Conspiracies for a good money job will help you do what you love and build a career. How to attract work and money

Former participant in the “Battle of Psychics” Elena Smelova told how you can attract work. Of course, each of us dreams of working in a highly paid position, which at the same time does not require any special effort and does not imply liability. Unfortunately, this basically does not happen. How then can you find a job that you like and that pays well for it? Let's try to figure it out.

Ritual for work: wish list

Elena Smelova believes that magic can come to the rescue when it comes to attracting work. According to the clairvoyant, in order to attract work you just need to perform a small magical ritual that will concentrate good luck and monetary energy on you.

Take a small piece of paper on Friday at exactly 9 pm and sit by the window so that the moonlight falls on the sheet. Write on it everything you expect from your future job. Eg: “I want to be respected by my colleagues; I want to have a high salary" and so on.

Re-read what you wrote and roll the paper into a tube. You need to burn the leaf and throw the ashes out the window. As Elena Smelova said, this simple ritual for work will help solve your financial problems and find an excellent position.

Conspiracy to work: how to become successful

There is another one effective method attract Good work. To do this, you will need to read a special plot every three hours throughout the day.

For this ritual you will need a new white handkerchief, which you need to slander. Before going to bed, place a handkerchief on the bed and sprinkle it with holy water three times. Next, you need to read a special conspiracy for work:

“No matter what path I go, no matter what road I choose, I will meet joy everywhere. Luck is with me and I am with luck. Let it be so".

When you go for an interview, before entering the office, wipe down door handle with your handkerchief. According to Elena Smelova, this will help you not only attract work, but also attract money luck.

If you want to find a new prestigious job for yourself, where the bosses will not brutalize you, and your work will be well paid, then these tips from Elena Smelova will come in handy.

According to Elena, people often turn to her asking her to help them solve such problems. Finding a good job nowadays is quite difficult, so this question will always be relevant. And so that good luck always accompanies you, don't forget to press the buttons and

26.03.2014 14:55

In the special episode “Battle of Psychics” of season 14, the producers of the show decided to reveal all the secrets of the behind-the-scenes life of the participants. ...

On the eve of the release of the new 15th season of the “Battle of Psychics” on TNT, we decided to recall the most prominent participants in the past seasons of the project. ...

About, how to attract good luck at work, many people think. It is difficult to do this, but nothing is impossible. Enough to arm yourself necessary knowledge. Here various sciences and practices, signs and conspiracies come to the rescue. If you combine them, you can get a recipe for how to become lucky.

The thought is material

Luck is picky. Not everyone gets it. A man who does not believe in himself and his strength will never be able to grab a picky lady by the tail. Therefore, the first step should be self-awareness, recognition of your own capabilities.

Most esotericists agree that a person has enormous reserves. You can reveal them by freeing yourself from negative thoughts and replacing them with positive attitudes.

Daily is enough for this. use the right affirmations and setting yourself up for victory. Affirmations are short, succinct phrases containing necessary settings. Experts say that their regular repetition will gradually lead to the fact that the embedded program will begin to work.

And here it is examples of affirmations to attract good luck at work

On this day I will find my dream job, because I deserve it!

All the necessary people are interested in my resume data.

My knowledge and work experience attract employers.

I am a determined person, so I show my knowledge and skills in a position that I love!

I can be a contender in any economic field because I have the necessary qualifications and talent!

I am a responsible employee! This or that boss was lucky enough to work with me!

Every time I talk with an employer, I assure him of my importance in the company.

I am confident in my talents! Today my career growth is actively increasing!

I make it clear to the employer in every conversation that I have no doubt in my abilities.

Employers trust me and feel my energy when communicating with me in person.

I know how to conduct a dialogue. I trust myself.

I have to get a job I'm happy with! And without any pretext, I will start the search today!

If a start has been made, a person begins to feel more confident, you can move on to folk magic.

A job cannot appear on its own, so you have to actively look for it. And conspiracies and rituals will help you not to miss what should be yours and to get ahead of possible competitors.

On the eve of an important interview, take two tablespoons of salt, sugar and rice. They must be poured one by one on a saucer with a golden border. There should be a small slide. An open pin should be inserted into its top. All this cannot be touched anymore; it is best to put it in a secluded place so that no one can destroy the structure. In the morning, the pin must be pinned to your own clothes from the wrong side.

To attract good luck, you can make a special amulet. You need to put coins of all existing denominations in a small leather bag. You need to add it there Bay leaf, a pea of ​​black and allspice and a bird feather. The bird can be any, but the amulet is more powerful if the feather is bright. The finished bag should be hung in your room or never moved from place to place.

