About tambourines - the master's secrets. How to make a real shamanic tambourine yourself at home. Magical techniques and technologies for making a shaman’s tambourine yourself with a detailed description and visual photos. How to fall into a trance and commit

It would seem that what could be simpler than a shaman’s tambourine! But the fact is that this is not just a piece of wood covered with leather, but this - Living being, whether we admit it or not, there’s no other way to say it!

The tambourine is much more complex than many people think. It symbolizes the firmament. By activating certain parts of the tambourine, you activate the sun, moon or stars above you. And they activate the tambourine in a certain way. You need to live with your tambourine to feel it.

The tambourine, which the shaman holds in his hands, is itself a simple design. Wooden frame, over which a leather membrane is stretched. Various images are often applied to the membrane itself.

And since shamanic culture is now arousing great interest all over the world, many people want to have their own shamanic drum. Many people try to make a tambourine on their own, fortunately there are instructions on the Internet. But will such a tambourine be a real shamanic tambourine? It turns out - no.

A real shamanic tambourine is not just a musical instrument.

The shaman's drum is a ritual object. And this is a living being. A real “horse” for him, on which the shaman travels in the world of spirits.

A shaman's drum can only be made by a shaman, a person who sees and feels spirits. The birth of a ritual tambourine is a process that is completely controlled by the spirits of the subtle world. After all, with the help of this tool he will help people, convey their will.

It all starts with the fact that the animal from whose skin the tambourine will be made comes to give its life. While the master is making a tambourine, the spirit of this animal is nearby. And when the tambourine is ready, the shaman performs a ritual in which the spirit of this animal settles inside his tambourine. And the tambourine comes to life.

So what is a shaman’s tambourine?

This is a round product in which the spirit of the animal from which this tambourine is made lives. And this spirit is tamed by the shaman.

When the shaman begins his ritual, begins to talk with the tambourine, begins to beat the butt on the membrane, he will find the spirit of this animal inside the tambourine from sleep. The spirit wakes up, the shaman sits astride the spirit of the animal and he takes the shaman to any of the worlds, wherever he needs to go. And the shaman sees where he is taking him, that is, he communicates with him.

We wrote earlier about those who are summoned with the help of a tambourine.

When a common person who studies shamanism, buys himself an ordinary tambourine in a store or from a private craftsman, and begins to perform shamanic rituals with this instrument, then without realizing it he can harm both people and himself. After all, for example, if he treats illnesses without a faithful “horse” who knows the way in a subtle sense, he can literally “get lost” in subtle worlds, and he himself can be “eaten up” by the spirits of disease. And not only will he not help the person, but he himself will get sick or go crazy. This can happen when people go into a trance, for example through drugs. When a person does not choose and control his “route” on a journey through the subtle worlds.

So, only a real shaman who communicates with spirits can make a real living shaman’s tambourine with his own hands.

A tambourine purchased in a store, or one that you made yourself based on a sketch from the Internet, will be just a musical instrument.

Alla Gromova is a student of Kudai Kama, a hereditary Siberian shaman, she not only creates protection for humans, but also teaches shamanism a large number of of people. Only at a shamanic seminar can you get a real shaman's tambourine, in which the spirit lives. And Alla Gromova teaches this spirit to obey its new owner. Already, many of Alla Gromova’s students around the world have become the owners of such a powerful assistant as a living shaman’s tambourine, a very powerful object of power. And we learned to interact with him. If you want to become the owner of a real shamanic drum and learn how to work with it, come to the nearest shamanic seminar. .

Help people and be happy!

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Anyone who is going to practice shamanic rituals should remember that the shamanic tambourine is not just an ordinary musical instrument, but a means for summoning spirits and traveling to Parallel Worlds. According to ancient beliefs, on a tambourine, like on a horse, a shaman can get to the upper world, where they live good spirits, or visit the lower world - the abode of evil spirits - using this instrument as a boat to cross an underground river. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to make a tambourine with your own hands.

