Calculation of materials for stairs. How to calculate the stairs to the second floor. Calculation of steps of a flight of stairs

During the construction of a residential building, the stairs need to be given Special attention still at the design stage. Unfortunately, not everyone understands this. The lack of a house design itself, a low-skilled team of builders and other circumstances often lead to the fact that outwardly beautiful staircase It turns out to be not very convenient to use, and if there are children and elderly people in the house, it is downright dangerous. I declare this authoritatively as the mother of a three-year-old hyperactive baby who regularly flew from the stairs of our attic apartment in the period from one and a half to two years. And all because the developer company was too lazy to be puzzled by compliance technical characteristics such important detail residential premises to established standards.

Staircase calculation program

So, the staircase in the house should first of all be comfortable. Especially if you plan to actively use it. And if you build a house without initially taking into account the required area to accommodate it, you will subsequently have to rack your brains over how to fit it into limited space so as not to one day count all the bones while descending from the second floor. About appearance design, its appropriateness and harmony with the interior, in some cases I will not say anything at all. Most often, if you do not initially think through the placement of the stairs and do not calculate the space required for this, you have to sacrifice something: either beauty or convenience. And sometimes both. To avoid such problems, use a staircase calculator. He will help you do everything necessary calculations online, pick up optimal parameters design, based on the available space, or, in the case of calculations at the design stage of the house, select the dimensions of the required area to accommodate the most comfortable stairs– and all this is absolutely free.

Calculation of a straight staircase on bowstrings

On this page you can calculate a straight staircase on bowstrings. A straight staircase takes up little space in width, but it requires quite a lot of space in length. It is ideally suited for placement in spacious rooms of small height and is usually installed along the wall, limited at the side by railings. To avoid loss usable area, you can place a dressing room under the stairs or arrange a small workplace(as well as a place to relax or something else - the flight of imagination is unlimited). A straight staircase consists of one row of steps - a flight and is called a single-flight staircase. Since the stairs of this type are not equipped with intermediate platforms where it would be possible to stop and rest during the ascent, it is extremely important to calculate optimal size steps and their height. In this case, it is necessary to achieve such parameters in which walking up the stairs would be carried out in the rhythm of a step familiar to a person. The angle of inclination of a straight staircase is also important. The absence of platforms and turns that could detain a person in case of a fall leads to the need to try to make the stairs as flat as possible (inclination angle 30°-45°, no more).

Calculation parameters and results

The program for calculating stairs takes into account several basic parameters: Desired/current dimensions of the area that the stairs will occupy; Height of the room; The desired number of steps and their thickness; Projection of steps. Once all the values ​​have been entered, the online calculator will do the calculation. For ease of printing, it is possible to display the result in a separate window. In the calculation results you will see a general drawing of the staircase, a drawing of the steps template and a drawing of the bowstring with detailed explanations. If the parameters of the staircase do not comply with the standards and recommendations of SNiPs, which may make the staircase inconvenient to use, the program will report this and recommend making changes with specific instructions (for example, increasing the number of steps). This way, you can “play” with the parameters until you find the best option. A straight staircase is considered the most convenient to use, does not interfere with the movement of furniture to the upper floors and is the least dangerous. existing varieties stairs If you make it in strict accordance with the calculations and recommendations of our construction calculator, it will become a comfortable and safe structural part of your home.

The construction of a house with a second floor involves the creation staircase design, which connects the floors to each other. The simplest and most accessible for self-construction An option is a single-flight staircase. However, even in this case, you need to know how to calculate the steps of the staircase at the design stage so that it turns out not only safe, but also comfortable.

Calculation stair steps are produced based on such a parameter as the human step. Its average value ranges from 600 to 640 mm. How, based on this value, can you make a calculation (the height of the riser and the depth of the tread)?

There are formulas that relate the height and depth of a step to specific numerical parameters characteristic of a human step. Here are the most significant ratios:

  1. Y + 2H = S;
  2. Y + H = 460 mm;
  3. Y – H = 120 mm.

Designations: Y – step depth, H – step height, S – average human step (600–640 mm). The first formula is the main one. The second is a simplified version of the first, it is also called the safety formula. Using the third formula will help make the stairs more comfortable. All these ratios were obtained back in the 18th century, but they are still considered standard to this day. If your dimensions match the standard ones, then the staircase will be comfortable and safe.

