Waterfall in the interior of the apartment. Home waterfalls - advantages and features. Materials and tools for making a wall waterfall to decorate walls in an apartment with your own hands

One of the simplest and most common crafts today are bells made from plastic bottles. There are no restrictions on their creation. The main thing is to turn on your fantasy and imagination, and then the result will exceed all your expectations. Now there are many options for creating such crafts. This material will present the simplest and most common ones.

What will you need?

As expected, let’s start figuring out how to make bells from plastic bottles by deciding on the list necessary materials and tools. First of all, you will need containers. Containers are perfect

volume 0.5 - 1.5 liters. If you need a very large specimen, then you can use a 2-3 liter container. But from bottles large sizes there is no point in making such crafts. They will more closely resemble bells, and the result of such work will not be quite the same. For decoration, you can apply several colors or use a set of woolen threads various colors. Scissors, knife, marker (pencil, ball pen or a felt-tip pen - whatever is at hand can be used), a ruler - a standard set for marking and cutting. You will also need: wire, an awl and pliers (for fixing the internal element of the bell).

Simple and fast

The easiest way is a bell from plastic bottle do as follows. We take a 0.5 liter container and cut it, retreating 5-7 cm from the lid. We unscrew the lid and make a hole in it with an awl. From the remaining part of the container, cut out the core of the required shape. On one side we make a hole for the wire, and

attach it to the lid. Then we screw it all back in. If necessary, the product can be coated with paint or wrapped with thread.

A little more complicated

In this case, it is no different; you can use a similar blank. The only difference will be in the form. You can make the edge jagged, for example. It’s better to mark everything in advance and then cut it out. Also, the core with this design can be made different. Two pieces

thicker wire with a cross-section of 5 - 7 mm 2 can be hung on the cap using threads. In the end it will even work out musical instrument, which will make sounds. This distinguishes bells made from plastic bottles from other crafts of this class.

Beautiful, but difficult

The previous embodiments were based on the use of a lid. This is not always aesthetically pleasing, but you want maximum similarity to the original. To do this, the lid is cut off. 3-4 cuts are made on top with a depth of 1.5-2 cm. The resulting
the fragments are twisted together and fixed with tape. There should be a hole in the top for attaching internal elements. This is the most difficult way to make bells from plastic bottles on your own. Its complexity lies in the special shape of the bell, which cannot always be obtained the first time.


Completely different ones can be made using this algorithm and Bells - this is just one of possible options choice that is simple and accessible. There are also more complex crafts (for example, lilies or roses), but it’s better to start with bells.


How do you think, what can be made from an ordinary plastic bottle, which invariably goes into the trash bin after its contents are used? Don’t be surprised, even from such a thing that seems just garbage, you can make something useful and beautiful (various animals, birds, butterflies, vases, plastic palm trees And flowers, which will be discussed in this material). This seemingly simple task will get rid of garbage and help decorate the environment around us. Plastic bottles - This unlimited possibilities for imagination and room for creativity. Next, we will talk about how to create plastic flowers from bottles - below we have posted master classes on making daisies, lilies of the valley, water lilies and other plastic crafts for children and adults. Plastic bottles can rightfully be considered an ideal material for a wide variety of crafts.

Every day we are surrounded by many different plastic bottles - small and large, transparent and colored, from juice, kefir, yogurt, drinking water, sweet soda, bottles of creams and shampoos. At first glance, it is not clear what you can make from a plastic bottle with your own hands. , but you just need to use a little imagination, and you will create useful household things from unnecessary bottles, and maybe even whole masterpieces with your own hands.
Most people don't leave extra plastic containers around the house; they throw them away immediately after use. They are doing it in vain! Even like this unnecessary things, more like garbage, you can find a truly worthy use. Most
a well-known and popular type of crafts now - making flowers from scrap materials. For this, old threads can be used, and flower pots, kitchenware. We suggest you do plastic flowers from unnecessary bottles, a master class on how to make them is located below.

From ordinary plastic bottles you can make it unique bright flowers that will win the hearts of your guests, you can make garden decorations that are not afraid of bad weather and strong wind. To create masterpieces, you only need scissors and some decoration materials - paint, wire. The most the main thing in creating crafts - this is your imagination and creativity.