How to make a shaman's drum

In order to make a tambourine at home, you need to stock up the following materials: veneer, animal skin (skin), epoxy resin, plastic bag, barrel or plywood, glue and boards. Even if you previously had no idea how to make a shamanic tambourine, after that just follow these recommendations:

  • The technology for making shamanic drums is not complicated. You should choose the right wood to make the rim for your tambourine. In primitive tribes, for this, the shaman went into the forest blindfolded. The spirits guided him to specific tree, from the wood of which he made a tambourine. Nowadays, it’s unlikely that anyone will perform such rituals, so just think about which tree you like best and is a carrier for you positive energy. After this, purchase veneer of the appropriate species;
  • You need to take a barrel or cylinder made of plywood. This will serve as the base on which to glue your rim. The veneer must be wound around the base in several rows until it becomes very strong. Use as glue epoxy resin;
  • The skin of the animal must also be carefully chosen, because it is this animal that you will turn into while traveling through other worlds. Once you have made your choice, purchase the skin from the fabric department, leather goods store or tailor;
  • The skin must be wetted so that excess moisture did not hit the rim of the tambourine. To do this, it is better to cover the areas in contact with the skin with a plastic bag. The skin can be attached using either glue or nails;
  • Attach a wooden cross to the rim from the inside using glue or tie it with tensioned belts. It will be very convenient to hold on to during shamanic rituals.

It would seem that what could be simpler than a shaman’s tambourine! But the fact is that this is not just a piece of wood covered with skin, but this is a living creature, whether we admit it or not, otherwise there is no other way to say it!

The tambourine is much more complex than many people think. It symbolizes the firmament. By activating certain parts of the tambourine, you activate the sun, moon or stars above you. And they activate the tambourine in a certain way. You need to live with your tambourine to feel it.

The tambourine that the shaman holds in his hands is itself a simple design. A wooden frame over which a leather membrane is stretched. Various images are often applied to the membrane itself.

And since shamanic culture is now arousing great interest all over the world, many people want to have their own shamanic drum. Many people try to make a tambourine on their own, fortunately there are instructions on the Internet. But will such a tambourine be a real shamanic tambourine? It turns out - no.

A real shamanic tambourine is not just a musical instrument.

The shaman's drum is a ritual object. And this is a living being. A real “horse” for him, on which the shaman travels in the world of spirits.

A shaman's drum can only be made by a shaman, a person who sees and feels spirits. The birth of a ritual tambourine is a process that is completely controlled by the spirits of the subtle world. After all, with the help of this tool he will help people, convey their will.

It all starts with the fact that the animal from whose skin the tambourine will be made comes to give its life. While the master is making a tambourine, the spirit of this animal is nearby. And when the tambourine is ready, the shaman performs a ritual in which the spirit of this animal settles inside his tambourine. And the tambourine comes to life.

So what is a shaman’s tambourine?

This is a round product in which the spirit of the animal from which this tambourine is made lives. And this spirit is tamed by the shaman.

When the shaman begins his ritual, begins to talk with the tambourine, begins to beat the butt on the membrane, he will find the spirit of this animal inside the tambourine from sleep. The spirit wakes up, the shaman sits astride the spirit of the animal and he takes the shaman to any of the worlds, wherever he needs to go. And the shaman sees where he is taking him, that is, he communicates with him.

We wrote earlier about those who are summoned with the help of a tambourine.

When an ordinary person who is studying shamanism buys himself an ordinary tambourine in a store or from a private craftsman and begins to perform shamanic rituals with this instrument, then without realizing it he can harm both people and himself. After all, for example, if he treats diseases without a faithful “horse” who knows the way in the subtle sense, he can literally “get lost” in the subtle worlds, and he himself can be “gobbled up” by the spirits of diseases. And not only will he not help the person, but he himself will get sick or go crazy. This can happen when people go into a trance, for example through drugs. When a person does not choose and control his “route” on a journey through the subtle worlds.

So, only a real shaman who communicates with spirits can make a real living shaman’s tambourine with his own hands.

A tambourine purchased in a store, or one that you made yourself based on a sketch from the Internet, will be just a musical instrument.

