What happens after solar flares. The end of the strongest storm. Solar flare photo. Latest details

American inventor-conceptualist Thomas Leveritt talked about the effect of the sun on the skin in his video.

Weak magnetic storms, G1 intensity, are expected in the middle of the month, October 11-14. At the same time, according to the Solar X-ray Astronomy Laboratory, on October 24 the magnetic storm will repeat from level G1 to G2.

Magnetic storms are disturbances in the Earth's magnetic field lasting from several hours to several days. Particularly sensitive people may not be in the best condition on such days. This phenomenon has consequences for both humanity and technical devices. A new magnetic storm is expected to affect cellular communication and will increase the likelihood of technical breakdowns.

During a solar storm, the flow of high-energy particles increases. After a few hours, billions of tons of electrically charged particles are released, which sometimes affect our planet, explains Manuel Vázquez, a specialist in solar physics at the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands. These particles, carried by the solar wind, lead to strong geomagnetic disturbances and auroral bores, which are particularly harmful to space technology, the health of astronauts and large power distribution networks on land.

The magnetosphere and our own atmosphere are the main obstacles to possible damage these particles. But all barriers have their drawbacks. The magnetosphere is more vulnerable at high latitudes, where auroras are common, and damage to these particles will also be greater at higher altitudes, where the atmosphere is thinner. Therefore, Vasquez insists that its effect depends not only on its intensity, but also on the geometry of the cloud of particles in relation to the Earth.

Magnetic storm can cause malfunctions electronic devices, in particular, communications, and also increases the risk of man-made accidents. In addition, such phenomena can cause discomfort to people with increased weather sensitivity.

In October, the Sun entered its active phase again, so solar flares cause many problems for weather-sensitive people. Despite the fact that in 5 days a magnetic storm will reach the Earth, it...

These solar transients have consequences for human health, especially for populations at mid-latitudes and high altitudes. According to various studies, during solar storms not only increases the likelihood of developing cancer, but also the risk of cardiovascular disease. Blood viscosity increases sharply, and the functional activity of the brain changes.

Magnetic storms in extreme conditions can also change the heart rate of astronauts at the International space station, which has a special room for sheltering in during a storm. As Vasquez points out, “one of the challenges we face in executing a manned mission to Mars is how to protect the crew over a long period from the effects of solar storms?”

In the coming days, the solar wind will reach the Earth, which will cause another magnetic storm on October 13-14, reports the Phobos weather center. In addition, on such days the risk of various man-made accidents increases.

Forecasters explain that the impact of magnetic storms on humans is almost always characterized by poor health, headaches, migraines, rapid heartbeat, insomnia, and pressure changes. But it is clear that the vast majority of people endure magnetic storms without even noticing them.

Returning to life on Earth, the currents caused by these storms can accelerate the corrosion of large pipelines and damage Electricity of the net. Disturbances in the ionosphere affect the transmission of radio waves, for example, from space satellites to ground stations. If we flew over either pole, it is likely that the pilot would have had to change his route. Because planes do not use satellite communications at these latitudes but rely on high-frequency radio signals, sudden interruptions in transmissions could jeopardize flight safety.

nation-news.ru: Scientists have warned about the serious consequences that await people from a powerful solar flare
According to scientists, powerful explosion on the surface of the Sun occurred precisely at the point that looks at the Earth, so people will definitely feel its consequences...

— In the coming days, a new portion of solar wind will reach the Earth, which will cause another magnetic storm, which is expected on October 13-14. At the same time, on October 11-12, as well as on October 15, the Earth’s magnetosphere is expected to be disturbed, forecasters report.

Extrapolating this situation to the rest of globe, a global reduction in communications within a few hours will have serious consequences. And this will not be the first and not the last time. Storms of the past and future. The telephone stopped working in fifty cities, newspapers and radios were unable to distribute information, and approximately one hundred thousand people were forced to manually reorient their antennas in order to watch television. Losses amounted to millions.

