Pasting meter-long wallpaper with your own hands. How to glue meter-long non-woven wallpaper. We prepare the walls and make markings

IN modern world There are many types of wallpaper that differ from each other in pattern, color scheme, width, quality, material used. Not so long ago, wallpaper appeared on the world market meter width foreign origin. Meter-long canvases are available on non-woven, paper, bamboo, and fabric bases. They have some advantages over classic ones - fewer joints, creating a “seamless” effect, reducing effort, time and costs.

Rolls of meter-long wallpaper are being distributed on the shelves in ever larger quantities; they are more relevant and convenient than wallpaper standard width. Their only drawback compared to the classic ones is that it is more difficult to adjust the number of sheets. The problem is that people are used to gluing wallpaper that is 53 centimeters wide, and using wider ones is extremely unusual. With the help of this article, you will understand how to properly glue meter-wide wallpaper, and whether it can be done alone.

I suggest you familiarize yourself with the tips, following which you can avoid mistakes during the work process and make repairs correctly:

The process of wallpapering can be divided into stages: preparation necessary materials and accessories, preparing walls for gluing, preparing glue, marking, cutting meter-long wallpaper, as well as the gluing process itself.

Materials and tools

During the work you will need:

  • masking tape;
  • plumb line;
  • wide brush;
  • roller or spatula;
  • tape measure or centimeter;
  • clean rag or sponge;
  • pencil.

In addition to all of the above, you may need sandpaper, putty and primer if there are significant unevenness on the surfaces.

Preparing the walls

Remove covers from sockets and switches, seal the holes masking tape and remove nails, screws, screws, if any, from the walls. After this, you can begin to remove the old wallpaper and remove any unevenness.

Once the surface is clean, you can begin processing it. Clean them with sandpaper. If there are significant unevenness, use putty to eliminate them, and then apply one or two coats of primer.

Attention! You can start applying glue to the wall only after completely dry primers.

Be sure to watch the video on how to prepare walls for wallpapering:

Preparation of glue

The adhesive you choose should match the type of wallpaper you have. To prepare it correctly, pour water into a container and pour the dry mixture into it in a thin stream, remembering to stir in a circle. Let the mixture sit for a while. Usually this does not exceed twenty minutes.

Wall marking

Thanks to meter wallpaper They are glued end-to-end, you can start gluing them from any place. You can decide for yourself where it will be more convenient for you to glue and where you should start in order to spend less material. To glue the first strip evenly, mark a vertical line from which you will glue. To do this, use a plumb line and a pencil.

Cutting cloths

Experts advise leaving ten centimeters at the top and bottom of the sheet as a reserve. Once the glue has dried, they can be easily removed. Carry out cutting on a clean, dry surface. Roll out the roll of wallpaper face down, measure the required length, make a notch, bend the sheet and cut it along the fold line.

Pasting walls and corners

Mix the adhesive solution again and begin applying it with a wide brush to the area that will occupy the sheet. Apply the previously prepared strip to the area coated with glue, and then smooth it from top to bottom and from the center to the edges. Wipe up excess glue with a dry cloth. The second one should be glued butt to the previous one. If your meter-long wallpaper has a pattern, make sure it matches.

Important! When gluing, do not allow a draft to appear in the room.

I would like to draw your attention to pasting in hard to reach places, that is, behind the radiators, in the corners, doorways, in areas with sockets, switches, etc. To properly glue the surfaces behind the battery, cut the wallpaper into strips that will be convenient for you to use. When gluing the strip near an outlet or switch, apply the glue and then apply the wallpaper itself. Once dry, make a cut the right size, remove the excess and screw the protective boxes from sockets and switches into place. Do not glue from the corner if it is uneven. You will need to draw a reference line in advance. This will avoid distortion of the drawing.

There are two options for gluing in the corners. You can choose one of them:

Pasting one

If you don't have someone to help you during pasting, don't despair. You can handle gluing meter-long wallpaper yourself if you buy non-woven ones, because then the glue only needs to be applied to the wall. You can easily cope with joining seams, especially in corners, and aligning the strip. If you didn’t manage to stick the sheet correctly the first time, then one plus will help you out wide wallpaper. The sheet can be removed and reattached to the wall, and dense material wallpaper will allow you to do this without damaging their structure. If you choose meter-long wallpaper made from other materials, then it is best to glue them with an assistant.

