Oil-free rotary vane vacuum pumps. Vane pump - its disadvantages compared to vane vacuum pump. Rotary vane pumps and their advantages in comparison with oil pumps Vacuum pumps types and characteristics

A turbomolecular pump (TMP) is a special pump that allows you to create and maintain a deep vacuum for a long time, on the order of 10 -2 to 10 -8 Pa. The etymological meaning of the name of the pump is of interest. The prefix “turbo” is a shortened version, introduced into the technical lexicon since 1900, of the term “turbine”. Both of these words come from the French. “turbine” - “turbine”, and earlier from lat. “turbo”, meaning “to cause confusion, disturb, whirlwind, top.” The second part of the first word “molecular” comes from Lat. “molecule” - “part, particle”, as a diminutive of “moles” - “mass, lump, bulk”. The next term “pump” is originally ours, Slavic, as it was transformed from the Old Orthodox words “suck, ssati, ss”, meaning “suck breast milk”, “suck the brain bones”, “draw out liquid”.

In this article we will look at:

  • pfeiffer turbomolecular pump;
  • turbomolecular pump agilent tv81m;
  • high-vacuum turbomolecular pump twistorr 84 fs;
  • turbomolecular pump tg350f;
  • power supply unit for turbomolecular pumps type bp 267;
  • turbomolecular pump operating principle;
  • molecular vacuum pump;
  • molecular pump mdp 5011 price;
  • buy a turbopump;
  • turbopump price;
  • disadvantages of turbopumps;
  • turbomolecular pump TMN 500;
  • pump TMN 200;
  • dry pump;
  • oil-free vacuum pump;
  • oil-free foreline pumps;
  • dry type vacuum pump;
  • oil-free rotary vane vacuum pump;
  • oil-free vacuum piston pump;
  • fore-vacuum pump 2nvr 5dm.

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In 1913, the German scientist Wolfgang Goede published in the journal Annalen der Physik a description of a new vacuum pump, for which the laws of the molecular kinetic theory of gas movement were used. For the purpose of experimental verification, he manufactured the first vacuum molecular pump with a minimum gap of 0.1 mm between the rotor, rotating at a speed of about 8000 rpm, and the stationary stator. A gas vacuum of up to 10 -4 mm was obtained mercury. The new pump even began to be produced by the German company Leybold’s Nachfolgers, but was not widely used. Firstly, there was no urgent need for it, and secondly, technological difficulties with the manufacture of such small gaps interfered. Macroscopic solid particles (pebbles, chips, glass) entering the pump along with the gas led to jamming of the rotor.

In the late 1950s there was renewed interest in molecular pumps

Only at the end of the 50s of the last century was interest in molecular pumps renewed when the German engineer W. Becker invented the Pfeiffer turbomolecular vacuum pump with a large number of bladed disks on the shaft and with increased clearances, on the order of 1 mm. This pump was patented in 1957 by Pfeiffer Vacuum. Further, the design and principle of operation of TMN pumps continued to be improved, such designs as the Agilent TV 81M turbomolecular pump and the latest (2015) high-vacuum turbomolecular pump Twistorr 84 FS from the Italian company Agilent Technologies, the hybrid turbomolecular pump TG 350F from the Japanese company Osaka Vacuum and others appeared. Moreover, the components of these devices are often interchangeable. For example, a power supply unit for a turbomolecular pump type BP-267 can be used for pumps of models NVT-340, NVT-950, 01AB-450, 01AB-1500.

In a molecular pump, pumping out a gaseous medium is carried out by imparting mechanical impulses of energy to the molecules of the substance from solid, liquid, and gaseous surfaces of the pump moving at high speed. Moreover, in a molecular pump the direction of movement of the working surfaces and gas molecules coincide, and in a turbomolecular pump the directions of movement of the working elements and molecules are mutually perpendicular.

Cross-sectional image of a molecular pump

Based on their operating principle, molecular pumps are divided into:

  • mechanical (rotor and turbine);
  • ejector;
  • steam jet;
  • gas jet;
  • water jet;
  • diffusion

For example, the MDP 5011 high-vacuum molecular pump is a device with mechanical operating elements. The movement of gas molecules to the pump outlet is ensured by the solid surface of the rotor-glass, which rotates at 27,000 rpm. This model MDP 5011 is the best-selling turbopump. Clearly, you are interested in the price of the MDP5011 molecular pump. Please contact us for such questions, call, write to e-mail. We will advise and help.

