Rule from night pollution. Desecration in a dream. Epistle of Saint Athanasius the Great, Archbishop of Alexandria to the Monk Ammun

It will always happen to someone who tempts in a dream according to the devil's actions. And standing up from the bed, makes obeisances, the verb:

God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

It also started as usual.

Come, let us worship our Tsar God. (Bow)

Come, let us worship and fall down on Christ, our King our God. (Bow)

Come, let us worship and fall down on Christ Himself, the Tsar and our God. (Bow)

Psalm 50

Have mercy on me, O God, according to Thy great mercy, and according to the multitude of Thy compassions, cleanse my iniquity. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin; for I know my iniquity, and I will take out my sin before me. Thee, who alone have sinned, and have done evil before thee; as if you were justified in your words, and conquer, always judging you. Behold, in transgressions I am conceived, and in sins bore me my mother. Behold, you loved the truth; Thy unknown and secret wisdom Thou hast revealed to me. Sprinkle me with hyssop, and I will be cleansed; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. To my hearing dasi joy and gladness; the bones of the humble will rejoice. Turn away Thy face from my sins, and cleanse all my iniquity. Create a pure heart in me, O God, and renew the spirit of rights in my womb. Cast me not away from Thy presence, and take not Thy Holy Spirit from me. Give me the joy of Thy salvation and, by the Spirit of the Lord, confirm me. I will teach the wicked in Thy way, and the wicked will turn to Thee. Deliver me from the blood, O God, God of my salvation; my tongue will rejoice in Thy righteousness. O Lord, open my mouth, and my mouth shall declare Thy praise. As if you would have wanted sacrifices, you would have given them: do not favor burnt offerings. The sacrifice to God the spirit is broken; a contrite and humble heart God will not despise. Bless, O Lord, with Thy good pleasure Zion, and may the walls of Jerusalem be built. Then favor the sacrifice of righteousness, the offering and the burnt offering; then they will lay calves on your altar.

And this troparia, voice 7

Good Shepherd, Thy soul laid down on us, knowledgeable hidden, done by me, the One is Better, save me with the mind of a deluded one, and get me out of the wolf, Lamb of God, and have mercy on me.

Weighed down by the sleep of despondency, I am darkened by the delusion of sinfulness: but grant me the morning of repentance, enlightening the eyes of the mind, Christ God, the enlightenment of my soul. and save me.

With the gloom of sinfulness and the sweets of everyday life, we weave the mind of my accursed soul, it gives rise to various passions, and does not come to the thought of tenderness. But save me, Savior, my humility, and give me the thought of affection, and even I save before the end, I will call out for Thy goodness: Lord Christ my Savior, save me desperate and unworthy.

Like one who has fallen into robbers, and is wounded, so I have fallen into many sins, and there is a soul wounded. To whom I will resort to the guilty one: only to You, the merciful soul of the Doctor: pour out on me, God, your great mercy.

Glory: As the prodigal son came and I am, Generous: accept me, Father, returning, as one from Thy mercenary, O God, and have mercy on me.

And now, the Theotokos:

Deliver, Mother of God, from the sins that have taken us away: for there is no other hope of faithfulness to the imams, except to You and the Lord who is born from You.

Same: Lord, have mercy (40 times).

And bows 50, with a prayer:

God, have mercy on me, and forgive me the prodigal for Your Holy Name.

Therefore, prayer, St. Basil the Great

Paki is busy with a cursed mind and crafty custom, working for sin. Paki is the prince of darkness and passionate sweets, parent, create me captive, and like a humble slave, by his will and desire to work fleshly, he compels me. And what I will do, my Lord, both to the Redeemer and the Intercessor, who trust in Thee, if I do not return to Thee, I will return and fast, and I will ask for mercy for what I have done; But I am afraid and trembling, but not always confessing, and promising the wicked to retreat, and sinning for every hour: and without giving my prayer to You to my God, I will raise Your longsuffering to indignation. And who will endure Thy wrath, O Lord; Knowing the multitude of Thy compassions, and the abyss of Thy philanthropy, I will turn over to myself in Thy mercy, and I cry to Th: forgive those who have sinned, forgive. Have mercy on me fallen, give me a helping hand. immersed in the mud of sweets. Do not forsake, O Lord, your creation to be corrupted by my iniquities and my sins: but with your usual mercy and goodness we compel, deliver from feces and bodily defilement and passionate thoughts that always defile my accursed soul: behold, Lord, as if you see a place, there is no place in pure, but all leprosy, and the whole body is seized with an ulcer. Ubo yourself, Human-loving, physician of souls and bodies and a source of mercy, cleanse that of my tears with a stream, pouring out these abundantly on me: pour out Thy love of mankind on me, and grant me healing and purification, and heal my contrition, and do not turn Thy face away from me. , but not like a thing, fire will burn me of despair: but like you advertise, false God, as great joy happens in heaven about the only sinner who repents, do this on me a sinner too, and do not shut the ears of Thy goodness in the prayer of my repentance; but open them, and, like a censer, correct that before You: weigh the weakness of nature to the Creator, and comfort the crawl of youth, and the heaviness of the body, and despise sins, and repentance is acceptable to those who call Thee in truth. For you will be blessed and glorified, your most honorable and glorious name, of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Second prayer, of the same Saint Basil

Most merciful, incorruptible, incorruptible, sinless Lord, cleanse me, Your obscene servant, from all filthiness of the flesh and soul, and from my inattention and despondency, the uncleanness that has come to me, with the frost of all my iniquities, and manifest me not profane, Your Lord, for the goodness of Christ , and sanctify me by the invasion of Thy Most Holy Spirit: as if, having roused from the darkness of the unclean ghosts of the devil, and all filth, I will be honored with a clear conscience, open my filthy and unclean mouth, and chant Thy all holy name, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, both now and till the end of time. Amen.

Prayer three

O Lord our God, those who have sinned in the days of this word, deed and thought, forgive me the Good and the Lover of Man. Peaceful sleep and serene grant me. Send your guardian angel, covering and keeping me from all evil, as you are the keeper of our souls and our bodies, and we glorify Thee, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever. Amen.

