How to get rid of the smell of new furniture in your home? Odor from chipboard: where does it come from and how to deal with it? The new closet stinks, what should I do?

If you notice an unpleasant, chemical smell, do not rush to spray all the products you have in your arsenal. Mixing aromas can only worsen the situation, and it will simply be impossible to stay in the room. First, you need to find out what exactly caused the unpleasant smell from the new furniture.

There can be several reasons for the odor

The following are the main causes of excessive odor:

  • unpleasant aroma of the material. Furniture is often made from chipboard or solid wood. It is covered with a layer of paint or varnish, which has a pronounced industrial aroma;
  • room humidity. Sometimes putting it at home new sofa or closet, you can feel that they smell musty. This is explained by the fact that the product stood for a long time in a room where the humidity level exceeded the permissible limit. If the interior of the sofa under the upholstery has been damaged by dampness, then the smell of rottenness will be especially difficult to get rid of;
  • chemical treatment. To extend the service life of wooden parts and elements, as well as to protect them from insects and negative impact external environment, processing is carried out using special compounds. Leather upholstery is also subjected to chemical treatment.

Such odors can cause a feeling of discomfort or even be harmful to health.

To minimize the discomfort from buying new furniture, it is recommended to buy quality products from well-known manufacturers who use only quality parts and materials. They have a less pungent aroma, which dissipates much faster.

How to remove odor from new chipboard furniture at home

The sooner you start fighting the smells of new furniture, the sooner they will be over. There are various effective ways to eliminate foreign odors. Some of them cannot be called cheap, but others, on the contrary, can be classified as economical.

In any case, they will help solve the problem and restore a comfortable environment and a feeling of freshness in your home or office.

This method is considered the least labor-intensive, but it takes the most time to completely remove the odor. Its essence is to ventilate the room in which the furniture is placed as often as possible. This method is suitable for cases where the apartment is not yet furnished and occupied, so people are not in it all the time.

Regularly ventilate the room in which new furniture is located.

In this situation, it is possible to leave the window for ventilation and engage in further arrangement of the home. Please note that complete weathering may take about 2-3 weeks.

An ozonator is special device, synthesizing ozone from room oxygen. In just a couple of hours, the device will clean the air and there will be no trace of the unpleasant aroma. Along with unpleasant odors, the ozonizer neutralizes any substances hazardous to health that are released into the air.


The device should be used strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, since turning it on too often can lead to a number of negative reactions from the body, such as headache, slight malaise and dizziness. Buying a device is not a cheap pleasure. Its cost significantly exceeds the cost of other methods for eliminating odors. But there are other advantages to purchasing the device. Having purchased it once, the device will serve for a long time, relieving home owners from the need to spend time and effort on constantly wiping and treating new furniture.

In the department household chemicals can be found special means to remove odors. Purchased products must be used strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and only for those materials that are indicated on the bottle with the liquid. Some compounds are especially effective for working with products made of chipboard, wood or plastic, but it is not advisable for them to come into contact with soft upholstery even in small quantities. Such products are inexpensive and their consumption is quite economical.

Processing with special means

Store-bought products often contain their own fragrances, so after using them, an additional aroma will appear in the room. For people prone to allergic reactions this method, may not be suitable.


Among inexpensive ways to speed up, we can note the use of salt, activated carbon and tea bags. Around the arranged furniture it is necessary to place containers filled with the listed absorbent agents. The contents of the containers are updated every day, and the room must be ventilated. The surface of new furniture can be wiped using lemon juice, divorced in large quantities water.

Masking the smell

In addition to trying to eliminate an unpleasant odor, you can try to mask it. To do this, citrus peels or coffee beans are laid out on saucers around the perimeter of the entire room. You can also put soap self made With pleasant aroma.

Which method of combating the smell of new furniture to choose depends on how quickly you need to get rid of the smell and what costs can be allocated for this.

You cannot live without furniture - this is one of the main attributes of a comfortable life. However, furniture may require a lot of attention if it is wooden base or soft part have a specific smell. Old furniture smells dirty and musty, but new furniture has a certain smell that remains from finishing materials. Getting rid of an obsessive odor is quite simple.

Eliminating the smell of old furniture

It happens that we have to live in rented apartment with old furniture. There is no need to count on more - the furniture cannot be replaced. Or you've come across an old and rare grandma's chest of drawers that you'd hate to throw away. In all these cases you just need to print bad smell old furniture to use interior items with pleasure.