A turbopump is a pumping device driven by a turbine, the components and parts of which are included in the design of the pump. The following types of turbopumps are distinguished depending on the type of pumped working medium.

Appearance turbopumps
  1. Turbopumps for pumping liquids.
  2. Turbopumps for pumping suspensions.
  3. Turbopumps for pumping gases.

The disadvantages of turbopumps include the complexity of the design, long downtimes when repairing a pump or turbine, high cost. Therefore, if you need to buy an oil turbopump TMN-6/20, the question naturally arises, what is the price of the turbopump. If you are not satisfied with it in other companies, come to us.

Turbomolecular pumps (TMP) are designed as multi-stage axial turbines that achieve medium, high and ultra-high vacuum. The special design of the rotor and stator stages of the turbine, in which inclined channels are made, placed mirror to each other, makes it possible to effectively pump out gas molecules due to the different probability of molecules passing through the channels located at an angle in the pumping and supply directions. TMPs are fixed to a massive base through shock absorbers, which reduces vibration during the pumping process.

Appearance of the turbomolecular vacuum pump TMN-500

The operating principle of a turbomolecular pump is as follows. The energy of turbine blades rotating with high frequency, is transferred to gas molecules. The latter collide with the surfaces of the blades, move together for a split second and fly off tangentially to the rotating turbine. The kinetic energy of the blades is summed up with the thermal energy of the moving gas particles. The chaotic movement of molecules turns into accelerated movement in a given direction of pumping. Such effective operation of the rotor is possible only in the molecular gas flow mode, which is created by an additional low-pressure fore-vacuum pump.

Domestic double-flow oil-free pumps make a good impression: the TMN-500 turbomolecular vacuum pump and the TMN-200 pump with a capacity of 500 and 200 l/sec, respectively. Of course, in terms of build quality and design they are inferior foreign analogues. But at a low cost, they are characterized by operational reliability, reliability and sufficient durability.

A dry (oil-free) vacuum pump works in the same way as an oil-based one. But a dry-type pump does not use oil to lubricate rubbing parts, and there are no sealing devices. Therefore, the material used for the blades of dry pumps is not metal, but a graphite composite material. Graphite blades are cheaper than metal blades made of titanium, aluminum, of stainless steel, are characterized by a low friction coefficient and reliably seal the pump chamber.

Appearance of a dry vacuum pump

Advantages of oil-free vacuum pump:

  • absence of oil vapor when air exits the pump, workplace becomes clean, the environment improves;
  • no need to purchase and fill expensive oil, monitor its level and contamination;
  • lower cost.

Disadvantages of a dry pump:

  • the depth of the vacuum created is lower than that of oil-sealed pumps;
  • the durability of graphite blades is significantly less than that of metal blades;
  • wear products in the form of dusty graphite enter the atmosphere.

However, experts believe that oil-free vacuum pumps are the future. And now they are already trying to buy an oil-free rotary vane vacuum pump, an oil-free piston vacuum pump, an oil-free fore-vacuum pump, without paying attention to their price. Since the simpler and cheaper operation of a dry pump will pay for all the initial costs.

A fore-vacuum pump is a device for creating the initial vacuum of a gaseous medium - a fore-vacuum (from the German “vor” - “in front of, in front” of the vacuum and the Latin “vacuus” - “empty”). The principle of operation is that the foreline pump is installed as the first stage in a system of pumps that create high and ultra-high vacuum. Provides energy savings and improves the ability to operate the next high stage pump.

The most suitable for this purpose is the domestic rotary vane forevacuum pump 2NVR-5DM, designed both for creating low and medium vacuum independently and as an auxiliary pump.

Appearance of the fore vacuum pump 2NVR-5DM

If you are interested in the described turbomolecular and forevacuum pumps from our company’s product range, you can get more detailed information from consultants. Our highly qualified specialists will help you choose optimal option pumps, explain the terms of purchase, operation and service, and justify prices. They will assist you in selecting spare parts and auxiliary materials, for example, such as blades for Becker oil-free pumps, oil for foreline pumps and others. Call our phones or contact us by E-mail. We will be happy to help you.

