Collaborative work style. Personnel management styles - their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Corporate management style

Photo by Vasily Smirny, Kublog

Management style is the way a manager manages employees subordinate to him, and is also independent of specific situation management example of leader behavior. With the help of an established management style, job satisfaction can be achieved and employee productivity can be encouraged. At the same time optimal style management does not exist and it is possible to talk about the advantage of one or another management style only for a certain management situation.

Distinguish following styles management.

Task-oriented management style

The leader's efforts are concentrated on the task that needs to be accomplished, and, as Bizani states, the leader:

    decries insufficient work;

    encourages slow-performing employees to put in more effort;

attaches particular importance to the volume of work;

rules with an iron fist;

draws attention to the fact that its employees work with full dedication;

encourages employees through pressure and manipulation to make even greater efforts;

demands greater productivity from underperforming employees.

Research by Halpin-Wiener and Peltz shows that such leaders:

    are often characterized more positively by their bosses than person-oriented managers;

    are positively evaluated by their employees if managers have influence “at the top.”

Personality-oriented management style

With this management style, the focus is on employees and their needs and expectations. According to Bizani, head:

    pays attention to the health of employees; cares about good relations with his subordinates; treats his subordinates as equals;

    supports its employees in what they do or need to do;

    stands up for his employees.

A manager who manages based on the individual cannot, however, immediately count on the complete satisfaction of his employees. For this, the influence and respect of the manager “at the top” is important, on the basis of which he is able to protect the interests of employees.

There are three problems with management style:

  1. The results to be achieved by a management style contain several components that cannot be put together.
  2. Absolutization of management style is considered as a way to increase labor productivity.
  3. The management situation is seen as unchanging, while over time it can change and the manager must change his attitude towards individual employees accordingly.
Management styles can be one- or multi-dimensional. Management style is one-dimensional if one evaluation criterion is considered. Authoritarian, corporate and other management styles are one-dimensional, with the first and second styles being polarly different from each other.

Authoritarian management style

With this management style, all production activities are organized by the manager without the participation of subordinates. This management style can be used when solving current problems and assumes a greater distance in education between the manager and the subordinate, as well as material motivation of employees.

The leader, by virtue of his legitimate authority, controls his subordinates and expects obedience from them. He makes decisions without justifying them to his subordinates, while proceeding from the fact that, unlike his subordinates, he has greater understanding and knowledge of the matter, which, of course, should not be the case. The manager's decisions are in the nature of orders that must be unconditionally followed by subordinates, otherwise they can expect sanctions against themselves;

The manager maintains a distance in relations with subordinates, informs them about the facts that they must know in order to perform their tasks. He controls whether and to what extent his orders are followed. Signs that emphasize a person’s position in the eyes of the people around him (for example, a car) support the reputation of a leader with authority.

    high consciousness;

    high self-control;


    good decision-making ability;

    penetration ability.

Subordinates are the recipients of orders. According to the “x and xy theory”:

    the average person is lazy and avoids work as much as possible;

    employees are unambitious, afraid of responsibility and want to be led;

    pressure on subordinates and sanctions against them are necessary to achieve the goals of the enterprise;

    Strict management of subordinates and private control over them are inevitable.

In this style of management, the motivation of subordinates is often limited because the leader withdraws socially, delegates, as a rule, less interesting work to subordinates and maintains in them the fear of threatening sanctions. Subordinates become indifferent to the leader, as well as to the enterprise. They obtain information through unofficial means due to information barriers set by the manager.

    recognition of the leader by the sole authority;

    recognition and execution of orders from the manager;

    lack of desire to have the right to control.

The advantages of an authoritarian management style are the possible greater speed of decision-making and success in everyday, ordinary work.

The disadvantages of the authoritarian style lie in the weak motivation for independence and development of subordinates, as well as in the danger of erroneous decisions through excessive demands from managers regarding the quantity and (or) quality of work.

Corporate management style

With a corporate management style, production activities are organized in the interaction of a manager and a subordinate. This management style can be used when prevailing creative content work and assumes approximately equal levels of education for the manager and subordinates, as well as non-material incentives for the employee.

Typical features of a corporate management style:

The manager manages his subordinates by including them in the decision-making process for which he is responsible. He expects specific help from his subordinates and makes decisions taking into account their suggestions and objections. He delegates his authority as much as possible and gives orders only when necessary. At the same time, he recognizes the abilities of his subordinates and is aware that he cannot know everything and foresee everything. Only the result of the work is controlled; self-control is allowed.

The manager not only informs in detail about the actual state of affairs, which must be known in order to complete tasks, but also reports other information about the enterprise. Information serves as a means of control. A leader does not need signs that emphasize his position in the eyes of the people around him.

Requirements for a corporate managing director, according to Shtopp:


    trust in employees;

    waiver of individual privileges;

    ability and desire to delegate authority;

    service supervision;

    control of results.

Subordinates are seen as partners who can carry out the “daily work” relatively independently. When assessing subordinates in this style of leadership, they most often proceed from the “y theory of xy theory,” according to which:

    reluctance to work is not innate by nature, but a consequence of poor working conditions, which reduce the natural desire to work;

    employees take into account goals, have self-discipline and self-control;

    the goals of the enterprise are achieved in the shortest possible way through monetary incentives and providing opportunities for individual development;

    With favorable experience, employees are not afraid of responsibility.

The active position of subordinates increases their motivation, which leads to improved work results.

Requirements for corporately managed subordinates, according to Stopp:

    the desire and ability to take personal responsibility;


    use of control rights.

The advantage of corporate style is making expedient decisions, highly motivating employees and relieving the manager’s workload. In addition, employee development is supported. Disadvantage: Corporate management style can slow down decision making.

