Choosing a split system for a home by area. Which air conditioner is better to choose for an apartment? rating: choose by parameters and which brand of air conditioner is better. Calculation by volume

All brands of air conditioners, regardless of category and price, have a similar set of functions.

They are equipped with:

  • remote control;
  • heating and cooling mode (heat pump included in the configuration);
  • ventilation;
  • drainage;
  • maintaining the set temperature at an automatic level;
  • on and off timers;
  • filters.

Air conditioner brands have their positive and negative sides.

The main criteria by which it is possible to implement right choice When purchasing a device, you can include:

  • manufacturer's reputation;
  • level of product reliability;
  • technical parameters of the installation;
  • application of innovative air treatment technologies;
  • availability of additional features;
  • economical consumption of electricity;
  • price.

Let's consider all the listed points separately.

Manufacturer reputation

Many people are interested in which brand of air conditioner to choose. Like the automotive industry, the climate control market has its leading companies that have earned a positive reputation over the years.

There are brands of air conditioners in the middle segment, and there are also cheap units with a unified design.

Premium products

The best brands of air conditioners are Daikin and Mitsubishi. They represent top-class products, guaranteeing their high quality and durability. Such devices are distinguished by innovative designs, ease of use and cost-effectiveness. General Fujitsu can be included in this group.

During the warranty period, defects in factory assembly are recorded in no more than 0.2% of products. At correct use The service life of these units is approximately 12 years.

These brands of air conditioners, which have the most positive reviews, produce devices with developed systems for protecting against errors during operation. Configurations contain self-diagnosis and protection circuits that can shut down the unit automatically in the event of an error, reboot or in case of danger.

The units are distinguished by silent operation of both the indoor and outdoor units. With a standard minimum indoor unit reading of 26-28 dB, it actually makes no sound.

The best brands of air conditioners produce units that operate at any temperature. They are distinguished by their exquisite design and small size.

Most of the devices included in the first-class segment are not assembled in Japan, but this does not affect their quality and price. The reason lies in the fact that robots are used to assemble products, and the human factor is minimized. So, for example, Daikin units are assembled in Japan, Thailand and Belgium. They have high level functionality and three years from the place of issue. In addition, each production has a narrow specialization. For example, one unit of a split system is assembled in Belgium, and the other unit is produced in Thailand.

Features of the units that make up the first group

  • Daikin. By tradition, the models of this company are considered to be the best on the world market. At the same time, they do not have any special advantages over brands in the premium segment, but in some respects they are undisputed leaders. Air conditioners from this company have higher quality circuits and compressors, improved fan balancing, and improved self-diagnosis and protection functions.
  • Mitsubishi Heavy. Famous brand elite group. Its models are distinguished by a high level of reliability, protection against low pressure, quiet operation and high energy saving. They are collected in Japan and Thailand.
  • General (General Fujitsu). Air conditioners from this company are reliable and stable. Innovative technologies are used in their assembly. Assembly is carried out at the company's factories. Brand air conditioner General Fujitsu comes in three varieties: Fujitsu General, General Fujitsu and Fuji Electric. Assembly is carried out in Thailand, China and Japan.

Middle class

The middle segment includes many brands. For example, these include Mitsubishi Heavy, Hitachi, Carrier, LG, Samsung, Sanyo, Sharp, Panasonic, Toshiba. These brands of air conditioners are divided into upper and lower class.

The upper class consists of products made in America and Europe, and the lower class - in Korea. As a rule, the assembly of structures is carried out in the countries of Southeast Asia (Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines).

Air conditioners in the middle segment also have a high degree of operational reliability. At the same time, their price is significantly lower than their premium analogues. It should be noted that many additional functions of branded models are not used by users at all.

The difference with the high class is the use of more unified protection and self-diagnosis systems, as well as a shorter service life. If you want to purchase a working air conditioner with a good price-quality ratio, then it is better to opt for a second-class device.

There are no striking differences between the models within the middle segment. The exception is the DeLonghi air conditioner brand. Its models are able to work year-round, which is ensured by factory adaptation to winter conditions. But they have a minus. They are quite noisy when working.

Economy class

These are low-cost segment air conditioners with a simple configuration. They are going to the DPRK. Products are presented in a wide range different brands: General Climate, Ballu, Neoclima, Aeronik, RiX, AEG, Electrolux, etc.

When choosing a Chinese unit, you should pay attention to which factory it was assembled at.

Only Chinese brands are reliable household air conditioners: Gree, Midea, Chigo, Haier, LG, Hyundai, Rolsen, Samsung, Shivaki, Gree, Ballu, General Climate, Aerotek. The devices they produce under their original names occupy the lowest level of the middle segment.

Air conditioners of the third group have the lowest cost. At the same time, they can be an excellent choice with limited financial resources.

The disadvantages of such units include the following:

  • The defect rate is 1%. The biggest problem is the lack of stability and quality. The rejection rate may differ between batches, which poses a problem for the service. Also, their service life is short. For example, models from the manufacturer LG work for 7 years.
  • The modification does not provide protection against misuse. The user must thoroughly familiarize himself with all the intricacies of the operation of the unit, which are indicated in the instructions.
  • For most models, the outdoor unit is noisy during operation.
  • A significant disadvantage is that the devices have a unified control system. The configuration contains a small number of sensors, as a result of which the stability of the device is limited to a narrow temperature range. For example, inexpensive devices often have a problem such as freezing of the radiator of the indoor unit at temperatures below plus 10-15 °C. If such units are supposed to be used to cool the room in the summer, then this fact is not significant.

Thus, air conditioners belonging to the third segment can be successfully used in everyday life, provided that the owner has thoroughly studied the basic rules of operation. However, it is necessary to use all devices correctly, regardless of their level of quality and price.

Features of air conditioning compressors

The main part of any air conditioner is the compressor. It is located in the external block of the unit and promotes the circulation of freon between the external and internal blocks.

The compressor configuration can be rotary, piston or scroll. As a rule, the circuit of household air conditioners includes a rotor or spiral type. Piston modifications are applicable in industrial units.

