Choosing wallpaper for a teenager's room: what to look for (24 photos). Decorating a teenage boy's room: choosing wallpaper How to hang wallpaper in a teenage boy's room

Every parent wants their child to have his own room. The child’s comfortable stay depends on how it is decorated. Before you start making repairs, you need to take into account the wishes, interests, and age of the baby.

Wallpaper for a boy's children's room - a smart choice

The wall covering looks pretty good significant role. The mood of the child and the guests, respectively, the children, depends on the wallpaper.

What you need to know before buying wallpaper:

  • the coating must have an environmental composition;
  • choose wallpaper made from paper, they are breathable and inexpensive;
  • Liquid wallpaper is suitable, of course, they are somewhat more expensive than paper wallpaper, but they have one huge advantage - they can be easily repainted in a different shade;
  • Washable wallpaper is ideal; children often show their creativity on the walls - this type of coating is easy to clean;
  • Forget about vinyl wallpaper, they are easily damaged.

In our article you can see photos of wallpaper for a boy’s nursery. Take a close look and suddenly your child will like some idea.

Wallpaper design for a boy's room

You can decorate the nursery in yellow, brown, blue, blue, purple or green. These are so-called boyish tones. Blue symbolizes water, the sea, and a pastel and green palette will help create a jungle in the interior.

You can choose black wallpaper for boys, don’t be afraid of the dark, this tone calms you down and puts you in the mood for sleep, dilute it with a light palette.

It was noticed that kids took a liking to the surfaces that depict cartoon characters: cars, robots, ships, dinosaurs, bees, it all depends on their interests and age category.

Don’t forget to consult with your child; he should live there and spend most of his free time. During the renovation process, invite your child to help you paper the walls yourself.

Boy 7 years old - how to please and not go wrong

Wallpaper for a boy's room should fully characterize this age. The child already has a point of view, an opinion. The child has hobbies and interests and is unlikely to like cars or airplanes.

Most people focus on studying, choosing a cover with numbers and letters. From a psychological point of view, wallpapers that depict nature and its inhabitants are suitable: dogs, cats, birds, wild animals. Drawings should not have catchy or complex patterns.

At this age, children are getting acquainted with the first basics of school and can become distracted. Wallpaper with stripes will help you concentrate - they will calm down an active boy after the gameplay. If the room belongs to two active children, then it is better to purchase washable wallpaper. Agree, it’s quite a practical and profitable option.

10 years old - what design is suitable for boys at this age

Don't forget to take your 10-year-old son with you to the store when you choose wallpaper for his room. You will allow the little man to feel like an adult. Don't be afraid, he will make the right choice.

Independence will give the boy self-confidence. He will understand that he is completely trusted. Listen to his opinion, give practical advice. Try to make the wallpaper for your walls comfortable and safe for health.

12 years old what to do at that age

Do not create a nursery for your child yourself, he will feel discomfort. At the age of 12, boys often change tastes and views. Maybe the guy likes to travel, then choose a cover yellow color with globes or fragments of a world map.

Buying wallpaper should be a joint and non-forced affair. Choose a day when it is convenient for your son to go to the store.

Boy - teenager

Wallpaper sellers have noticed that in adolescence, boys decorate their rooms in a minimalist style, with a minimum of decor and details. Give your child the opportunity to express himself. He can cover the walls with posters of his favorite actors, musicians and change them every day, or at one point take pictures altogether.

Try to decorate the room together, make it not only beautiful, but also convenient, comfortable; your mood and relaxation depend on the atmosphere.

Remember that the room is not the parents', but the child's. First of all, this is the space of a peasant, to whom guests and not only boys come. Wallpaper for a teenage boy is a characteristic of his inner world.

At any age, a child should feel like a master in a room where only his things are located, which he himself arranges in a way that is convenient and is always at hand. And even if you manage to do perfect room and the baby will be happy, do not forget that the child grows, and his hobbies change with him.

The design of the space should change appearance along with the boy's age. Agree that the repairs made for a 7-year-old son are not suitable for a 16-year-old teenager. Also, do not buy wallpaper to grow. Don't break in little man personality. Children's wallpapers for kids, and for teenagers globes and posters.