Management by delegation of authority

Such management is a technique in which competencies and responsibility for actions are transferred, as far as possible, to employees who make and implement decisions. Delegation can be directed to any field of activity of the enterprise. However, one should refrain from delegating typically management functions guidelines, as well as tasks with far-reaching consequences. When delegating authority, the burden is removed from the manager, the employees’ own initiative is supported, and their work motivation and willingness to bear responsibility are enhanced. In addition, employees must be trusted to make decisions on their own responsibility.

To successfully use delegation management, you need:

    delegation of tasks to employees;

    delegation of competencies to employees;

    delegating responsibility for actions to employees;

    eliminating the possibility of revoking delegated powers or transferring them from one employee to another;

    establishing a procedure for regulating exceptional cases;

    eliminating the possibility of manager intervention when correct actions employee;

    mandatory intervention of the manager in case of an error and obtaining results settled in a special manner;

    the manager's acceptance of leadership responsibilities;

    creation of an appropriate information system.

The transferred tasks must correspond to the abilities of the employees, be predominantly homogeneous, and complete in form. Delegated competencies and responsibility for actions must be consistent in scope.

Advantages of management by delegation method:

    unloading of the manager;

    the ability to quickly make smart decisions; employees are transferred competencies and responsibility for engagement;

    promoting the development of employees’ own initiative and work motivation.

Disadvantages of delegation management:

    the manager delegates as few interesting tasks as possible;

    hierarchical relationships can be established;

    strong orientation towards tasks rather than towards employees;

    establishment of hierarchical relationships “horizontally”.

Why don't managers delegate enough?

1. Fear that subordinates do not carry out assignments competently enough (make mistakes).
2. Distrust in the competence of subordinates.
3. Fear that subordinates acquire high competence too quickly.
4. Fear of losing one’s meaning and its attendant benefits.
5. Fear of losing one's own authority or status.
6. Fear that the manager himself will lose control over this issue.
7. Fear of risk.
8. Reluctance to give away work that the manager himself is good at.
9. Inability to advise and manage subordinates.
10. Lack of time to advise and manage subordinates.

Why are subordinates not ready to bear responsibility?

1. Lack of self-confidence.
2. Lack of information.
3. Fear of possible criticism.
4. Insufficient positive response to successfully completed assignments.
5. Insufficient employee motivation.
6. Negative workplace atmosphere.

How to delegate?

1. Carefully select the tasks to be delegated.
2. Carefully choose the person to delegate to.
3. Delegate predominantly “final results” instead of precise methods for completing a task.
4. Be prepared for the fact that mistakes will be made and that they need to be forgiven.
5. Give enough authority to complete the task to completion.
6. Inform others what is delegated and to whom.
7. Delegate gradually and make delegated tasks more complex.

The use of a particular style, as well as its results, depend on many factors. This is, first of all, complete mastery of one of the leadership styles, the predisposition of the team to perceive the management and leadership style that is sometimes imposed on it from above. When mastering the science of management, it is very important to avoid mistakes. Analysis of the activities of managers at different levels and various enterprises allowed specialists to identify the most common mistakes made by managers. The ten main mistakes in personnel management at an enterprise can be formulated as follows;

1. The desire to do everything yourself.
2. The tendency to let things take their course.
3. Bias against certain employees.
4. Fixed, schematic or doctrinaire attitudes.
5. Excessive sensitivity to other, including critical, opinions.
6. Self-satisfaction or arrogance.
7. Unresponsive to employee suggestions.
8. Obvious lack of respect for the employee’s personality, such as allowing criticism in front of others.
9. Clear distrust of employees.
10. Lack of consistency in actions.

Conversely, the experience of successful enterprises has shown that the managers of these enterprises to a much greater extent:

1. value knowledge of the matter;
2. treat people as equals;
3. reward fairly;
4. detect errors objectively;
5. reliable and loyal;
6. listen to opinions that differ from their own;
7. value progress;
8. have the authority of experts in the matter;
9. free from bias;
10. tolerate criticism;
11. capable of change than the heads of unsuccessful enterprises.

Management or leadership style is the most important factor in enterprise management. A correctly defined and successfully applied style allows you to most successfully use the potential of all employees of the enterprise. That is why in recent years many companies have paid such significant attention to this issue.

You will learn:

  • How are director's leadership styles classified?
  • As an American psychologist, Likert examines leadership styles.
  • What team management styles exist depending on the psychotype.

The organization of the functioning of the administrative apparatus plays the most important role significant role in various fields of activity in countries with market economies. To competently manage people at enterprises, the director must determine what type of behavior in relations with subordinates he will adhere to during the work process, that is, he needs to know leadership styles and determine his own.

Basic classification of leadership styles

The type of management is a manner of working, collaborating, as well as a set of ways the director (or group of managers) influences the staff. Leadership styles and methods mainly depend on the nature and specifics of the activities carried out by administrative bodies or officials.

The choice of leadership style is largely determined personal characteristics, psychological attitudes, level of training of employees and their availability of relevant skills and work experience.

Exist three leading leadership styles:

  • authoritarian;
  • democratic;
  • liberal (neutral).

Features of leadership styles are as follows: in the method of decision-making, in the level of delegation of authority, the degree of control, and the sanctions applied.

Authoritarian leadership style(or directive) is characterized by the predominance of command management methods, focus on a specific goal, concentration of powers, independence of decision-making, suppression of proactive actions, strict regulations and excessive control. This management style of leadership is characterized by confidentiality of information, punishments and sanctions, inadmissibility of critical comments, dismissal or demotion of dissatisfied people, and harshness in contacts with subordinates.

Democratic style manuals(or collegial) relies on socio-psychological and economic methods of management, distribution of responsibilities, joint decision-making, approval of proactive actions, limited control, accessibility and publicity of information, incentives, receptivity to critical comments, correctness and sensitivity in communication, development creativity.