The main characteristics of the part include:

  • power consumption;
  • refrigerant circulation power;
  • noise level;
  • durability;
  • size.

All global brands are fighting to improve these indicators. When choosing compressors, companies have two approaches.

First approach

Its main advantage is that it can be purchased at a low price. At the same time, it is distinguished by a high level of quality, as manufacturers constantly introduce innovative technologies and strictly monitor the assembly process.

Compressors are purchased from world-class manufacturers. The main brands are Toshiba/GMCC, Guangdong, Meizhi, Compressor Co, Guangdong Meide Holding, Samsung, Copeland, Hitachi, Bristol.

Second approach

The second approach involves producing our own parts at our own factories. This is what Mitsubishi Electric, Panasonic, Fujitsu General LTD, and Daikin brands do.

This method allows the assembly of compressors that meet the technical characteristics of air conditioners. Thus, the simultaneous development and introduction of new parts into their own products occurs. Increased control over factory quality levels.

The degree of real reliability of air conditioners

It is necessary to understand the difference in the concepts of “reliability” and “reputation”. Currently, many leading companies have transferred the assembly of their equipment to China, and not all air conditioners from popular brands are highly reliable.

On the other hand, in the DPRK there are a number of industries that produce good products and constantly modernize the designs of air conditioners. Such units can last quite a long time.

Technical installation capabilities

Air conditioners belonging to the same segment and having approximately the same technical indicators may have differences in some details that make it difficult or impossible to install an air conditioner from one manufacturer, but allow the installation of another. For example, the maximum route length for a 2.1 kW unit may differ by 5 m, which helps to limit the installation of the model with a large inter-unit distance.

Modern air treatment principles

To purify the air, companies use various modifications of electrostatic plasma filters. The principles of ionization, oxygen admixture, coating of the heat exchange device and creation of filter elements also differ.

Many of these options are nothing more than a trap for marketers. However, some of the air conditioner models have high technical performance.

Availability of additional features

Marketers are constantly studying all the new products on the climate market. Experts offer a wide range of additional functions.

Make a difference between really necessary innovations and attempts to increase the price of a product or win in the market due to nuances. competition A knowledgeable specialist will help.

Economical energy consumption

Like any device that operates on electricity, the air conditioner consumes a certain amount of current. The topic of efficient energy consumption has become extremely popular these days, so all the leading brands are trying to release a device with a high level of efficiency and make the configuration more economical.

As a rule, devices from leading brands have a high efficiency rate. Such units are classified as class A.

Among mid-segment devices, you should opt for inverter models. These units operate with variable compressor power and are more economical.

Air conditioner cost

What should the cost of the unit be? Today there are many models in the cheap segment available in stores. The price of split systems produced in the DPRK starts from 12-14 thousand rubles.

To make a rational purchase, you should:

  • evaluate how suitable the device is for your needs;
  • compare brands that have similar technical parameters;
  • choose the most suitable model;
  • compare all the prices offered in stores for this air conditioner;
  • cross off the most expensive and cheapest options from the list (it’s possible that there’s some kind of catch here);
  • call several companies that offer goods at an average price;
  • ask your questions to their representatives.

On a note

Today, the Internet is replete with many offers from various air conditioning installation specialists. Some of them have acquired personal online stores selling electrical equipment and lure customers with low installation prices.

Such offers should not be taken into account. Is it dangerous! You will not receive a real warranty on the equipment.

We select an air conditioner

Which brand of air conditioner should I choose for my apartment, home or office? The most important parameter is the area of ​​the room in which the device is supposed to be installed. If it is large, a powerful unit will be required. If the power is too low, then the air conditioner simply will not be able to cool the room, and if it is high, then the energy consumption may not be worth it. In addition, the device will turn off and on too often, since the required air temperature will be reached quickly. Constant switching will lead to rapid failure of the unit.

The average figure should be about 2.5 kW of power to cool a room with an area of ​​25 m3.

If the room has powerful heating devices or there are usually many people in it, then the power level of the air conditioner may be higher.

The type of unit plays a big role. Let us consider the features of the functioning of each type separately.

Window mounted air conditioners

These are inexpensive and compact models that are installed in a window. They have a unified design in which all parts are located in one block. Currently, such devices are installed extremely rarely, since they are very noisy during operation and cannot be mounted on metal-plastic windows, unless, of course, a hole for the unit was provided in advance.

Mobile modifications

This option is acceptable for those who rent an apartment for a short period. They have also gained popularity among summer residents. The mobile design does not require installation or dismantling. This is a portable model. The disadvantages include noise during operation, heavy weight and small cooling area (no more than 25 sq. m).

Features of split systems

Brands of air conditioners for apartments are especially popular. They launched the production of split systems, which include two units - indoor and outdoor. The distance between them can be 20 m. The configurations operate almost silently, are small in size and have a variety of options.

Such models include modernized air filters. They have a good regulation system. Configurations are designed for rooms ranging from 15 to 90 square meters. m. The best brands of split-modification air conditioners for apartments are Daikin, Panasonic, Toshiba, Samsung, Midea, Hitachi, Electrolux.

Features of multi-split systems

Such devices differ from previous models in the number of blocks located inside. Usually there are from two to five of them in the design, there is also one external one. This is a good configuration for an office or home. However, the models are highly expensive.

Often, the installation of multi-split systems is resorted to when it is impossible to install many blocks on the facade of the building. For example, the building belongs to the category of architectural monuments or the owners do not want to spoil the appearance of the home.

According to many experts, best brand air conditioner for home is Hitachi. The company has managed to establish itself as reliable in the domestic market. The units of this company have always been different innovative technologies, which are reflected in the appearance of many modern air conditioners. The first Hitachi Multizone multi-split systems were an example for many manufacturers, as they provided a high level of comfort and energy savings.

The constant influx of investments in the company’s technological developments allows us to say that the company remains one of the leading ones on the market today. The combination of low price and excellent performance makes Hitachi multi-split systems excellent choice for homes or offices.

VRF and VRV systems

They are improved types of multi-split systems. The models are designed for cooling large areas from 150 to 500 square meters. m.