The fourth prayer of St. John Chrysostom

Lord, do not deprive me of Thy heavenly goods. God. save me eternal torment. Lord, whether in mind or thought, word or deed of those who have sinned, forgive me. Lord, deliver me from all ignorance and oblivion, and cowardice, and petrified insensibility. Lord, deliver me from every temptation. Lord, enlighten my heart, hedgehog darken the crafty lust. Lord, I am like a man who have sinned, You, as God is generous, have mercy on me, seeing the weakness of my soul. Lord, eat Your grace to help me, that I will glorify Your holy name. Lord Jesus Christ, write me, Thy servant, in the bottom of animals and grant me a good end. O Lord my God, even if I have done nothing good before Thee, grant me, by Thy grace, to initiate a good beginning. Lord, sprinkle in my heart the dew of Thy grace. Lord, heaven and earth, remember me, your sinful servant, cold and unclean, in your kingdom. Amen.

Fifth Prayer, to the Most Holy Theotokos

My Most Holy Lady Theotokos, by Thy saints and all-powerful entreaties from me, the humble and accursed Thy servant, despondency, oblivion, foolishness, negligence, and all the nasty, crafty and blasphemous thoughts from my cursed, darkened heart and from my darkened mind; and extinguish the flame of my passions, as I am poor and cursed. And save me from many and fierce memories and enterprises, and from all actions of evil freedoms. For you are blessed from all generations, and Your glorious name is glorified forever and ever. Amen.

Same: The most honest Cherubim and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, who gave birth to the God of the Word without corruption, we magnify Thee.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, both now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Lord have mercy. (Three times)

Lord bless

And let go

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Thy Most Pure Mother, and all saints, save me a sinner.

Prayer for defilement

O Lord our God, Alone Good and Human-loving, Alone Holy and rest on the saints, Who appeared to your Supreme Apostle Peter in a vision, nothing nasty, or filthy minded, created by You for food and for the enjoyment of man, and in Your chosen vessel, by the Apostle Paul, everything is pure purely commanded: You Yourself, the Most Holy Lord, by invoking the terrible and most pure Thy name, and by the sign of the Honest and Life-giving Cross, bless and cleanse me, Thy servant (name), defiled from all hostile spirit, from all I dreamed and dreamed of all flattery, from all indulgence and from all vanity, and from every ailment, and every idiot, and from every evil devil's evil deed. And now Thy servant, unworthy of me, vouch for Thy mercy to serve Thy most pure Mysteries. And first, cleanse my soul and body from all defilement, and forsake every sin, voluntary and involuntary, that have sinned in all the days of my life, in deed, word and thought, in days and nights, and until the present hour. And grant me, Lord, this terrible service of the heavenly Offices, and the communion of Thy most pure Mysteries, not in judgment, not in condemnation, but in the forgiveness of sins, and in the coming of the Holy Spirit, and the life of the everlasting joy, which Thou hast prepared for Thy true ministry. Preserve me, O Lord All-Powerful, from all sin and malice, keep immoral and blameless from all leprosy of the opposing devil: and grant me, O Lord, to serve You in reverence and righteousness until the last day and hour and my end: Thou art blessing and sanctifying all things Christ our God, and we glorify You with Your Beginning Father and with Your Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Many processes occurring inside a person are beyond his control. This is understandable, because our flesh is a complex mechanism that operates according to the laws established by the Creator. But, having given a person freedom, He endowed him with the ability to decide for himself - to keep himself in spiritual and physical purity or to indulge in filth. In order to support a person in the struggle against temptations, prayers were sent down to him from defilement.

Different interpretations of the concept of desecration

One of the most common forms of desecration of the flesh is male sin in the form of nocturnal ejaculations (emissions) or dreams of an erotic nature. It should be noted that the definition of this category of sin by modern clergy is largely at odds with how many pillars of Christianity of past centuries understood it.

Suffice it to recall that in the famous Rules of the saint it is said that involuntary expiration caused by a dream, in which scenes of his copulation with his lawful wife, appeared to a man as a desecration. In this case, the prayer for defilement in a dream is not read, of course, if we are not talking about periods of fasting. It is also important to note that the generally recognized theologian does not recognize the ejection of the seed itself as a sin - it is only an external consequence, but the desires that gave rise to it.

At the mercy of sinful thoughts

According to the teachings of the holy fathers, the causes that give rise to involuntary outflows are divided into six main categories, and the last three are not considered sinful. When considering them, they usually start with carnal thoughts and lusts, since they are the most common.

Of course, sinful thoughts and the voluptuous desires caused by them visit people of different ages, but young men and adolescents are most susceptible to them. Especially often the devil sets his nets to monks, due to the peculiarities of his lifestyle, devoid of natural marital relations. In order to strengthen them in the fight against fleshly temptations, there is a special monastic prayer against defilement, read both in cases of attacks of the evil one and for their prevention.

Deliberate stimulation of lust

Of course, both carnal thoughts and lusts can be caused by purely physiological reasons, in which there is no human fault, but the fact is that often, instead of trying to reduce their impact as much as possible, people deliberately ignite and stimulate them, eventually finding satisfaction in masturbation.

For this, the devil presented them with a wide range of means and tools. This includes watching a certain kind of video materials, and reading the relevant literature, and talking on topics that a pious person is unworthy to touch. In all these cases, especially if they are accompanied by masturbation, human guilt is undeniable.

In order to resist the devil's machinations, there is a prayer from defilement by handicap, which anyone who is subject to this misfortune can easily find in the Complete Prayer Book. However, it should be remembered that reading the text alone is not enough. You need a sincere desire to defeat evil and relentless control over your own thoughts.

The way in the devil's web

Arrogance and pride are named as another cause of defilement. Here it should be noted right away that in this case we are talking not only and not so much about the nocturnal outpourings, but about the desecration of the human soul and body as a whole. To be convinced of this, it is enough to carefully consider both of these concepts, which carry a sinful basis.

High-mindedness is not the ability to think in high categories, but only a consequence of an excessively overestimated assessment of one's mental abilities. A lot is said about pride. Hardly anyone can doubt its perniciousness. Both one and the other property induces a person to sometimes consider himself above the generally accepted moral principles.

