Pistachio color (57 photos): rules of use, partner colors. Wallpaper in pistachio tones Combinations with other colors

According to psychologists, a calm light green color is characterized by a number of properties that have a beneficial effect on the human condition. Being neutral, such shades attract attention, tone and delight, but at the same time they do not overload the eyes and nervous system. Thanks to the listed features, designers often choose pistachio wallpaper for decoration. modern interiors people who value coziness and comfort.

The versatility of this color is due to its combination with almost any shade, which, together with green, adds light and space to the room. The peculiarity of pistachio wallpaper for walls is to set off bright colors and create coziness in a room of any size. Experienced and novice designers prefer this tone because of its natural beauty and softness. Wallpaper of this tone has an ideal appearance, both in artificial and natural light.

Combination with other tones

Wallpaper pistachio color in the interior they are ideally combined with other shades, but right choice adjacent tones is a painstaking and complex work that requires certain experience and knowledge. Elegant canvases are in harmony with the following shades:

  • yellow - a bright positive tone perfectly complements all shades of green. It will be successful to combine several adjacent color schemes even for small rooms, while pale yellow may be the dominant tone,
  • white - classic combination makes the room bright, visually expanding the space,
  • beige is an ideal companion, creating a natural combination with pistachio wallpaper that can satisfy the aesthetic requirements of the home owners,
  • blue - a gentle marine theme is combined when using this range as large bright accessories,
  • pink is a good addition calm color wallpaper and can be used on one or more walls,
  • brown is an impeccable combination due to the natural colors of young foliage and tree crown,
  • black is a bold option for stylish people; correct dosing of tones will make the interior unique.

Buy trellises for different styles

This wallpaper color is in modern houses occurs very often. The demand for the shade is due to its versatility and spectacular appearance. As a rule, wallpapers of pistachio flowers, photos of which can be seen on design websites and in online stores, are found in such modern styles like minimalism and hi-tech. The choice of designers is due to the excellent combination of color with laconic chrome elements, gloss and plastic.

In an elegant eco-style, natural green tones can be an accent or play the role of additional finishing elements. Also, such canvases fit perfectly into eclectic and pop art styles, providing a calm and effective color scheme. Photo successful designs can be seen in a wide variety on the Internet.

The amazing Tuscan style of Italian origin involves the use various shades green, natural wood, as well as forged products. Therefore, home owners often decide to buy pistachio-colored wallpaper for the kitchen, hallway, bedroom or living room.

Gentle french style Provence is characterized by lightness and romance, so it is difficult to imagine it without calm green shades, textiles, wicker vases and baskets.

Pistachio wallpaper for walls: places of application

Using high-quality pistachio wallpaper in the interior, photos of which can be seen in large quantities, are effectively used in any premises, including the following:

A wall or two covered with pistachio wallpaper in the kitchen looks very impressive - photos of such designs clearly convey the elegance of the shades and general view premises.

Buy pistachio wallpaper High Quality offers the online store Oboi-Design, which specializes in the sale of modern branded trellises that will effectively decorate any interior. You can place an order on the website using a special order form or by phone. Experienced managers will listen to your wishes and give their recommendations on the choice of tones, patterns and textures of paintings. Any wall with a subtle light green shade will look great!

Delicate, elegant Provence style, decorated in light green colors.

Bright pistachio tones go perfectly with natural materials and elegant decor.

Bright spacious living room in olive tones, gracefully complemented with multi-colored decorative items.

The perfect combination of calm olive shades and white.

- Very beautiful colour, which can become a decoration for any room. Wallpaper of this delicate shade looks especially beautiful, making the room at the same time stylish, beautiful, and calm. Pistachio wallpaper Ideal for the walls of almost all rooms, they can harmoniously fit into any environment.

Pistachio-colored wallpaper in the interior of different rooms

This noble shade of green goes well with colors such as white, pink, blue-green, and sometimes black. The list, in fact, can go on for a long time. Pistachio wallpaper in the living room is quite common, because it gives the room lightness, makes it light and at the same time bright. Walls of this color would be good in a hall decorated in classic style, and also containing vintage elements.

