The best honey plants for your bees. Main honey plants. Honey plants of meadows and inconvenient lands Herbs and flowers

And nectar. In this article we will provide a list of the best honey plants, supplementing it with photos with names.

Trees and shrubs

Trees and bushes that are high-quality honey plants include the following:

  • . This is a very popular honey plant, which is distributed everywhere. Its flowering period begins in July. quite large, can reach 1 ton from 1 hectare of plantings.
  • . The tree is classified as a garden tree. Excellent honey plant and pollen plant. Flowering usually occurs in May. It is characterized by relatively low productivity, within 10 kg per 1 hectare of pure plantings.
  • . It is considered one of the most common honey plants. The predominant number of species grow as shrubs (eared willow, ash willow, three-stamen), some grow as trees (brittle willow, white willow). loves damp areas and grows well near bodies of water. This plant is an early spring flowering plant. Productivity can vary between 10-150 kg/ha.
  • . This garden tree, which grows in almost every garden. Flowering begins in the first half of May. The productivity of honey collection can be about 30 kg per 1 ha.
  • . It grows as a small tree or as a shrub. The flowering period begins at the beginning of summer and lasts until its end. High-quality honey can be collected within 20 kg from 1 hectare.
  • . This wild plant. Usually grows as a bush, in rare cases - as small tree. It is very widespread because it has no special requirements for climate conditions. The first color can be seen in early June. The productivity of this honey plant is 20 kg/ha.
  • . It is a very valuable and medicinal honey plant. It grows wonderfully in forests, especially in log houses and clearings. Blooms in June. You can collect up to 100 kg of tasty food from 1 hectare.
  • . As the name suggests, this grows on personal plots. It has the appearance of a bush. The flowering period covers almost the entire June. It is a very good honey collector, since 200 kg of sweet product can be collected from 1 hectare.
  • . It is not easy to call it a honey plant, since this plant produces quite a bit of nectar. Begins to bloom in early spring when the snow has not yet completely melted. A wonderful pollen carrier. It is thanks to spring that they actively replenish their reserves.
  • . This low tree grows both in forests and parks. It often grows in garden plots. Blooms in late spring. You can collect up to 40 kg of sweet product per hectare.
  • This is a garden tree that can yield more than 40 kg per hectare. The productivity period begins in May and lasts about 10 days.
  • . This bush can be found on almost all summer cottages. It blooms for a short time, usually in May. Productivity – 50 kg per 1 ha.
  • . Small sized honey bush. Grows in mixed and. Begins to bloom at the end of May. If the plantings have high density, then from 1 hectare you can collect up to 80 kg of honey.
  • . This is a common garden honey tree. The productive period begins in May and lasts until the end of June. You can collect relatively little honey from 1 hectare of pure plantings - about 20 kg.
  • . This small shrub grows in poor and wild soils. Loves sunny and open areas. The flowering period occurs in the second half of summer. It can produce a lot of nectar. Bribes can reach 170-200 kg per hectare.
  • . Depending on the species, it can grow as either a small tree or a bush. At comfortable conditions The flowering period begins at the end of May. The plant produces a lot of nectar and pollen. Productivity is about 200 kg/ha.

Herbs and flowers

In addition to trees, there are also many herbs and flowers that are also excellent honey plants. The most common honey plants are:

  • . This plant grows everywhere. It is often confused with common dandelion. Blooms from July to early September. Productivity is usually within 80 kg/ha.
  • . This flower belongs to the early honey plants. Productivity is relatively low, usually within 30 kg/ha. However, the coltsfoot is very valuable because it has a number of medicinal properties, and also secretes pollen in addition to nectar.
  • . It can rightfully be considered one of the most widespread plants on the planet. It begins to bloom in early June. It is characterized by a small honey flow, but quite long. The average productivity is 50 kg per 1 ha.
  • . She loves moist soils. The flowering period is from June to September. Bribes can reach up to 120 kilograms per hectare.
  • . She loves to grow near ponds or in moist soils. Blooms actively from June to September. In the presence of favorable conditions bribes can be very large - up to 1.3 tons per hectare.
  • . Such honey plants grow very well in shaded areas and love moist soil. The process of active flowering falls in June-September. The harvest is as large as that - up to 1.3 t/ha.
  • . This is a field plant, perennial. The bribe is within the range of 110 kg per hectare. Cornflowers bloom from June to September.
  • This is a plant from the family. Loves moist soil. Blooms in May-June. Productivity can reach up to 100 kg per hectare.
  • . This plant is an early honey plant, as it blooms in April-May. They grow exclusively in deciduous and spruce forests. Productivity can vary between 30-80 kg per hectare.
  • This plant is very common in forests. Blooms in early spring. It produces little nectar, but can produce pollen abundantly.

