All about injection waterproofing. Materials for concrete waterproofing. For injection, penetration and release layer techniques. Injections into concrete for waterproofing Penetrating and injection waterproofing: buy and ensure waterproofing

On this page you can find out prices for injection work and order a visit from a specialist for a free inspection.

Waterproofing by injection involves introducing special polymers into the body of the structure being repaired. These can be hydrophobic or hydrophilic materials.

Such polymers (sealants) are pumped under pressure up to 500 atm.

Injection work materials penetrating from the inside is a technological process that is carried out using special equipment, reliable sealants and experienced craftsmen. They allow you to significantly improve the service life of any buildings and construction structures.

Check out prices for waterproofing works"turnkey" below. (Prices are indicated regardless of the consumption of materials during injection).

It is not clear how to eliminate leaks in the foundation?

Don't know how to get rid of moisture in the walls or floors in the basement?

Our company, with a guarantee of 5 to 25 years, will carry out work on waterproofing concrete walls, brickwork, will eliminate all leaks in basements, strengthen foundations using injections. Concrete walls and floors, and brickwork will be made airtight by injecting polyurethane resins, epoxy compounds and microcement materials. Your foundation or basement will be quickly and permanently sealed off from water using modern technology.

You can read more about what it is to perform waterproofing work in construction using the injection method of polyurethane resins and the advantages of this method on this page.

Waterproofing concrete walls in the basement - prices

The cost is indicated along with turnkey materials. Price valid for 2019
Waterproofing of floor-wall junctions - injection of polyurethane one- or two-component materials From 100 linear meters 3800 rub.
Waterproofing or bonding cracks in concrete or brick walls - injection of polyurethane, epoxy one-two-component materials, microcements From 100 linear meters 3500 r/m
Waterproofing a concrete floor or screed - using polyurethane one- or two-component materials for injection From 100 sq.m 5200 r/sq.m
Injection of seams of foundation blocks From 100 sq.m 5400 r/sq.m
Waterproofing of concreting working joints - injection of polyurethane one- or two-component materials From 100 linear meters 4500 RUR/sq.m
Sealing of communication inputs From 10 pcs. 7000 r/pcs.
Sealing installation holes from formwork thickness retainers and concrete defects From 100 pcs. 700 RUB/place

Repair of cracks by injection (rehabilitation in concrete or brick).

Rates below.

One of the most common problems with foundation walls is cracks. Foundation cracks can be minor or serious in terms of compromising the strength characteristics of the structure, depending on the location, size, and direction of the crack. But even a minor crack, less than a hair thick, can lead to water leaks. A slight movement of water (infiltration) through a crack can widen it, and if it is not “treated” with punctures - injections, problems with the foundation will make themselves felt.

Horizontal waterproofing

Horizontal cutoff of capillary moisture, elimination of moisture suction, filling cracks in concrete and brickwork (injecting cement suspensions), blocking groundwater with active backwater - we have been performing this work every day for 11 years. That's why we will deal with any such problems as quickly as possible and as reliably as possible.

Injecting foundation concrete walls and brickwork with penetrating coating, sealing cracks in concrete or brickwork, foundation blocks(FBS) using microcement mixtures.

In the picture: injection waterproofing (injection of polyurethane, epoxy hydroactive resins into cracks, cavities of concrete or brick wall and contact with the ground).

Injection of cracks

The cost of work is indicated with materials

Restoration of brickwork of walls, strengthening the load-bearing capacity of foundation walls and soils.

Rates below.

High humidity in brick or rubble masonry in old buildings often makes itself felt. In some cases, these problems can also occur in new buildings. It is necessary to professionally solve this problem and begin reconstruction of the building as soon as possible. Restoring engineered wet masonry by injecting the required polymers is a widely used method. Unlike mechanical methods of restoring masonry, when waterproofing using the pressure injection method, there is no need for significant intervention in the structure and, therefore, it is friendly to the building.

The video shows how the solution under pressure clogs masonry cavities and brick defects

(The cost of work is indicated together with materials for 1 well at the rate of 5 wells per 1 sq.m.)

Chemical consolidation of soils - cementation of the foundation-soil contact. Strengthening the foundation with deep injections.

Don't know how to strengthen the soil?

Has the foundation subsided or cracked?

We will strengthen the foundation by deep injection of soil under the foundation

(The cost of work is indicated together with materials in linear meters of the length of the foundation)

Prices for waterproofing foundation walls in basements.

Draining basements.

Active leaks are eliminated by injecting methacrylate gels, microcements or polyurethane resins, and treated with penetrating compounds (calculated in linear meters without taking into account the cost of materials).