Today, several teams on land are responsible for the prediction solar activity. However, according to astrophysicist Manuel Vazquez, we lack global coverage of the interplanetary medium between the Sun and us. Our forecasting methods are in a similar situation to terrestrial meteorology in the sixties, when they were based only on data from a series of ships in the oceans.

Solar flare today last news. Exclusive.

It is expected that the storm will begin to show activity on October 11, and its peak will occur on October 14.

UFO scientists are trying to prove that the cyclical nature of solar activity will lead to the death of all life on Earth in the next half century. In the near future, an increase in the magnetic field of the Sun will lead to the appearance of radiation that can kill all life on planet Earth. Scientists say that in 2039 Neptune will begin to approach the Sun. This period will last until 2055. From 2043, the fiery planet will begin to approach Uranus, which will entail the release of a whole wave of radiation that can burn the entire energy system of the Earth. The earth may also suffer from this phenomenon. And a huge part of them is associated with physical processes directly in the bowels of the star.

History tells us that this type of extreme cosmic event has happened many times and that, although rare, it can happen again. In the cyberelectrosphere, solar storms of this magnitude could affect hundreds of millions of people on the planet. And while the risk of this causing a catastrophic collapse of the electrical grid is low, it is still real. Are we ready to accept its possible consequences?

The new emission occurred Sunday afternoon and produced one of the most powerful X-ray bursts of the current solar cycle. The current flare was recorded with the spot almost hidden in the western limb of the star. Electromagnetic dimming in Brazil. An X-ray burst hit Brazil, Central America and much of North America.

Doctors advise weather-sensitive people to take special care on such days. It is not recommended to drive, go down the subway, go to the gym, drink too much coffee and strong tea. If necessary, you should consult a doctor immediately. The main task is to look after your health and get enough sleep.

Magnetic storms on Earth began on September 6, when the first emissions of solar plasma reached the Earth, following a series of powerful flares on the Sun.

According to radio amateurs, the blackout lasted about two hours. The graph shows the effect of an intense X-ray flare on the ionosphere. Beta-Gamma-Delta Spot Beta-delta-delta sunspot groups have such a complex magnetic field that it is impossible to observe magnetic flux lines connecting two spots of opposite polarity.

Although high-energy, X-ray radiation does not exceed the Earth's atmosphere. It acts as a protection against such radiation and without which it is almost impossible to live on Earth. Okay, welcome to Cosmic Reveal. Every now and then the sun explodes. But unlike us, when the sun explodes, it does so with the power of more than 20 million nuclear bombs. These hiccups are known as coronal mass ejections - powerful eruptions near the sun's surface that move in folds in the solar magnetic field.

“URA.RU” turned to the Ekaterinburg astronomer for comment, and the Ural specialist refuted this theory.

This phenomenon is provoked by the solar wind, which will be active on Friday and Saturday, October 13 and 14.

The resulting collisions ripple through the solar system and can destroy satellites and knock down and destroy electrical grids on Earth. Within a few hours, over a billion tons of material rises from the surface of the sun and accelerates at speeds in excess of a million miles per hour.

This can happen several times a day when the sun is most active. The plasma itself is an energetically charged cloud of protons and electrons carried by the solar wind. Traveling at a million miles per hour, the release can travel up to 93 million miles to Earth in just a few days. A plane traveling that fast could take him from Los Angeles to New York in 18 seconds.

A solar flare is all about the dangers and consequences. Detailed data.

The sun is a huge ball of gas that rotates around its axis. Rotational speed different parts The sun is different: the poles rotate more slowly, and the equator - faster. It turns out that the magnetic field of the Sun, together with the plasma, twists, intensifies and begins to lift it to the surface. Thus, solar activity increases and flares appear. It turns out that the rotational energy of this star turns into magnetic energy, and where too much energy is released, flares occur.