In addition to formulas that allow you to correctly calculate the size of steps, there are recommended parameters. For example, the area of ​​the step should be such that a person, when walking up the stairs, rests on his entire foot or at least most of it. The depth of the tread determines this area. The minimum depth is 25 cm. This is especially important for descent. On the other hand, if the depth of the steps is too deep, a person, going up to the second floor or going down, will certainly lose his step. The area of ​​the step, of course, will be sufficient for placing your feet, but walking from floor to floor when the steps are wider than 40 cm is no longer comfortable. Thus, the depth is selected from the range of 25–40 cm. Optimal value– 30 cm.

You can do it differently - take the shoes of those people who will use the stairs and increase their size by a couple of centimeters. The resulting values ​​will become a guideline for choosing the tread depth. If the depth is too small, which happens, for example, due to the large angle of inclination of the stairs, then protrusions (overlaps) are used. The width of the tread section overhanging the underlying step should not exceed 5 cm.

When the tread depth is selected, the calculation can be made according to the formulas described above. But there are also recommended values. The height is selected from the range of 12–22 cm. It is not advisable to make the steps high if children and elderly people will use the stairs. Steps that are too low are also not recommended, since you will have to step often and shallowly, which is inconvenient. The optimal height is 15 cm.

Important! The steps must be the same height. When going down to the bottom floor in the dark, it is very easy to trip when the actual height of the step differs from the expected one, as we rely on muscle memory.

Choosing the width of the march

One of the parameters of the steps is their width. It is more correct to call it the width of the march. The ability to comfortably move up the stairs depends on this value. The width of the march should not be less than 70 cm.

If the stairs will be used by several people at the same time, the structure should not only be stronger, but also wider. When one person goes up to the second floor and another goes down to the first, they need to separate without experiencing any inconvenience. To ensure the ability to walk on the stairs towards each other, the width of the flight must be at least 120 cm.

The length of the steps can be longer when it is necessary to increase the so-called capacity of the stairs. IN apartment buildings and public buildings, where movement from floor to floor involves a large number of people, the flights of stairs reach a width of one and a half meters, or even more. In private buildings, the width of the flight of stairs leading to the upper floor often coincides with the width of the doorway to which it adjoins.

What can the parameters of the steps depend on?

  • number of steps;
  • height of the stairs;
  • tilt angle.

To determine the number of steps, the interfloor distance is divided by the height of one step. Everything is simple, but the problem is that the resulting value may not be an integer. The solution is to make the lower frieze step non-standard. Its area will not change, but its height will be less than that of the others - it is equal to the product of the remainder and the original height of the steps.

Another option is to spread the “extra” over all the steps, increasing their height. The calculation is simple - the remainder is multiplied by the height of the step, the resulting product is divided by the number of steps and this quotient is added to the original height of each step. Obviously, the change will be insignificant if there are many steps.

Graphical method

Method using graphic constructions, allows you to obtain the parameters of the steps (height and depth), taking their (steps) number as a basis. To do this, a coordinate system is constructed, on the horizontal axis of which the values ​​of the average human step are plotted, and on the vertical axis - half of this value.

Important! With this calculation, you need to choose a suitable scale, otherwise the drawing will require too large an area.

If the average human step is taken to be 620 mm, and the scale is chosen to be 1:10, then segments of 66 mm are plotted on the horizontal axis, and 31 mm on the vertical axis. The number of segments on each axis must be equal to the number of steps.

Having axes with marks, draw lines connecting the first mark on the horizontal axis with the first mark on the vertical, the second – with the second, the third – with the third, etc. Having received a series of parallel inclined lines, a straight line is drawn from the center of coordinates, indicating the steepness of the stairs. Now, from each point of intersection of a straight line with inclined lines, two segments are drawn:

  • the first - to the left, parallel to the horizontal axis;
  • the second - upward, parallel to the vertical axis.

As a result, the boundaries of the steps should be outlined. Their width and height are determined simple measurement the resulting lines on the graph. The final dimensions are obtained taking into account scaling (for example, multiplying by 10 if the scale was 1:10).