So, what can you make with your own hands from a plastic bottle? ? I suggest starting with sunflowers, these flowers look very impressive, and their creation does not take much time. To begin, cut out large petals from plastic bottles, similar to sunflower petals. Paint them acrylic paint or spray paint on both sides.

After completely dry paint, make holes at the base of the petals, with the help of which the petals are held together to form flowers. Now we need to make the stem of our sunflower and the core. The bottom of the bottle and its curves are ideal for making the center of a sunflower. Stems work well from rigid metal rods. Such magnificent plastic flowers as sunflowers will look spectacular in a composition with the addition of toy bees, pots and other accessories.


DIY flowers made from plastic bottles are most often used for decoration. garden plot. Plastic is ideal for these purposes - it is durable, does not fade, and is not afraid of humidity and wind. You can often see crafts made from plastic bottles , which are very flimsy in appearance. Even from a distance it is clear that the flowers are made from plastic bottles, because they look flimsy and not neat.

Some craftsmen try to save the situation and paint the petals with paint, but this does not always help. Other craftsmen choose harder bottles for crafts. , for example from shampoos, creams, household products or from milk. Such plastic bottles made from more dense material and come in a variety of colors that are ideal for creating flower arrangements with your own hands. All you have to do is choose the right bottle, cut out the parts and fasten them together. These handmade flowers from plastic bottles can really decorate your garden!

Exists a large number of ways, how to create flowers from plastic bottles with your own hands. Some of them allow you to create quite lush flower heads that will look beautiful in any situation. Here is one of the most accessible techniques.
Prepare plastic strips 4 to 7 centimeters wide by cutting the bottle into equal parts. Along one edge of the stripes, use scissors to create a wavy edge; this will be where the petals of the craft will be.

Pass the edge with the petals over the fire, no need to melt the plastic - just heat it up. Bend the heated petals in the desired direction. Collect the processed strips in a stack, forming a flower blank. The more strips used, the more magnificent the flower will be. You can fasten them with wire or using a hot awl. Among the lush petals, both types of fastening will be invisible. You can decorate the core of the flower using a plastic bottle cap.

Chrysanthemums and others flowers from a plastic bottle- presenting a master class with photos.
To make such flowers, the bottles must first be painted in different colors. Next, cut many thin plastic strips from the bottles. After this, collect these strips into a bundle and insert them into the neck of the cut bottle. This way the flower will hold tighter. Thick metal wire, a tree branch, or a metal rod can be used as a stem. Stem crafts can be painted paint in a suitable color or wrap in fabric, paper, colored film.

After the flower is collected and inserted into the core, curl its petals with a pencil or knife. Simply pull each petal through from the unpainted side. This will add curl to your chrysanthemum.

Flowers made from a plastic bottle using the presented master class with photos , will look impressive and decorate your garden plot. After several trial works, you will gain the necessary skill and will be able to create a variety of flowers, the main thing is to understand the principle on which the work is based.


The most beautiful flowers are created from plastic bottles when you have enough material and are not trying to save on it. Decorating a dacha or garden plot means using fairy-tale and fantastic motifs. For example, large and bright flowers , which do not even exist in the rainforest.

You can create such flowers from plastic bottles using large bottles from under drinking water. Please note that making a flower from a large plastic bottle with your own hands is more difficult, since the material will be harder to cut. Use the help of surrounding men or use large scissors.

What to make from large plastic bottles ? Let's start by making petals with our own hands. Most perfect option- 1 flower from 1 large bottle. In this case, cut off top part, where the neck is located. Next, cut the rest of the bottle into petals, simply giving them a rounded shape. The bottom is convenient for securing the stamens.

If your imagination requires making a giant flower from a plastic bottle, then cut 2-3 large bottles into petals. At the bottom of each petal, leave a small part from the bottom of the bottle. This will allow you to conveniently secure the petals when composing the flower. . Simply thread the wire through the holes in the bottom. Heat the petals over the fire and make bends. Be careful not to get burned. It is convenient to form bends using a wooden ruler or a branch.