A universal plot to find a good job

A specially prepared and enchanted coin will also help you get a job. If you are invited to an interview, immediately look into your wallet and select the largest metal coin. You should carry it in your pocket until the evening, then put it under your pillow at night. In the morning, you should hold the coin tightly in your palm and whisper to it about what you expect from the new day, ask for help and assistance. Then you need to put the amulet back in your pocket and go about your business.

The following ritual must be performed on Thursday evening. For him you will need to find a secluded place in the garden or park where no one walks. Having dug a shallow hole, you should put a large coin, a live bug and a piece of soap in it, then cover it with earth. In the process of performing these actions, it is necessary to pronounce the following spell:

Let my bad luck end as quickly as soap,

Luck will replace him in all matters.

How does a bug get out into the light?

This is how luck and money will come to me.

How to bring back lost luck

If a dark streak has come in life, do not despair. It will definitely change to white. But you can’t just sit and wait for it either. How to attract good luck in work and money in this case? You can use special rituals and conspiracies.

First you need to cleanse yourself of bad thoughts. If you are sure that someone deliberately deprived you of luck, try to get rid of negativity towards this person. Ask for forgiveness from all those who may have been deservedly or undeservedly offended. As soon as you feel lightness and peace within yourself, start doing magic.

On Sunday morning, pour water into a glass. It must be consecrated or spring. Take a slice of black bread. Sit at the table and light a candle in front of you. Then take the bread to left hand, and the glass to the right. In this position, look at the candle flame and say the following spell:

« The Lord God gave people life, and bread, and His mercy. Jesus Christ brought faith and hope and saved us from inevitable death. Give me back my fickle luck. Take away from evil people with unclean thoughts. Let me do godly, bright and pure deeds, and bring benefit to my neighbors. Take my failure, let it curl up like a snake in a distant lair. Let him neither go outside nor drink, nor eat, nor breathe. Amen»

After this, eat the prepared bread down to the slightest crumb and wash it down with water. Put out the candle and take it to church. There, place it in front of the icon of the Savior and ask him for help.

To strengthen the spell, give alms to those asking. At the same time, whisper to yourself: “What I give will be returned to me a hundredfold.”

How to properly design a workplace

We learned, how to attract good luck and find a good job. But we cannot stop there, because the effect of the rituals ends sooner or later.

First of all, order is necessary in the workplace. Then streams of positive energy will circulate freely, and negative energy will have nowhere to originate. Therefore, never arrange a dump of folders, documents, reference books and other things on your desk. Even if all this is necessary for work, put what is in this moment do not use, place in appropriate boxes.

Never keep unnecessary papers on your desk. Throw them away immediately. The trash can also needs to be emptied regularly, without waiting for the evening and the arrival of the cleaners. If you have too much used paper lying around, you risk getting stuck in one place.

Be sure to keep some kind of plant on the table. It not only dissipates negative energy, but also adds strength and lifts your spirits.

Having used all the above rituals and conspiracies, prepare for the fact that you will have to work hard. However, success awaits you, since you will definitely be able to attract good luck in your work .

For a comfortable happy life It is not enough to be loved, the soul asks for fulfillment - creative and professional. Finding a good job in times of constant economic global crises and fluctuations in various currencies is not just difficult, such a task is almost impossible. To a person with higher education and with a zealous desire to work and earn big money, you have to get by with part-time jobs or waste your own abilities. How can you break the vicious, vicious circle? Take a well-deserved position, provide financially for the whole family, return from work in a good mood and happily return to your duties every morning. Rituals and rituals to get a good job will help you.

The plot to attract decent work is not a fiction or a game. simple words

Magic for getting a good job

The plot to attract decent work is not a fiction or a play on simple words, it is a push to end the streak of constant professional failures and failures. Getting what you deserve is not a whim or a luxury, but a condition for harmony and your peace of mind. Rituals for work: from the simplest, done at home, to more complex, performed by practicing magicians, will allow you to use your own hidden potential 100% for many years.