He, without hesitation, goes beyond the bounds of what was foreseen by both religious and universal norms, and therefore becomes an easy prey for the devil, who lures him into his nets. Unaware of the danger, he, even if for one reason or another does not commit a physical act of adultery, willingly surrenders to it in his thoughts, which ultimately leads to defiling his outpourings. In this case, prayers from defilement will have a beneficial effect only if his powers are deliberately aimed at eradicating the root causes of sin - the high-mindedness and pride that overwhelms him.

At the mercy of gluttony and drunkenness

The third reason for the outpouring considered by the church as sinful is gluttony and alcohol addiction. They are themselves grave sins with a series of harmful consequences. However, here some explanations should be made, without which the further story will be incomplete.

The Sin of Abusing the Gifts of God

According to Christian canons, food is not something sinful. Nothing living can exist without it. Sin is its excessive consumption, colloquially called gluttony. Not only priests, but also doctors warn about its harm to humans. Excessive calories provoke lust in a person, which results in thoughts and desires that cause nighttime effusions that defile a person.

Wine or any other alcoholic beverage in itself is also not a sin. Suffice it to recall how Christ at the wedding in Cana of Galilee turned water into wine, thereby blessing him. Sin is drunkenness, that is, the abuse of wine. It is quite obvious that under the influence of an excessive amount of alcohol, a person, having lost control of his thoughts and emotions, can become an easy prey for the devil, who directs his consciousness to sinful thoughts.

Wine and bread are the gifts of God, but both in the first and in the second case, you must first of all control yourself while eating, and even more so when drinking alcohol, so as not to turn them into harm to your soul. Only in this case, prayers from defilement, if nevertheless there is a need for them, will bear fruit.

Natural and therefore sinless causes of ejaculation

In addition to the above three causes of involuntary, mainly nocturnal ejaculation, three more are noted, caused by completely natural reasons and not containing anything sinful that can desecrate a person. First of all, this is an absolutely normal manifestation of the activity of the male spermatic glands.

The Lord Himself arranged our body in such a way that these important organs cannot remain inactive for a long time. If the product they produce turns out to be unclaimed, they simply throw it out at the first opportunity, and there is nothing unnatural in this. If sometimes mothers panic when they find suspicious stains on the sheets of their sons, then this happens solely from their ignorance. In this case, prayer from the night's pollution is inappropriate, of course, if the outpourings are not caused by masturbation.

Diseases and their consequences

Following further, it is necessary to mention such a cause of wet dreams as physical weakness and illness. In this case, it is absurd to classify them as manifestations of sinfulness. The Christian Church, deeply humane in its essence, has always called for compassionate treatment of all those suffering and afflicted with ailments. According to her canons, for example, even the most serious sin - suicide - is not imputed to guilt if it is committed by a mentally ill person.

Illness and physical weakness are also sufficient grounds for complete relief from fasting or for its significant mitigation. So the ejaculation caused by the weakness of the sick person's body, in no case can be blamed on him. In this case, as in what is described above, prayers from desecration, if read, are purely preventive in nature.

Satan's Attacks and Fights Against Them

And finally, another reason why erotic images can be visited by men in night dreams, entailing involuntary ejaculation, are diabolical excuses. Sometimes the enemy of the human race, having lost hope to lead a person into temptation and incline him to the path of sin, chooses the moment when his consciousness is paralyzed by sleep and is able to freely let in any vision, from which he would certainly recoil in a state of wakefulness.

In this case, the brain, which is held captive by the devil's visions, involuntarily gives a command to all organs subordinate to it. The heart begins to beat faster, the chest heaves in interrupted breathing, and the seminal glands, deceived by a false alarm, prepare the product of their activity for release. For people exposed to this scourge, the only effective means of struggle can be prayer against defilement of the body.

Prayer is an effective weapon in the fight against the evil one

From the writings of the most ancient church fathers it is known that from the first days of Christianity, after Jesus Christ destroyed the centuries-old kingdom of hell with his Resurrection from the dead, the powers of darkness are constantly striving to turn away His adherents from fulfilling the Divine commandments, one of which prescribes to avoid adultery as physical, and the spiritual, created in our minds. To this end, the progenitor of evil strives to desecrate the souls and bodies of people, especially during the hours of night sleep.

To oppose him and his army, numerous prayers were created, among which the most famous is the prayer for the night desecration of Basil the Great. Written in the 4th century, it delivered many generations of Christians from the depths of hell. They resort to it in especially difficult cases. But not only she can become a worthy weapon in the struggle for her own purity - spiritual and physical.

Experienced confessors recommend combining it with such well-known texts as the prayer-worship of the Heavenly King, the Fiftieth Psalm and the phrase "Lord have mercy!" In this combination, prayer against defilement is most effective. When the entire collection of these sacred texts is read, the Grace of God is called to help the Christian soul, capable of snatching it from the hands of the evil one. In this article, there was a conversation about men and about the temptations that lie in wait for them. All that has been said to a large extent applies to women, of course, adjusted for their physiological characteristics.

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Question number 426

How to deal with nighttime involuntary expiration in a dream?

Vladimir 15/09/2002

How to deal with nighttime involuntary expiration in a dream? What are their reasons? How to deal with this?

Father Oleg Molenko's answer:

You should start by studying the canonical rules on this issue:

St. Peter Archbishop. Alexandrian rule 4:

Those who have had an involuntary night flow, also let them follow their conscience, and let them test themselves, whether they are in doubt from this or not: just like the Apostle says about food: if he eats with doubt, he is condemned. And in this case, everyone who approaches God, let him have a good conscience and blessing, according to his own thoughts.