To flowers from plastic bottles looked realistic, I suggest making stamens.
For this, it is better to use soft and flexible bottles with a capacity of 1.5-2 liters. Cut off the neck and bottom of such a bottle, then cut the workpiece into thin stripes, but not reaching the edge by a couple of centimeters. Roll up the sliced ​​workpiece - you have an excellent bunch of stamens.

Now you know what is possible make from plastic bottles to decorate your garden plot . To make the flowers look even more impressive, you can color them. Aerosol paint in a can or acrylic paint are ideal. Better color an unfinished flower , and each workpiece is at the cutting stage.


The technology for making flowers from plastic bottles is extremely simple - the containers are cut into pieces, then fastened with wire. This way you can get stems, leaves, flower petals. You can do things a little differently and make a functional flower pot using just one bottle. Crafts made from plastic bottles in the form of chamomile flowerpots are created in 5-10 minutes. The work moves quickly due to the fact that there is no need to fasten anything.

It is better to make daisies from white plastic bottles. Both bottles for milk, kefir, and bottles are suitable detergents. If you don’t have a white plastic bottle at home, then you can take any other bottle and then paint it in desired color. A chamomile from a white plastic bottle in the photo will look like a real one.

Let's start by sketching a flower with a felt-tip pen per bottle. The bottom will play the role of a tray for a pot with a plant, leave it as deep as possible, but do not forget that there is enough for the chamomile petals. To start cutting, use a hot nail or hole in bottle with knife , then cut the plastic with sharp scissors along the previously drawn lines.

Chamomiles from plastic bottles
are made quickly and simply. Cut the main part of the bottle into narrow petals, insert
bright center of the flower (for example, a cork from another bottle), into the neck. The main stage of creating a flowerpot is completed. You can use it under a pot with any living plant.

A chamomile from a plastic bottle will look appropriate both in the photo and in real life. Such flowers convenient to use for quickly decorating a veranda, flower bed, lawn.


Lily of the valley flowers from plastic bottles are ideal for making crafts for the garden plot or for the dacha. You will need white or blue plastic bottles. Milk bottles are also suitable for white lily of the valley buds. If there is no plastic of a suitable color , then you can paint the existing containers with acrylic paint. With dimensions, everything is simple - the larger the bell, the larger the bottle we need.

To make DIY lily of the valley from a plastic bottle, you will need to cut the bottle crosswise. The bell will be created from its upper part with a cork. All that remains is to cut out the petals and give them beautiful shape, bend it back and make it voluminous. To add extra elegance, you can heat the petals over a fire and give them a more realistic shape.

To make a lily of the valley from a plastic bottle look like a real one in the photo, we will attach it to a cork. Make holes in the plugs and thread a thin wire through them. Then tie the flower to the branch with this wire. It is most convenient to make a bush from metal rods. To make the twig look like on a real flower stem , cut a thin plastic spiral from a green bottle. Wrap a twig with this spiral and hold it over the fire. When the plastic melts, your branch is ready. You can hang bells on it.

When you learn how to make a lily of the valley from a plastic bottle with your own hands, you can create a tulip using the same technology. Having made several flower blanks , you can insert them into each other and get double flowers.


Wonderful and unusual plastic flowers can be made not from classic round bottles, and from flat bottles, for example, like shampoo. A white flattened bottle would make a great lily! You don’t even have to bend the petals to give them the required shape. All you have to do is cut off the corners of the bottle, and the bend is already there. In any case, you can refine the bends by heating the plastic over a fire.

To make a lily from a plastic bottle look most impressive, you need to choose bright types of flowers. For example, orange lilies will perfectly enliven your flowerbed and will make any dark corner in the garden more cheerful. The advantage of lilies is that they are always easily recognized. Do-it-yourself lilies from plastic bottles will not . One of the options for placing such plastic lilies is in the center of a flower bed of real daylilies. Plant real and plastic flowers interspersed, this will give the flowerbed a unique look.

Lilies from plastic bottles easy to create with your own hands. To do this you only need a few bottles, metal wire, plastic tubes.