When starting renovations, you can consult with psychologists on how to do better so that the child is satisfied and thanks you. Love children, they are vulnerable and defenseless. Make repairs with pleasure and listen to their opinions.

Photo wallpaper for boys

In order for the wallpaper in a boy's teenage room to create the desired effect, parents have to go through a real test. The fact is that you need to focus not only on the quality of the material, but also listen to the desires of the owner of the premises. It is a mistake to believe that if a child is dependent on adults, then his tastes should be taken into account in last resort. On the contrary, to create a family harmonious relationships, the boy must participate in creating the interior in which he will constantly be.

When making decisions about purchasing wallpaper to decorate a boy’s room, you need to consider the following parameters:

1. Service life.

In this case, we are not talking about the durability of the product. The fact is that children grow up, and adolescence is one of the most difficult stages in a child’s life. At this age, certain stereotypes and judgments dominate in thinking, and there are idols. Therefore, the boy will want to create with the help of wallpaper some kind of alternative world that is understandable to him. But several years will pass and there will be a need to redo everything, because most ideas will change, reasoning will become calmer.

2. Individuality.

It is individuality that is the determining factor for a child. Of course, he can copy other people, but this is only a manifestation of finding himself. Therefore, it is necessary that the design of the room is not dull and boring. Many parents justify their reluctance to adjust the interior to their teenager’s preferences by saying that they know better what he needs. This is the wrong position. If the room does not please the child and does not meet his interests, then he will feel uncomfortable being there. For example, photo wallpaper for a teenager’s room can very well emphasize his individuality.

3. Compromise.

Naturally, completely following the lead of a teenage boy is the wrong strategy. After all, wallpaper must meet a number of simple requirements:

  • be safe for health;
  • have the required strength and hold well;
  • correspond to the possibilities of the family budget.

Therefore, we need to look for a compromise. It is much easier to achieve if you involve a teenager in drawing up a project and choose everything together necessary materials and allow him to directly participate in the work.

4. Correct zoning.

Due to the fact that the boy’s room performs many functions at once: it is a place for sleeping, studying, working, playing, then you need to think about zoning. Wallpaper will help you do this most easily and correctly. Of course, a room rarely has a large area, but even highlighting two main zones will help visually transform the interior.

Using two types of wallpaper you can highlight a relaxation and study area in the room

It is the interaction between parents and teenagers that is the key to a high-quality result.

Which wallpaper option should I choose?

Available on the market big choice finishing materials, which allows you to choose wallpaper for any teenage room. Almost all types of products are environmentally friendly and are excellent for the task at hand. For work you can use paper, non-woven, fiberglass, fabric, liquid and photo wallpaper. But it is better not to use the vinyl variety, because it does not have the necessary vapor permeability, which can lead to the appearance of mold and mildew.

Advice! You can fix the situation with vinyl wallpaper, if their other qualities are suitable, by providing additional ventilation.

Plain wallpaper

It is better to completely abandon the use of standard classics if the child himself does not express such a desire. The room looks much more interesting when chosen correctly color solutions. The room becomes original and creates a good mood for studying and other activities.

If a teenager’s room does not have a large area, light, plain wallpaper would be an excellent solution for decorating it.

Many experts advise choosing these color options wallpaper:

  1. Blue color. This shade is considered the most masculine, carrying a certain energy. Of course, making the interior completely blue is not recommended. But it will be an excellent option, for example, for the main color range ceiling.
  2. Green color. Any shades of green that occur in nature will become great solution for a teenager's room. They will not irritate and will add peace to the room.
  3. Grey colour. This option helps to give the interior nobility. It is important to consider that this cannot be the main color, its role is exclusively auxiliary. It is perfect for lightly emphasizing desired areas.
  4. Beige color. A completely neutral variety that will help hide some kinks in the color scheme, if any.

Of course, wallpaper does not have to be monochromatic; it will be perfectly complemented by a pattern, but not too large and bright.

On a note! For many parents, this will be a revelation, but the simultaneous use of a plain material with an unobtrusive pattern and zoning of the room will help avoid cosmetic repairs in a few years.

Wallpaper with a pattern

Wallpaper with patterns is found everywhere, their variety is truly impressive. This option allows you to quickly and without special effort get a beautiful decorative coating.