A variety of conspiracies to attract a worthy position

Finding a job that will satisfy a person’s ambitions and wishes is labor-intensive, time-consuming and time-consuming. vitality. While there are a lot of vacancies, there are few truly worthy offers. How to get out of similar situations? It’s up to you to decide whether to give up and give up, go with the flow, or fight until your last breath to realize your own professional goals. But no one else, neither family nor loved ones, can solve the problem for you. The ritual for a good job has existed for decades, since the times when education was considered a privilege, people sought to find their place in the sun, provide their children with a bright future and give them what they themselves were deprived of. Over time, new professions have appeared, the service sector has grown to unprecedented proportions, but the difficulties in getting a job have not decreased at all. People who are able to make a good impression are much easier; they are the life of the party, and after interviews they leave only a positive impression, but what about those who are not so good at presenting their own abilities? Help yourself by resorting not only to the power of thought, but also by asking for help from higher magical powers. Finding a good job takes a lot of effort., it is important to show unprecedented patience and endurance.

Rituals that help you get a decent position work perfectly different ways. So, you can use one of the rituals:

  • conspiracies to attract the desired vacancy;
  • for an interview;
  • spell for promotion;
  • a spell to attract work that will reveal your full potential;
  • to increase wages.

You do not necessarily have to change your job if the position you occupy suits you in everything, except for pay or position on the career ladder. Then, magical rituals strengthen your position, allowing you to expose your positive sides in a new light. Find new job a little more complicated, for this you should carry out a whole range of different rituals that complement your goals. In any case, magic programs will change life in better side.

Quick plot for a new job

Rituals for finding a job that satisfies your ambitions work unquestioningly, but they are not responsible for further results, so before you begin the ritual of attraction, analyze your own desires. What brings you joy and will not become a burdensome daily chore in the future? A quick spell to attract a position through which you will gain real professional success works in a matter of days. That is, from the moment the ritual is performed, people will appear in your life. sufficient quantity opportunities to obtain a new position.

Rituals to attract work involve obtaining a certain benefit in the form of increased income or unscheduled bonuses, therefore special attributes are used in such magical manipulations. Such auxiliary gizmos, in a quick plot for a new position, include:

  • handkerchief;
  • coins of any denomination;
  • the presence of a secluded corner.

A quick plot to get a new job will not take much of your time, but will literally immediately solve the problems that are boring you regarding the search for a new position.

To quickly cast a spell for a new position, you will need a handkerchief

How to perform a ritual

Rituals for good work are carried out in strict order. To be unauthorized in such a matter is dangerous due to the occurrence of undesirable consequences. If you decide to quick plot for decent work, then stick to the plan:

  1. When the sun sets, the coin is spoken as follows:

    “Just as the moon is the eternal companion of the stars, so success will be my traveling companion. I’m a great guy and a skilled craftsman; I can find an approach to any complex task and will always come to the rescue. With the early sunrise, a new activity will come to me. Amen".

  2. The charmed change should be wrapped in a new handkerchief. The coin is placed so that the “head” is open to you.
  3. Tie a scarf and hide it in a secluded corner, away from prying eyes.
  4. In the morning, start choosing a suitable job.

A prerequisite for performing the ritual will be the presence of moonlight outside the window, so during the day such conspiracies are ineffective and useless.

Plot for a successful interview

An interview is always a test for those who are desperately looking for a decent job. It’s much easier to get the job you want and not have to worry about passing preliminary interviews with the employer if you perform a secret magic ritual the day before. The ritual should be performed at night, immediately before a reception with the future superiors. This way you will strengthen your own energy background.

What is needed for the ritual

Conspiracies and rituals for work are carried out in strict secrecy. No one, including your loved ones, should have any idea about magical protection or conspiracies. To perform the ritual before the upcoming interview, you will need:

  • a sheet of blank paper;
  • capacity;
  • water;
  • pen;
  • quiet room.

Adjust the time so that the house is empty. Extra sounds will interfere with the integrity of the ritual, and the presence of others will completely negate the effect of the conspiracy.

How to perform a ritual

The arrangement of the entire ceremony is simple and inexpensive. All you need is half an hour of free time and things that can be found in any home.

  1. State your desire for a future interview. Briefly describe your expectations from the meeting with your manager.
  2. Fold a piece of paper in half and hide the package in secluded corner, where none of the household members will find him.
  3. Take a container of water and say:

    “I am not an old man, I am not a youth, I am going to meet the boyars. The owners are happy, satisfied with my words. They won’t be able to kick you out, they won’t be able to offend you. Amen".

  4. Repeat the phrases three times.
  5. Drink the contents of the glass in one gulp.
  6. Go to bed, and the next morning, with a pure soul and thoughts, go to the interview.

With the help of the ritual performed the day before, your future superiors will greet you with joy and great enthusiasm. The interview will take place smoothly and without any hitches.

