How to arrange roses in a flower bed. How to plant beautiful flower beds and rose flower beds with your own hands. Roses and their "partners"

Roses have long been admired for their beauty, which is why they are planted in every garden. Let's consider which roses to plant in the country so that they bloom from May to October. The choice is huge: more than 30 thousand varieties with various colors and shapes, and exquisite aroma surprise even professionals.

Only compliance 2 important rules- high-quality seedlings, as well as their optimal planting density, will allow us to grow any bush from this family of thousands. Therefore we will choose winter-hardy varieties, resistant to bad weather and disease, but at the same time beautifully and continuously blooming.

Our main goal is to create a constantly blooming luxurious rose garden.

Rules for planting and care

Of course, we want to relax outside the city, so we will plant unpretentious roses for the dacha.

  • If these plants are grafted onto a frost-resistant rootstock and grown in our climate in open ground, then we are guaranteed trouble-free success. Such bushes bloom profusely all season until frost and fill the garden with their fragrance.
  • It is the illuminated place that will ensure stable overwintering of all bushes, their immunity to diseases, rich and long subsequent flowering.
  • Roses prefer light neutral loams without waterlogging. This means we will improve heavy clay soil with compost and sand, and sandy soil with humus and clay.

Fertilizing with green manure plants is effective: they will enrich the soil until late autumn and protect the roots from frost.

  • The instructions specify the conditions for proper nutrition of flowering plants. Gardeners advise adding 30 kg of rotted manure and 50 g of NPK per bush per 1 square meter.

Planting roses

Sparse planting promotes strong weed growth, while dense planting promotes fungal infection.

  • Pour water into the hole, then add a mixture of humus and soil.
  • Strong seedlings have 3 shoots and both large and small roots are well developed.
  • We trim the long roots and remove the remaining shoots.
  • Leave the grafting site of the seedling 3 cm above the ground.
  • We water the bush and mulch the holes with peat.

Pruning and care

Let's look at how to properly care for roses in the country. We cut off all withered flowers with part of the branch, in the spring we shorten frozen, weak ones, and old ones - by a third of the length.

How to care for a rose in the country to protect it from diseases:

Nuances of feeding:

  • We fertilize with mullein or nitrogen twice: in June and October;
  • first we water the grooves around the bush with water, then liquid fertilizer and again with water, and then sprinkle with earth;
  • We will enrich foliar feeding with insecticide with fungicide and gum: they will improve the health of the plant.
  • At autumn planting remove the buds so that the bush takes root well.
  • In October we will trim off the diseased branches and protect them from frost. To do this, cover the ground with sawdust, peat or foam balls. Then in winter the roots and soil will “breathe” freely.
  • Low (up to 70 cm) varieties will tolerate -35 degrees in the snow. However additional insulation will enhance the result.
  • The larger the crown, the easier the bush will overwinter, so we will only trim it slightly in the fall.
  • From frost we cover it with earth, but in early spring Let's open the root neck.
  • We will remove the frozen buds, then the black mold will not cover the entire bush.

Choosing a plant

  • We will plant container blooming country roses even in the summer: they immediately show that they are offering us the desired look.
  • We buy strong young roses: the old bushes are weakened, their buds are small and sparse. We can distinguish old plants by numerous sections.
  • We prefer varieties that are resistant to fungi, but with long flowering.


Low groups of identical roses give a sophisticated decorative effect. They delight with buds of all colors of their double or single petals.

Tall and medium

  • Half-meter bushes of tea varieties with large double inflorescences (up to 10 on a branch) are fragrant from June until winter. Then we cover them together with the root collar.
  • We can grow with our own hands spectacular two-meter giants near a hedge, near the wall of a house or in the center of a flower bed. These are roses from Canadian breeders. For the winter we will bend them half a meter from the ground and cover them.

  • Wrinkled rugosa attracts with its unusualness, as well as its one and a half meter height and resistance to cold and disease. Its remontant nature is surprising: buds appear continuously for six months.

The photo shows charming floribunda inflorescences.

  • Single or double petals of floribunda varieties are fragrant. Here's how to grow this rose: you just need to trim the fading flowers in a timely manner.

Advice! Moisture and sun are the best helpers when growing roses of any group. A bucket of water under the bush growing on the south side of the garden - and its flowering will continue.