Did you know? A sandwich with honey, consumed in the morning after the holiday, can help relieve discomfort due to a hangover, as it removes alcohol from the body.

Specially sown honey plants

Experienced beekeepers, in order to get a good harvest of a sweet product, practice sowing honey plants themselves. This way you can select those plants that will grow well in the selected area. And in this way you can significantly increase the amount of honey collected.

The best honey plants for bees and popular for self-cultivation such:

  • Yellow and white sweet clover. This plant blooms in May and continues to bloom until the end of summer. If we provide landings proper care, then the bush can grow up to 2 m in height. The color of the flowers depends directly on the type of plant. Sweet clover will suit almost any type. It tolerates heat calmly and grows well from seeds. Honey from this plant is considered the most valuable, so it is not for nothing that many beekeepers actively grow it.
    In order to grow yellow or white clover yourself, you should definitely seed it, this will help the sprouts grow faster. It is recommended to plant in early spring or before the onset. It is important to guess the time of sowing so that the sprouts have time to break through before the onset of cold weather. The productivity of a honey plant can reach 270 kg of honey per hectare.
  • . You can grow both pink and white clover for bees. Flowers may seem inconspicuous at first glance, but they are very loved. The plant grows wonderfully in an area where there is a lot of foot traffic. He is not afraid of either rain or changes in air temperature. The only thing that will be very harmful to clover is the shade. It is important to provide him with good access to sunlight. Clover honey has White color, strong aroma, and is also very rich in useful material. From one hectare of land sown with clover, you can collect up to 100 kg of honey. This plant should be sown in August. To grow pink clover per hundred square meters of land you will need 5 kg of seeds, for white clover - 3 kg of planting material. Seeds should not be planted deeper than 1 cm into the ground after planting and should be watered abundantly. The first shoots usually appear within just two weeks. The flowering period will take the entire summer, so growing clover is very profitable for the beekeeper.
  • . This plant is native to Asia. It begins to bloom in July and continues until the end of autumn. Flowers pink or lilac color. To grow it on your site, you can use seeds or simply divide the bush. Seeds should not be buried too deeply. maximum depth should be about 0.5 cm, otherwise they simply will not germinate. Landing should be carried out in an easy

By inconvenient lands (inconvenient lands) we mean the lands of ravines, steep slopes, riverside terraces, etc.

As a rule, honey plants on these lands do not produce high honey yields (like linden and acacia), but these not very productive honey plants have an undoubted advantage - they ensure the continuity of the honey production conveyor. Simply put, these honey plants give a small bribe, but over a long period of time. This happens because in the meadows some grasses fade, while others begin to bloom.

In mid latitudes highest value For beekeeping, the following honey plants of meadow herbs are available: sage, meadow cornflower, thistle (thistle), bruise.

- a malicious weed of cereal fields and vegetable gardens (Fig. 1). Often found in meadows. The roots penetrate to a depth of 5 m. The stem of the plant, 30-200 cm high, branches in the upper part. The flowers are pale lilac in color and produce seeds in the form of abundant fluff after flowering. Blooms in mid-summer for up to two weeks.

Rice. 1. Field thistle(Increase)

- perennial herbaceous plant(Fig. 2). The stem is up to 1.8 m high. The flowers are small, fragrant, white, pale purple or pink. It blooms from the 2nd year of life at the beginning of summer for 50-55 days. Honey productivity - 200-300 kg/ha.

Rice. 2. Valerian officinalis(Increase)

- a perennial herbaceous plant 30–90 cm high (Fig. 3). It blooms in the second half of summer for about a month. The flowers are lilac. It is well visited by bees, who collect nectar and pollen from it. Honey productivity in terms of continuous tracts is over 100 kg/ha.

The pollen is yellow.

In addition to meadow cornflower, there is also blue cornflower, which has blue-violet flowers. It blooms from summer to autumn. The color of the pollen is bright yellow.

