Gas boiler with boiler. Choosing a floor-standing gas boiler with a boiler - heat accumulator

The hot water supply system in your home can be organized in different ways. Fortunately, manufacturers today offer various options. The easiest way is to install a hot water gas boiler, which will heat water in its tank to the required temperature. True, this is not the most economical option, so there are better ways. For example, you can install a gas boiler with a boiler. What is it and how does it all work?

The lineup

Let's start with the fact that there are two models that work using the same technology, but the boiler itself is located differently:

  • Models with a free-standing boiler.
  • With built-in reservoir.

First option

For this, a separate gas boiler and a separate boiler are purchased. Here it is very important to accurately correlate the boiler power with the volume of the container. It may turn out that productivity gas boiler it is not enough to heat the water inside the boiler to a certain temperature (often up to +60°C) in a short period of time. This means you won’t get either hot water or efficient water. heating system. Why?

It's all about the principle of operation of wall-mounted or floor-standing gas boilers with a boiler. It turns out that the coolant, heating up inside the boiler, is redistributed as needed. If the water temperature inside the boiler is economic needs corresponds to the programmed indicator, then the coolant works for the heating system. As soon as the temperature becomes lower, it is immediately redistributed to the DHW system. That is, the supply of coolant to the heating system is immediately turned off. This means the temperature in the house becomes lower.

Floor-standing with boiler

Attention! The larger the boiler volume you choose, the higher the likelihood that when the coolant is redistributed, the temperature in the house will always be lower than necessary. That is why we already said above that it is necessary to accurately correlate two indicators: power heating unit and boiler volume.

Currently, manufacturers offer two options for this type of boiler:

  1. Single-circuit with a separate hot water tank.
  2. Dual-circuit.

In the first case, these are floor gas boilers with great power. In the second, these are wall structures. And here the question arises, which one to choose? It all depends on how much area you have to heat. If this is an apartment or a small country house (dacha), then the second option. If it's big a private house, then only the first one. But keep in mind that each type has its own advantages and disadvantages.

With built-in boiler

For example, a double-circuit gas boiler with a boiler has a heat exchanger with a small cross-section, that is, with a small cross-section. This is a minus. In addition, salt and mud deposits quickly settle in them, which means they will have to be washed and purged more often. In addition, maintenance of a single-circuit boiler and the boiler itself is simpler; in fact, the consumer receives a kind of central network through which the coolant flows, used for both heating and domestic hot water.

Second option

Gas boilers with a built-in boiler are dual-circuit models wall-mounted, where part of the thermal energy is spent on heating water inside the tank, which is built into the body of the boiler itself. So to speak:

  • The built-in tank complicates and enlarges the design.
  • The tank volume is not very large. There is both a plus and a minus here. Plus - quick heating of a small amount of water located in the boiler, and, therefore, a reduction in heat costs. Minus - no a large number of hot water, which may last for a few minutes.
  • Typically, double-circuit wall-mounted units are equipped with complex system automation. There are pros and cons here too. Pros - boilers operate efficiently and economically. Cons: the automation itself is very capricious and often breaks down.

Boiler and boiler wiring diagram

On Russian market wall-mounted gas boilers with a built-in boiler are not very popular. Our compatriots are trying to purchase units that create the least problems with their operation. Complex setup temperature regime, all kinds of switching, monitoring pressure and temperature - all this annoys us. Therefore, Russians choose more simplified designs. And here a boiler (wall-mounted or floor-mounted) with a separate boiler is the optimal solution.

Other options

Above we talked about designs accumulative type. That is, the water in the tank has a certain volume, which heats up. But there are also flow-type models on the market. In them, water is heated to a certain temperature as it moves through a special heat exchanger.

Typically, the heat exchanger is made of a material with high thermal conductivity and good corrosion resistance. Therefore, this unit is most often made of copper, aluminum or of stainless steel. But their shape is coiled, because you have to install a heat exchanger of quite a long length in a small volume. And the longer it is, the more efficiently it heats the water. By the way, water heating gas boilers, which were already mentioned above, operate using this system.

Simple scheme connections

Advantages of single-circuit boilers with a boiler

So, we have established that single-circuit gas boilers with a separate boiler are considered the most popular today. Therefore, there is a need to outline all its advantages:

  • Large internal cross-section of the heat exchanger. This helps reduce scale formation. Unfortunately, the quality of water used in domestic water supply systems leaves much to be desired.
  • High reliability indicator, which is determined by the simplicity of the design of the device itself.
  • In this model, the consumption of thermal energy is more rational, and, therefore, this is the reason for the high efficiency and savings in fuel consumption.
  • The water inside the boiler almost always has a certain temperature. It is not affected by pressure surges inside the gas line or temperature surges inside the heating system of the house.
  • Ease of maintenance, where it is necessary to note a minimum of automation devices.
  • The entire set (gas boiler plus boiler) stably provides hot water your home, regardless of the time of day. In addition, the heating also works stably.
  • Simple built-in automation will help you set the necessary parameters for hot water in the DHW system and coolant in the heating system. She also controls these parameters.



