Functions of pedagogical science. Functions of pedagogy as a science. Object and categories of pedagogy

Object, subject and functions of pedagogy

In the views of scientists on pedagogy, both in the past and in the present, there are three approaches (concepts).

Representatives of the first of them believe that pedagogy is an interdisciplinary field of human knowledge. However, this approach actually denies pedagogy as an independent theoretical science, i.e. as an area of ​​reflection of pedagogical phenomena. In pedagogy, in this case, a variety of complex objects of reality are represented (space, politics, socialization, development, etc.).

Other scientists assign pedagogy the role of an applied discipline, the function of which is to indirectly use knowledge borrowed from other sciences (psychology, natural science, sociology, etc.) and adapted to solve problems arising in the field of education or upbringing.

So, at first glance, the object of scientific pedagogy is the student, pupil and, in general, any person who is being taught and educated. However, in this case, both pedagogy and psychology study mental reality (the human psyche), and pedagogy is only the applied part of psychology, its “practical application”. This approach explains attempts to replace pedagogy with psychopedagogy.

Supporters of the second concept, like the first, actually deny the right of pedagogy to its subject and, consequently, its own theoretical knowledge, replacing it with a set of provisions taken from other sciences. This circumstance has a negative impact on teaching practice. None of the sciences related to pedagogy studies pedagogical reality holistically and specifically. With this approach, a holistic fundamental basis for the functioning and transformation of teaching practice cannot be developed. The content of such pedagogy is a set of fragmentary ideas about individual aspects of pedagogical phenomena.

Productive for science and practice, according to V.V. Kraevsky, is only the third concept, according to which pedagogy is a relatively independent discipline that has its own object and subject of study.

Object of pedagogy. A. S. Makarenko, a scientist and practitioner who can hardly be accused of promoting “childless” pedagogy, in 1922 formulated the idea of ​​​​the specificity of the object pedagogical science. He wrote that many consider the child to be the object of pedagogical research, but this is incorrect. Object of study scientific pedagogy is " pedagogical fact(phenomenon)". At the same time, the child and the person are not excluded from the researcher’s attention. On the contrary, being one of the sciences about man, pedagogy studies purposeful activities for the development and formation of his personality.

Therefore, as your object pedagogy does not have the individual, his psyche (this is the object of psychology), but system of pedagogical phenomena related to its development. That's why object of pedagogy are those phenomena of reality that determine the development of the human individual in the process of purposeful activity of society. These phenomena are called education. It is that part of the objective world that pedagogy studies.

Subject of pedagogy. Education is studied not only by pedagogy. It is studied by philosophy, sociology, psychology, economics and other sciences. So, for example, an economist, studying the level real possibilities“labor resources” produced by the education system, tries to determine the costs of their preparation. A sociologist wants to know whether the education system is preparing people who can adapt to the social environment and contribute to scientific and technological progress and social change. The philosopher, in turn, using a broader approach, asks the question of the goals and general purpose of education - what they are today and what they should be in the future. modern world. A psychologist studies the psychological aspects of education as a pedagogical process. A political scientist seeks to determine the effectiveness of state educational policy at a particular stage of social development, etc.

The contributions of numerous sciences to the study of education as social phenomenon, undoubtedly, valuable and necessary, but these sciences do not address the essential aspects of education related to the everyday processes of human growth and development, the interaction of teachers and students in the process of this development and the corresponding institutional structure. And this is quite legitimate, since the study of these aspects determines that part of the object (education) that should be studied by a special science - pedagogy.

Subject of pedagogy– this is education as a real holistic pedagogical process, purposefully organized in special social institutions (family, educational and cultural institutions). Pedagogy in this case is a science that studies the essence, patterns, trends and prospects for the development of the pedagogical process (education) as a factor and means of human development throughout his life. On this basis, pedagogy develops theory and technology its organization, forms and methods of improving the activities of a teacher (pedagogical activity) and various types student activities, as well as strategies and ways to interactions.