For a boy's room, you can consider the following variations:

  1. A completely abstract drawing that has no clarity or rules. Such wallpaper will complement the “minimalism” style, which teenagers really like. But this covering should occupy only part of the total area of ​​the room, so as not to cause emotional overload.
  2. The striped pattern is a more traditional solution. But if you approach the matter with imagination and use different combination stripes, you can visually enlarge the room and give it extravagance. It is better to exclude the use of purely vertical or horizontal stripes throughout the room - they will create the feeling of being in a cage.
  3. Wallpaper with monograms refers to classic options, which are not suitable for all children, their use must be justified. They may be suitable for a sleeping area, but definitely not for a study area.
  4. Drawings with hieroglyphs and various ethnic elements can become the highlight of the entire interior if they are complemented with thematic details. They will help create an atmosphere of mystery that boys love so much.
  5. Various geometric figures- This is an option that sets a certain rhythm and attracts attention. It must be combined with other varieties.

The best solution is considered to be a correctly selected combination. To achieve the desired effect, the dark palette of colors is left in one place, and the rest is diluted with less saturated shades. Naturally, taking into account the combination of patterns used, if there was no clear division into zones.

Photo wallpaper

Photo wallpapers for teenagers' rooms are experiencing a rebirth. The fact is that they were already popular several decades ago. Then these were simple landscapes or interiors. But this trend quickly faded away due to its monotony.

Currently, photo wallpaper is one of the most stylish options decorating a boy's room. It is very convenient that you can order a product with any desired image. Of course, this will increase the cost, but the result will be a completely unique design.

Photo wallpaper is a great option for creating individual style in a teenager's room

It is worth noting that such products have many advantages:

  • A wide choice even among commercially available options allows a teenager to show individuality.
  • If you choose budget options, then the wallpaper can be easily and quickly changed without regretting the money spent.
  • The image is a completely finished composition that does not need to be supplemented or embellished.
  • The ability to create a thematic direction for the entire interior. If a child is interested in any kind of creativity, loves the fantasy world, is a nature lover or craves travel, he will be able to visualize his interests.

In fact, photo wallpaper for a teenager's room helps diversify his inner world.

On a note! Now there are varieties of photo wallpapers with a 3D effect, the pictures on them are literally alive. But they must be used with great caution, because the illusion of a moving image leads to emotional overstrain.

Parents sometimes have to make a lot of effort to accurately select wallpaper for a teenage boy’s room. You need to take into account many nuances and find a compromise with your child. If everything is done correctly, then peace and harmony will reign in the family, but only until the next renovation.

Photo gallery: decorating a teenage room for a boy

Creating an interesting, comfortable style and design for a teenage boy is enough challenging task. To transform a boy's nursery, a modern approach is very important. To create a complete picture, you need to think through every detail, since the wrong little thing can ruin the entire style of the room. Wallpaper for a teenage boy's room should fit in so well that when entering the room, they do not catch the eye, but are one with the room.

In adolescence, all boys try to grow up faster and start independent life. Many people develop their own interests, passions, opinions, and individuality. Therefore, the room should be for a teenage boy a place where he can calmly retire or invite friends, work out or play. The room should fully reflect the interests and hobbies of the teenager. In other words, the room should be in complete harmony with inner world teenager

Be sure to choose wallpaper for the walls together with your child. When choosing, you don’t have the same opinion, try to find a compromise.

Room design options

On video: what is the difference between paper, non-woven and textile wallpaper? and which ones are better to choose?

Many people believe that teenagers are not constancy, they can go from one extreme to another, and sometimes they are overwhelmed by emotions. Fortunately, all this is temporary and can be corrected. Do you want to influence emotional condition your adult boy, decorate the interior of the children's room properly. And first of all, start by choosing wallpaper.

Plain wallpaper

It should include colors that can give the interior originality, brightness, and also act harmoniously on nervous system teenager
According to experts, the most promising options for the walls of a children's room are:

  • Green color . The green color scheme is considered the most familiar color for any person, since it is often found in the world around us. When decorating a teenager's room, you can use any shade of green.
  • Blue color . It is not often that you see a blue background in a child’s room, however, this particular color is considered masculine and carries elemental power. The blue color scheme goes well with shades of white.

