Educational experiences for children at home. For everyone and about everything. Experiments you can do with children

Children are always trying to learn something new every day and they always have a lot of questions. They can explain certain phenomena, or they can clearly show how this or that thing, this or that phenomenon works. In these experiments, children will not only learn something new, but also learn how to create various crafts, with which they can then play.

1. Experiments for children: lemon volcano

You will need:

– 2 lemons (for 1 volcano)

- baking soda

– food coloring or watercolor paints

- dishwashing liquid

– wooden stick or spoon (if desired)

- tray.

1. Cut off the bottom of the lemon so it can be placed on flat surface.

2. On the back side, cut out a piece of lemon as shown in the image.

* You can cut off half a lemon and make an open volcano.

3. Take the second lemon, cut it in half and squeeze the juice into a cup. This will be the reserved lemon juice.

4. Place the first lemon (with the cut out part) on the tray and use a spoon to “remember” the lemon inside to squeeze out some of the juice. It is important that the juice is inside the lemon.

5. Add food coloring or watercolor inside the lemon, but do not stir.

6. Pour dish soap inside the lemon.

7. Add a full spoon of baking soda to the lemon. The reaction will begin. You can use a stick or spoon to stir everything inside the lemon - the volcano will begin to foam.

8. To make the reaction last longer, you can gradually add more soda, dyes, soap and reserve lemon juice.

2. Home experiments for children: electric eels made from chewing worms

You will need:

– 2 glasses

– small capacity

– 4-6 gummy worms

– 3 tablespoons baking soda

– 1/2 spoon of vinegar

– 1 cup of water

– scissors, kitchen or stationery knife.

1. Using scissors or a knife, cut lengthwise (precisely lengthwise - it won't be easy, but be patient) each worm into 4 (or more) pieces.

* The smaller the piece, the better.

*If the scissors do not cut properly, try washing them with soap and water.

2. Mix water and baking soda in a glass.

3. Add pieces of worms to the solution of water and soda and stir.

4. Leave the worms in the solution for 10-15 minutes.

5. Using a fork, transfer the worm pieces to a small plate.

6. Pour half a spoon of vinegar into an empty glass and start putting worms into it one by one.

* The experiment can be repeated if you wash the worms with plain water. After a few attempts, your worms will begin to dissolve, and then you will have to cut a new batch.

3. Experiments and experiments: a rainbow on paper or how light is reflected on a flat surface

You will need:

– bowl of water

– clear nail polish

- small pieces of black paper.

1. Add 1-2 drops of clear nail polish to a bowl of water. Watch how the varnish spreads through the water.

2. Quickly (after 10 seconds) dip a piece of black paper into the bowl. Take it out and let it dry on a paper towel.

3. After the paper has dried (this happens quickly) start turning the paper and look at the rainbow that appears on it.

* To better see a rainbow on paper, look at it under the sun's rays.

4. Experiments at home: rain cloud in a jar

As small drops of water accumulate in a cloud, they become heavier and heavier. Eventually they will reach such a weight that they can no longer remain in the air and will begin to fall to the ground - this is how rain appears.

This phenomenon can be shown to children using simple materials.

You will need:

- shaving foam

- food coloring.

1. Fill the jar with water.

2. Apply shaving foam on top - it will be a cloud.

3. Have your child start dripping food coloring onto the “cloud” until it starts to “rain” - drops of coloring begin to fall to the bottom of the jar.

During the experiment, explain this phenomenon to your child.

You will need:

– warm water

sunflower oil

– 4 food colors

1. Fill the jar 3/4 full with warm water.

2. Take a bowl and stir 3-4 tablespoons of oil and a few drops of food coloring into it. IN in this example 1 drop of each of 4 dyes was used - red, yellow, blue and green.

3. Using a fork, stir the coloring and oil.

4. Carefully pour the mixture into a jar of warm water.

5. Watch what happens - the food coloring will begin to slowly fall through the oil into the water, after which each drop will begin to disperse and mix with the other drops.

* Food coloring dissolves in water, but not in oil, because... The density of oil is less than water (that’s why it “floats” on water). The dye droplet is heavier than the oil, so it will begin to sink until it reaches the water, where it will begin to disperse and look like a small fireworks display.

6. Interesting experiments: in a circle in which the colors merge

You will need:

– a wheel cut out of paper, painted in rainbow colors

– elastic band or thick thread

– cardboard

- glue stick

- scissors

– skewer or screwdriver (to make holes in the paper wheel).

1. Select and print the two templates you want to use.

2. Take a piece of cardboard and use a glue stick to glue one template to the cardboard.

3. Cut out the glued circle from cardboard.

4. Glue the second template to the back of the cardboard circle.

5. Use a skewer or screwdriver to make two holes in the circle.

6. Thread the thread through the holes and tie the ends into a knot.

Now you can spin your top and watch how the colors merge on the circles.

7. Experiments for children at home: jellyfish in a jar

You will need:

– small transparent plastic bag

– transparent plastic bottle

- food coloring

- scissors.

1. Place the plastic bag on a flat surface and smooth it out.

2. Cut off the bottom and handles of the bag.

3. Cut the bag lengthwise on the right and left so that you have two sheets of polyethylene. You will need one sheet.

4. Find the center of the plastic sheet and fold it like a ball to make a jellyfish head. Tie a thread in the area of ​​the “neck” of the jellyfish, but not too tightly - you need to leave a small hole through which to pour water into the jellyfish’s head.

5. There is a head, now let's move on to the tentacles. Make cuts in the sheet - from the bottom to the head. You need approximately 8-10 tentacles.

6. Cut each tentacle into 3-4 smaller pieces.

7. Pour some water into the jellyfish's head, leaving room for air so the jellyfish can "float" in the bottle.

8. Fill a bottle with water and put your jellyfish in it.

9. Add a couple drops of blue or green food coloring.

* Close the lid tightly to prevent water from spilling out.

* Let the children turn the bottle over and watch the jellyfish swim in it.

8. Chemical experiments: magic crystals in a glass

You will need:

– glass glass or bowl

– plastic bowl

– 1 cup Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) – used in bath salts

– 1 cup hot water

- food coloring.

1. Place Epsom salts in a bowl and add hot water. You can add a couple of drops of food coloring to the bowl.

2. Stir the contents of the bowl for 1-2 minutes. Most of the salt granules should dissolve.

3. Pour the solution into a glass or glass and place it in the freezer for 10-15 minutes. Don't worry, the solution is not so hot that the glass will crack.


Entertaining experiments for preschoolers, experiments for children at home, magic tricks for children, entertaining science... How to curb the ebullient energy and indefatigable curiosity of a child? How to make the most of the inquisitiveness of a child’s mind and push the child to understand the world? How to promote the development of a child’s creativity? These and other questions certainly arise before parents and educators. This work contains a large number of a variety of experiences and experiments that can be carried out with children to expand their understanding of the world, for the intellectual and creative development of the child. The experiments described do not require any special preparation and almost no material costs.

How to pierce balloon ik without harm to him?

The child knows that if you puncture the balloon, it will burst. Place a piece of tape on both sides of the ball. And now you can easily push the ball through the tape without any harm to it.

"Submarine" No. 1. Grape submarine

Take a glass of fresh sparkling water or lemonade and drop a grape into it. It is slightly heavier than water and will sink to the bottom. But gas bubbles, like small balloons, will immediately begin to land on it. Soon there will be so many of them that the grape will float up.