  1. Vinegar and potassium permanganate. If it's a chest of drawers or wooden table, it needs to be wiped with a solution of vinegar, preferably apple cider vinegar. To do this, dilute a tablespoon of vinegar with half a glass of water in a bowl of water. Then soak a sponge or cloth in a bowl and wipe all surfaces of the furniture with the prepared mixture. You shouldn't overly moisten the tree - it can start to rot from the humidity. Therefore, after treatment, carefully wipe the piece of furniture dry. Instead of vinegar, you can use a solution of potassium permanganate. Only it must be really weak so as not to stain the surface. And you should not rub light-colored furniture with manganese - yellowish stains may remain.
  2. Antifungal agents. Very often, the cause of a musty smell can be fungus or mold that develops in the pores of the wooden structure. To get rid of such an infection, you need to treat a piece of furniture with antifungal and disinfectants. These may be special household chemical products that can be purchased at a hardware store. You can also use chlorinated bath and toilet cleaners. Regular bleach diluted in five parts warm water, will eliminate any signs of mold and mildew. Pay attention to the legs of the furniture - it is there, between the layers of the wooden structure, that dangerous bacteria are most often hidden, causing rot and a musty smell.
  3. Adsorbents. If the smell comes not from the surface of the furniture, but from the internal cabinets, the principle of getting rid of the smell should be slightly different. First, make soda water - add a tablespoon of baking soda to a glass of water. Wipe the external and internal surfaces interior item. After this, pour into a bowl any adsorbents that absorb moisture and odor well. This can be dry soda, activated carbon, salt, citric acid. It can also be decomposed by secluded corners lemon or orange peel furniture, ground coffee in a linen bag. Citrus fruits and coffee will not only cope with unpleasant odors, but will also give the interior a pleasant, noble aroma.

Cleaning old upholstered furniture is a little more difficult because the smell of dust and pet stains penetrates deep into the fabric. To effectively deal with the smell of old upholstered furniture, the sofa or armchairs need to be dry cleaned. If this is not possible, we will use the following means.

Detergent composition
Dilute a little liquid soap in two glasses of warm water, add a teaspoon citric acid and the same amount of vinegar. Wear gloves before handling. Mix the mixture thoroughly to form a thick foam. Apply foam with a sponge to the entire upholstered part of the furniture and leave for several hours in a ventilated area. Then clean the soft surface of the dried soap composition with a stiff brush. And put a few citrus peels inside the sofa - this will get rid of the remnants of the annoying smell.

Remember that upholstered furniture requires constant care. If you spill something on the sofa, you need to immediately eliminate the contamination so that the smell does not penetrate into the deeper layers of the furniture. Do not forget to vacuum the sofa and treat it monthly with special soap products for cleaning upholstered furniture. Do not allow animals to sit on the owner’s sofa, because if an incident occurs, it will be very difficult to remove such a pungent smell from the sofa.

You experience joy from buying new furniture, which is replaced by disappointment - the new furniture has a specific smell. It will gradually fade, but why wait so long? You can get rid of it today.

  1. Ozonizer. This modern device, which produces ozone from the surrounding air. The ozonizer must be turned on indoors with new furniture that has an unpleasant smell. The device not only eliminates odors, but also cleans the air from possible vapors of toxic compounds that could be used in furniture production.
  2. Salt and tea. Most often, an unpleasant odor comes from the varnish that covers the furniture. After all, it contains formaldehydes, which not only emit an unpleasant odor, but are also dangerous to health. To get rid of the unpleasant smell of new wooden furniture, you need to place bowls with salt and tea leaves around the room. They absorb odors like a sponge. If there is an odor on new shelves or cabinets, it is better to put absorbent substances directly inside the furniture.
  3. Essential oils. To get rid of the smell of new upholstered furniture, you need to open the sofas and armchairs, remove all removable pillows and pads from the furniture, and lay everything out on outdoors. If possible, furniture should be weathered for 24 hours, but not less than 10 hours. After this, when you assemble the furniture, place an open bottle of essential oils inside the sofa and armchairs. With their pleasant aroma they will kill the remnants of the unpleasant smell of new furniture.
  4. Heater. Sometimes new furniture smells musty and damp. This suggests that it was stored in warehouses with high humidity. To get rid of this smell you need to dry the furniture. Turn on the heater in the room and leave it at medium temperature for about three hours. During this time, usually, not a trace of dampness remains. Do not heat the air in the room too much - this may cause some parts to dry out. Do not dry upholstered furniture in direct sunlight - you risk upholstery fabric– it may fade.
  5. Ammonia. This product is used to combat the smell of new leather furniture. To do this, you need to dilute a teaspoon of ammonia with a glass of water and wipe the surface of the furniture with this composition. If the smell is very persistent, you can add a little vinegar or lemon juice to the solution. Usually a couple of such procedures are enough to make the smell disappear forever.
Before using any cleaning product, apply a small amount of the prepared mixture to the back of the furniture, which is not visible, to test the reaction of the material. If the color and structure of the furniture remain the same, you can safely apply the product to the entire coating.