Configurations are multi-zone. This implies the ability to connect several indoor units to the outdoor unit, which allows you to maintain the desired temperature in rooms with different microclimates.

Channel design

Such models belong to semi-industrial configurations. Their installation is carried out behind a suspended ceiling covering the internal unit of the device. Distributed cold air according to a system of outlets, also located in the space between the ceilings.

This model is suitable for creating a comfortable climate in a small cottage, office or five-room apartment. Ducted configurations can solve the ventilation problem.

The disadvantages include the difficulty of separately adjusting the temperature in different rooms and the need to install suspended ceilings.

Cassette models

This view is similar to the previous one and also requires suspended ceilings. The difference lies in the layout of the indoor unit. Cassette devices distribute cold air through a part of the unit located below. She has standard size 600 x 600 mm.

Such air conditioners cannot disturb the interior, as they are invisible. Only the decorative grille is visible from below.

Cassette configurations distribute air evenly in all directions. One device can cool a fairly large space.

Floor-ceiling types

This type is compact. The depth of the indoor unit ranges from 18 to 25 cm.

Installation is carried out either at the bottom of the wall or on the ceiling. In the first case, the air will be directed upward, and in the second it will take a horizontal direction along the ceiling.

Floor-ceiling units provide cooling of rooms whose area ranges from 50 to 200 square meters. m.

Column types

Such air conditioners are additionally called “cabinet” air conditioners. As a rule, they are installed in large hotel lobbies, restaurants, conference rooms, shops and other large premises. They do not require installation. The devices create a powerful air flow that is directed upward. The desired temperature is achieved very quickly even in the largest room.

Precision Models

The word precision is English. Translated into Russian it means “precision”.

These are devices autonomous type. They are used for targeted maintenance of a given temperature, humidity and air circulation.

As a rule, they are used in technological rooms, where maintaining the desired temperature is extremely important. For example, they are installed in machine rooms, server rooms, as well as in museums, book depositories, and laboratories with chemical reagents.

Precision configurations withstand heavy loads and can operate year-round without shutdown.


Which brand of air conditioner is better is up to you to decide. Much depends on the type and size of your premises, as well as financial opportunities. Of course, it is better to purchase models from time-tested brands. The operation of these units is more stable.

Maintaining optimal microclimate parameters in a residential area is a very important task, which allows improving not only people’s comfort, but also their well-being and health. During the cold period, heating equipment copes with this task, but when the temperature outside rises and the sun appears, excess heat must be removed from the room. Air conditioning systems have been developed to solve this problem. How to choose an air conditioner for an apartment? What should you pay attention to, and how to correctly calculate the required power and place the equipment? Let's look at these questions in more detail.

The need for air conditioning in an apartment

Before answering the question of which air conditioner to choose for an apartment, let’s decide whether such a system is necessary in a residential area at all. Is it possible to do without it? In principle, at least for residential premises regulatory documents and the optimal temperature is set in summer period, but there are no strict restrictions for maintenance.

How to choose the right air conditioner for your apartment? The main document that specifies sanitary and hygienic requirements for microclimate parameters for residential and public buildings is GOST 30494-2011. For the warm period of the year, it indicates the following optimal and permissible temperature parameters:

  • optimal – 22–25 °C;
  • permissible – 20–28 °C.

These temperature limits are where a person feels most comfortable during the hot season. But there is one caveat. It is also important to focus on the outside air temperature. If people are in a room constantly and do not leave it, then they get used to the established temperature. But if you have to go outside and return to a cooled room again, then it is advisable to set the temperature no lower than 10 °C from the street temperature. In this case, there will be no sudden changes, and it is easier for the human body to adapt to the constant change in ambient temperature. Based on these restrictions, most often they choose an air conditioner for an apartment. You need to buy it after selecting and determining the characteristics.

Basic parameters for choosing an air conditioner

Which air conditioner is better to choose for an apartment and what characteristics should it have? In principle, this task should be handled by a specialist from a specialized organization who will inspect your premises, evaluate its parameters, and select the equipment that is optimal in terms of power. But not all employees of climate organizations truly have necessary knowledge and are able to select quality necessary equipment. Also, when choosing a system, the customer also thinks about which air conditioner company is best to choose for the apartment, and an employee of a specialized organization often offers options that are profitable for him to sell.

So it will never be superfluous to navigate the principles of selecting air conditioners. This skill will allow you to independently more or less accurately determine the appropriate equipment.

To select, you need to determine the following air conditioner parameters yourself or with the help of specialists:

  • cooling power.
  • type of block, location of its installation.
  • additional functions;
  • manufacturer and specific model.

The first two parameters must be determined with maximum accuracy, and the selection of additional functions and the manufacturer depends more on the specific preferences of the buyer and financial capabilities. Features may include additional air purification, ionization, low noise, inverter compressor, additional sensors and control features. also in Lately units with wi-fi control appeared.

Main types and types of air conditioners

One of the first questions that needs to be resolved before purchasing is which air conditioner to buy for an apartment based on its design. After all, split systems, as well as other types of air conditioners, are produced different types installation Of course, not all of them are used for apartments, but still the choice is quite wide. You can consider the following conditioners:

  • window - installed in a window opening, now rarely used;
  • portable - they are a monoblock with a pipe for releasing hot air into the street;
  • wall-mounted – mounted on the wall at some distance from the ceiling;
  • floor-ceiling - installed on the ceiling, the intersection of walls and ceiling, or floor and wall;
  • ducted - require a network of air ducts that distributes cold air to the required points;
  • cassette - installed in an Armstrong-type suspended ceiling, or any other;
  • columnar - a floor block in the form of a column.

Which air conditioner is better to choose for an apartment? Reviews of all types of blocks consist of people's personal impressions, but they are not always based on real facts. For example, an air conditioner may be installed incorrectly or poorly designed, and a person complains that wall-mounted air conditioners are bad. Let's briefly look at the features of some types.

To answer the question of how to choose a household air conditioner for an apartment, let’s decide on the most suitable types. Of all the listed types, the vast majority choose wall-mounted air conditioners. This is due to the fact that, with the same power and characteristics, they are always slightly cheaper than other types due to their prevalence. They also fit quite well into apartment interiors and allow you to cool rooms of different sizes and layouts.