Online calculator

The most in a simple way calculating the parameters of stairs is an online calculator. No special knowledge or skills are required here. In addition, online calculators allow you to calculate the parameters of not only simple single-flight staircases to the second floor, but also spiral staircases, as well as staircases with winder steps. The calculation can be made with different initial data. In one case, to receive required sizes The floor height and room area are entered into the program. In another case, calculations are made based on the height of the steps and the angle of inclination of the structure. Online calculator for stairs and others construction work

Online calculators that calculate the parameters of stairs are developed, as a rule, in compliance with the standards specified in GOST. Using such programs can benefit not only beginners, but also professionals.

Independently designing a dacha or Vacation home, you will definitely have to face the problem of calculating the stairs. The task is not that difficult, but basic techniques for calculating different types you should know the stairs.

What parameters does the calculation technique depend on?

To perform the calculation you need to decide:

  • with the type of construction;
  • tilt angle;
  • number of steps;
  • width of steps;
  • other design features.

First of all, you will need the following parameters:

  1. Height of the stairs.
  2. Availability of sufficient space for a certain type of structure.
  3. The type of material used to construct the stairs.
  4. Operating conditions depending on family composition. If there are elderly people, then there is a steep climb, they simply cannot overcome it. This design is also dangerous for small children.
  5. Is it planned to carry heavy, large furniture up the stairs? The screw design completely eliminates this possibility.

First of all, you need to decide which staircase specifically you want to see in your home, and only after that enter the data for calculation. You will have to choose among these types:

  • screw with steps located around the rod in a spiral;
  • zabezhnaya, where there is no intermediate platform;
  • straight with a turn of 900 with an intermediate platform;
  • with a 180° rotation with the obligatory presence of an intermediate platform.

You should also take into account such nuances as the location of walls, partitions, doorways, area of ​​the room, distance between the ground floor floor and the ceiling.

The staircase is straight, made in the Art Nouveau style. Its cost is within 116 thousand rubles.
Staircase in the "Modern" style, turning, costing 120 thousand rubles.

Calculation of the stairs to the 2nd floor using an online calculator

There are many on the web online calculator ov, making the task of calculating the stairs as easy as possible and promptly resolving all issues.

The basis for programs for online calculators are the requirements for staircase structures and standards regulated by GOST. An example of one of the good calculators is

It works simply, just enter data such as the height, length of the opening, number, thickness of steps, height of their edges, maximum width of the stringer, as well as the direction of rise and orientation of the first step relative to the floor of the 2nd floor to get:
staircase drawing;
length of the upper bowstring;
angle of inclination of the structure;
the size of the step between cuts under the steps on the bowstring;
height and depth of steps;
height of the riser;
recommendations for changing parameters to improve the comfort of the stairs.

Another free online calculator is With its help, you can calculate the most appropriate design and receive recommendations for improving its ergonomics.

To do this, you only need to select the type of staircase, enter the required dimensions and data on the steps, the calculator will do the rest itself.

A good staircase calculator It is easy to use - you just need to pay attention to the prompts and enter the parameters required by the system.

This online service allows you to perform structural calculations. There is also a material calculation calculator here.

The program will also produce a drawing of the staircase, where the main dimensions and markings will be indicated top points steps on the string, the angles at which the steps are located relative to the string, other defining dimensions.

Formula for calculating the convenience of stairs

Sometimes online programs to calculate staircase structures, they give a verdict that a staircase made according to the dimensions you entered will be inconvenient.

You can draw such conclusions yourself by making a simple calculation based on the average step length.

Usually a person takes a step with a length of 600-660 mm, which means the average value is 630 mm. The parameters of a convenient design should correspond to the following formula:
2h + S = 630±30 mm, where:

  • h – step height, varying between 200-250 mm;
  • S – its depth, corresponding to foot size 45, which is from 280 to 300 mm.

As for the most convenient tilt, it is 30-40°.

Disadvantages in the depth of the staircase are easily eliminated by using a ledge.

To obtain accurate data, measure all parameters entered into the online calculator program with one tool.

When determining the main dimensions of steps, you can use a table compiled by specialists based on their own experience and regulatory requirements:

Symbol of the required parameters of a straight wooden staircase

Usually in an online calculator the parameters are indicated as follows:
Y is the height of the opening.
X is the width of the opening.
H - minimum stringer width
Z is the thickness of the step.
F - step protrusion.
SP - location of the 1st step, relative to the floor on the second floor.