If all measures to eliminate odor do not bring the expected effect, you can replace the upholstery of upholstered furniture - this is not as expensive as changing a sofa.

The smell can be so annoying that it not only spoils your mood, but also gives you a headache. Therefore, it is very important to get rid of unpleasant odors in a timely manner and create for yourself and your family comfortable conditions life.

Video: how to get rid of smell from furniture

When you buy new cabinets, your apartment may smell like glue and varnish for a long time. It is quite possible to remove the smell of new furniture from chipboard or MDF. To do this, you need to use ozonizers or use folk remedies.

The reason for the smell of new furniture

New cabinets, including a wardrobe with a computer desk, dressing rooms, and libraries cannot help but smell in the first six months after installation. The smell comes from the glue that is used in production to form particle boards, and also, in some cases, from furniture varnish. If the furniture is upholstered with leatherette or laminate inserts, then this material can also give its own note in the palette of aromas.

There is nothing harmful in these odors if the toxicity class of the material is at level E1 or E2. But if the room is small and poorly ventilated, then the unpleasant aroma can still irritate the owners.

Getting rid of smell from furniture

If new furniture made of MDF or chipboard smells, then you need to ventilate the room where it is installed more often. If the cabinets are made of natural wood, the smell of the wood will last longer than the weather. There is no point in fighting it, as this is the first sign of expensive and high-quality furniture.

When choosing cabinets made from cheaper materials, you can immediately arrange the furniture in the living room so that it is closer to the window. You can also hide it for a while in non-residential premises(in the closet or on the balcony).

Built-in wardrobes made of MDF or Chipboard is better do not install in cramped rooms if you are allergic to the smell of formaldehyde or if it is made of a material without a toxicity class that meets European standards.

If the furniture is made of chipboard or MDF, then it will help:

  • ventilation and ozonation of the room;
  • the use of substances that absorb unpleasant odors (salt bags or aromatic tea (regular black, green, jasmine, with different flavors);
  • covering chipboard sections with silicone, varnish or tape;
  • air fresheners.

Packages of salt or tea placed inside the cabinet absorb not only the smell, but the molecules of formaldehyde resins themselves. This is the simplest and effective method get rid of unpleasant odor.

An odor eliminating liquid will also help, essential oils, including citrus aromas, as well as surface treatment with soft detergents for furniture care. The peculiarity of professional products for the care of cabinets made of chipboard and MDF is that they leave protective film, which closes the possibility of spreading the smell of resins or varnish.

We remove persistent odors from MDF and chipboard

The smell from MDF furniture lasts as long as that from chipboard. The best way to combat it - an ozonizer that generates ozone. It is left on for several hours and the persistent odor is neutralized. Many housewives also use aromatic sachets (mixtures of dried flower petals and herbs), as well as orange or tangerine peels simply placed in the corners. This doesn’t last long, but if the furniture has been in the room for a long time, then this method can be quite effective.

The best absorbents:

  • table or sea salt;
  • vinegar (pour into a small container);
  • dry tea or herbal mixtures;
  • coffee beans or ground natural coffee.

As a last resort, if the smell does not want to disappear, it may make sense to complain to the manufacturer and replace the low-quality furniture. When ordering, you need to take into account the factor of the appearance of foreign odors in the apartment and discuss it in advance with the company that will make cabinets for the home.

If the manufacturer is good, for example, like our company Rosmebel, then all these little details will be taken into account and discussed at the stage of creating the project.

New furniture “pleases” with a specific smell that disappears 3-5 days after the product is assembled. But in some cases time is running, but the situation does not improve - the aroma remains the same pronounced, and this causes discomfort. How to get rid of the smell from furniture in this case?

It is easier to eliminate a smell when it is clear why it appeared. There are three main reasons that provoke the appearance of any furniture - both cabinet and upholstered - unpleasant odors. Only by identifying the root cause can you really get rid of the smell of new furniture effectively.

Reason #1 - formaldehyde

Most cabinet furniture (according to some estimates - up to 80% of products) is made from laminated chipboard - coarse wood chips, impregnated with formaldehyde compounds and treated with a polymer film (varnish). Upholstered furniture also has wooden frame- usually this is no longer laminated chipboard, but chipboard: the same wood chips impregnated with formaldehyde resins for bonding, but it can also be MDF.

Actually, formaldehyde is the source of the characteristic smell of new furniture. But it causes not only psychological discomfort - if you inhale it for a long time, you can “earn”:

  • headache and migraine;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • deterioration in concentration.