Waterproofing expansion and cold joints using pressure injection.

Foundation repair by injection

Repair of cracks in concrete with microcements (significant increase in structural strength, monolithic - epoxy injection waterproofing) 2300 RUR/linear m.
Capillary waterproofing and sealing against retaining water. Absolute drying of brickwork, concrete foundations etc. through monolithization

from 3000 RUR/sq.m

Hydrophobization of facades and their cleaning various contaminants, incl. atmospheric, blocking efflorescence. 400 r/sq.m
Hydrophobization of horizontal surfaces, as well as figures and monuments from natural stone, concrete, plaster, terracotta, etc. 400 RUR/sq.m.
Sanitation (sterilization) of structures from mold and mildew with bactericidal compounds, including in food production. 300 r/sq.

Impregnating (anti-capillary) waterproofing

Injection waterproofing can conditionally be called impregnating.

The device of impregnating waterproofing involves the introduction of special solutions or melts into the waterproofed surface, which penetrate inside and clog the pores, thereby isolating it from water penetration.

Why is impregnation waterproofing needed?

The main purpose of impregnation is to increase the density of the surface layer of the protected coating, making the coating waterproof and weather-resistant to the entire structure as a whole. The use of this method makes it possible to increase the frost resistance of concrete, ensure the corrosion resistance of surface reinforcement, and protect surface layers from weathering and other damage caused by atmospheric factors.
The effectiveness of the process is determined by the depth to which the special solution penetrates. The greater the depth of impregnation, the more effective the protection against water penetration.

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Injection waterproofing is rightfully considered one of the most progressive methods of protecting structures from negative impact moisture. It allows you to protect existing buildings and structures from leaks, avoiding major repair work. At NPP StroyGeoTechnology LLC you can order a full range of services related to injection waterproofing of objects of any type.

What is injection waterproofing?

Wall injection is a method that is based on the penetration of a waterproofing composition into the voids present in concrete or brick construction. Moreover, such a composition can be introduced not only directly into the object, but also placed between the surface and the external decorative coating, while creating a moisture-proof membrane. An important feature of injection is that a reinforcing frame can be created using a hydrophobic material.

It is worth saying that injection allows you to compact the soil mass, brickwork or concrete structure by supplying them with special compounds for waterproofing. After administration, the injection solution acquires a number of specific properties:

  • Prevents the formation of salts;
  • Penetrates into minimal pores;
  • In large gaps, a monolithic filling is created;

The physical parameters are similar to masonry.

Where is injection used?

Injection of brick walls or concrete structures allows you to make many surfaces waterproof. Used this technology For:

  • waterproofing cold joints in concrete;
  • waterproofing expansion joints;
  • increasing the strength of walls;
  • cut-off waterproofing;
  • sealing of inputs.

The use of this method is possible on any objects - built and under construction, as well as for the repair of complex structures from a technical point of view - swimming pools, central engineering systems, basements.

Advantages and disadvantages

If we talk about the advantages of this technology, these are:

  • possibility of carrying out in any climate;
  • saving time and money;
  • the ability to create a monolith without joints;
  • eliminating emergency leaks;
  • increasing the strength indicators of the foundation.

We should not forget about the disadvantages - the need to use specialized equipment and perform all work only by specialists.

Materials used for injection waterproofing

Injection of walls is a rather labor-intensive process, and in it Special attention is paid not only to the choice of equipment, but also to the selection of materials. The strength characteristics of the insulating membrane, the level of adhesion and the durability of the structure depend on how correctly the compositions for injection are selected. That is why you can use several types of waterproofing compounds, which differ in the scope of application and the presence of certain components.

Epoxy polymers

Features of using epoxy polymer materials The point is that during waterproofing work there should be no moisture in the wall and, especially, no water until the epoxy polymer has completely hardened. The polymerization process of materials based on epoxy polymers should occur only in an air environment with minimal humidity. But at the same time, after complete hardening, epoxy polymers form a high-strength hydraulic barrier, and also significantly increase the strength characteristics of the structure relative to mechanical impacts.

Acrylate gels

Such mixtures are made based on acrylic acid ester. Acrylate gels are considered one of the most popular materials for wall injection today. This popularity is explained by the fact that gels have a density that is equal to the density of water, and the polymerization process can occur in a humid environment. After introducing acrylate gel into concrete or brick, a minimum of time is required to create a single unit with the wall material. The main advantage of using acrylate gels for injection is the fact that it is possible to regulate the time of complete hardening, due to which you can literally close large leaks in a couple of seconds, the water pressure of which exceeds the standard values. Additional useful property of such compositions is the possibility of creating a protective membrane both inside load-bearing structure, and at the border with the soil base, thanks to it it is possible to strengthen the soil adjacent to the structure, preventing the process of washing away.