IN various fields human activity requires the creation of a vacuum. This term characterizes the state of the gas phase, the pressure of which is below atmospheric. It is measured in millimeters of mercury or pascals. Rarefaction of gases occurs when a substance is forcibly removed from devices having a limited volume. A technical device designed for these purposes is called a vacuum pump. It can be used on its own or included in more complex systems.

Vacuum is widely used in various technical devices. It allows you to reduce the boiling point for water or chemical liquids, remove gases from materials that require increased homogeneity of composition, and create sterile processing and storage conditions. With small dimensions and economical energy consumption, modern vacuum pumps allow you to quickly achieve a deep degree of vacuum. They are used in a wide variety of processes and fields of activity:

  • in the oil refining and chemical industries to maintain necessary conditions the course of reactions and separation of the resulting mixtures;
  • when degassing metals and other materials to create parts with a uniform structure and absence of pores;
  • in the pharmaceutical and textile industries for quick drying of products without increasing the temperature;
  • in the food industry when packaging milk, juices, meat and fish products;
  • in the process of vacuuming refrigeration and other equipment with increased requirements for the absence of moisture;
  • for the normal functioning of automatic conveyor lines using vacuum suction cups as grippers;
  • when equipping production and research laboratories;
  • in medicine during operation breathing apparatus and dental offices;
  • in printing for fixing thermal films.

Operating principle of vacuum pumps

The vacuum is created when mechanical removal substances from a confined space. Technically, this is implemented in various ways. Principle of operation jet vacuum pump is based on the entrainment of gas molecules by a stream of water or steam escaping at high speed from the ejector nozzle. Its design involves connecting a side pipe in which a vacuum is created.

The advantage of this design is the absence of moving parts, but the disadvantage is the mixing of substances and low efficiency.

In technology, the most widely used mechanical units. The operation of a vacuum pump with a rotating or reciprocating main part consists of periodically creating an expanding space inside the housing, filling it with gas from the inlet pipe, and then pushing it out through the outlet. The design of the vacuum pump can be very diverse.

Main types of vacuum pumps

In the manufacture of devices for creating a vacuum, metal and plastic materials resistant to chemical exposure pumped medium and having sufficient mechanical strength. Much attention is paid to the accuracy of the fitting of the units and the tightness of the contact of the surfaces, eliminating the reverse leakage of gases. Here is a list of the main types of vacuum pumps, differing in design and principle of operation.

Water ring

A liquid ring vacuum pump is one of the options for liquid ring units, using to create a vacuum circulation clean water . It has the appearance of a cylinder with a rotor equipped with blades, rotating on an off-center shaft. Before starting work, it is filled with liquid.

When the engine starts, the impeller accelerates water along the inner walls of the housing. A crescent-shaped vacuum region is formed between it and the rotor. Gas flows into it from the pump inlet pipe. Moving blades move it along the shaft and throw it out through the outlet. Units of this type are often used for partial gas purification due to its intense contact with water.

Using liquid as a working body provides many advantages.

  1. Water rotating in the space between the rotor and the pump body eliminates the possibility of backflow of gases, replacing seals and reducing the requirements for precision manufacturing of parts.
  2. All rotating parts of the pump are constantly flushed with liquid, which reduces friction and improves heat removal.
  3. Such devices rarely require repairs, have a long service life and consume minimal electricity.
  4. Working with gases containing drops of water and small mechanical impurities does not have any effect negative influence on technical condition equipment.

The latter circumstance is important when using such pumps for pumping air from containers containing moisture. They are used for air conditioners and other refrigeration units when evacuating the system before filling them with freon.

Vane rotor

Such pumps have a cylindrical body with a carefully polished inner surface and a rotor located inside it. Their axes do not coincide, so the side gap has different sizes. The rotor includes special movable plates, which are pressed against the body by springs and divide free space into sectors of variable volume. When the engine is turned on, the gases begin to move so that a vacuum is always created in the intake pipe, and in the pressure pipe - overpressure.

To reduce friction, the plates are made of antifriction materials or use special low-viscosity oils. Pumps of this type are capable of creating a fairly strong vacuum, but they are sensitive to the purity of the liquid or gas being pumped, require regular cleaning and contaminate the product with traces of lubricant.