A lily from a plastic bottle is created as follows: cut off the top part of the bottle - the neck along with the cork. Then cut out pointed petals on the flower blanks. In order to give a bend, you can heat the crafts over the fire. But make sure that the petals do not become deformed from excessive heat. Use oil or acrylic paint to paint the flower heads. V Orange color. Attach the flower heads to the stems with wire. Cut out sharp and long leaves. If you are using plastic tubes for the stem, make slits in them and insert the leaves. If you have a metal rod prepared for these purposes, then screw the leaves to the rod with thin wire.

The basis for making lilies was described above, but the daylily is famous for the fact that it blooms in inflorescences. This means that we need to collect a whole bush from the prepared flowers. How to do this? Attach one flower to each stem, and then tape the three stems together or insert them into a tube.

When incarnating any ideas using plastic flowers, do not forget to compare your creation with pictures of real plants.

Let's go decorate our garden further. I am sure that the water lily will look good in your garden. A water lily can be made not from plastic bottles, but from their cousins ​​- disposable plastic spoons. It is created very simply - the spoon-shaped petals are already ready. To make large water lilies, prepare large spoons; to decorate an aquarium, a flower from small spoons is suitable.

The first step will be making flower blanks from plastic. Separate the deep part of the spoon from the handle; the deep part will be the petal. Further, the process of collecting water lilies can proceed in different ways.

One option is to heat the base of the flower petals over a fire and glue them together. Stamens made from thinly sliced ​​yellow plastic bottles are inserted inside. For this purpose, you can use yellow wire or thick threads.

The second option is used if a very large lily is being collected. First, the base is made, then the water lily petals are attached to it. The base can be made of cardboard, such as egg cartons. Soak the cardboard, when it is saturated with water and swells, squeeze it out and rub it together. Add PVA glue and gouache to this mixture white. Form a hemisphere and place it on a plastic board. While the mixture is still wet, stick the water lily petals in a circle, forming them using spoons flower . Attach the finished plastic flower to a sheet of green plastic.

Greetings to all!

Friends, in this master class, you will see how to make beautiful craft for home decoration for the New Year holidays.

And today’s decoration option is New Year’s bells made from plastic bottles!

For the craft we will need:

  • Two plastic bottles;
  • New Year's balls with a beautiful thread;
  • Beautiful, openwork braid;
  • Artificial flower and beautiful ribbon;
  • Polymer glue;
  • Iron.

Step 1.

We cut off two conical necks from two plastic bottles and crease (round off) the sharp edges, applying them to heating element iron and constantly twisting. Do not overexpose the plastic to the iron, as it can melt quite strongly. And another tip: place a sheet of paper between the iron and the neck.

Step 2.

We tie both cones by the threaded parts.


Along the bottom edge of the bottle parts, in a circle, we glue the braid. In general, you can decorate the craft as you want, everything is to your taste.

Step 4.

Through the inner parts of the cones, we pass threads with balls tied to them and tie them together at the top so that the balls hang inside.

Step 5.

We glue the flower and ribbon bows to the threaded parts of the necks. Make a loop for hanging.

Friends, everything is ready! That's it from waste material, you can make such a beautiful craft for the New Year))).

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Plastic bottles can be classified as commonly available and simple materials, and their use in applied arts makes it possible to make many various designs and crafts. Bells are the most common and popular crafts made from plastic bottles, which fit very organically into the natural landscape.

The popularity and demand for bells made from polyurethane bottles is explained by their ease of execution. Such crafts can serve as an excellent decoration for your adjoining plot or garden.

Master class on creating bells from plastic bottles for the garden plot

We are offering to you detailed master class how to create a bell with your own hands from such unusual material like plastic bottles.

Take multi-colored plastic bottles for yogurt, kefir, milk, juices and the like. A composition made from bottles will look very interesting different sizes and unusual shape.

Cut the plastic container in half, the upper neck part will transform into a flower bell. Then cut out the plastic figuratively, and part of the “zigzags” should be bent outward, and the other part should be left as is. This little trick will allow you to achieve a three-dimensional effect in bell flowers. For the convenience of volumetric manipulations and the proper scope of the petals, you can heat the plastic over the flame gas stove, that is, entirely.