Alla Gromova is a student of Kudai Kama, a hereditary Siberian shaman, she not only creates protection for people, but also teaches shamanism to a large number of people. Only at a shamanic seminar can you get a real shaman's tambourine, in which the spirit lives. And Alla Gromova teaches this spirit to obey its new owner. Already, many of Alla Gromova’s students around the world have become the owners of such a powerful assistant as a living shaman’s tambourine, a very powerful object of power. And we learned to interact with him. If you want to become the owner of a real shamanic drum and learn how to work with it, come to the nearest shamanic seminar. .

Help people and be happy!

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All tambourines that we offer are made from natural materials.
Making a tambourine is a complex, multi-stage process, mostly done by hand. Which is called craft, folk craft. Mastery.

What makes up the price of a tambourine and the quality of a tambourine.
1. Procuring fresh skins and cooking them.
At this stage it is important that the skin is removed without cuts or scratches, and is properly salted or dried without contact with the iron.
2. Processing and dressing of the skin.
It is important to thoroughly wash the skin of dirt, salt, meat and fat.
3. Stretching and dressing the skin. Drying.
The sound quality largely depends on the quality of the tension. The drying process takes from a week to two. It is best to clean the fur, if necessary, by hand, with a scraper, as our ancestors did - this is the highest quality method.
4. Making the rim. Leveling, grinding and polishing the rim.
The rim is bent from solid wood, steamed and fastened, then stitched and polished. The durability of the tambourine depends on the degree of polishing and varnishing. The hardness of the wood of the rim determines its evenness. Plywood, even multi-layered, will inevitably curl into a figure eight over time, or the leather will break the rim.
5. Cutting and preparing the skin for stretching.
The skin is cut taking into account the anatomy of the animal, taking into account the geometry of the tambourine and tolerances for fastening..
6. Preparation of fastening material: laces, threads (if used), nails (if used).
Depending on the method of fastening the skin, auxiliary materials are selected.
7. Assembling the main part of the tambourine: tightening the leather on the rim.
Tension is always a difficult physical process. The durability of the tambourine, stability, and reaction to the weather depend on the method of fastening the skin. The skin becomes soaked.
8. Creating a handle. Weaving the crosspiece (if the handle is soft), cutting and strengthening the wooden crosspiece (if the crosspiece is wooden).
The cross, if the tambourine has one, affects the sound, high and low overtones, the degree of skin tension, and ease of holding in the hand.
9. Final finishing of the tambourine.
Only after the tambourine is completely assembled and dried do the details become visible, the sound and appearance appear.
10. Making a beater. Processing a wooden (or bone) stick, protection work surface soft material.
Depending on the type of tambourine and its purpose, a mallet is selected and made, with a soft end, carved or simple.

Today interesting article about how to make a tambourine and bring it to life.

As you know different nations In Siberia, the process of becoming a shaman takes place in its own way.

As a rule, after a person is chosen by the spirits to be a shaman, he will have to suffer from the so-called “shamanic disease,” which outwardly looks like a mental disorder.

At the same time, the soul of the future shaman undergoes the necessary tests and rituals, which are initiated and carried out by the spirits who chose him.

Having recovered from illness in this way, the future shaman can begin making a tambourine.

As a rule, during the first time of his practice, the shaman makes do with one mallet, performing simple and insignificant rituals. Wooden base The beater is tied with a cloth, or a tow, so that it takes on the appearance of a long whip, waving which the shaman performs rituals.

After the spirits determine the shaman's maturity, he is instructed by them to make his own tambourine. The spirits indicate where the tree grows, from which the shell of the future tambourine should be made, as well as the animal whose skin should be covered with the instrument.

The cutting and processing of wood, as well as the killing of an animal, are accompanied by special rituals, which usually occur within two days.

On the third day, the shaman covers the tambourine with leather with his own hands and prays to the spirit-owner of the tambourine. The shaman often inherits this spirit from an ancestor, a shaman, who died before the tambourine maker received his shamanic gift.