The working body of pumps of this operating principle is flexible membrane associated with the lever mechanism. It is made from modern composite materials that are resistant to mechanical loads. Its edges are firmly attached to the body, and central part under the influence of an electric or pneumatic drive it bends, alternately reducing and increasing the space of the internal chamber.

The change in volume is accompanied by the suction and expulsion of incoming gases or liquids. When two membranes work together in antiphase, a continuous pumping mode is ensured. The valve system regulates the correct distribution and direction of flows. The mechanism does not have rotating or rubbing parts in contact with the pumped product.

TO advantages of such pumps should include:

  • no contamination of the product with grease or mechanical impurities;
  • complete tightness, eliminating leaks;
  • high efficiency;
  • ease of flow control;
  • long-term operation in dry mode, which does not harm the structure;
  • the ability to use a pneumatic drive for work in explosive environments.


The operating principle of screw pumps is based on displacement of liquid or gas along a rotating screw. They consist of a drive, one or two helical-shaped rotors and a correspondingly shaped stator. High accuracy manufacturing of parts does not allow the pumped medium to slip back. As a result, excess pressure is formed at the pump outlet, and vacuum is formed at the inlet.

Due to the high requirements for manufacturing quality, such equipment is not cheap. It cannot be kept in “dry” mode for a long time.

The main advantages of such pumps:

  • uniformity of flow;
  • low noise level;
  • ability to pump liquids with mechanical inclusions.


Vortex vacuum pumps by their design resemble centrifugal equipment. They also have an impeller with blades that rotates on a central shaft. Fundamental difference consists in the location of the inlet pipe on the outer circumference of the housing, and not in the area of ​​the central axis.

The minimum gap between the impeller and the housing ensures stable movement of the pumped liquid in the required direction. Units of this type are capable of creating a fairly high discharge pressure and have a self-priming effect. These pumps are easy to operate, easy to repair and have proven themselves in pumping gas-liquid mixtures, but they have low efficiency. They are sensitive to the ingress of mechanical impurities, which can lead to rapid wear of the impeller.

Making your own vacuum pump

If you are not ready to bear the cost of purchasing factory equipment, try making a vacuum pump yourself. It may be suitable for pumping air out of a small volume container. a medical syringe or a slightly modified hand bicycle pump.

Advice! For frequent use and evacuation of large vessels, it is more convenient to use electrically driven devices.

Let's consider the option of manufacturing a vacuum installation from the compressor of an old refrigerator. It is already designed for pumping gas and minimal repairs will be able to create a vacuum. Your actions will be extremely simple:

  • at some distance from the compressor, cut two copper tubes, approaching him;
  • dismantle the compressor along with the power supply circuit or replace it together with the starting relay with a new one by analogy with the old one;
  • put a durite hose of a suitable diameter on the copper pipe that came from the condenser and connect it at the other end to a vacuum container;
  • to make the connection tight, you can use a standard clamp or use twisted steel wire;
  • connect the vacuum pump to the electrical network and, after starting, check the air outlet from the second copper pipe to ensure its correct operation.

Important! The refrigerator compressor is not designed to be used in a humid environment, so care must be taken not to allow water to come into contact with it.

Today, quite a lot of physical and chemical processes are carried out in a vacuum environment. To create it, vacuum pumps of various types and types are used. They are divided by type of work, technical capabilities, and functional purpose. Today, manufacturers of vacuum equipment produce positive-displacement and non-volume pumps.


Volumetric mechanical installations pump air through the action of moving working elements. They gradually compress the air as the volume of the chamber decreases. This type of pump includes installations with a diaphragm, vane-rotor, liquid ring, cam and spiral working element. Typically, they are used to create low and medium vacuum, which is 10-2 mm Hg. Art. Some installations are capable of creating high pressure.

Other pumps use a non-mechanical operating principle in which gases are exposed to low temperatures or other conditions that help create a vacuum. Pumps of this type used to create high and ultra-high vacuum. These include diffusion, vapor-oil, multi-charge, getter, getter-ion and other pumps. However, most of these pumps work in conjunction with foreline pumps to provide the required pressure. They are necessary to create preliminary vacuum and are represented by all types of mechanical pumps.