Online staircase designer program

There is a Consultec Staircon program, developed in Sweden, which can be used not only to calculate the staircase to the second floor, but also to create its design in 3D format. And in addition:

  • By entering parameters such as the width, height of the staircase, the number of steps and turning platforms, you can build a very accurate drawing.
  • Choose a fence.
  • Select the material for the staircase as a whole or for its individual elements.
  • Select a finishing option.

To develop a project, it is convenient to use the Mastercam program, which allows, among other types of work, to simulate flights of stairs. There are many similar developments, but not all can lead to a finished result. Program online constructor allows you to select the parameters of enclosing structures

After creating the project and calculating the stairs, you can place an order on the website. Technical equipment Our production allows us to reduce costs, reduce the production time of stairs with their consistently high quality.

  1. Avoid differences in height of stair steps. They should all be exactly the same.
  2. The width of the landing should be equivalent to the width of the flight.
  3. A straight fragment with degrees of length should not be less than 1.5 m and not exceed 3 m.
  4. The size of the steps depends on their number.
  5. The minimum width of the stairs is 0.7 m, which ensures passage of 1 person.
  6. The formation of the angle of inclination depends on the parameters of the steps, but it must ensure proportional movement of the person forward.
  7. A staircase with a greater angle of inclination takes up less space, but it is more difficult to climb it.
  8. Ideally, the width of the railing should be equivalent to 10 cm.
  9. The optimal height of the railing is 90 cm, and the height of the baluster is 80 cm. Moreover, if it is intended to be installed in a groove, then this figure is slightly increased by adding the depth of the groove.
  10. The height of the support posts must be equal to the corresponding size of the balusters, but if they are installed not on the steps, but on the floor, then the distance from the steps to the floor is added to this height.
  11. Railing length and flight of stairs are equivalent to each other.

Proper calculation will save you from mistakes and unnecessary rework, saving time and money.

Ladder- this is one of the most important structures in any private house, as it is the basis for free movement between floors. When choosing a project, craftsmen are often guided only by economic and aesthetic side problems, often neglecting construction and design codes and regulations. However, ignoring such an important component in many cases leads to the product being unstable, unsafe and uncomfortable.

The effective construction service KALK.PRO offers to perform an automated calculation of stairs online using a 3D calculator, as a result of which you will receive everything you need to install the structure: comprehensive estimate, full set of drawings and interactive model for better visual perception. The staircase design program calculates the parameters of all elements and provides some recommendations based on the provisions of SNiP, GOST and TU, which are used for the manufacture of wooden buildings.

The program is easy to use and does not require special engineering skills - all fields of the calculator are intuitive, and the help includes illustrations with the designations of individual elements. Each calculation is accompanied by an assessment of the resulting structure, and if incorrect values ​​are entered - in case of critical deviations, the calculation will stop and a pop-up window will show in which field the error was made; if the deviation is insignificant, recommendations will be provided where the correction needs to be applied.

Use the calculator for calculating a wooden staircase to the second floor to create a truly reliable and convenient design. Over 5 years of work, we have helped to implement over 3000 projects for residents of Russia, the CIS and Europe.

Why are our staircase calculators better?

Close cooperation with staircase manufacturers

Highest detail in drawings and 3D models

Final report with a list of required materials

Ready-made estimate for the construction of the structure by the contractor

Technical support helps when working with the calculator

Positive feedback and a large number of completed projects

Unlike other online staircase calculator sites, our project has a number of undeniable advantages and these are not empty words, since you can personally check all these statements in practice.

  • Constructor functionality. You can design any type of structure and choose the features for fastening the elements. If invalid values ​​are entered, the calculation will stop and a warning with an error will be displayed, on other resources - the calculation will be carried out in any case.
  • Recommendations. Our calculator provides recommendations for many design elements, for example, you will find out the optimal parameters: angle of inclination, height of steps, width of the step board, tread width, staircase width, width of stringers (upper, intermediate, lower). On other sites - only inclination angle .
  • . Our development department works closely with real manufacturers of staircase structures, which is why we pay increased attention to detailing and fastening of individual components. Professionals and private companies use our tool everywhere .
  • Ready estimate. As a result of the calculation, the user receives a final report, which contains all the necessary drawings, a 3D model in the selected projection and ready estimate for the manufacture of stairs, with detailed description quantity of materials . On other sites - only the dimensions of the elements.
  • Graphic arts. Most visitors choose our site, among other reasons, because of the availability of high-quality, well-designed graphics. In addition to the fact that the drawings are as close as possible to the standards of technical documentation, the projection of individual elements in the diagram is selected in such a way that when cutting, the fiber direction wood (seam of laminated boards).
  • . If you experience difficulties using the calculator or have questions regarding the resulting calculation, we will look into the situation and we'll try to answer for any constructive questions 24/7.
  • Personal Area. Also on our website there is a convenient Personal Area, in which the results of calculating a staircase or any other structure are saved - you you'll never lose your project, and you can also download the download at any time, regardless of the time of the operation.