Rice. 3. Cornflower(Increase)

Burdock (burdock). Biennial herbaceous plant with a branched stem 1-1.5 m high (Fig. 4). The flowers are small, purple-violet in color, collected in spherical inflorescences. It blooms in the second half of summer for up to 45-50 days.

Honey productivity - 100-125 kg/ha. It produces more nectar at a temperature of 25-30 °C. The pollen is white or light gray.

Rice. 4. Burdock (Burdock)(Increase)

- an annual herbaceous plant with spiny leaves (Fig. 5). The flowers are white, blue or blue, forming a dense spherical head. Stem height - 70-150 cm. Blooms in July-August for 30-35 days. Bees visit flowers very actively.

Honey productivity is 350-700 kg per 1 hectare of continuous thickets. During flowering, bees can produce up to 20 kg of honey per colony.

The pollen is greyish.

Rice. 5. Mordovnik (cool, golovaten)(Increase)

Perennial herbaceous plant. It is found as a weed in crops, but also grows in meadows (Fig. 6). The stem is 60-80 cm high. The yellow flowers are collected in baskets.

Blooms in summer for 12-15 days. Honey productivity is 60-120 kg per 1 hectare of continuous thickets. Bees collect nectar and pollen from it.

Some types of thistle are also called sow thistle.

The pollen is dark yellow.

Rice. 6 Field sow thistle(Increase)

- a perennial herbaceous plant 1-1.5 m high (Fig. 7). The flowers are medium-sized pink-violet, collected in false whorls, sitting in the axils of the upper leaves. It blooms in mid-summer for 40-50 days. Honey productivity - 100-300 kg/ha.

The pollen is dark yellow.

Rice. 7. Motherwort(Increase)

- “king” of herbaceous honey plants (Fig. 8). The founder of rational beekeeping, P. I. Prokopovich, valued the bruise very highly. Blueberry is a biennial plant with a rosette of 6-8 stems up to 90 cm high. The flowers in paniculate inflorescences are pink and bright blue.

Blooms in July, blooms for 40-45 days. Honey productivity - 250-400 kg/ha, in cultivation - up to 500-700 kg/ha. The plant is drought-resistant, the roots penetrate to a depth of 2-2.5 m.

The stalk is dark blue.

Rice. 8. Common bruise(Increase)

- biennial herbaceous plant (Fig. 9). The stem is 30–80 cm high, branching at the top.

The flowers are golden yellow, small, collected in inflorescences. Blooms in late spring - early summer for 30-40 days.

Honey productivity - 40-50 kg/ha.

The pollen is bright yellow.

Rice. 9. Common cress(Increase)

- herbaceous perennial (Fig. 10). The stem is 40-80 cm high. It blooms in early June and blooms for 30-40 days. The flowers secrete nectar abundantly and are well visited by bees, who, in addition to nectar, also collect pollen. Honey productivity - 100-250 kg/ha.

The pollen is yellow.

Increasingly, owners of suburban areas and dachas devote their free time breeding your own apiaries. The reason for the surge in the development of beekeeping is the wide range of valuable qualities of products produced by bees, as well as increased interest in the production of environmentally friendly honey.

Honey grasses are the main place for collecting nectar for bees. In the areas sown with them, insects harvest record harvests.

Has a very beneficial properties, and this applies not only to honey. The following are used to treat various diseases:

  • propolis;
  • wax;
  • royal jelly;
  • pollen and other bee products.

The name of honey is closely related to the plant on which industrious insects collect nectar (buckwheat, acacia, mint and others). If the bees collected it from several honey plants, the resulting product is called floral or mixed.

Arrangement of suburban areas: sowing flowering plants near apiaries, their characteristics

Some plant species are of particular interest to beekeepers. They are most productive at the moment of flowering, and the pollen is endowed with the most valuable properties, which affect the quality finished product. When choosing honey herbs for bees, you need to consider important factors:

  • flowering start time;
  • flowering period;
  • valuable qualities of the plant;
  • the amount of honey collected from one hectare of crops;
  • features of growing crops or not).

Plots of land near apiaries can be sown with honey-bearing crops, which at the time of flowering have the most valuable qualities. The list of the most popular herbs includes:

  • buckwheat;
  • yarrow;
  • peppermint;
  • oregano;
  • clover;
  • Melissa;
  • sunflower and many others.