Wallpaper for a pistachio-colored kitchen can be perfectly combined with furniture facades and tiles. The fact is that pistachio color has many shades, which are nice to play with when decorating the kitchen. For example, the wallpaper may be a lighter pistachio color, kitchen fronts– rich, the picture will be successfully complemented by a combined white and pistachio tile.

Pistachio wallpaper will find its place in the bedroom, making its interior both lush and calm. Classic light furniture will go well with them. A special point is the curtains with pistachio wallpaper. They can be chosen a few shades darker, which will allow them to become a bright accent in the room. Or you can opt for gray, white or burgundy curtains.

Light pistachio wallpaper will be a real find for small children's rooms. This color has a calming effect on the developing child’s psyche, and can also visually enlarge the room.

The pistachio shade has quite a lot of features: thanks to its simultaneous brightness and restraint, it is suitable for any room and fits harmoniously into any style, does not cause fatigue or visual overload and even puts you in a positive mood.

A lot of useful properties this color is also from an aesthetic point of view. Using pistachio-colored wallpaper you can create a sophisticated background or highlight accents. Want to know what other possibilities this shade opens up in a space? Let's figure it out together and look at some photos of pistachio wallpaper.

Features of pistachio shade

To properly use such wallpapers in design, you need to understand what capabilities they have. Perhaps the most important characteristic This shade is unique and universal.

When gluing pistachio wall coverings it is not necessary to focus on the layout, the size of the space or other factors that change the perception of color: despite the fact that pistachio can appear in tones different saturation, in any design it will be perceived correctly.

Another feature of pistachio wallpaper can be considered unobtrusiveness. Such coatings will never be perceived as superfluous, since even the most bright shades this color will not create contradictory contrasts.

Thanks to the combination of bright green, calm beige and cold gray shade this color can perform several roles at once - which means that the harmony of your design is ensured.

It is worth noting not only the psychological properties of this shade (which, by the way, can both calm and energize), but also its stylistic features.

Pistachio coatings are suitable for interior decoration in classic style(especially locally here is the combination with gilded patterns and accessories), Provence(wallpapers with floral designs are popular), retro, country, and modern trends like minimalism or modern.

Advice: You can emphasize the peculiarity of a particular style through harmonious combinations of shades.

Pistachio goes well with many colors, so don’t neglect this opportunity: in tandem with shades of another palette, it will look even more perfect.

Using pistachio-colored wallpaper in the interior is a fairly easy process: this color is not capricious and fits perfectly into any home space. Amazing Properties This shade has already been appreciated by many buyers and designers, and such wallpaper is suitable not only for adults, but also for children.

A color scheme

One of the advantages of using pistachio shade in design is the ability to create spectacular combinations with other shades.

Co the following list colors pistachio color combines and will look most harmonious:

Advice: pistachio color of different saturation can be combined with natural materials. Bamboo, stone, wood and other accents in home interior emphasized natural beauty this shade.

Options for wall decor in rooms

To get the most out of decorating a room - and create an interior that will feel comfortable, it is extremely important to focus not only on the style, but also on the purpose of your room. Let's find out what subtleties you may encounter when decorating rooms in pistachio color.

Pistachio living room

Before choosing pistachio wallpaper for the living room, pay attention to the proportions and shapes of this room. We can’t always boast of having a large space in the hall, and given that the pistachio color can be dark, it is extremely important to predict the specifics of its impact on the interior.

Remember! Light pistachio color can expand limited space, but a dark shade of pistachio, especially in combination with large patterns, will only make the interior smaller.

The main role of pistachio wallpaper in the interior of the living room will not be to create a solemn atmosphere (which is most often characteristic of the design of this room), but to creating a calm, cozy atmosphere that sets you up for relaxation. Therefore, if you wish, you can always add bright accents to this design.

Pistachio color is best perceived in a spacious living room with sufficient lighting, complemented by light shades.

You can decorate only one of the walls in the room with pistachio coverings: it will become an accent wall and allow you to highlight the main area in your interior. As a rule, this technique is used in the area where the sofa is located, or on the wall that is opposite it.

Bedroom in pistachio tones

The bedroom design will look harmonious when using any pistachio-colored wallpaper. Therefore, the design of your room will depend not on the color, but on the features of the chosen wall covering.