Every month we receive dozens of positive reviews and thanks from users of the KALK.PRO project. On the page " Reviews" located finished projects structures made based on the calculations of our tools.

Designer capabilities

The service provides a large number of proven tools, using which you can create a convenient, reliable and safe design. In its calculations, the 3D staircase designer algorithm takes into account the data of SNiP 21-01-97 (SP 112.13330.2011) “Fire safety of buildings and structures”, SNiP 31-02-2001 (SP 55.13330.2010) “Single-apartment residential buildings”, SNiP 2.08 .01-89 “Residential buildings”, SNiP 2.08.02-89 (SP 118.13330.2011) “ Public buildings and structures", SNiP 2.01.07-85 (SP 20.13330.2010) "Loads and impacts", GOST 23120-78 "Flight stairs, platforms and steel fences", etc.

On this moment The program provides calculations for the following types of wooden structures:

  • straight staircase (on stringers, on bowstrings);
  • staircase with winder steps at 90° (two-flight);
  • staircase with winder steps 180° (two-flight);
  • staircase with winder steps 180° (three-flight);
  • staircase with a 90° turntable (two-flight);
  • staircase with a 180° rotating platform (two-flight);
  • staircase with a 180° rotating platform (three-flight).

In addition to this, we also have on the project calculation of metal stairs- perhaps you will be interested in the design on a broken stringer (zigzag)?!

Among the main features of the calculator, it is necessary to highlight ( - only on KALK.PRO) :

  • Units. Ability to select units of measurement (mm, cm, m, inches, feet), as well as their automatic translation in the calculator fields and results without recalculation by the user.
  • Drawing color. Possibility of choosing color or monochrome drawing of drawings. May be useful for persons with disabilities and, if necessary, increasing the contrast of individual elements.
  • Staircase option. Possibility to select the side of the staircase (right or left).
  • Fastening turning steps. Possibility to choose the type of fastening of the turning steps to the support column (tenon-groove connection, slotted connection support pillar).
  • Opening parameters. Classic fields for entering opening parameters (height, length, width).
  • Definition of an opening. Calculators have the ability to select a direction (segment) along the outer edge of the stairs (upper, intermediate or lower flight), which will be taken as the length of the opening. The characteristics of the staircase directly depend on this parameter.
  • Calculation of stepsstairs. Depending on the calculator, you will need to enter the number of upper, intermediate and lower steps, their thickness and protrusion. It is also necessary to indicate whether the upper step is considered below the level of the second floor or not.
  • Risers. It is possible to note whether the installation of risers is required and, if so, what thickness they will be.
  • Stringers(for stairs on a stringer). You must enter the thickness and width of the stringer.
  • Bowstring(for stairs on a bowstring). You must enter the thickness and width of the string. We also take into account the heel margin and the bowstring width margin (front, back), and the drawings are presented in two projections.
  • Support beams. You must enter the thickness and width of the stiffener beams.
  • Support pillars. It is necessary to enter the value of the cross-sectional side of the support column.
  • Stair railing. Fields for entering parameters of staircase enclosing elements: handrails (thickness, width, height), balusters (section side).
  • Floor slab. Fields for entering floor parameters (protrusion above the opening, distance from the wall, thickness).
  • Wall. Optional field, necessary for better visual perception.

A well-executed design of a staircase to the second floor in a private house will save a significant amount of time and money on the construction.

Calculation results

As a result of calculating the stairs online, you receive a comprehensive estimate with the optimal consumption of materials (quantity, volume) and detailed characteristics each structural element. However, the most important thing is that the convenience of the structure will be assessed according to the following parameters: the angle of inclination of the stairs, the width of the stairs, the number of steps, the height of the steps, the depth of the tread, the minimum width of the stringer/string); at the end of which you can make adjustments to the parameters and make a final decision on the need to use this type of staircase.