Epistle of Saint Athanasius the Great, Archbishop of Alexandria to the Monk Ammun:

All God's creations are kind and pure. For nothing unhelpful or unclean has been created by God's Word. For Christ's savor we are in those who are being saved, according to the Apostle. Since the essence of the arrows of the devil is different and varied, and he brings the blameless thinking to indignation, distracts the brethren from ordinary exercise, all in them thoughts of impurity and defilement: then, by the grace of our Savior, in short words, let us reject even sly deception, and the thought of the simplest yes, we will. For the pure, everything is pure, but with the unclean, the conscience is also defiled, and that is all. I am amazed at the trick of the devil, that he, being corrupted and destructive, apparently implants the thoughts of purity. But what he does is more a libel, or a temptation. For, as I said, in order to distract the ascetics from the usual and salutary care, and in this, as he thinks, he will defeat them, for this he arouses such a rumor that does not bring any benefit to life, but only empty questions and quibbling, which to shy away from. must. For tell me, beloved and most reverent, that there is a sinful or unclean eruption of any kind, as for example, if someone wanted to blame the outflow of phlegm from the nostrils, and the spitting of the mouth. We can say more than this about the eruptions of the belly, which are necessary for the life of the animal. Also, according to the Divine Scripture, we believe that man is the work of God's hands: how could a defiled deed come about from pure power: and if we are the kind of God, according to the Divine Scripture of the Apostolic acts, then we have nothing unclean in us. For then we are only defiled when we commit sin, the worst stench of every kind. And when ANY NATURAL involuntary eruption occurs: then we, as it was said above, undergo this with others, by natural necessity. But since those who only want to contradict righteous words more created from God, they also wrongly cite the word of the Gospel, which does not defile a person, but that which is outgoing: it is necessary to denounce this absurdity of theirs (for I cannot call it questioning). First, they misuse the scriptures out of ignorance, as unconfirmed. The reason of the Divine word is the following: when some, like these, doubted about food, then the Lord himself, resolving their ignorance, or rather, denouncing delusion, said: what does not enter defiles a person, but what goes out (Matthew 15:11). Then he adds: where it comes from: from the heart. For he knows that there are evil treasures of evil thoughts and other sins. More abbreviated, the Apostle, who was taught this, says that food will not set us before God (1 Cor. 8.8). Blessed can anyone say in the present case: a natural eruption will not lead us to punishment. Maybe doctors (yes, at least external contradictory ones will be convinced) in defense of this will say that the animal has been given some necessary outcomes for the deposition of excess moisture nourished in each of our members, which are the excesses in the hair on the head, and moisture from the head separating and emanating from the womb is also the excess, which is in the seed vessels so the most God-loving elder, WHAT IS SIN HERE BEFORE GOD, when the Lord himself who created the animal desired and created that these members would have such outcomes. But it is necessary to prevent the contradictions of the wicked. For they can say: therefore, there will be no sin and use itself, when the tools are arranged by the Creator. Let us silence such questions, saying to this: what use are you talking about: is it legal; whether about that which God permitted, saying: be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth (Gen. 1: 28); whether about that which the Apostle permitted saying: an honest marriage, and the bed is not foul (Heb. 13: 4); or about what happens between people, but happens in secret and adultery. For in other cases of life we ​​find a difference that happens due to some circumstances, for example: it is not permissible to kill: but to kill enemies on the battlefield is both legal and worthy of praise. Thus great honors are accorded to the valiant in battle, and pillars are erected to them, proclaiming their excellent deeds. Thus, the same thing, depending on the time, and in some circumstances, is not permissible: but in other circumstances, and in good time, it is allowed and allowed. So it is necessary to reason about bodily intercourse. Blessed is he who in his youth, having made up a free couple, uses nature for procreation. But if to covetousness: then fornicators and adulterers are subjected to the execution announced by the Apostle (Heb. 13: 4).

Ammun, to whom the epistle of St. Athanasius is addressed, was a famous Nitrian monk. The reason for writing it was the fact that many monks were strongly seduced by night dreams and especially emissions - the involuntary outflow of semen. Ammun turned to St. Athanasius for clarification, who in detail and deeply develops the idea expressed in the 4th canon of St. Dionysius of Alexandria.

St. Timothy's canonical answers:

If a layman who had an unclean dream asks a priest: should he be allowed to receive communion, or not?

If he is subject to the lust of his wife (woman), then he should not take communion: if Satan tempts him so that for this reason he would be alienated from the communion of the Divine Mysteries: then he must take communion. For otherwise the tempter will not stop attacking him at the time when he must commune.

Let's summarize:

So, in itself, the natural and involuntary outflow of semen during sleep, like voluptuous dreams, is not a sin, but is called natural defilement. Why is the rule in these cases called the "Rule from defilement," and not from sin. In women, such a natural defilement is monthly bleeding, during which one must abstain from communion (except in deaths when women receive communion despite their periods) and touching holy things (you can and should use holy prosphora and holy water, only from your personal vessels) ...

Nevertheless, you need to check your conscience about the cause of these outflows, for the cause may contain sin. There are the following reasons for nocturnal involuntary ejaculation:

  1. Gluttony, from the passion of gluttony, is sinful, and one must repent of gluttony.
  2. Drinking wine (and other types of alcohol), from the same passion, is sinful, and one must repent of being drunk (excessively consumed) with wine.
  3. Prodigal incitement in thoughts, allowed during the day before sleep, is sinful, one must confess prodigal thoughts.
  4. A prodigal view of the female sex, paintings, various porn, films, sculptures, paintings, etc., copulation of other people or animals - it is sinful, to repent, for arbitrary incitement through the view and for not keeping eyesight if you do not want to see such pictures.
  5. Prodigal mental pictures, dreams, or memories of prodigal deeds are sinful.
  6. Excessive laughter, panache, a desire to please women, carnal vanity, greasy (that is, fornication) jokes and anecdotes, stories, conversations, swearing are sinful.
  7. Pride, arrogance and vanity are sinful.
  8. It is sinful to condemn others, especially for prodigal sins.
  9. Feeliness, luxury, excessive bodily rest are sinful.
  10. Laziness, doing nothing, idleness, excessive sleep are sinful.
  11. Physical illness is not sinful. Suffers the rule from desecration.
  12. Fatigue of the flesh, overwork, the burden of the flesh is not sinful. Suffers the rules from desecration.
  13. Special circumstances when a passionate person is allowed to be overpowered by a fornication (from among the not imputed sins), for example: a person, against his will, was locked in a confined space with a beautiful woman who testifies to the desire for intercourse, or for example, when a person was poured against his will and desire an aphrodisiac, or by magical art induced a prodigal infusion - not sinful. Suffers the rule from desecration.
  14. The temptation of the devil out of envy to succeed in the work of salvation is not sinful. Commendable. But it is better to read the rule against defilement.
  15. The temptation from the devil, when he tries to embarrass with the very fact of involuntary ejaculation and drive into despair and despondency, is not sinful. Suffers the rule from desecration.
  16. Temptation from demons, when they try to divert a person from communion by nighttime streams, is not sinful. Suffers the rule from desecration.
  17. For those who have succeeded in the struggle with the fornication passion, for the one who has bound this passion or for the one who has attained passionlessness, it happens, in order to preserve from exaltation, God's special allowance from demons who do dirty tricks in the flesh, like the Apostle Paul:
    2 Cor. 12:
    7 And so that I would not be exalted by the extraordinary revelations, I was given a thorn in the flesh, the angel of Satan, to depress me, so that I would not be exalted.
    8 Three times I prayed to the Lord to remove him from me.
    9 But the Lord said to me: "My grace is sufficient for you, for my strength is made perfect in weakness." Therefore, I will much more willingly boast of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.
    - sinless, very commendable, but it is better to read the rule against defilement.