  • Beige color . Neutral color scheme, great in combination with any shades.

  • Light brown color. Looks great as a base palette combined with a soft and sunny shade.

  • Grey colour . Allows you to create a noble interior. A very interesting color scheme, which is between two opposite colors - black and white.

Wallpaper can be either plain or with a pattern, but you should avoid too saturated shades, which can cause excessive excitement in the boy.

Plain wallpaper is perfect for those who do not have the opportunity to constantly carry out redecorating children's room. If you want your child’s room to not look boring, pay attention to wallpaper with an unobtrusive pattern.

Wallpaper with a pattern

The construction market offers wide choose wallpaper with various patterns, stripes, hieroglyphs, etc. Thanks to the drawings various topics(photos can be seen clearly in the catalogue) you can create a unique men's style rooms.

For a teenager's room you can choose:

  • Abstract wall art: randomly placed patterns, perfect for a teenager who is into minimalism.
  • Stripes - horizontal, vertical, oblique, wide, oblique, etc. Stripes are in perfect harmony with classic and geometric patterns, pieces of furniture.
  • Geometric designs: rhombus, square, triangle, circle and others. Such wallpaper will allow you to set the rhythm of the interior and will attract the attention of others. When large drawings, in the room you need to add a neutral environment: plain curtains.
  • Classic wallpaper for walls is represented by intertwining monograms in a different color palette. Such canvases are not only suitable for any room, but also harmonize perfectly with any furniture.
  • Oriental style - Arabic script, panels with various hieroglyphs, ethnic elements and much more.

Combination options

They will look original combined options. For example, plain wallpaper of a dark blue color scheme in combination with a delicate, dark blue. This decoration option involves using one palette in one place, and a more saturated color in the opposite place.

Combining hieroglyphs, drawings, and figures requires special care, since many images practically do not combine with each other.

Photo wallpaper for a teenager's room

Thanks to modern technologies, a teenager's children's room can be decorated. Today, photo wallpapers are ideal solution for any age. You can order absolutely any photo. Such wallpaper with photo designs is easy to put on and take off, so the design of the room can be easily and quickly changed.

Advantages of photo wallpaper:

  • wide selection of themes, photos and drawings;
  • quickly replace if the wallpaper has lost its attractiveness and relevance.
  • budget option for walls;
  • the photo reflects the interests and hobbies of the teenager;
  • allow you to create an atmosphere of order.

When planning photo wallpaper for a room, pay special attention to the basic background of the walls. When choosing color palette You must first of all start from the drawing or photo applied on the wallpaper in order to create contrast to the room.

Highlight in the interior

To create interesting and unique interior children's room of a teenage boy, the most important thing is to find its highlight. This is exactly what can become that rich shade that will support not only the style of the wallpaper, but also the design of the entire teenager’s room.

Creation comfortable design room for a teenage boy is a difficult task even for experienced specialists. It is very important to modernly transform the room so that everything in it looks harmonious and creates a complete picture.

Any little thing that was chosen incorrectly can ruin the entire interior. Therefore, it is especially important to pay attention not only to the creation of an overall design, but also to such important element like wallpaper.

What should a boy's room be like?

Teen room design photo 2015: modern ideas, wallpaper

Before you start choosing wallpaper, you should figure out what it should be modern design rooms for a teenage boy and what is popular in 2015-2016. Having understood the main trends in the design of teenage rooms modern type, you can start choosing wallpaper.

What are the features of wallpaper for a teenage boy's room?

Fragility. It should be understood that adolescence is a fleeting period, and you are doing repairs not for a year, but, if possible, for a longer time. Therefore, you must be prepared for the fact that the child will want to express himself; therefore, you will have to make repairs, at least superficially, in a few years, when your son grows up. adolescence and he will want to decorate his room more seriously.

Room design for a teenage boy with photo wallpaper

Brightness and uniqueness. This is another factor to consider when designing a room for a teenager. The room should never be boring and monotonous. Try to make it as unique as possible so that it not only differs from other rooms, but is also rich and bright.

Completely bad taste. Many parents believe that a teenage boy’s room is necessarily ugly and tasteless. But it’s worth considering your son’s preferences. You shouldn’t go too far and force him to decorate the room the way you want. The child will outgrow this period, and you will ruin your relationship with him.

