How to make a homemade jigsaw with your own hands from a regular electric jigsaw. How to make a homemade desktop jigsaw machine Homemade jigsaw machine

If you are engaged in carving and make figures or parts from wood, plastic or similar material, you cannot do without a tool whose name is reminiscent of the distant Soviet past: a jigsaw.

Jigsaw is different from jigsaw, now there are also “pioneer” elementary ones on sale manual models, and electrical modern instruments, only vaguely reminiscent of the usual files.

You can make a jigsaw yourself: technical literature and the Internet offer many diagrams and drawings of electric jigsaw machines.

Making such a device is not difficult, and you will get significant benefits from it. You will be able to independently produce the furniture you need and realize the most daring creative ideas for interior.

An example of manufacturing a jigsaw machine.

A homemade jigsaw allows you to professionally make smooth parts of the most bizarre shapes. First, you need to decide on the design that is most suitable for you.

Technical description and components

The schematic diagram of any jigsaw machine is the same for different models.

It must contain the following parts:

  • file;
  • drive with a power of about 150 W;
  • rocker for tensioning the file;
  • working surface with graduation;
  • drilling block, etc.

Consumables are fixed on the working surface. In advanced models there are special devices for rotary movements of the part, in which the working surface can change the angle of inclination.

The surface dimensions will depend on your production and creative plans: what large sizes the parts you are going to cut, the larger your production table should be. Traditional sizes are usually around 30 – 40 cm.

There are a wide variety of types of files. They depend primarily on consumables. The dimensions of the parts for cutting also matter. Conventional saws for working with wood have a length of about 35–40 cm. They are able to saw parts made of wood or plastic with a thickness of no more than 100 mm.

WITH different types The materials also change and the files also change, mainly in relation to their width: from 2 to 10 mm. Files can differ in the type of their tails - with or without pins. They are fixed in a special device for tensioning and even sawing. For this purpose, they have springs of a spring type.

Another important one: the crank assembly. Its function is difficult to overestimate: it is it that transmits movement from the drive to the saw, turning rotational motion into translational motion.

Assembly drawing of a jigsaw machine.

Due to this, the file begins to oscillate with high frequency, the speed of such vibrations is on average about 800 - 1000 revolutions per minute. It is important to remember the amplitude of vertical vibrations; it should not exceed 50 mm.

In advanced modern jigsaw models, the speed varies depending on the type of consumable. Most desktop models operate in two speed modes. Most often these are 600 and 1000 rpm.

Model range of jigsaw machines

Most often, in the power of an electric drive, the range of values ​​is huge: from 90 to 500 W.

These devices are also divided into varieties based on their fundamental design:

  • universal;
  • on suspension;
  • with graduation;
  • with the caliper in the lower position;
  • with double caliper.

Jigsaws with lower support

Diagram of machine design elements.

The most used and popular models are machines with lower support. Their peculiarity is the separation working bed on the top and bottom.

If in the upper section there is only one device for sawing and cleaning, then in the lower section there are many working elements: an electric motor, a switch, a transmission unit and a control unit. This design makes it possible to saw sheets of materials of almost any size.

Double slide machines

Homemade jigsaw machine with a double support differs from the lower support by the presence in the upper section of a special additional bar and a work table with the ability to change the angle of inclination and overall height.

These models are designed to work with oversized parts. This machine is easier to make than the previous model. There are restrictions on the materials that can be worked with: their thickness should not exceed 80 mm.

Hanging machines

The name speaks for itself: the model is movable, it works without a stand. The fundamental point in this design is movement. cutting file, not a consumable. The module itself is attached to the ceiling, the saw is driven manually.

All this gives serious advantages: in this way you can create the most complex patterns, the surface dimensions are not limited in any way.

Devices with graduation

The presence of stops and a degree scale make it possible to work according to technical drawings, without the slightest error.

Universal machines

Such devices are usually called jigsaws. Their feature is the ability to perform several operations such as grinding, polishing, sawing, etc.

How to make a jigsaw machine with your own hands?

We will not dwell on the manufacture of simple machines: you can easily find this kind of manuals with video support on the Internet. Let's talk about homemade jigsaw machines.

Do-it-yourself machine assembly.