After the making of the tambourine is completed, the central moment of the ceremony begins - revival of the tambourine.

To do this, vodka is sprinkled on the rim of the tambourine, after which it “comes to life” and through the mouth of a shaman talks about his previous life, when he was still a tree, grew in the forest, bent by the wind and suffered from frost. This story ends with a promise to serve the new master well. This ritual sometimes lasts the whole night.

At dawn, drawings are applied to the leather surface of the tambourine. The owner of the tambourine, the container of which is the handle of the tambourine, tells the shaman what kind of images should be applied. It is usually made from a sacred tree - birch. The handle has the shape of an anthropomorphic figure, as if depicting the host spirit itself.

Numerous metal pendants are suspended from the rim of the tambourine. These are containers for the shaman’s “service spirits.” The more such service spirits a shaman has, the greater his power.

During the ritual, a new tambourine is generously sprinkled with vodka or mash, after which it is dried over a fire.

The next day the shaman performs his first ritual with a new tambourine. He rises to the upper world and demonstrates his instrument to the creator spirits.

Then he descends to the lower world to Erlik Khan. The shaman receives important information from the spirits - the service life of the new tambourine, as well as the number of subsequent tambourines that the shaman will have to make during his entire life. life cycle. The lifespan of the shaman depends on this information.

Thus, during the first ritual with the first tambourine, he receives accurate information about the date of his death, since it is known that after the end of the service life of the last tambourine, the shaman himself will die.

When replacing an old tambourine with a new one, the shaman takes the used instrument into the forest, there he removes metal pendants from it (containers of service spirits), which are transferred to the next tambourine made by this shaman.

The moment of abandoning the old tambourine occurs only at the moment when the new one is already ready, but not yet revived. Thus, throughout his entire life, the shaman is not left without a functioning tambourine. After a used tambourine leaves its owner, the ritual of reviving the next tambourine immediately begins.

A musician, playing a tambourine or drum, becomes the center of the world and the core of a new life, whatever it may be. (C. P. Estes)


Currently, there are 2 main types of tambourines:

    People's or ethnic, wooden rim with a stretched leather membrane. Depending on their purpose, tambourines come in all sorts of sizes. Tools of this type are used for ritual purposes by indigenous shamans. Also considered folk are tambourines with small bells tied to a wire stretched under a membrane.

    Orchestral tambourine, the most common option, with a leather or plastic membrane and metal plates fixed in special slots on the rim. This tool is sometimes mistakenly called tambourine. The instrument has firmly established itself in professional music, becoming one of the main percussion instruments symphony orchestra.

The tambourine is one of the oldest instruments. Therefore, its design is simple - at least when compared with a piano. However, the tambourine has both deep musical expressiveness and magical properties.

Making a tambourine.

So, today we will make a tambourine. For this we will need: leather, a rim and ~2 meters of rope. Leather. To make a tambourine we will need two undressed goat skins. It will be the best material. If you do not find goat skins, then take any available skin from a killed animal.

Leather processing.

The first step is to soak the skin. The skin is placed in a bucket or cup of water at a temperature of 18-22 ° C and a liquid ratio of 1:10. The weight of the skin should be converted into kilograms and multiplied by 10 - this will be the required amount of water in liters. The duration of the process is 20-24 hours. The water will need to be changed several times, and the skin will need to be kneaded every 4 hours.


The next stage of treatment is to remove any remaining fat and muscle from the skin. This is a rather labor-intensive process. You will need a wooden board on which you need to nail the skin around the perimeter with small nails. Next, you pick up something like a chisel or a blunt knife with a wide, sharp blade and begin to remove fat from the skin. Note! Fleshing is carried out on the “inner” side of the skin, that is, where there is no hair. You have to be careful not to damage the skin.