  • Roses with increased growth of shoots and inflorescences of white-pink-red tones bloom profusely in June-July and then again, as they are not afraid of cold weather.
  • We plant climbing varieties in standard country houses made from block containers. This gives modern standard buildings an inimitable originality.


  • Polyanthas - neat compact half-meter bushes are decorated with bright large inflorescences all summer until the November cold. The plant overwinters comfortably with light soil cover.

  • The different colors of the inflorescences of ground cover varieties, the rapid growth of a carpet, winter hardiness and resistance to disease are just part of the arguments in favor of landscape roses. They perfectly decorate slopes, artificial cascades and alpine coaster, gracefully frame flower beds and paths.


We will accentuate the variegation of roses with a simple splash of evergreen perennials. Refined conifers and openwork ferns will skillfully create a background for the royal buds. Their price is insignificant in comparison with such a picturesque, winning landscape.

Traditional rosary

  • The front part is covered with ground cover miniature plants, forming a fragrant colorful carpet.
  • We will populate the middle line with colorful floribunda bushes or hybrid tea bushes 90 - 130 cm high.
  • Tall climbing pink trees are solo plants: they should also stand out with the brightness of their petals. For stability, we will dig a stake 10 cm from the trunk on the windy side and tie tall pink lashes to it.
  • An elastic fastening for tying up plants will simplify the care of the crown.

Greenhouses and rose gardens heated by electricity are magnificent even in cold weather, and renting a diesel generator for a summer residence is beneficial because it is not expensive.

  • The backdrop of the rose garden is formed by a climbing rose, which on supports will reach 5 meters. The variety of this beauty is a climbing one, and it itself is well supported on a support.


  • Rose bushes picturesquely frame the site or its individual zones: a cozy utility courtyard and a charming island for relaxation. A single-row “border” in the garden will be laid by meter-long bushes, the distance between which is up to half a meter.
  • With a multi-row two- or three-tier fence low plants We will plant them in front and further in a checkerboard pattern, but strictly according to their height until the last one and a half meter giants.
  • 2-year-old bushes are good for.

The last row should not be closer than half a meter to a permanent fence or wall in order to maintain free ventilation of the plants, suppressing mold and mildew.


There are thousands of species of this royal flower and each has its own preferences for light, moisture, and soil. Knowing how to raise the queen of flowers, we will successfully take care of her prosperous existence at our dacha.

It is spectacular in the center of emerald green. Also beautiful is a mysterious gazebo entwined with roses, or a flowering arch from the gate to the house. The video in this article will share with us information about beautiful and unique roses.

Many of us plant a single bush or group of bushes against a backdrop of grass.

Of course, a bush strewn with flowers against the backdrop of emerald grass looks very beautiful, but many have probably encountered problems with such planting. The grass quickly creeps onto the ground around the rose and it has to be weeded all the time.

Moreover, when mowing the lawn, the rose can easily be damaged or completely mowed down, especially if the grass is tall and the rose is still small (admit it, how many times have you mourned a gorgeous branch with buds that your husband mowed down?).

To make caring for such roses easier, there is a simple but very effective technique. Ordinary bricks (or any rectangular tiles approximately the same size and shape) so that top part The brick was level with the ground.

Usually the bricks are placed on edge, but you can also lay them flat, then it will be more convenient to drive over them with a mower. You can give it any shape, depending on the style of the garden - you can just make a square, you can dig bricks in a circle, etc. When cutting grass, the mower wheel rides on the brick and you get a neat, even edge; in addition, you can immediately see how long to mow. You can also edge entire flower beds. Over time, the brick becomes a little overgrown with moss, grass settles in the cracks, and it is not at all noticeable from a distance.

Planting plants on the lawn has its own characteristics. The first thing to do is remove the turf. First, you need to cut it along the contour with the tip of a shovel, driving it into the ground about 10 cm. Then the piece lawn grass removed from this area. You shouldn’t throw it away; it will probably come in handy in another corner of the garden. Now let's start excavating the soil. To do this, it is better to lay a small piece of film nearby.

This is necessary so as not to stain the grass growing nearby with soil. Add a bucket of compost to a hole 0.5 m deep and mix thoroughly. Then it was the seedling’s turn. It is installed vertically and covered with earth. Here it is important to ensure that the graft remains at soil level. The planted plant needs to be watered abundantly.