Here is the sequence of work for their manufacture:

  • We make a bed from plywood sheet or plastic.
    The main thing is that the thickness is at least 12 mm. The function of the bed is a foundation, a working surface and a place for fixing mechanisms and an electric motor.
  • We place a special rocking chair with an eccentric on the opposite side.
    We connect them using a metal strip with bearings. All fastenings in the structure are screw.
  • We install the intermediate shaft.
    To do this, you need to prepare two bearings, place the pulley on the shaft as tightly as possible, then carefully secure it with screws. Similar actions are performed with the eccentric.
  • On a rocking chair, the range of motion should change.
    To do this, you need to change the mounting location of the screw, for which we drill exactly four threaded holes on the eccentric flange. The holes must be located at different distances from the axis. With a change in the mounting location of the screw, the amplitude of the rocker will change.
  • We make a rocking chair: these are nothing more than wooden rocker arms, into whose rear ends the screws that you made in the previous paragraph are inserted, these are tension screws.
    The rocker arms themselves are attached to the rack with hinges. We fix a file to the front ends of the rocker arms. The previous and this steps must be performed with special attention and thoroughness. The fact is that attaching the file is a fundamentally important thing. Rocker arms with plates are subject to constant loads during movement due to their rigid connection with screws.
  • The rocking chair requires a stand.
    It will be better if it is made from a whole piece of material. We make a groove for the first rocker arm on the top of the rack. At the lower end we place a special rectangular opening for the second rocker arm.

Yours. We wish cool ideas and their quality implementation.

In this article we will talk about the design of a homemade machine from household jigsaw. Below will be given step-by-step instruction, photos, videos, as well as drawings and diagrams.


There are a lot of design options - from the simplest, where it just sticks out from the tabletop, to quite complex structures with guides, the ability to cut at an angle, when it is possible to set not only 90 degrees to the base, but also change the angle (well, within reason, of course). There are devices (machines) for, that is, making straight and even cuts.

Such devices are increasingly used due to their versatility and functionality. In fact, their parameters and purpose are similar to stationary machines and have a strictly defined practical use in every workshop.


Plywood thickness, mm Layers of plywood, no less Sanded plywood Unsanded plywood
Maximum deviation, mm Different thickness Deviation, mm Different thickness
3 mm 3 +0,3/-0,4 0,6 +0,4/-0,3 0,6
4 mm 3 +0,3/-0,5 +0,8/-0,4 1,0
6 mm 5 +0,4/-0,5 +0,9/-0,4
9 mm 7 +0,4/-0,6 +1,0/-0,5
12 mm 9 +0,5/-0,7 +1,1/-0,6
15 mm 11 +0,6/-0,8 +1,2/-0,7 1,5
18 mm 13 +0,7/-0,9 +1,3/-0,8
21 mm 15 +0,8/-1,0 +1,4/-0,9
24 mm 17 +0,9/-1,1 +1,5/-1,0
27 mm 19 +1,0/-1,2 1,0 +1,6/-1,1 2,0
30 mm 21 +1,1/-1,3 +1,7/-1,2

Preparatory stage

  • draw up sketches and make a drawing of the future product,
  • make paper patterns for future elements and details
  • stick templates onto blanks for future parts.

There are two ways to make templates - take tracing paper and draw kennels on it future procurement. This has been done since ancient times, since nothing is needed for this except a ruler and a pencil. However, if you have a computer and a printer, of course A3 would be nice, but A4 is also suitable (you just have to print several sheets and then glue them together), then the process of drawing with a pencil and ruler can be replaced by drawing the contours of the blanks on the computer.

Then we cut it out with a stationery blade or just a sharp knife.

After that Once the template is ready, it needs to be glued to the workpiece.

Tip: There is no need to glue it tightly, since in the future you will have to remove the template, and this will be difficult if you glue it tightly. Accordingly, you can glue it, for example, with stationery glue, use a glue stick or, as in our example, spray glue.

Creating blanks

At this stage you need to do:

  1. Cut the blanks exactly according to the template,
  2. Process the workpieces - align the ends, remove burrs
  3. Drill the necessary holes;
  4. Make grooves with a file;
  5. Drill out the seats for the bearings;
  6. Select grooves with a router for the cover and a seat;

We install the bracket. It should be noted that the bracket must be fastened without over-tightening the nut - there must be free movement. To do this, use a self-locking nut and only tighten it slightly.

Installing the spring should not be difficult. You need to do it as shown in the photo below.

For future fastening of the file, you need to make a simple clamp in the form of a plate with two holes. It must also be installed on the bracket using a self-locking nut. Moreover, the backlash of the plate in seat The reason is that the bracket moves, and the clamped plate will hinder its movement.

Below is a sketch of the design of the upper attachment point for the file.

Then it is necessary to make technological holes for the jigsaw controls so that it is convenient to change the engine speed, you can gain access to the start button and its lock. There is another solution that makes it more convenient to turn on the tool - this is to place in an easily accessible place on the machine body an socket and a switch that would turn the voltage on and off in the socket. We plug the jigsaw cord into a socket, and it turns out that we will turn it on and off using a switch installed in a place convenient for us. However, this is a matter of taste.