For example, plain pistachio wallpaper in a bedroom may be present on all walls, but patterned coverings with bright shades will not always be appropriate along the entire perimeter of the room. They are best used as an accent in the bedside area.

In the bedroom, just like in other rooms, it is important to determine the optimal tone that does not violate the dimensions of the space.

Bright and dark colors pistachio are suitable only if your bedroom is of sufficient size and the room has a wide window.

Since we relax in the bedroom, the best shades for creating combinations here will be white, beige, light green and soft blue. But colors such as red, brown, burgundy and other fairly bright shades can be present in the bedroom design only in small quantities.

Children's room design

Many designers and psychologists claim that pistachio - perfect color for decorating a child's room. It is noteworthy that he suitable for children of any age: in the baby’s room it will emphasize tenderness and tranquility, in the children’s bedroom preschool age can be combined with bright colors and decorate the play area.

Children adolescence often choose this color as the main: It is suitable for both boys and girls.

Judging by psychological characteristics this shade, there are many advantages of using it:

  • it calms and promotes restful sleep;
  • increases mental activity;
  • develops imagination and creativity;
  • promotes concentration;
  • allows you to emphasize a romantic (in girls’ rooms) and energetic (in boys’) atmosphere.

Perhaps the only rule when decorating a nursery in this color will be the need to use wallpaper with a minimum of bright accents in the recreation area. In the place where the baby's crib is located, give preference to a light and delicate pistachio shade.

Accents in the kitchen

Majority modern kitchens have a limited area, which means that pistachio color in such an interior is considered one of the most successful.

Maximize the space and brighten the room possible with the help of spectacular combinations of pistachio and white: firstly, the presence of another light shade in such a room will create cozy atmosphere and secondly, the use of multiple colors will become ideal options to divide a room into several zones.

In the dining area, pistachio color will awaken the appetite and reflect the beauty of the natural and spring atmosphere. Even without additional accessories and textile decorations, such a design will be perceived as harmonious and interesting.

In the cooking area, pistachio color is useful because does not apply to branded shades. In addition, this deep and rich color will mask wall defects.

Pistachio-colored wallpaper in the kitchen will last you much longer, and, in addition to its practical properties, it will attract you with its external qualities, since this shade is suitable for both modern and antique designs.

Pistachio wallpaper in the kitchen can be combined with both dark and light furniture different forms and styles. Such wallpapers look impressive in . Textiles in such an interior should be as light and bright as possible in order to emphasize the naturalness of the shade used on the walls.

When decorating home interiors, many people wonder which curtains for pistachio wallpaper will look the most interesting and harmonious. Since this shade can be combined with many colors, choosing the right textiles will not be difficult.

Even in small rooms, Where dark curtains can reduce space, delicate pistachio color will take on the functions of expanding the room.

Decide what goals you need to achieve when using pistachio wall coverings:

  • if you want to fill the room with light, use white and beige curtains (light and airy fabrics will be an advantage);
  • if it is necessary to highlight the window area and form accents, use red, pink, orange, yellow and others bright curtains under pistachio wallpaper;
  • Blue, brown, burgundy and other dark shades of curtains will help darken the interior and emphasize the restraint of the style.

Advice: curtains of different shades can be combined into a single composition to make the interior more diverse.

Regardless of the specific use in the interior, pistachio wall coverings allow you to create a cozy and homely environment. This shade is not pretentious or overly formal: it looks calm and peaceful, and therefore is suitable for any room in your home.

The color scheme in the house is very important. The combination of colors for walls and furniture decor creates an overall picture. To create a cozy home, you need to use the palette correctly and decorate your home accordingly.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

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A bright palette can be safely combined with black or white, adding contrast. Such techniques will highlight the style and original taste of the owners of an apartment or house.

Pistachio color is original and unusual, it belongs to the green palette and perfectly complements other tones, more or less saturated. Painting walls or wallpapering in pistachio color - bold decision for those who want to decorate their room stylishly and beautifully.

Liquid wallpaper fits very easily on walls and looks attractive in any interior. They are much easier to glue than regular ones, because they do not form joints and become uniform. Pistachio wallpaper is ideal for the kitchen or bedroom, as its tone allows for improvisation.

