100 in Chinese. Numerals in Chinese. What do Chinese numbers look like?

Municipal educational institution

"Secondary school No. 21"

Creative project on technology

"Pencil Girl"

Developed by a student of grade 8 "B"

Chelyakin Dmitry

Head of technology teacher

Khrabrov Nikolay Vasilievich


    Introduction to a creative project……………………………………………………….3

    Justification of the project topic................................................................... ..….……………4

    Historical reference..................................................................................4

    Selecting a product option......................................................... ...............................5

    Development of a product sketch……………………………………………………………8

    Technological process of product manufacturing………………………..9

    Calculation of the conditional cost of materials for the manufacture of a product…..10

    Final control and evaluation of the project……………………………..11

    Project protection……………………………………………………….12

    List of used literature......................................................... .........13

Introduction to a creative project

Familiarity with a creative project is introduced into the technology of labor training from the 5th grade.

A-priory creative project- this is an independent research work that can be performed efficiently thanks to solid knowledge and skills of technology subject programs.

Goals and objectives of the creative project:

    To develop polytechnic knowledge in the most common and promising technologies;

    Get an idea of ​​the basics modern production and service industries;

    Develop independence and the ability to solve creative and inventive problems;

    To ensure the implementation of self-knowledge, familiarity with the world of professions;

    To cultivate hard work, enterprise, collectivism, humanity, mercy, commitment, honesty, responsibility, and a culture of behavior;

    Foster a caring attitude towards nature and natural resources;

    Form an active life position;

    Form the basic concepts of a market economy and the ability to apply them;

    Develop real plan achieving the set goal.

Equipment: samples of blanks, rulers, pencils, creative projects, reports, abstracts, posters.

Justification of the project topic

Object research work, the creative project is the technology of manufacturing wood products, and the subject is the student’s own capabilities in this craft. The novelty and significance of the research can be defined as follows: “Everything new is well-forgotten old. Beauty, revived by human hands, can make the world warmer and kinder.”

The ability to work with wood is an opportunity to experience beauty. This skill is taught in wood processing technology lessons with a view to its further use for practical purposes. Without wooden products It is impossible to imagine Russian housing both in ancient times and in our time. Even in modern apartment or office no, no, yes, it will flash wooden composition, enlivening the interior of the room. Now many folk crafts are being revived, a lot of relevant literature is being published: books, magazines, manuals that will help in the design and manufacture of products.

All the tools in the workshop are distributed according to their arrangement, and only pencils and pens are, as a rule, chaotically lying on the teacher’s desk. We can correct this situation and restore order among stationery. The object of development of a creative project is the installation, which can be called a stand for pencils and pens, a pencil holder. Its use will help maintain perfect order stationery on the table, and this product can also act as a pleasant and useful gift for loved ones.

Historical reference

The history of the emergence of a stand for writing instruments should be considered in parallel with the emergence of the writing instruments themselves. The history of the pencil begins in the 11th century. Artists then drew mainly with sticks made from a mixture of lead and zinc, sometimes called “silver pencils.” Graphite pencils have been known since the 16th century. Buyers, mostly artists, squeezed these graphite sticks between pieces of wood or twigs, wrapped them in paper or tied them with string. The first document mentioning a wooden pencil dates back to 1683. In Germany, the production of graphite pencils began in Nuremberg. The modern pencil was invented in 1794 by the French scientist and inventor Nicolas Jacques Conte. Modern leads use polymers, which make it possible to achieve the desired combination of strength and elasticity, making it possible to produce very thin leads for mechanical pencils (up to 0.3 mm).

The usual hexagonal shape of the pencil body was proposed at the end of the 11th century. Count Lothar von Fabercastle, noticing that the pencils round shape often roll off old surfaces. 2/3 of the material that makes up a simple pencil goes to waste when it is sharpened. This prompted the American Alonso Cros, a pioneer of modern writing instruments, to create a metal pencil in 1869, where the rod is held by metal clamps (collets) - a collet pencil. This humble beginning influenced the development of a whole group of products that are used everywhere today.

