Political absenteeism: causes, types, problems, consequences, examples. What is Absenteeism

Absenteeism- a Western management term. Absenteeism is most often defined as total lost work days (or hours) or how often an employee is absent from work. In this case, a person may be absent from the workplace for both good and unjustified reasons.

Absenteeism, along with staff turnover, is considered as an employee reaction to work and is used as an indicator of the success of work with personnel: recruitment, screening, selection, training and other activities aimed at increasing the level of compliance between people, work and organizations.

Typically, organizations suffer large financial losses due to absenteeism; it is also one of the most common reasons for employee resignation.

Organizational psychologists have been studying this problem for many years. For a long time, the generally accepted view of absenteeism was that it was a response to job dissatisfaction. This assumption is based on the results of a large number of studies that have found a moderate negative relationship between job satisfaction and absenteeism rates (the lower the satisfaction, the higher the absenteeism). It is also possible that cause and effect should be reversed. An alternative possibility is that some people express job dissatisfaction because they need to justify their absenteeism behavior.

In recent years, the relationship between absenteeism and other variables has been explored. The personal characteristics most often examined in relation to absenteeism include age, gender, race, education, non-work responsibilities, income, and marital status. Some researchers believe that this category should also include length of service in a given position and the level of this position in the hierarchical structure of the organization. A relationship was found between each of these variables and absenteeism.

The most pronounced dependence is the connection between absenteeism and gender. Absenteeism rates are higher in women than in men. Several hypotheses have been put forward to explain this result. In most cases, higher levels of absenteeism among women are explained by the fact that working women also have family responsibilities. Another important factor is that women usually occupy lower-level positions than men.

The conclusion that the causes of absenteeism in women are more complex than in men was further confirmed in studies of the nature of the relationship between age and absenteeism. In men, age is negatively associated with intentional absenteeism (absenteeism decreases with increasing age), but for women no such relationship was found. The fact that, unlike men, women's absenteeism rates do not decrease with age is usually explained by the fact that in middle age women have more household responsibilities than men. However, some researchers doubt the adequacy of this explanation.

The existence of a relationship between absenteeism and various organizational variables such as work shift, leadership style, company ownership, degree of harmfulness and danger of work, etc. In general, the results of research in this area indicate a tendency towards lower absenteeism in smaller organizations and groups, i.e. absenteeism decreases with the size of the enterprise.

Ushakov's Dictionary


absintheia zm[sente], absenteeism, pl. No, husband.(from lat. absens - absent) ( books). Avoidance of visits related to the performance of any public duties. During the last elections, voter absenteeism was not observed. Be absenteeist (absent from meetings).

Political Science: Dictionary-Reference Book


(from lat. absentia - absence)

non-participation in voting in elections or referendums of citizens with active voting rights; evasion of voters from voting in elections of representative bodies and head of state. Absenteeism is, as a rule, caused by the apoliticality of citizens, the loss of their trust in government authorities, the low level of political competence of voters, and the low significance of election results for citizens. Absenteeism has a negative impact because it reduces the legitimacy of government and indicates the alienation of citizens from the state; in some countries (Italy, Belgium, Greece, Austria) is punishable by law; agricultural: a form of land tenure in which the owner of the land, without participating in the production process, receives cash income in the form of rent or profit.

Modern economic dictionary. 1999


(from lat. absentia - absence)

1) absence of owner, form of land use; In which the land is separated from the owner, who receives cash income in the form of rent, but does not participate in the processing and production use of the land;

2) employee absence from work, absence from work, without a valid reason.

Political science. Glossary of terms


(Latin absentis - absent) - one of the forms of deliberate boycott of elections by voters, refusal to participate in them; passive protest of the population against the existing form of government, political regime, a manifestation of indifference to a person’s exercise of his rights and responsibilities. In broad terms, absenteeism can be understood as the fact of the indifferent attitude of the population towards political life, the philistine idea of ​​individuals that nothing depends on them in politics,” politics “isn’t my business,” etc. Such a view contradicts the foundations of the constitutional order Russian Federation. If “man, his rights and freedoms are the highest value,” then their manifestation in political life presupposes a rejection of absenteeism and apoliticality. Article 32 of the Constitution states: “Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to participate in the management of state affairs, both directly and through their representatives.” But this right, in unity with human freedom, gives him the opportunity not to participate in political life and the election campaign. Thus, absenteeism acts as a sign of human freedom in society. But freedom from non-participation in political life turns into the formation of an absent consciousness, indifference to the socio-political affairs of society and the state. Therefore, we especially emphasize that, having a general and political culture, a person is obliged to freely exercise his rights in political life. Mass absenteeism can blow up the democratic mechanisms of governing society, make the population an object of manipulation, absolutely subject to the “top”, and form a passive personality. Absenteeism exists in any society: developed and undeveloped, democratic and totalitarian, etc. Its reasons are varied: citizens’ lack of faith in the effectiveness of political institutions; absence political culture; struggle for situational satisfaction of interests and others.

Shpak V.Yu.