In addition to the usual or liquid wallpaper You can also choose photo wallpaper. They will help you apply a clear and high-quality drawing or picture to the wall. The wallpaper can depict a forest or trees, natural landscapes, which will add its own touch to your interior!

Pistachio wallpaper in the kitchen

For kitchen walls, you can choose rich pistachio wallpaper and contrasting elements. A kitchen in pistachio tones will become the family’s favorite place to stay. Cooking in a well-designed interior is pleasant and easy, because green predisposes to relaxation and tranquility.

This shade of green is easy to perceive. It is not too bright, light and rich. It’s easy to choose other shades for it, because it’s neutral. Using pistachio-yellow or classic pistachio-colored wallpaper for walls, you can achieve light interesting design.

In the kitchen, it is necessary to complement the overall picture using contrasting accents. For example, you can choose white furniture to go with the wallpaper. It looks good in combination with any shades of green.

Small decorative details are best chosen in black. This is where the main emphasis lies. Rich black (matte or gloss) will emphasize contrasts, highlight the pistachio color of the wallpaper and make it more noticeable.

Designers recommend paying special attention to flowerpots in the kitchen. Since the plants in flowerpots are green (lighter or darker than the main palette of the room), they can be safely used as decorative elements. For plants, it is also best to choose rich black or white pots that look great against any background.

What curtains and tulles will suit pistachio-colored wallpaper in the kitchen? If you choose a high-tech or futurism style, you can do without textiles, replacing them with blinds. For more classic options you can choose light tulle in pastel colors, and as for curtains, coarse fiber fabrics are ideally combined with pistachio wallpaper, giving an emphasis on naturalness.

Kitchen design in a “natural” style also implies the use of elements made of natural wood and stone, which will add coziness to the room. Complementing the wallpaper decorative stone or finishing wood, you will achieve a non-standard and pleasant look.

You can also bring bold ideas to life using modern, high-tech and minimalism. Clear lines and kinks, straight details, a minimum number of details - these are the main components of this design.

Pistachio color in the living room interior

Spacious living room with large windows- the dream of any owner of an apartment or private house. How to decorate a room so that it is modern and bright, suggesting relaxation and harmony?

Pistachio wallpaper is associated with nature and forest. Since the living room is often spacious and big room, you need to take into account that you can overdo it with green. A good option The walls will be decorated in two colors. It is best to combine pistachio wallpaper with muted and pastel light colors (best with beige, white, light gray).

IN Lately The emphasis on “eco” has become popular. In a room decorated in green colors, you just want to spend time as if you were in the very “bosom of nature”! A combination of green with brown, gray, and pastel beige will help emphasize the eco-style.

good design solution will be the use of natural wood and stone. This applies not only to furniture: wooden cabinets, bedside tables or tabletops, but also finishing materials.

If you have parquet or wood-look laminate on the floor, you can leave it uncovered; it will fit the overall design as best as possible. But very often there is a carpet in the living room, which also needs to be matched to the tone of the interior, like other textiles.

What color should I choose for a carpet with textiles to match the pistachio wallpaper? Most practical option there will be a gray, beige, terracotta carpet. Textiles for decoration can also be selected to match, it is best to use natural materials and fabrics.

What is the best combination in the bedroom?

Green color is ideal for bedroom decor; it will help you plunge into a world of harmony and relax in a calm, peaceful, pleasant atmosphere. By psychological tests green calms, relieves stress and moral tension.

It is the bedroom that is a kind of shelter for a person; here you can be alone with your thoughts, relax and renew your strength. Painting or wallpapering your bedroom in a light green (pistachio) shade is a great option for those who want to make their room feel cozy.

Pistachio wallpaper in combination with light furniture will look discreet and stylish. Sometimes white tones are used in the bedroom, symbolizing purity and lightness. Furniture in light colors will dilute the richness of the walls. Best choice for furniture bleached oak, the texture of this wood is interesting and noble. You can also give preference dark furniture made of natural wood in wenge.

In addition, you can safely use air and transparent fabrics for decoration. Light, weightless tulles will add sophistication and elegance to your bedroom design.

Pistachio wallpaper most often appears in the following styles:

  • Provence;
  • classic;
  • retro;
  • country.