Good luck with your renovation and creativity.

For some reason, many people believe that you can hang wallpaper yourself quickly and without special effort. To some extent they are right, but only partly. Because quite a large number of home craftsmen still live by old ideas about this procedure, when both the finishing material itself and the gluing technology were almost antediluvian.

What did it look like before? People bought cheap ones from the store paper wallpaper(others were simply not sold at that time, and were not produced), they quickly glued them on top of existing ones, without being particularly puzzled preliminary preparation, after which all that remained was to rejoice at the results of the “repair”. Today things are somewhat different. The market offers a huge number of all kinds of this finishing material, and the wallpapers offered are no longer paper, although there are some, but vinyl, fabric, non-woven backing, bamboo, etc. All of them are created from modern materials and based on innovative technologies, and therefore the pasting process requires a competent approach. Moreover, wallpaper today is available in various widths - from 53 cm to one meter six centimeters. And just like that, on a whim, without having at least minimal skills and sufficiently fundamental knowledge, you can’t pick them up.

No, of course, you can stick any trellises on the wall, but the result will not always please you. This is especially true for wide wallpapers, or, as they are also called, meter wallpapers. Not only are they quite difficult to work with due to large sizes, so they are also extremely capricious in terms of their demands on the surface to be pasted. And therefore, anyone who is thinking about how to glue meter-long wallpaper should, before proceeding directly to the process itself, carefully study all the available information about it. Which, in fact, we intend to present below. Let's start with the basics.

What is meter wallpaper

The most important thing that a novice master should know is that such wallpaper can only be of two types. Either vinyl on a non-woven basis, or purely non-woven. The latter, as a rule, go for painting.

Non-woven fabric is, in essence, non-woven material, created on the basis of cellulose fibers, which are held together with a special polymer. It is much thinner than traditional paper wallpaper, but at the same time much stronger. It is this feature that every craftsman who is looking for an answer to the question of whether (meter or standard width, because there are also such) should know - it doesn’t matter. Because, having a lot of advantages, this finishing material has one significant drawback - it is extremely demanding on the surface being finished. And even despite the fact that non-woven wallpaper is quite capable of hiding minor defects and unevenness, before the gluing process itself it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. And sometimes quite large-scale. More on this later.

On the need to prepare the base surface

In the question “How to properly glue meter-long non-woven wallpaper?” The key word is “non-woven”, not “meter-long”. Of course, it is quite difficult to glue such a voluminous and heavy piece of wallpaper, the area of ​​which is more than two and a half, beautifully and exactly without skill. square meters. However, this is not the main thing. If the finishing material is thin enough (and such wallpapers can be very thick and almost transparent to light) or have light shade, then, if there is a surface underneath that is not uniform in color, all this “geography” will be visible under the new coating. In other words: if the wall is dark, plus there are areas on it that are sealed with putty, then all this beauty will simply be visible under the non-woven material. Therefore, rule number one: you can only glue wallpaper on a surface of a uniform color. Preferably white.

Since the manufacturer suggests gluing meter-long wallpaper without spreading the finishing material (that is, only the wall is treated with glue), then base surface must be clean, dry and not absorbing glue at the speed of sound. This is the second rule.

And third. Since meter-long wallpaper must be glued strictly joint to joint (there can be no talk of any overlap), it is necessary that the base base be smooth. The presence of all kinds of pebbles and irregularities on it will not allow you to make a perfect seam.

It is with these rules in mind that preliminary work is required.

Preparing the wall

First of all, you need to completely remove the old wallpaper (whitewash, paint) from the wall. Then it is necessary to repair all cracks and other possible defects. Then there are, of course, several preparation options, but all of them, each in their own way, are not entirely suitable. Ideally, the wall should be puttied and primed. Even if not thoroughly, like for painting, since minor defects will be hidden under the wallpaper, but you still need to go over the wall with putty at least once. As a result, you will get a white, smooth surface that adheres well to the finishing material. That is, what non-woven wallpaper requires.