It is always helpful to reproach yourself for sinful or natural weakness and humble yourself before God.

So, in itself, involuntary ejaculation is sinless and you cannot fight it - for this is nature. It is necessary to fight with some sinful reasons (mentioned above) leading to it, through repentance, prayer, confession, communion, church prayers, reasonable abstinence and other physical deeds, humility, self-reproach, the memory of death and eternal torment, reading the relevant Scriptures and the creations of the saints fathers, frequent confession, preservation of mind, purification of thoughts, patience of sorrows, etc. etc..

“Most merciful, incorruptible, imperishable, sinless Lord, cleanse me, Your obscene servant, from all filthiness of the flesh and soul, and from my inattention and despondency, the uncleanness that has come to me, with all my iniquities, and I am not profane, O Lord, for the goodness of Christ. Thy, and sanctify me by the invasion of Thy Most Holy Spirit: as if, having roused from the darkness of the unclean ghosts of the devil and all filthiness, I will be honored with a clear conscience, open my filthy and unclean mouth, and chant Thy all holy name, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, , and forever and ever. Amen."

Prayer to Basil the Great for success in business

“O great Saint Basil the Great! You have received many and various gifts from the Lord, and as a good and faithful servant, you have multiplied all the talents given to you for good: for this sake, truly, you were a universal teacher, as every age and every title is obtained from you. You are the image of a child of obedience, a young man - a luminary for chastity, a husband - a mentor of diligence, an old one - a teacher of innocence, a monk - a rule of abstinence, a leader who prays from God, an enlightener of wisdom to those who have wisdom, an inexhaustible source of good-spoken words of a living - the star of mercy, the rulers - the right image, the zealous righteousness - the inspirer of boldness, the truth for the sake of the persecuted - the mentor of patience: you were everything, but you saved everyone. Above all of these, you have acquired love, even there is a conjunction of perfection, and with that, as if by the power of the Divine, you copulated all the gifts in your soul in one, and then shared love that reconciles, in the interpretation of the words of the apostles, you preached to all the faithful. We are sinners, according to the same ki, our gift of property, unity of spirit in the union of the world is not imams, but there are vanities, irritating each other, envying each other: for this, for the sake of our gift, we are not divided into peace and salvation, but into enmity and condemnation, we are offered. Even so, to you, the Holy Hierarch of God, we fall, we are overwhelmed by strife, and in contrition of heart we ask: by your prayers, drive away from our hearts all pride and envy that separates us, and in many people we have one church body we will never return, but according to your words of prayer we will love each other. and the like-mindedness and confession of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Trinity Consubstantial and Inseparable, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

Basil the Great's prayer for casting out demons

“I conjure thee, the evil leader of the blasphemy, the head of the resistance uprising, and the self-master of deceit, I conjure thee, cast down from the high light bearing, and into the darkness of the depths of the lowered ascension for the sake of. I conjure thee and all the fallen power consistent with your will: I conjure thee, an unclean soul, by the God of hosts, and all the host of the angel of God, Adonai Eloi of God Almighty, go out and be parted from the servant of God ( name ), I conjure thee with the Word of God who created everything, and by our Lord Jesus Christ, His Only Begotten Son, who were born inexpressibly and impassively from Him for centuries, who made the visible and invisible creature, created man in His image, the law that first naturally taught this child, and the angelic command preserving: with water they drowned sin from above, and dissolve the abyss of heaven, and corrupted the giants of the wicked, and shook the pillar of the wicked, and burned the land of the Sodoms and Homorrah with stupid fire, whose witness is the inextinguishable smoke; Divided the sea with a rod, and led the people with damp feet, and Pharaoh's tormentor, and the godless army, who have drowned them for ever with waves of wickedness; in the last days from the Virgin of the Pure, incarnate inexpressibly, and the seals of purity are intact, to wash away our ancient filth with baptism, by whom we have been defiled by the crime. I conjure thee to those who were baptized in the Jordan, and the image to us of incorruption in the water by grace to those who gave; His angels and all the powers of heaven were amazed, God is incarnate, humbled in sight, when the beginningless Father, the beginningless Christmas, the Filial is open, and the descent of the Holy Spirit, the Trinity Unity, testifies. I conjure thee to On, Who Forbidden the wind, and the storm of the sea Tamed, the demon regiment Driven away, and the eyes of the womb deprived of dullness, the blind to see the sight of the One who made, and the ancient kind of our creation, Renewed, and unwashed the hedgehog, He corrected: scabs and desecrated, cleansed even before the burial by a man who had Conversated, and by the uprising of Hell, who had captivated, and all mankind is not embraced by death by the One who arranged it. I conjure thee by God the Almighty, the God-inspired voice of man who breathed in, and the apostle who helped, and who fulfilled the whole universe of piety: eci, or go away, or ec and Beelzebub himself, or shake, or serpentine, or bestial, or like a couple, or like a bird, or a daddy, or deaf, or dumb, or frighten from an invasion, or tear apart, or blow up, or in a dream grievous, or a malady, or in an ulcer, or in a mixture skoktayay, or create loveful tears, or prodigal, or malevolent, or lustful, or sweet-smelling, or poisonous, or love-loving, or star-witted, or house wizard, or cold-hearted, or amorous or fickle, or change with a month, or some time consort, or morning, or noon, or midnight, or some badness, or shine, or on occasion you met, or about Whom you were sent, or found you suddenly, or in the sea, or in the river, or from the earth, or from the pit, or from the rapids, or from the ditch, or from the ezer, or from the cane, or from the substance, or from the top of the earth , or from filth, or from a meadow, or from a forest, or from a tree, or from birds, or from thunder, or from the cover of a banago, or from a font of water, or from an idol's coffin, or by no means we have, or we do not know, or from known, or from the unknown, or from an unvisited place, leave and be ashamed of the image by the hand of God, created and imagined: fear the likeness of God incarnate, and do not hide in the servant of God ( name), but an iron rod, and a cave of fire, and tartar, and gnashing of teeth, the vengeance of disobedience awaits you. Fear, shut up, run, do not return, nor hide with frost with the cunning of unclean spirits: but go away to a waterless, empty, unfinished land, on which man does not dwell: One God desires to bind all that hurt, and those who revolt against His image, and chains of darkness, betraying tartarus, on a long night and day, to you all the evil tempter and inventor of the devil. As the great is the youth of God, and great is the glory of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen."