Undoubtedly, best time for planting - autumn, but if you got a couple of good seedlings in the spring, then you should not waste the moment. In the first year you will have to greatly limit flowering. Ideally, it is better to remove the flowers completely, but it is unlikely that your curiosity will allow you to do this. To ensure the correct variety, leave one bud.

Further care consists of carrying out the usual activities: pruning, watering and fertilizing. For the seedling to grow powerful root system, use organic fertilizers in spring and the first half of summer, and mineral fertilizers in the second. A high nitrogen content will stimulate growth, and potassium, which will be needed at the end of summer, will help the shoots ripen better.

Please note this:

All about garden plants

Creating a rosary composition is not difficult. Just choose for yourself suitable option. Let's take a closer look at how to create a rose garden at the dacha with your own hands and look at photos of the options.

Rosary design: options and schemes

In the process of choosing a rose garden planting scheme, Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the color scheme of rose blooms, to dilute possible diversity perennial plants or evergreen shrubs.

For example, using conifers or ferns in your composition, you can achieve a beautiful look, add a little painting precisely during the period when the roses have faded.

As for the options and schemes for constructing a rosary, the following schemes are used:

Varieties of roses for the rosary

Varieties are divided into:

  • short;
  • medium height;
  • tall.

Low growing roses

These include decorative and border varieties. Height rarely exceeds 30-35 centimeters. Distinctive feature is the presence large quantity inflorescences and leaves.

IN winter time you need to cover it with polyethylene or create some kind of structure that can insulate the plants.

There are also groundcovers that can grow in a bush-like form or creep along the ground.

Names and photos of low-growing roses for flower beds:

They deserve special attention, they create the effect of a continuous floral carpet with a unique aroma, and are used when decorating a rose garden in a country house. Flowers are easy to care for and have unique properties– protects the soil from all kinds of weeds.

Medium height roses

The most popular of the subspecies are Austin roses. The inflorescences of the subspecies are large in volume and lush in shape. A distinctive feature of this species is the possibility of abundant flowering.

The height of roses in most cases reaches 75-85 centimeters.

Another common subspecies is considered to be. These plants reach a height of up to 1 meter. A distinctive feature is the delicate aroma of the buds and the simply incredible arrangement of inflorescences. Roses can continue to bloom even after the first frost.

One of the most tall plants The Floribunda rose is considered - it reaches a height of up to 1.2 meters, and it also blooms profusely. Imagine that there can be about 10 inflorescences on one shoot. A distinctive feature is the long flowering period.

Other representatives of this category are fine roses - used when decorating parks. It is park roses that include all varieties that do not fit into any categories. Shtraba roses differ from others in their unique appearance and flowering itself - it repeats itself. They have excellent resistance to low temperature air and reliable protection from harmful insects. A minimum amount of maintenance time is required.

Rose Garden, in Crimea, Black Sea, Alupka, not far from the Vorontsov Palace. The combination of roses is a win-win - white and red scrubs.

Tall varieties of roses

It is worth noting that for planting, growth from this category must be distinguished large area.Roses can reach a height of 1.3 meters.

For example, climbing roses can grow up to 6 meters. If we talk about the flowering itself, then in most cases the buds bloom no more than once a year. Several times a year, so-called climbing roses can delight with their blooms.

Possible difficulties and errors

The main mistake when creating a rock garden is to arrange it in places where least protected from gusts of wind. For this reason, such compositions are often destroyed by strong gusts of wind.

Another common mistake is the lack of a drainage system. This can be avoided if the rockery is created on a slope.

  • place the composition in the front garden at the entrance to the personal plot. In this way, you can protect the composition from a gust of wind and decorate a residential building;
  • the rose garden is being set up away from various trees and large buildings, which can obscure the composition. Not enough sun rays Negative influence to the rose garden;
  • mandatory before disembarkation the soil should be treated with fertilizer. Slightly acidic loam can cope with this perfectly (costs 150 rubles, can be bought at any flower shop).

Video consultation

How to properly plant a rose garden and provide the plants with the most comfortable conditions for lush flowering— in the video from the Maestro Major channel.

Flower beds with roses and conifers

Today there is such a trend that many owners of private houses have begun to form flower beds that include roses and conifers. To build such a flower bed with roses, you do not need any special skills or abilities, and 1 day is enough time.