Hydroactive foaming materials

Injection with hydroactive gels (two-component polyurethane resins) is the most economical option waterproofing. The peculiarity of such polymers is that they increase several times in volume upon contact with a humid environment. During the expansion of the gel, all water present in the micropores is displaced. Due to the fact that two-component polyurethane resins have quite specific hydroactive characteristics, they can penetrate into the smallest pores of the structure, due to which the level of waterproofing will be maximum. In order to regulate the time during which hydroactive gels polymerize, it is possible to regulate the introduction of special catalysts into their composition.

Cement-sand compositions

Compositions made from cement, polymer materials and components with high frost resistance are classified as microelements for injection waterproofing. The peculiarity of such compositions is the ability to penetrate into the structure of the structure, where they fill absolutely all micropores and capillaries. Quite often, such materials are compared in properties to masonry, and with their help they create not only a reliable waterproof membrane, but also improve the structure of the structure.

Materials based on silicates and siloxanes

Compositions consisting of silicate components or siloxanes have an interesting feature - when they interact with basic building materials at the molecular level, as they become an emulsion that repels water. Such properties of these materials allow them to be used as a highly effective horizontal barrier that prevents even capillary moisture from entering concrete or brick surfaces. Materials based on silicates and siloxanes have the ability to quickly and easily penetrate wet surfaces, making it possible to waterproof thick surfaces that are heavily moistened.

Injection technology

Injection of brick walls or concrete walls can be done by two main methods:

  • The waterproofing composition is supplied by gravity, without the use of additional pressure created by pumping equipment. With this method, holes in concrete or brick surface drilled at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • The waterproofing composition is fed into the boreholes under a given pressure. This method is widely used to eliminate leaks in case of emergency situations, since the process takes a minimum of time and has high efficiency. In this case, the lower holes are filled first, and then the upper ones - this approach can significantly reduce the consumption of waterproofing composition when filling the upper part of the structure.

The process of injecting walls with waterproofing solutions looks simple only at first glance. But don’t delude yourself into thinking that you can rent equipment and carry out waterproofing work yourself, as there are many subtleties and nuances of this process. The main stages of injection are:

  • Thorough cleaning of the surface of a concrete or brick wall from dirt, dust and previously used waterproofing materials;
  • Make accurate calculations of the surface area that needs to be waterproofed, and use this data to calculate the number of holes;
  • Use a metal detector to examine the surface for gaskets. reinforcement cage, then mark on the wall where the reinforcement goes;
  • Light up the holes in pre-marked areas at a given angle (depending on the method of introducing the waterproofing solution);
  • Install packers and pump the waterproofing solution using pumping equipment or by gravity;
  • After all the holes have been filled, wait until the composition is completely dry, and then carry out finishing surfaces using plaster or decorative materials.

Before starting waterproofing work using the injection method, our company’s specialists conduct a full inspection of the structure, on the basis of which they select best option composition and necessary equipment.

Injection of buildings

Injection is one of the universal options that can be used to eliminate problems and strengthen a wide variety of structures. In most cases it is used in buildings that have already been built.

Concrete structures

The use of injection for concrete structures allows you to restore its properties and make it completely waterproof. For small defects and waterproofing, injection cannot be avoided, but it is important to choose the right filling composition, the selection of which must be entrusted to professionals.


Instead of the usual analysis old masonry and installation of a new one, you can use injection, which is applicable when bricks delaminate and cracks appear. In most cases, microcement or polymer compounds are used.

Injection from NPP StroyGeoTechnology LLC - profitable and simple

At NPP StroyGeoTechnology LLC you can get comprehensive solution issues related to waterproofing of various buildings and structures using the injection method. All work is carried out only experienced specialists using advanced technologies, modern equipment and high quality materials for affordable prices and in a short time.

Prices for waterproofing work

No. Name of works Unit change Price per one. (rub.)
1. Pasted waterproofing of walls in 2 layers. m2 from 500
2. Coating waterproofing m2 from 300
3. Coating waterproofing with penetrating compounds m2 from 500
4. Membrane waterproofing m2 from 500
5. Waterproofing walls using injection method m.p. from 3000
6. Injection of cracks in concrete m.p. from 3500
7. Waterproofing and sealing expansion joints m.p. from 3900
8. Injection of brickwork m.p. from 4000
9. Balcony waterproofing m2 from 500
10. Roof waterproofing m2 from 250

The price includes the cost of the work performed. The cost of materials is calculated additionally depending on the project, terms of reference, statements of work.