Librarian's terminological dictionary on socio-economic topics


manifestation of the indifferent attitude of the population to political life, avoidance of participation in it. It receives concentrated expression in the evasion of voters from voting in elections at various levels.

encyclopedic Dictionary


(from Latin absentia - absence), evasion of voters from voting in the elections of representative bodies, head of state, etc.

Ozhegov's Dictionary

ABSINTHE AND ZM [sente], A, m.(book). Evasion of voters from participating in elections to government bodies.

| adj. absenteeist, oh, oh.

Efremova's Dictionary


Evasion of voters from participating in elections to government bodies.

Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron


(English Absenteeism, from absent) is a word that owes its origin to the well-known plight of Ireland and denotes the constant absence of large landowners there from their estates. This absence was seen as the main reason for the impoverishment and savagery of the Irish people, for thanks to this, large sums of money were taken away from the country, which the landowners spent outside it. This view, however, certainly stated, is unfounded, for the producers of a certain country must base their existence on their own incomes, and not on the incomes of absent fellow citizens. But the matter appears completely different if, as is the case in Ireland, the absentees are the owners of almost all the land and, instead of a large middle class, almost all the available capital is concentrated in them, and at the same time the well-being of the entire country, while more than 60% of the rest agricultural families base their existence on such tiny leases and conduct such a microscopic economy, which with difficulty can only provide them with the most necessary things for life. In view of this normal distribution capital in the constant absence of the landowners themselves becomes extremely inconvenient. The absence of personal, generally useful activities of landowners living outside the country is always an unrequited evil. There is no direct agreement between owners and tenants; the mediation of outsiders who have nothing in common with either the people or the country is always unilaterally aimed only at getting as much as possible for their principal and at the same time enriching themselves. It was even proposed to limit Irish agriculture by forcibly retaining landowners or imposing a special tax on absentees (Absentees). But the first would be too great an infringement on personal liberty, the second would be of little help, and both would greatly reduce the value of landed property in Ireland. The sale of estates on the basis of the "Encumbered Estates Act" (1849) did not achieve its goal - to facilitate the formation of a settled class of small and medium-sized landowners, but only increased the number of foreign owners, since the buyers were exclusively English and Scots. Manifested in modern times the agrarian movement and the murders associated with it can, of course, only worsen the evil. In general, Irish A. is not an isolated evil, but the result of the general unhappy state of the country, which can only be corrected by deep and radical reforms of its entire economic and social system (see. Ireland ).



(Latin absentis - absent) - one of the forms of deliberate boycott of elections by voters, refusal to participate in them; passive protest of the population against the existing form of government, political regime, manifestation of indifference to the exercise by a person of his rights and responsibilities. In broad terms, absenteeism can be understood as the fact of the population’s indifference to political life, the philistine idea of ​​individuals that nothing depends on them in politics,” politics “none of my business,” etc. Such a view contradicts the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation. If “man, his rights and freedoms are the highest value,” then their manifestation in political life presupposes a rejection of absenteeism and apoliticality. Article 32 of the Constitution states: “Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to participate in the management of state affairs, both directly and through their representatives.” But this right, in unity with human freedom, gives him the opportunity not to participate in political life and the election campaign. Thus, absenteeism acts as a sign of human freedom in society. But freedom from non-participation in political life turns into the formation of an absent consciousness, indifference to the socio-political affairs of society and the state. Therefore, we especially emphasize that, having a general and political culture, a person is obliged to freely exercise his rights in political life. Mass absenteeism can blow up the democratic mechanisms of governing society, make the population an object of manipulation, absolutely subject to the “top”, and form a passive personality. Absenteeism exists in any society: developed and undeveloped, democratic and totalitarian, etc. Its reasons are varied: citizens’ lack of faith in the effectiveness of political institutions; lack of political culture; struggle for situational satisfaction of interests and others.

Shpak V.Yu.

Political science. Dictionary. - M: RSU. V.N. Konovalov. 2010.


(from lat. absentia - absence)

non-participation in voting in elections or referendums of citizens with active voting rights; evasion of voters from voting in elections of representative bodies and head of state. Absenteeism is caused, as a rule, by the apoliticality of citizens, the loss of their trust in government authorities, the low level of political competence of voters, and the low significance of election results for citizens. Absenteeism has a negative impact because it reduces the legitimacy of government and indicates the alienation of citizens from the state; in some countries (Italy, Belgium, Greece, Austria) is punishable by law; agricultural: a form of land ownership in which the owner of the land, without participating in the production process, receives cash income in the form of rent or profit.

Political Science: Dictionary-Reference Book. comp. Prof. Science Sanzharevsky I.I.. 2010 .

Political science. Dictionary. - RSU. V.N. Konovalov. 2010.