If we talk about options for creating a flower bed with roses and conifers, then just look at the photo.

As you can see from the photo, there is nothing supernatural here. The successful combination and arrangement of flowers made such a flowerbed rich and individual. The free part of the soil is planted with ornamental grass - sold in any store for 50 rubles.

In this photo, the flowerbed is decorated along the edges with stones, which allows it to stand out from the rest. Lush rose buds and the needles themselves complement themselves perfectly in this combination, creating a rich, voluminous look. A flowerbed with roses and other flowers will delight its owners not only beautiful view, but also aromas.

Looking at this option for creating a flower bed in combination of roses and pine needles, one thing can be said - this is a typical example of a mistake. Trying to place on small area the maximum number of plants, you can “overdo it”. You must always remember that it is better to plant fewer plants; the appearance will never deteriorate.

Looking at this design of the rosalia, we can say that it is quite good. The design that can be seen in the photo is quite common among our gardeners in the country. It combines everything you need: compactness and beauty.

Beds of ground cover roses

Every passionate gardener probably has a flower bed with roses in their dacha. But probably everyone dreams of a flowerbed that no one else has. Let's consider unique design solutions made from ground cover roses, created with our own hands.

At first glance, it may seem that creating flowerbeds of this type with your own hands is simply impossible. This is far from true. It is not necessary to use decorative rock. Instead, you can use ordinary crushed stone, among which a ground cover rose will grow in combination with other types of plants. If desired, you can supplement such a flowerbed with decorative grass, which always remains in trend. A DIY rose flower bed of this type can be created within a few hours.

A ground cover rose can decorate any composition, regardless of its type and volume. Abundant flowering Such roses create an attractive appearance, and the aroma itself will set the mood for the whole day.

The unpretentiousness of such a rose allows it to be used in any design solutions, and emphasize individual style any private house or cottage.

Arches for roses in a flower bed

Arches always create an attractive look for any composition, and if there is also a beautiful rose curling on it, then any flower bed will have a stunning look. The options are shown in the photo.

It is possible to use both metal and wooden arch. It is necessary to understand that a wooden one will be subject to constant temperature influences, thereby its service life will not exceed 3-5 years, while a metal one will have an unlimited service life.

Of course, such a composition is often used in parks, but nothing prevents you from creating it on your site.

Creating an arch in a flowerbed is not difficult.


As you can see, there are more than enough options for arranging your territory. The main thing you must always remember is that you should not be afraid to experiment and then success will not be far off. Experiments allow you to achieve unique compositions.

Landscape designer about creating a rose garden

Tips from a professional in the Dacha TV program.

Like a queen on a chessboard, the rose “rules the show” in the flower kingdom. Her noble beauty can revive green lawn or a blank fence wall, bring into landscape design garden plot bright accents. There is an opinion that there are many problems associated with growing roses. In fact, creating a garden rose garden is a task that is quite feasible for everyone. And we invite you to talk about some nuances and wisdom today.

So, you decided to create a rose garden with your own hands, but you don’t know how to approach it not an easy task. First of all, decide which area of ​​the garden you would like to devote to setting up your rose garden. There are a huge number of options for, but you need to pay attention to the fact that the place for planting the flower bed is sunny, windless, with fertile soil. When forming a rose garden, you should avoid swampy and damp areas of the garden, as well as areas in the shade of trees or buildings. As for the soil, the most successful soil for planting roses is considered to be light loam with an acidity level of 5-6 pH.

Climbing roses look impressive on the facade and in the design entrance group country house

A flowerbed of geometric roses will be favorably emphasized by a low border of evergreen shrubs

Abundantly blooming rose gardens on summer cottage can be planted freely, emphasizing the naturalness of the garden, or geometrically, obeying a clearly thought-out plan. You can plant roses in a group on the lawn or near a pond, arrange with roses hedge along the perimeter of the garden or arrange it in a flower bed. A rosary of low-growing flowers will become great solution to create a border inside a summer cottage, and climbing varieties of roses will favorably highlight the architecture of a gazebo or pergola and hide an inconspicuous wall of a house or fence.

Even a single standard rose planted in the form of a tree or a spreading bush hybrid tea rose capable of transforming the landscape of a dacha. Tall park roses will fit perfectly into the design of the entrance to the site or add solemnity to the long alley leading to the house. Roses will become a truly royal decoration for any corner of your garden plot, adding the missing “zest” to it. appearance and fill your garden with a delicate fragrance.