Cheap furniture manufactured in violation of GOST standards can emit an unpleasant odor for a very long time

Despite such Negative influence of this substance on the human body, avoid it in furniture production today it is impossible due to its physical properties. However, there are standards and GOSTs that strictly regulate the permissible concentration of formaldehyde resins in furniture products. Products manufactured in accordance with these requirements may not emit characteristic odors, and simply smell like wood (the aroma of wood shavings overcomes the smell of formaldehyde resins).

Reason #2 - mustiness

Appears if the furniture has been left for a long time in a damp, poorly ventilated or unventilated room. The longer the furniture is there, the deeper the dampness penetrates, the more difficult it is to remove this mustiness, and sometimes even a mouse smell can appear.

In closed, damp rooms, furniture absorbs all odors

This often happens in houses where elderly people live alone - they do not use all the rooms and do not worry about ventilating each room. This problem is also common in dachas, which are used mainly in the warm season: if the furniture is in an unheated house, after the winter season, in most cases, a musty smell cannot be avoided. This is especially dangerous - upholstery absorbs mold better and emits unpleasant odors longer.

Reason #3 - processing leather furniture

Leather chairs and sofas are stylish, practical and durable. But in order for such upholstery to serve for a long time, it undergoes complex chemical treatment. And this is what leads to the appearance of a specific odor, which, like mustiness, takes a long time and is labor-intensive to remove.

Ways to eliminate furniture odors

There are many effective methods removing odors from furniture. But it is extremely rare that they help the first time. The effectiveness depends on the number of repetitions and the frequency of their use. And of course, from the material of the product that is being processed: the smell of chipboard furniture is eliminated more easily than if this problem overcomes soft products.

And now - directly to the recipes. Let's consider what needs to be done when there is a smell from cabinet or upholstered furniture consisting of chipboard, and what available household products will help get rid of it.

A cinnamon stick and citrus peel will do a great job of eliminating cabinet odors.

Ventilation and drying

For new furniture, only ventilation is necessary; for old furniture, which is musty, it also requires forced drying. The product is placed in a non-residential room, all doors and drawers are opened in cabinets and chests of drawers, sofas are laid out - it must be made available for ventilation as much as possible large area products. Access windows then open fresh air.

It is ideal to organize a draft: leave both the windows and the door to the room open, but this is suitable if no one will be in the house, since a draft often leads to various colds.

Useful: If ventilation for old furniture does not help or does not help completely, close the windows hermetically to, on the contrary, block the access of fresh air, and use a heater to heat the room for 3-4 hours.

The heating device should not be placed in close proximity to furniture - this can lead to drying out of individual chipboard elements. To improve the effect, you can spread orange peels on furniture - they absorb odors well and replace them with a rich citrus aroma.


An ozonator is a special device that passes indoor air through itself, filters out harmful particles and saturates the air masses with ozone. Buying this device is not cheap, but it is useful. The ozonizer is recommended to be used when one of the family members is sick with viral diseases. It may not be worth buying it purely to eliminate the smell of furniture, but if you already have it, the device can be safely used for this task.

Using an ozonizer you can not only clean the air in the room, but also improve the microclimate at home

Use of chemistry

Household chemicals departments sell special products for purifying the air from foreign odors. They help to solve the problem really quickly and effectively and are especially in demand in cases where we're talking about about furniture in a children's room or in a house where one of the family members has chronic respiratory diseases.

The product is diluted in water in the proportion indicated on the label and applied to the surface of the furniture. It forms a thin film that prevents the spread of odor throughout the apartment. After the film has dried, ventilate the room - when the aroma of the product goes away, the smell of the furniture will also disappear.

The only drawback is that such chemistry is suitable for cabinet products, such as chests of drawers, shelving, sideboards, wardrobes, but is not suitable for upholstered furniture.

Household chemicals for removing odors

Gluing the ends

Often a bad smell comes from furniture that has poorly processed or untreated ends - it is from these sections that formaldehyde resins find their way out, since the main part of the surface contains paint and laminated coating prevent diffusion. If the smell comes from the ends, you need to purchase furniture edges and glue them yourself, then ventilate the room to “drive out” the remaining smell.

Available means

These will help remove unpleasant odors: folk remedies, like tea, table salt and activated carbon. All of them have a high degree of odor and moisture absorption. Tea bags and handfuls of salt can be placed in drawers and on the shelves of the product and left for several days, remembering to regularly ventilate the room - this will help effectively get rid of the smell from upholstered furniture. Activated carbon tablets are used in the same way.

Salt and tea work great to remove excess odors

Essential oils

They are powerful flavoring agents. A rag soaked and placed inside the furniture will not remove the unpleasant odor, but will kill it. It is definitely better to smell the scent of ether than the smell of chemical compounds or dampness. You can continue to use this method until the furniture stops emitting a smell on its own. The most powerful are the oils of citrus and coniferous plants.