Functions pedagogical science. The functions of pedagogy as a science are determined by its subject. This theoretical and technological functions which it carries out in organic unity.

The theoretical function of pedagogy is realized on three levels:

- descriptive, or explanatory - the study of advanced and innovative pedagogical experience;

- diagnostic– identifying the state of pedagogical phenomena, the success or effectiveness of the activities of the teacher and students, establishing the conditions and reasons that ensure them;

- prognosticexperimental studies pedagogical reality and building on their basis models for transforming this reality.

Prognostic level theoretical function associated with revealing the essence of pedagogical phenomena, finding deep phenomena in pedagogical process, scientific justification for the proposed changes. At this level, theories of training and education, models of pedagogical systems that are ahead of educational practice are created.

Technological function Pedagogy also offers three levels of implementation:

- projective related to the development of appropriate teaching materials (curricula, programs, textbooks and teaching aids, pedagogical recommendations), embodying theoretical concepts and defining the “normative or regulatory” (V.V. Kraevsky) plan pedagogical activity, its content and nature;

- transformative, aimed at introducing the achievements of pedagogical science into educational practice with the aim of its improvement and reconstruction;

- reflective, involving assessment of the impact of results scientific research on the practice of training and education and subsequent correction in the interaction of scientific theory and practical activity.

The tasks facing the school changed significantly at different stages of the development of society. This explains the periodic shift of emphasis from teaching to upbringing and vice versa. However, state policy in the field of education almost always underestimated the dialectical unity of teaching and upbringing, the integrity of the developing personality. Just as it is impossible to teach without exerting an educational influence, so it is impossible to solve educational problems without equipping students with sufficient complex system knowledge, skills and abilities. Progressive thinkers of all times and peoples have never opposed teaching and upbringing. Moreover, they viewed the teacher, first of all, as an educator.

All nations and at all times have had outstanding teachers. Thus, the Chinese called Confucius the Great Teacher. One of the legends about this thinker describes his conversation with a student: “This country is vast and densely populated. What is she lacking, teacher? - the student turns to him. “Enrich her,” the teacher replies. “But she’s already rich. How can we enrich it?” - asks the student. "Teach her!" - exclaims the teacher.

A man of difficult and enviable fate, the Czech humanist teacher Jan Amos Comenius was the first to develop pedagogy as an independent branch of theoretical knowledge. Comenius dreamed of giving his people the collected wisdom of the world. He wrote dozens of school textbooks and over 260 pedagogical works. And today every teacher, using the words “lesson”, “class”, “vacation”, “training”, etc., does not always know that they all entered the school along with the name of the great Czech teacher.

Ya.A. Comenius asserted a new, progressive view of the teacher. This profession was “excellent for him, like no other under the sun.” He compared the teacher with a gardener who lovingly grows plants in the garden, with an architect who carefully builds knowledge into every corner of a human being, with a sculptor who carefully hews and polishes the minds and souls of people, with a commander who energetically leads an offensive against barbarism and ignorance.

Swiss educator Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi spent all his savings on creating orphanages. He dedicated his life to orphans, trying to make childhood a school of joy and creative work. On his grave there is a monument with an inscription that ends with the words: “Everything is for others, nothing is for yourself.”

The great teacher of Russia was Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky, the father of Russian teachers. The textbooks he created have had a circulation unprecedented in history. For example, “Native Word” was reprinted 167 times. His legacy consists of 11 volumes, and his pedagogical works still have scientific value today. He described the social significance of the teaching profession as follows: “An educator who is on par with the modern course of education feels like a living, active member of a great organism fighting the ignorance and vices of humanity, a mediator between everything that was noble and lofty in the past history of people, and a new generation, the keeper of the holy covenants of people who fought for truth and goodness,” and his work, “modest in appearance, is one of the greatest deeds in history. States are based on this matter and entire generations live on it.”