You can see the differences between the types of leadership described above. At the same time, each of the bosses notes the attractiveness of the characteristics of the democratic style. But, despite their undeniable advantages, the benefits of the authoritarian method cannot be completely denied. According to numerous studies on the effectiveness of leadership styles, it has been found that both authoritarian and democratic approaches produce approximately the same results.

Ultimately, it was found that the situational approach was most productive. That is, there are no universal management decisions, everything is determined by the specific situation, which in turn depends on various factors, such as the working conditions of the team, the nature of the tasks assigned, the professional skills of the staff, the length of time joint activities And so on.

The more difficult the conditions in which the team works (delayed salaries, delayed delivery dates, etc.), the more they hope for a strong leader who will take full responsibility for decision-making. And when you achieve the slightest success, you get the impression that you can tolerate dictatorial influence. The same situation occurs when employees are low-skilled. There is an opinion that only management should work, since they receive a large salary. Or conflicts between them do not stop.

  • the production situation requires this;
  • employees do not object to the authoritarian methods of their bosses.

The positive aspects of this style are:

  • guarantee of certainty and specificity of guidance;
  • creating a synthesis of management operations to achieve set goals;
  • reduction of time spent on decision making (in small companies this is a quick reaction to changing external conditions);
  • minimum material costs;
  • in newly created teams it helps to go through the formation stage faster and more successfully.
  • suppression of proactive actions, ignoring the creative potential of employees;
  • lack of effective incentives for activity;
  • strict control system and bureaucracy;
  • low degree of job satisfaction;
  • strong dependence of employee activities on regular pressure from superiors, etc.

Social, psychological and economic management methods inherent in a democratic leadership style will help overcome these shortcomings. This species is characterized by:

  • encouraging proactive actions, developing the creative abilities of employees;
  • successful solution of non-standard, original problems;
  • competent use of material and contractual incentives;
  • inclusion of psychological mechanisms of work motivation;
  • increased satisfaction with one’s own work;
  • creating a favorable climate among employees, etc.

It should be noted that the democratic leadership style achieves the greatest effect in a permanent, established team with highly qualified specialists, active, creative (at least in small numbers) and motivated employees. This type of management works well in extraordinary, force majeure conditions to increase the initiative of personnel, possible application innovations, ensuring a pleasant microclimate in the team.

The main leadership styles include not only the above types in their list. You can also highlight the liberal leadership style ( neutral or permissive). This management style is characterized by the following features:

  • refusal of responsibility for making important decisions;
  • letting things go by themselves;
  • minimal control over the situation;
  • collective decision-making to avoid responsibility;
  • indifference to criticism, etc.

The theory of leadership styles by K. Lewin gives another name to this way of doing things - anarchic. This is a leadership style characterized by almost unlimited freedom of all participants in the administrative process with virtually no directing influence. It is well known that such absolute freedom does not bring any benefit and is even harmful. But there are situations in which a leadership style is acceptable, in which power is poorly expressed, and the employees are highly qualified and responsible. There is even a possibility that this method can be effective for directors of scientific or creative teams, provided that they have disciplined and strong employees. Each boss must determine their leadership style independently.

Google Leadership Style

According to general director Google Eric Schmidt, his company’s management style is based on 5 operating principles. What exactly are these principles? Find out from the article in the electronic magazine “General Director”.

Likert leadership styles

  • focused on work;
  • person-centered.

A director who is focused on work (or focused on solving a problem) worries about planning goals and creating a reward system to increase productivity.

The opposite of the first type of boss is one who is focused on people; people are his main value. Focus on increasing productivity through improvement interpersonal relationships with employees - that’s what such a leader considers important. The style of managing subordinates allows ordinary employees to make decisions, refuses excessive patronage, and sets a high bar for labor productivity.

Thus, Likert defined that management style is always either work oriented or person oriented. A people-centered leadership style helps increase productivity. But choosing this way of doing things is not always the most competent decision of the director.

The classifications discussed above analyze one-dimensional leadership styles, since they are based on only one point. But combinations of circumstances and methods of doing business often occur. Different leadership style factors consider multidimensional ways of managing.

Multidimensional team leadership styles

Today, the success of a company depends not only on the relationship between the director and subordinates, the level of control and freedom granted, but also on many other factors.

This is why multidimensional leadership styles exist. They include features of several management methods. The characteristics of leadership styles consist of a combination of numerous complementary factors that are independent of each other.

Initially, a theory of a two-dimensional method of control was formed, based on two approaches. The first is aimed at creating a favorable microclimate among employees and maintaining healthy working relationships, and the second is aimed at creating appropriate organizational and production conditions aimed at fully developing the abilities of staff.

In the early 80s of the 20th century, American psychologists Robert Blake and Jane Mouton developed a grid of leadership styles.

Blake–Mouton leadership style grid

The vertical axis of this diagram reflects the parameter “ caring for people" on a scale from 1 to 9.

The horizontal axis represents the parameter “ concern for production» also on a scale from 1 to 9.

The management grid of leadership styles is formed based on two criteria. Blake and Mouton describe the middle and four outermost positions of the grid as follows.

1.1. - fear of poverty. The director requires minimal effort to achieve quality work that will avoid dismissal.

1.9. - Holiday House. The director concentrates on good, warm relationships within the team, but pays little attention to the effectiveness of achieving goals.

5.5. – organization. The director achieves a good level of achieving goals by establishing a balance between productive work and a favorable microclimate.

9.9. - team. Thanks to attentive attitude towards employees and productivity, the boss ensures that his subordinates are consciously involved in the company’s tasks. This guarantees both high morale and good efficiency.

The management style grid includes two components manager's labor.

First– careful attention to solving production problems, second– sensitive approach to colleagues. The concept of “production” includes not only the process of creating material wealth, but also the implementation of sales operations, payments, contacts with consumers, etc.