See what “Absenteeism” is in other dictionaries:

    - (from lat. absens absent). Passion for travel or living outside one's own home country. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. ABSENTEEISM 1) living of landowners outside their estates; 2)… … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    absenteeism- a, m. absentéisme m. English absenteism lat. 1834. Ray 1998. 1. Long absence, living outside one’s estate or fatherland. Poppy. 1908. This government is unable to heal the ancient plague from which agriculture suffered... ... Historical Dictionary Gallicisms of the Russian language

    - (absenteeism) Avoidance of work without good reason; often this is a one-day absence from work due to illness, but without visiting a doctor. Absenteeism is most common in large organizations where it can get serious... ... Dictionary of business terms

    - [sente], absenteeism, plural. no, husband (from lat. absens absent) (book). Avoidance of visits related to the performance of any public duties. During the last elections, voter absenteeism was not noticed. Show absenteeism... ... Dictionary Ushakova

    Avoidance of visits related to the performance of certain tasks. public duties (Ushakov) See ... Synonym dictionary

    - (from Latin absens absent) in science constitutional law term meaning the voluntary non-participation of voters in voting in an election or referendum... Legal Dictionary

    - (from the Latin absentia), evasion of voters from voting in elections of the President, Parliament, etc. Usually amounts to about 15% of the electoral corps... Modern encyclopedia

    Agricultural, a form of land tenure in which the owner of the land, without participating in the production process, receives cash income in the form of rent or profit... Modern encyclopedia


Dzhandubaeva, Zurida Zaudinovna

Academic degree:

Candidate of Sociological Sciences

Place of thesis defense:

HAC specialty code:


Social structure, social institutions and processes

Number of pages:

Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) On the topic "Absenteeism as a phenomenon of modern Russian practice"

Relevance of the research topic.

The problem of absenteeism belongs to those problems sociological knowledge, which over the past decades has been the focus of attention of both domestic and foreign sociologists who study the processes occurring in the political sphere of social life. This is due to a number of objective and subjective reasons, among which, first of all, it is necessary to name four main ones.

The first reason is this. Social practice convincingly demonstrates that the participation of the population in the political process and, above all, in the formation of elected authorities is a condition for the successful functioning of any society built on democratic principles. None of the scientists and political figures committed to the principles of democracy doubt the fact that the exclusion of representatives of certain social groups from active political life, the increase in the number of those who consciously distance themselves from politics, inevitably impedes the formation of civil society structures and negatively affects the effectiveness of activities of elected authorities. For almost everyone who deals with political problems in a scientific and practical sense, it is obvious that the increase in the number of absenteeists is evidence of the imperfection of the existing political system, an indicator of growing distrust in democratic institutions, an indicator of growing social tension in society. It is with this circumstance, first of all, that the keen interest in the problem of absenteeism, which is demonstrated by many domestic and foreign scientists, is connected.

The second reason can be described as follows. As is known, one of characteristic features political life post-industrial society is a sharp decline in the political activity of citizens1. An increase in the number of absenteeism is recorded in almost all economically highly developed countries, from England to Japan. According to the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (Stockholm, Sweden), which analyzed voter turnout in general parliamentary and presidential elections in 163 countries, the average voter turnout has decreased in recent years from 70 to 64%3. Thus, with certain assumptions, it can be argued that absenteeism has become a kind of “ business card » modern times.

The number of absenteeists is also growing in Russia, where in the elections various levels from 40 to 70% of potential voters do not participate, whereas in the late 80s - early 90s, more than 85% of those included in the voter lists participated in the elections of deputies to the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, and then deputies of the first and second State Dumas of the Russian Federation. The number of those who do not want to participate in the elections of regional government structures and heads of bodies is growing at a particularly rapid pace. local government. Today, there are often cases when local legislative bodies adopt acts in which elections are recognized as valid if 20-25% of registered voters took part in them. It is obvious that the decrease in the number of citizens taking part in voting brings to a practical level the problem of the legitimacy of power, which today is recognized by many as the main problem modern stage development of post-industrial society. An example is the United States, where in 1996 43% of voters took part in the presidential elections. Of these, 47% or 23% of those included in the voter lists voted for B. Clinton. This gave Clinton's political opponents a reason to raise questions in Congress about his legitimacy.

1 This is recognized by both Russian and foreign social scientists, including S. Lipset, J. Habermas, R. Dahl, R. Dahrendorf, A. A. Galkin, V.K. Levashov, Zh. T. Toshchenko, etc.

2 See Elections Around the World: Electoral Freedom and Social Progress. Auto. and comp. A. A. Tanin-Lvov. M.: Electoral statistics, 2001. 1112 p.

3 Voter activity in elections abroad: a brief analysis of data for 1945-1997, main problems and trends // Bulletin of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation. 1998. No. 2. P.83. mandate4. There is no need to prove the fact that a politician who has not received the support of the majority of the population cannot be considered as a bearer of legitimate power, which usually leads to the destabilization of the social body and gives rise to numerous crisis phenomena. This is the third reason that determines the significance of the topic included in the title of the dissertation.

The fourth reason is related to the development of the problem of absenteeism by representatives sociological Sciences. As the analysis shows, a number of aspects of this problem have not received adequate coverage in scientific literature. In particular, a unified point of view on the nature of absenteeism has not been developed; there is no clear idea of ​​the main reasons forcing individuals to make decisions " don't participate in politics at all"and in elections in particular; An opinion has not been formed regarding how absenteeism is related to the form of government, to the effectiveness of the institutions of the state, family, education, etc.