So Jay, welcome to the show. David: Corey, welcome to the show. David: So we'll go back to where we were with Brown Notebook, and this is incredible information given to someone who was contacted personally - just like what happens to you, Corey, taken aboard the spaceship benevolent extraterrestrial beings, until after the walk, and then they receive telepathic information that comes in the form of this channel.

And what we see here is one of the first proven plumbing fixtures of the decade. So those people from all over the country who have never spoken to each other, they could answer these questions correctly. This is a proven pipeline. This is one of the ones we have. But he never went into detail.

Let us remember that the last massive flares on the Sun occurred last month. As Sergei Kuzin, head of the Laboratory of X-ray Solar Astronomy at the Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, informed TASS, strong magnetic storms at the beginning of autumn were anomalous phenomena and the likelihood of their recurrence is quite low.

I'm glad to be with you this morning. What we are going to talk about this morning is very serious. People in their present state on their planet must survive their existence. A lot will happen on this planet. This solar system is moving into a region of space where the vibrations are much higher. This will cause changes in your planet's resources. This will also bring about change in your people. The vibrations on the planet will become higher. Therefore, man will have to raise his vibrations in order to exist on his planet.

These vibrations can only be raised by humans. David: This is a shot on target. Corey: That's exactly what the Sphere Alliance was handed over to me. And not only the reptilian Drakos, but also other unearthly creatures that interfere here. They will not be compatible with the new vibration or energy.

Magnetic storms on Earth cause strong reactions in many people. Therefore, people are wondering whether there will be magnetic storms in October. Forecasters say people should get ready to the arrival of storms in October...

Forecasters predict that the planet will soon be hit by a series of magnetic storms. According to scientists, October is preparing both minor and powerful storms. The strongest ones will take place from October 11 to 12, as well as October 15. On the 13th-14th, magnetic storms will be insignificant. The reason will be a portion of the solar wind that reaches our planet.

David: Let me give you the devil's advocate here just for a moment. Of course they will consider them enemies. Corey: And according to their theologies and philosophies, they do what is “good.” So they see these, what we call benevolent beings, they see them as evil to themselves and their plans.

David: Now, Jay, why do you think these negative entities have to die physically? Jay: Okay, because they're the dictators of everything. solar system, and this is good. Fulcanelli tells us in his chapter on the Henday Cross that many beings will die when this event comes, well, but not all.

“At the same time, on October 11-12, and on October 15, the Earth’s magnetosphere is assumed to be disturbed,” reporters quote the words of weather forecasters.

According to them, in 2039 Neptune will begin to approach the Sun - the phenomenon will last until 2055, and everything would be fine if not for Uranus, which will begin to approach the star in 2043. The process will last 16 years. Various magnetic waves demonstrate that the Sun and Earth, as well as other planets, are connected to each other. And every time the Earth flies through this zone, it will be subjected to strong radiation that can burn out the Earth’s energy system built by people.

The background image shows a wide infrared field view of the center of the Galaxy. Scaling in a black hole is detected when energy ignites from a center at rest, explodes, and then disappears. The hottest gas located near the black hole pulsates like the central White spot, which is visible on x-rays. The slightly cooler gas is associated with gas that resembles an old nearby supernova explosion and is responsible for the existence of the surrounding pink cloud.

He's just a normal guy, he's there, and they start passing this information through him. Jay: Definitely, my sources tell me that in the 1950s aliens began speaking telepathically to very good people, providing them with information to facilitate the evolutionary change of the human race to bring us into greater plurality. And the sun is central part of this transformation, equation. These changes that our Sun goes through are a central part of this thing.

Scientists warned of a two-day magnetic storm on Tuesday: due to solar wind activity, geomagnetic disturbance is expected on the Earth on October 13 and 14. It is reported that in the coming days the population of the Earth will feel the latest portion of solar wind, which will cause a magnetic storm. On such days, you should be especially attentive to your body and take proactive measures recommended by your doctor.

Is death part of the space-time illusion? David: So these creatures really don't die. They are removed only from the planetary or interplanetary game level. That these periodic catastrophes and mass extinctions, although there is the appearance of physical death in an illusion, which is more like a purge, right?