So, let's summarize. Nowadays, it is not difficult to organize a hot water supply system in your home. The main thing is to choose the type and method of organization wisely. As you can see, there are several options. Which one is right for you is up to you to decide. Our task is to consider the options offered by the modern market and give recommendations regarding one or another method.

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Lack or strictly limited amount of hot water - one of the main problems of rest at the dacha or in a village house.

The solution could be a boiler indirect heating. It is not necessary to purchase immediately for this purpose. double-circuit unit. Quite you can get by with single-circuit, but purchase an indirect heating boiler for it.

The latter dispenses the collected hot water when the owner needs to wash dishes or take a bath. It would seem that the problem is solved, but there is another serious obstacle - limited space. In some cases, you need to allocate a special room for such a unit.

Types of gas boilers with indirect heating boiler

Gas devices with an indirect heating boiler may differ according to the type of placement and shape of the tank.

According to the principle of placement: wall and floor

Can be:

  • wall;
  • floor

Photo 1. Floor-standing gas boiler in a package, with an indirect heating boiler, installed in a special room.

They are installed using special brackets on a stable wall that can support the weight of the water tank without loss. It is clear that flimsy plasterboard partitions are not suitable for this purpose. Usually such devices are purchased one small family to your private home.

Second are capacious water heaters designed for a large number of people. Such devices will require the installation of a special boiler room.

They are usually purchased by enterprises and owners of large cottages and estates.

According to the shape of the tank

  • Horizontal: They are very bulky, but they do not require pumps; they themselves maintain the water in the required volume.
  • Vertical: have a small capacity.

When choosing, you should take into account the number of people in the family, as well as layout features and availability free space at the dacha or in the house.

Photo 2. Gas floor-standing boiler installed in the boiler room, and vertical expansion tank small size.

Double-circuit storage device for heating

Boiler - a tank for heating and storing water desired temperature, which will be issued as needed by the owner. The most simple model: equipped four holes a tank with reinforced and insulated walls, inside of which there is a coil.

The work is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Supplying hot water from the heating system to the coil.
  2. Return.
  3. Admission cold water directly into the tank.
  4. Discharge of heated liquid from the tank to the tap.

Additionally, the device includes:

Reference! Some models provide for the circulation of heated water from the boiler between the walls of the outer and internal tank. So, you have to wait much less for it to heat up, but also Such a device costs more.

The water heater is connected to the heating system directly at the boiler in parallel with the main wiring to the appliances. Its own circuit allows you to maintain heating priority in relation to the heating system. Reduces temperature variation on heating storage devices when the heater is turned on.

The temperature sensor detects a decrease in heat in the tank, followed by a command to the circulation pump in the circuit.

Water from the heating system is supplied to the coil, passes through it, giving part of the energy to the still cold water already in the tank.

Once it has heated to the desired level, automation turns off the pump. When the faucet tap is opened, the incoming cold water gradually displaces and dilutes the hot water. Then the cycle repeats.

The cold water inlet is equipped check valve, which prevents it from draining when the pump turns off. The pressure in the tank increases because the faucets are not used constantly, and the water cannot flow back out. Safety valve prevents the pressure from reaching a critical level, releasing a certain volume of liquid into the drain.

Important! The water heater is mounted on flat surface next to the boiler. For hanging models will do log or Brick wall at the same level as the boiler or slightly higher. Under the floor, they level part of the space on the floor or pre-lay it on it. special ramp, on which the boiler is installed.

Advantages and disadvantages

To the unconditional pros boilers with indirect heating heaters include saving on electricity.

No gas burner or power source is needed, as with direct heating devices. The heating system will do everything itself, which significantly reduces financial costs.

Other advantages:

  • Performance: tank, capacity one hundred liters, gives approximately 400 l hot water at one o'clock.
  • Almost instantaneous supply of hot water.
  • Possibility of using several energy sources, For example, geothermal system.
  • Reasonable price.
  • Simplicity in the device.

Attention! If the family is quite large, then one room will have to be given over to the boiler room, pushing yourself back. Small models will not solve the washing problem.