It is obvious that without convincing answers to the questions formulated above, it is impossible to talk about improving the political system of Russian society, about expanding the participation of broad sections of the population in political life, about eliminating those real contradictions in the political sphere that have emerged recently.

The degree of scientific development of the problem. The beginning of understanding the phenomenon of absenteeism was laid in late XIX- early 20th century The first researchers of absenteeism were representatives of the Chicago School of Political Science C.-E. Merriam and G.-F. Gosnell. In 1924, they interviewed American voters to find out their motives for avoiding voting5. Subsequently, the problem of absenteeism was considered within the framework of research

4 See Voter activity in elections abroad: a brief analysis of data for 1945-1997, main problems and trends // Bulletin of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation. 1998. No. 2. P.83.

5 The survey results were reported in Gosnell Ch. F., Gosnell H. F. Non-Voting: Cases and Methods of Control. Chicago. 1924. electoral processes. Research in this direction was carried out by G. Lasswell, S. Verba, N. Nye and others.

Significant contributions to the development of the problem of absenteeism were made by P. Lazarsfeld, B. Berelson, V. McFaul, R. Rossi6, as well as sociologists of the Michigan school: V. McFaul, V. Glaser, V. Miller, R. Cooper, P. Converse, A. Wolfe, A. Campbell. The latter in his work " The voter makes a decision"(1954) showed that participation or non-participation in elections is associated with a whole set of factors that form the system8.

As part of the study of the influence of socio-economic conditions on electoral behavior, the problem of absenteeism was developed by such authors as E. Downe, D. Easton, H. Brady, D. Bahri, J. Ferejon, M. Fiorina and others. Much attention was paid to the problem of absenteeism in their works paid by G. Almond, S. Verba, R. Dahl, A. Lijphart, M. Dogan, D. Pelassi, J. Blondel, F. Schneider, S. Feiner, who considered absenteeism as an indicator of the stability of democracy.

Such famous thinkers as R. Dahrendorf, P. Bourdieu, M. Duverger, S. Lipset, E. Vyatr, R. Jessop, J. Habermas, S. Huntington, J. Schumpeter, R. also contributed to the study of the phenomenon of absenteeism. Dahl, who formulated the basic theoretical principles on which Western researchers today rely when analyzing the phenomenon of absenteeism.

6 Department of Applied social research The first fundamental studies of electoral processes were conducted at Columbia University. Published works: Lasarsfeld R.R., Berelson V., Gaudet N. The People's Choice. N.Y.: Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1944. Lasarsfeld P.F., Berelson B.R., Gaudet H. The People's Choice. How the Voter Makes up his Mind in a Presidential Campaign. N.Y. 1948; P. F. Lasarsfeld, B. R. Berelson, W. N. McPhee. Voting. A Study of Opinion Formation in a Presidential Campaign. Chicago. 1954; S. M. Lipset, S. Rokkan. Cleavage structures, party systems and voter aligments. N.Y. 1967 etc.

7 The largest studies with a national sample were conducted at the University of Michigan by the Center for Social Research in the USA. The following works were published: Campbell A., Gurin G., Miller W. E. The Voter Decides. N.Y. 1954; Campbell A., Converse P. E., Miller W. E. Stores D. E. The American Voter. N.Y. I960.; L. Converse, Llauzen., V. Miller “The Myth and Reality of Elections: Elections of 1964.” 1965; P. Converse, Mille W., Rusk L., Wolf A. Continuity and Change in American Politics. 1969.

8 Campbell A., Gurin G., Miller W.E. The Voter Decides. N.Y. 1954.

B. Lipmann, E. Noel-Neumann, W. Ricker, J. Sprague, P. Champagne touched upon the problem of absenteeism in connection with the study of processes occurring in the structures of mass consciousness.

Domestic researchers began to study the phenomenon of absenteeism relatively recently. The first works where the problem of absenteeism was identified as the most important problem political theory and practice appeared in Russia in the early 80s of the last century. It was then that the works of V. G. Afanasyev, E. Ya. Batalov, F. M. Burlatsky,

A. A. Galkina, A. V. Dmitrieva, N. M. Keizerov, V. S. Komarovsky,

V. N. Ivanova, Yu. P. Ozhegova, G. X. Shakhnazarova, O. V. Rukavishnikova, etc.

Perestroika" was marked by the publication of works by E. G. Andryushchenko, I. V. Gomerov, JI. V. Babaeva, V. M. Sergeeva, Zh.T. Toshchenko, V.K. Levashova, E.B. Shestopal, F.T. Orteshuk and others. Somewhat later, books and articles by A.I. Kovler, Yu.A. Levada, E.B. Labkovskaya, A.S. Akhremenko, E. Yu. Meleshkina, Yu. D. Shevchenko, G. V. Kholmskaya, A. P. Strakhova, S. V. Tumanova, F. I. Sheregi, where the problem of absenteeism was conceptualized as a problem of sociological knowledge.

In recent years, the phenomenon of absenteeism has been understood mainly by French, English and Russian sociologists. They conduct comparative studies9, scientific seminars10, etc. Among the works that have appeared recently, it should be noted the book by Lancaster University professor David Denver “ Elections and voters in the UK»11, where he examines in detail the reasons for the emergence of the phenomenon of absenteeism and makes judgments about how the political process will further develop in countries of classical democracy.