But on the surface the bubbles will burst and the gas will fly away. The heavy grape will sink to the bottom again. Here it will again become covered with gas bubbles and float up again. This will continue several times until the water runs out. This principle is how a real boat floats up and rises. And fish have a swim bladder. When she needs to submerge, the muscles contract, squeezing the bubble. Its volume decreases, the fish goes down. But you need to get up - the muscles relax, the bubble dissolves. It increases and the fish floats up.

"Submarine" No. 2. Egg submarine

Take 3 cans: two half-liter and one liter. Fill one jar clean water and put it in it a raw egg. It will drown.

Pour into the second jar strong solution table salt (2 tablespoons per 0.5 liters of water). Place the second egg there and it will float. This is explained by the fact that salt water is heavier, which is why it is easier to swim in the sea than in a river.

Now place an egg at the bottom of a liter jar. By gradually adding water from both small jars in turn, you can get a solution in which the egg will neither float nor sink. It will remain suspended in the middle of the solution.

When the experiment is completed, you can show the trick. By adding salt water, you will ensure that the egg floats. Adding fresh water will cause the egg to sink. Externally salty and fresh water are no different from each other and it will look amazing.

How to get a coin out of water without getting your hands wet? How to get away with it?

Place a coin in the bottom of a plate and fill it with water. How to take it out without getting your hands wet? The plate must not be tilted. Fold a small piece of newspaper into a ball, set it on fire, throw it into a half-liter jar and immediately place it with the hole down in the water next to the coin. The fire will go out. The heated air will come out of the can, and thanks to the difference atmospheric pressure inside the jar, the water will be drawn into the jar. Now you can take the coin without getting your hands wet.

Lotus flowers

Cut out flowers with long petals from colored paper. Using a pencil, curl the petals towards the center. Now lower the multi-colored lotuses into the water poured into the basin. Literally before your eyes, flower petals will begin to bloom. This happens because the paper gets wet, gradually becomes heavier and the petals open.

Natural magnifying glass

If you need to see a small creature, such as a spider, mosquito or fly, it is very easy to do.

Place the insect in a three-liter jar. Tighten the neck at the top cling film, but do not pull it, but, on the contrary, push it so that a small container is formed. Now tie the film with a rope or elastic band, and pour water into the recess. You will get a wonderful magnifying glass through which you can perfectly see the smallest details.

The same effect will be obtained if you look at an object through a jar of water, fixing it on back wall cans with clear tape.

Water candlestick

Take a short stearin candle and a glass of water. Weight the lower end of the candle with a heated nail (if the nail is cold, the candle will crumble) so that only the wick and the very edge of the candle remain above the surface.

The glass of water in which this candle floats will act as a candlestick. Light the wick and the candle will burn for quite a long time. It seems that it is about to burn down to the water and go out. But this won't happen. The candle will burn out almost to the very end. And besides, a candle in such a candlestick will never cause a fire. The wick will be extinguished with water.

How to get water for drinking?

Dig a hole in the ground about 25 cm deep and 50 cm in diameter. Place an empty plastic container or wide bowl in the center of the hole, and place fresh green grass and leaves around it. Cover the hole with clean plastic wrap and fill the edges with soil to prevent air from escaping from the hole. Place a pebble in the center of the film and lightly press the film over the empty container. The water collecting device is ready.

Leave your design until the evening. Now carefully shake off the soil from the film so that it does not fall into the container (bowl), and look: there is pure water.

Where did she come from? Explain to your child that under the influence of the sun's heat, the grass and leaves began to decompose, releasing heat. Warm air always rises. It settles in the form of evaporation on the cold film and condenses on it in the form of water droplets. This water flowed into your container; remember, you slightly pressed the film and put the stone there.

Now you just have to figure it out interesting story about travelers who went to distant countries and forgot to take water with them, and begin an exciting journey.

Wonderful matches

You will need 5 matches.

Break them in the middle, bend them at a right angle and place them on a saucer.

Place a few drops of water on the folds of the matches. Watch. Gradually the matches will begin to straighten out and form a star.

The reason for this phenomenon, called capillarity, is that wood fibers absorb moisture. It creeps further and further through the capillaries. The tree swells, and its surviving fibers “get fat”, and they can no longer bend much and begin to straighten out.

The head of the wash basins. Making a washbasin is easy

Babies have one peculiarity: they always get dirty when there is even the slightest opportunity. And taking a child home to wash all day is quite troublesome, and besides, children don’t always want to leave the street. Solving this issue is very simple. Make a simple washbasin with your child.

To do this, you need to take a plastic bottle and make a hole on its side surface about 5 cm from the bottom with an awl or nail. The work is finished, the washbasin is ready. Plug the hole with your finger, fill it to the top with water and close the lid. By unscrewing it slightly, you get a trickle of water by screwing it on - you will “close the tap” of your washbasin.

Where did the ink go? Transformations

Add ink or ink to a bottle of water until the solution is pale blue. Place a tablet of crushed activated carbon there. Close the neck with your finger and shake the mixture.

It will brighten before your eyes. The fact is that coal absorbs dye molecules on its surface and it is no longer visible.

Making a cloud

Pour hot water into a three-liter jar (about 2.5 cm). Place a few ice cubes on a baking sheet and place it on top of the jar. The air inside the jar will begin to cool as it rises. The water vapor it contains will condense to form a cloud.

This experiment simulates the process of cloud formation as warm air cools. Where does rain come from? It turns out that the drops, having heated up on the ground, rise upward. There they get cold, and they huddle together, forming clouds. When they meet together, they increase in size, become heavy and fall to the ground as rain.

I don't believe my hands

Prepare three bowls of water: one with cold water, one with room temperature, and the third with hot water. Ask your child to place one hand in a bowl of cold water, the second - with hot water. After a few minutes, have him immerse both hands in room temperature water. Ask if she seems hot or cold to him. Why is there a difference in how your hands feel? Can you always trust your hands?

Water suction

Place the flower in water tinted with any paint. Observe how the color of the flower changes. Explain that the stem has conducting tubes through which water rises to the flower and colors it. This phenomenon of water absorption is called osmosis.

Vaults and tunnels

Glue a tube out of thin paper, slightly larger in diameter than a pencil. Insert a pencil into it. Then carefully fill the pencil tube with sand so that the ends of the tube protrude out. Pull out the pencil and you will see that the tube remains uncrumpled. Grains of sand form protective arches. Insects trapped in sand emerge from under the thick layer unharmed.

Equal share for everyone

Take a regular coat hanger, two identical containers (these can also be large or medium-sized disposable cups and even aluminum drink cans, although the cans need to be trimmed top part). In the upper part of the container on the side, opposite each other, make two holes, insert any rope into them and attach to a hanger, which you hang, for example, on the back of a chair. Balance containers. Now pour berries, candies, or cookies into these improvised scales, and then the children won’t argue about who got the most goodies.

"Good boy and Vanka-Vstanka." Obedient and naughty egg

First, try placing a whole raw egg on the blunt or sharp end. Then start the experiment.

Poke two holes the size of a match head in the ends of the egg and blow out the contents. Rinse the inside thoroughly. Let the shell dry thoroughly from the inside for one to two days. After this, cover the hole with plaster, glue with chalk or whitewash so that it becomes invisible.