Photo wallpaper for a teenage boy's room

Let your child take part in creating the design and personal style, as he can add a touch of uniqueness on his own.

Selecting different wallpaper options

Today there is a wide variety of wallpaper on the market, and it would seem that it would not be difficult to choose them, but this is not easy to do for a boy’s room. The difficulty is manifested not only in the choice of color scheme and design, but also in who exactly from the family should select the wall decoration element: the parents or the child.

Room design with photo wallpaper for teenagers photo

Many parents believe that their child should not have his own opinion at the age of 14-15, so they allow themselves to make decisions even in such trifles as the choice of wallpaper for the walls of the room. You should still take into account the child’s opinions and listen to him. This is a chance to give him time to be independent and feel like an adult.

If you cannot allow your child to be so independent, you should familiarize yourself with what you should pay attention to, what the options are, and agree with the overall family decision on the best option.

Plain wallpaper. Such option will do for those who do not have the opportunity to make repairs every few years. A wall is a place for a teenager to express himself, but it doesn’t have to be done in a bright and appealing style, which over time can bore even a child.

Wallpaper for a teenage boy's room photo

The ideal option is wallpaper of the same color, and much-needed accents can be placed on other things: for example, it could be furniture, curtains or other decorative elements, pillows, bedspreads, carpet.

Also on white wall You can glue posters of your favorite football players, actors or movie characters. This option is budget-friendly and a win-win for those who know how changeable their child’s tastes are.
Also, to ensure that the wallpaper in a children's room for teenage boys does not look boring, you can choose coverings with an unobtrusive but slightly contrasting pattern.

Geometric pattern. This option has already become almost traditional design teenage boys' rooms. Using drawings various shapes you can create a unique style for the room, and despite the presence of patterns on the wallpaper, the room will look masculine.

Wallpaper for a children's room for teenage boys

Strip. A type of geometric wallpaper is stripes. This is a relatively neutral option that looks stylish. This design, even in black and white, suggests that it is also suitable for boys.

What wallpaper to choose for a teenage boy's room?

What should you avoid?

It is best to avoid ornaments and classic design not only wallpaper, but the room as a whole. If your teenage child is not a fan of conservative views, you should refuse this option. You can watch the video below on how to properly decorate a boy’s room with wallpaper:

Highlight in the interior

When creating a unique design, it is important to find a highlight that will become a rich accent and will support the style of wallpaper in a teenage boy’s room, as in the photo:

Room for a teenage boy with photo wallpaper

Advice! Don't turn your teenager's room into a theater stage, even if he has many interests.

For example, if a boy prefers to play the guitar, you can hang it on the wall, and the wallpaper itself can be plain, or posters or photo wallpapers of your favorite musical group can hang on the opposite wall.

Wallpaper for the room of a teenage boy 16 years old

If your child is involved in boxing or another sport and has awards, you should focus on this. Instead of a guitar, you can make a shelf that will decorate the teenager's awards and remind him that he has found an activity that he is better at than others.

Look the best option wall covering- practical and aesthetically attractive, not darkening cramped spaces.

Many parents very often ask themselves the question of what wallpaper to choose for a teenage boy’s room. This is not easy to do, but if you take the interests of the child as a basis, it is quite possible to create beautiful room and choose the right wallpaper for general style. In this case you will receive good combination every little detail in the interior of the room, and the teenager will certainly be grateful that his opinion was taken into account.

More photos of teenage rooms with photo wallpaper - for inspiration:

Every parent strives to arrange their child’s room with maximum coziness and comfort. One of the decisive factors in arranging a nursery is choosing the right wall cladding. And if the choice of wallpaper for decorating the rooms of teenage girls usually does not cause difficulties, then purchasing analogues for boys confuses many parents. However, no matter how difficult the choice may seem due to the wide range of varieties of wallpaper material, choose the right option It will be easier after you familiarize yourself with the main nuances that you should decide on before going to the store.


Other controversial options include glass wallpaper. Of course, they are unique, because they can be painted up to 20 times, and are also durable and can decorate walls for 2 decades. However, these fabrics do not breathe. There are also options (liquid wallpaper) that are not glued, but spread on the walls, rubbed and trimmed, like plaster. These products, despite their originality, are also not used to cover the walls of boys’ rooms, preferring to decorate the room with roll wallpaper.