Wall mounted

Most often, wall-mounted air conditioners are used in apartments. This is due to their cost, ease of installation and a large selection of models with different characteristics, additional functions and designs.

Floor-ceiling, column

So which air conditioner should you buy for your apartment? Reviews and experience in using the following types tell us that cassette, duct, floor-ceiling and duct units are usually installed in a large area. For example, large living rooms or halls. If there are prerequisites for this. Column blocks are usually designed for very large rooms and are practically not used in apartments.


The cassette unit is designed for installation in a suspended ceiling. The working part of the unit is located in the ceiling space. Only the air intake grilles and blinds remain outside. One of the advantages of cassette air conditioners is that the air is distributed on four sides (in some models low power two or one). Basically, such units are installed in large rooms, but if necessary, you can choose from models of medium and low power. They are rarely used in apartments.

Mobile (portable)

Separately, we can mention portable (mobile) air conditioners. They do not belong to split systems since all their parts are in one block, but they are popular because of their price.

Typically, mobile air conditioners are switched off at a lower price compared to split systems, but in most other parameters they are inferior. They are produced with low power (on average, it is problematic to cool a room of more than 30 m2 with a portable air conditioner). Also, due to the layout in which the compressor is located indoors, the mobile units are quite noisy and difficult to use at night. Another problem is condensate drainage or constant emptying of the drainage tank.

How to choose a mobile air conditioner for an apartment? Although reviews and recommendations from experts are not inclined to use such a system, it is also important to do everything correctly when choosing. First of all, it is necessary to select the power using the technology given below. But the peculiarity is that it must be taken with a margin of 15-20%, since part of the cold air is removed when the unit is operating outside.

Air conditioner power calculation

How to choose an air conditioner for an apartment based on the area of ​​the room? This is the question asked by a person who came up with the idea of ​​independently calculating the cooling power of a split system. In principle, such a calculation is possible, but first of all we will tell you how a block is selected taking into account all the rules.

Since the function of the air conditioner is to cool the air, its calculation is to select the power of the unit in such a way that it removes all excess heat entering the room. The room in the apartment is heated by different sources. They are divided into external and internal.

External ones include:

  • solar radiation that enters through the glazing;
  • heat that is transferred through walls and other enclosing structures due to the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor air;
  • Heat gains from supply ventilation are also considered external.

Internal heat enters the room from people, electrical and heating equipment, and lighting.

The main sources of heat in an apartment are heating from solar radiation and heat from household appliances and other equipment. People, interior lighting and ventilation are often not taken into account as they are a small proportion of total heat gains.

External heat gains

But calculating heat inflows from the sun is a rather labor-intensive task, for which a special technique and varying amounts of additional data are used. They depend on the location of the room, the thickness and design of the walls, and the region in which the apartment is located. Such a calculation is impractical and takes a lot of time.

To simplify the selection of an air conditioner, there is a special technique that relates the required power to the volume of the room. To make this calculation, you need to take the volume of the room (area multiplied by height) and multiply by the specific heat load. The specific heat load for different situations is chosen as follows:

  • if the room in question practically does not receive sunlight and it is located on the unlit side - 30–35 W/m3;
  • average value – 35 W/m3;
  • for rooms with large glazing that faces the sunny side - 35–40 V/m3.

That is, for example, for a room in a residential building with an area of ​​20 m3, a height of 3 m, which is located on the shady side, you can choose an air conditioner 20*3*30=1800 W,

It is important to note that the received power in Watts is not electrical, but only indicates the amount of heat that the air conditioner is capable of removing. This parameter is usually indicated in the model specifications and in air conditioner catalogs. Marking is also carried out in British thermal units per hour (BTU/h), which are related to watts using the formula 1 BTU/h = 0.293 W. That is, an air conditioner of 1800 W = 6140 BTU/h. According to the parameters, an air conditioner with a minimum power of 2.0 kW (7000 BTU/h) is suitable.

Internal heat gains

In many premises, internal heat inflows make up a significant part of their total amount, but this mainly applies to public, industrial and commercial premises. In housing, their percentage is very small and in some cases they can be ignored.

Gives off heat electrical equipment, motors, computers, televisions and other household appliances. In general, heat dissipation from electronics can be taken as 30% of their power consumption.

Heat emissions from people in apartments are not taken into account. As for ventilation, if the apartment has a system forced ventilation, then when calculating air conditioning you need to take into account the additional amount of heat that is supplied along with the outside air to the room. On average, if ventilation is available, the air conditioner power can be increased by 20%.

Inverter compressor: pros and cons

There are many types of air conditioners, but for domestic use there is an important division into inverter and non-inverter units. The very first air conditioners were not of the inverter type, when the compressor was not regulated. It simply turned on automatically when cooling was needed and turned off if the temperature was reached. This mode does not allow you to accurately maintain the temperature in the room. There are quite serious temperature changes of up to several degrees in a short period of time.

Air conditioners with an inverter compressor have appeared relatively recently. In it, the compressor performance was smoothly regulated; it did not stop and only pumped a smaller amount of refrigerant through itself. This allows the temperature to be maintained more accurately and increases service life due to rare starts. Such air conditioners consume significantly less electricity.

The main disadvantage that hinders the spread of inverter air conditioners is their price. they are 2 times more expensive than the same blocks of the usual type.

Location, is it possible to install one air conditioner for the entire apartment?

Questions often arise about choosing the number of air conditioners for an apartment. Do you need to install them in each room, or can you place one and it will cool the entire apartment? For example, how to choose an air conditioner for a two-room apartment?

The best option, of course, is to install your own unit in each room. This is done in the same way as for heating devices. But with some planning you can get by with just one. This is possible if there is a large opening between two rooms. In this case, it is advisable to place the air conditioner so that from one room through the doorway, part of the air enters the adjacent one. In this case, the room where it is installed will be colder, but the adjacent room will in any case be cooler than without a split system.