To dilute the bedroom design and create an original accent, you can add elements of contrasting and rich colors. Marine shades (blue, turquoise, mint), deep burgundy, raspberry, black and white are suitable for pistachio color.

Pistachio shade with prints and patterns

If you want to dilute the uniform wallpaper with a pattern, you can add this zest to the interior. “Animal” prints and “forest, grass” patterns are suitable for decor in both the bedroom, living room or hallway.

When using patterns, you should know that they visually reduce space. That is why wallpaper with fine textures must be chosen very carefully. It is best to choose white, beige, or silver tones for patterns, lines, and dots. An important point is the lighting of the room. If there is enough of it, the space will be perceived correctly and will not cause tension.

Details and zoning

If you are a follower plain wallpaper, don't forget to decorate them with details. Here you can give preference to wooden and stone details, paintings and painted tapestries.

Elements such as clocks, flowerpots, statues, stands, boxes and many others can be selected to contrast with the walls. If you have chosen soft pistachio wallpaper, bright details in dark shades up to black will help complement them. If you have a richer pistachio in your room, light elements will help to “dilute” it.

Do you want to zone a room? To do this, you can combine two similar but different shades, or “play with contrast.” One zone can be separated by choosing light and delicate pistachio wallpaper in a single color, and for the other you can choose rich and bright ones.

Zoning is also carried out by separating zones with decorative elements. These can be steps, curtains, partitions. Zoning a room has its own advantages and is used when a large space needs to be divided into small areas.

The idea that pistachio-colored walls are dull is wrong. A skillful combination of interior elements allows you to achieve attractive design rooms with a non-trivial shade of green. To make the curtains look harmonious with pistachio wallpaper, you need to understand the principles of combination color palette and take into account related factors when designing. The degree of illumination, the size of the room, and the stylistic direction play a key role in the process of choosing curtains.

Among the characteristics of the pistachio color there is a remarkable feature: the primary restraint is revealed gradually, thanks to which the shade does not become boring after prolonged contemplation. Pistachio walls have a beneficial effect on nerve impulses, at the same time calm and set you on a positive wave.

To decorate the walls of a room with pistachio color, they resort to two main finishing techniques: painting or wallpapering. The choice depends on the functionality of the room. Wallpaper is more relevant for the bedroom; in the kitchen and children's room it is preferable to use stain-resistant wallpaper. aggressive environment paint. Why in the nursery? While playing, it is much easier for a child to damage the surface of walls with wallpaper than to cause visible damage to painted surfaces that are easy to clean.

The living room provides maximum space for creativity using pistachio color. The most popular design examples:

  • Fully painted surfaces present a plain background.
  • Walls with alternating wide stripes of pistachio and white look impressive. Moreover, a vertical or horizontal combination is selected taking into account the characteristics of the room, whether it needs to be visually expanded or the ceilings raised.
  • Current design technique - highlighting accent wall using wallpaper or paint that contrasts with the rest of the surface.

Naturally, with any design, a logical question arises: what would be better suited to the pistachio wallpaper. Window design options are chosen taking into account the size of the space, the prevailing style and the lighting of the room. Examples of an organic combination of curtains with pistachio-colored walls are presented in the photo:

Green color combination

Some people like monotony, others prefer combinations. Options harmonious combinations shades of green are presented below:

  • Pistachios look organic with light green and classic green. Natural richness in design will never be excessive. It is preferable to feel the beneficial effects of shades of green in the bedroom or children's room.
  • Fragments of black will help add dynamism to the living room. There shouldn’t be a lot of them; even small areas on curtains or in decorative items will encourage action.
  • When thinking about color compatibility, one cannot ignore the examples that nature itself provides. The green crown of the trees is inextricably linked with the brown trunk and branches. Curtains of various shades of brown - a win-win when decorating the walls with a pistachio shade.
  • The grass is not always richly green; there are also muted tones. When paralleled with the sun or sand, pistachio walls will complement the pale curtains yellow shades, sand and coffee variations. If the monotonous interior lacks brightness and radiance, orange splashes will save the situation.
  • When choosing pistachio wallpaper in dark colors, choose light curtains. Shades of white and beige are the best option.
  • Curtains with marine theme. Blue, turquoise, aquamarine will not lose their relevance for a long time.