Conspiracy for rapid career growth

In order to get hired, some rituals will be useful, but to retain the position you have won, you will have to use completely different methods. A promotion is proof of your professional worth and qualifications; moreover, as you move up the career ladder, your total income increases significantly. How to achieve sustainable success? The most effective method to get your career off the ground is a cream plot. Only households are suitable for performing the ritual. quality products, but store purchases will only ruin the whole result.

What is needed for the ritual

Cream is the best dairy product. Many popular sayings talk about success - “swimming in the cream.” For a ritual that promises a quick promotion, you will need:

  • heavy cream;
  • cup;
  • hot drink;
  • pillow.

A distinctive feature of this ritual is that its implementation should not be kept secret from household members (typical of most rituals). But being part of a conspiracy of people who want you to succeed will only increase the positive impact on your career.

For a ritual that promises a quick rise, you will need heavy cream

How to perform a ritual

The actions that the promotion ritual includes are carried out at any time of the day.

If you are comfortable casting spells during the day, then feel free to proceed with the simple task. All you have to do:

  1. Pour high fat cream into a glass, saying:

    “I will wander out of my house, out the door, out the gate, through long, country roads - not steppe ones. I will turn to my destiny, my first path is to find a coin, the second is a chervonets, and the last one will make me rich. I eat cream, I get rich. To live prosperously for many years and see no troubles.”

  2. After reading all the words of the conspiracy, you need to drink three large sips of cream (no less).
  3. The remaining product is drunk with tea or other hot drinks, and is treated to household members and devoted friends.
  4. Before you go to bed, shake the pillows on which you sleep vigorously with the words “Mother Cow first gave me milk to drink, now help me find a good job.”
  5. Read

    “Our Father” several times and go to bed calmly.

Such a multi-stage conspiracy does not work immediately, but over time, bringing your future success closer every day. Be patient, calm and confident in the coming positive changes.

Finding a job for the soul

Find a job, and one that would satisfy your soul, what could be better? Good mood from the fact that you are simply doing a useful and enjoyable job, with payment for the painstaking work done. Getting a new job is always scary, but what if the most exciting thing in life awaits you? Casting doubts aside, attract real, worthy work that resonates with your soul. A search plot of this type will not take more than an hour, and will pay off handsomely in the near future.

What is needed for the ritual

To prepare a search plot you will need work week. From available materials, you will need:

  • 30-40 small denomination coins;
  • homemade fabric bag;
  • quiet corner.

The change bag is sewn by hand from the first day of the week to the last. It is best to use red fabric.

How to perform a ritual

  1. Rituals and rituals for good work for the soul are performed in the following order:
  2. During the waxing moon, change is thrown into a bag, held between the palms, and pronounced:

    “All the coins are amulets, hurry up, find me a new job. I will get good luck along the way. Wherever I go, I’ll find something good to do.”

  3. The spell is repeated 7 times.
  4. Count out 10 coins and keep them in a bag, sprinkle the remaining change with sand on backyard Houses.
  5. Carry a cloth bag with you until you find a decent job.
  6. Soon, after completing the ritual, you will begin to receive lucrative offers for new vacancies. Consider all options and make an informed decision.

Work is not only a means to earn money, but also an opportunity for growth, both professional and creative. You don’t have to endure daily torment, sitting from bell to bell in the hope of change. Be such a change, allow yourself to find something for your soul, a job that will not create an unpleasant mood. Be brave, and for the rest, find reliable helpers. Magicians who have been practicing for many years, healers and sorcerers, the choice is up to you. In any case, achieving your goal will require persistence and ingenuity. Fight for what you believe in, especially if it is something that generates income. Conspiracies for work are just a push that needs to be used correctly.

Hello, dear readers! Denis Kuderin, one of the authors of the business magazine, is with you.

Many people think that attracting luck and money into their lives is associated with Feng Shui, the magic of money, prayers and rituals. How to attract good luck and what is the secret of wealth? - let me tell you my vision of this issue.

After talking with friends and doing my own experiments, I found out what really works and what the “magic of money” is.

From the article you will learn:

  • Why are most people unhappy and poor?
  • What ways to attract luck and money to your home are there?
  • Do Feng Shui techniques work and how to use them correctly?
  • What are the rules of money and how do they work?

If you really want to change your life, fill it with prosperity and luck, then you have come to exactly the right place. Go!