Calculations are carried out on the basis of classical mathematical logic using simple geometric formulas, so calculation errors are minimized, however, it is worth considering rounding numbers when displaying dimensions in drawings. There is a direct relationship that determines that the accuracy of displaying the calculation result is higher when using units of measurement of a lower order, that is, for millimeters the error will be no more than 0.1 mm, and when choosing centimeters - ~1 mm, etc.

Also worth noting some features when transferring dimensions from drawings to a real structure. Firstly, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the cut, which has physical dimensions of several millimeters in width. Secondly, we must not forget about the cumulative error, an example of which can be demonstrated as follows.

A calculation was made of a staircase (in centimeters) with 10 steps with an opening height of 162.5 cm - as a result, in the drawings the height of each step was 16.3 cm. However, you can notice that if you make a reverse calculation by steps, you get 16.3 cm × 10 = 163 cm, which is actually 0.5 cm higher than the height of the opening. This situation arises due to the fact that when drawing on the drawings, values ​​are rounded to the first decimal place, i.e., under the number 16.3 cm the value of 16.25 cm was “hidden”. To reduce such errors to a minimum calculations should be made in millimeters However, in some situations it will still be necessary to adjust the outermost elements of the structure when installing in height.

Staircase drawing with dimensions

The staircase drawings are essential component any project documentation, since they allow you to fix design features elements and their connections. They also provide an opportunity to preliminary evaluate the parameters of individual design components in practice. That is, by making templates from cheaper materials, such as cardboard or paper, you can eliminate the error on initial stage and save a significant amount of money on materials.

However, you should not assume that you can draw a staircase diagram yourself without proper experience in drawing and design. Without special training, you are unlikely to be able to maintain the dimensions of the drawings, maintain accuracy down to a fraction of a millimeter and at the same time show accuracy, maintaining the readability of each element. Professional computer programs AutoCAD, Compass-3D, CorelDRAW, etc. cost a considerable amount of money; in addition, without the proper operating skills, it will take a lot of time to even learn the basics.

The KALK.PRO service eliminates unnecessary difficulties and provides ready-made drawings wooden stairs based on the user's entered data. Our diagrams are distinguished by excellent elaboration of individual node connections and the whole picture as a whole, you can evaluate for yourself high quality graphics and compare it with other services.

3D model

A 3D model of the staircase allows you to examine the resulting structure in real proportions and evaluate the prospects for using the current project. Unlike drawings, a 3D model is not intended for the manufacture of structural elements, but it can visually convey general idea object down to the smallest detail.

On our website, a 3D staircase design is drawn based on the user’s entered data with absolute accuracy without any distortions or errors. Zooming and controlling the camera occurs using the mouse - left and right keys, respectively. The three-dimensional model can be downloaded in the selected projection on the staircase calculator tab in PNG format, it is also possible to download graphics in OBJ format (supported by Autodesk 3ds Max, AutoCAD, ArchiCAD, PC LIRA...) for further editing.

How to calculate stairs online using a calculator?

To calculate a staircase with drawings using an online calculator, you need to go to the tab of the appropriate design and fill in all the fields based on the available opening parameters. However, first we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the proposed video, which describes in detail all the steps in the program and provides adviсe professional master , who personally manufactures stairs.

Calculating stairs online using a calculator from KALK.PRO is confidence in the quality of the structures being built due to high precision operations performed.

How to make a comfortable staircase?

The choice of staircase design depends to a greater extent on the parameters of the opening and to a lesser extent on one’s own preferences, since in the predominant number of private houses redevelopment is excluded and it is necessary adapt to existing conditions. In this case, the main task of the master is reduced to the most rational use available space to achieve optimal characteristics stairs that will ensure high ergonomics of the structure as a whole.

Accordingly, we can identify a certain directly proportional relationship, the arguments of which are the area of ​​the structure in projection onto the surface of the floor/ceiling and the conditional convenience coefficient. The correlation occurs according to the principle - the larger the occupied area, the greater the convenience a person will experience when moving between levels. In decreasing order of convenience, the sorting looks like this:

  • the stairs are straight;
  • stairs with a platform;
  • stairs with winder steps;
  • combined stairs;
  • spiral staircases.

Thus, the most the best facilities admit marching stairs, then combined and lastly spiral.