Prayer to Basil the Great for health

From intractable diseases, about help in life, about strengthening faith.

“O great hierarch, God-wise universe to the teacher, blessed Father Basil! Great deeds and your labors, even for the glory of the Holy Church, you have done: you are a firm confessor and a lamp of the faith of Christ on earth, you shine the light of God’s knowledge, burn false teachings and proclaim the word of saving truth to the whole world. Now, commanding in Heaven, have boldness towards the Holy Trinity, help us, with humility falling towards you, firmly and invariably preserve the holy Orthodox faith until the end of our life; soul-destroying teachings in words. Holy spirit of zeal, you flamed with it, O glorious Church of Christ to the shepherd, kindle with your intercession and in us, make them the same Christ to be shepherds, let us wholeheartedly enlighten and strengthen the verbal flock of Christ in the right faith. Pray to the Lord that our country will be exalted, and may grant all our people health, longevity and good haste in everything. Ask, O merciful saint, from the Father of lights and to everyone, every gift is worthless: a good baby in the passion of God, for young chastity, for the old and the weak, for consolation for those who grieve, for healing ailing, for mistaken discipline and correction, for offended intercession for orphans and for orphans and those who are tempted by grace-filled help, those who have departed from this temporary living as our father and our brothers, a blessed repose. To her, holy of God, look mercifully from the abodes of the Onions on us, the humble, overwhelmed by many temptations and misfortunes, and elevate those who are committed to the earth to the height of Heaven. Grant us, gracious Father, your archpastoral and holy blessing, yes, with this overshadowing, in this new summer and at all other times of our life in the world, repentance and obedience to the Holy Orthodox Church, let us live, the commandments of Christ diligently creating, laboring ascetic to the good faith, and so we will reach the Kingdom of Heaven, where with you and all the saints vouch for the Holy Trinity, Consubstantial and Indivisible Petit and glorify forever and ever. Amen."

Prayer to Saint Basil the Great from the slander of the enemy

About getting rid of troubles and misfortunes.

“O great and most holy saint, Father Basil, glorious to the Ecumenical Church teacher, to the glory of the Most Holy Trinity, an all-consuming champion, to the Mother of God and Her most blameless virginity, a pre-chosen confessor, blessed of purity, humility and patience. Sez, many sinful and unworthy to gaze at the heights of heaven, I humbly pray to you, O wise Church of Christ, to the teacher, teach me to lead my life in such a God-fearing way, but never on the path, by God's command, I will be disgusted, I will deviate or be seduced. Observe and deliver me with your powerful intercession from the temptations of the world and the wiles of the devil, as you delivered a young man from them, retreated from our Sweet Savior and fell into the power of Satan. Grant me spiritual strength to be an imitator of your high virtues; make me righteous in faith, firm and unshakable, strengthen the faint-hearted me in patience and trust in the Lord, kindle the true Christ's love in my heart, and I wish heavenly blessings more than anyone else and delight in them. Ask the Lord for me sincere regret about sin, so that the rest of my life in the world, repentance and fulfillment of the commandments of Christ, I will escort. When the hour of my end draws near, you, O gracious Father, with the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, then hurry up to help, protect me from the evil slander of the enemy, and make me the heir to the existence of paradise villages, but buy with you and with all the saints of the impregnable Majesty of God to the Throne I will appear as the Life-Giving, Consubstantial and Indivisible Trinity I glorify and sing, everlastingly and forever. Amen."

Prayer to Basil the Great for intercession and help

“O great and glorious saint of Christ, God-wise teacher of all universal Church, firm confessor and champion of Orthodoxy, all-blessed Father Basil! Look from the heights of heaven on us, humbly falling to you, and pray to the Lord Almighty, Thou art a faithful servant on earth, may he grant us the right, firm and unchanging preservation of faith, obedience to the Church of the Holy, correction of our lives, and in all our needs, sorrows and temptations, quick help, patience and strengthening. Give us your holy blessing, yes to them overshadowing, this new summer and all the days God-pleasing in peace and repentance we will live and in the Kingdom of Heaven we will be vouchsafed with you and with all the saints the Life-Giving Trinity to sing and praise, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever centuries. Amen."

A short prayer to St. Basil the Great

“O great and most holy saint, Father Basil! Look from the heights of heaven on us, servant of God ( names), and pray to the Lord, Thou art a faithful servant on earth, may he grant us the right, firm and unchanging preservation of the faith, obedience to the Church of the Holy, correction of our lives, and quick help in all needs, sorrows and temptations, patience and strengthening. Give us your holy blessing, so that we will live in peace and repentance all the days of God, and in the Kingdom of Heaven we will be vouchsafed with you and with all the saints the Life-Giving Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, to chant and glorify forever and ever. Amen."

Search line: Desecration

Records found: 16

Good day. Father, forgive me for asking, but there are desecrations among girls, what is it? And how to repent of this?


The Old Testament regulated matters of ritual purity (Leviticus, for example). In women, in particular, this is associated with regulation problems, and in men - with nighttime desecrations, which, due to their physiology, do not occur in women. We can only talk about seductive dreams and experiences. But this is not a defilement ... These are involuntary games of a sinful mind in an unconscious state.