An original item, a pencil holder, is an example of office interior items from the first half of the 19th century century.

Selecting a Product Option

What specific requirements should the future product - a pencil holder - satisfy? The following criteria can be distinguished:

1. Durability.

2. Reliability.

3. Manufacturability.

4. Aesthetics (design).

5. Convenience.

6. Security.

7. Cost-effective.

8. Eco-friendly.

9. Personal attractiveness.

If you analyze various magazines, books, websites, looking at the options for the finished product, then there are a lot of them a large number of, so the final choice is not at all easy to make.

However, we will focus on four possible basic options, based on our taste. These options fully comply with the requirements for the product described above.


stand for pencils and pens

Rice. 1. Possible options products

We will evaluate the selected product options in accordance with established criteria. We will proceed from a six-point scale for assessing the qualities of each option. We will present the results in the form of a table.

Property/product variant




Aesthetics (design)




Environmental friendliness

Personal attractiveness

Sum of points

Analysis of the results obtained allows us to conclude that the most optimal is Option 3, which scored more points. Its main advantage is the original beautiful appearance(aesthetics). In addition, this option also implies variability: the shape of the product can be different (“hedgehog”, “fish”, “duck”, “ship”, “car”, etc.), which allows you to satisfy aesthetic tastes different people. So, let’s settle on the third option – the “Hedgehog” pencil holder.

Product sketch development

The pencil pencil consists of two main parts: main element- a hedgehog and a base (stand), which are connected by a round tenon (dowel).

Holes for stationery are drilled in the upper part of the case.

Rice. 2. Project product “Pencil”

Technological process of product manufacturing

Sequence of work

Sketch, drawing

Tools, devices

Select a workpiece taking into account machining allowances (20x110x130), plan and sand all its sides

Outline the template

Make a series of cuts and use a chisel to make chips along the contour

Process the workpiece along the contour (bring it to the line)

Drill required amount holes

Workbench, plane, sanding paper

Blank, template, pencil

Workbench, saw, chisel, mallet

Files, sanding paper

Drilling machine

Calculation of the conditional cost of materials for the manufacture of a product

Having considered all aspects of manufacturing the “Pencil Holder” product, you can perform economic calculations.

The total volume of wood for the manufacture of pencil holder parts was V = 0.002 cubic meters. meter of wood.

1 cu. A meter of oak wood costs 6,000 rubles.

0.002 m3 x 6000 rub. = 12 rub.

When drilling on the machine for 20 minutes, the following electrical energy was consumed:

0.4 kW x 0.34 h = 0.136 kW x h

0.136 x 1.51 rub. = 0.21 rub.

Upon completion of assembly, the product is coated with furniture varnish. 0.05 kg consumed.

1 kg of furniture varnish costs 145 rubles.

0.05 x 145 = 7.25 rub.

The total cost of materials is:

12 + 0.21 + 7.25 = 19.46 rubles.

Final control and evaluation of the project

So, the product - a pencil holder - is completely ready and meets the developed criteria. The product is durable, reliable, economical, because... Not a lot of materials were spent on its production. The technology for making a pencil holder includes those operations that are mastered in technology lessons: planing, sawing, drilling, stripping, etc. Since these operations are not complex and labor-intensive, the production of a pencil holder required a short time range.

The product is environmentally friendly as it is made from natural natural material– wood. Also, the pencil holder turned out to be very convenient and safe to use.

In office supply stores, you can check prices for similar products and make sure that the cost of a pencil holder self-made significantly less. But, of course, we should not forget that the price of the finished product also includes expenses for wages workers, transporting goods to the store.

As a test and test, the product should be tested during a technology lesson. The pencil holder has been tested and found to be stable, comfortable, lightweight and useful.