In the case of choosing classic designs on a stringer or bowstring, it is necessary to pay increased attention to the overall slope of the staircase, calculation of steps, height of railings, etc. The list of all recommendations and rules is quite extensive, but among the most significant it is worth noting the following values:

  • staircase inclination angle from 30° to 45°;
  • the number of steps per march should vary from 3 to 16 and be odd, so that the first and last step accounted for one leg;
  • the recommended height of the steps is 12-20 cm, the optimal height is 15-18 cm;
  • width (depth) of steps - 27-30 cm;
  • the height of the railing should not be less than 90 cm; if there are children, it is better to increase it to 150 cm;
  • The safe installation interval for balusters is 10-15 cm.

Compliance with these and other recommended parameters is extremely important - comfort during movement and safety, minimization of the occupied space, compliance with requirements depend on them fire safety, capacity of the staircase structure. Each online staircase calculator from KALK.PRO evaluates structures and provides some recommendations, which can be viewed in the corresponding block of the report.

Rice. 1 General drawing stairs

  • Y - opening height - usually determined by the height of the floors of your house
  • X - length of the opening - depends on how much space you can allocate in your house for the stairs
  • W - width of the stairs - depends on how much space you can allocate in your home for the stairs
  • Z - thickness of steps - geometric parameter material (for example, boards) from which you plan to build the stairs
  • F - step protrusion - the distance by which the upper step will hang over the lower one
  • A - thickness of the string - a geometric parameter of the material (for example, pipes) from which you plan to make the string of the stairs
  • B - support thickness - a geometric parameter of the material (for example, pipes) from which you plan to make the staircase supports
  • H - height of the step above the string - vertical distance between the step and the string
  • D - size - the distance by which the step will hang over the support in the direction of rise
  • U - angle of inclination of the support to the vertical
  • C - number of steps - in how many steps will it be most comfortable for you to move from floor to floor

Function “Upper step below the floor of the 2nd floor: SP”

Rice. 2 Execution of the staircase with the top step below the floor of the 2nd floor

Depending on the relative placement of the structure and the floor of the upper floor:

  1. The upper plane of the top step is flush with the plane of the floor of the upper floor;
  2. The upper plane of the top step is lower than the plane of the floor of the upper floor by the height of the step.

The choice of one or another mutual placement may depend on: the thickness of the interfloor ceilings, the desired relationship between the number of steps and their height, the length of blanks for stringers and the length of the opening, the desired angle of inclination of the stairs, or simply the tastes and preferences of the owner of the house. Please note that in the picture in which the upper step is below the floor of the 2nd floor, the thickness interfloor covering more than in the figure, in which the upper step is at the floor level of the 2nd floor. If the thickness of the ceiling is less than the height of the step, the stringer simply will not rest against the ceiling (therefore, when demonstrating the second option, this thickness had to be increased).

Function "Black and white drawing:"

Rice. 2 Black and white drawing of a staircase

It is advisable to use this function in two cases:

  1. If you are used to working with standard GOST drawings, and, accordingly, better perceive graphics without color content
  2. If you are going to print the results of the calculator. Then you will spend less ink/toner and visual perception drawings on paper will be better. And, of course, this function is used when printing on a black and white printer.

Function "Change lifting direction: LR"

Rice. 4 Type of stairs with different directions of ascent

A specific staircase, which is placed in a certain way in the house, can be approached from the side from two sides or only from one side - when the staircase is in contact with the wall. In the latter case, there are two options for placing the structure relative to the observer:

  1. Rise from left to right;
  2. Ascent from right to left.

This function allows you to visualize both of these options.

Calculation of metal stairs

The main result of this calculator:

  1. Information needed to make strings and supports
  2. Information required for making steps

According to this information, the parts from which the structure is assembled are made, and the frame of the iron staircase is also calculated.

All other drawings show the final appearance of the structure: after joining the strings, supports and steps with each other.