Let's take a closer look at the features of some plant crops.


Buckwheat is included in the list of the most valuable ones that are used by beekeepers to collect the highest quality honey. Its flowering period begins a month after sowing. Its duration is 28-35 days. The culture has taken root in almost all regions of the country, including those located in cold climate zones. Buckwheat is the most valuable plant for beekeepers.

Honey-bearing herbs are especially attractive to bees because they have a powerful smell that spreads far beyond the crops, thereby serving as a kind of landmark. Depending on weather conditions, nectar collection may be disrupted. Under normal circumstances, yields range from 60 to 100 kg of premium honey per hectare.

The height of buckwheat ranges from 15 cm to half a meter (depending on the variety). The plant is not capricious to weather conditions, so it takes root well in various climatic zones. Buckwheat flowers have white-pink, medium-sized inflorescences that emit a pleasant smell. The aroma attracts bees, causing them to flock to these grain fields.

At the moment when flowering begins, many beekeepers prepare mobile apiaries for transporting hives to places where there are crops. After the bee houses are installed, it is necessary to observe the behavior of the insects. This will take several days. Despite the fact that buckwheat is an excellent honey plant, there are times when bees ignore it blooming crops, and this can be costly for beekeepers. In such situations, it is necessary to collect and transport the hives to other areas as quickly as possible.


The plant is a perennial herb and has several varieties: red, pink and white. All three species are considered first-class honey plants and are used as animal feed. Clover has complex inflorescences and attracts bees with its scent. The plant tolerates aridity and heat well. Under good weather conditions, the honey yield at the time of flowering is more than 100 kg per hectare.

(photo above) is more demanding on the soils and conditions in which it grows. He does not tolerate rainy weather well, high humidity and shaded areas. White is not so capricious; he feels normal in cold, frosty periods. Meadow adapts well to almost any soil, but does not like wet and shaded places. Like red clover, it is found growing wild throughout almost the entire country.

Clover, along with other grasses, is sown to increase the amount of honey during harvesting from plots, after which it is used as animal feed. The inflorescence has the shape of a head, which has from 30 to 100 flowers. The branching of the plant improves in the second year. At the moment of flowering, the head turns towards the ground. Clover, the photo of which is presented above, is one of the most used honey plants.


Belongs to perennial plants of the borage family. Lungwort is one of the herbs whose flowering period occurs in the first months of spring. This early honey plant grows in Eurasia and is found in Yakutia and Siberia.

When lungwort blooms, its corolla and petals first have a red tint, but eventually the inflorescence becomes blue. This honey plant is one of the first to be processed by bees after hibernation. The plant has great medicinal value. Honey obtained as a result of collecting nectar is extremely useful in its characteristics.

The plant has only 15 species, most of which grow in Europe. Due to its extremely attractive appearance and useful qualities, which lungwort has, it is happily sown in garden plots and flower beds. Regardless of the subspecies of the plant, the average honey yield is about 100 kg of product per hectare.

Fireweed angustifolia

The angustifolia fireweed plant is popularly known as fireweed. Very often it can be found in wastelands and forest burnt areas. This perennial fireweed family. The stem is abundantly covered with lanceolate leaves and ends in inflorescences of purple or purple tint. The beginning of flowering and honey collection occurs in mid-June and continues almost until the end of July. Ivan tea is considered extremely useful for human body, because it has healing properties. Honey collected from the flowers of fireweed is unusually fragrant and tasty, but its main advantage is still considered to be its medicinal properties.

The plant can be found almost throughout the country. Ivan tea is popular among the people and is used in folk medicine. Honey-bearing herbs such as fireweed for bees do not require special sowing. The plant has taken root well in all regions of the country, and can be found almost everywhere: it has chosen meadows, fields, forest edges, and roadside areas.


The period when common oregano blooms lasts from July to mid-September. The plant has a lot of other names: forest mint, mothermint, oregano, bone-breaking grass. It has an unsurpassed aroma and is an excellent honey plant. Oregano can be found throughout Russia, as well as in Crimea, Ukraine and Moldova. The plant loves a lot of light, so it is most often found in meadows, near forests and in large clearings. The inflorescences are located at the very top of the stem. The color, color and smell are reminiscent of another plant - thyme, with the only difference being that oregano is erect, it is easy to notice among other herbs.