If for some reason this cannot be done, then it is advisable to carry out at least several types of work. First of all, you need to treat the walls with a primer deep penetration. After this, the walls will not “drink” the glue as much. And then, since it is strongly recommended to glue meter-long wallpaper only on a surface that is uniform in color, you need to treat the base with primer again. Only this time tinted. Thanks to it, the walls will turn white.

About the glue

Remember: no universal compounds should not be purchased. Buy glue designed specifically for non-woven fabrics. Since you need to glue meter-long vinyl wallpaper by coating only the walls, the composition for the work should be designed specifically for this type of work. That is, on the box with glue there should be an inscription: “For non-woven wallpaper.” As for the method of preparing the composition, the whole process is usually described in detail on the packaging.

Wall marking

After the surface is prepared, you need to start marking. By by and large, wide wallpapers are glued in exactly the same way as narrow ones. The only difference is that, if there is large quantity doors (for example, in the hallway), it may be difficult to trim. Still, the canvas is quite wide. And, of course, without skills it will be quite difficult to handle such a heavy and wide piece alone. Therefore, the work must be carried out together. So, draw out the walls correctly. That is, figure out which side is better to start from, so that in the end you don’t end up with an inserted piece of a few centimeters in a visible place. Sometimes it is advisable to start pasting from the door, and not from the window. Or even from the middle of the room. Once you have decided on the starting point, draw a vertical line on the wall using a plumb line or level.

Preparing wallpaper

Next, cut the wallpaper. It is not recommended to cut all the rolls at once if the wallpaper has a pattern. Do this gradually, as needed. If the finishing material does not have a pattern, then you can cut all the wallpaper, adding five to six centimeters for allowances along the length.


Since it is recommended to glue meter-long vinyl wallpaper on non-woven fabric only by applying glue to the wall, this is what you should do first. Carefully coat the area to be covered with a roller or brush. After this, standing on the table (a stepladder will not work in this case due to the width of the wallpaper), attach the first canvas to the wall, focusing on the outlined line. Leave a small margin at the top. Then, using a rubber roller, begin to smooth the canvas from top to bottom, while carefully ensuring that there are no bubbles. After this, remove any remaining glue with a rag and cut off the top and bottom. The next canvas is glued in exactly the same way, but strictly joint to joint. And so on until the corner.

How to glue meter-long wallpaper in corners

If you are sure that the corners in the room are 100% even, feel free to roll the wallpaper onto the next wall and continue gluing further. Just coat the corner itself with more glue. If there is no such confidence, the canvas will have to be cut. To do this, wrap it on the wall, carefully move the edge of the spatula along the corner, and then trim the wallpaper, stepping back half a centimeter from the intended line. Glue the cut piece overlapping into the corner, and then dance from its edge. If you start gluing from a corner, move the edge of the first canvas to the corner by a centimeter. Glue the second one onto it, too, overlapping under level control, so that all subsequent strips lie evenly.

How to glue meter-long wallpaper on the ceiling

This procedure has some of its own characteristics. As for preparation, there is only one option: the ceiling needs to be cleaned of whitewash, puttied and primed. It should be white, smooth and even. Then you need to attend to the preparation of the “scaffolding”. That is, arrange several tables so that you can move around them freely. Then we stir the glue, draw a straight line on the ceiling (we start marking from the window), measure the length of the first canvas (the distance from wall to wall with a margin of 10 centimeters). It is recommended to glue in length, not width. After this, we cut off the required piece of wallpaper and roll it up, but front side inside. We smear the ceiling with glue and begin gluing the wallpaper, gradually unwinding the roll and smoothing the surface of the finishing material with a roller. The procedure needs to be carried out only by two people (one glues and smoothes, the second unwinds and corrects). We cut off the excess, remove the remaining glue, glue the next strip in exactly the same way, joint to joint.


We tried to tell you in detail how to properly glue meter-long wallpaper. As you may have noticed, the procedure is not much different from that of working with conventional materials, except that only the wall needs to be coated. But to have such an opportunity and get in the end good result, this very wall needs to be properly prepared. Which is, perhaps, the most important nuance of this kind of finishing work.