Did you get the expected result? The initially planned product - a pencil holder - is ready, thanks to the knowledge and skills taught in wood processing technology lessons. Anyone can make a pencil holder with their own hands. In addition, by analyzing the calculations, we can draw a conclusion about how profitable it is to create on your own. The main thing is to believe in yourself, that everything will definitely work out. Neither a simple nor a complex thing can be done without love for your work, without creative approach to the point. And creativity begins with the desire to do something with your own hands. To do means to create. Creation, creation, is a way out of the ordinary course of life, rising one step higher, discovering new possibilities in oneself.

Project protection

Defense of a creative project includes a report that describes:

Justification for choosing the theme of the creative project “Pencil”;

Study various options products and rationale for choice best option;

Explanation of the sketch of product details and technological process manufacturing;

Features of product manufacturing;

Calculation of the cost of materials for of this product.

The finished product is presented to an expert commission for discussion and clarification of aspects of interest.

List of used literature

1) Yu.A. Zhadayev, A.V. Zhadaeva. Technology. Lesson plans for the section “wood processing technology” according to the V.D. program. Simonenko. 2006

2) Yu.E. Dolmatov, E.S. Golovanov. Manual on design work in the course “Processing technology wood materials».

3) A.M. Konovalenko. Fundamentals of carpentry., Kyiv, 1994.

4) L.N. Kreindlin. Carpentry work. 1978

5) M.B. Pavlov, J. Pitt, M.I. Guruvich, I.A. Sasova. Project method in technological education of schoolchildren: A manual for teachers. 2003

6) A.V. Khudyakov. Woodworking machinery. 1981

7) E.M. Muravyov, M.P. Molodtsov. Workshop in educational workshops. (Wood and plastic processing). 1987

8) A.T. Tishchenko, V.D. Simonenko. Technology. Industrial technologies. 2012

9) A.T. Tishchenko, N.V. Tit. Technology. Technical labor. 2010

According to new federal standards Creative work using technology is an obligatory part of the educational process. Such activities should demonstrate the skills and abilities that were acquired by the student in technology lessons. Thanks to such work, they can show their individuality. In addition, creative work using technology helps the child to use theoretical knowledge in practice.

Why are technology projects needed?

Technology projects as a learning option

Let's try to figure out what a creative technology project is. An example of such an activity is the creation of a wooden stool. Before proceeding with the actual assembly of the product, project participants study theoretical issues (product elements, options for fastening parts) and pay attention to safety precautions.

DIY stool

The “Stool” project seems simple only at first glance. In reality, the situation is much more complicated, because you need to select optimal sizes legs, parameters of the base of the stool, in order to obtain not only a beautiful, but also a stable product. The project may contain elements of research, abstracts, and reports. For example, you can analyze how the shape and appearance of a stool changed, and trace the use of source materials for its creation. Creative work of this type is based on the independence of schoolchildren.

Each creative project using technology (any example can be given: embroidery, wood carving) is aimed at cooperation between the student and the teacher. Already in early age the child develops initial professional skills; on their basis, the child can choose his own future profession. Such activities combine several types of work: pair, individual, group, collective. The teacher is a consultant, partner, coordinator, and the bulk of the work falls on the shoulders of the students themselves. Each creative technology project (examples will be given below) encourages children to acquire new skills and knowledge. By working on a specific topic, schoolchildren receive a specific result, which has a positive effect on their self-esteem.

Project "Soft Toy"

Not all girls love to sew, but all of them, without exception, adore soft toys. To combine their love of stuffed animals with regular technology lessons, consider a fluffy bunny making project. The goal of the work will be to create soft toy. Source materials for work - pieces of fur, thread, needle, filler for a toy, cardboard for a pattern. The project involves working in a group. One girl will be making a pattern for the future bunny. You can choose a ready-made pattern or make it yourself. The task of the second needlewoman is to connect the parts. Another participant in the project will fill the finished parts soft filler. All girls will take part in the final stage, during which individual parts will be connected to each other.