Every year the development of human civilization is moving in a progressive direction, and this development in various areas of human activity is proceeding in geometric progression. This applies to such areas of the economy as energy, industrial and housing construction, transport and special construction, etc.

The vast majority of facilities under construction have the buried part or are completely underground. In this regard, the relevance reliable waterproofing is becoming more and more relevant.
However, it is no secret that in practice it is almost impossible to find an object where its protection from moisture would be carried out without defects. There are many reasons for this - errors in the design and quality of construction, and of course unjustified savings, especially in the use of injection waterproofing technologies. As a result, what was considered secondary at the construction stage comes to the fore at the stage of commissioning of the facility and its operation.

This situation today is very typical, which causes enormous damage to our economy, leads to delays in the commissioning of facilities, a reduction in turnaround time, their service life, an increase in operating costs and can lead to emergency situations and even impossibility of exploitation and leads to an increase in lost profits.

Most often, in buried and hydraulic structures for various purposes, leaks occur through working and expansion joints, abutments and interfaces of structural elements, utility entries, formwork attachment points, etc.

Effectively combating this type of leakage- namely, with the help of injection waterproofing, the main specialization of our company LLC INJECT, which was created in 2007 in partnership with our German colleagues and partners Minova CarboTech GmbH specifically to solve problems for the most advanced and effective method eliminating leaks and installing waterproofing.

The video shows: Educational film. Practical classes on injection waterproofing on injection of acrylate gels. Filmed in Samara (Russia) Moskovskaya metro station (2008). Training is conducted by Heinrich Arnold (Germany).

Thanks to serious technical support our German colleagues managed to gain significant positions in the waterproofing services market already in 2008 (injection waterproofing) since the demand for this type of service, due to its effectiveness, did not decrease even during the crisis of 2007 - 2009! During which the period of formation of the company fell.

The point is that the method injection waterproofing, despite its “high cost”, it generally turned out to be very effective and reliable compared to “cheaper” technologies, and most importantly, it solved several problems at once.

Today, unlike the “zero” years, when in Russia injection waterproofing technology appeared no one needs to prove its effectiveness. So how does injection waterproofing compare favorably with other waterproofing methods and why has it gained so many fans so quickly?

See what it allows:

  • Allows you to install or restore external waterproofing from the inside. That is, without external excavations.
  • Allows you to repair and stop water flow locally, preventing water from entering the structure.
  • In most cases, injection waterproofing is repairable.
  • Allows you to heal cracks and restore the load-bearing capacity of the structure in its thickness.
  • Allows you to create volumetric waterproofing, combat loss of compaction, while simultaneously increasing the load-bearing capacity of the structure.
  • Allows you to restore the functionality of expansion joints located in hard-to-reach places, etc.

Today it's hard to imagine, how just a few years ago we managed without this “magic wand”. Injection waterproofing has found its consumers both among private owners during construction:

and in residential and industrial construction, as well as the operation of objects for various purposes. Such objects include:

  • Moskollector,
  • Moscow subway,
  • Moscow Metrostroy,
  • Gormost,
  • Vodokanal,
  • other hydraulic structures,
  • Hydroelectric power station, railway and automobile tunnels,
  • swimming pools,
  • underground parking, etc.

Over the ten years of existence of Inject LLC, With our materials and with our participation, many iconic objects were completed throughout the country, which clearly confirms the fact that injection waterproofing can successfully combat leaks, including pressure ones, and its use is absolutely justified.

If you do market overview of products used as injection materials, then first place in terms of volume (but not in importance) occupied by polyurethane resins. Often, hydroactive polyurethane resins are used for this purpose; they foam upon contact with water and, expanding, they clog cavities, providing temporary waterproofing. Along with undeniable advantages these resins they have a significant drawback- not long service life.

As a rule, after a year, and sometimes earlier, leaks form again in the repaired areas. The fact is that in most cases we use one-component polyurethane to localize leaks. The catalyst (accelerator), often mistaken for the second component, is not such.

The second component for them is water, without which polymerization of “one-component” resins is not possible. Such polyurethane resins are intended only for temporarily stopping leaks and are completely unsuitable for long-term waterproofing.

Another common mistake is considered to be the use in construction of injection materials intended for other purposes, for example intended for use in the mining industry! It should be borne in mind that in mining there are different requirements for materials and other priorities are set.
So, as in construction, such high requirements for the quality of waterproofing, as well as increased requirements for the physical and mechanical properties of resins, are not set. It is no secret that the properties of polyurethane depend on the foaming coefficient, which in resins intended for construction is strictly limited in order to obtain a more dense structure. For the same reason, injection materials for construction have a significantly different pore structure, which determines longer service life.