How to hang meter-long wallpaper correctly? There are no fundamental differences from other widths. Only some positive points are added.

Advantages of meter wallpaper

  1. Save time. and non-woven wallpaper is much faster than narrow wallpaper.
  2. More holistic look. Since the wallpaper is quite wide, you will need much less wallpaper, therefore, there will be fewer seams.
  3. Budget savings. It is cheaper to buy one meter-long roll of wallpaper than two half-meter rolls.
  4. Ease of transportation. After all, it is more convenient to carry a couple of wide wallpapers than 5-6 50 centimeter ones.

Preparation for pasting meter-long wallpaper

  • prepare wallpaper and glue for the type you have chosen
  • prepare the surface: remove old wallpaper, take all recommended measures to avoid its further appearance. If the wall or ceiling is significantly uneven, you will have to resort to plastering. If the unevenness is small, you will not need such a drastic measure; you can limit yourself. By the way, meter-long vinyl and non-woven wallpaper can be thick (perhaps this is what you purchased), they perfectly mask minor wall defects.
  • the next step is to remove all sockets and switches and insulate the wires. Remove the ceiling and door frames.

Pay attention to the special symbols marked on the rolls. We are in one of the articles. Thanks to them, you will learn how to paste your wallpaper, especially if it is wallpaper with a pattern.

The process of gluing wide meter wallpaper

Now you can move on to preparing the canvases. To do this, measure the height from the ceiling to the floor and add 10 cm - this will be a margin for trimming. Don’t rush to cut the wallpaper over the entire area of ​​the room at once. There are times when, for some reason, you have to return a low-quality/defective product to its seller. So you will only lose on the cost of one opened roll.

Strictly according to the instructions, having previously purchased it specifically for the type of wallpaper that you have. We strongly do not recommend using all-purpose adhesives.

Or non-woven wallpaper, glue is applied only to the walls. Applying glue to the wallpaper will be unnecessary, but not critical. The same can be said about gluing vinyl wallpaper.

And here vinyl wallpapers on paper based First you need to moisten it with glue for a while. Then fold the strip into an “envelope”: wrap the two ends to the middle with the coated side and again wrap the ends of the double layer to the middle. Some people simply fold the sheet in half, with the coated side facing in. Then we apply glue to the wall and mount the canvases on the prepared surface area (wall, ceiling). Wallpaper needs to be glued end to end.

Make sure that the wallpaper adhesive does not stick out at the joints during smoothing (when you remove the remaining air between the canvas and the wall). This is fraught with damage to the outer decorative layer and rubbing.

Do not forget that during pasting and until the wallpaper is completely dry, you cannot create drafts or ventilation. The wallpaper should dry under natural conditions.

If you still find it difficult to paste wide wallpaper, don’t worry, you can always call and invite our craftsmen. We are waiting for your calls seven days a week, ready to start work on the day/next day after your request.

Today it is extremely popular among finishing materials use non-woven wallpaper. This is explained by the fact that they are reliable, comfortable, and have a variety of textures. There are 2 types of them: non-woven based and made from pure non-woven fabric. They also come with or without a pattern, intended for further painting.

Non-woven wallpaper is very easy to glue; it does not stretch, tear, or shrink.

The advantage of this wallpaper is that it is a fairly easy pasting process that does not require special skills; it does not stretch, tear or shrink.

They hide all the unevenness of the walls well and do not crack when cracks appear in them. All this is achieved thanks to the non-woven base; it glides easily over the surface, and all the work can be done even without assistants. An undoubted advantage is that wallpaper without a pattern can be painted quite often (up to 10 times), thereby updating the interior of the room.

Read also:


Manufacturing Features.

How to quickly and correctly assemble a bed - read.

How to glue non-woven wallpaper

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Preliminary stage - surface preparation

First, count the rolls of wallpaper. To determine their number, measure the width and height of each wall. When calculating, add a few centimeters to the length of the sheets as a reserve. You can draw a plan on a piece of paper.

Please note that you need to buy rolls with the same batch number on each package. If the wallpaper has a pattern, make sure it is identical everywhere.

Wallpaper is carefully glued only to smooth walls.