  1. Why some people are luckier and richer than others - the opinion of scientists
  2. Attracting luck and money - changing internal attitudes
  3. How to attract luck and money - 7 simple secrets wealth
    • Secret 2. Reading prayers for money is special NEW method
    • Secret 3. Implementation of Feng Shui techniques to attract money
  4. Real stories of people and expert opinions on attracting luck and money into your life
  5. Conclusion

1. Why some people are luckier and richer than others - the opinion of scientists

Perhaps there is no such person who would not be interested in the question “how to attract luck and money?” Financial independence gives a person inner freedom and allows him to do what he really likes.

But not all people manage to make money flow into their hands: some have to work hard and barely make ends meet, others make dubious investments in risky projects and go broke. Perhaps this is why many people believe that rich and successful are born, not made.

But I will try to refute this statement and tell you how you can attract good luck or quickly earn a lot of money.

Psychology experts say that most of the events that happen in our lives originate from our own heads - from subconscious images, beliefs and misconceptions. It’s not that these events are programmed from the outside: rather, they happen precisely because we internally want them. Or, on the contrary, we don’t want to.

Let me give you a simple example:

Many people want to attract money and good luck to their home, but inside some people are convinced that being rich is either bad, shameful, or scary and troublesome.

If you think and talk about attracting money, but deep down you feel guilty about possible wealth or fear of it, then this will not lead to anything good. Consciously you will strive for prosperity and wealth, but subconsciously you will avoid it. And since the subconscious most often takes over, money will simply flow away from you to other people.

But this is only part of the problem. Attracting money and luck into your life is a whole science, the study of which requires a significant amount of effort and time. Thousands of people have an economic education and a sober view of financial independence, but only a few manage to quickly and without much difficulty receive a stable and decent income.

Almost all people are thinking about how to become rich, achieve independence and live without working, but with passive income, that is, income that does not directly depend on your daily activities, for example, from renting out real estate. And again, only a limited circle of people manage to do this.

If a person knows how to properly manage cash flows and attract the energy of wealth, any undertaking will bring him profit.

Fun experiment

Scientists conducted special tests that made it possible to identify characteristic personality traits lucky and unlucky people. It turned out that the main difference between successful individuals is calmness and confidence in any situation.

Tension and anxiety are traits common to losers. They simply do not notice the happy chances that life offers them, thinking at this moment about something else - how bad everything is for them, how lucky others are, how little money they have and how good it would be if there was a lot of money.

The subjunctive mood in thoughts and words, constant searches for the reasons for one’s own failures, thoughts instead of actions - all these are blocks on the path to financial well-being.

2. Attracting luck and money - changing internal attitudes

The magic of money really works if we do it right. Personally, I have repeatedly been able to verify that as soon as you begin to change yourself, you magically change too. the world. Paradoxically, our objective reality is a projection of subjective reality.

In other words, we truly create our own destiny!

So, what should you do to attract good luck and money? Let's break it all down.

Simple rules for raising money:

  1. Change your attitude towards money. First of all, you should change your attitude towards money. If you constantly repeat that you work for pennies, spend all your energy “for this damn money,” then this will only push finances away from you. Money as an energetic substance requires attention, respect and care, and not curses;
  2. Thank money for its presence in your life. Be grateful for any amount of money in your life, and you will see how things will begin to change for the better. Stop saying the following phrases out loud and mentally: “I will never be able to afford it” (in relation to expensive goods, cars, travel and everything else), “no money”, “I will never earn that much.” Such phrases - linguistic programming V pure form. It is better to use reverse verbal constructions: “I will buy this car (this house, this yacht)” or “I have enough money for this”;
  3. Communicate with successful and rich people. At the same time, avoid negativity and envy of others' well-being. If wealth makes you feel evil, it will become a block to your own enrichment. Learn to appreciate your work. If you are not satisfied with the payment for your work, feel free to leave your current job - respect your time and your life, because it is priceless. By receiving less than you deserve, you are not moving towards wealth, but moving away from it. Even if you have to radically change your field of activity and lifestyle, there is no need to be afraid of difficulties: your financial future is in your hands;
  4. Love and respect yourself. Try not to limit your life to financially. Reasonable spending on your own whims will raise your self-esteem and increase self-confidence. If you want this particular laptop, but at the same time you think that you can’t afford such a thing, just buy it - “break bad karma”;
  5. Work for yourself. If you spend your time increasing other people's financial well-being, you won't get rich. Start working for your own pocket and bank account: even if the income is not too large at first, the main thing is to start moving in the right direction. Fortunately, now there are plenty of opportunities for this: you can start your business from scratch, or stop going to the office and become free, and working on the Internet will help you with this.