When choosing a model, you need to pay special attention to the following characteristics:

Features of operation

  • Pump filters need to be systematically checked and cleaned.
  • Any model requires the correct setting of the thermostat, otherwise the boiler may overheat.

In the housing market, private houses and apartments in multi-storey new buildings with autonomous systems heating and water heating for own needs (DHW). For autonomous heating houses use various water heating equipment, but the single-circuit gas boiler is especially popular. And this is thanks to its simplicity and safety.


Modern models gas boilers with one heating circuit for heating the heating system could be called primitive water heating devices if they were not equipped with high-precision control and monitoring equipment to ensure the reliability and safety of all operating cycles. To solve the problems of regulation and safety of boilers, it is aimed automatic system boiler protection with gas flow and pressure regulators, fittings that regulate the flow, temperature and pressure of heated water, all kinds of sensors, instruments and safety devices. This is the main advantage of gas boilers.

Other important benefits:

  • simplicity of design and installation of the boiler, which includes a combustion chamber with gas burner, loop heat exchanger in the furnace, manifold and pipeline system, pumping equipment;
  • cost-effectiveness achieved by automation and commissioning work on optimal and efficient combustion of fuel, mixing processes and regulation of coolant parameters in accordance with standards;
  • the ability to connect boilers to cascade heating systems within cities and large towns, which allows not only to centrally control the system, but also to ensure reliable and high-quality heat supply to consumers in residential areas, neighborhoods, microdistricts, as well as enterprises whose boiler houses are included in the cascade;
  • more environmentally friendly emissions of gas combustion products into the atmosphere compared to similar boiler houses using liquid and solid fuels.

Operating principle

The working circuit of the heating boiler is formed by the following elements:

  • its own water heater (heat exchanger), located in the combustion chamber and heated by hot gas combustion products, which enters the furnace through the burner;
  • supply to the boiler heat exchanger return pipeline with cooled coolant (water) from the heating network;
  • a direct pipeline of heated water leading from the heat exchanger to the heating system;
  • a circulation pump that drives the coolant in a circle.

That's all circuit diagram working cycle of a single-circuit boiler. Make-up (compensation for inevitable water losses) of the heating system of small boiler houses is usually carried out from the city water supply, which has a pressure in its pipelines higher than the pressure in the heating system.

The functional limitations of a single-circuit boiler, expressed in its use only for heating, is a significant disadvantage compared to its double-circuit “brother”.

But if the boiler is combined with an indirect heating boiler and thereby provides the consumer with hot water for domestic needs, then the capabilities of the boilers are equalized.

Subtleties of work

If, when searching for heating equipment for own home or apartment, the choice is made on a single-circuit boiler and it is planned to connect a boiler to it, then need to be taken into account following features operation of the boiler in tandem with this heat exchanger.

  1. From the moment the boiler is turned on until the water in it is completely heated, the heating system will not work. Based on this problem, it is necessary to choose a hot water supply heat exchanger according to the maximum water heating time, which would be enough to prevent freezing of heating pipes in the extreme frost of the region where you live.
  2. Choose a boiler based on power, connecting it with the heated area of ​​​​the premises, not forgetting climatic zone residence, what the house is built from and whether its walls have thermal insulation - all this is important when choosing the power of the heating unit.
  3. Having decided on the power, you can say with accuracy whether such a boiler will handle a boiler water heating system or not.

Heating specialists believe that a boiler installation can only function normally with a boiler with a power of at least 24 kW. Another expert figure is that the boiler takes up to 50% of the power from the boiler. These are the numbers you need to focus on when choosing a gas boiler model for your home. And avoid a situation where a 35 kW boiler is installed with an estimated heating power consumption of 25 kW, and the boiler takes 17 kW. As a result, a boiler power deficit of 7 kW is formed.

It is also worth noting the fact that in some cases a boiler with high performance is required, with a capacity of 200 or even 500 liters.

Such boilers are available with built-in circulation pumps for DHW.


Manufacturers of water heating devices do not skimp on developing cutting-edge models, having correctly taken into account the public interest in autonomous heating and hot water supply devices for private homes that emerged several years ago.

Currently, there are two types of single-circuit heating devices:

  • floor;
  • wall-mounted

Floor-standing options are more powerful, but their placement requires separate rooms in the form of an extension. Wall-mounted water heater – compact, small-sized, installed on the wall. That is why the first of these models became widespread among owners of country and city private houses, dachas and cottages, and wall-mounted boilers found their admirers in urban areas.