The most convenient way to attach ready-made bell flowers to the stem from a metal rod is through the lid. To do this, pierce it with the same rod and bend it with reverse side compositions.
The stem-rod itself will look alien if it retains the metal appearance. So you can either paint it in green color, or wrap it in green plastic cut into ribbons. The last step is more difficult, but the appearance will be more organic.

If desired, the bell-shaped design is complemented by leaves, various plexuses of stems, multi-level inflorescences, and so on. Just do not forget that the frame must have a margin of safety, otherwise your bells will fall like flowers in the wind - and without any wind, but due to gravity.

Start painting your plastic composition. Since natural bluebells are blue and white, the color source material should be chosen accordingly. If you want to make plastic flora with your own hands, but bottles don’t suit the color scheme, quick-drying spray paint will give you the desired shade almost instantly.

We make a plastic composition with our own hands: decorative bells

In order to make an unusual and interesting flower arrangement from plastic bells, it is enough to perform several simple sequential manipulations:

  1. Empty, clean, white and blue plastic bottles should be carefully cut in half. The basis of the flowers will be the cone-shaped narrow part of the bottles with lids.
  2. On the part used in the work, use a colored marker to mark the markings according to which you will cut out the petals. All petals must be bent outward using scissors, which will give the flowers a more natural and attractive appearance.
  3. For attachment to stems, a pair of holes are made in the cork for a wire connection.
  4. Using strong wire, all made plastic flowers must be secured to stems using metal rods.
  5. Cut out the petals and bend them using sharp scissors
  6. To imitate the core of your bell flower, you can use whatever you have on hand. simple materials, including sawed foam circles, which can then be painted with latex yellow paint.
  7. Metal stems should be wrapped in spiral tape, which must be cut from a green plastic bottle.
  8. On final stage cut out several leaves from green plastic that will alternate with a green spiral on the stems

Making elementary flower arrangements from plastic material Even children can be trusted, but the use of dangerous tools is possible only under the supervision and assistance of adults.

A selection of videos on the topic of the article

All the videos we have selected will help you learn how to make bells with your own hands. Watch the videos and learn even more new techniques and secrets, as well as ideas for creating extraordinary compositions.

Model S-1

Water slide: tempered glass, acrylic, ordinary silicate (triplex)

Frame: stainless steel or acrylic glass(lower tank), upper decorative cover as standard - composite material.

Backlight: LED or spot.

Pump: Standard Chinese JEBAO. (possible replacement with German HEISSNER, OASE)

from 1 sq.m.

from 30 000

up to 80,000


The glass waterfall model S-1 is simple and reliable to use. It is a structure with a closed water cycle.If the client wishes, it is possible additional installation automatic topping equipment.A feature of the C-1 model and the difference from the C-2 model is the water supply tubes to the overflow system. In S-1, the supply tubes are mounted into the wall or columns, depending on the installation location. In the version with a mirror or frosted glass, the water supply pipes are hidden behind the surface of the drain. Before building such a waterfall, you should carefully consider the entire design of the room and determine the exact installation location; relocation is extremely problematic and is only possible with replacement of the water supply pipes. The glass used is tempered or acrylic, depending on the size.There are two configurations with a German pump (MESSNER, OASE) or a Chinese one (JEBAO).The lower (main expansion tank) and upper (decorative) tanks are made of polished stainless steel.Waterfalls of this model are often used as interior partitions in studio apartments, restaurants. It is possible to apply patterns, photos, or frosting the glass to the surface of the waterfall. The design is equipped with lighting, spot or LED. Each waterfall is designed according to exact dimensions the customer and when purchasing a waterfall, it will fit exactly in size to your niche or designated area.



Model S-2




Price, rub)

Model S-2

Water slide : tempered glass, acrylic, ordinary silicate (triplex)

Frame : stainless steel or acrylic glass (lower tank), upper decorative cover as standard - composite material.

Backlight : LED or spot.