Honey from this plant is added to tinctures, beer, kvass and other products, as this herb is extremely useful. The time of honey collection occurs in the first days of September, when the inflorescence gains strength. The plant is used for pharmaceutical purposes and in folk medicine.


Goldenrod grass is a representative of meadow honey plants, which belong to the perennial Compositae plants. The inflorescences are solitary, not branched, collected in basket panicles. Flower yellow tint, has a complex shape.

Goldenrod blooms almost all summer and even in mid-September, the grass is easily detected by its peculiar inflorescences. It is a good honey plant with a high percentage of sugar content, which is the main factor when harvesting. Goldenrod grows throughout the country, except for the regions bordering Central Asia. This representative of the Asteraceae tolerates hot weather well without stopping the flowering process.


Heather grass is a highly branched perennial plant that looks more like a shrub. The height of the stems is from 30 cm, but sometimes can reach a meter mark. The bush is densely covered with short, soft, wedge-shaped leaves. At the top of the heather there are bell-shaped inflorescences of both sexes. The flowering time of the honey plant covers most of the summer and early autumn. This factor allows you to control the time of honey collection using mobile apiaries.

Heather refers to medicinal herbs, has healing properties. This quality is taken into account when selling collected honey, increasing the price of the product. The nectar collection season begins in mid-June. The product differs in color and taste. Typically heather in color, with pleasant smell and a slightly tart and bitter taste. A feature of pumping is its strong viscosity, which complicates the distillation process. Heather honey does not crystallize well.

Yarrow - autumn honey grass

Yarrow belongs to the category of ordinary honey plants, which can be found almost everywhere: in the steppe, forest, meadows, near roads, landfills. The stem has a single erect structure ranging from 20 cm to a meter in height. The honey harvest begins in mid-summer and ends at the end of September. Having small, basket-shaped inflorescences, yarrow is especially well received by all breeds of bees. The special value of the honey plant is its late flowering. When the collection of nectar from other herbs ends, and the bees have less and less land, this plant blooms. Beekeepers classify yarrow as an autumn honey herb.


This variety of plant belongs to the late summer honey plants. Peppermint - perennial From its leaves you can get useful essential oils. The height of the plant can reach 90 cm. Mint has a purple color, which are collected in peculiar spikelets-clusters. The plant emits a pleasant smell that attracts bees. Flowering begins in July and can last until August. Peppermint produces a fragrant and very tasty amber-colored honey.

Sweet clover

The bush-like plant reaches one and a half meters in height. It is located in ravines, at the edges of roads, in meadows. Sweet clover thickets have a spicy, suffocating odor. The plant is included in the list of the most honey-bearing herbs with a high percentage of valuable product collection. Sweet clover has the ability to produce nectar in all weather conditions. The plant differs in color: the most common variety is the one with white inflorescences, but you can also find grass with yellow flowers.

Sweet clover honey is most often white in color. The aroma is vaguely reminiscent of vanilla. The collected products do not crystallize for a long time, retaining the smell of flowers.

There is no point in sowing free plots of land with sweet clover. This plant is considered one of the most sworn enemies of vegetable growers and gardeners, since, in fact, it is a weed. At the same time, sweet clover contains the most important microelements necessary for strengthening honeycombs and increasing the strength of the bee colony.


The amount of nectar during the flowering period of Echinops exceeds all the previously listed figures. From 1 hectare they harvest 1000 kg (sometimes this figure grows to one and a half tons) of a product of the most valuable quality. The plant is known by many names, but is most often called tartar or shootout.

It can be seen anywhere. Two-meter thickets with blue inflorescences grow in all sorts of places: wastelands, garbage dumps, slopes of ravines, edges of forest lands, steppes. A sugar concentration of more than 60% is the main factor that attracts insects. In an hour, one plant can “serve” up to 180 furry workers.

The globular mordovnik is the only representative of its species that has high performance. Before purchasing seeds, it is important not to confuse it with other species of the subgroup: Russian and tall Echinops.

Common bruise

Despite the modest appearance, the plant is among the ten strongest honey-bearing herbs. Like the linden tree, the bruise highlights during the flowering season a large number of nectar. High productivity during harvesting is a major factor. Many beekeepers sow land this plant, since the taste and characteristics of honey are excellent.