Domestic vacuum pumps

Domestic vacuum pumps, unlike foreign installations, have large dimensions, are made of high-quality materials, are highly efficient, and reliable. They can be used in various fields of industry, as well as in agriculture. Domestic samples of the same series have similar designs, but have many modifications. Most pump elements are suitable for other models, so they have high maintainability.

The most common models produced in our country include the NVR and BBN series units. They have wide application in different systems, but differ significantly in their design. These models have many modifications that differ in size, basic performance indicators, and residual pressure. HBP installations use mineral and semi-synthetic vacuum oils, which are designed to seal gaps. In VVN pumps, additional lubricating elements are not used due to the fact that this function is performed by the working fluid, which is usually represented by water.

Vacuum pumps NVR

NBP vane vacuum pumps are used to create low medium and high vacuum. A wide range of installations allows them to be used in industrial, agricultural, woodworking, food and other enterprises. The installations are distinguished by their ability to create a vacuum with a high residual pressure in a short period of time. HBP pumps are universal because they can perform various types of tasks.

The model range is represented by such units as NVR-0.1D, 2NVR-0.1D, 2NVR-0.1DM, NVR-1, NVR-4.5D, 2NVR-5DM, 2NVR-5DM1, 2NVR-60D, 2NVR-90D , 2NVR-250D. The units can have a single-stage or two-stage type of action, be modified with a gas ballast valve and have different capacities. Installations of this type can carry out efficient pumping only if the vacuum system is completely free of dust, dirt and condensation.

Vacuum pumps VVN

Vacuum pumps model range VVN differ significantly from other pumps in that liquid is used in the system when performing the operation. As a rule, water is used in this capacity. Pumps have a narrower functionality, but are at the same time indispensable in many areas of activity.

The main advantages of liquid ring vacuum pumps VVN:

  • capable of purifying the pumped mixture;
  • applicable in systems with mechanical contamination;
  • environmental cleanliness;
  • lack of vacuum oil in the system;
  • ease of use and maintenance;
  • low power consumption;
  • maintainability;

VVN vacuum pumps are used in the food, chemical, medical, pulp and paper, microbiological, agricultural, woodworking, pharmaceutical and perfume industries.

Vacuum pumps for industrial furnaces

In industrial furnaces, vacuum pumps are used to speed up the operations of annealing, normalization, hardening, and also improve the quality of the material. In a vacuum space, all chemical and physical processes are performed quickly and efficiently.

Vacuum pumps can be used in industrial furnaces of arc, induction, thermal, and hydrogen types. Often, to ensure low residual pressure, diffusion furnaces, which have a non-volumetric type of action, are used.

In order to effectively perform heat treatment in industrial oven Pumps must be used that provide sufficient pumping speed. This also allows you to count on high performance. An equally important indicator is the residual pressure, but it can differ significantly depending on the various ovens depending on the type of operation performed.

Vacuum pumps for climate chambers

Climate chambers are equipment that is necessary to study the qualities of various materials and units. To carry out the operation efficiently and quickly, vacuum pumps are used in the installations.

In order to use a pump in a climate chamber, it must:

  • withstood elevated/lowered temperatures;
  • high humidity;
  • created a sufficient level of vacuum;
  • had the ability to create and maintain the necessary pressure.

Rotary vane vacuum pumps

Rotary vane pumps are excellent for industrial applications. A wide range of models allows you to perform various types of operations. Installations with high residual pressure and speed are used for climatic chambers and heat treatment furnaces.

The installations have high reliability, wear resistance, and maintainability. They can be classified as universal remedies creating a vacuum. At the same time, to ensure their operation, it is necessary that the vacuum system be cleaned of mechanical impurities and moisture. To operate in climatic chambers, pumps made of stainless steel are used.

Vacuum pumps for degassing chambers

Degassing is a process that cannot take place without the participation of a vacuum pump. But it performs the main task of pumping gases and gas mixtures from various materials. To pump out gases and vapors from dense materials Typically, two-stage vacuum pumps are used.

Two stage vacuum pump

The two-stage vacuum pump is an upgraded model of the single-stage pump with higher performance. This type of installation is widely used in production areas where it is necessary to create higher pressure. At the same time, they are reliable and can be used with various types gases

In two-stage vacuum pumps, the chambers are dependent on each other. This helps to synchronize and therefore increase productivity. Every year they become more and more popular due to the fact that they have practically no large dimensions, but at the same time provide the best technical performance.