Neglect of solving production problems and employee problems sooner or later leads to poor management style (1.1).

Directors tend to fluctuate between the way they conduct business 1.9 (relationship management) and 9.1 (objective-based management). To increase productivity, managers tighten discipline, and after relationships between colleagues deteriorate, their pendulum returns to 1.9.

Blake-Mouton leadership styles place the method at the center of the grid. golden mean”, that is, a balance between the two approaches.

Point 9.9 is characterized by the relationship between attentive attitude towards employees and solving production problems. Achieving results through human factors or relationships explains these leadership styles. The Blake–Mouton grid is based on the position that the most productive (optimal) method of management is the behavior of the director in the position 9.9 . They believed that such a boss was equally attentive to both subordinates and productivity. According to Blake and Mouton, there are types of activities where it is difficult to specifically and unambiguously define the leadership style, but professionalism and serious attitude to the set goals allow all directors to get closer to the position 9.9 , while simultaneously increasing labor productivity.

This management theory has had a huge impact on the study of companies and the activities of managers, making it possible to identify limiting factors, and on their basis to design and implement organizational development programs.

Leadership styles depending on psychotype

At the beginning of the project, each boss determines the most suitable manner of doing things for him. Group leadership styles depend on many reasons: the number of staff positions, age, education of employees, features of document management, development of the transport network, etc. The form of relations between management bodies and subordinates is influenced by the psychotype of the director.

All leadership styles and types of leaders depend on personality traits. The success of different categories of directors can be determined by their personnel management and effective methods used.

Charismatic leader.

Form of activity of the director of this type most focused on achieving high performance indicators. A strong, self-confident person will not tolerate failure and defeat. His task is to raise the company to a higher level through innovation. He will listen to his subordinate, but there is no guarantee that he will take his information into work.


This director is the standard of professionalism, benevolence and composure. He is always calm in his interactions with employees. The most effective leadership style, in his opinion, is teamwork.

As a rule, activities in such companies are characterized by a high team spirit.


For such a manager, relationships with staff take the form of warm, friendly communication. He perceives the team as a big close-knit family. Such a company often hosts holidays and corporate events. Such a director does not apply in his practice strict control and penalties, but uses other methods of influence.


A leader of this type considers the main task to be building trusting relationships with colleagues. Responsibility in companies with this leadership style is evenly distributed between the director and subordinates. Depending on the accuracy of completing the assignment, the employee’s incentives are also determined.


Such a leader gives instructions in the form of orders and does not tolerate unnecessary words and disputes. Figures, reports, certificates, memos make up the main part of the activity. It is important for him that all subordinates strictly adhere to orders and instructions.

Leadership styles in management have recently emerged as a separate category. Typically, the way things are done is related to the purpose of the organization. But today, a combination of different management styles and a creative approach to team management are popular.

Creative leadership style as the basis for effective management

Flexibility – most important characteristic effective leadership. In each specific situation, the director must wisely use the advantages different styles management and correct its negative consequences.

An effective leader in the process of his work must focus on the strong, most successful qualities, not forgetting to regularly work with the weak. At the same time, it must be remembered that perfect style leadership is a creative approach, characterized by the fact that the director, when deciding various tasks must flexibly and originally apply various techniques, methods, means that are most effective and efficient in a given situation.

It turns out that creative style team management– this is the application various methods guidance depending on the specific situation, goals, conditions and methods of solving it.

This type of administration, first of all, is characterized by varying approaches depending on the novelty and nature of the emerging difficulty.

In fact, if the team is in the process of formation, it is best to use an authoritarian approach rather than a collegial one. Conversely, if employees are already united, then a collegial style will be more effective.

Here are the important ones leadership skills, which highly characterize his ability to creative activity and effective management of subordinates.

  1. Think creatively, broadly, comprehensively, work for the future, taking into account all intermediate matters and tasks.
  2. Be democratic, supportive and sociable, approve of the initiative impulses of employees, but become tough and authoritarian with slackers.
  3. Be prepared to take reasonable risks, based on a competent analysis of emerging difficulties, able to rely not only on your insight and experience, but on competent calculation.
  4. Show tact and benevolence, but at the same time act strictly and demandingly in cases related to the quality of work and discipline.
  5. When solving new problems, rely on scientific approach, experience, identify and analyze in detail both the reasons for success and the sources of failure.

The effectiveness of a company largely depends on the internal organization, the adopted system of relationships and the clarity of the distribution of employee responsibilities. All these factors are determined by the manager and his personnel management style.

The style of personnel management refers to the nature of communication between the manager and subordinates, the methods of distribution of powers, and responsibility in the team. The same entrepreneur at different stages of business development may experience the application of different management styles.

Despite the fact that in many small companies the team may consist of only a few people, an entrepreneur should understand the different styles and adapt their features to his business. But effective management personnel is not only communication with employees. This is also the ability to correctly distribute responsibilities, and not dump all the work on several subordinates due to a simple lack of hands. In a small business where it is not possible to maintain a large staff, convenient solution becomes the transfer of some functions to outsourcing. For example, it is very convenient to entrust accounting and reporting to professional accountants and pay only for services actually rendered.

Basic styles of personnel management

IN economic theories and management textbooks describe a fairly large number of personnel management styles. The main ones are authoritarian, democratic, liberal, businesslike. Each system has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's consider how styles and methods of personnel management are formed and changed depending on the goals and stages of business development.

Liberal or family style of personnel management.

This style is based on the principle: one team - one family. How does this happen in practice? Almost every aspiring businessman, when organizing his first enterprise, gathers partners from his close social circle into a team - these are relatives, friends, former classmates or colleagues.