The same option is considered when installing an air conditioner in the corridor. When the doors are open, some of the air enters the adjacent rooms, but there is a danger that the air conditioner will quickly cool the corridor and turn off. And the flow of cold air will not be enough to compensate for the heating from the outside. In both cases, the power of the air conditioner must be designed for the entire volume of the premises that it is designed to cool.

The unit must also be placed so that cold air does not blow onto workplaces, sofas, armchairs and beds.

Manufacturer selection

Let's talk about manufacturers. Which air conditioner is better to choose for an apartment? The ratings of companies that sometimes appear online rarely have anything in common with reality. In general, all companies that produce household air conditioners for apartments can be divided into three large groups. These are Japanese manufacturers that produce reliable and high-quality air conditioners, but their price can sometimes reach the cost of a small used car:

  • Mitsubishi Electric;
  • Mitsubishi Heavy Industries;
  • Daikin;
  • Fujitsu-General;
  • Hitachi;
  • Toshiba;
  • Chofu.

Moreover, the production of these brands is rarely located in Japan, but this practically does not affect the quality.

The second group is the middle price range. These usually include Korean manufacturers Samsung, LG, well-known Chinese brands Midea, Cooper&Hunter, Tosot and others. The products of these brands are quite reliable and can be recommended if you do not have large financial resources.

The third group is inexpensive air conditioners, which are different names Produced in factories in China. These can be either completely unfamiliar brands or names that are well-known and echo well-known companies that produce household appliances.

IN last years Climate disasters in the region are increasingly showing that severe frosts and unprecedented summer heat are difficult to overcome without air conditioning, which, in fact, has long ceased to be considered a luxury, but has become an urgent necessity. Perhaps this is the only technique that can bring maximum benefit and provide incomparable comfort. That is why consumers today are not faced with the question of expediency, but of which model and company to give preference to.

Air conditioning is not a luxury, but a necessity

To ensure that your long-awaited purchase meets your expectations, in this article we will try to answer the questions: “Which air conditioner to choose for an apartment” and “which brand of air conditioner is better,” as well as give some practical advice on choosing it.

So, first of all, you have to answer a few questions for yourself:

  1. why do you need air conditioning;
  2. what power should it have;
  3. whether it should be equipped with a heating function;
  4. what should be the permissible noise level and electricity consumption;
  5. whether it will be an inverter or not;
  6. what will the filtration system be like?
  7. do you need automatic modes;
  8. choice of class and, of course, manufacturer.

Let's try to highlight in the article all the sharp-edged stones in choosing the most suitable air conditioner model. It should be noted right away that only air conditioners for apartments will be affected - models household type, or rather split systems (an indoor unit with a fan and an external unit with a compressor, connected to each other via a freon pipeline).

Today the usual window air conditioners, due to their incompatibility with Euro-windows and high noise levels, are quickly becoming relics of the past. In addition, let’s ignore for now column- or duct-type split systems, which have become an integral part of modern offices and spacious shopping areas.

Which air conditioner is best for an apartment: selection factors

Purpose and type of air conditioner

The purpose of any air conditioner is to change the characteristics of the air in the room: temperature, humidity, cleanliness and content. While supply and exhaust ventilation supplies fresh air from outside to the room, the air conditioner “discharges” warm (cold) air and excess moisture to the street, maintaining pre-set parameters in the room.

All air conditioners are divided into household, semi-industrial and industrial models. For indoor use, choose a household air conditioner, the service life of which is 7-10 years.

Among household air conditioners there are:

  1. mobile,
  2. window,
  3. split systems,
  4. multi-split systems.

Mobile and window models preference can be given only if the available free space is not enough to install a split system, consisting of two blocks (indoor and outdoor), connected by communications.

Multi-split system represents the work of several indoor units and one outdoor one.

Split systems , considered the most functional and convenient devices, can work exclusively for cooling, cooling and heating air, and also serve as supply and exhaust ventilation. Therefore, later in the article we will talk about split systems.

Power selection

It is a mistake to believe that the power of an air conditioner is determined solely by the area of ​​the room where the equipment is planned to be installed. This opinion does not take into account other important parameters, and it may happen that, installing in a room of 30 square meters air conditioner Daikin FTXS25J RXS25J, you will not receive proper cooling (heating) of the air, and you will need a more powerful model Daikin FTX35J RX35J.

From a design point of view, the power of the air conditioner can be determined by the following formula:

P (cooling capacity, W) = V (room volume) x Q + q.

In this case, Q is defined as follows:

30 W/m3 - for rooms deprived of sunlight (north side)
35 W/m3 - for rooms with normal lighting.
40 W/m3 - for rooms with bright lighting (south side) and large glazing.

q is defined as follows:

120-130 W - heat input from 1 person;
300-400 W - heat input from 1 computer.

This means that a room with an area of ​​20 m2, located on the south, sunny side, where several people or computers are constantly located, will not be enough not only for the Daikin FTX20J RX20J model, but also for the more powerful FTXS25J (FTX25JV) air conditioner.

It is necessary to remember: on average, the power consumption of an air conditioner is 2-3 times less than its cooling capacity. And the higher this ratio, the more economical the air conditioner is. For example, for the FTX25JV the COP ratio is 4.06, while the ratio for budget models does not exceed 2.5-2.8.

Heating function

The cost of an air conditioner with a heating function is $100-200 higher than conventional models. However, during operation, the additional costs are more than compensated for: in the autumn-winter period, such models can save up to 60% of electricity. One bad thing is that such air conditioners are not designed to operate at sub-zero outdoor temperatures.

Majority modern models, including the elite class, have heating in their functionality.

Permissible noise level and power consumption

The most important technical parameter of an air conditioner is air performance, which determines the volume of air that the system can pass through itself in a set time.

The higher the air output, the more quickly the device will provide the required indoor climate. In case of unreasonably high performance, excessive energy consumption may occur. However, this does not apply to economical air conditioners with high energy consumption class A - such models process large volumes of air masses with minimal energy consumption.

This means that if the installation of an air conditioner involves its regular operation and with increased loads, then the best air conditioners for an apartment will be energy-saving A-class models.