A special feature of this calculator is the implementation of two functions:

  1. Assessing the convenience of the stairs;
  2. Adjustment of staircase design.

Assessing the convenience of a staircase is carried out according to three criteria:

  1. Compliance of the design with the average stride length. According to this criterion, the sum of the step depth and the two heights should equal the average step length. Average length human step - 63 cm.
  2. Step depth. Comfortable step depth is from 28 cm. For a given opening length, the step depth can be adjusted by changing the protrusion. Calculation of steps metal stairs carried out thanks to a convenient calculator.
  3. The angle of inclination of the stairs. The optimal angle of inclination of the stairs is from 30° to 40°. At tilt angles from 20° to 30° and from 40° to 45°, the comfort level of movement between floors is significantly reduced. Inclination angles outside the above limits can significantly affect the speed of movement between floors and the level of safety of the stairs, as well as the amount of metal used in the work.

Based on the results of assessing a specific design, an indicator of the level of convenience is given for each of the criteria, and the staircase is assigned an overall level of convenience. The online metal staircase calculator evaluates whether the staircase meets well-known convenience criteria, but you should always remember that your staircase in your home should serve your purposes as effectively as possible. And if, in accordance with these goals, you need to build the most non-standard staircase in the world, and also with your own hands - go for it.

If there is a need to improve the design of the stairs, the calculator gives advice on how to do this:

  1. Reduce/increase the number of steps;
  2. Increase the protrusion of the steps (if the depth of the steps is insufficient for comfortable walking);
  3. Reduce/increase the length of the opening.

After adjusting the design, the normalized parameters will become closer to the ideal, but it is possible that such adjustments will have to be made several more times.

Instructions for the metal ladder calculator

In order to calculate a straight metal staircase using this calculator, you need to know the height of the floor, the size of the space that you can allocate for the staircase, the materials with which you are going to build it, and, of course, the purpose of its use.

Before you start work, you need to carefully consider all the nuances: whether the staircase is adjacent to the wall, or in contact with elements of the interior of the house, and how this should affect the structure itself and the process of its construction. Possibly for selection correct option in size and design, you will have to use a calculator to calculate and compare several. Before you start processing the material, make sure that the detail drawings correspond to the ladder that is suitable for you and your purposes. When building, attach the parts to each other, and the staircase itself to the house so that you can guarantee the reliability and strength of the structure for decades.

Stairs with metal strings presented on our website can be divided into categories according to four criteria that depend on each other:

1. Length dimensions

A. Maximum length— all steps are located on one flight;

b. Average length - steps are placed on two flights;

2. Width dimensions

A. Maximum width - the steps are placed on two flights, the width dimension is regulated by changing the number of steps on the corresponding pair of strings;

b. Average width - the steps are placed on two parallel flights, the width dimension is equal to two widths of the stairs;

V. Minimum width - all steps are placed on one flight, the width dimension is equal to the width of the stairs;

3. Difficulty in manufacturing

A. Easy to manufacture - made from bowstrings and rectangular steps;

b. Medium complexity of manufacturing - made from bowstrings, rectangular steps and platforms;

4. According to the type of strings and the fastening of steps to them, stairs are divided into two categories:

A. On supports - the string is a solid beam to which supports for the steps are attached;

b. With a zigzag bowstring - the bowstring consists of many mutually perpendicular parts located horizontally and vertically.

In each specific situation the floor height has already been set. Based on your own preferences, you can choose the level of convenience: either the convenience criteria are met, or the staircase is flatter, or steeper, etc. Having this information, we can talk about the number of ascents (steps and platforms) in a particular situation .

How to calculate a metal staircase using an online calculator with drawings?

Let's imagine that we have, for example, 13 climbs - steps and platforms. The design of a staircase is the shape of these rises (steps, landings) and how these 13 rises are placed relative to each other. Calculation of a metal staircase in our calculator is carried out using the following methods.

You can place all these 13 rises in one row along the length of the opening - “Metal staircase”, ““. In this case, your stairs will have a maximum length dimension, minimum size in width and will not be difficult to manufacture. You can calculate a metal staircase to the second floor using a convenient and intuitive program.

These 13 rises can be placed in 2 rows, rotated relative to each other by 90° (when viewed from above) - “ “, “ ” (for example, 4 steps on the lower flight, a platform and 8 steps on the upper flight). In these cases, your staircase will have an average dimension in length and an adjustable dimension in width. Calculating the steps of a metal staircase will help you correctly calculate the volume of material that will be needed to complete this work.

You can place these 13 rises in 2 parallel (when viewed from above) rows placed next to each other - “°”, “ ” (for example, 4 steps on the lower flight, a platform and 8 steps on the upper flight). In these cases, your staircase will have an average dimension in length and an average dimension in width.