Fill the shell about one-quarter full of clean, dry sand. Seal the second hole in the same way as the first. The obedient egg is ready. Now, in order to put it in any position, just shake the egg slightly, holding it in the position that it should take. The grains of sand will move, and the placed egg will maintain balance.

To make a “vanka-vstanka” (tumbler), instead of sand, you need to throw 30-40 pieces of the smallest pellets and pieces of stearin from a candle into the egg. Then put the egg on one end and heat it up. The stearin will melt, and when it hardens, the pellets will stick together and stick them to the shell. Mask the holes in the shell.

It will be impossible to lay the tumbler down. An obedient egg will stand on the table, on the edge of a glass, and on the handle of a knife.

If your child wants, let him paint both eggs or glue funny faces on them.

Boiled or raw?

If there are two eggs on the table, one of which is raw and the other is boiled, how can you determine this? Of course, every housewife will do this with ease, but show this experience to a child - he will be interested.

Of course, he is unlikely to connect this phenomenon with the center of gravity. Explain to him that a boiled egg has a constant center of gravity, so it rotates. And in a raw egg, the internal liquid mass acts as a kind of brake, so the raw egg cannot spin.

“Stop, hands up!”

Take a small plastic jar for medicine, vitamins, etc. Pour some water into it, put any effervescent tablet and close it with a lid (non-screw).

Place it on the table, turning it upside down, and wait. The gas released during the chemical reaction of the tablet and water will push the bottle out, a “rumble” will be heard and the bottle will be thrown up.

"Magic Mirrors" or 1? 3? 5?

Place two mirrors at an angle greater than 90°. Place one apple in the corner.

This is where the real miracle begins, but only just begins. There are three apples. And if you gradually decrease the angle between the mirrors, the number of apples begins to increase.

In other words, the smaller the angle of approach of the mirrors, the more objects will be reflected.

Ask your child if it is possible to make 3, 5, 7 from one apple without using cutting objects. What will he answer you? Now perform the experiment described above.

How to scrub green grass off your knee?

Take fresh leaves of any green plant, put them in a thin-walled glass and pour in a small amount of vodka. Place the glass in a pan of hot water (on water bath), but not directly to the bottom, but onto some kind of wooden circle. When the water in the saucepan has cooled, use tweezers to remove the leaves from the glass. They will become discolored, and the vodka will turn emerald green, as chlorophyll, the green dye of plants, has been released from the leaves. It helps plants “feed” on solar energy.

This experience will be useful in life. For example, if a child accidentally stains his knees or hands with grass, you can wipe them off with alcohol or cologne.

Where did the smell go?

Take the corn sticks, put them in a jar that has previously had a drop of cologne in it, and close it with a tight lid. After 10 minutes, opening the lid, you will not feel the smell: it was absorbed by the porous substance of the corn sticks. This absorption of color or odor is called adsorption.

What is elasticity?

Take a small rubber ball in one hand and a plasticine ball of the same size in the other. Throw them onto the floor from the same height.

How did the ball and ball behave, what changes happened to them after the fall? Why doesn't the plasticine bounce, but the ball does - maybe because it's round, or because it's red, or because it's rubber?

Invite your child to be the ball. Touch the baby's head with your hand, and let him sit down a little, bending his knees, and when you remove your hand, let the child straighten his legs and jump. Let the baby bounce like a ball. Then explain to the child that the same thing happens to the ball as to him: he bends his knees, and the ball is pressed in a little, when it falls to the floor, he straightens his knees and jumps, and what was pressed in the ball is straightened. The ball is elastic.

But a plasticine or wooden ball is not elastic. Tell your child: “I will touch your head with my hand, but you don’t bend your knees, you won’t be elastic.”

Touch the child’s head, but don’t let him bounce like a wooden ball. If you don't bend your knees, then it's impossible to jump. You can’t straighten knees that aren’t bent. A wooden ball, when it falls on the floor, is not pressed in, which means it does not straighten out, which is why it does not bounce. It's not elastic.

The concept of electric charges

Inflate a small balloon. Rub the ball on wool or fur, or even better, on your hair, and you will see how the ball begins to stick to literally every object in the room: to the closet, to the wall, and most importantly, to the child.

This is explained by the fact that all objects have a certain electrical charge. As a result of contact between two various materials electrical discharges are separated.

Dancing foil

Cut aluminum foil (the shiny wrapper from chocolate or candy) into very narrow, long strips. Run the comb through your hair and then bring it close to the sections.

The stripes will begin to “dance”. This attracts positive and negative electrical charges to each other.

Hanging on your head, or Is it possible to hang on your head?

Make a light top out of cardboard by placing it on a thin stick. Sharpen the lower end of the stick, and insert a tailor's pin (with a metal, not a plastic head) deeper into the upper end so that only the head is visible.

Descendants of Sherlock Holmes, or In the Footsteps of Sherlock Holmes

Mix stove soot with talcum powder. Have the child breathe on a finger and press it to a piece of white paper. Sprinkle this area with the prepared black mixture. Shake the sheet of paper until the mixture well covers the area where your finger was applied. Pour the remaining powder back into the jar. There will be a clear fingerprint on the sheet.

This is explained by the fact that we always have some fat from the subcutaneous glands on our skin. Everything we touch leaves an imperceptible mark. And the mixture we made sticks well to fat. Thanks to black soot, it makes the print visible.

It's more fun together

Cut a circle out of thick cardboard around the rim of the tea cup. On one side, in the left half of the circle, draw a figure of a boy, and on the other side, a figure of a girl, which should be located upside down in relation to the boy. Make a small hole on the left and right of the cardboard, insert the elastic bands in loops.

Now stretch the elastic bands different sides. The cardboard circle will spin quickly, the pictures from different sides will align, and you will see two figures standing next to each other.

The secret jam thief. Or maybe it's Carlson?

Chop the pencil lead with a knife. Let the child rub the prepared powder on his finger. Now you need to press your finger to a piece of tape, and stick the tape to white sheet paper - your baby's fingerprint will be visible on it. Now we will find out whose fingerprints were left on the jam jar. Or maybe it was Carlosson who flew in?

Unusual drawing

Give your child a piece of clean, light-colored fabric (white, blue, pink, light green).

Pick some petals from different colors: yellow, orange, red, blue, blue, and green leaves of different shades. Just remember that some plants are poisonous, such as aconite.

Sprinkle this mixture onto a cloth placed on a cutting board. You can either spontaneously sprinkle petals and leaves or build a planned composition. Cover it with plastic wrap, secure the sides with buttons and roll it all out with a rolling pin or tap the fabric with a hammer. Shake off the used “paints”, stretch the fabric over thin plywood and insert it into the frame. The masterpiece of the young talent is ready!

It turned out wonderful gift mother and grandmother.


Prepared by: teacher Nurullina G.R.


1. Help children get to know the world around them better.

2. Create favorable conditions for sensory perception, improvement of such vital mental processes as sensations, which are the first steps in understanding the world around us.

3. Develop fine motor skills and tactile sensitivity, learn to listen to your feelings and pronounce them.

4. Teach children to explore water in different states.

5. Through games and experiments, teach children to determine physical properties water.

6. Teach children to make independent conclusions based on the results of the examination.

7. Nurture the moral and spiritual qualities of a child during his communication with nature.


Note to the teacher: You can buy equipment for conducting experiments in kindergarten in a specialized store " Kindergarten»

Experiment No. 1. “Coloring water.”