9 Research by the Carnegie Moscow Center on the analysis of election results at all levels in each of the 88 regions of Russia (except Chechnya). See: G. Eliseev " In the top ten democracy» // Elections. 2002. No. 10. P.13.; A comparative study of the structure and activities of representative institutions of 55 countries. See "Parliaments". New and revised edition prepared by Dr. Michel Ameller. Per. from English Editor Z.I. Lukovnikova. 512 pp.; Comparative study by the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance. See: Voter turnout in elections abroad: a brief analysis of data for 1945-1997, main problems and trends. // Bulletin of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation. 1998. No. 2. P.83-85.

10 Russian-French seminar: “ Elections in Russia and France: lessons for political science" Paris. 2003 //See; Policy, No. 1.2004.

11 Denver D. Elections and Voters in Britain.: Palgrave Macmillan L. 2003.

Thus, an analysis of the existing scientific literature indicates a relatively small number of works devoted to the phenomenon of absenteeism. In most published works, the authors only touch upon the problem of absenteeism in passing, without considering it necessary to focus their attention on it, which naturally affects the depth of understanding of the phenomenon of absenteeism and the range of issues that they consider. Among the published works there is not a single one where absenteeism is interpreted as a special form of political behavior. There are also no works that would clarify the reasons that give rise to absenteeism, analyze its historical forms, and its connection with existing social institutions.

The idea of ​​a set of undeveloped issues also determined the direction of the dissertation research, the purpose of which is to reveal the nature, extent of the spread of absenteeism and the reasons that determine the transformation of an active voter into an absenteeist.

The implementation of this goal is achieved through solving the following tasks:

Clarification of the content of the concept of “absenteeism”;

Identification of features of the study of the phenomenon of absenteeism in domestic and Western sociology;

Description of the dynamics and scale of the spread of absenteeist attitudes in various electoral groups;

Revealing the characteristic features of an absenteeist as a social type;

Identification of factors that determine the transformation of an active voter into an absenteeist, including such as the type of election campaign, political attitudes, ideological positions, level of trust in institutions state power etc.;

Creation of tools that allow us to get an idea of ​​the social appearance of absenteeists.

The object of the study is voters who avoided voting in elections.

The subject of the study is the electoral behavior of absenteeists in the unity of its procedural and motivational aspects.

Research hypotheses

Main hypothesis. The emergence of absenteeism as a phenomenon of Russian political practice is associated with a number of objective and subjective factors, among which the main ones are deformations in the political system of society, a decline in trust in the institutions of state power, and a decrease in the importance of democracy as a value for representatives of various electoral groups.


1. The number of absentees is directly dependent on the type and level of elections.

3. Financial situation and social well-being are not the main factors determining an individual’s choice of an absenteeist type of behavior. The choice of the absenteeist type of electoral behavior is determined primarily by political reasons.

4. The scale of absenteeism in different age and gender groups is different. A significant proportion of absenteeists are women aged 30-49 years, with a high level of education and high social status.

5. Among absenteeists, two main groups can be distinguished that demonstrate different types of electoral behavior: a) a group of radicals and b) a group of conformists.

6. As the role of democratic institutions declines and a rigid vertical of power is built, the number of absenteeists will increase.

Theoretical and methodological basis of the study.

The general methodological basis of the dissertation is the principles of historicism, the principle of the dialectical relationship between the general, the particular and the individual, the unity of the logical and historical, the principle of systematicity, the principle of integrity and complementarity.

As a methodological guideline, we used the ideas contained in the works of domestic authors who have developed (and are developing) the problems of electoral behavior and analyzing the phenomenon of absenteeism over the past decades. The author mainly relied on approaches to this problem formulated in the works of the most prominent representatives of domestic and foreign thought, standing on the positions of materialist dialectics and creatively developing the ideas of the classics of Marxism.

Empirical basis of the study. Dissertation is based on data obtained by the author during a survey of voters in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic conducted in 2003-2004.

The research was carried out in two stages: during the first, experts were interviewed and a pilot study was carried out on a group of respondents who traditionally do not participate in elections. During the second, a survey of voters and experts was conducted a week before the elections, as well as a survey of voters who evaded voting during the elections of the President of Karachay-Cherkessia.

The sample is targeted. Volume sample population amounted to 319

During the study, the following types of tools were used: a formalized interview form; basic voter questionnaire; basic expert questionnaire; basic absenteeism questionnaire; form

12 The experts were members of election commissions at various levels, participants in election campaigns, heads of headquarters of candidates for elected positions, politicians, and political scientists. and participant observation; content analysis form for party program documents.

The scientific novelty of the study is as follows:

1. Based on a critical analysis of existing interpretations of absenteeism, an understanding of absenteeism is formulated as a type of electoral behavior in which an individual’s attitude towards consciously avoiding participation in the election campaign is realized due to the unacceptability for him of the existing socio-economic and political system, political regime, forms of government, existing power structures or a specific person vested with authority.