By changing your attitude towards your time, work, money, banks, successful and rich people, you will clear the energy paths for attracting finance, and money will flow into your hands.

Stop being envious and talking about the earnings of others: think about your well-being.

the main idea

No rituals, mantras or prayers will help until you understand the main rule of money: our financial well-being It depends only on us – our thoughts, emotions, actions!

And nothing else.

This is the most the main idea and the most key one, and all the other techniques and techniques described below are just an addition to it.

3. How to attract luck and money - 7 simple secrets of wealth

So, now let's move on to specific techniques and secrets. I’ll say right away that you don’t just need to know the “secrets” of wealth: you need to be able to use them in practice. Even if you agree with all the tips and recommendations, but continue to lie on the couch and look at the ceiling waiting for a miracle, nothing will change: you definitely need to act!

Secret 1: Using the Golden Rule of Money

If you believe in the metaphysics of money, then money will definitely believe in you.

The main rule of money is to accept it with gratitude and joy!

By changing your attitude towards finances to a positive one, you will attract the energy of well-being and prosperity into your life. Decide to become financially independent person right now and start changing your life and your thoughts right from this second.

Think about your own goals - what you want to achieve in life. It is best if you make a specific plan and begin to move inexorably towards your goal. I assure you that if you do everything correctly, you will notice how the goal itself approaches you.

Secret 2. Reading prayers for money - a special NEW method

Prayer to attract money and good luck is a way to turn to higher powers for help and guidance. Although religion advises people to think more often about the soul, this does not mean that a person needs to be poor and hungry. On the contrary, poverty and financial problems distract from the right thoughts. Internal harmony is impossible without external harmony and vice versa.

I wrote here that this is a special NEW method. It differs from all standard ones in that one should pray not only by asking for money from saints, but also in general by leading a correct lifestyle from the point of view of generally accepted standards of morality and ethics. By the way, despondency, and therefore inaction (laziness) is a real sin.

The Orthodox Church knows many prayers that will help a person achieve material well-being. Some of the most famous prayers for financial luck are the prayer of Seraphim of Sarov, prayers to the Mother of God, Prayer of thanksgiving, prayers to Christ that believers say in financial difficulties.

In order not to clutter the article with texts of prayers for money, I collected the most famous of them and packaged them into a Word document.

Prayers for money.docх (Download)

Regularly saying such prayers with sincere gratitude will help you not only improve your financial situation, but will also give an impetus to overall personal growth.

Secret 3. Implementation of Feng Shui techniques to attract money

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese teaching about harmony.

In the East, Feng Shui is considered a full-fledged science. According to this teaching, prosperity, luck and health depend on the correct flow of qi energy in the surrounding world and inner world person. Externally this concerns the interior of our home (office), and internally it concerns the thoughts in our heads.

For example, you should not lie on the bed while sleeping facing the door - this will dissipate positive energy. You should not place a mirror opposite the bed: if the sleeping person is reflected in the mirror, this also disrupts the harmonious energy flows.

All windows in the house (office) should be clean so that happiness and good luck come into your home more often. It is also not recommended to clutter doorway. Another symbol material well-being– water. It’s good if there is an aquarium in your apartment or office (or better yet, a small decorative fountain).

You should take out trash and old things from the house more often, ventilate the rooms and do the cleaning. It’s good if the room always smells of fruits, which are considered in the East a symbol of prosperity and abundance. You can use scented lamps and candles. Another surefire way to attract good luck is to have Money Tree(another name for the plant is Crassula) and do not forget to care for it.

Secret 4. Performing rituals for good luck and money

Rituals and rituals can really help in resolving money issues. There are many rituals that help develop the right attitude towards money and improve financial well-being:

  1. Remember the expression “money loves counting” more often and count your money. This will teach you the right attitude towards spending;
  2. Be sure to keep at least some cash savings at home. Feng Shui experts advise storing a few coins or bills in the refrigerator;
  3. You don't always have to take, sometimes you have to give. Donate a certain amount to charity - start by helping a beggar on the street. If you give from the bottom of your heart, such expenses will definitely come back to you a hundredfold;
  4. Don’t brag about your wealth, but don’t complain about poverty either;
  5. Start any activity aimed at making money only on the waxing moon;
  6. Place money in your wallet in one direction: “facing” you;
  7. If the wallet is old and shabby, buy a new one - do this, again, on the waxing moon;
  8. You should take money with your left hand and give it with your right.