At the initial stage, such a company is united by a common desire to realize a common idea, earn money, and resist circumstances and competitors. Since the aspiring entrepreneur has no experience in management and leadership, he introduces into management the only available knowledge and methods - team building on the basis of equal votes, an equal contribution of time and effort. Basic principles of the family style of personnel management:

  • relaxed, friendly style of relationships, the team is one family, everyone is friends;
  • the atmosphere in the company is homely and friendly;
  • corporate culture – family values, comfort and coziness for everyone;
  • the manager is a comrade who has a small priority (gives out wages).

This atmosphere in the company continues until the first serious results are achieved and solid profits are made. As the business develops, tasks become more complicated, the number of projects increases, and the first troubles begin - missed deadlines, failure to fulfill responsibilities, problems at the external and internal level. The usual everyday principle: we divide the profit among everyone, we are one team, and troubles and losses are the problems of the owner or manager.

The result is the dismissal of friends and relatives, the hiring of professionals, the introduction of a different management system.



Manager's communication style

Friendly, trusting

Transparency of personal relationships, team interaction

Making decisions

General approval

Unifying idea

Family corporate culture, team spirit

Average professional, high psychological

Employee initiative

Low or medium (no incentive)

Communicating management decisions

In the form of a request

Many Japanese companies serve as examples of the successful implementation of this system. But unlike start-up companies, they have a hierarchy:

  • leader, owner - father, caring for the company and subordinates;
  • staff are united by common interests;
  • improvisation of employees is allowed;
  • the basis is trust and confidence in the future, objective assessment and collective responsibility.

Conclusion: in most cases, the family style of personnel management works in cases where the company has been formed for a long time, has established connections and strong positions in the market.

Authoritarian style of personnel management

This style is the absolute opposite of the family management system. The management position in the authoritarian style of personnel management is based on the principle of strict discipline and unquestioning obedience to the orders of the boss. An authoritarian system is characterized by:

  • rigid hierarchy;
  • focus on results;
  • clear distribution of responsibilities;
  • suppression of employee initiatives.

The main unifying idea in an authoritarian style of personnel management is to achieve maximum results, reach high levels, and overtake competitors. The advantages of the system include the rapid achievement of goals, the disadvantages are a difficult psychological climate in the team, the concentration of all management functions on the manager, and high staff turnover.


Goal, result

Manager's communication style



Making decisions


Unifying idea

Presence of a common enemy (competitor)

Personnel qualification level

Low due to high turnover, the most talented leave

Employee initiative

Low, not encouraged

Communicating management decisions

In the form of an order, command

Conclusion: the authoritarian style of personnel management is justified and gives excellent results in crisis situations and in unstable conditions, when main goal overcoming difficulties is in favor and rapid achievement of results is necessary.

Business style of personnel management

One of the most effective management styles used in most American companies. For a businessman who has already used two previous systems and understands the shortcomings of the rigid vertical system management, business style of personnel management – next stage. With this management system, the level of professionalism of each employee and the general desire to make a profit come to the fore.

Main features:

  • focus on success and profit;
  • assessing the effectiveness of each employee;
  • career growth is proportional to the professionalism and initiative of the employee;
  • salaries are distributed according to the efficiency and usefulness of employees (depending on personal results).

To priorities business style HR management includes increasing the contribution of each employee and significantly increasing profits through a clear system of interaction and rewarding personal results. Disadvantage: rapid burnout, workaholism.


Result, profit, development

Manager's communication style

Business cooperation without rigid frameworks

Transparency business sphere, closed personal relationships

Making decisions

Sole or collegial depending on circumstances

Unifying idea

Professionalism, benefits

Skill level

High professional level, low psychological contact

Employee initiative

High, enthusiasm encouraged

Communicating management decisions

Form business etiquette, dialogue

Conclusion: this system is effective for established companies that are actively growing and developing, covering new market segments.

Democratic style of personnel management

In a democratic management system, the manager acts as a coordinator of business processes, directs, delegates responsibilities and gently controls. Companies that have already achieved a high level of profitability and pay great attention to new developments in business, technology or production come to this style. The main characteristic of this style is collegial methods of personnel management:

  • high degree of trust between the manager and subordinates;
  • decisions are made through general discussion;
  • comfortable atmosphere, low staff turnover;
  • support for new ideas and employee initiatives.

The main unifying idea of ​​the democratic style is not only the value of the result, but the methods of achieving it. The advantages include - an ideal environment for professionals, the opportunity to introduce new creative ideas. Disadvantages: the slowness of the processes due to lengthy discussions and the search for the most correct solutions.


Result and methods to achieve it

Manager's communication style

Open, accessible, moderately friendly

Openness and transparency of all processes

Making decisions

Collective decision-making, frequent general meetings, conferences

Unifying idea

Unified principles of company development

Skill level

Highly qualified employees in the professional and psychological spheres

Employee initiative

High and encouraged initiative

Communicating management decisions

Conclusion: the democratic style of personnel management is suitable for companies whose activities are related to modern technology and research, where added value is created by creative and creative people.

The choice of personnel management style depends on many factors, mainly on pressing tasks and problems. At different stages of development, one company and one manager may use different systems. By defining goals and methods for achieving them, management can implement mixed company management systems.

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In European and American companies, personnel management systems have existed for a long time. The number of personnel services employees reaches 1-1.5%. The trend is gaining popularity in Ukraine. Read about what HR management is right now.

What is personnel management?

Personnel management (HRM, HR management) - knowledge, methods aimed at searching, training, administration of personnel flows. The main task is to organize work processes so that each participant fully fulfills their assigned responsibilities. HRM can be divided into 3 groups according to the type of problems being solved:

  • full interaction, implying training, assessment, proper organization of work, salary monitoring, motivation, penalty systems for errors;
  • strategic work aimed at training competitive, highly qualified personnel.

HR management is a complex area. People, which distinguishes them from material and intangible flows, make mistakes, make personal decisions, and assess their strengths biasedly.