Searches for Russian theorists and practitioners of the 20s. XX century largely prepared the innovative pedagogy of Anton Semenovich Makarenko. Despite the establishment in education, as in everything else in the country, in the 30s. command-administrative methods of management, he contrasted them with pedagogy, humanistic in essence, optimistic in spirit, imbued with faith in the creative powers and capabilities of man. The theoretical heritage and experience of A. S. Makarenko acquired worldwide recognition. Of particular importance is the work created by A.S. Makarenko’s theory of the children’s collective, which organically includes a method of individualizing upbringing that is subtle in its instrumentation and unique in its methods and techniques of implementation. He believed that the work of a teacher is the most difficult, “perhaps the most responsible and requires from the individual not only the greatest effort, but also great strength, great abilities.”

Pedagogy is a complex social science that unites, integrates and synthesizes the data of all teachings about children. It defines the canons of formation social relations that influence the development of the future generation.

Goals and objectives of pedagogy

Aspects of pedagogical reality influence the child not only during direct exposure, but also subsequently are reflected in the events of his life.

The main goal of pedagogy is to fully contribute to the process of self-realization of the individual and the development of society using a scientific approach, as well as to develop and implement effective ways its improvement.

At the beginning of the third millennium, full of important events, the need to strengthen humanistic ideas in the minds of Russians increases. This is only possible if the pedagogical approach is implemented in all spheres of life. Only then will it be possible to predict the effectiveness of educational and educational activities.

Thus, the tasks and functions of pedagogy are related to the description, explanation and prediction of events and processes taking place in the educational sphere. This is precisely what determines the need to divide tasks into theoretical and practical. The tasks and functions of pedagogy are formulated based on scientific principles, and then embodied in actual activities.

  1. Identification of the basic patterns of the educational process.
  2. Analysis and generalization of experience in teaching activities.
  3. Development and updating of the methodological framework; creation of new systems of training and education.
  4. Using the results of pedagogical experimentation in teaching practice.
  5. Determining the prospects for the development of education in the near and distant future.

The actual implementation of the theory, that is, the implementation of practical tasks, occurs directly in educational institutions.

Object of pedagogy

The tasks and functions of pedagogy as a science are formulated quite clearly. Their content has never caused controversy among specialists and researchers.

Even at the beginning of the 20th century, A. S. Makarenko drew attention to the specificity of the object of pedagogy. He disagreed with most researchers of the time. A.S. Makarenko considered their opinion that the child was the object of pedagogy to be erroneous. This science studies aspects of activity aimed at the formation of social significant qualities personality. Consequently, the object of pedagogical science is not a person, but the educational process aimed at him, but a set of pedagogical activities that determine the development of the individual.

Subject of pedagogy

The problems of the educational process are indirectly related to many sciences: philosophy, sociology, psychology, economics and others. But none of them touches on the essence of the activity that determines the daily processes of growth and development of the child, as well as the interaction between the teacher and schoolchildren. Only pedagogy deals with the study of patterns, trends and prospects for the development of the educational process as one of the factors in the formation of a person’s personality.

Thus, the subject of this collective social science includes the patterns of formation of the process of education over time, which are closely related to the canons of the development of social relations. Also, the functions of pedagogy reflect the totality of features and conditions for the implementation of pedagogical influence.

Pedagogy as a science

The most important functions of pedagogy as a science are related to the knowledge of the laws governing the upbringing, education and training of the individual and the development of optimal means of solving basic problems personal development person.

To make it more specific, experts highlight the theoretical and technological functions of pedagogy.

The implementation of each of them presupposes the presence of three activity levels.

Levels of theoretical function:

  1. Descriptive or explanatory, which explores advanced and innovative teaching practices.
  2. Diagnostic, within which the state, conditions and causes of the phenomena accompanying the interaction between teacher and child are identified.
  3. Prognostic, which involves conducting experimental research that reveals pedagogical reality and finding ways to transform it. This level is associated with the creation of theories and models of interaction between participants in pedagogical relations, which are used in practice.