Both boilers have a simple and understandable design, attractive appearance, high degree of security. You only need to form your own opinion about which ones are better depending on the tasks they face. Sometimes it is more profitable to purchase a single-circuit wall mounted unit with less power, but which is enough for a full-fledged heating system at home, and make a simple connection for connection wall structure to a water heater used to heat cold water for your own needs (the water heater can be electric or gas). The hose tying kit can be purchased separately.

Comfortable life in own home impossible without a hot water supply system. And if city residents have long ago acquired electric water heaters, then for cottage owners this method is unproductive and quite expensive, because heating water in a private house is required not for 2-3 summer weeks, but throughout the year. The optimal solution for this is the installation of gas boilers.

The main advantages of a gas hot water system

Gas boilers in country houses have been used for a very long time and have known benefits.

First of all, we're talking about about the availability of blue fuel, its low cost and the relatively low cost of the equipment itself. The second important advantage is the ease of use of heating devices and their maintenance.

On to the cons gas system hot water supply can be attributed complex circuit installation of equipment and a difficult procedure for obtaining permission to commission from supervisory authorities.

May have the following differences in their functional features, installation methods and your bandwidth:

  • wall-mounted or floor-mounted;
  • single-circuit or double-circuit;
  • with or without boiler.

Accordingly, a wall-mounted boiler with a boiler can be single-circuit or double-circuit, and a floor-standing boiler can be with or without a boiler.

The combination of options depends on the specific requirements for the DHW system.

How to choose the right boiler

  1. The first thing that needs to be determined when choosing a boiler is the number of circuits.
  • Single-circuit boiler

A single-circuit boiler, regardless of whether it is floor-standing or wall-mounted, assumes that water will be supplied through only one circuit. Simply put, the boiler will only work on e or only supply hot water.

If hot water supply is required for a house that already has a single-circuit boiler, then in this case it will be necessary to expand the capabilities of the single-circuit boiler by installing an additional boiler with an outgoing second circuit for DHW.

  • Double-circuit boiler

A double-circuit boiler is a heating device consisting of two heat exchange units. One unit heats water for heating, and the second prepares hot water for domestic needs.

A double-circuit boiler can be instantaneous or storage (with a built-in boiler). A flow-through boiler heats water as it passes through a heat exchanger, and a wall-mounted boiler with a built-in boiler heats it in a special container that accumulates water and maintains its temperature.

The heating capacity of a flow-through boiler is 15 liters per minute up to a temperature of +30C. Typically, preference is given to wall-mounted gas boilers with a built-in boiler.

2. Second important aspect when choosing a boiler - the type of installation. Depending on the type of installation, the boiler can be wall-mounted or floor-mounted.

  • Wall boiler

In Russian homes, a boiler room with a wall-mounted boiler is very popular. Popularity wall-mounted boiler This is explained, first of all, by its compact size: it is not necessary to have a special room for its installation, so such a boiler is placed in the hallway, in the bathroom and in the kitchen. This is possible, among other things, due to the fact that wall-mounted boilers look very aesthetically pleasing. In addition, such boilers are silent, have no heavy weight and low cost.

Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the increased demands on water quality; even the most powerful wall-mounted boilers have limited power, so their use is possible in houses with an area of ​​up to 400 m2.

In addition, if you look at the diagram of a wall-mounted boiler, it becomes clear that its steel heat exchanger is heated by a special burner to ultra-high temperatures during operation. Because of this, the service life of a steel heat exchanger is significantly inferior to cast iron heat exchangers for floor-standing boilers: 15 years of operation for wall-mounted boilers versus 25 years for floor-standing boilers.

  • Floor standing boiler

A floor-standing boiler, as its name suggests, is installed on the floor. It has a large weight and dimensions, so it requires a special boiler room. Among the advantages: long term service (25 years), indifference to water quality, large power range, cast iron heat exchanger. Combines the qualities of a flow-through and storage boiler. Among the disadvantages are the impressive cost, noise and large size.

3. When choosing a boiler, you will also have to decide on the need to use an additional boiler.

Why do you need another boiler?

The design of a gas wall-mounted boiler often assumes the presence of a built-in storage tank, but its volume is not always enough for a family, because a 35 kW gas boiler can provide hot water to a family of only 2-3 people living in a house with an area of ​​up to 250 m2.

If the house has water heated floors, and also if hot water used for watering winter garden, garden plants or to fill the pool, then the built-in boiler is not able to cover such costs. That is why gas boilers with a boiler - wall-mounted or floor-mounted residential buildings with an area of ​​over 250 m2 they are almost always equipped with another boiler.

The volume of built-in storage tanks in gas boilers is usually no higher than 60-80 liters, and the volume of an indirectly heated wall-mounted boiler varies from 150 to 500 liters. As you can see, the increase is more than significant.

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