Now the hair is removed from the skin. For this you will need chemical reagents(Ca(OH)2 and Na2S. The first of them is slaked lime, which is used for whitewashing. It can be easily found in a hardware store. I personally could not find sodium sulfide, so my tambourine remained slightly “hairy”.
But let's say you find both. Operations with chemicals should be carried out outdoors and wearing rubber gloves. To prepare a mixture for dehairing, you need to dilute 75 g of sodium sulfide in 1 liter of water. Lime must be added to this mass until the solution reaches the consistency of sour cream. After this, the solution must be applied to the flesh (the part from which you scraped off the fat) and left for 8 hours. During the reaction it will be released bad smell hydrogen sulfide. After completing this process, you need to check the strength of the hair. If it comes off easily, then all of it must be removed, and then thoroughly rinse the skin in water.


You need to weigh the resulting skin, convert it into kilograms and multiply by 5. The resulting number shows how many liters of water you will need. For each liter you need to add 15 g of sodium sulfide. The temperature of the solution should be 18-22 ° C. Ashing lasts 30-35 hours. Every 5 hours the solution must be stirred for 3 minutes. After finishing liming, the skin should be washed in running water within 1.5-2 hours. Deliming. For this process we need one more reagent - ammonium sulfate ((NH4)2SO4).
It is necessary to take ammonium sulfate in an amount of 1.5% by weight of the skin and dilute it in water at 30-32 ° C. The amount of water in liters is equal to the mass of the hide in kg, multiplied by 3.5. Deashing lasts 1-1.5 hours with stirring every 15 minutes for one minute. After all this, you need to rinse the skin in running water for 30-40 minutes. Drying. If you are preparing the skin for making tambourines or anything else, then you need to dry it. If you are going to make a tambourine right away, then you can skip this process. So, drying. Stretch the skin wooden shield and nail it with small nails. When it dries, store it in this position without folding or bending.

Making a hoop.

We determine the blanks for the rim using the circle length formula: X=2R, where: L is the circumference, (pi) is equal to 3.14, and R is the radius of the small circle. In a simplified version, you can use a thin rope or thread, carefully spreading it over the entire small circle, and then take measurements with a ruler or tape measure.
Having received the size of the future rim (individual in each case), you can begin to search for the right wood. Are considered suitable hardwoods trees. In our case, birch will be used. This tree grows almost everywhere and is easy to process. To make the rim you will need a young tree trunk with a diameter of 10-15 cm and a length equal to length future hoop (but it is best for the blank to be 5-10 cm larger).
The log must be sawn into boards 1.5 centimeters thick, and then a blank for the rim with the following dimensions must be cut from a suitable board: length equal to the length of the hoop, width - 7-8 cm, thickness - 0.8-1 cm. After this, the plank should be placed into water (a stream or pond is suitable for these purposes) and soak it for 6-7 days before making the rim. Traditionally, the board is boiled in boiling water, but this requires specific equipment and not everyone can do it, and therefore we will deviate from the classical technology.
In order to make a rim from the resulting strip, you will need a matrix (template). You can make it in two ways: 1. take it from the butt big tree cross-cut 17-20 cm high and, having drawn the circumference of the future rim on it, cut off the protruding edges with an ax. Exactly the same matrix can be made from boards 5-6 cm thick. In addition to this you will need a metal sheet length equal to the length of the hoop, width - 13-15 cm and thickness - 3 mm.
Along the entire length of this sheet, at a distance of 2 cm from the edges, you need to drill holes with a diameter of 5 mm in increments of 3 cm. When everything is ready, you should take a matrix, a well-soaked strip, a metal sheet and nails 100-120 mm long. Having aligned the ends of the sheet and the planks, we place them on the matrix and hammer nails into the first pair of holes. The entire structure should be oriented so that the metal sheet evenly goes around the matrix, and the bar is located inside.
Nails must be driven into the matrix strictly in pairs, without missing holes. The bar should bend slowly. It is necessary to ensure that the process proceeds evenly and that the bar is pressed tightly against the matrix. After all the nails are hammered in, the resulting structure should be thoroughly dried. The drying time is determined individually in each case, but it is better to over-dry than not to dry, since a damp plank can straighten out.
The matrix can be disassembled only after it has dried. The ends of the resulting hoop are connected using an overlap. To do this, you need to cut grooves at both ends. The joints should be well adjusted to each other and fastened with small nails, additionally coating the joint with glue. You can also use rivets instead of nails. Now all that remains is to align the edges of the rim and sand its inner and outside sandpaper
To protect against atmospheric influences The rim is usually covered with drying oil, stain or waterproof varnish. 4. Assembly Final stage The manufacture of a tambourine is carried out as follows. You need to take both dressed skins (they should be stored dry and stretched), select the one that will be the membrane of the tambourine, and soak it in water at room temperature for 10-12 hours.
The second skin should be cut along the ridge into strips approximately 0.5 cm wide (it is better to do this with scissors) and also soak in water. The resulting straps will tighten the membrane, and the handle of the tambourine will be made from them. It is important that the leather fibers are well saturated with water (moisturized). When the skin is ready, you need to squeeze it lightly and spread it on a table or suitable flat surface flesh side up. Then take the finished hoop, place it on top and align it with the center of the skin. At a distance of 0.5 mm from the edges of the skin and 4-5 cm from each other, use a sharp knife or awl to make holes with a diameter of 0.3 cm along the entire perimeter.
In addition, we will need a fairly strong metal or plastic ring with a diameter of 5-7 cm and several meters of packaging twine or twine. The twine must be cut into pieces of such a size that one end can be tied to the edge of the skin, and the other secured to a ring (see Fig. 117). Having done this with the first pair of opposite holes, we tighten the twine well and move on to the next opposite pair.
Thus, you need to connect all paired holes. While working, you should periodically moisten the skin with water, as it shrinks in size when it dries. Now, stepping back 2-4 cm from the edge of the rim, you need to draw two circular rows of dots (future holes) so that they are located on top of each other. The distance between the rows and between the holes is 2 cm. After this, remove the skin from the rim and make holes with a diameter of 0.3 cm in the places marked with dots. Cut off uneven edges with twine attachment points, retreating 1 cm from a small concentric row of holes. Now the edge of the leather needs to be folded inward so that the holes match, and stitched with a strap, while another strap needs to be placed in the resulting fold. Release the ends of both straps so that they can then be pulled together and tied tightly.