Technology function levels:

  1. Projective, including the development of an appropriate list of methodological material (curricula, programs, manuals, etc.) the content of which embodies theoretical basis pedagogy.
  2. Transformative related to implementation scientific achievements into the educational process in order to improve it.
  3. Reflexive or corrective, which involves assessing the impact of pedagogical research on teaching and educational practice, based on the results of which adjustments can be made, taking into account the relationship between science and practice.

Main categories of pedagogy

The functions of pedagogy manifest themselves differently depending on the category within which the influence on the child is carried out.

Any one should be built on a clear distinction between everyday ideas and scientific knowledge. The former are reflected in the everyday practice of education and training. The second are the generalized results of pedagogical experience, which are presented by categories and concepts, patterns, methods and principles of organizing the pedagogical process. The formation of this science was accompanied by a gradual differentiation of concepts, which became a prerequisite for the formation of three pedagogical categories: upbringing, training, education.


Modern science interprets the concept of “upbringing” as a social phenomenon characterized by the transmission of historical and cultural values, which subsequently form the corresponding experience, its transmission from generation to generation.

Functionality of the teacher:

1. Transfer of experience accumulated by humanity.

2. Introduction to the cultural world.

3. Stimulating self-education and self-development.

4. Providing pedagogical assistance when difficult life situations arise.

The result of the educational process is the formation in the child of an individual attitude to understanding the world, other members of society and himself.

The tasks of education always reflect the historical need of society to prepare future generations capable of implementing certain social functions and social roles. That is, the set of systems that determine the content, character and objectives of this pedagogical category is in accordance with established ethno-national traditions, characteristics of the socio-historical formation, a certain value hierarchy, as well as with the political and ideological doctrine of the state.


Tasks of the teacher:

1. Teaching, that is, the targeted transfer of knowledge, life experience, methods of activity, the foundations of culture and science.

2. Management of knowledge acquisition, formation of skills and abilities.

3. Creating conditions for schoolchildren.

Thus, the essence of the dialectical relationship “teaching-upbringing” is the development of activity and personality traits of the individual, based on taking into account his interests, acquired knowledge, and abilities.


The third pedagogical category is education. This is a multifaceted process that includes several areas of activity, in particular, the formation in students of a value-based attitude towards society and themselves; a set of training and education activities.

Availability of various types educational institutions determines the specialization of pedagogical categories. Their classification reflects the stages: kindergarten, Primary School, high school etc. Accordingly, both the content and methodological side at each stage of education are specific. Categories of pedagogy preschool age have their own characteristics due to the fact that the main thing for a child 2-7 years old is play. Education for this age is the basis of development. And then, when study takes a dominant place in the life of a student, the ratio of the importance of pedagogical categories changes.

Based on the foregoing, pedagogy should be considered the science of essential laws and methodological foundations(principles, methods and forms) of training and education of the individual.

Preschool pedagogy

The object of pedagogy, the impact of which is aimed at the child, is specific. Its peculiarity is determined by age, and as a consequence - thinking, attention, memory and basic activities of children under 7 years of age.

The tasks of the preschool branch of science are formulated taking into account its theoretical and applied role, social and pedagogical significance, reflecting the main functions of pedagogy.

1. Contributing to the process of raising and educating children in accordance with the requirements of modern society.

2. Study of trends and prospects for teaching activities in preschool institution as one of the main forms of child development.

3. Development of new concepts and teaching for children.

Functions of preschool pedagogy

1. Descriptive-applied, which is a scientific description of current programs and technologies, the use of which in educational process serves as a guarantee harmonious development personality.

2. Predictive, consisting in scientific forecasting and searching for ways to improve teaching activities in preschool educational institutions.

3. Creative and transformative, which consists of taking into account the results of scientific research and creating design and constructive technologies.

The subject, tasks, and functions of pedagogy are interconnected. Their totality determines the content of educational activities, which is determined by the main goal of this science, which is to promote the harmonious personal development of the individual.

Subject of pedagogy.