Examples of creative projects for girls

To give to mom on March 8th original gift, you don’t have to spend money, you can do it yourself. The creative project “Postcard to Mom” involves creating a beautiful postcard using the scrapbooking technique. At the first stage, girls get acquainted with the features of technology and examine finished products. Next, together with the teacher, they set a goal: to make an unusual and bright postcard. To achieve this goal, materials are selected: colored cardboard, satin ribbons, figured hole punchers, halves of pearls. Next, an action plan is outlined, the sequence of work is analyzed, and responsibilities are distributed between project participants. Creative technology project - use case available materials to get the original result. We suggest a sequence of actions:

  1. We bend ordinary cardboard in half, choosing the desired postcard size (10 by 15 cm, 20 by 25 cm).
  2. Next, using a figured hole punch, we give the card an unusual shape and trim the edges. The shape can also be given using commercially available ones.
  3. Let's get down to it important point- design of the outer part of the postcard. At this stage, girls will be able to show their Creative skills, come up with satin ribbon bows and unusual pictures for decoration. As an additional touch, you can consider attaching the halves of pearls.
  4. While one group is designing the front part of the card, the second group can think about the internal content: text, design. The most in a simple way There will be a printout on a color printer ready-made template, but poems or congratulations of your own composition will be much more pleasant for mothers.
  5. Finally, you need to glue a congratulation to the finished card.

Such a project will definitely unite the girls and help the teacher solve a lot of problems related to interpersonal relationships teenagers

Example of an individual technology project

An example of a project for one student to complete is crocheting. In order to make a knitted handbag, a girl must first master theoretical knowledge. The teacher introduces the technique of crocheting, helps to choose a product model, and choose threads. Together with a mentor, the needlewoman chooses the dimensions of the product, the knitting option, and its density. The second stage of the project involves individual work schoolgirls. The teacher’s task is to periodically monitor the quality of the resulting product, as well as help when difficulties and difficulties arise. The end result of such a project should be ready product- unusual knitted handbag.


A teacher who uses project technology in his work meets the requirements that are presented to him as part of the transition to new education standards. Exactly in this joint activities trusting relationships are formed with students, all the prerequisites for comprehensive development child's personality. Attempts to find together an answer to the problem set by the teacher contribute to the formation of communication skills. Schoolchildren who have experience working on a variety of projects do not experience difficulties when studying in secondary specialized and higher educational institutions.

Educational activities according to the Federal State Educational Standard do not involve simply memorizing theoretical material, but practicing it on specific examples. More fruitful cooperation in the process of work between students and the teacher leads to the formation of the ability to set a goal and look for a rational way to achieve it. Analytical skills acquired in technology lessons will help children make quick and right decisions V Everyday life. The project approach is distinguished by humanism, respect for the student’s personality, and a positive charge. This activity is aimed primarily at developing the child’s personality and solving the problem of adaptation in modern society.

Target: to familiarize students with the sequence of implementation of the main stages of a creative project - from concept to implementation.


  • develop skills in the content, design and implementation of the project, decide on the choice of models;
  • promote neatness and aesthetic taste;
  • develop skills in planning your work.

Academic subject within which the work is carried out: technology.

Equipment for the lesson: colored pencils, sketchbook, workbook, Internet, computer, sample creative project ( Annex 1 ), Presentation for the lesson .


I. Study of the material

– Guys, in this lesson we will try to figure out what a creative project is and how best to carry it out. I'll tell you and show you how to arrange creative work using the example of a project completed by our student and how to prepare a presentation of a creative project for its defense.
What is a creative project?
A creative technology project is an independently developed and manufactured product from idea to implementation, with minimal participation from the teacher. This is your creative final work. Therefore, in this work you need to show all your knowledge and skills that you have acquired over the year, and when making a product you need to try to use more technological operations studied during the school year.

Work on a creative project can be divided into three stages

a) preparatory stage
b) technological stage;
c) the final stage.

Title page.