  • Be sure to level the walls. Wide wallpaper does not fit well on rough walls, this can affect the quality of the joints;
  • remove all sockets. Insulate the wires to prevent moisture from penetrating into the boxes. Treat the surface of the walls well with a primer and dry.

For gluing you will need the following set of devices:

  • roulette;
  • level;
  • roller with long pile;
  • containers for diluting glue and water;
  • a narrow metal spatula and a plastic spatula with a soft edge for rolling sheets;
  • brush for smoothing glued panels;
  • cutting knife;
  • special mesh for removing glue from the roller;
  • foam sponge;
  • pencil;
  • film.

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Gluing non-woven wallpaper

Before gluing meter-long non-woven wallpaper, make markings. This wallpaper has a good edge, so they are glued end to end. You need to mark the walls from the corner. In them, the sheets are glued overlapping. If the width of the wallpaper is 1.06 m, leave 1 m on both sides of the corner.

Draw a vertical line at your height level. Mark 1.06 m from the drawn line with a tape measure. All walls should be marked in this way.

Place the film on the floor and lay the roll face down on it. If the sheets have a pattern, take it into account when cutting.

If the sheets are without patterns, measure the height in the place where you will glue the sheet, adding 10 cm. Bend the roll onto the rolled out part so that the edges coincide, then the bend will be even. Run your hand along the bend, then cut. Prepare wallpaper for all walls in the same way.

Wrap the wallpaper loosely in rolls, with the front side on the inside. Following the instructions on the package, dilute in the right amount glue. You need to use glue intended for non-woven wallpaper. First, pour water into the container, and then add glue little by little, mix well so that lumps do not form, which will not work. Leave the glue to swell for a while. Use a special mesh to remove excess glue; it is inserted into the container.

Dip the roller, roll it over the mesh, and then apply it to the wall surface, designed for one panel. The peculiarity of non-woven wallpaper is that they are glued on top.

Take the wallpaper by the edge and apply it to the surface. Gradually lower the canvas down and smooth the wallpaper with a brush or roller, starting from the middle to the edges. If you use a plastic spatula, be very careful not to damage the canvas.

Make sure that the wallpaper is pressed well to the surface without forming bubbles or folds.

After gluing 2 or more sheets, roll each subsequent seam with a roller. Carefully cut off the part that remains below. It is advisable to do this when everything is dry. Please note that the baseboard will have to completely cover the wallpaper. You can install a border at the top to suit your taste.

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How to glue wide (meter-long) non-woven wallpaper

Meter wallpaper is very popular due to several of its features. Compared to regular wallpaper, the advantage of meter-long wallpaper is easy gluing, a small number of seams, and reduced costs when purchasing it. In terms of price, meter-long wallpaper is cheaper than 2 small ones.

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Pasting corners with non-woven wallpaper

First you need to prepare the corner. This is done during the putty process: the corners are equipped with plastic corners, they are attached to the walls with putty. When everything is dry, the surface of the walls will be ready for further gluing.
When gluing wallpaper to a corner of the wall and plastic corner coat well with glue.

It is better not to glue the whole canvas into a corner, because the wallpaper will overlap. Most often, the corners are not ideal, so the wallpaper wrinkles there. To avoid this, try to make a slight overlap on the nearest wall. Best of all - up to 2 cm. The next panel is glued on the adjacent wall, gluing it to the corner with an overlap. Then cut off this “tail” with a knife, focusing on the vertical angle.

That is, under this strip, up to 2 cm of strip will be glued with adjacent wall, and this sheet will rest against the edge of the corner.

IN Lately On the shelves of construction hypermarkets and in the virtual windows of specialized online stores, you can increasingly see wide meter-long wallpaper for sale. They are different from rolls standard sizes almost 2 times, having a width of 1 meter, or more precisely - 106 cm.

What are their main advantages when compared with their usual analogues and how to choose them correctly? And most importantly, how to properly glue wide wallpaper? After all, over the years, many of us have become accustomed to gluing standard rolls half a meter wide. So let's move on to look at these interesting questions.