All that remains is to insert the rim into the resulting structure, and alternately tightening the ends of the straps to achieve maximum tension on the membrane. In order to make a tambourine handle, you need to divide inner side tambourine into 8 equal sectors and make 8 holes with a diameter of 0.3 cm in the places where the internal tightening belt passes, so as not to damage it. Once this is done, the resulting tambourine can be dried at room temperature.

Now you need to connect all 8 opposite holes in pairs with straps, and tie the ends of such a stretch so that the knots are exactly in the center of the tambourine. Then, starting from the center, tightly, turn to turn, we wrap a strap around two adjacent stretch marks. In this case, the stretch marks converge, and the future handle begins to stretch. In a similar way, you need to criss-cross all 4 pairs of stretch marks and, by changing the number of turns on them, adjust the degree of tension and symmetry of the handle. To make the tambourine comfortable to hold, we make a pad for the hand. To do this, we wrap the crosspiece with a strip of suede 1.5 cm wide. The length of such a tape will be individual in each case. The size of the pad should be such that it fits comfortably in your hand. It should be wound so that the first turns form a regular square the size of the future pad, and the subsequent ones gradually become smaller, covering the previous turns by about half.
Converging towards the center, they should form a kind of layers. When the turns of the tape meet in the center, a cross-shaped pattern is formed. In order to finish it, the excess end of the leather strip needs to be cut off, and the remaining one must be sewn to the previous turn with thread. Observing the symmetry and uniformity of stitches, the same follows with three more pairs of turns, forming a braid in the center.

material taken from the book “Shamanic Healing” by Olard Dixon

The tambourine reacts naturally to humidity environment. If the sound of the tambourine has changed, become higher or lower, i.e. the skin is tight or sagging, you can moisturize or dry it accordingly. To moisturize, it is best to bring it into a room with high humidity, either hold it briefly over steam or wipe it with a damp cloth. To dry, you should carefully warm the tambourine over its entire surface, for example, by holding it over a heater or candles, or even an electric light bulb, or a fire. During the tuning process, you should stroke the skin and check the pitch, achieving the desired tone. The skin does not require much care, but for greater elasticity, you can lubricate it on both sides with burdock oil (sold in pharmacies). The same goes for diamonds with fur. We recommend treating them with any moth repellent, especially if the tambourine is not used for a long time and is not ventilated.