General fundamentals of pedagogy Pedagogy as a science

Pedagogy is one of the social sciences that studies the process of human upbringing, that is, its subject is education: how a child develops in the course of his communication and interaction with social groups (family, educational, educational, industrial, street communities, etc.) (educates) a personality - a social being, consciously and responsibly relating to the world around him, transforming this world (starting first of all with himself and his example). This process proceeds according to its inherent laws, that is, stable, inevitable connections between in separate parts, certain changes entail corresponding results. These patterns are identified and studied by pedagogy. One of the practical directions of modern pedagogy is non-formal education.

Pedagogical methodology is a system of knowledge about the foundations and structure of pedagogical theory, the principles of approach and methods of obtaining knowledge that reflect pedagogical reality, as well as a system of activities for obtaining such knowledge and justifying programs, logic and methods, and assessing the quality of research work.

Pedagogical science, like other sciences, has the following functions (tasks): explanatory, transformative, prognostic.

Explanatory function consists in the fact that science describes pedagogical facts, phenomena, processes, explains by what laws, under what conditions, why the processes of education proceed one way or another. In other words, the main task of pedagogy is to discover new, previously unknown knowledge. The result of the research is the laws and principles of pedagogy, theories, concepts - all this provides fundamental pedagogical research.

Conversion function , applied, practical: teaching practice is improved on the basis of fundamental knowledge. Scientists believe that the result of research should be pedagogical systems, technologies, that is, operational descriptions of the processes of education/training, designed to obtain a given result. Just as in physics the discovery of a law leads to the invention of a machine, so in pedagogy the explanation of a phenomenon, theory leads to the creation of pedagogical systems, methods, teaching technologies, teaching aids, textbooks. In fulfilling these tasks, pedagogy has a normative, regulatory nature.

Prognostic function pedagogy lies in a reasonable prediction of the development of pedagogical reality. The discovery of programmed learning, the creation of computers and complex means of communication led scientists to the idea that the school of the future will be different or even disappear: students will study using telecommunications at home or in special centers. Even a branch of the science of predicting the development of PS has emerged - pedagogical futurology.

The results of pedagogical research are theories, pedagogical systems and technologies, and pedagogical forecasts. They are presented in different forms: reports, articles, books, textbooks, training programs, etc.

To define pedagogy, just like for any other science, it is necessary to first distinguish between the concepts of its object and subject.

The object of science is that which exists as a reality outside the study itself. Each object can be studied by different sciences. Thus, man is studied by anthropology, physiology, psychology, sociology, etc.; the process of educating a person - pedagogy, sociology, physiology, medicine, management theory, general, social, developmental, educational psychology, etc. . Object pedagogy is that part of the objective world, those of its phenomena that determine the development of the human individual in the process of purposeful activity of society. These phenomena are called "education"

The subject of science is what every science studies in an object. So, if the subject developmental psychology in the educational process there are patterns and mechanisms mental development of a person and personal formation from birth to old age, the subject of pedagogical psychology is the mechanisms and patterns of a person’s assimilation of sociocultural experience, then the subject of pedagogy is the process of directed personal development in a person in the conditions of his training, upbringing, education.

The laws of the formation of the human personality are determined by the laws of development and formation of it as a social being; laws of human activity (in the form of principles and rules of educational activity); specific laws of the education process hidden in its structure, the relationship of components, external and internal factors. Therefore, the general task pedagogy manifestation, study and justification of the laws of education and development of the human personality, development on this basis of the theory and technology of education as a specially organized pedagogical process

Pedagogy as a science contains basic scientific knowledge about the patterns and laws of education, reflecting the objective foundations of its implementation. This knowledge has general character for all countries and peoples. N. For example, natural connections between the pedagogical process and social requirements and conditions; connections between education and personality development; the relationship between the activities of the teacher and the student; the relationship between us and the goals, means, conditions and results of the pedagogical process, etc.. Such patterns cannot belong to a separate country or people. In this sense, pedagogy is a universal science. However, education is carried out in a particular country depending on the goals, objectives and methods of education, reflecting its historical, ethnic and regional characteristics. In this case, it acquires the national character of an actor and receives the name "national education"

Pedagogy as a science develops theory And technology organization of the pedagogical process, ways to improve the activities of the teacher (pedagogical activity) and various types of student activities, as well as strategies and methods of their interaction

. Theoretical function pedagogy is carried out at three levels: descriptive - the study of advanced and innovative pedagogical experience; diagnostic - identifying the state of pedagogical phenomena (for example, success, education of students), establishing the conditions and reasons that determine them; prognostic - experimental studies of pedagogical reality and will build on their basis models of transformation of this reality.