When purchasing an air conditioner, you should pay attention to the noise pressure level: optimally, if it does not exceed 25-30 dB - in this case, the device will operate almost silently. At the same time, the maximum permissible noise level established by SNiP is 34 dB.


Often the need to install an air conditioner arises when the outside air temperature is 28-35°C. In order for the room temperature to reach a comfortable level (20-22°C), the device will have to work with an excess of power, since the power of their compressor is a constant value. For these purposes, the automation is configured in such a way that as soon as the temperature exceeds the set level by 1-2°C, the compressor is activated, which turns off immediately after decreasing to the previous level.

This may lead to:

  • excessive consumption of electrical energy during startup due to inrush currents;
  • rapid wear of the compressor from regular shutdown/shutdown;
  • sudden temperature fluctuations in the room;
  • occurrence of cold air flow when operating in cooling mode.

Inverter air conditioners do not have such disadvantages. Which company should I buy an air conditioner from? It's simple, it could be Daikin FTXS (FTXS25J.

Inverter air conditioners operate on the principle of smoothly changing the speed of the compressor, and as a result, its power.

In this case it is observed:

  • Low power consumption,
  • Compressor wear is significantly lower
  • Low noise level,
  • The indoor temperature is more accurately maintained,
  • Lack of cold air.

Air filtration and treatment system

Modern air conditioner models are equipped with a reliable filtration system, consisting of several individual filters or one combined filter. Any air conditioner, regardless of class and manufacturer, has a primary (coarse) filter, which you can remove and clean yourself.

A kakhetin filter, plasma or bio-filter are responsible for the quality of antibacterial treatment. More advanced filtration systems destroy microparticles from air flows at the molecular level (fungus and mold spores, allergens) and remove them into drainage.

If the house is full of children, asthmatics and allergy sufferers, then the answer to the question “which air conditioner to choose” will be a model whose functionality is similar to an air purifier.

Air conditioners equipped with an ionizer and an oxygen generator can enrich the air with negative ions and oxygen molecules, making it beneficial for your well-being. However, such an ionizer requires dosed use, since the effect of anions on the human body is individual.

And finally, the latest development in the field of air conditioning - a split system, equipped with a humidification function and with an admixture of air from the atmosphere, combining several household appliances: a heater, a purifier and a humidifier.

Automatic modes

When choosing the best air conditioner for an apartment, you should pay attention to automation and automatic modes. Since the cost of a split system is determined by the functionality and number of automatic modes, you will have to think about their feasibility so that you do not have to overpay.

So, the air conditioner can have the following automatic modes:

  • “comfortable sleep” mode assumes the ability to operate at low power in silent mode;
  • forced operating mode - operation at full capacity, rapid cooling/heating of the room;
  • “wind” mode simulates a natural breeze and a chaotic change in the direction of air flow and its intensity;
  • economy mode;
  • air dehumidification mode to a comfortable level;
  • The self-diagnosis mode allows you to test the equipment for compliance with the declared functions and automatic modes.

The most popular and expensive automation is considered to be built-in “climate control”, which allows you to effectively control the composition, cleanliness and temperature of the air. The data obtained becomes the basis for choosing the operating mode of the air conditioner.

Of course, the self-cleaning function of the indoor unit is very useful, thanks to which, when the device is turned off, it dries itself out from the inside and treats internal surfaces such a powerful antiseptic as ozone.

Manufacturer's choice: which brand of air conditioner is better

Today, the air conditioner market is represented by products of various brands. We can say that all models have a similar design, but differ in quality and power, a set of additional functions and noise levels and other characteristics that divide all air conditioners into three classes:

  1. elite;
  2. average;
  3. budget.

Elite class

Elite models include air conditioners from Daikin, the largest Japanese manufacturer of air conditioning and ventilation systems.

These products differ:

  • the widest range of functions,
  • quiet operation,
  • reliable protection against improper use,
  • additional efficiency functions, “Smart Eye”, “No one is home”,
  • effective self-diagnosis system,
  • long-term operation - at least 15 years and warranty period- 3 years.

Mid-range air conditioners

Mid-class air conditioners have a good price/quality ratio, high reliability and a long service life.

What distinguishes them from elite class models and which air conditioners are the best? First of all, a higher noise level, simplified protection against incorrect operation and the presence of only some functions.

Which company should I buy an air conditioner from? The middle class is represented by the following leading manufacturers: Toshiba, Hitachi, Mitsubishi Heavy, Panasonic and Gree, General Fujitsu.

Budget class

The group of budget class products includes air conditioners of Chinese, Korean and domestic production. The technical parameters and characteristics of budget class models are much lower, and the quality is in many ways inferior. Budget products are characterized by high noise levels, there is no protection against incorrect operation and there is no self-diagnosis system.

Which brand of conditioner should I choose?

First of all: Ballu, Samsung, Airwell, General Climate, Sharp, LG, Midea, McQuay, Haier, Hyundai (Winia / WindAir), Aermec, Sanyo and others.


While searching for an answer to the question: “Which air conditioner to buy for an apartment,” Special attention should be given visual perception models. However, you should be vigilant: a stylish case may hide a primitive functional set of the device. And, conversely, an outwardly unpretentious model can be equipped with excellent functionality.

Traditional classic models, with a snow-white body with minimal finishing of the front panel and temperature indicators, fit perfectly into any interior without disturbing the overall architecture.

To summarize: which air conditioner is better to choose?

So, if you want to become the owner of the most advanced model of air conditioner, which will serve you faithfully for many years, without being burdened with worries and additional hassle, then the best option will be a powerful Daikin air conditioner.

Would you like to save some money? Then you should pay attention to other elite air conditioner models, based on your personal preferences.

Even greater savings, of course, without loss of quality, can be achieved by purchasing a mid-range air conditioner. However, purchasing budget series equipment may cause you some difficulties, since the group contains many models of different quality and functionality. What brand budget air conditioner better? The one that has a more developed retail network - these could be LG and Samsung brand air conditioners.

However, remember, by purchasing a budget model, you will be able to place the external and internal units at a distance of up to 7 meters, while elite models allow you to increase this distance to 15 meters.