2. The need to differentiate the terms “absenteeist” and “ nonvoting».

3. It has been proven that the emergence of absenteeism is a direct consequence of the crisis that democratic institutions are experiencing in a post-industrial society.

4. It is substantiated that the scale of the spread of absenteeism among the electorate is one of the significant indicators of the instability of the political system of society.

5. A description of the absenteeist as a social type is given; it is shown that, in terms of their socio-political characteristics, absenteeists differ significantly from voters taking part in elections.

6. The types of behavior of absenteeists present in the Russian socio-political space are determined: conformist and radical.

7. The idea that absenteeists are people of the older generation is unfounded.

8. It is shown that there is no direct relationship between the level of financial status and the absenteeist type of electoral behavior.

9. It is substantiated that absenteeism is demonstrated not so much by individuals who have low level education and material security, how many people have secondary specialized and higher education and a sufficient level of income.

Yu. It is shown that the attitudes of absenteeists are not constant. If another political force that expresses the interests of broad sections of society comes to government power, absenteeists are ready to get involved in active political activities.

11. A system of indicators and indicators has been developed to record the presence of an attitude towards an absenteeist type of behavior among various subjects of social action.

12. Created sociological tools that allow you to obtain reliable and reliable information on a wide range of issues related to the problem of absenteeism.

Main provisions submitted for defense

1. Absenteeism is a type of electoral behavior that is very diverse. The latter is manifested not only in participation or non-participation in elections, but also in evasion of voting, as well as in “indifferent” (conformal) voting, protest voting, etc. Each of the above forms of voter behavior indicates acceptance or rejection of a whole complex of social and political norms and values. Electoral behavior is realized in political processes that reveal the dynamics of development and changes in the institutions of the political system, the scale of participation of various groups of the population in political activity.

2. Absenteeism is, first of all, the deliberate avoidance of voters from voting on political reasons. This concept differs significantly in its content from the concept “ non-voting”, which is widely used by sociologists and political scientists to describe processes occurring in the political sphere of society.

3. Absenteeism is an indicator of the alienation of citizens from power and property, a form of political protest against the established political system, political regime, form of power, and the established social system as a whole.

4. Absenteeism in its extreme manifestations acquires the features of political extremism. Fruitful soil for the expansion of extremist sentiments is social crises and conflicts, violations of democratic rights and freedoms, the collapse of moral guidelines, values ​​and a state of anomie.

5. Political extremism and absenteeism manifest themselves among the most active part of the population. Changing the current political situation is the main direction of their activity. When the political aspirations of extremists and absenteeists intersect or coincide, extreme forms of political transformation are possible. It may seem that the “silent” and “passive” constitute a minority in society, but at a certain moment, for example in elections, it can manifest itself as “ silent majority».

6. The idea of ​​absenteeism as political indifference is misleading. Massive disappointment in the ability to change anything does not equate to depletion of active potential. Most likely, we are dealing with a kind of sublimation of political activity, with its transition into a latent form. Voter absenteeism does not reflect a rejection of politics as such, but a rejection of established modes of political action. Such an assessment allows us to assume that with the next aggravation of the political situation or any serious turn to other ways of implementing politics, the potential energy of the masses can be transformed into political action.

7. Absenteeism is a natural historical phenomenon, an integral attribute of a political system built on the principles of democracy and freedom. It is a phenomenon of the political life of any democratic society and rule of law state that has entered a descending branch of its development. The widespread prevalence of absenteeism, both in countries of classical democracy and those that have recently embarked on the path of democratic development, is associated with the growth of dysfunctional processes in their political systems, the exhaustion of the creative potential of historically established democratic institutions, the emergence of " subject"type of political culture among the broad masses under the influence of the media.

8. The scale of absenteeism and the forms of its manifestation are directly related to the historical conditions for the formation of democratic institutions, to differences in the mentality of peoples, to the existence of different traditions and customs in a given society.

9. The interpretation of electoral behavior (one of the types of which is absenteeism), present in the works of Western authors, deserves critical assessment, because it is extremely broad and equates electoral behavior with political behavior. Meanwhile, electoral behavior is only one form of political behavior. Electoral behavior is not " participation in government”, but by value-oriented activity in choosing a certain political force, existing in the form of either a political institution or a personified appearance. This activity unfolds throughout a person’s conscious life and is not limited to behavior during the election campaign or at the time of voting. The latter is The final stage this value-orientation choice.

10. Concept " limited electoral participation" cannot be accepted to explain the phenomenon of absenteeism, since it clearly contradicts basic principles democracy, based on the active and broadest possible participation of citizens in government through elections (referendums). Defending the point of view about " undesirability of representatives of certain social groups participating in elections", we will inevitably eventually come to replacing democracy with oligarchy or "meritocracy", which are precisely based on participation in political life only " worthy representatives higher social strata" With this approach, the legitimacy of the idea of ​​universal and equal participation of everyone in the affairs of the state is called into question, i.e. ideas basic to democracy. The function of elections as a mechanism for shaping the will of the majority becomes questionable.