Now about what you shouldn’t do so as not to scare away your luck:

  • Do not sweep crumbs off the table with your hand;
  • walk around with torn buttons and torn pockets;
  • keep your wallet empty and give money over the threshold.

Secret 5. Wearing money talismans and amulets

The most famous talismans for attracting money and good luck according to Feng Shui:

  1. Toad with a coin in his mouth. According to legend, Buddha himself caught a greedy and evil toad and, wanting to punish it, forced it to secretly enter people's homes and spit out gold coins from its mouth;
  2. Elephant. This is a talisman for material protection. Feng Shui supporters advise businessmen and all people whose activities involve financial risks to purchase such a figurine. Before making a financially important decision, you should stroke the elephant's trunk;
  3. Three Chinese coins with holes, tied with red thread. One of the most popular symbols of wealth: such a talisman should be kept in a wallet or purse.

Talismans are the material side of attracting money. According to the doctrine of money, right thoughts even more important than magical figurines and harmonious arrangement of furniture.

Feng Shui advises getting rid of negative thoughts and thinking only about good things.

Like attracts like!

Right thoughts will attract the right people into your life and contribute to the emergence of favorable situations in terms of well-being and health.

Secret 6. Saying money mantras

A mantra is a linguistic construct that has a positive effect on the flow of energy in the universe and within you.

There are words that can turn cash flows in the direction you want. Mantras come from Buddhism, where they are considered a real psychological tool.

A mantra is similar to a prayer, but has a slightly different focus. Since there are no personified deities in Buddhism, the flow of energy when reciting a mantra is sent directly to the universe.

The most famous money mantra sounds like this:


Repeat magic words needed every morning for a month. Some of my friends who are interested in Buddhism claim that it was mantras that helped them achieve material and family well-being.

Secret 7. Communication with successful and rich people

The more and more often you communicate with rich and successful people, the richer you will become.

If you consider yourself poor and unlucky, first change your social circle. Stop complaining about life to other unhappy people and looking out among your friends for those who are even worse off than you.

Do exactly the opposite - start communicating with lucky and financially prosperous people.

I can assure you that you will feel the difference very soon. Positive people will change the direction of your thoughts and change the flow of energy around you.

Unexpectedly, you will become more confident and calm, and your attitude towards money will change for the better. Gradually, blocks and barriers between you and cash flows will disappear and your earnings will increase noticeably.

4. Real stories of people and expert opinions on attracting luck and money into your life

Personally, I know several real stories about how people radically changed their financial status.

The most revealing of them is the story of my school friend Victor N.

At school and at the institute, he did not shine with particular success and studied rather mediocrely. For several years after graduating from university, things weren’t going well for him either. Victor had to do hard, low-paid work and waste his time, one might say, in vain.

The situation changed when he changed his social circle. At work, he sometimes had to communicate with financially successful people, and gradually he acquired the necessary acquaintances, connections and experience. At some point, Victor decided that it was time for him to change his life.

He asked his new acquaintances to simply point him in the right direction. He was given a new position with prospects career growth. With the change in his social circle, his attitude towards life also changed. Seven years later, Victor owns several restaurants and cafes in the city where I live and makes six-figure monthly profits.

5. Conclusion

Now you know that wealth and luck are not innate, but acquired qualities. It is not at all necessary to be born the son of a bank director or the owner of a large corporation.

It’s much more interesting to achieve everything yourself, from scratch. Only in this case will you be in inner harmony and at peace with yourself.

All the techniques described above will help you attract luck and money to your home, but remember that they are auxiliary tools.

Only our way of thinking and real actions can make you a wealthy and successful person.

Work on yourself and this way you will make your wildest dreams come true!

Thank you, thank you and thank you again. I couldn't find a job for a very long time. Where I wanted to work, they refused, and where they accepted, I didn’t have enough for a piece of bread. I took your advice and 3 days later they called and invited me to work! Now I HAVE MY DREAM JOB!

One of the main aspects that determine a person's life is work. Therefore, it is not surprising that for many, their cherished desire is to find employment in a job that would provide for a person and bring him moral satisfaction. Special spells for a good job that will delight you with a high salary and comfortable conditions labor.

How does the power of a conspiracy to work manifest itself?

When you read a spell for a good job, you call higher power help you, so circumstances will be favorable. Prayers said immediately before leaving for an interview are especially effective. Their strength will ensure a favorable situation, and communication with a potential boss will go well; you simply won’t meet people who don’t like you.