Main goals of HR management

The main goals of HRM include:

  • selection of managers to fully staff the company;
  • using tools to help improve operational efficiency and reduce the percentage of errors;
  • search and dismissal of personnel who cannot cope with the responsibilities assigned to them;
  • orientation of labor personnel towards collective activities and new achievements;
  • taking measures necessary for systemic development: advanced training, courses, seminars;
  • identification of promising employees.

HRM implies complete control of all work processes. The introduction of the basics of HR management into the work of an online store allows you to avoid negligence in duties, conflicts, and payment for the work of unqualified managers.

HRM methods

If a leader wants to be obeyed, then It is important to use the main methods of influencing HR management:

  • economic impact. It's about about bonuses, other types of material incentives, lending, percentage of sales. Along with “good” incentives, the opposite ones are being introduced: sanctions, penalty points, deprivation of the same bonus. If you work hard, you get a bonus; if you work poorly, you get financial sanctions;
  • organizational and administrative (administrative). These are directives, internal orders, a fixed set of rules. Implemented to maintain discipline and enhance the leader’s reputation;
  • socio-psychological. They create a favorable microclimate in the team: unity, similar goals, initiative.

Social-psychological methods go hand in hand with economic ones. It is recommended to implement not just one of them, but several, assessing the local labor situation.

What is the impact of the correctly chosen style of personnel management in an online store?

A professional leader uses different ways impact. This policy allows you to organize work efficiently and achieve the following goals:

  • education of young personnel, which helps to develop qualified personnel focused on successful work in the company;
  • respect, unconditional discipline;
  • identifying ineffective employees, which prevents inappropriate spending of funds to pay for their services;
  • promotion of worthy team members up the career ladder;
  • organization of favorable conditions;
  • attracting narrow, valuable specialists;
  • formation of a friendly, responsible, purposeful team.

An irresponsible employee simply cannot be in a professional work team. Managing resources correctly the owner of an online store invests his time and effort in future stability and development.

5 management styles. Pros and cons of each

HR management includes several styles. There are variations, but The following are considered basic:

  • authoritarian;
  • democratic;
  • coaching;
  • liberal;
  • setting the rhythm.

Let's consider tips for each of them, pros, cons.


It is based on unquestioning submission, the manager is not inclined to conduct a dialogue with personnel, incentive methods are practically not used. Bonuses do not replace rosy prospects; they are portrayed by the leader to his subordinates. Orders must be clear, succinct, and business-like.

Strict control shows high efficiency in non-standard cases:

  • execution of urgent orders and projects;
  • periods of crisis when there are no broad opportunities to find a new job;
  • motivation of conflicting, overly efficient employees.

To implement such a policy, one thing is necessary - the high authority of the leader among his subordinates. It is not recommended to use it constantly; it is fraught with protests and mass layoffs. Authoritarian politics should be abandoned in the event of force majeure, too complex tasks, it can destabilize the team.


  • high efficiency with irregular use;
  • increasing the financial and economic indicators of the company;
  • acceleration of team activities;
  • high speed of response to instructions;
  • 100% control over the completion of assigned tasks.


  • short term;
  • authoritarian leadership can oppress rather than motivate;
  • psychological, opportunity costs on the part of the leader;
  • employees do not develop, are not trained, and in the absence of a clearly defined task, they are lost.


It gives employees the opportunity to develop and make independent decisions in matters relating to their responsibilities. In this style, the leader is a mentor, colleague, team member who prefers incentive methods of motivation. High efficiency shows against the background of the normal functioning of the company, not overshadowed by force majeure or deadlines.


  • introduction of the fundamentals of collective administration;
  • encouraging initiative;
  • favorable microclimate in the team;
  • identification of active, honest, purposeful personnel;
  • employees feel responsible and do not shift the blame for mistakes onto their colleagues;
  • effective in any field of activity;
  • searching for non-standard methods to solve difficult issues;
  • Suitable for managing teams of 2 or 1000 people. In the latter case, initiative groups headed by micro-leaders spontaneously form.


  • does not always demonstrate the desired result in crisis situations;
  • the wrong approach leads to a decrease in the authority of the online store owner in the eyes of the workforce;
  • there is a high risk of decreasing the level of discipline;
  • discussing business matters takes too much time;
  • incomplete control over the performance of duties.


The coaching style is vaguely reminiscent of the democratic one; it is based on a number of principles:

  • partnerships;
  • prospects for long-term cooperation;
  • stable training of workers;
  • motivation aimed at constant development.

The leader in this model is a creator, an expert, motivating for new victories. He reveals talents, possessing the necessary knowledge and experience. The technique of dividing into groups is practiced: one half are strong managers, the other half are weak, resulting in mutual learning.


  • corporate unity;
  • absence of conflict situations;
  • freedom of action, decision-making;
  • training directly on site.


Coaching is rarely chosen as a primary tool. To interact with him, you must have competence in any matter and a lot of free time. It is advisable to use it in the following situations:

  • loss of purpose;
  • the need for on-site training, in this case successful managers are involved and take on students;
  • decreased motivation.


The liberal style is also called permissive. That's what he is. The principle is based on the absence of the simplest control over the actions of employees. The manager issues the task, after which he lets things take their course. He does not participate in discussions or resolution of various issues, even if he sees obvious mistakes in the actions of his subordinates.

Employees complete tasks independently, but not always correctly. They resolve conflict situations and controversial issues among themselves, which does not contribute to the formation of a favorable environment. All this can negatively affect production efficiency. Liberal management techniques can only be implemented if the company's staff consists of expert managers who do not need precise instructions.


  • loss of authority;
  • anarchy in the team;
  • conflict situations;
  • uneven;
  • chaotic fulfillment of assigned tasks, which leads to a decrease in economic indicators;
  • inability to fulfill urgent orders.