Moreover, even if you are a jack of all trades, do not risk installing the air conditioner yourself - save your energy and money, which you will have to spend on eliminating defects or repairing equipment. And finally, negotiate your choice. optimal model air conditioner not over the phone, but on the spot, after a specialist has inspected the premises.

YouTube video

The video will help you choose the best air conditioner for your apartment.

Summer is a wonderful time, but the heat is not always pleasant. Climate control technology allows you to increase the comfort of life - it will maintain the temperature within normal limits and can regulate the humidity. But choosing an air conditioner is not so easy: there are too many offers on the market. How not to make a mistake when choosing, but also not to overpay?

When we're talking about There are two terms used for cooling indoor air: air conditioners and split systems. What is the difference? Air conditioners are the general name for cooling and ventilation systems. This is also the name given to monoblock (made from one block) - window and mobile (mobile) devices. Split system is specific type equipment consisting of two or more units - external and internal (several internal).

Types of air conditioners

A little about what air conditioners are for a home or apartment. There is a classification based on the number of blocks. It can be considered the main one.


In monoblock air conditioners, all parts and devices are packaged in one housing. This type of climate control equipment appeared first and was once widespread, but today there are not many of them - they are too noisy.

By installation method monoblock air conditioners there are:

Multi-block cooling systems

These climate systems are more modern, have wider functionality, and are quieter (due to the fact that the noisiest devices are moved outside the room). There are several types of such equipment:

In household split systems (and “multi” ones too) indoor units can be of three types: with wall mounting, ceiling, floor. Of all three options, the most popular is the wall-mounted one, although the ceiling-mounted one is more effective, as it more evenly distributes flows throughout the room, without creating sharp contrasting zones in temperature.

There are also duct, cassette, floor-ceiling, and column split systems. But all of them are characterized by high performance and complexity and are used in enterprises and large offices. They are installed extremely rarely in houses and apartments.

If you need to choose an air conditioner for a house or apartment, you will have to limit yourself to four options - window, mobile floor or two types of split systems - with one or more indoor units. Although, recently, the vast majority choose split systems, as they can provide a higher level of comfort.

Deciding on power

Deciding on the type of equipment is not everything. Next, you need to understand the technical characteristics, select the necessary options, and only then proceed to select a specific model.

Let's figure out what power cooling system you need. There are two ways to find out the required performance of an air conditioner: call a representative of a company that sells air conditioners or calculate it yourself. The calculation itself is elementary, but you will also need to take into account the features of the house or apartment.

Calculation by quadrature

So, when determining the power of an air conditioner, it is considered that 1 kW of cooling power is required per 10 square meters of area. That is, if you plan to install a split system only to cool a room, find its area, divide by 10 and get the required performance.

But, sometimes, it is worth increasing the found figure: if the house in which you live is panel or brick, without additional insulation, its walls will heat up noticeably in the summer. In order for the equipment to cope with such a load without problems, it is worth adding 20-25% of the found power. Then there will be no problems with temperature even on the hottest days.

For example, a room of 22 sq. m. Dividing by 10, we get 2.2 kW. This is the power or a little more we look for when selecting a model.

The same principles apply to calculating the power of equipment for an entire apartment or house. It just sums up the area of ​​all the rooms in which you plan to maintain the required microclimate using this air conditioner. And then everything is the same: divide by 10, add a reserve if necessary.

Calculation by volume

This method is more accurate, as it also takes into account the height of the ceilings, as well as the location of the rooms. In this case, it is considered as follows: the volume of the room is multiplied by the standard, and then an adjustment is made for other heat sources. The standard is as follows:

  • for rooms facing north - 30 W/m3;
  • if the walls face west/east - 35 W/m3;
  • if the wall is directed south - 40 W/m3.

A larger standard is selected for a corner room. Also increased power necessary for large window areas or if there are old wooden frames that do not provide airtightness.

Additional heat sources for air conditioning are:

  • Computer. If it is installed indoors, add 300-400 W to the found figure.
  • Human. In general, this position is more often used when calculating air conditioning parameters in offices and production premises, but in a “densely populated” apartment it can also be important. For each person in the room, add 100-150 W of air conditioning power.

Let's give an example of a calculation. It is necessary to choose an air conditioner for a room facing south, in which a computer is installed and one person lives permanently. The dimensions of the room are 4 * 3.5 * 2.7 m. We find the volume, multiply all the parameters of the room, we get 37.8 m3. We multiply the found figure by the standard: 37.8 m3 * 40 W/m3 = 1512 W. Next, add a reserve for extraneous heat sources: 1512 W + 400 W + 150 W = 2032 W. Rounding up, we get 2000 W or 2 kW.

Main technical characteristics

To choose the right air conditioner, you need to know the main characteristics that reflect its efficiency and economy. Without these technical subtleties you can get by, but you will have to rely on the advice of a sales consultant, and they are not always objective. Therefore, it is better to figure it out on your own, especially since it is not very difficult.

Cooling class or cooling capacity

IN technical specifications air conditioners and split systems, you can see a line where it says “cooling capacity”, and then there are numbers from 5200 BTU/hour to 42700 BTU/hour. Let's figure it out. BTU/hour is a British thermal unit and represents the amount of energy a device will use to raise the temperature of 1 pound of water by 1 degree Fahrenheit.

In relation to air conditioners, this parameter reflects the cooling efficiency. The higher the cooling capacity (higher numbers), the more economical the split system will be (lower electricity costs will be).

Sometimes, instead of cooling capacity, the cooling class is indicated, and then there are the Latin letters A, B, C, D, E, F, G. This parameter also reflects the operating efficiency, but is calculated as the ratio of heating power to power consumption. Also designated as ERR or SERR.

If we talk about the letter designation, then class A is the most economical, class G consumes the most electricity. As a rule, with all other characteristics being equal, household appliances of class A and higher (there are also A+, A++, A +++) are more expensive. The difference is hundreds of dollars. Previously, when electricity was not so expensive, few people paid attention to this indicator - the difference expressed in rubles was not so great. Now, with the constant increase in the price of electricity, it is probably worth buying a more economical air conditioner - at certain periods of time it can work for days, so this parameter is now quite important.