Impregnation against dampness for tambourine:

Wood glue (preferably fish glue) is diluted with water 1:15, 1:20.
Apply with a brush at above-zero temperatures IN A THIN LAYER at intervals of 12 hours for 10 days.

Today is an interesting article about how to make a tambourine and revive it.

As you know, different peoples of Siberia have their own process of becoming a shaman.

As a rule, after a person is chosen by the spirits to be a shaman, he will have to suffer from the so-called “shamanic disease,” which outwardly looks like a mental disorder.

At the same time, the soul of the future shaman undergoes the necessary tests and rituals, which are initiated and carried out by the spirits who chose him.

Having recovered from illness in this way, the future shaman can begin making a tambourine.

As a rule, during the first time of his practice, the shaman makes do with one mallet, performing simple and insignificant rituals. The wooden base of the beater is tied with a cloth, or tow, so that it takes on the appearance of a long whip, waving which the shaman performs rituals.

After the spirits determine the shaman's maturity, he is instructed by them to make his own tambourine. The spirits indicate where the tree grows, from which the shell of the future tambourine should be made, as well as the animal whose skin should be covered with the instrument.

The cutting and processing of wood, as well as the killing of an animal, are accompanied by special rituals, which usually take place over two days.

On the third day, the shaman covers the tambourine with leather with his own hands and prays to the spirit-owner of the tambourine. The shaman often inherits this spirit from an ancestor, a shaman, who died before the tambourine maker received his shamanic gift.

After the making of the tambourine is completed, the central moment of the ceremony begins - revival of the tambourine.

To do this, vodka is sprayed on the rim of the tambourine, after which it “comes to life” and through the mouth of the shaman talks about his previous life, when he was still a tree, growing up in the forest, bent by the wind and suffering from frost. This story ends with a promise to serve the new master well. This ritual sometimes lasts the whole night.

At dawn, drawings are applied to the leather surface of the tambourine. The owner of the tambourine, the container of which is the handle of the tambourine, tells the shaman what kind of images should be applied. It is usually made from a sacred tree - birch. The handle has the shape of an anthropomorphic figure, as if depicting the host spirit itself.

Numerous metal pendants are suspended from the rim of the tambourine. These are containers for the shaman’s “service spirits.” The more such service spirits a shaman has, the greater his power.

During the ritual, a new tambourine is generously sprinkled with vodka or mash, after which it is dried over a fire.

The next day the shaman performs his first ritual with a new tambourine. He rises to the upper world and demonstrates his instrument to the creator spirits.

Then he descends to the lower world to Erlik Khan. The shaman receives important information from the spirits - the service life of the new tambourine, as well as the number of subsequent tambourines that the shaman will have to make during his entire life cycle. The lifespan of the shaman depends on this information.

Thus, during the first ritual with the first tambourine, he receives accurate information about the date of his death, since it is known that after the end of the service life of the last tambourine, the shaman himself will die.

When replacing an old tambourine with a new one, the shaman takes the used instrument into the forest, there he removes metal pendants from it (containers of service spirits), which are transferred to the next tambourine made by this shaman.

The moment of abandoning the old tambourine occurs only at the moment when the new one is already ready, but not yet revived. Thus, throughout his entire life, the shaman is not left without a functioning tambourine. After a used tambourine leaves its owner, the ritual of reviving the next tambourine immediately begins.

All tambourines that we offer are made from natural materials.
Making a tambourine is a complex, multi-stage process, mostly done by hand. Which is called craft, folk craft. Mastery.