At the time of nectar collection, at least 800 kg of first-class products are collected from 1 hectare of crops. Since bruise is a perennial grass, it is beneficial for them to sow areas near suburban and dacha areas. Most often the plant is found in open areas. The extraordinary beauty of the carpets can only be compared with the blue of the sky.

The listed plants are only part of the list of honey plants, to which you can add a very large number of shrubs, trees and herbs. During the flowering period they are of interest to beekeepers. The list of trees can include acacia, linden, apple and other fruit trees. Shrubs can easily include hawthorn, elderberry, amorpha and wild rosemary.

Blueberry is a herb that can be recognized by its unusual umbrella-like flowers. And as a species, it belongs specifically to the Umbrella family. There is grass in Everyday life very often and is an excellent honey plant!

Honey productivity

Dryweed is a perennial plant. It is used not only as a honey plant, but also as medicine, food, and even added to salads. The grass grows horizontally, its stem is even, straight, and branches upward. At the top there is an inflorescence similar to an umbrella. The moth is very honey-producing. The honey produced from it is light, greenish, very tasty and of high quality.

The honey productivity of grass per hectare is 160 kg. For the Western regions of Siberia, this plant is especially important, because its abilities as a honey plant are very impressive. From 1 hectare of this grass you can get up to 200 kg of honey. In terms of characteristics, it is often put on par with Ivan tea. And if she grows in good conditions, then as a result brings a lot of pollen and sweet nectar.

Timing and duration of flowering

The entire tree is in bloom summer period, starting from June and until August. Bees visit grass especially well when the sun is already warming well, around 12 noon. But it can bloom only in bright areas, since in the shade the plant only grows thickly.


You can find grass in forests and fields. It can grow in bushes, as a weed around parks, gardens, and on roadsides. The grass has covered large areas. It is especially common in the Caucasus, Kazakhstan and Russia. You can also find it in all corners of Europe and northern Asia.

IN this group Honey-bearing plants in different places of growth include wild herbs, the honey-bearing purpose of which is not limited to certain areas.

These plants can be found on the slopes of mountains, hills, among shrub and forest vegetation, in dry steppes and semi-desert areas, in ravines, in damp meadows and arable lands in saline and floodplain areas. They also grow along fences and occupy wastelands and abandoned places. Moreover, many of them belong to dangerous weeds and, despite their high honey content, are subject to destruction in agricultural enterprises, private household plots and peasant farms during the cultivation of agricultural crops.

Weeds and other wild honey-bearing herbs have high honey productivity. For example, 1 hectare of Echinops produces up to 600 kg of honey, dead nettle - up to 500 kg, catnip - up to 400 kg, motherwort - up to 300 kg. Due to the different time of growth in field conditions, the flowering time of weeds often stretches for two or more months. This is also facilitated by the inherent duration of flowering of individual plants. Among the weed melliferous vegetation there are spring, summer and autumn melliferous plants; Weed honey plants are widespread in Russia; are very resistant to external conditions. All this gives beekeepers reason to consider weeds and other wild vegetation an important source of honey both for the development of bee colonies and for the production of marketable products. Beekeepers especially need to take this into account at the present time, when in agricultural enterprises, private household plots and peasant farms, the level of farming has been significantly reduced; due to the difficult economic situation, most former collective and state farms have abandoned their arable land and their hayfields, as a result of which agricultural land is overgrown with weeds and thistles.

Honey weeds

Plant name Honey products-
activity kg\ha
Time to bloom
flowering days
Mordovnik 600 July-September 20 Center and southern regions
Surepka 35-40 May-August 30 Everywhere
Tatarnik 100 July August 25 Middle lane
Common toadflax 200 July-September 25 Middle and southern zone, Siberia
Thistle 100 Same 30 Everywhere
Thistle 140 July August 30 Same
Sow thistle 100 July-September 30 Same
Burdock 100 Same 45 Same
dead nettle 500 Same 60 Same
Zhabrey 50 June-September 30 Same
Rarely wild 20-30 July August 20 Same
Cornflower 50-100 July-September 30 Same
Motherwort 300 Same 35 Same
Coltsfoot 30 June August 20 Same
Catnip 150-400 March, April 30 Central and southern regions
Cornflower prostrate 50-200 July 40 Southern regions
Aster 40-100 Same 30 Salt marsh and floodplain areas