Purpose: Identify the properties of water: water can be warm and cold, some substances dissolve in water. The more of this substance, the more intense the color; The warmer the water, the faster the substance dissolves.

Materials: Containers with water (cold and warm), paint, stirring sticks, measuring cups.

An adult and children examine 2-3 objects in the water and find out why they are clearly visible (the water is clear). Next, find out how to color the water (add paint). An adult offers to color the water themselves (in cups with warm and cold water). In which cup will the paint dissolve faster? (In a glass with warm water). How will the water color if there is more dye? (The water will become more colored).

Experiment No. 2. “Water has no color, but it can be colored.”

Open the tap and offer to watch the flowing water. Pour water into several glasses. What color is the water? (Water has no color, it is transparent). Water can be colored by adding paint to it. (Children observe the coloring of the water). What color did the water become? (Red, blue, yellow, red). The color of the water depends on what color of dye was added to the water.

Conclusion: What did we learn today? What can happen to water if you add paint to it? (Water easily turns into any color).

Experiment No. 3. “Playing with colors.”

Purpose: To introduce the process of dissolving paint in water (at random and with stirring); develop observation and intelligence.

Materials: Two jars of clean water, paints, a spatula, a cloth napkin.

Colors like a rainbow

Children are delighted with their beauty

Orange, yellow, red,

Blue, green - different!

Add some red paint to a jar of water, what happens? (the paint will dissolve slowly and unevenly).

Add a little blue paint to another jar of water and stir. What's happening? (the paint will dissolve evenly).

Children mix water from two jars. What's happening? (when blue and red paint were combined, the water in the jar turned brown).

Conclusion: A drop of paint, if not stirred, dissolves in water slowly and unevenly, but when stirred, it dissolves evenly.

Experience No. 4. “Everyone needs water.”

Purpose: To give children an idea of ​​the role of water in plant life.

Progress: The teacher asks the children what will happen to the plant if it is not watered (it dries out). Plants need water. Look. Let's take 2 peas. Place one on a saucer in a wet cotton pad, and the second on another saucer in a dry cotton pad. Let's leave the peas for a few days. One pea, which was in a cotton wool with water, had a sprout, but the other did not. Children are clearly convinced of the role of water in the development and growth of plants.

Experiment No. 5. “A droplet walks in a circle.”

Goal: To give children basic knowledge about the water cycle in nature.

Procedure: Let's take two bowls of water - a large and a small one, put them on the windowsill and watch from which bowl the water disappears faster. When there is no water in one of the bowls, discuss with the children where the water went? What could have happened to her? (droplets of water constantly travel: they fall to the ground with rain, run in streams; they water plants, under the rays of the sun they return home again - to the clouds from which they once came to earth in the form of rain.)

Experiment No. 6. “Warm and cold water».

Purpose: To clarify children’s understanding that water comes in different temperatures - cold and hot; You can find out if you touch the water with your hands; soap lathers in any water: water and soap wash away dirt.

Material: Soap, water: cold, hot in basins, rag.

Procedure: The teacher invites the children to wash their hands with dry soap and without water. Then he offers to wet your hands and soap in a basin of cold water. He clarifies: the water is cold, transparent, soap is washed in it, after washing hands the water becomes opaque and dirty.

Then he suggests rinsing your hands in a basin of hot water.

Conclusion: Water is a good helper for humans.

Experiment No. 7. “When does it pour, when does it drip?”

Goal: Continue to introduce the properties of water; develop observation skills; consolidate knowledge of safety rules when handling glass objects.

Material: Pipette, two beakers, plastic bag, sponge, socket.

Procedure: The teacher invites the children to play with water and makes a hole in the bag of water. Children lift it above the socket. What's happening? (water drips, hitting the surface of the water, the droplets make sounds). Add a few drops from a pipette. When does water drip faster: from a pipette or a bag? Why?

Children pour water from one beaker to another. Watch when faster water Does it pour when it drips or when it pours?

Children immerse a sponge in a beaker of water and take it out. What's happening? (water first flows out, then drips).

Experiment No. 8. “Which bottle will the water be poured into faster?”

Goal: Continue to introduce the properties of water, objects of different sizes, develop ingenuity, and teach how to follow safety rules when handling glass objects.

Material: Water bath, two bottles different sizes– with a narrow and wide neck, a fabric napkin.

Progress: What song does the water sing? (Glug, glug, glug).

Let's listen to two songs at once: which one is better?

Children compare bottles by size: look at the shape of the neck of each of them; immerse a wide-necked bottle in water, looking at the clock to note how long it will take for it to fill with water; immerse a bottle with a narrow neck in water and note how many minutes it will take to fill it.

Find out from which bottle the water will pour out faster: a large one or a small one? Why?

Children immerse two bottles in water at once. What's happening? (water does not fill the bottles evenly)

Experiment No. 9. “What happens to steam when it cools?”

Purpose: Show children that steam in a room, cooling, turns into droplets of water; outside (in the cold) it becomes frost on the branches of trees and bushes.

Procedure: The teacher offers to touch the window glass to make sure that it is cold, then invites three children to breathe on the glass at one point. Observe how the glass fogs up and then a drop of water forms.

Conclusion: The vapor from breathing on cold glass turns into water.

During the walk, the teacher takes out a freshly boiled kettle, places it under the branches of a tree or bush, opens the lid and everyone watches how the branches are “overgrown” with frost.

Experiment No. 10. “Friends.”

Purpose: To introduce the composition of water (oxygen); develop ingenuity and curiosity.

Material: Glass and bottle of water, closed with a cork, cloth napkin.

Procedure: Place a glass of water in the sun for a few minutes. What's happening? (bubbles form on the walls of the glass - this is oxygen).

Shake the water bottle as hard as you can. What's happening? (a large number of bubbles have formed)

Conclusion: Water contains oxygen; it “appears” in the form of small bubbles; when water moves, more bubbles appear; Oxygen is needed by those who live in water.

Experiment No. 11. “Where did the water go?”

Purpose: To identify the process of water evaporation, the dependence of the evaporation rate on conditions (open and closed water surface).

Material: Two identical measuring containers.

Children pour an equal amount of water into containers; together with the teacher they make a level mark; one jar is closed tightly with a lid, the other is left open; Both jars are placed on the windowsill.

The evaporation process is observed for a week, making marks on the walls of the containers and recording the results in an observation diary. They discuss whether the amount of water has changed (the water level has become lower than the mark), where the water from the open jar has disappeared (water particles have risen from the surface into the air). When the container is closed, evaporation is weak (water particles cannot evaporate from the closed container).

Experiment No. 12. “Where does water come from?”

Purpose: To introduce the condensation process.

Material: Hot water container, cooled metal lid.

An adult covers a container of water with a cold lid. After some time, children are asked to consider inner side cover, touch it with your hand. They find out where the water comes from (water particles rose from the surface, they could not evaporate from the jar and settled on the lid). The adult suggests repeating the experiment, but with a warm lid. Children observe that there is no water on the warm lid, and with the help of the teacher they conclude: the process of turning steam into water occurs when the steam cools.

Experiment No. 13. “Which puddle will dry up faster?”

