family members.

Where do rodents come from at home?

Rats and mice, whose existence dates back thousands of years, as a result of long evolution, have acquired a tremendous thirst for life, ingenuity, and determination.

They can appear in your home for a number of reasons:

  1. Rodents are attracted to the smell of food. There is no point in setting up branches of food warehouses in houses and apartments. Buy the quantity of products that you will need in the foreseeable future. Habits formed in the long past are no longer appropriate;
  2. Mice and rats can make holes in almost any wall. Conducting general cleaning, don’t be lazy, move all the furniture, check the integrity of all partitions and walls. In this way, it is possible to exclude the possibility of rodents entering apartments from basements, entrances, and adjacent areas;
  3. Rodents can enter residential areas when large goods are delivered from warehouses. If furniture has been delivered to you, pay attention to the integrity of the packaging and monitor the unloading of goods;
  4. Good ability of rodents to move both horizontally and vertically vertical surfaces, allows them to climb ventilation ducts. Make sure everyone ventilation holes were closed with bars.
  5. In the private sector, rats often appear if household raise cattle and pigs!

If precautions are taken, the likelihood of rodents appearing in your home is minimal. bna.

Traditional methods against rats and mice

There are many ways to control rodents using synthesized substances. People with small children or increased allergic sensitivity who do not want to deal with chemical poisons want to know how to get rid of mice in an apartment forever using folk remedies.

The desire is quite justified. Folk remedies for fighting rats and their smaller “relatives” are safe for people with any immune system and age. There are many methods.


When burning herbs, bushes and wood waste With a high potassium content, ash with slightly alkaline properties is formed. Such raw materials include:

  • Sunflower;
  • Buckwheat;
  • Deciduous tree species.

If you scatter a bucket of the resulting ash thin layer in places where rodents gather, when they move, the powder will cling to the animals’ paws and cause irritation. Rodents will be forced to lick their paws.

As a result, alkaline particles will enter the stomach and cause slow poisoning of rodents. The method is remarkable for its absolute harmlessness to the owners. The only trouble is that the ash crumbs are pulled away by animals.


Folk remedies against rats are always available and inexpensive. At home there is always lime: slaked or quicklime. It is better to use quicklime, mixed with a small amount of sugar.

Rodents will probably want to eat the sweet mixture. Once in the stomach, lime will react with the water of gastric juice. The interaction involves the release of a large amount of heat, which is incompatible with life.

Rodents will die from internal thermal burns, which will be aggravated by leaching of the mucous membrane due to the influence of the resulting alkali.

Broken glass

Rodent control in a private home can be carried out with the parallel disposal of glass waste, which inevitably accumulates on the farm.

When constructing extensions for poultry experts advise laying a layer of crushed stone mixed with broken glass on the surface of the ground in advance.

Sharp edges injure animals. Taught by bitter experience, they are afraid of such coverings and leave without tempting fate.

Broken glass can be added to mixtures to seal holes that rodents have already made in walls and floors. The effect will be noticeable.

Marsh rosemary

Folk remedies for mice in the apartment usually have more soft action. Previous methods in multi-storey buildings not always applicable.

A wonderful effect was noticed when sprigs of marsh wild rosemary were placed in rooms. Domestic rodents cannot stand the smell of this plant and avoid the room.

The plant is called medicinal for a reason. It contains active chemicals.

Successfully used as a folk remedy for mice:

  • Plants dried in the fall should be placed in areas where rodents gather. They cannot stand its smell and will soon all leave the room;
  • You can use a decoction prepared by brewing half a kilogram of a wilted plant in a liter of boiling water. The broth should be sprinkled on places favored by rodents. The effect will not be long in coming;
  • For spraying, you can use an alcohol tincture of one large plant in 1 liter of vodka. The resulting extract should be used to treat areas where mice are frequented. The alcohol will evaporate, the active ingredients will remain and will scare away the rodents.

Black root grows everywhere, so stocking up on it is not difficult.

Autumn colchicum

Colchicum seeds are poisonous to rodents. To guarantee the effect, you should make a mixture of cereals, seeds, flour with the addition of 5% seeds, pour it into saucers, and place it in places accessible only to rats and mice.

The plant is harmless to humans, dangerous to birds, rodents, and insects.

When thinking about how to get rid of mice in an apartment forever using folk remedies, we often forget about well-known plants. It turns out that rodents cannot stand the smell of peppermint.

It is enough to spread freshly picked plants indoors and soon you can observe a mass exodus of mice.

When the plant completely withers and stops emitting a scent, it needs to be renewed. Instead of fresh plants, mint oil extract is quite suitable. The method is simple, accessible, convenient, and effective.

A mixture of flour and gypsum

Everyone remembers how plaster casts are applied. Water is added to the dry powder, the mixture hardens like stone. Gypsum behaves similarly in the stomach of rodents.

To increase its attractiveness, add flour to the gypsum in a ratio of 2:5 and a few drops of vegetable oil. The gruel should be placed in areas where rodents move.


When deciding how to get rid of rats in a private house forever using folk remedies or how to get rid of mice in an apartment at home, you should remember the centuries-old experience of our ancestors.

Simple, cheap remedies still work today. Choose any of them and see the result soon.