Today it is customary to decorate the rooms of teenage boys with paper, non-woven wallpaper and products with photo printing.

  • The first panels may have different widths, which makes it easier to tape hard-to-reach places. However, they are not resistant to moisture and are short-lived (they last no more than 5 years). If previously they were predominantly smooth, today manufacturers also produce rough canvases with relief imitation.
  • Non-woven analogues are notable for their variety of surface textures, which can imitate brickwork, strokes of plaster, a rough surface of cement or stone. Such wallpapers are easier to paste than paper ones, have a longer service life, and are slightly elastic, which makes their joining unnoticeable. They are often produced in special batches, which include plain rolls and contrasting companions designed for combination.
  • Photo wallpapers for teenagers' rooms represent a separate unique line of products. They allow you to make the background design of the room stylish, catchy and effective. They often set the desired mood for the interior, hinting at the child’s hobbies and making the design of the room special. With their help, you can advantageously beat any drawback in the layout of the room, making it the main decoration of the background design of the walls.

Suitable coverings for different ages

Despite the general definition of “teenage,” wallpapers for boys differ in their age-related themes. This is noticeable in the drawing of elements or their proximity to reality. Images can be not only drawn and sketchy: often for older children they buy or order photo wallpapers with images of football or music industry idols. And if boys 10-12 years old can still buy panels with stylized comic book elements, then for the age group of 13 and 14 years old they are already trying to buy wallpaper posters.

Such options are notable in that they can vary in theme and size. This, in turn, allows you to select and place the accent in the room correctly, without visually distorting the space. Another advantage is the variability of the texture of these panels. For example, an image can be not only smooth: today trade marks They offer buyers options with a matte, rough and even embossed texture.

This approach allows you to create the effect of a pattern applied on top of the main coating. For example, wallpaper can show the effect of a pattern made on part of the wall on top of stone, concrete base or brickwork. Such options are especially noteworthy for decorating the rooms of boys who know a lot about graffiti. They look very impressive on the walls of the room.

Guys 15 and 16 years old often prefer a more relaxed design of walls, considering pasting surfaces sufficient design plain wallpaper. This is convenient for arranging paintings or emphasizing the video or audio zone. Some teenagers consider excessive highlighting of walls unnecessary, preferring the strict functionality of wallpaper and the minimalist design of not only the walls, but the entire interior. In this regard, everything depends on the child’s temperament, because for some, self-expression should manifest itself in bright colors and sometimes rebellious drawings, for others it seems like an excess that interferes with concentration.

Colors and combinations

Today, the color schemes for the design of the walls of a teenager's room are varied. If desired, parents can choose the desired option without any problems: there are a lot of panels of noble shades on store shelves. At the same time, the choice for guys is no less wide than for girls. Some of the most fashionable colors today are light gray, beige and gray-blue tones. The best combinations combinations can be called:

  • light gray and beige;
  • white, black and light brown;
  • gray-blue and terracotta;
  • brown, white and beige;

  • gray and white;
  • blue and white;
  • white with wood and gray-brownish;
  • orange, white and brick;
  • light green and gray;
  • marsh, brick and white colors.

The presence of white in design is no coincidence: it is a means of introducing light spots into the interior. However, if it seems soiled, parents try to purchase options with a light gray tone instead. Some people like mixing shades in the form of texture. From a distance, such wallpaper may appear monochromatic, but upon closer inspection, it can consist of two or three tones (for example, white, light gray and beige). The pattern of such wallpaper can resemble stone or even a rough weave of threads.

When giving preference to one color or another, it is worth starting from several nuances, for example, from:

  • child's opinions;
  • the side of the room on which the windows face;
  • sizes of window openings;
  • location of central and wall lamps;
  • places of pasting (relevant for accent panels).

The child should like the color of the wallpaper; it is important to take his opinion into account. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the muted bright hues color palette, since gloomy and dark, in addition to negative perception, will have a similar effect on the child’s mood. In addition to the fact that they visually hide valuable centimeters usable area, such paints visually reduce the height of the ceiling and the width of the walls, demonstrating their boundaries. Light-colored panels have the ability to erase the hard boundaries of space, which allows you to create the illusion of spaciousness in the room. Along with this, they bring a feeling of light and air into the interior, so being in such a room will be comfortable.