Guys, do you remember what remains after the rain? (Puddles). The rain is sometimes very heavy, and after it there are big puddles, and after a little rain the puddles are: (small). Offers to see which puddle will dry faster - large or small. (The teacher spills water on the asphalt, creating puddles of different sizes). Why did the small puddle dry up faster? (There is less water there). And large puddles sometimes take a whole day to dry up.

Conclusion: What did we learn today? Which puddle dries out faster - big or small? (A small puddle dries faster).

Experiment No. 14. “Game of hide and seek.”

Goal: Continue to introduce the properties of water; develop observation, ingenuity, perseverance.

Material: Two plexiglass plates, a pipette, cups with clear and colored water.

One two three four five!

We'll look for a little bit

Appeared from a pipette

Dissolved on the glass...

Apply a drop of water from a pipette onto dry glass. Why doesn't it spread? (the dry surface of the plate interferes)

Children tilt the plate. What's happening? (drop flows slowly)

Moisten the surface of the plate, drop a drop onto it from a pipette clear water. What's happening? (it will “dissolve” on a damp surface and become invisible)

Apply a drop of colored water to the damp surface of the plate using a pipette. What will happen? (colored water will dissolve in clear water)

Conclusion: When a transparent drop falls into water, it disappears; a drop of colored water on wet glass is visible.

Experiment No. 15. “How to push water out?”

Purpose: To form the idea that the water level rises if objects are placed in the water.

Material: Measuring container with water, pebbles, object in the container.

The children are given the task: to get an object from the container without putting their hands in the water and without using various assistant objects (for example, a net). If the children find it difficult to decide, the teacher suggests placing pebbles in the vessel until the water level reaches the brim.

Conclusion: Pebbles, filling the container, push out water.

Experiment No. 16. “Where does frost come from?”

Equipment: Thermos with hot water, plate.

Take a thermos with hot water for a walk. When children open it, they will see steam. You need to hold a cold plate over the steam. Children see how steam turns into water droplets. This steamed plate is then left for the rest of the walk. At the end of the walk, children can easily see frost forming on it. The experience should be supplemented with a story about how precipitation is formed on earth.

Conclusion: When heated, water turns into steam, when cooled, steam turns into water, water into frost.

Experiment No. 17. “Melting ice.”

Equipment: Plate, bowls of hot and cold water, ice cubes, spoon, watercolor paints, strings, various molds.

The teacher offers to guess where the ice will melt faster - in a bowl of cold water or in a bowl of hot water. He lays out the ice and the children watch the changes taking place. The time is recorded using numbers that are laid out near the bowls, and the children draw conclusions. Children are invited to look at a colored piece of ice. What kind of ice? How is this piece of ice made? Why is the string holding on? (Frozen to the ice.)

How can you get colorful water? Children add colored paints of their choice to the water, pour them into molds (everyone has different molds) and place them on trays in the cold.

Experiment No. 18. “Frozen water.”

Equipment: Pieces of ice, cold water, plates, a picture of an iceberg.

In front of the children is a bowl of water. They discuss what kind of water it is, what shape it is. Water changes shape because it is liquid. Can water be solid? What happens to water if it is cooled too much? (The water will turn into ice.)

Examine the pieces of ice. How is ice different from water? Can ice be poured like water? The children are trying to do this. What shape is the ice? Ice retains its shape. Anything that retains its shape, like ice, is called a solid.

Does ice float? The teacher puts a piece of ice in a bowl and the children watch. How much ice floats? (Upper.) Huge blocks of ice float in the cold seas. They are called icebergs (show picture). Only the tip of the iceberg is visible above the surface. And if the captain of the ship does not notice and stumbles upon the underwater part of the iceberg, then the ship may sink.

The teacher draws the children's attention to the ice that was in the plate. What happened? Why did the ice melt? (The room is warm.) What has the ice turned into? What is ice made of?

Experiment No. 19. “Water Mill”.

Equipment: Toy water mill, basin, jug with coda, rag, aprons according to the number of children.

Grandfather Znay talks with children about why water is needed for people. During the conversation, the children remember its properties. Can water make other things work? After the children’s answers, grandfather Znay shows them a water mill. What is this? How to make the mill work? Children put on aprons and roll up their sleeves; take a jug of water right hand, and with the left they support it near the spout and pour water onto the blades of the mill, directing the stream of water to the center of the blade. What do we see? Why is the mill moving? What sets it in motion? Water drives the mill.

Children play with a mill.

It is noted that if you pour water in a small stream, the mill works slowly, and if you pour it in a large stream, the mill works faster.

Experiment No. 20. “Steam is also water.”

Equipment: Mug with boiling water, glass.

Take a mug of boiling water so the children can see the steam. Place glass over the steam; water droplets form on it.

Conclusion: Water turns into steam, and steam then turns into water.

Experiment No. 21. “Transparency of ice.”

Equipment: water molds, small items.

The teacher invites the children to walk along the edge of the puddle and listen to the ice crunch. (Where there is a lot of water, the ice is hard, durable, and does not break underfoot.) Reinforces the idea that ice is transparent. To do this, place small objects in a transparent container, fill it with water and place it outside the window overnight. In the morning, they examine frozen objects through the ice.

Conclusion: Objects are visible through ice because it is transparent.

Experiment No. 22. “Why is the snow soft?”

Equipment: Spatulas, buckets, magnifying glass, black velvet paper.

Invite the children to watch the snow spin and fall. Let the children scoop up the snow and then use buckets to carry it into a pile for the slide. Children note that buckets of snow are very light, but in the summer they carried sand in them, and it was heavy. Then the children look at the snow flakes that fall on the black velvet paper through a magnifying glass. They see that these are separate snowflakes linked together. And between the snowflakes there is air, which is why the snow is fluffy and so easy to lift.

Conclusion: Snow is lighter than sand, since it consists of snowflakes with a lot of air between them. Children complement from personal experience, they call what is heavier than snow: water, earth, sand and much more.

Please pay attention to the fact that the shape of snowflakes changes depending on the weather: in severe frost, snowflakes fall out in the shape of solid, large stars; in mild frost they resemble white hard balls, which are called cereals; at strong wind Very small snowflakes are flying because their rays are broken. If you walk through the snow in the cold, you can hear it creaking. Read K. Balmont’s poem “Snowflake” to the children.

Experiment No. 23. “Why does snow warm?”

Equipment: Spatulas, two bottles of warm water.

Invite children to remember how their parents protect plants from frost in the garden or at the dacha. (Cover them with snow). Ask the children whether it is necessary to compact and pat down the snow near the trees? (No). And why? (In loose snow, there is a lot of air and it retains heat better).

This can be checked. Before your walk, pour warm water into two identical bottles and seal them. Invite the children to touch them and make sure that the water in both of them is warm. Then at the site one of the bottles is placed on open place, the other is buried in the snow without slamming it down. At the end of the walk, both bottles are placed side by side and compared, in which the water has cooled more, and find out in which bottle ice appeared on the surface.

Conclusion: The water in the bottle under the snow has cooled less, which means the snow retains heat.

Pay attention to the children how easy it is to breathe on a frosty day. Ask the children to say why? This is because falling snow picks up tiny particles of dust from the air, which is present even in winter. And the air becomes clean and fresh.

Experiment No. 24. “How to get drinking water from salt water.”