At the predictive level of the theoretical function of pedagogy, the essence of pedagogical phenomena is revealed, their underlying causes are determined, and hypotheses are scientifically substantiated. At this level, theories of training and education, models of pedagogical systems that are ahead of educational practice are created.

. Technological function Pedagogy as a science is also implemented at three levels: projective associated with the development of appropriate methodological materials (curricula, programs, textbooks, teaching aids, pedagogical recommendations) on the basis of a theoretical concept in which the plan of pedagogical activity is determined; transformative, aimed at introducing the achievements of pedagogical science into educational practice with the aim of improving it; assessment and correction providing for assessment of the impact of scientific research results on teaching practice and subsequent correction of the interaction between scientific theory and practice of teaching and upbringing

Theoretical and technological function pedagogies are implemented in organic unity

The term “pedagogy” denotes two spheres of human activity aimed at educating a person: pedagogical science and pedagogical practice . Object pedagogical practice real interaction of participants in the pedagogical process but the subject - methods of interaction determined by its goals, objectives and content

Pedagogical practice, based on pedagogical theory, fills its abstract truths with living content. From this point of view, practical educational activity is considered as an art.

He pointed out the need for a correlation between theoretical knowledge and pedagogical art in education. Emergency. Blonsky. He noted that for practical educational activities, skill, talent and specific knowledge are equally needed. Skills are produced personal experience, talent is improved in the process of educational practice, theoretical knowledge is formed as a result of a deep understanding of the essence of human development and education and is transmitted in the form of ideas. 1

Only an idea, and not technique and talent, can be communicated by one person to another, and therefore only in the form of known ideas, that is, in the form of theoretical science, can pedagogy exist. . P. Blonsky

The experience of millions of teachers testifies that in solving educational problems they relied not on abilities, inclinations, or flights of fancy, but on scientific developments and rationally based technologies. The more complex the problems a teacher solved, the higher the level of his pedagogical culture.

The functions of pedagogy as a science are determined by its subject. These are theoretical and technological functions that it carries out in organic unity.

The theoretical function of pedagogy is implemented at three levels:

 descriptive, or explanatory - the study of advanced and innovative pedagogical experience;

 diagnostic - identifying the state of pedagogical phenomena, the success or effectiveness of the activities of the teacher and students, establishing the conditions and reasons that ensure them;

 prognostic - experimental studies of pedagogical reality and the construction on their basis of models for transforming this reality.

The prognostic level of the theoretical function is associated with revealing the essence of pedagogical phenomena, finding deep phenomena in the pedagogical process, and scientific substantiation of the proposed changes. At this level, theories of training and education, models of pedagogical systems that are ahead of educational practice are created.

Functions of pedagogical science: technological function

The technological function of pedagogy also offers three levels of implementation:

 projective, associated with the development of appropriate methodological materials (curricula, programs, textbooks and teaching aids, pedagogical recommendations), embodying theoretical concepts and defining the “normative, or regulatory” (V.V. Kraevsky), plan of pedagogical activity, its content and character;

 transformative, aimed at introducing the achievements of pedagogical science into educational practice with the aim of its improvement and reconstruction.

 reflexive, involving an assessment of the impact of scientific research results on the practice of teaching and education and subsequent correction in the interaction of scientific theory and practical activity.