11. The main reason for absenteeism is the unacceptability of the social system, the institution of elections for some voters, the lack of interest in politics and the need to engage in political activity, and not the complexity of a technical or organizational order, as a number of Western authors claim.

12. Understanding the nature of absenteeism, the conditions for its occurrence and development trends that exist in the domestic scientific literature should also be subjected to critical analysis. There is a need to rethink the interpretation of absenteeism: a) as a peculiar political behavior of citizens and political figures, manifested in avoidance of participation in various political actions, especially in elections of government bodies; b) as an indifferent (apathetic) attitude towards politics; c) as a form of political inaction; d) as an indicator of the growth of democratic principles in the life of society.

13. Voter turnout is significantly influenced by many factors, including the type of elections, the characteristics of the region, the characteristics of the election campaign, the level of education, the type of settlement, the type of political culture that dominates the society, and the type of electoral system. The level of voter participation in voting is lower in countries where a majoritarian or majoritarian-proportional system of vote counting methods is used, and higher in countries with a proportional electoral system.

14. The practice of the decade of development of the political process in Russia speaks of the unpredictable, and sometimes contrary to expectations, nature of the behavior of the Russian voter. The tendency that emerged in the last decades of the 20th century towards a weakening of the relationship between social status, membership in a particular group and electoral choice 13 suggests that there is no correlation between political choice, socio-professional affiliation and the social status of the individual who makes this choice. In that distinctive feature development of the political process in Russia.

15. The problem of absenteeism is one of the key problems of Russian democracy. The rapid expansion of absenteeism in recent years indicates the instability of the current political system in Russia. The decline in electoral activity is, first of all, an expression of the population’s disappointment in the Russian electoral system, a loss of trust in the authorities, and evidence of an increase in protest potential in various social groups, a nihilistic attitude towards democratic institutions, political parties and their leaders. The problem of absenteeism is insoluble within the framework of the type of society, type of political system and type of political regime that was formed during the reforms in Russia.

The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that it allows us to get an idea of ​​the phenomenon of absenteeism, the nature of its spread and forms of manifestation. The results of the study are important for understanding the essence of the processes unfolding in the political sphere of life of Russian society. The data obtained allows

13 Pushkareva G.V. Political management. M. 2002. adjust the steps taken power structures to create a civil society and a rule-of-law state in Russia.

Approbation of work. The results of the study were presented at a meeting of the Department of Sociology at Moscow University for the Humanities. The main provisions and conclusions are reflected in 3 articles, reports at conferences of graduate students of Moscow University for the Humanities (April 2002, November 2003, May 2005).

Work structure. The work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and 4 appendices.

Conclusion of the dissertation on the topic "Social structure, social institutions and processes", Dzhandubaeva, Zurida Zaudinovna


Voter turnout at elections is one of the main aspects of the modern democratic process. The trend of declining electoral activity observed throughout the world indicates negative processes occurring in the political life of society, a disruption in the functioning of the political system of the state.

In the theoretical part of the study, the dissertation author operationalized the concepts “ voting behavior" and "absenteeism". Absenteeism represents special kind electoral behavior, the distinctive features of which are, first of all, a negative attitude towards generally accepted political values ​​and a conscious, motivated avoidance of participation in the electoral process that arises on this basis.

Absenteeism is the result of the natural historical development of bourgeois democracy, as well as those mutations that arise in the political system of a particular society due to the characteristics of the historical path it has traversed, the established political regime, and the degree of development of the political consciousness of the electorate.

A study of the behavior of Russian absenteeists showed that this behavior depends on many factors - political, economic, social, demographic. The degree of their influence on motivation is not the same.

The prevailing idea of ​​absenteeists as people with low social status, pushed to the periphery public relations and belonging to the older age group is not true. The overwhelming majority of absenteeists are citizens with a developed political consciousness, a developed ability to critically perceive reality, strong political convictions, and potentially ready for active political activity. The absolute majority of absenteeists have demonstrated their readiness to get involved in the political process if forces appear on the political arena that are ready to lead the country out of the systemic crisis.

The decision of voters to participate or not to participate in elections is made primarily depending on the importance of the elected body. One of the determinants of voter behavior is belonging to different nationalities and ethnic groups.

The main motives and reasons for the deliberate avoidance of voters from participating in elections are: distrust of the institution of bourgeois democracy; disagreement with the rules and principles of the formation of the political elite of the republic, country; rejection of the existing political regime; rejection of the existing political system; alienation of ordinary citizens from power and property.

The development of the phenomenon of absenteeism is not a continuous process. It has been established that the scale of absenteeism directly depends on the level and significance of elections. The more significant the elected authority, the lower the level of absenteeism.

Absenteeism directly depends on the type of political culture that dominates in society. The increase in the number of absenteeists occurs in those layers of society in which political structures have not developed, where ideas regarding social and class affiliation have been lost.

The study showed that, in terms of their political preferences, a significant portion of absenteeists adhere to left-wing political beliefs.

The study of the motives for choosing the absenteeist type of behavior allows us to identify two forms of manifestation of absenteeism - electoral inaction (conformism) and electoral action (“boycott”). The first means a nihilistic attitude towards the electoral process, the second means an active political protest against the forms, rules and methods of political struggle, against the system as a whole. Under certain conditions " voting with your feet“can take the form of active political protest.