Style that sets the rhythm

Motivation and recruitment of labor is based on the principle of personal example. The manager takes part in all processes, works shoulder to shoulder with staff members, giving them a positive example.


  • excellent motivation;
  • high authority of the manager in the online store team;
  • spontaneous learning;
  • accelerated completion of all assigned tasks;
  • management of all processes, which allows you to keep abreast of events;
  • ability to use when performing emergency tasks.


  • the technique is inappropriate to use during a crisis;
  • the wrong approach entails a decrease in staff self-esteem.

Which style should an online store owner choose?

Combining the above techniques is the ideal formula for maintaining authority and properly organizing labor processes. There is no single formula; it is important to focus on the circumstances:

  • level of stressful situation;
  • complexity of the task;
  • characteristics of the work team: percentage of newcomers, experienced managers, performers;
  • direction of the company's activities.

In difficult situations, it is worth making a choice in favor of authoritarianism and democracy. During periods of calm, coaching, liberality, and your own example are suitable.


Feel your team, adequately assess the situation, which will help set the right tone for communication with subordinates. Remember that a leader must manage and train employees; getting personal is unacceptable. Don’t get carried away by lengthy discussions, set clear deadlines, and try to personally monitor implementation. A competent leader must be aware of all current processes, otherwise anarchy and disrespect will reign.

Management in a wide variety of areas of human activity is one of the most important functions. The conditions of a market economy gave it particular relevance. To properly manage people, the head of the organization must choose certain style behavior. It is this that must be demonstrated in relations with subordinates, leading them to the intended goal. In other words, for the normal functioning of an enterprise, the presence of one or another leadership style is necessary. This is what serves main characteristic performance of a senior manager. The role of a leader's management style cannot be overestimated. After all, the success of the company, the dynamics of its development, the motivation of employees, their attitude to their responsibilities, relationships in the team and much more will depend on it.

Definition of the concept

What does the word "leader" mean? This is the one who “leads by the hand.” Every organization must have a person who is responsible for supervising all departments operating in the enterprise. This type of responsibility involves monitoring the actions of employees. This is the essence of the work of every leader.

The ultimate primary goal of a senior manager is to achieve the company's goals. The manager does this work without the help of his subordinates. And his usual manner of behavior towards the team should motivate him to work. This is the manager's management style. What are the roots of this concept?

The word "style" is of Greek origin. Initially, this was the name given to a rod intended for writing on a wax board. Somewhat later, the word “style” began to be used in a slightly different meaning. It began to indicate the nature of the handwriting. This can also be said about the manager's management style. It is a kind of signature in the actions of a senior manager.

A leader's style in managing a team can be different. But in general, they depend on the leadership and administrative qualities of the person in this position. In the process of carrying out labor activity, the formation of an individual type of leader, his “handwriting” occurs. This suggests that it is impossible to find two identical bosses with the same style. This phenomenon is individual, as it is determined by the specific characteristics of a particular person, reflecting his peculiarity of working with personnel.


It is believed that the happy person is the one who goes to work with pleasure every morning. And this directly depends on his boss, on what management style the leader uses, on his relationship with his subordinates. Management theory paid attention to this issue at the dawn of its creation, that is, almost a hundred years ago. According to the concepts put forward by her, already at that time there was whole line manager's work and management styles. Somewhat later, others began to join them. In this regard, modern management theory considers the presence of many leadership styles. Let's describe some of them in more detail.


This leadership style is based on the participation of subordinates in decision making with the division of responsibility between them. The name of this type of work for a senior manager comes to us from the Latin language. In it, demos means “power of the people.” The democratic management style of a leader is considered the best today. Based on the research data, it is 1.5-2 times more effective than all other methods of communication between a boss and his subordinates.

If a manager uses a democratic management style, then he relies on the initiative of the team. At the same time, there is equal and active participation of all employees in the processes of discussing the company’s goals.

In a democratic leadership style, there is interaction between the leader and subordinates. At the same time, a feeling of mutual understanding and trust arises in the team. However, it is worth noting that the desire of a senior manager to listen to the opinions of company employees on certain issues does not occur because he himself does not understand anything. The manager's democratic management style indicates that such a boss is aware that new ideas arise during the discussion of problems. They will certainly speed up the process of achieving the goal and improve the quality of work.

If, of all the styles and methods of management, a leader has chosen a democratic one, this means that he will not impose his will on his subordinates. How will he act in this case? Such a leader will prefer to use incentive and persuasion methods. He will resort to sanctions only when all other methods have been completely exhausted.

The manager's democratic management style is most favorable from the point of view psychological impact. Such a boss takes a sincere interest in employees and provides them with friendly attention, taking into account their needs. Such relationships have a positive effect on the results of the team’s work, on the activity and initiative of specialists. People become satisfied with their own work. They are also satisfied with their position in the team. Cohesion among employees and favorable psychological conditions have a positive impact on the physical and moral health of people.

Of course, management styles and leadership qualities are closely related concepts. Thus, given the democratic nature of communication with subordinates, the boss must enjoy high authority among employees. He also needs to have excellent organizational, intellectual and psychological-communicative abilities. Otherwise, the implementation of this style will become ineffective. The democratic type of leadership has two varieties. Let's take a closer look at them.

Deliberative style

When using it, most of the problems that the team faces are resolved at the time of their general discussion. A leader who uses a deliberative style in his activities often consults with subordinates without showing his own superiority. It does not shift responsibility to employees for the consequences that may occur as a result decisions made.

Leaders of the deliberative leadership type make extensive use of two-way communication with their subordinates. They trust their employees. Of course, only the manager makes the most important decisions, but at the same time, specialists are given the right to independently solve specific problems.