In order to provide the necessary construction industry tasks, special, more expensive raw materials are used; in addition, the use of phenols in injection materials used in construction is prohibited.

“Low” price of construction injection materials should alert consumers.
Another important group of injection materials for injection waterproofing are acrylate (polyacrylate, methacrylate gels). They are indispensable when constructing expansion joints and shut-off waterproofing.
World experience and our practice over the past 10 years have shown significant advantages of injection waterproofing and injection technologies, which are most often applicable in the most hopeless cases.
Inject LLC is one of the informal leaders in the field production and use of injection waterproofing materials in Russia. Consumers have already been able to evaluate our materials and technologies at such facilities as:

  • Moscow subway,
  • Government House (" The White house»),
  • building of the Presidential Office on Myasnitskaya Street,
  • music school named after Gnesenkh,
  • building of the tennis development fund in Russia,
  • new Olympic swimming pool on Leningradskoye Shosse,
  • Zagorskaya PSPP-2,
  • Balakovo hydroelectric power station,
  • Saratov hydroelectric power station,
  • automobile tunnel No. 2 and railway tunnels No. 3 and 5 in Sochi, etc.

Over the years, we have supplied hundreds of tons of our products to various Russian facilities. The most well-known injection waterproofing products include the following: trade marks like HansaCryl and Proflex.

  1. 25 years of experience - since 1993!
  2. More than 900 completed projects!
  3. Prompt visit to assess the property: 1-2 business days.
  4. Departure in Moscow and the nearest Moscow region - FREE!
  5. Carrying out work in accordance with GOST, SNiP.
  6. SRO approval.
  7. Only high quality material is used.
  8. Guarantee on work performed - up to 12 years!
  9. Cleanliness and order at the facilities during work!

In this article:

The need for waterproofing

Modern construction standards oblige developers to carry out work related to external waterproofing of parts of buildings and structures located underground. Thus, for example, before closing a pit, waterproofing must be applied to the outside of building basements and underground passages. This insulation method creates the effect of “pressing” the protective layer against the outer part of the structure, which further prevents the penetration of water. Installing insulation inside buildings leads to the opposite, “squeezing out” effect, which over time affects the insulating properties.

Today the highest quality and reliable protection against water penetration can be achieved by applying the method injection waterproofing. This method appeared quite recently, but, nevertheless, most experts confidently consider it the best method insulation of underground structures of buildings and structures from the effects of water.

Advantages of injection waterproofing

Compared to other methods injection waterproofing has a number of advantages:

  1. Significant savings during repair and construction work:
    • a) insulation can be repaired in local areas.
    • b) the amount of work is minimal both in time and money.
    • c) there is no need to stop the operation of the facility.
    • d) there is no need for earthworks in case of underground waterproofing.
  2. The method is applicable at any time of the year.
  3. The waterproofing is monolithic - it has no seams or joints.

Injection waterproofing - all-season,
performed from inside the room

Features of injection technology

This method involves drilling through holes in the surfaces of structures. Through these holes, using elongated packers under high pressure, outer part Injection solution is pumped into the structures. The compositions of insulating solutions are different; their choice is determined by the water-absorbing properties of the surrounding soils. To fill large voids, fine-grained compositions based on cement binders, acrylic gel, and low-viscosity polyurethane resin are used. Each composition requires compliance with special rules when working with it, compliance temperature regime, the use of special pumps for injection, etc. Injection solutions have different reactivity: slow, fast, instant.

The most effective and practical in terms of quality and price, according to many experts, are the polyurethane compositions PeneSplitSeal and PenePurFoam. They are resistant to physical activity, plastic. In the process of interaction with water they polymerize. They are hydroactive. Polyurethane compounds are used for waterproofing wet and dry cracks, as well as for permanently sealing moving holes.

In addition, the injection method makes it possible to completely protect the outer part of the wall of a building when working from the inside. Sometimes this method of waterproofing is called “veil”. Vegetal waterproofing is carried out using polyurethane material using a one-component pump. After the preparatory work and marking of drilling holes, through holes are directly created at an angle of 90 degrees.

Objects of application

Injection waterproofing is applicable:

  • on concrete
  • brick by brick

Examples of objects on which The most appropriate uses of injection waterproofing are:

  • Tunnels, stations, subway structures;
  • Building foundations;
  • Basement floors;
  • Underground garages;
  • Basements;
  • Bridge supports;
  • Underground concrete tanks