So, below is the manufacture of technological holes on the body.

This is what the controls look like when they are now available.

Now you need to make clamps for the file itself. The principle is simple - take a bolt and make a cut at the base of the head, but not all the way. In the future, the file itself will be inserted into this cut. The principle is shown in the photo below.

This is how the upper saw attachment unit is installed and assembled.

The lower assembly is almost similar to the upper one, except that it is not a plate that is used, but a standard file (you can use a “BU” one), almost the entire cutting part is sawed off with an angle grinder and the shank is left. A hole is made in the remaining cutting part with a similar bolt with a slot at the base of the head, into which the file will also fit. The principle is shown below.

After the file is secured, we install the jigsaw itself. We fasten it with bolts with countersunk heads so that they do not stick out on the tabletop of the machine.

Now we need to adjust the perpendicularity of the file relative to the table of our machine. To do this, you can use a square, or, as in our case, just a block that is precisely trimmed. We make the adjustment as follows. To adjust the file left/right, the top plate is adjusted - its displacement on the axis - respectively, in the desired direction.

And to adjust the saw blade position forward/backwards, the saw blade mounting unit itself is shifted forward or backward.

The machine is almost ready, all that remains is to make and install the plate that surrounds the jigsaw file. It can be made from PCB or any piece of sheet plastic.

This completes the manufacturing of the jigsaw machine.
We hope that the material presented was useful to you.



Here is a table with overall dimensions:

General assembly diagram

Let's attach a complete assembly diagram, which in a sense can be a 3B drawing for making a machine from a jigsaw with your own hands.


Videos on which this material was made.

Since childhood, we have been familiar with the technology of sawing with a jigsaw. The principle is simple - a stationary part is placed on a stand with a technological cutout, the cut is made by moving the saw. The quality of work depends on the steadfastness of the hands and the skill of the worker.

In this way, you can literally cut lace from thin wooden or plastic blanks. However, the process is labor-intensive and slow. Therefore, many craftsmen thought about small-scale mechanization.

A simple design from the last century

More in the magazine Young technician“Drawings were offered on how to make a jigsaw machine with your own hands. Moreover, the design does not involve an electric drive; the drive operates from muscular force, like a knife sharpener.

The machine consists of main parts:

  • bed (A)
  • work table (B) with slot for canvas
  • lever system (B) for holding saw blade
  • flywheel (G), which is the primary drive pulley
  • crank mechanism (D), combined with a secondary drive pulley, and driving the levers (B)
  • pedal assembly (E) with a crank mechanism driving the flywheel (D)
  • saw blade tensioner (W)

The master uses his foot to move the flywheel (D). Using a belt drive, the crank mechanism (D) connected to the lower arm (B) rotates. A file is stretched between the levers; the degree of tension is regulated by a lanyard (G).

With a well-balanced flywheel, sufficient smooth running of the saw blade is ensured, and such a homemade jigsaw machine allows you to massively cut out the same type of workpiece, saving time and effort. In those days, jigsaw files were produced in the form of a flat, unidirectional strip.

Therefore, to obtain patterns complex shape I had to rotate the workpiece around the canvas. The dimensions of the workpiece are limited by the length of the arms (B).

From a mechanical jigsaw to an electric one one step

The foot drive cannot provide real freedom of action and uniformity of the saw stroke. It makes more sense to use an electric motor for the crank mechanism. However, if you use a tabletop jigsaw occasionally, there is no point in making stationary structure with its own motor.

You can use home power tools. For example, a screwdriver with a rotation speed controller.
The materials used are literally from wood scraps and old trash. The only critical part is the bed. It is better to make it from durable plywood with a thickness of at least 18 mm.

We make all connections using wood screws; the joints can be coated with PVA glue. From the same material we assemble a support pedestal for the lever rod. The design of the support should not have any play; the subsequent accuracy of the entire machine depends on its strength.

IN Lately I was very interested in cutting out with a jigsaw, I don’t even know why. It all started with the fact that I needed to cut out several gears from plywood...

And off we go. At first I cut out the gears by hand, then I thought, pumping the muscle with a hand jigsaw is of course good, but if you automate the process, it will be much faster!

So, first of all, let's get to know this manual jigsaw for artistic cutting.

(all photos in this article were found on the Internet)

To saw you need files, they are thin as wire, with sharp teeth. Previously, such files were sold in a pack of 50 pieces, recently I went to the store, and these “bimesmen” started selling them individually. You can break a couple of these files in an evening.