Pour water into a basin, add two tablespoons of salt, stir. To the bottom of the empty plastic glass put the washed pebbles and lower the glass into the basin so that it does not float up, but its edges are above the water level. Pull the film over the top and tie it around the pelvis. Press the film in the center above the cup and place another pebble in the recess. Place the basin in the sun. After a few hours, unsalted, clean water will accumulate in the glass. Conclusion: water evaporates in the sun, condensation remains on the film and flows into an empty glass, salt does not evaporate and remains in the basin.

Experiment No. 25. “Snow Melting.”

Goal: To bring to the understanding that snow melts from any heat source.

Progress: Watch the snow melt on warm hand, mitten, on a battery, on a heating pad, etc.

Conclusion: Snow melts from heavy air coming from any system.

Experiment No. 26. “How to get drinking water?”

Dig a hole in the ground about 25 cm deep and 50 cm in diameter. Place an empty plastic container or wide bowl in the center of the hole, and place fresh green grass and leaves around it. Cover the hole with clean plastic wrap and fill the edges with soil to prevent air from escaping from the hole. Place a pebble in the center of the film and lightly press the film over the empty container. The water collecting device is ready.
Leave your design until the evening. Now carefully shake off the soil from the film so that it does not fall into the container (bowl), and look: there is clean water in the bowl. Where did she come from? Explain to your child that under the influence of the sun's heat, the grass and leaves began to decompose, releasing heat. Warm air always goes up. It settles in the form of evaporation on the cold film and condenses on it in the form of water droplets. This water flowed into your container; remember, you slightly pressed the film and put a stone there. Now all you have to do is come up with an interesting story about travelers who went to distant countries and forgot to take water with them, and begin an exciting journey.

Experiment No. 27. “Is it possible to drink melt water?”

Goal: To show that even the most seemingly clean snow is dirtier than tap water.

Procedure: Take two light plates, put snow in one, pour regular plates into the other tap water. After the snow has melted, examine the water in the plates, compare it and find out which of them contained snow (identify by the debris at the bottom). Make sure that the snow is dirty melt water and not suitable for people to drink. But, melt water can be used to water plants, and it can also be given to animals.

Experiment No. 28. “Is it possible to glue paper with water?”

Let's take two sheets of paper. We move one in one direction, the other in the other. We moisten it with water, squeeze it slightly, try to move it - unsuccessfully. Conclusion: water has a gluing effect.

Experiment No. 29. “The ability of water to reflect surrounding objects.”

Purpose: To show that water reflects surrounding objects.

Procedure: Bring a bowl of water into the group. Invite the children to look at what is reflected in the water. Ask the children to find their reflection, to remember where else they saw their reflection.

Conclusion: Water reflects surrounding objects, it can be used as a mirror.

Experiment No. 30. “Water can pour, or it can splash.”

Pour water into the watering can. The teacher demonstrates watering indoor plants(1-2). What happens to the water when I tilt the watering can? (Water is pouring). Where does the water come from? (From the spout of a watering can?). Show the kids special device for spraying - a spray bottle (children can be told that this is a special spray bottle). It is needed to spray on flowers in hot weather. We spray and refresh the leaves, they breathe easier. Flowers take a shower. Offer to observe the spraying process. Please note that the droplets are very similar to dust because they are very small. Offer to place your palms and spray them. What are your palms like? (Wet). Why? (Water was splashed on them.) Today we watered the plants and sprinkled water on them.

Conclusion: What did we learn today? What can happen to water? (Water can flow or splash.)

Experiment No. 31. “Wet wipes dry faster in the sun than in the shade.”

Wet the napkins in a container of water or under the tap. Invite children to touch the napkins. What kind of napkins? (Wet, damp). Why did they become like this? (They were soaked in water). Dolls will come to visit us and we will need dry napkins to put on the table. What to do? (Dry). Where do you think napkins will dry faster - in the sun or in the shade? You can check this while walking: hang one on sunny side, the other - on the shadow one. Which napkin dried faster - the one hanging in the sun or the one hanging in the shade? (In the sun).

Conclusion: What did we learn today? Where does laundry dry faster? (Laundry dries faster in the sun than in the shade).

Experiment No. 32. “Plants breathe easier if the soil is watered and loosened.”

Offer to look at the soil in the flowerbed and touch it. What does it feel like? (Dry, hard). Can I loosen it with a stick? Why did she become like this? Why is it so dry? (The sun dried it out). In such soil, plants have trouble breathing. Now we will water the plants in the flowerbed. After watering: feel the soil in the flowerbed. What is she like now? (Wet). Does the stick go into the ground easily? Now we will loosen it, and the plants will begin to breathe.

Conclusion: What did we learn today? When do plants breathe easier? (Plants breathe easier if the soil is watered and loosened).

Experiment No. 33. “Your hands will become cleaner if you wash them with water.”

Offer to make sand figures using molds. Draw children's attention to the fact that their hands have become dirty. What to do? Maybe we should dust off our palms? Or shall we blow on them? Are your palms clean? How to clean sand from your hands? (Wash with water). The teacher suggests doing this.

Conclusion: What did we learn today? (Your hands will become cleaner if you wash them with water.)

Experiment No. 34. “Helper water.”

There were crumbs and tea stains on the table after breakfast. Guys, after breakfast the tables were still dirty. It’s not very pleasant to sit down at such tables again. What to do? (Wash). How? (Water and a cloth). Or maybe you can do without water? Let's try wiping the tables with a dry cloth. I managed to collect the crumbs, but the stains remained. What to do? (Wet the napkin with water and rub well). The teacher shows the process of washing tables and invites the children to wash the tables themselves. Emphasizes the role of water during washing. Are the tables now clean?

Conclusion: What did we learn today? When do tables become very clean after eating? (If you wash them with water and a cloth).

Experiment No. 35. “Water can turn into ice, and ice turns into water.”

Pour water into a glass. What do we know about water? What kind of water? (Liquid, transparent, colorless, odorless and tasteless). Now pour the water into the molds and put it in the refrigerator. What happened to the water? (She froze, turned into ice). Why? (The refrigerator is very cold). Leave the molds with ice in a warm place for a while. What will happen to the ice? Why? (The room is warm.) Water turns into ice, and ice into water.

Conclusion: What did we learn today? When does water turn to ice? (When it is very cold). When does ice turn into water? (When it is very warm).

Experiment No. 36. “Fluidity of water.”

Purpose: To show that water has no shape, spills, flows.

Procedure: Take 2 glasses filled with water, as well as 2-3 objects made of hard material(cube, ruler, wooden spoon, etc.) determine the shape of these objects. Ask the question: “Does water have a form?” Invite children to find the answer on their own by pouring water from one vessel to another (cup, saucer, bottle, etc.). Remember where and how puddles spill.

Conclusion: Water has no shape, it takes the shape of the vessel into which it is poured, that is, it can easily change shape.

Experiment No. 37. “The life-giving properties of water.”

Purpose: To show the important property of water - to give life to living things.

Progress: Observation of cut tree branches placed in water, they come to life and give roots. Observation of the germination of identical seeds in two saucers: empty and with damp cotton wool. Observing the germination of a bulb in a dry jar and a jar with water.

Conclusion: Water gives life to living things.

Experiment No. 38. “Ice melting in water.”

Purpose: Show the relationship between quantity and quality from size.