Dry Vacuum Pump

Dry vacuum pumps are becoming increasingly important because they are capable of pumping out a system without contaminating it. Unlike other installations, they do not use an oil seal.

They have lower performance, unlike analog installations, but are quite reliable. For efficient and proper operation, it is necessary to periodically carry out Maintenance with the replacement of plates that may wear out during operation.

Oil-free vacuum pump

Oil-free vacuum ones are used in enterprises where it is necessary to ensure the cleanliness of the operation. I often use them in laboratory research, where it is necessary to create a sufficient level of residual pressure in a short period of time. The installations are highly reliable and maintainable.

When making this type of pump, designers make careful calculations because it is important that there are sufficient clearances between elements to avoid friction, but not so large as to significantly reduce performance.

High vacuum vacuum pumps

The creation of a high vacuum, as a rule, occurs using several pumps, including a fore-vacuum and a high-vacuum unit. The forevacuum pump, represented by one of the volumetric units, performs preliminary discharge, pumping out up to 97% of gases, and the high-vacuum pump performs the rest of the work, reaching the limit values.

The following can be used as high vacuum pumps:

  • turbomolecular;
  • diffusion;
  • ionic;

Turbomolecular pumps

Turbomolecular pumps are significantly inferior to other pumps high pressure. They are capable of independently creating a high vacuum, since they have a mechanical operating principle. The settings operate in the range of 10-2 – 10-8 Pa. The main working mechanism is represented by a stator and a rotor with disks that are located at a certain angle.

Molecules of gas displacement, being in a turbomolecular pump, significantly increase the speed of movement due to collisions with each other. The rotor rotates at a speed that exceeds 10,000 revolutions, which is the main reason for the creation of high pressure.

Vacuum ion pump

Ion or getter-ion vacuum pumps were widely used before the advent of other high-vacuum pumps. With their help, a pressure of 10-6 mbar is created. Today they are used less frequently, but still find their consumers. Pumps of this type are characterized by environmental friendliness and an advantageous method of obtaining ultra-high vacuum.

In the installation, molecules are captured and bound by gases or a getter layer, and then retained within the volume of the installation. They are able to maintain a vacuum even when not in use. The main element of the pump is the chamber and other fixed elements. The ion pump consumes a small amount of electricity and has low noise.

Catalog section for screw dry vacuum pumps DRYVAC from Leybold GmbH (Germany)

Screw vacuum pump brand DRYVAC from Leybold GmbH (Germany)

The operating principle, based on the rotation of the screws, allows gas to be pumped out without the presence of oil in the compression area. The DRYVAC screw vacuum pump has a compression cavity formed by the surface of the housing, as well as two rotors that rotate synchronously. Due to the fact that the rotors rotate in opposite directions, there is a gradual movement of the compression cavity from the suction side towards the exhaust side, which ultimately provides the necessary pumping effect.

Despite the fact that in the design under consideration there is a process of internal gas compression, the “particle path” in the internal space of the pump is minimal. This feature greatly simplifies maintenance and also reduces the need for service work to the minimum possible.

The DRYVAC line is a new series of oil-free devices based on screw vacuum pumps. The equipment, which may vary, must be selected taking into account the area of ​​application, as well as other individual criteria.

When developing the series, the current needs of processes in which the requirements for vacuum pumping systems were quite high were taken into account. The devices under consideration are used, in particular, in the manufacture of screens, photovoltaic elements, as well as for a number of other industrial applications.

Each version of the pump from the DRYVAC line is equipped with water cooling, due to which it is distinguished by its compact design and the ability to be relatively easily installed even in complex parallel systems. pumping devices RUVAC series WH, WS and WA.

The DRYVAC range of screw vacuum pumps includes:

  • model DV 450
  • model DV 450S
  • model DV 650
  • model DV 650-r
  • model DV 650 S
  • model DV 650 S-i
  • model DV 650 C
  • model DV 650 C-r
  • model DV 1200
  • model DV 1200 S-i
  • model DV 5000 C-i

Extremely reliable and efficient dry, claw and screw type vacuum pumps are widely used in general industrial processes, as well as for creating vacuum in explosive and corrosive environments.