At the very beginning, you must correctly design the very first page - the title page. This is the face of your project. Here you indicate the full name of your educational institution, the name of your creative project, your first and last name, class and who the project leader is, the year the project was written. ( Annex 1 . Page 1)

Project Execution Plan

I. Preparatory stage

1. Relevance of the problem
2. Project goal
3. Justification for choosing the project topic
4. Objectives
5. Product requirements
6. Idea development
7. Finding the best idea
8. Research
9. My choice

II. Technological stage

10. Materials used
11. Tools and equipment for making a heating pad for a teapot
12. Organization of the workplace, safe work rules
13. Technology for making a heating pad for a teapot.
14. Taking measurements
15. Construction of the drawing
16. Technological map
17. Economic calculation
18. Eco-friendly.
19. Evaluation of work performed

III. The final stage

Preparatory stage

Before we begin the project, let's take a look around. At first glance, it may seem that everything suits us and there is no need to change anything. But take a closer look. We are accustomed, for example, to choosing neutral, calm wallpaper with a monotonous pattern for our apartments. We are afraid to use too bright shades or very dark walls, thinking that this will negatively affect our subsequent lifestyle. Let's try to change something in our kitchen. A good housewife knows that accessories need to be selected carefully and wisely. For example, the interior of a kitchen should be rational and aesthetic, which is why it is so important stylish accessories that will add elegance and charm to any kitchen. Tablecloths, napkins, potholders, towels, coasters, candy dishes... Any housewife can make all these crafts. Make your kitchen even cozier - decorate it with products self made! To select a theme, you can use also by the Project Bank, Or maybe you will be inspired by visiting a site for tinkering enthusiasts: http://doit-yourself.ru/sections/rukodelie/aksessuaryi-dlya-kuhni.htm

The result of the first point will be the writing of a mini-essay on the topic: “Rationale for the choice and purpose of the activity” or “The need for the manufacture of a product.”

Setting goals and objectives

It is necessary to identify the main goals and objectives of the project. For example, the development and manufacture of a product, or modernization, repair of something in accordance with certain conditions and requirements.


Project goal: to make a souvenir warmer for a teapot for family tea drinking
1. Study the literature, choose one of the methods of making a heating pad for a teapot.
2. Create a bank of ideas, research and choose the best option.
3. Prepare tools and materials, organize the workplace.
4. Make the product and design it.
5. Evaluate the quality of work.

Product requirements

Now you must determine what qualities the product should have:

Example. The product must be: practical, high-quality, original, beautiful in appearance, compact, economical, suitable for the interior of the room.

Idea development

At this stage, you must develop several options for the shape and design of the product, analyze them and select the most suitable one according to the criteria. First, look around for ready-made similar products, see how they are constructed, what materials they are made of, what shape they have, and think about how you can change the product so that it fits your criteria. ( Annex 1 page 4, diagram 1)

You can try changing the shape or material of different parts of the product

Finding the best idea

Now you need to analyze the ideas and choose the one that best suits the developed criteria.


1. Hot water bottle using patchwork technique. It is made from pieces of cotton and linen fabric of different colors. The color scheme should be bright, rich and joyful. You can combine printed and plain fabrics. Yes, I can do it, there are no financial problems, but I didn’t really like them. (Appendix 2 ,Fig.1,Fig. 2)
2. A heating pad, crocheted or knitted.
Made from yarn of different colors. But, unfortunately, I’m not into knitting and I don’t have a wide variety of knitting threads in my house. (Appendix 2 ,Fig.3,Fig. 4)
3. A heating pad made using the applique technique.
You can make it from multi-colored pieces of any fabric, cloth, felt, flannel. Beautiful. Using this technique, parts are finished with a zigzag, and in our home sewing machine there is no such device.(Appendix 2 , rice. 5, fig. 6)
4. Warmer with embroidery elements.
The product can be made in the style of Gzhel porcelain painting. Very beautiful. Embroidery is needed for finishing, and I studied this technique of cross and satin stitch embroidery in technology lessons.(Appendix 2 , Fig.7)


In this section, you must analyze or conduct research on the correct choice of your product. The research can be presented in the form of a table ( Annex 1 . Page 5).

Example. Still, I doubted the choice of heating pad and decided to ask all my family members. Let's do some research with my family. .

Having calculated all the pros and cons, we select a product option and begin its detailed development.