What makes up the price of a tambourine and the quality of a tambourine.
1. Procuring fresh skins and cooking them.
At this stage it is important that the skin is removed without cuts or scratches, and is properly salted or dried without contact with the iron.
2. Processing and dressing of the skin.
It is important to thoroughly wash the skin of dirt, salt, meat and fat.
3. Stretching and dressing the skin. Drying.
The sound quality largely depends on the quality of the tension. The drying process takes from a week to two. It is best to clean the fur, if necessary, by hand, with a scraper, as our ancestors did - this is the highest quality method.
4. Making the rim. Leveling, grinding and polishing the rim.
The rim is bent from solid wood, steamed and fastened, then stitched and polished. The durability of the tambourine depends on the degree of polishing and varnishing. The hardness of the wood of the rim determines its evenness. Plywood, even multi-layered, will inevitably curl into a figure eight over time, or the leather will break the rim.
5. Cutting and preparing the skin for stretching.
The skin is cut taking into account the anatomy of the animal, taking into account the geometry of the tambourine and tolerances for fastening..
6. Preparation of fastening material: laces, threads (if used), nails (if used).
Depending on the method of fastening the skin, auxiliary materials are selected.
7. Assembling the main part of the tambourine: tightening the leather on the rim.
Tension is always a difficult physical process. The durability of the tambourine, stability, and reaction to the weather depend on the method of fastening the skin. The skin becomes soaked.
8. Creating a handle. Weaving the crosspiece (if the handle is soft), cutting and strengthening the wooden crosspiece (if the crosspiece is wooden).
The cross, if the tambourine has one, affects the sound, high and low overtones, the degree of skin tension, and ease of holding in the hand.
9. Final finishing of the tambourine.
Only after the tambourine is completely assembled and dried do the details become visible, the sound and appearance appear.
10. Making a beater. Processing a wooden (or bone) stick, protecting the working surface with soft material.
Depending on the type of tambourine and its purpose, a mallet is selected and made, with a soft end, carved or simple.

Oksana Zakhurdaeva

« Funny tambourines»

A teacher, as a creative person, sets himself many serious tasks. And I decided not to lag behind.

In improving your creative process, in increasing quality educational work My husband helps me with the children by organizing the object-spatial environment.

Having collected the cardboard base from the tape, we decided to cover it with colored threads. My husband drilled holes in them and threaded them through the thread with plates from the old one. tambourine. The result was a new tambourine. Diamonds contribute to the development of a sense of rhythm and musical ear.

Then we attached kinders to another base, which they filled with different cereals (buckwheat, millet and rice). The result was very interesting noise musical instruments. Children find it very interesting and educational.

And finally, in a similar way, we decided to attach bells to the base. We got it fun tools.

Musical instruments can be decorated different ways, and let the children do it. This allows the child to develop fine motor skills and imagination. In the process of decorating musical instruments Children develop communication skills, Creative skills, imagination and thinking.

These musical instruments can be used for rhythmic accompaniment of dances, dances, songs, games and performances musical tales and plays.

Data tools are decoration music corner, are used by children in free, playful, theatrical activities and in classes.

We found practical use ours homemade musical instruments, performing in the orchestra at the holidays and entertainment of the kindergarten.

Create for your health!

Publications on the topic:

Our kindergarten hosted a competition “Musical Instruments with Your Own Hands”. The competition was held among parents and teachers. Tools.

"Kindergarten" - THE GAME is big! I've been PLAYING it for 35 years. It's time to retire. But the GAME continues! So that the children have fun Dancing.

The correct approach to music education should not only comprehensively take into account the capabilities of young children, but also put them first.

Soon there will be a music corner competition in our kindergarten. At a parent meeting we decided to make musical instruments with our own hands. By.

For harmonious development For children aged one and a half to two and a half years, auditory perception and a sense of rhythm are important. Develop and.

Noisy musical instruments are accessible and therefore loved by children. Children hear the world of sounds in a new way, and there are many of them around us.

Abstract of GCD "Musical Instruments" Musical director: Guys, today we will talk about musical instruments. Everyone on earth has home. Fine.