Drawing up diagrams and breakdown plans

When choosing a rose garden planting scheme, pay attention to the color scheme of rose blooms and dilute its diversity with perennials or evergreen shrubs. Conifers or ferns will not only create an advantageous backdrop for viewing the rose garden, but will also add picturesqueness to this corner of the dacha when the roses fade. You can get some ideas on how to create a rose garden in your garden plot with your own hands in the form of group planting of roses from the diagrams below.

When planting roses in a group, you need to think about which perennial and evergreen plants will highlight their beauty.

On initial stage when creating a rose garden, it will be useful to draw a sketch of the placement of roses in a group

A rose garden created from a combination of white or cream roses with perennials and blooming lilac inflorescences looks original.

The planning diagram of the rose garden will help to mark out the area allocated for the arrangement of the flower garden

Stages of formation of a rosary

If you are wondering how you can make a rose garden with your own hands, you should definitely pay close attention to preparing the soil for its improvement. The properties and composition of the soil play a significant role when creating a rose garden, because the rose, as befits royalty, is quite capricious and capricious.

Preparing the soil for planting roses involves draining and fertilizing the planting hole

The most unfavorable soil for planting roses is heavy clay soil, which will require drainage to remove excess moisture from the plant. Coarse sand, expanded clay or gravel are most often used as drainage materials. Dry sandy soil It is also unsuitable for a rose garden - it must be fertilized with a mixture of clay and humus. If the soil in the garden plot is fertile, a hole for planting roses is formed to such a depth that the root system of the bush fits. If the soil is not very good in its properties, then a hole is dug deeper and wider in diameter, and its bottom is sprinkled with drainage or fertilized.

Planting a rose seedling consists of the following stages: preparing the hole, pruning the seedling, filling the roots, compacting and watering the soil

Once a place to create a rose garden has been chosen and a layout scheme has been thought out, it takes about 2-3 months to prepare the soil for planting roses. Considering that autumn is the best time for planting roses, approximately in the middle of summer, the area of ​​the garden chosen for the formation of a rose garden is dug up to a depth of about 60 cm and loosened upper layer soil. Then, the soil is fertilized with mineral and organic fertilizers. In a couple of months the earth will settle and evaporate excess moisture, she will be saturated with useful substances and gain optimal composition for the development of the rosary.

When choosing a location for a rose garden near a country house, make sure that this area of ​​the garden is not shaded and is well lit by the sun

A border of low-growing roses planted along its perimeter will give a bright frame to the green lawn.

It is important to know! As organic fertilizers for roses the following are used: rotted manure, peat, humus, compost - at the rate of 10 kg of fertilizer per 1 square meter of land. Mixture mineral fertilizers, suitable for roses and sufficient for 1 m3 of soil: 70 grams of superphosphate, 30 grams of ammonium nitrate, 20 grams of potassium chloride.

General landing rules

In order for the rose garden at your dacha to delight you with its blooms, you must adhere to some rules for planting it. Before planting, the root system of roses is moistened and broken or damaged ends are trimmed. The above-ground part of the bush is shortened, leaving 1-3 of the most powerful shoots without leaves, shoots and color. In the designated areas of the garden plot, holes are dug for planting, taking into account the length of the root system of the roses.

Planting roses in ceramic pots will simplify the creation of a garden rose garden and give the terrace adjacent to the lawn a unique flavor

During planting, the rose seedling must be held strictly vertically and ensure that the tips of the roots do not bend upward. To do this, the seedling is periodically shaken so that the planting mixture is evenly distributed, filling the space between the shoots of the rhizome.

Ground-cover roses with miniature inflorescences, planted around an artificial pond, will create a voluminous and colorful frame for it

A multi-colored rose garden will look good against the backdrop of a green grass lawn

It is important to know! The planting density of roses is selected based on the expected height and width of the bush and is: 25-50 cm for miniature, dwarf and floribunda roses; 60-100 cm for hybrid tea and low-growing park roses; 1-1.5 m for standard and weakly growing climbing roses; 2-3 m for tall park, weeping standard and fast-growing climbing roses.