18. The essence of the pedagogical process

The pedagogical process as a dynamic pedagogical system The pedagogical process is a specially organized, purposeful interaction between teachers and students, aimed at solving developmental and educational problems. Teachers and students as figures and subjects are the main components of the pedagogical process. The interaction of subjects of the pedagogical process (exchange of activities) has as its ultimate goal the appropriation by students of the experience accumulated by humanity in all its diversity. And the successful development of experience, as is known, is carried out in specially organized conditions in the presence of a good material base, including a variety of pedagogical means. The interaction of teachers and students on a meaningful basis using a variety of means is an essential characteristic of the pedagogical process taking place in any pedagogical system. The system-forming factor of the pedagogical process is its goal, understood as a multi-level phenomenon. The pedagogical system is organized with a focus on the goals of education and for their implementation, it is entirely subordinate to the goals of education. The pedagogical task is the basic unit of the pedagogical process. The basic unit of the pedagogical process developing over time, by which only one can judge its course, must satisfy the following conditions: have all the essential features of the pedagogical process; be common in the implementation of any pedagogical goals; observed when isolated by abstraction in any real process. It is these conditions that the pedagogical task as a unit of the pedagogical process meets. In real teaching activities, various situations arise as a result of the interaction between teachers and students. Bringing goals into teaching situations gives interaction purposefulness. The pedagogical situation, correlated with the purpose of the activity and the conditions for its implementation, is the pedagogical task. Since pedagogical activity within the framework of any pedagogical system has a task structure, i.e. can be presented as an interconnected sequence of solving countless problems of different levels of complexity, and students, in turn, are included in their solution, as they interact with teachers, then from this point of view, as a unit of the pedagogical process, there is every reason to consider the materialized pedagogical task as an educational one a situation characterized by the interaction of teachers and students with a specific goal. Thus, the movement of the pedagogical process, its “moments” should be traced during the transition from solving one problem to another. It is customary to distinguish between tasks different classes, type and level of complexity, but they all have a common property, namely: they are tasks of social management. However, the “cell” of the pedagogical process, striving for its smallest unit, can only be considered operational tasks, a limited series of which leads to the solution of tactical and then strategic tasks. What they have in common is that they are all solved in compliance with a basic scheme that involves going through four interconnected stages: analyzing the situation and setting a pedagogical task; designing solution options and choosing the optimal one for given conditions; implementation of a plan for solving a problem in practice, including the organization of interaction, regulation and correction of the flow of the pedagogical process; analysis of the decision results. Driving forces of the pedagogical process. The progressive movement of the pedagogical process from solving some problems to others, more complex and responsible, is carried out as a result of a scientifically based resolution of objective and timely awareness and elimination of subjective pedagogical contradictions that are the result of erroneous pedagogical decisions. The most general internal contradiction of an objective nature that determines the movement of the pedagogical process is the discrepancy between the real capabilities of those being educated and the requirements that are imposed on them by society: schools, teachers. However, if the requirements are too high or, conversely, too low, then they do not become sources of movement for the student, and, consequently, for the entire pedagogical system towards the intended goal. Only tasks oriented towards the future of development arouse interest and the need to solve them. This speaks to the need to design close, medium and distant prospects for the team and individual pupils, to specify them and ensure acceptance by the children themselves. In recent years, in connection with the democratization of education, the main internal contradiction of the pedagogical process and personality development in childhood has emerged. This is a discrepancy between the active nature of the child and the socio-pedagogical conditions of his life. The main contradiction is concretized by a number of particular ones: between public interests and the interests of the individual; between the team and the individual; between the complex phenomena of social life and the lack of childhood experience for their understanding; between the rapidly growing flow of information and the possibilities of the teaching and educational process, etc. The subjective contradictions include the following: between the integrity of the individual and the functional approach to its formation, the one-sidedness of the pedagogical process; between the lag in the process of generalization of knowledge and skills and the growing need to apply predominantly generalized knowledge and skills; between the individual creative process of personality formation and the mass reproductive nature of the organization of the pedagogical process; between the determining importance of activity in the development of personality and attitudes primarily towards verbal education; between the growing role of humanitarian subjects in the civic development of a person and the tendency towards technocratization of the pedagogical process, etc.