Participating style

This is another kind of democratic type of leadership. Its main idea is to involve employees not only in making certain decisions, but also in exercising control over their implementation. In this case, the leader completely trusts his subordinates. Moreover, communication between them can be described as open. The boss behaves at the level of one of the team members. At the same time, any employee is given the right to freely express their own opinion on a variety of issues without fear of subsequent negative reactions. In this case, responsibility for failures in work is shared between the manager and subordinates. This style allows you to create an effective system of labor motivation. This makes it possible to successfully achieve the goals that the enterprise faces.

Liberal style

This type of leadership is also called free. After all, it presupposes a tendency towards condescension, tolerance and undemandingness. The liberal management style is characterized by complete freedom of decisions for employees. At the same time, the manager takes minimal participation in this process. He withdraws himself from the functions assigned to him of supervision and control over the activities of his subordinates.

We can say that types of leaders and management styles have a close relationship with each other. Thus, a person who is insufficiently competent and unsure of his official position allows himself to have a liberal attitude in a team. Such a leader is able to take decisive steps only after receiving instructions from a superior. He avoids responsibility in every possible way when obtaining unsatisfactory results. Solution important issues in a company where such a manager works, it often takes place without his participation. To consolidate his authority, the liberal only pays his subordinates undeserved bonuses and provides various types of benefits.

Where can such a direction be chosen? existing styles manager's management? Both the organization of work and the level of discipline in the company must be the highest. This is possible, for example, in a partnership of famous lawyers or in a writers' union, where all employees are engaged in creative activities.

The liberal management style from a psychological point of view can be considered in two ways. Everything will depend on which specialists carry out this guidance. A similar style will achieve a positive result where the team consists of responsible, disciplined, highly qualified employees who are capable of independently performing creative work. Such leadership can also be successfully implemented if there are knowledgeable assistants in the company.

There are also teams in which subordinates command their boss. He is simply known among them as “ a good man" But this cannot continue for long. When any conflict situation arises, dissatisfied employees stop obeying. This leads to the emergence of a permissive style, leading to a decrease in labor discipline, the development of conflicts and other negative phenomena. But in such cases, the manager simply withdraws from the affairs of the enterprise. The most important thing for him is to preserve good relations with his subordinates.

Authoritarian style

It refers to the authoritative type of leadership. It is based on the boss’s desire to assert his influence. A leader with an authoritarian management style provides company employees with only a minimal amount of information. This is due to his distrust of his subordinates. Such a leader seeks to get rid of talented people and strong employees. The best in this case is the one who is able to understand his thoughts. This leadership style creates an atmosphere of intrigue and gossip in the enterprise. At the same time, the independence of workers remains minimal. Subordinates seek to resolve any issues that arise with management. After all, no one can predict how management will react to a particular situation.

A leader with an authoritarian management style is simply unpredictable. People don't even dare to tell him about bad news. As a result, such a boss lives in full confidence that everything worked out exactly as he expected. Employees do not ask questions or argue, even in cases where they see significant errors in the decision made by the manager. The result of the activities of such a senior manager is the suppression of the initiative of subordinates, which interferes with their work.

With an authoritarian leadership style, all power is concentrated in the hands of one person. Only he is able to single-handedly resolve all issues, determine the activities of subordinates and not give them the opportunity to accept independent decisions. In this case, employees only do what they are ordered to do. That is why all information for them is reduced to a minimum. A leader with an authoritarian style of team management tightly controls the activities of his subordinates. Such a boss has enough power in his hands to impose his will on the employees.

In the eyes of such a leader, a subordinate is a person who has an aversion to work and avoids it whenever possible. This becomes the reason for the constant coercion of the employee, control over him and the implementation of punishments. In this case, the moods and emotions of subordinates are not taken into account. The manager has a distance from his team. At the same time, the autocrat specifically appeals to himself low level the needs of his subordinates, believing that he is most important to them.

If we consider this leadership style from a psychological point of view, it is the most unfavorable. After all, the manager in this case does not perceive the employee as an individual. Employees' creativity is constantly suppressed, causing them to become passive. People become dissatisfied with their work and their own position in the team. The psychological climate at the enterprise also becomes unfavorable. Intrigues often arise in the team and sycophants appear. This increases the stress load on people, which is harmful to their moral and physical health.

The use of an authoritarian style is effective only under certain circumstances. For example, in combat conditions, in emergency situations, in the army and in a team in which the consciousness of its members is at the lowest level. The authoritarian leadership style has its own variations. Let's take a closer look at them.

Aggressive style

The manager who has adopted this type of personnel management believes that by nature, most people are stupid and lazy. Consequently, they try not to work. In this regard, such a manager considers it his duty to force employees to fulfill their duties. He does not allow himself participation and softness.

What can it mean when a person chooses an aggressive one among all management styles? The personality of the leader in this case has special characteristics. Such a person is rude. He limits contact with subordinates, keeping them at a distance. When communicating with employees, such a boss often raises his voice, insults people and actively gestures.

Aggressively flexible style

This type of leadership is characterized by its selectivity. Such a boss shows aggression towards his employees and at the same time, helpfulness and pliability towards the higher management body.

Selfish style

A manager who has adopted this type of personnel management seems to be the only one who knows and can do everything. That is why such a boss assumes responsibilities for the sole resolution of issues related to the activities of the team and production. Such a leader does not tolerate objections from his subordinates and is prone to hasty conclusions, which are not always correct.

Kind-hearted style

The basis of this type of relationship between the leader and subordinates is authoritarianism. However, the boss still gives his employees the opportunity to participate in some decisions, while limiting their scope of activity. The results of the team’s work, together with the system of punishments that dominates, are also evaluated with some rewards.


Individual style The manager's management can be very different. Moreover, all of its types given above simply cannot be found in their pure form. Here there can only be a predominance of certain characteristics.

This is why defining the best leadership style is not easy to define. A senior manager needs to know the above classification and be able to apply each of the categories of personnel management depending on the situation and availability specific task. This, in fact, is the art of a true leader.