After planting, the soil around the bush is carefully crushed with feet, then loosened a little, watered abundantly and hilled to a height of about 20 cm with peat or sawdust so that the above-ground shoots are completely covered. It is recommended to plant roses in the fall, from October until frost sets in.

After wintering - in the spring, roses are pruned and sprinkled with tree bark or wet peat. Subsequently, when the shoots reach a height of 5 cm, it is recommended to re-hill the roses and mulch the soil with an 8-centimeter layer of peat or humus.

Preparing rose seedlings for planting

When preparing a rose for transplanting from a container, it is necessary to moisten the soil well so that the earthen lump does not crumble when removed. In order to plant a rose grown in a plastic pot, you need to cut it, remove the lump and, without destroying it, place it in a pre-dug hole for planting. A hole for a rose from a container is dug approximately 10 cm wider and higher than its dimensions. The resulting gaps after moving the rose from the container to the hole are filled with a mixture of garden soil and peat so that the upper surface of the earthen ball is equal to the ground level on the site.

Before planting, the root system and shoots of the rose seedling must be trimmed

When roses for a rose garden are purchased as seedlings, the root system of the flower may dry out and freeze. If the plant is frozen, it is necessary to bury it in the open ground for a couple of days before planting. If the rose roots are too dry, you need to place them in water 10 hours before planting. Immediately before planting, the roots of the rose are trimmed to 30 cm, removing spoiled shoots, and aboveground part shorten, leaving a couple of strong shoots. The roots of the seedling can be treated with a clay-manure liquid mixture to provide the rose with additional nutrition until it takes root.

Planting certain types of rose gardens

Some types of rose gardens require specific preparation of the planting site, depending on the design of the flower garden and the types of roses used for its arrangement.

A rose garden of park roses will give the central alley a solemn and elegant look

Planting standard roses

Standard roses are planted in the rose garden, like a tapeworm - an accent plant that differs from others in size and color scheme. A hole for planting a standard rose is dug according to the same principle as for a bushy one - based on the size of the rhizome. To standard tree not broken by gusts of wind, at a distance of 10 cm from it, on the leeward side, dig in a wooden stake and tie a rose trunk to it. The stake is selected with a diameter of 2 to 4 cm and a height equal to the tree trunk to the base of the crown plus 50-70 cm. It is advisable to treat the underground part of the stake with an antiseptic to prevent wood rotting and drive it to a depth of about 50 cm into a hole prepared for planting the rose.

The rope intended for tying a standard tree must be tarred and secured with an 8-shaped loop in three places on the rose trunk - near the ground, in the middle of the trunk and at the base of the crown. To protect the trunk of the tree from damage by the rope, it is wrapped with scraps of burlap in the areas where the loops are placed. An elastic fastener specially designed for such purposes will greatly simplify the procedure of gartering a rose.

Standard roses, which are small blooming trees, good both in a group and alone

A secluded seating area with a bench can be formed using a hedge of roses and standard trees

Planting a hedge of roses

Shrub or climbing roses look great planted as a hedge, formed either around the perimeter of the garden plot or inside it - to divide it into zones, for example, to create a border between a commercial area and a place to relax. To arrange a single-row hedge inside the garden, low-growing roses with a height of less than 1 meter are most often used - and the distance between the bushes should be 50-70 mm.

Lush flowering bush climbing rose will brighten up the monotony of the fence of a summer cottage

A multi-row hedge of roses usually consists of two or three tiers, with lower roses sitting in the foreground, then medium-sized ones (1-1.5 m), and the tallest ones (more than 1.5 m) forming the background adjacent to the main fence. It is necessary to ensure that the row of roses closest to the fence or other building is placed 30-50 cm from the wall. During this planting, the roots of the roses must be distributed in such a way that they “go” in the opposite direction from the building.

Rosary created under the walls country house, is able to decorate even the most inconspicuous building

When planting roses in multi-row hedges, they adhere to a checkerboard pattern with a distance between bushes approximately equal to half their height. To plant a rose garden on a summer cottage in the form of a hedge, they do not dig separate holes for each bush, but a trench about 50 cm deep and a width depending on the number of rows in the hedge. It is advisable to loosen the bottom of the trench with a pitchfork and cover it with a layer of planting mixture consisting of peat and garden soil taken in equal parts. To plant a hedge, it is best to take 2-3-year-old rose seedlings with a well-developed root system.