Archpriest Maxim Khizhiy

Good evening! I saw one answer to a question on your site. The girl asked about tattoos, and you answered that "it is forbidden to inject letters on oneself, that is, the desire to decorate a body given by God." And I had a question. How do the Church and the Lord feel about ear piercing, for example? I have been pierced since childhood, and I always wear earrings that I put on. It turns out that I decorate my body? Sorry for the possibly stupid question. Thank you for your reply.


The Orthodox Church, in its rules and canons, nowhere and in any way expresses its attitude to ear piercing. On the other hand, piercings and tattoos are a desecration of your body, and there is also excess and indecency. Ear piercing to wear earrings is tolerated in our Orthodox society, since this tradition has been around for more than one century. Priests do not prohibit or condemn ear piercing, while piercing and tattooing is perceived as a sin. In this matter, it is better to consult with the priest in confession.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Yesterday Orthodox activists disrupted a concert of a famous death metal band in my city. This group has no songs about the desecration of religion. There is about the decaying corpses. The fans did not bother anyone, did not fight, did not arrange orgies. The club in which the concert was supposed to take place is located far from the church, i.e. loud music could not interfere with believers. Do you think they did the right thing? Does the Bible forbid people to listen to the kind of music they like? Thanks to these activists, more people learned about the work of this group and became interested in it. I beg you to answer. The question worries many.


Hello Polina. Nobody can be disgraceful. It's just a public law rule. If you break the law, be kind enough to answer before the law. Did you want to hear a moral assessment of what happened? In my opinion, these are phenomena of the same kind, like a rock concert, or a demonstration against it.

Priest Alexander Beloslyudov

Thank God! Tell me, please, I am very worried about the following situation: I prepared for confession and received the Holy Mysteries, thank God, I received communion, but in the evening my periods began earlier than expected, is this a big sin, desecration? But I really thought I had three more days! What am I supposed to do? Thanks.


Larissa, don't worry, there is no sin.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello Father Alexander. I have a question. Is it possible to enter the altar of an inactive temple, if the exposition of the museum is open in it, to sit down there on the banquets for visitors? The entrance is only through the opening for the royal doors. The museum in the temple of the monastery is already 60 years old, and before that the throne was consecrated.


Hello Svetlana. It would be better not to go to such a "museum" at all. More sin, of course, is on those who organized this desecration, but the visitors also participate in it with their consent and approval.

Priest Alexander Beloslyudov

Hello! How would you advise to deal with night pollution? How and what to sleep in? Save the Lord!


These things can be fought in only two ways - by prayer and fasting, but I do not mean that this is exclusively a manifestation of evil through our body, nocturnal emissions are part of our natural physiology, it is just that sometimes they can be provoked by eating, watching all sorts of seductive images and fantasies on this topic, etc. For our part, you should try to prevent such things, and then how will it turn out. There is no need to sleep in a spacesuit for fear of being defiled at night.

deacon Ilya Kokin

Hello! I am 15 years old. I often have night pollution, although I try to keep myself from lascivious thoughts. And do I need to read the rule against desecration after each one? If I read it every time, it takes time and effort, interferes with my studies and other responsibilities. Is it because of my age that I am so often defiled? Is it possible for me to simplify the rule? 2 Today, after the desecration (without subtracting the rules from the desecration), I ate prosphora. It is a sin? Save the Lord!


Alexander, I can’t bless you with any indulgences on the Internet. You need to resolve this issue with the priest you are confessing to personally.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello father! I have icons on the cupboard at home, my father, hitting the door of the cupboard, slammed it in a rush, and the icon of the Mother of God fell to the floor. I picked her up, kissed her and asked for pardon. I am so worried about this. Tell me if this is a sin or desecration, or something else? It happened by accident.


Natalia! You did everything right. From now on, just be more attentive, and if your conscience bothers you, repent in confession.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello. I had a desire to look after other people's graves, because no one goes to them, and they are not well-groomed. Would it not be considered a sin and desecration for a stranger to clean up on other people's graves?


Hello. Such situation. I love the girl very much, we already perceive each other as husband and wife and, accordingly, we conduct everyday affairs together, but the fact is that she is married to another man (not married) who left them, she did not have time with to divorce them, because to collect a lot of documents. A child was born, I am always with them and I accept the child as my own, I help in everything, I love them endlessly. In the summer we want to get married and get married, but we already had an intimate relationship, please tell me if such an intimate relationship would be a sin, because we have not yet been married, and she is still married to another man, but in our hearts we have already accepted each other as husband and wife and love each other very much. If this is a sin, how strong is it and what is it called? Thanks a lot.


Victor, close marital relations are allowed only after marriage. That is why they are called that: married, and you are not married by law, moreover, this girl is married to another, albeit formally. This is a grave sin - adultery, sinful cohabitation. As the Gospel says, "neither drunkards, nor fornicators will inherit the kingdom of God." Nobody forbids to love, you even need to love your neighbor, but why sin right away - spoil everything, this is a desecration of your bodies. Sin against yourself. We are the temple of the Holy Spirit living in us, “whoever destroys this temple, God will destroy him,” says the Gospel. This is said precisely about the fleshly sin of fornication. Love is not in this, not in carnal relationships. We must repent, stop all intimate sinful relationships, and strive for legal marriage and wedding.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Father, tell me, as a child, when I was in school, I bought buns in the cafeteria, and one saleswoman gave me the wrong change, she gave me more. Now I am 21 years old, this sin seems frivolous to me. Tell me, do you need to confess such petty sins? I have a book "Confession and Communion", there is a list of sins, there are two sins that are incomprehensible to me: 1. "Read heretical books" - tell me what are heretical? 2. "We went to church in uncleanness" - what does that mean, in uncleanness?