Procedure: Place a large and small “ice floe” in a bowl of water. Ask the children which one will melt faster. Listen to hypotheses.

Conclusion: The larger the ice floe, the slower it melts, and vice versa.

Experiment No. 39. “What does water smell like?”

Three glasses (sugar, salt, clean water). Add a solution of valerian to one of them. There is a smell. The water begins to smell of the substances that are added to it.

If you want to awaken an interest in science in your children, but the teacher at school cannot cope with this (and in reality he simply does not care), then you do not have to hit your child over the head with a book or hire tutors. You, as a responsible parent, can conduct interesting and colorful scientific experiments right at home using available materials.

A little imagination, and entertainment for the children who came to your child’s birthday party is ready.

1. Walking on chicken eggs

Even though the eggs look very fragile, their shells are stronger than they look. If the pressure on the shell is distributed evenly, it can withstand very heavy loads. This can be used to show children a fun trick involving walking on eggs, and also explain to them how it works.

Although we assume that the experiment will be successful, it doesn’t hurt to be on the safe side, so it’s better to cover the floor with oilcloth or lay out garbage bags. Place a couple of trays of eggs on top, making sure that there are no defective or cracked ones. Also make sure that the eggs are positioned equally, otherwise the load will not be distributed evenly.

Now you can carefully stand on the eggs barefoot, trying to distribute your weight evenly. The same principle is used in walking on nails or glass, but this should not be repeated with children. Don't repeat it at all.

2. Non-Newtonian fluid

Most liquids on the planet practically do not change their viscosity when the force that is applied to them changes. However, there are liquids that become almost solid when the force increases, and they are called non-Newtonian. You can make them right at home from available materials. Show this experience to your child and he will be happy.

To make a non-Newtonian liquid, pour a glass of starch into a deep bowl and fill it with water in a 1:1 ratio. You can add food coloring for beauty. Start stirring it all slowly until the mixture turns into a homogeneous mass.

If you slowly scoop up such liquid with your hand, it will simply flow through your fingers. But as soon as you apply force to it at speed or hit it sharply, it immediately becomes hard. This will be a great toy for your child to use for the next few hours.

3. Bouncing coin

Very interesting experience, as well as focus, if you want to convince others of your paranormal abilities. For this experiment at home, we will need a regular bottle, as well as a coin that is slightly larger in diameter than the neck.

Cool the bottle in the refrigerator, or better yet, in freezer. After this, moisten its neck with water and place a coin on top. You can put your hands on the bottle for effect, warming it. The air inside the bottle will begin to expand and escape through the neck, throwing the coin into the air.

4. Volcano at home

The combination of baking soda and vinegar is a win-win option, if you decide to impress children. Just make a small volcano out of plasticine or clay on a plate, and pour a few teaspoons of soda into its hole, pour in some warm water and add red food coloring for decoration. After this, pour a small amount of vinegar into the mouth and observe the reaction.

5. Lava Falls

Very effective and simple scientific experience, which allows children to demonstrate the principle of interaction of liquids with different masses and densities.
Take a tall, narrow container (a flower vase or just a plastic bottle will do). Pour several glasses of water and a glass of vegetable oil into the vessel. Add bright food coloring to make the experiment more visual and prepare a tablespoon of salt.

At first, the oil will float on the surface of the vessel because it has a lower density. Begin to slowly pour the salt into the vessel. The oil will begin to sink to the bottom, but when it reaches it, the salt will be freed from the viscous liquid, and the oil particles will begin to rise to the top again, like grains of hot lava.

6. Money doesn't burn

This experience is suitable for wealthy people who have nothing left to burn but money. A great trick to surprise children and adults. Of course, there is a risk of failing the performance, so please respect the time limits.

Take any bill (depending on your capabilities) and soak it in a salted solution of alcohol and water in a 1:1 ratio. Make sure that the bill is completely saturated, after which you can remove it from the liquid. Secure the bill in some holder and set it on fire.

Alcohol boils at a fairly low temperature and begins to evaporate much faster than water. Therefore, all the fuel will evaporate before the bill itself catches fire.

7. Experiment with colored milk

For this fun experience we will need full fat milk, several food colors of different colors and detergent.

Pour the milk into a plate and add a few drops of coloring in different places in the container. Take a drop of detergent on your fingertip or soak a cotton swab and touch the surface of the milk directly in the center of the plate. Watch how the dyes begin to mix effectively.

As you might have guessed, detergent and grease don't mix, and when you touch the surface, a reaction begins that causes the molecules to move.

Summary: Chemical experience - invisible ink. Experiments with citric acid and soda. Experiments with surface tension on water. Mighty shell. Teach an egg to swim. Animation. Experiments with optical illusions.

Does your baby love everything mysterious, enigmatic and unusual? Then be sure to carry out the simple but very interesting experiments described in this article with him. Most of them will surprise and even puzzle the child, giving him the opportunity to see for himself in practice the unusual properties of ordinary objects, phenomena, their interaction with each other, understand the reason for what is happening and thereby gain practical experience.

Your son or daughter will certainly earn the respect of their peers by showing them experiments like magic tricks. For example, they can make cold water “boil” or use a lemon to launch a homemade rocket. Such entertainment can be included in the birthday program for children of preschool and primary school age.

Invisible ink

To conduct the experiment you will need: half a lemon, cotton wool, a match, a cup of water, a sheet of paper.
1. Squeeze the juice from the lemon into a cup and add the same amount of water.
2. Dip a match or a toothpick with cotton wool wrapped into the solution lemon juice and water and write something on paper with this match.
3. When the “ink” is dry, heat the paper over the switched on table lamp. Previously invisible words will appear on paper.

Lemon inflates a balloon

To conduct the experiment you will need: 1 tsp baking soda, lemon juice, 3 tbsp. vinegar, balloon, electrical tape, glass and bottle, funnel.
1. Pour water into a bottle and dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda in it.

2. In a separate bowl, mix lemon juice and 3 tablespoons of vinegar and pour into a bottle through a funnel.

3. Quickly place the ball on the neck of the bottle and secure it tightly with electrical tape.
Look what's happening! Baking soda and lemon juice mixed with vinegar come into chemical reaction, release carbon dioxide and create pressure that inflates the balloon.

Lemon launches a rocket into space

To conduct the experiment you will need: a bottle (glass), a wine bottle cork, colored paper, glue, 3 tbsp lemon juice, 1 tsp. baking soda, a piece toilet paper.

1. Cut it out of colored paper and glue it on both sides wine cork strips of paper to make a mock-up of a rocket. We try on the “rocket” on the bottle so that the cork fits into the neck of the bottle without effort.

2. Pour and mix water and lemon juice in a bottle.

3. Wrap the baking soda in a piece of toilet paper so that you can stick it into the neck of the bottle and wrap it with thread.

4. Place the bag of soda into the bottle and plug it with a rocket stopper, but not too tightly.

5. Place the bottle on a plane and move away to a safe distance. Our rocket will fly up with a loud bang. Just don't put it under the chandelier!

Running toothpicks

To conduct the experiment you will need: a bowl of water, 8 wooden toothpicks, a pipette, a piece of refined sugar (not instant), dishwashing liquid.