The problem of absenteeism is recognized by the political forces that are in power. However, the mechanisms they propose to overcome this problem are not very effective and do not contribute to its resolution.

In conclusion, it must be said that the solution to the problem of absenteeism does not depend on increasing the number of voters. It is necessary to conduct a detailed study of the phenomenon of absenteeism and expand the theoretical and empirical base of research.

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Absenteeism is an indifferent attitude of people towards their socio-political rights; a characteristic manifestation of absenteeism is the deliberate avoidance of voters (electorate) from participating in voting

The first information about absenteeism appears in the 3rd century BC. Currently, a significant part of Roman citizens, who, unlike the Athenians, did not receive any remuneration for participating in the political process, and could not afford frequent and private participation in meetings.

Today, in many countries of the world, it is considered normal when from a third to half of voters go to the polls, and in some places just 1/10 of the electorate votes. In most liberal states, it is considered that not going to the polls is the same right of a free person as the rest, which a civilized society guarantees to a person. In Ukraine, participation in voting is voluntary, and in the world there are examples when the law is established as mandatory. Thus, non-participation in elections in Italy leads to moral sanctions, in Mexico - up to a fine or imprisonment, in Greece and Austria - to imprisonment for a period of one month to one rokoku.

There are two main types of causes of absenteeism:

1) related to the characteristics of a specific election campaign, when, for certain reasons, the elections are not interesting: the nominated candidates are not bright, there is no genuine competition in the elections, etc.;

2) related to the general political, social and economic situation in the country

OVLazarenko and OO Lazorenko believe that absenteeism as a type of political behavior of an individual is:

1) a trait of her character, a life position, manifested in the absence of a need, habit, desire for political action;

2) a worldview focused, for example, on internal improvement

Among the reasons for absenteeism, we note a low level of political culture, infantilism or awareness of one’s own political powerlessness, inability to influence political decision-making, alienation of one’s own political values ​​and needs from the possibilities of satisfying them, a high level of voters’ distrust of political institutions, etc.

Absenteeism is a reflection of people’s desire to distance themselves from politics, in which some of them see a vain and ambitious competition of group and selfish interests. According to MRocard, in modern suspense, in which the influence of religion has weakened greatly, everything tragic and sacred is associated with politics. When is it not meets their expectations, they are disappointed in it, and as one of the consequences - absenteeism.

41. Electoral system of the Republic of Belarus

Belarus, Belarus, Republic of Belarus (Belarus. Republic of Belarus) - presidential republic, unitary state.

The Constitution of the Republic of Belarus was adopted by parliament on March 15, 1994. In November 1996, 70.5 percent of voters supported the presidential version of the new Constitution, which provided for a significant expansion of the powers of the head of state. In 2004, amendments and additions were also made to the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus.

The President of the Republic of Belarus is the head of state and is elected through direct elections for a period of 5 years. The same person may hold the position of President of the Republic of Belarus for more than two consecutive terms.

In accordance with the Constitution, the parliament - the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus - is the highest legislative body of Belarus. It consists of two chambers - the House of Representatives and the Council of the Republic, the term of office of parliament is 4 years.

The House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus (Belarus. Chamber of the Pradstaўnіkoў National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus) is the lower house of the parliament of Belarus. The composition of the House of Representatives is 110 deputies.

The Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus is the upper house of the parliament of the Republic of Belarus. The composition of the Council of the Republic is 64 senators.

Elections for the President of Belarus are held using a majoritarian electoral system of absolute majority - to be elected in the first round, a candidate must receive more than 50 percent of the votes. Elections of the President of the Republic of Belarus are considered valid if more than half of the citizens of the Republic of Belarus included in the voter list took part in the voting. If none of the candidates received the required number of votes in the first round, a second round of voting for two candidates is held no later than within two weeks.

The election of deputies of the House of Representatives is carried out on the basis of universal, free, equal, direct suffrage by secret ballot. Elections take place in single-mandate constituencies.

The Council of the Republic is the chamber of territorial representation. At meetings of deputies of local councils, eight members of the Council of the Republic are elected from each region and the city of Minsk. In addition to them, eight members of the Council of the Republic are appointed by the President of the Republic of Belarus.

The turnout threshold for elections of deputies to the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus is more than 50 percent of voters for the first round and more than 25 percent for the second round. If the specified voter turnout thresholds are not reached, repeat elections are held.

In accordance with the law, early termination of the powers of the chambers of parliament is possible. When the powers of one of the chambers are terminated, the powers of the other chamber may be terminated.

The next presidential elections in the Republic of Belarus will be held on December 19, 2010. The resolution on the date of their holding was adopted on September 14, 2010 by the Belarusian parliament. The Central Election Commission of the Republic of Belarus registered 10 candidates, including the current President Alexander Grigoryevich Lukashenko.

In monitoring the elections of the President of the Republic of Belarus from the Russian side, it is planned that observers will participate in international missions through the CIS and OSCE, as well as on a bilateral basis.