David: It's soil, right? David: So what do alchemists think about this idea of ​​the metaphor of rebirth? In this case, they used the language of the “new dawn.” They don't believe that death is the end. They believe that you want to expand human life to give each person enough time to understand things. And they think that somehow we have been deceived, cheated, and that is why we have a short life. And there really isn't enough time to really discover and live the things that matter most. So alchemists try to do something to prolong their lives so that they have more time to learn about the truth.

svpressa.ru: A new powerful flare occurred on the Sun
Russian scientists from the Laboratory of X-ray Solar Astronomy of the Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences have detected a nova on the Sun powerful flash.‍ The outbreak was recorded on the evening of September 7. Second outbreak assigned the highest activity class - X. According to experts, the approximate size of plasma clouds in Earth’s orbit ...

And imagine if we lived 800 years, how different the world would be. There wouldn't be any wars because no one would fight in a war if you had another 780 years to live, right? Jay: You won't have children until you're 200 years old. You will be very wise when you have children. Your children will be very wise. You go to college until you are 150 years old.

Corey: Well, even the oldest and wisest among us are still spiritual children. And this is a very important part of our future, we have more life and abundance. And let's start living longer. We are already living longer. When my grandparents were 60 years old, they felt like they were 90 years old, right?

The solar wind should reach the Earth very soon, forecasters predicted. An increase in man-made disasters cannot be ruled out. Although clear and warm weather is expected in Chelyabinsk during this period, honey. staff are advised to be especially careful about their health. At the moment, as then, the quality of communication may deteriorate, the likelihood of man-made disasters is growing, and in addition, weather-sensitive people will feel a deterioration in their health.

Solar flare photo. Latest details.

Meteorologists advise people to be especially careful these days. Storms lead to disruptions in communication systems and electronic devices and increase the risk of accidents. People with increased sensitivity to weather changes may experience serious psycho-emotional discomfort. During this period, there is an increased number of people suffering from headaches, migraines, pressure changes, rapid heartbeat and those who are trying to overcome insomnia

Forecasters warn Russian citizens that the likelihood of man-made accidents and disasters will increase in the coming days. Electromagnetic disturbances will subside only by the end of the week and the storm will end on Sunday October 15th. The main symptoms are the appearance of headaches, rapid heartbeat, insomnia and pressure changes.

Scientists studying solar activity cycles are sounding the alarm - everything indicates that in just a few decades our star will be 100% destroyed. energy system Earth. It has been reported that solar flares allegedly overlap each other every time, which can lead to catastrophic consequences.

A series of solar flares began on September 4. The plasma ejected by the Sun began to “burn” the Earth’s magnetic field lines.

It became known that scientists have informed about the latest date of the End of the World. After all, its outbreaks overlap each other every time, which can lead to catastrophic consequences. When major planets begin to approach the Sun, its magnetic fields intensify, and a powerful release of radiation occurs. As a result, the Sun will be several hundred thousand kilometers closer to our planet and therefore the heat of the star will “wash away” the Earth’s atmosphere.

Due to solar flares, it is released into the atmosphere a large number of plasma, which forms peculiar clouds. They move with the help of the wind and are directed towards the Earth, burning its field and causing magnetic storms.

In the middle of the 21st century, the Sun can kill the Earth with a lethal dose of radiation. As noted, from 2039 Neptune and the Sun will begin to approach each other, sending massive radiation waves that will destroy everything in their path. This period will last until 2055. In addition, from 2043 the star will approach Uranus, which is fraught with the release of a wave of radiation that can actually burn out the Earth's energy system. From 2043, the fiery planet will begin to approach Uranus, which will entail the release of a whole wave of radiation that can burn the entire energy system of the Earth.

A magnetic storm can affect the operation of communications; these days the likelihood of some technical breakdowns and accidents usually increases; many people, especially sensitive ones, feel discomfort.

Solar flare video. Urgent news.