However, the choice of temperature matters here, since the location of the windows can distort the color. Therefore, the seemingly beautiful color of the panels after pasting can look completely different. For example, if it is initially cold, in a room with north-facing windows the tone will appear darker. Warm beige on the walls of a teenage room on the south side will give off a yellowish tint. If the room has small windows, which, for example, is typical attic space, equipped as a boy's nursery, it needs to be glued light wallpaper. This will make up for the lack of light and level the room, softening the broken perspective of the layout.


Of course, children's wallpaper with a traditional repeating print in the form of cars or toys is not suitable for the design of a guy's room. A variety of cartoon characters that do not correspond to the child’s age are also undesirable. Before you go to the store for wall coverings, you should ask your child’s opinion and hobbies. Best choice for boys 12-14 years old there will be racing cars, three-dimensional canvases depicting a football field, as well as marine theme, made on photo wallpaper.

Bright personalities will love extraordinary graffiti wallpapers. However, to prevent this design from becoming boring too quickly, it is important to take into account the peculiarities of color perception. For example, not all colors in a color palette are compatible with each other, since they are diametrically opposed in perception. Those who like three-dimensional paintings should pay attention to canvases depicting a city at night or during the day. Such photo wallpapers don’t just look stylish: they visually fill the room with air and space. Options depicting a world map are no less good for the walls of a teenage room.


The design of teenagers' rooms differs from the design of children's rooms in that in this case the interior style is more pronounced. Here you can already see that the interior composition belongs to one or another design direction, in which wallpaper plays an important role. Of course, guys don’t like the classic branches of style with their characteristic ostentatious luxury. They prefer simplicity and conciseness, which is why most teenage rooms today are furnished in a modern style.

And yet, the style of teenage boys’ rooms is multifaceted. If, say, minimalism is taken as a basis, then the emphasis is on simplicity and rigor of lines, as well as functionality. The wallpaper in such rooms is plain; they are rarely complemented by contrasting inserts or panels, and certainly not highlighted by photo printing. If the rooms are decorated in modern or high-tech styles, you cannot do without some elegance.

In such cases, demonstration is important modern technologies, which can be expressed in the texture of the wallpaper. Today, at the peak of popularity are panels with a creative type of surface that imitates rough materials. This could be burlap, torn stone, concrete, or an unplastered wall with a porous surface. If you choose a loft style, you should buy wallpaper with the texture of lime or concrete and combine it with an insert for brickwork.

Together with creative lighting and imitation of communications, it looks Brick wall It will be not only stylish, but also impressive. You can take a similar design as a basis when choosing a grunge bohemian style. If a guy is into anime, you can support his hobby by decorating the walls of the room with wallpaper in the appropriate style. This design looks extraordinary and bright, but for expressiveness the contrast in the form of Japanese cartoon characters should not be repeated.

Which ones to choose?

  • To decorate a teenage room, you will have to buy two types of wallpaper: plain and contrasting. At the same time, it is worth buying two types of panels at once in order to select the tones and texture of the wallpaper as accurately as possible. They should not differ in status: compared to the expensive ones, the cheaper ones will look too simple. When buying two types of wallpaper at once, you need to calculate where and how the panels will be located, taking into account the chosen method of combination.
  • If possible, you should give preference to panels meter width. Of course, half-meter strips are easier to paste over hard to reach places. However wide wallpaper will reduce the number of joints, and, as a rule, they are easier to paste.

  • When choosing photo wallpapers, it is worth having a rough idea of ​​how they will look together with plain products. You shouldn’t combine incompatible things just because you like each wallpaper individually.
  • Do not take the canvases right away without looking at them: unfold them on the stand and move away at least 2 meters. From a distance it will be better to see how they look from afar. Pay attention to the size of the print: if the room is small, a giant image on photo wallpaper will distort it the worst side. Too much complex drawing, not appropriate for age, is also not suitable. It’s worth going to the store with your child, this will allow you to understand what exactly he likes.