The appearance of rodents in the house is a big problem, the fight against them can last a long time with varying success. Mice, like rats, are tenacious creatures and can adapt to different conditions. In addition, thanks to their renowned intelligence, these animals manage to avoid numerous traps. You will learn from our article how to get rid of rats in a private house or city apartment and how to prevent their subsequent entry.

Destruction of rodents: a list of effective methods

Fighting rodents is a rather labor-intensive and lengthy process. But, if you organize pest control correctly, you can get rid of these annoying pests once and for all.

We fight rats in the apartment

Rats can hold their breath for 3-4 minutes, which makes it possible to enter the house through the sewer

Among the effective methods of eliminating harmful creatures, experts highlight the following:

  1. First of all, you need to seal all the cracks and holes in places where rodents can enter. For this, building substances like gypsum are used. But first glass chips are poured into the cracks and only after that they are puttied or sealed with plaster.
  2. Usage adhesive tapes, to which the creature simply sticks. Let us immediately note that this method is effective only in the fight against mice, while it does not apply to rats.
  3. Poisonous drugs and ultrasonic repellers. We'll talk about them a little later.

We eliminate rodents in a private home

Rodents enter through the floor and cracks in the wall

The problem of rodents also occurs in new houses, where polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam and other materials are chosen as insulation, in which rodents make burrows, labyrinths and store their food.

  1. Physiological. It's about about mousetraps, glue traps and other folk remedies.
  2. Ultrasonic. The fight is carried out using repellent devices that emit ultrasonic waves that are not perceptible to people and pets, but perceptible to rodents.

Repellers have such a name because they do not kill rodents, but only drive them away from their homes by emitting unpleasant ultrasonic waves or electromagnetic pulses.

  1. Application of insecticides and pesticides. Most radical way fight against rats and mice. The use of insecticidal poisonous drugs provides a 100% guarantee of complete destruction of rodents.

To know how to deal with rats in a private home, let’s consider each of the described methods in more detail.

Folk remedies

Fighting rats at home is possible with herbal repellents, as well as with chemical ones:


Black root officinalis

To achieve high efficiency When using repellent herbs, it is recommended to scald the branches before placing them around the house. This approach will speed up the release of the toxic substance and speed up its spread throughout the room.

It has a specific, poisonous odor that rodents cannot tolerate.

The bitter-tart “aroma” of this plant perfectly fights pests.

Using wormwood in a house where people who are allergic to this plant live is strictly prohibited. This can lead to undesirable consequences and worsening of the allergy sufferer’s well-being.

Chemical repellents

  • cologne or “vigorous” Soviet perfume;
  • burnt rubber;
  • kerosene;
  • naphthalene;
  • turpentine;
  • burnt fluff;
  • burnt rat fur.

In addition, you can use more traditional methods extermination of these pests:

Mix alabaster or gypsum with wheat flour. We lay out the resulting mixture near the rat holes, and place saucers with water nearby. After such a “delicacy”, the composition inside the rodent’s stomach will harden. This will lead to the death of the pest.

VIDEO: How to get rid of mice, fantastic!

Using mousetraps

In the old days, such rats were set on fire and released. Sensing the smell of a relative’s burnt wool, the whole family took off and left.

VIDEO: Mousetraps made from plastic bottles

Ultrasonic repellers

If you do not know how to fight rats at home and prevent their subsequent appearance, then you can resort to the help of ultrasonic repellers.

Among the variety of such units, experts highlight the following:


A small device that is used in the fight against rats and mice in enclosed spaces. Action area - up to 20 sq.m. The cost of such a device ranges from 250-400 rubles.


A modern device that repels rodents by emitting ultrasonic waves. Area of ​​action - up to 150 sq.m. For such a unit you will have to pay approximately 350 rubles.

"Pest Reject"

Another device that helps rid a person of uninvited “guests” in a couple of days. Area of ​​action - up to 200 sq.m. Average cost - 1550 rubles.

"Ultrafon ElectroKot Turbo"

Device domestic production, which is practically no different from previous samples. Area of ​​action - up to 400 sq.m. Such a device costs about 2 thousand rubles.

The disadvantage of such devices is that when unplugged, mice, rats and even insects no longer sense danger and can safely return to your home.

Use of pesticides


Suitable for baiting rats and mice in both residential and non-residential premises. Sold in ampoules, the contents of which are mixed with sunflower seeds (0.5 kg), sunflower oil (teaspoon).


An effective drug based on diphenacin and additives that cause mummification of pest tissue.

A pack of 100 grams costs about 20 rubles.


A package weighing 1 kg costs about 2,500 rubles, while for a 10-kg bucket you will have to pay about 12,000 rubles. This volume is enough to process 1000 sq.m.


A grain mixture with added pesticides that can be used to kill rodents.

A bottle containing 200 grams of grain mixture costs about 30 rubles.

When does it become necessary to call specialists?

If all your attempts to eliminate uninvited “tenants” are unsuccessful, then it is better to resort to the help of specialists who will destroy the pests in a short period of time.

Deratizers will carry out the necessary sanitation of all potential places where rats can accumulate. In addition, they will help install a kind of protective shield that will serve you as excellent protection from possible appearance rats in the future.

Of course, this “pleasure” is not cheap. On average, per processing two-room apartment SES services charge about 5 thousand rubles. But at the same time, we should not forget about the high efficiency of such an event.

VIDEO: Mice in the house. How to get rid of them