1. Place toothpicks in rays in a bowl of water.

2. Carefully lower a piece of sugar into the center of the bowl; the toothpicks will begin to gather towards the center.
3. Remove the sugar with a teaspoon and drop a few drops of dishwashing liquid into the center of the bowl with a pipette - the toothpicks will “scatter”!
What's going on? The sugar absorbs the water, creating a movement that moves the toothpicks towards the center. The soap, spreading over the water, carries along the water particles, and they cause the toothpicks to scatter. Explain to the children that you showed them a trick, and all tricks are based on certain natural physical phenomena which they will study at school.

Mighty Shell

To conduct the experiment you will need: 4 halves eggshells, scissors, narrow adhesive tape, several full tin cans.
1. Wrap some tape around the middle of each eggshell half.

2. Using scissors, cut off the excess shell so that the edges are even.

3. Place the four halves of the shell with the dome up so that they form a square.
4. Carefully place a jar on top, then another and another... until the shell bursts.

How many jars could the fragile shells bear? Add up the weight indicated on the labels and find out how many cans you can put in to make the trick a success. The secret of strength is in the dome-shaped shape of the shell.

Teach an egg to swim

To conduct the experiment you will need: a raw egg, a glass of water, a few tablespoons of salt.
1. Place a raw egg in a glass with a clean tap water- the egg will sink to the bottom of the glass.
2. Take the egg out of the glass and dissolve a few tablespoons of salt in the water.
3. Place the egg in a glass of salted water - the egg will remain floating on the surface of the water.

Salt increases the density of water. The more salt there is in the water, the more difficult it is to drown in it. In the famous Dead Sea, the water is so salty that a person can lie on its surface without any effort, without fear of drowning.

"Bait" for ice

To carry out the experiment you will need: thread, ice cube, glass of water, pinch of salt.

Bet a friend that you can use a thread to remove an ice cube from a glass of water without getting your hands wet.

1. Place the ice in the water.

2. Place the thread on the edge of the glass so that one end of it lies on an ice cube floating on the surface of the water.

3. Sprinkle some salt on the ice and wait 5-10 minutes.
4. Take the free end of the thread and pull out the ice cube from the glass.

Salt, once on the ice, slightly melts a small area of ​​it. Within 5-10 minutes, the salt dissolves in water, and clean water on the surface of the ice freezes along with the thread.

Can cold water “boil”?

To conduct the experiment you will need: a thick handkerchief, a glass of water, and a rubber band.

1. Wet and wring out the handkerchief.

2. Let's pour full glass cold water.

3. Cover the glass with a scarf and secure it to the glass with a rubber band.

4. Press the middle of the scarf with your finger so that it is immersed in water by 2-3 cm.
5. Turn the glass upside down over the sink.
6. Hold the glass with one hand and lightly hit the bottom with the other. The water in the glass begins to bubble (“boil”).
A wet scarf does not allow water to pass through. When we hit the glass, a vacuum is formed in it, and air begins to flow through the handkerchief into the water, sucked in by the vacuum. It is these air bubbles that create the impression that the water is “boiling.”

Pipette straw

To conduct the experiment you will need: a cocktail straw, 2 glasses.

1. Place 2 glasses next to each other: one with water, the other empty.

2. Place the straw in the water.

3. Pinch the straw on top with your index finger and transfer it to the empty glass.

4. Remove your finger from the straw - the water will flow into the empty glass. By doing the same thing several times, we will be able to transfer all the water from one glass to another.

A pipette, which you probably have in your home medicine cabinet, works on the same principle.


To conduct the experiment you will need: a wide cocktail straw and scissors.
1. Flatten the end of the straw about 15 mm long and trim its edges with scissors.
2. At the other end of the straw, cut 3 small holes at the same distance from each other.
So we got a “flute”. If you blow lightly into a straw, slightly squeezing it with your teeth, the “flute” will begin to sound. If you close one or the other hole of the “flute” with your fingers, the sound will change. Now let's try to find some melody.

Rapier straw

To conduct the experiment you will need: raw potatoes and 2 thin cocktail straws.
1. Put the potatoes on the table. Let's hold the straw in our fist and with a sharp movement try to stick the straw into the potato. The straw will bend, but will not pierce the potato.
2. Take the second straw. Close the hole at the top with your thumb.

3. Sharply lower the straw. It will easily enter the potato and pierce it.

The air that we pressed inside the straw with our thumb makes it elastic and does not allow it to bend, so it easily pierces the potato.

Bird in a cage

To conduct the experiment you will need: a piece of thick cardboard, a compass, scissors, colored pencils or markers, thick thread, a needle and a ruler.
1. Cut out a circle of any diameter from cardboard.
2. Use a needle to pierce two holes in the circle.
3. Drag a thread approximately 50 cm long through the holes on each side.
4. On front side Let's draw a birdcage around the circle, and on the back - a small bird.
5. Rotate the cardboard circle, holding it by the ends of the threads. The threads will spin. Now let's pull their ends in different directions. The threads will unwind and rotate the circle in reverse side. It looks like the bird is sitting in a cage. A cartoon effect is created, the rotation of the circle becomes invisible, and the bird “finds itself” in a cage.

How does a square turn into a circle?

To conduct the experiment you will need: a rectangular piece of cardboard, a pencil, a felt-tip pen and a ruler.
1. Place the ruler on the cardboard so that one end touches its corner and the other end touches the middle of the opposite side.
2. Using a felt-tip pen, place 25-30 dots on the cardboard at a distance of 0.5 mm from each other.
3. Pierce the middle of the cardboard with a sharp pencil (the middle will be the intersection of the diagonal lines).
4. Place the pencil vertically on the table, holding it with your hand. The cardboard should rotate freely on the pencil tip.
5. Unroll the cardboard.
A circle appears on the rotating cardboard. This is just a visual effect. Each point on the cardboard moves in a circle when rotated, as if creating a continuous line. The point closest to the tip moves the slowest, and we perceive its trace as a circle.

Strong newspaper

To conduct the experiment you will need: a long ruler and a newspaper.
1. Place the ruler on the table so that it hangs halfway.
2. Fold the newspaper several times, put it on a ruler, and hit it hard on the hanging end of the ruler. The newspaper will fly off the table.
3. Now let’s unfold the newspaper and cover the ruler with it, hit the ruler. The newspaper will only rise slightly, but will not fly anywhere.
What's the trick? All objects experience air pressure. How larger area object, the stronger the pressure. Now it’s clear why the newspaper has become so strong?

Mighty Breath

To conduct the experiment you will need: a clothes hanger, strong threads, a book.
1. Tie the book with threads to a clothes hanger.
2. Hang the hanger on the clothesline.
3. Let’s stand near the book at a distance of approximately 30 cm. Blow on the book with all our might. It will deviate slightly from its original position.
4. Now let’s blow on the book again, but lightly. As soon as the book deviates a little, we blow after it. And so on several times.
It turns out that with such repeated light blows you can move a book much further than by blowing hard on it once.

Record weight

To conduct the experiment you will need: 2 cans from coffee or canned food, a sheet of paper, an empty glass jar.
1. Place two tin cans at a distance of 30 cm from each other.
2. Place a sheet of paper on top to create a “bridge.”
3. Put a blank one on the sheet glass jar. The paper will not support the weight of the can and will bend down.
4. Now fold the sheet of paper like an accordion.
5. Let's put this “accordion” on two tin cans and put a glass jar on it. The accordion does not bend!