Advice! Curtains in a room with pistachio walls play a primary role, but any interior contains additional elements decor. If the main background is missing large drawing, small bright accents of pink, purple or burgundy are introduced into the design.

The following photo demonstrates, harmonious interior with pale green wallpaper:

How to decorate a room with a pistachio background

When developing a design with a pale green color dominating the walls, be sure to take into account the functional purpose of the room. The proposed design options will become good help for your own creative research.

Living room

The color of pistachio can be either light or dark shades. Therefore, when choosing wallpaper or paint, be sure to take into account the size of the room and its location relative to the horizon. A small area or north side obliges you to choose a light finishing option. A spacious and well-lit room allows you to use more saturated colors.

The function of an accent wall is usually assigned to the surface behind the TV panel, less often it is placed in the area behind the sofa. Additional elements play a big role in the perception of an interior with pistachio color - upholstered furniture, curtains, flooring. The soft part of light shades looks extremely elegant. Suitable colors:

  • Ivory;
  • beige;
  • sand;
  • off white;
  • cream;
  • olive;
  • light green.

When choosing a color upholstered furniture and curtains, be sure to know what shade is on the walls - warm or cold. In addition to curtains, the carpet in front of the sofa or tablecloth can echo the wallpaper. The pistachio color on the walls is most organic in the Provence style. Other trends often include eco-style, country, and timeless classics.

Pistachio walls will not provide the dynamism typical of a living room, so you should worry about additional bright accents. Paintings on the walls, an exclusive vase, an unusual chandelier or an interesting rug - examples can be given endlessly. The photo of the living room clearly demonstrates the sophistication of the interior with pistachio color:


For a bedroom, the style of wallpaper is interesting; here it is important to choose an organic pattern that will create a cozy atmosphere. As in the hall, the illumination and size of the space are taken into account. When decorating an accent wall, choose the area behind the head of the bed. There is no need to decorate all the walls with wallpaper with ornaments; it is better to combine the pattern with a plain surface.

In addition to their decorative function, curtains in the bedroom also serve purely practical purposes. For relaxation, it is important to create high-quality darkening, so it is optimal to choose a combination with light walls and curtains of dark shades.

Advice! Presence dark colors not advisable in a small bedroom. Curtains made of thick textiles, even if they are of a light shade, can cope with the intended purpose of shading.

To emphasize the elegance of pistachio-colored wallpaper, sconces with a patinated surface will help, which fully comply with the principles of interior design in the Provence style.


There are many examples of kitchen design with pistachio walls. The eating area can be decorated with wallpaper and the rest of the surface painted. Looks impressive in work area skinned with pistachio background. The advantage of pistachio color in the kitchen:

  • the shade is not easily soiled;
  • the whole palette of green sets the mood for positivity, it will improve the appetite of some, and calm others;
  • calm tones do not become boring;
  • provides ample opportunities for combination with other colors.

The photo shows an example of a kitchen with pistachio-colored walls:

Color is also relevant when decorating a children's room. It has versatility, suitable for boys and girls, small children and teenagers.

Curtains and pistachio walls

The question of which curtains are suitable for a room with pistachio walls does not have a clear answer. If we talk about color, then they prevail the following options solutions:

  • Olive or pistachio, a couple of tones lighter or darker than the wallpaper shade.
  • Beige and cream;
  • Crystal white or ivory;
  • Wheat, light yellow, golden;
  • Creamy and chocolatey.

When trying to make a room with pistachio walls as light as possible, choose a light palette of curtains. For bedroom or living room large sizes Dark curtains are allowed. The choice of texture also depends on the goals pursued. The room can be decorated with an exceptionally light curtain or complemented with a thick curtain.

The curtain model is selected taking into account the style and functionality of the room:

  • The bedroom is traditionally decorated classic curtains to the floor
  • Curtains in the living room are often complemented with lambrequins.
  • Laconic models are relevant in the kitchen. Not everyone likes practical blinds, but Roman and roller blinds combine high functionality and decorativeness. Austrian curtains are no less in demand.

Harmonious examples of combining curtains in a room with pistachio walls in the photo:

To achieve a harmonious design, when matching the color of the walls, a number of related factors are always taken into account. What matters is the size of the room, its purpose, the degree of natural light and the prevailing style.