The world leader in the design and production of dry vacuum pumps is the English company Edwards. Edwards is a pioneer in the field of dry gas pumping. With over 90 years of experience using vacuum pumps in a variety of operating conditions, including processes with high dust and contaminant content, and over 150,000 dry vacuum pumps delivered worldwide, we provide the most sophisticated solution to dry vacuum applications.

Dry pumping technology provides significant reductions in operating costs, increased productivity, improved product quality, and the creation of more favorable conditions labor in work areas. This technology guarantees high levels reliability in situations where oil sealed pumps are at the edge of their operating range. “Dry” pumps are capable of pumping out media with the highest permissible water vapor pressure at the pump inlet, several times higher than the highest water vapor pressure for pumps with an oil seal, and they do this in the complete absence of any contamination. This capability makes the pumps ideal for vacuum pumping in drying processes and other industrial applications.

Patented by Edwards in 1984, the Drystar claw-type dry vacuum technology was an innovation in the world of vacuum and continues to enjoy well-deserved popularity around the world to this day.

Thus, the first models of pumps from the Edwards company, with a claw mechanism, trademark Drystar GV series pumps are now installed all over the world in a wide range of general industrial processes, metallurgy, drying, surface treatment and semiconductor manufacturing. The principle of operation of GV pumps is based on a claw gripping mechanism, and the additional Roots stage used in the design of the pumps allows increasing pumping speed in the operating range and achieving maximum operating speed.

The experience gained during the development of dry claw pumps was used in the EDP series pumps, the main difference of which from the GV series pumps is the vertical direction of the flow of the pumped medium, due to which, if liquids enter the working volume, they immediately flow out of the pump without affecting it. At the same time, the high temperature maintained inside the pump avoids condensation of media, including chemically active ones, and as a result, the influence of corrosion. Thanks to this feature, the EDP series pumps optimally meet high demands. technological processes chemical and pharmaceutical industries.

In parallel with the technology of dry pumping with a claw gripping mechanism, the technology of vacuuming with screw pump rotors was being developed.

The IDX Series Progressive Progressive Pumps are ideal for processes requiring high throughput in vacuum or rapid pumping applications. atmospheric pressure. The pumps use a unique two-way symmetrical screw mechanism, which simplifies the system for compensating for thermal expansion of the shafts. This design, which has no analogues in products from other manufacturers, allows you to easily pump gas media with a high dust content. It is important to note that the pump can be used as a foreline pump in multi-stage vacuum system. Systems based on IDX pumps are a standard solution in steel evacuation processes.

Subsequently, by analogy with the advent of “chemical” versions of GV-EDP pumps, the CDX screw pump was developed, which is a modification of the IDX pump, but has a number of features that allow it to be used in chemical and petrochemical production conditions.

In combination with booster pumps EH/HV/SN, dry vacuum pumps of the GV, EDP, IDX series can achieve a capacity of up to 120,000 m 3 /h. How special case– IDX-based systems for metallurgy, which are ready-made solutions for ladle-furnace systems of 50, 100 and 150 tons (vacuum degassing VD and vacuum decarburization VOD processes). Pumping speed can be varied by adding additional stages, allowing vacuum systems to be designed to meet the needs of a specific process.

Currently, a new generation of vacuum pumps for general industrial processes - the GXS screw type pump - has become actively widespread. This pump is a completely ready-to-use solution, the pump is ready for use immediately after delivery. It is equipped with a control panel located directly on the case, and also has a number of additional options that allow you to configure a system that fully meets the needs of a specific customer. The wide range of GXS pumps can be presented either in the form factor of a single-stage pump or in combination with a booster pump (in a single housing), which allows for performance from 160 to 3,500 m 3 /h.

Currently, Edwards remains closely focused on vacuum processes in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Thus, based on the GXS, the CXS series pumps were developed. The main difference between this pump and the GXS is that all elements of the pump’s electronic control system are placed in a separate explosion-proof unit.

You can find out more about the capabilities and characteristics of Edwards dry vacuum pumps in the relevant sections of our catalog.

Innovative development of the manufacturer Edwards - EDS series pumps for complex technological processes in the chemical, petrochemical and pharmaceutical industries