Perhaps on this day they will be busy with other things and will not be able to attend the interview. Then a person who is more inclined to approve your candidacy will communicate with you. Sometimes the conspiracy works in such a way that a desired vacancy suddenly becomes available or a recruitment occurs for another position that is preferable to you.

Conspiracy to get a job

You can make a successful career only if you manage to find a job you like, and small magical rituals will help with this. Start your search for a suitable vacancy with such a ritual. On the new moon, make a purchase - buy a handkerchief and say to it 7 times:

“I, the servant of God (my name), will have prosperity and good luck along the way. Wherever I go, I’ll find a job and won’t get a refusal.”

The enchanted nosepiece should always be carried with you. But performing this simple ritual does not mean that workplace will be found by itself. A spell text to get a job as soon as possible is a kind of help. The contractor does the main steps to find the desired vacancy himself.

A powerful spell for success during an interview

When going looking for work or interviewing for a lucrative position, use simple conspiracy. Say three times:

“I go to the boyars to plow for nothing, I go to get a contract, to make the owner fall in love. All so that they would be touched by me, the owners would smile tenderly, feed me well, pay me well, and not scold me in vain or beat me. The Lord God is my King, my supreme Sovereign. Lord, help me. God help me. God bless. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

The effect of this text is such that the future boss will be inclined, after the first minute of the interview, to accept the person for the position for which the applicant came to apply.

Conspiracy for money work

In the morning, or at most until the end of the first half of the day, make a spell for bread, then cut it lengthwise: feed one part to the birds, eat the other at lunch. So, say out loud over a loaf of bread:

“Bread-bread, you are the head of everything, everyone reveres you, bows to the waist, greets you joyfully. So wherever I go, they greet me joyfully, greet me, welcome me, invite me to work, reward me with big money, say thank you, and even tell me to come.”

Conspiracies for the desired job

Having a suitable money job in mind, but at the same time doubting the likelihood of getting hired for it, do magic spell. To make sure you get hired, light a candle around noon and, without taking your eyes off the flame, say the following text out loud without stopping, repeating it until the candle burns out.

“I’m riding, riding on a forged chariot, on a golden mare. Wherever I go, they are waiting for me, they love and respect me, they do not offend me with refusal. There is no refusal for me today, nor tomorrow, nor the day before yesterday, nor the day after tomorrow, nor on any day, month or year, glory and honor always awaits me. No one will say a word against me, no one will refuse anything, they will meet me open doors, everyone loves me, everyone believes me. Cross by cross, the matter has a good ending! Amen."

Another ritual can be performed just before leaving home for an interview. Touching the bread with your lips like a kiss, say:

“Just as from year to year the bread of God is revered, served and accepted with a low bow, so I, the servant of God (my name), are accepted everywhere with great joy and contracted for honorable work. Amen."

When entering your boss's office, hold down thumb hands into a fist and overcoming the threshold on your left foot, say to yourself:

“My angel, my guardian, save and protect my soul from all enemies, visible and invisible adversaries. Take me away from me in all 4 directions: south, north, west and east. Amen."

Strong spell on icons

Buy an icon in the church dungeons Holy Mother of God, as well as Christ the Savior, a couple of thick candles and collect holy water there. When going to bed, place icons on the table, place candles in front of them, and light the wicks. Between the candles, place a cup (clay or ceramic) with prepared holy water. Crossing the water three times, say:

“Breadwinner-father, mother gave birth,

Bless us for good work.”

Now take three sips of the holy liquid and wash your face with the rest. This ritual must be carried out for three days in a row.

A powerful spell for a piece of incense and a candle

Bring home from church a small piece of incense and a candle. At night, closer to midnight, place incense on a white piece of paper and light a candle. Read the plot:

“There is a church in an open field. In that church stands Holy Mother The Mother of God is behind the throne of the Lord, embroidering a church chasuble. I’ll come closer to (name) of the slave, bend down lower: “Most Holy Mother of God, bless me on this Lord’s day, and for honest work, cover me with the shroud of the church, servant of God (name).” Lord, I follow your path, Jesus Christ is ahead, Mother of God behind, angels on the sides, the Holy Spirit above my head, heavenly powers with me. Help, Lord."

After reading the text of the conspiracy, wrap the incense in paper and carry it with you for nine days. Then burn them in such a way that the smoke goes out the window.

The simplest and effective conspiracies for a good job

The following texts read at dawn have great power:

“Work, work, let me, the servant of God (name), be happy. Ever-Virgin Mary, give me strength for all the stubble. Forever and ever. Amen."