For cutting, we will also need a special table, it can be a board with a conical slot, screwed to the table with screws or a clamp.

To make it easier to attach saw blades to the machine, it is better to use special device, which will compress the contour of the jigsaw, so you can easily change the file without effort. With the help of a wooden eccentric, compression occurs.

And now about automation. In the next photo you see table jigsaw factory type, you can find a sea of ​​different modifications on the Internet. This thing is not very expensive, but even if I really want it, I won’t be able to find it in my city, and in principle there’s no need.

Industrial machines are, of course, good, but I’ll probably use them for a couple of months and give up on this activity, and in general, such a machine, as I learned, can be easily assembled yourself from plywood and wooden blocks.

The following photo uses an industrial manual jigsaw and a spring to return the saw.

So, we can easily assemble a tabletop jigsaw with our own hands at home. I personally did just that, but I have a special design, there are no photos of me in this article, but I will definitely post them, as well as a video in progress.

Homemade jigsaw.. Sounds unreal. However, professionals have always been valued and in demand. Carpentry can be both your main income and a pleasant hobby. The hands of a carpenter produce wonderful products, unique and inimitable. IN modern world, with its terrible ecology, every person increasingly strives to surround himself with natural, natural materials. Handmade wooden items can become an exclusive, priceless gift.

A jigsaw can cut anything sheet material along and across.

But in order to create all this magic, you will need not only quality wood, but also tools. A wide variety of wood jigsaws are sold in stores, but a real master will not be satisfied with such a tool. Because they are not suitable for performing truly delicate jewelry work. There is only one way out - to make a jigsaw. If you have hands and a bright head on your shoulders, then you can do this task.

There are several options for making such a tool: upgrading a purchased model or making it from improvised means. There are two types of jigsaws for wood: manual and electric. Hand tool– this is a classic.

Making from a sewing machine

Necessary materials:

  • old-style sewing machine;
  • file


  1. After unscrewing the bolts, the needle is carefully removed.
  2. The drive shaft is removed.
  3. The protective panel is unscrewed.
  4. The hole for the needle expands to the size of the prepared file.
  5. The length of the file is trimmed to the size of the needle.
  6. The top and bottom of the file are ground off.
  7. The file is inserted in place of the needle.

Materials for tabletop jigsaw:

  • duralumin pipe;
  • copper sheet;
  • plastic;
  • drill;
  • clamps


  1. You need to make a frame from a duralumin pipe.
  2. When making it, do not forget about the need for a channel in order to subsequently lay the power cord.
  3. Making a C-shaped frame from a copper sheet. Next, it is attached with screws to the frame in the place where it connects to the handle of the tool.
  4. A gap is cut in the plastic. A file passes through it. You will need a drill to cut the hole.
  5. Mounting holes are drilled on the plastic.
  6. The jigsaw is attached to a plastic base so that the file passes through the gap.
  7. The structure is attached to the table using clamps.

Return to contents

The jigsaw consists of a motor and a rocker with a saw.

Motors from washing and washing machines can be used for the motor. sewing machine. The body is made of plywood. It includes the base itself and the table. The box should be located between the base and the table, and on inside shelf-bracket and intermediate shaft. And with reverse side there is a disk and a rocking chair.

The eccentric is connected to the rocker using a rod. The rod is made of steel plate. It's all connected with screws. The intermediate shaft should be installed on several bearings; they are covered with a lid to prevent dirt and sawdust from entering. The double-strand pulley is placed on the shaft and secured with screws. The eccentric of the jigsaw is also installed. Four holes are drilled on the eccentric flange. Thanks to this, the stepped screw will change position. Accordingly, the amplitude of the swing will change. A rocker is a wooden rocker in which you need to install a screw. And on the front side of the structure there are metal plates with hinges, with the help of which the files are attached. The file is placed in the slot of the work table and clamped tightly.

Rocker arms oscillate frequently and violently during operation, and the plates are subjected to excessive heavy loads. Therefore, it is necessary to pay due attention correct fastening saws. The plates must be securely fastened in the slots and tightened firmly. But the earrings that hold the files are installed in such a way that the screws do not clamp the halves too tightly.

The axis should get a little freedom. The screw that tightens the rocker arm must have a small gap for the thrust screw. The rocking stand itself can be made from a block. A groove is made on the upper side of the block for the upper rocker arm. The stand can be made from halves or made into composite parts.

These are the homemade items you can make with your own hands. There are different jigsaws for wood, but better than that that you make with your own hands cannot be found. Such a tool will serve you faithfully for many years. This is a real help for home handyman. There is so much you can do using this simple unit. But still, this device can be dangerous, so before you start working, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for using the tool.