Pump : Standard Chinese JEBAO. (possible replacement with German HEISSNER, OASE)

from 2 sq.m.

from 40 000

up to 90,000


Waterfall on glass model S-2 is similar to model S-1. With the exception of the location of the water supply pipes, in this model they are hidden in vertical profiles. The body is made of polished of stainless steel, you can choose decorative stainless steel (colored, textured). The waterfall is also equipped with spot or LED lighting. LED strip Can be placed in vertical profiles and in the top, decorative tank. Only the upper tank is equipped with spot lighting. The lower tank is equipped with trays for pebbles; it can be replaced with deeper trays for planting living plants. The pumps used are German (5 years manufacturer's warranty) and Chinese (1 year manufacturer's warranty). All pumps are designed for trouble-free operation.



Model S-3




Price, rub)

Model S-3

Water slide: acrylic glass

Frame: acrylic glass, DIBOND composite material.

Backlight: LED.

Pump: Standard Chinese JEBAO.

from 2 sq.m.

from 40 000

up to 50,000


Decorative waterfall on acrylic glass. Manufactured from acrylic glass and DIBOND composite material. By introducing these materials into the waterfall package, we were able to reduce the cost. The additional advantage of using composite materials for finishing the structure is great. color choice, which allows you to install a waterfall in almost any interior. It is also possible to apply acrylic to the surface of the water slide. Previously, this technology was used by our specialists only in the production of bubble panels. It is possible to apply logos, simple drawings, and inscriptions. Through multi-layering and directional RGB lighting, it is possible to make a multi-colored design that lights up in different modes.

Factors influencing pricing :

1. Choice of glass. It is possible to use 3 types of glass in the waterfall design: triplex, tempered or acrylic. The cheapest option is to use acrylic glass, according to your technical properties It is not inferior in transparency to silicate glass, but this glass is much easier to work with and transport. A more expensive option is a water slide from silicate glass. Several combinations are possible. (it is worth remembering silicate glass is quite dangerous when destroyed and is not recommended by our organization as a water slide)

a) Triplex made of ordinary silicate glass. Consists of 2 glass “glued” together in 2 ways. The film technology method has greater transparency, and the poured glass production method has greater strength. When destroyed, it falls out in large or medium and small pieces glued together with a middle layer. Quite heavy 1000/1000mm. with a thickness of 1 glass 1mm. weighs 2.5kg. It is also quite labor-intensive when choosing such glass as a water slide, including transportation and installation work.

b) Tempered glass can be used as a water slide, either in 1 layer or glued using the Triplex method. Very strong glass with high tension over the entire area. 6-10 times stronger than regular silicate, scratch resistant and has the best transparency. When destroyed, it falls out in small fragments from 1 to 15 mm. During the installation process or during other actions with glass, you need to beware of hitting the end, this is the only thing that can easily lead to destruction.

It is possible to apply a pattern, logo, etc. to the surface of tempered glass. sandblasting machine. Depending on the complexity of the pattern, in some cases, drawing and application costs more than the glass itself (tempered). It is also possible to apply acrylight to acrylic glass with directional illumination of the drawn element; options are possible with additional gluing of the elements with colored film.

2. Equipment. When applying an image to any glass, it is possible to install additional, directional RGB lighting. As standard, the waterfalls are equipped with Chinese JEBAO pumps; replacement with German companies HEISSNER or OASE is possible. It is worth noting that we purchase Chinese pumps from the manufacturer, which ensures high quality, essentially in no way inferior to German pumps. Both have a 1 year warranty. It is possible to replace the lower tray with pebbles with a deeper one, designed for planting living plants. As standard, the body finish is white or black plastic; finishing options from mirror stainless steel to gluing with any materials are possible ( flexible stone, a natural stone, mirror panels based on plexiglass or materials specified in terms of reference customer). It is possible to install a fogger.

3. Model selection. In technical terms, any of the selected models is a closed water cycle; the main difference is the method of supplying water to the pouring watering can. In model S-1, water supply is from the lower expansion tank passes through the wall along polypropylene water pipes. It is worth thinking carefully about the location; if the water supply tube is moved, new ones will be needed. Model C-2 is a little more expensive due to the vertical profiles on the sides of the waterfall. The profile hides the water supply pipes and electrical wires; moving this model is not difficult, you just need to drain the water from the expansion tank and unscrew the mounting bolts. Model S-3 is completely mobile and only requires power supply. Of the listed models, this is the most expensive; in production, a rigid frame is added that is fixed in the lower tank.