There is also a second coefficient - COP or SCOP. It reflects the heating efficiency, defined as the ratio of the amount of heat generated to the amount of energy expended. Naturally, in this case the same rule applies: the higher the coefficient, the more economical the air conditioner will be when operating for heating (if such a function is available).

Noise level

The characteristics usually indicate two values ​​- maximum and minimum noise levels. It is measured when operating at minimum and maximum power.

An important characteristic, especially if the split system is installed in the bedroom. In this case, look for a very quiet air conditioner. For a bedroom, a noise level of 19-24 dB would be acceptable. The maximum permissible level in residential premises according to SNiP is 34 dB, so it is better not to consider those that do not fit this criterion.

Maximum length of communications

Split systems consist of two or more blocks and they are connected to each other using air ducts and wire harnesses through which control signals are transmitted.

IN standard version The length of the duct is 5 meters, which is usually sufficient. But when installed in large private houses or cottages, longer distances may be required. The maximum length of communications is 42 meters. Such models cost significantly more, as does the installation fee. To choose an air conditioner according to this principle, you will first have to at least approximately determine its location (indoor and outdoor units), measure the expected distance (note that the route runs along the walls) and only then choose a model.

Additional functions

It is impossible to choose an air conditioner without thinking about additional features. They allow you to increase the level of comfort, but the presence of each function increases the final cost of the equipment. Therefore, the choice should be approached carefully.

Availability of remote control

Today, probably, all models of split systems come with a remote control. This is understandable - the blocks usually hang from the ceiling and climbing up there every time you need to change the operating mode is unlikely to be pleasant for anyone. So it’s difficult to call this an additional function, but there are also models without remote control, so be careful. Choosing an air conditioner and then realizing that there is no remote control is not the best discovery.

The remote control allows you to change all parameters of the air conditioner and split system:

  • temperature;
  • fan rotation speed;
  • direction of air flow (the position of the curtains changes vertically and horizontally).

This is the minimum set, maybe more whole line functions, but only if the model supports them.

Auto mode

Useful option. Allows you to set the desired temperature, and in some models, humidity, and forget it. Next, the split system itself will turn on and off when the parameters deviate from the specified ones.

Automatic mode is one of the most popular features

Such equipment is much more convenient and economical than equipment that must be forcibly turned on and off from the remote control.

What is the difference between an inverter air conditioner?

Inverter air conditioners are those that can smoothly change operating parameters: cooling power and fan speed. Unlike conventional technology, when the equipment has two operating modes: either running at 100% power or switched off. This gives three undeniable advantages:

If you need to choose an economical air conditioner for your apartment or house, you should take a closer look at inverter models. Although they are more expensive than regular ones, they use less electricity (savings can reach about 30%).

Another advantage of inverter air conditioners is a wider range of operating temperatures. Some models can operate at -35°C, and the upper limit is also higher - up to +45°C. This may be important in some regions.

Heating mode

There are air conditioners that can work not only for cooling, but also for heating. This function is useful in apartments connected to central heating. If necessary, you can heat yourself in the off-season, when it is already cool outside, but the heating has not yet been turned on. In this case, a heated air conditioner is a very necessary thing. This mode is sometimes called “winter/summer”.

If your choice fell on a model with the ability to operate on air heating, pay attention to two parameters in the technical characteristics: power in cooling mode and power in heating mode. In cheap models they are unequal and can show from 20% to 60% of the cooling. That is, such models will not provide you with full heating. In more expensive models, the percentage looks better, in some it even reaches 100%. But they belong to the premium class, which is reflected in the cost - they are $100-200 more expensive.

There is one point: split systems cannot operate at low temperatures. Most often, their operating range is down to -5°C. So this is really an option for the off-season. In winter it simply won't work.


A useful feature, especially if you are not at home all day. It allows you to turn the air conditioner on or off at a specified time. You can set the turn-on time half an hour before your arrival and you will enter an apartment or house with a normal temperature.

It is also possible to turn off the air conditioner using a timer. This may be needed in the evening. Automation will turn off the device at the appointed time and you won’t have to get up, interrupting your sleep. In general, if you value your own comfort, you should choose an air conditioner with this function.

Sleeping mode

If the nights in your region are so hot that you can’t turn off the air conditioning even at night, the “sleep” mode will come in handy. It switches the equipment to reduced power, the fans rotate more slowly, and accordingly, the noise level decreases.

This mode can be useful if the air conditioner is not inverter. In general, this is a good function, but only for those units that you plan to install in the bedroom.

Ozonation and ionization modes

Ozonation and ionization are designed to make indoor air clean, free of bacteria and more healthy. The idea itself is good, but there are separate devices for these operations. As usual, special units work more efficiently, and those built into the air conditioner are used very rarely, but the cost increases significantly.

Ionization and ozonation are useful, but not necessary


The dehumidification mode allows you to remove excess moisture from the air, because with high humidity, heat is less tolerated. This function can be useful if you choose an air conditioner for small apartment. In this case, the kitchen is located not far from the living rooms and cooking food or even tea can significantly increase the humidity in the rooms.

“Short” list of additional functions

This mode is also useful in regions with high humidity in the summer. It allows you to exist in more comfortable conditions.

Ventilation and cleaning

The ventilation mode (fan in English) is available in many models of split systems. It allows you to “pump in” fresh air from the street, but without cooling. Ventilation can occur at different intensities - there can be from 2 to 8 fan rotation speeds. In principle, you can do without this mode if you have a transom, a window, or the ability to open a window.

In some models, paired with a ventilation mode, there is a cleaning feature. The air coming from the street passes through a filter system, being cleaned of allergens and dust particles. This regimen is necessary for allergy sufferers; it allows them to survive the worst time for them with minimal discomfort. So if someone in the family suffers from allergies, it is advisable to choose an air conditioner with ventilation and purification.

Auto restart

The presence of this function allows you to restore the settings that were before the power outage. The equipment turns on automatically when power is supplied. This option can be useful if there are frequent power outages in your region.