Technological stage

At this point it is necessary to show the entire manufacturing technology of the product.
1. It is necessary to consider the shape of the product;
2. Develop its design, methods of connecting parts in the product.
3. Select materials for the manufacture of product parts. ( Appendix 3 )
4. Determine the availability of the tools necessary to perform the work. (Appendix 1 page 6)
5. Determine the working dimensions of the product and its parts. ( Annex 1 p.7)
6. Develop or select a technology for manufacturing parts and the product as a whole, that is, what technological operations and in what sequence must be performed to manufacture the product. ( Appendix 4 .)
7. Think over safe ways to manufacture the product.
8. Think over ways of decorative and artistic design of the product.

Everything can be presented in the form of tables and thinking stars.

Product cost calculation

In this section, you must provide a cost estimate for your product. I recommend that you choose the most rational and economical use of materials. ( Annex 1 page 9)

Environmental friendliness

Choose only environmentally friendly materials for your work so that the manufacture and operation of your product does not entail changes in environment and did not cause harm to health.

The final stage


At the end of the project, you write conclusions about the work. It is necessary to indicate that the work was completed according to the stated requirements.

Example. The heating pad for the teapot Chicken "Gzhel" satisfies the requirements that were presented to the product at the beginning of the work:

  • The heating pad can be used, as it is made according to the dimensions and drawings
  • good quality execution
  • the heating pad is original, there are no others like it on sale, it will surprise guests and create a good mood
  • beautiful appearance will allow you to use the heating pad as an interior decoration for the kitchen
  • The cost of the product turned out to be low, since fabric scraps and recyclable materials were used.
  • My family really liked the heating pad.

In this section you should advertise your product. What is it for? Advertising allows you to increase interest in this offer. Previously, attention to products was attracted mainly by voice, but now advertising includes many in various ways delivering the necessary information to the consumer. So, try to advertise your product so that many people want to do the same or start from your idea and do something similar.

Example. How to make a tea ceremony unique? Brew delicious tea. Prepare a delicious pie, put the most beautiful tea set on the table, lay out a tablecloth and lay out napkins? Of course, this is true, but there is one interesting detail that is worth taking note of for those tea lovers who are not yet familiar with it. This is a special heating pad that is worn on teapot to support him desired temperature and brew some truly delicious tea. The tea drinking itself should be leisurely, which means the tea should remain hot for as long as possible. And in this case, a heating pad is an absolutely necessary thing.
Making household items with your own hands is one of the ways to express yourself, create individual style, turning ideas into reality. It is very pleasant to drink tea when such a thing is on the table. A wonderful interior decoration for a modern home.
You can't buy such a thing on the market!

Used Books:

Present the literature you used


1. “Learning to play” magazine No. 3. Moscow. Publishing house Enlightenment. 2004
2. Chernyakova V.N. Fabric processing technology 7-9 grades. Moscow. Education. 2000
3. Simonenko V.T. 5, 6, 7 grades. Ventana Count. 2002
4. School and production 2003 No. 1. Publishing house Enlightenment.
5. For those who sew. E.N. Yudina and others. Lenizdat. 1985

6. Semenov V.M. All about tea and tea drinking: The latest tea encyclopedia
7. Calendar 2008 Russian tea party.
8.Internet: http://doit-yourself.ru/sections/rukodelie/aksessuaryi-dlya-kuhni.htm

II. Practical work

The teacher asks students to choose a topic for a creative project.
The final choice of topic remains with the teacher, taking into account the knowledge and skills of the students.
Students complete a chosen creative project (you can offer it in mini-groups).
Consultation with the teacher on the implementation of the project.

III. Lesson summary

Preliminary assessment of practical work.

At the end of the lesson:

A handsome man of work - a combine operator, a tractor driver, a pilot at the helm of his car, a gardener at his favorite tree.
If you want to be beautiful, work until you forget yourself, work so that you feel like a creator, a master, a master in what you love. Work so that your eyes express spirituality with great human happiness - the happiness of creativity.

IV. Homework

In the next lesson we will give a final assessment of your product, so get ready to defend your creative project.