Detailed instructions: how to glue meter-long non-woven wallpaper

The process of gluing meter-wide non-woven wallpaper includes several main stages. Let's look at each of them in more detail and find out how to glue meter-long wallpaper:

  • Preliminary preparation of the wall. We remove the old wallpaper and remove any remaining unevenness in the form of paper and other residues. The advantage is the fact that wallpaper with a non-woven base is not afraid minor irregularities surfaces, chips and scratches on the walls and partitions of the room. In addition, if the prepared working surface is slightly rough, this will be rather a plus before starting work.
  • Then you need to close all windows, vents and other sources of drafts. It is recommended to close even technical ventilation openings. Moreover, opening vents and windows is allowed only after the glue has completely dried, which can take from 24 to 72 hours. It is also recommended to turn off the power for a while, remove the sockets, remove them from the walls various elements fasteners: nails, screws, etc.
  • and wall surfaces. Be especially careful when purchasing adhesive as it must match the type of wallpaper. The process of preparing the solution itself is not complicated and even a non-professional can easily do it with their own hands. Pour water into a pre-prepared container and gradually add dry glue, while stirring with a small stick or other available means. Read the glue instructions: it says how long it will take for the solution to harden sufficiently and be ready to start work. As a rule, you will not have to wait more than 10-20 minutes. Once the glue is ready, you need to mark the wall. Considering that this is non-woven, and, moreover, meter-long wallpaper, it is necessary to take into account that they will need to be glued at the joint - this is exactly what will be correct. As reviews and expert advice say, it is better to start gluing from the window, moving deeper into the room. As for the first sheet, align it vertically with a plumb line, and draw a line with a regular pencil using a long meter ruler.
  • The next stage is cutting wallpaper for gluing. Leave 10 cm at the top and bottom as a margin. After completing the work and completely drying, you can remove excess (left in reserve) sections of wallpaper using a previously prepared sharp knife.
  • Let's start gluing. Having successfully completed all the previous instructions, you must proceed to next stage works - directly to gluing. Before applying the glue itself, you need to mix it again. After this, we proceed to applying the adhesive layer. This is done using a wide brush for wallpaper glue. As you know, non-woven wallpaper is not coated with a layer of glue. It is enough just to apply it to the surface of the wall. Applying a layer adhesive solution, gently smooth out the wallpaper. This stage must be performed efficiently and conscientiously, taking into account that you are gluing wide meter-long wallpaper. If necessary, straighten the wallpaper, level it and get rid of air bubbles using a special plastic spatula for leveling wallpaper. Smoothing can also be done using a plastic comb or roller, downwards and away from the middle of the wallpaper sheet. Remove excess glue with a small sponge or rag.
  • We continue gluing the remaining cut sheets. . If necessary, you need to accurately select the pattern so that it matches the adjacent sheet of wallpaper.

Advice from the experts! Since meter-long wallpaper is much wider than standard wallpaper, it is recommended that two people hang it together. Therefore, before starting work, find yourself an assistant - it will be much easier to work with him.

Pros and cons of gluing meter-wide wallpaper

Before gluing 1-meter wallpaper, it will be useful to learn about their advantages, as well as some disadvantages. The fact is that only after a detailed study of the pros and cons of gluing wide canvases, you will have a more or less accurate idea regarding the choice in favor of one or another option.


The advantages certainly include the following points:

  • After the repair, fewer joints remain on the wall.
  • and execution of work. After all, even despite the fact that meter-long wallpaper has O The thicker thickness compared to standard analogues is still easier to measure and glue 15 sheets than 30.
  • You can save additional money, since the price of one tube of wide meter-long wallpaper, although slightly, is still lower than that of two tubes of standard-width wallpaper.

Disadvantages of wide canvases

Of course, one cannot fail to mention some disadvantages:

  1. Difficulties in fitting wide non-woven wallpaper to the adjacent, already pasted canvas, in contrast to traditional analogues.
  2. Difficulties with gluing alone. Unlike rolls of regular 53 cm width, working with wide rolls requires an assistant.
  3. Necessity better preparation surfaces of the walls before gluing, in order to better fit one sheet to another.

We hope that now you have more clarity on how to properly glue meter wide wallpaper. This coating, as we have seen, has a number of significant advantages. We wish you a successful renovation!