Andrew, sin gives birth to death. Any sin is a sin; sin should not be belittled. You were given more change, but you were silent, and this woman then added from her pocket. It is imperative to confess such sins, and you need to return all the money. How? Give alms and donate to the church whenever possible. Heresy is an incorrect, distorted teaching about faith, about the Church, which misleads people. Uncleanness is a bodily condition of a person: a monthly cycle in women, night pollution and all sorts of fleshly sins.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello, father, tell me, please ... In general, I have such a situation. When I was 13-14 years old (now I am 23), a familiar priest came to visit us, and put his cowl in the hallway, but I decided to put it on and see if I were a priest, how I would look in it. As a matter of fact, I would not remember this story, but the other day my mother told me (she works in the monastery museum) that she got into a conversation with a nun, and somehow my story with a hood came up in a dialogue, and this nun and says that whoever has tried on a monastic or priestly thing, even if it is a cowl, cannot get married, because this is defilement, insolence. Actually, this situation scares me. Father, tell me, please, is this a sin, and how serious?


Michael, there is such an old joke among the subdeacons (assistants to the bishop at the divine service) that whoever puts on the bishop's cowl, or even on whom this cowl falls from the hanger, he wants or does not want to become a monk. I think your acquaintance mother once heard something like that, but now she no longer remembers where she got it from in her head. Don't take it lightly, forget it!

Abbot Nikon (Golovko)

I have one friend who is addicted to alcohol, that is, he is not an alcoholic, but, let's say, an inveterate drinker. I know that fornication is a desecration of the temple of the Holy Spirit, and for this they excommunicate for a long time from the sacrament. Why are they not excommunicated for drunkenness, but 3 days of fasting is enough? Explain the difference? Fornication is a sin against your body, and drunkenness is against your soul? It turns out that even a drunkard can experience the effect of God's grace, as opposed to a fornicator? I am not asking out of condemnation of this person, but I just want to understand what is the difference between sins against the Holy Spirit.


Firstly, there are very serious penances for drunkards, no less than for fornicators, so here you are not entirely right. Moreover, the Gospel says that drunkards, like fornicators, will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, and this is very serious.
The difference in these sins lies, perhaps, in the social moment, so to speak. The fact is that the drunkard most often harms only himself, and the fornicator seduces others, thus corrupting the Christian society. Penance depends on this difference, as well as on the circumstances of sin.

Abbot Nikon (Golovko)

Is it possible after the night desecration to touch the icons, relics?


Darya! Nighttime defilement is called dream ejaculation in men. If this is exactly what interests you, then here are the words of Saint Theophan the Recluse: “One cannot adhere to one rule regarding nighttime desecrations, because there are different circumstances. lust of the body and soul, and even with resistance to it in a dream. These two cases do not pose obstacles to anything ... not even to the acceptance of the Mysteries and the service of the Liturgy. It is enough to lament heartily and tell the confessor. But when at this there are shameful dreams with lust , by consent and desire, then, having confessed this to the confessor, it is better to refrain from what you said, and from everything else that requires special purity, until all the bad from the soul and body evaporates. resolve, for there is an extreme need "(Letter 925).

Priest Alexander Gumerov

Father, bless. I have a terrible situation in my life. A year and a half ago, I went to a monastery with the intention to devote myself to God forever, but after some time, in despair, I returned home, fell into fornication with my ex-boyfriend, and became pregnant. Moreover, I seriously sin with perverted fantasies and desecration, I do not fight this, it is stronger than me. Now she fell into an extreme degree of despair about her salvation, it seems the body is living, but the soul is already dead. The world is alien and dirty, I don't want a child and I regard it as an obstacle to the monastery, every day is hell and I can hardly cope with the desire to commit suicide. Excuse me, tell me, pray.


God's blessing on you, Maria! Whatever spiritual problems you had before, now you need to think exclusively about the child. Maybe you are not yet ready for monasticism, maybe later it is in monasticism that you will find your vocation, but so far the Lord has blessed you with childbearing, and this must be accepted precisely as a gift from God. Do not despair, I am familiar with cases when girls, even having already taken monasticism, gave birth, and then for many years lived like monks, but already in the world, raising a child. There are cases when novices entered into a happy marriage, although at first it seemed to them that this was not their spiritual path. First of all, you must forgive the Mother Superior and Vladyka, beg the Lord to grant you love for your child and urgently go to confession. The fact that you are now tormented by the demon of fornication is natural, because for him this is the only reliable way to plunge you into despair and despair and destroy you forever. Destroy the wiles of the enemy by confessing your sins. In Moscow, this is best done with Archpriest Valerian Krechetov, many of the nuns are cared for by him. I also recommend seeking advice from an experienced nun Ioanna Smirnova. God help you, I will pray for you!

Archpriest Andrei Efanov

Father, forgive me for the question I’ll ask you, but I’m haunted. I was in church today and when I came up to an icon, I thought something like this: "what a strange icon" (I don't want to describe my thoughts in detail). I was immediately startled by such a thought. At this time, I marked myself with the cross, the cross turned out to be ridiculous, I felt ashamed for such a waving of my hands. I think I have sinned. Father, I want to confess this sin. Tell me what it's called. This is probably the desecration of the shrine? Or should I describe everything in detail in confession? Thank you in advance.


Dear Lilia! It is unlikely that this can be directly called the desecration of the sacred; rather, these are manifestations of what in patristic asceticism is called mental abuse, that is, a mental and sensory element that we are not able to fully control because of our common sinfulness. The Holy Fathers say that an ordinary person is visited by three kinds of thoughts: from God, from the person himself and, alas, from the devil. And our problem is that we, being sinners, do not have power over these thoughts, and are not even able to determine which thought has exactly which origin. Moreover, an ordinary person cannot unravel the whole tangle of thoughts! - this is simply dangerous, because you can get completely confused and even mentally hurt, because the devil is a great confusion, with a desire to confuse and intimidate us, often approaches us. Therefore, the holy fathers recommend obsessive, blasphemous, unclean, condemning, embarrassing, etc. thoughts just to cut off, not pay attention to them, not allow them to develop, praying to God, as if saying to Him: “Lord, you see that these thoughts besiege me and I am not able to deal with them, so relieve me of them or deal with them Himself! " In general, sometimes you need to treat thoughts as to the elements (rain, snow, wind, storm, thunderstorm), which we cannot influence, but which we can endure, while trying not to abandon our direct responsibilities. As for confession, you have the right to confess embarrassing thoughts, but it is more important to learn how to prayerfully drive away these thoughts at the moment when they come, asking God for help and, which is important, without falling into panic.

Archpriest Andrei Spiridonov