Lines near the thumb. Palmistry on the fingers - thumb, little finger and phalanges. Type of connection between finger and palm

The interpretation of the thumb plays an important role in palmistry. I have met Indian palmists who made most of their predictions based on thumb analysis, and this is no coincidence. The thumb can tell a lot about a person's character. For example, how he makes decisions and how he implements them.

Man is the only creature in nature endowed with an opposable finger.

Chimpanzees follow closely behind humans, but their fingers are very primitive compared to ours. A unique feature of our fingers is the radial nerve, which is made up of the same nerve fibers as central part our brain. The same nerve fibers run through the human spine. The radial nerve gives us a unique ability for analytical thinking, which distinguishes humans from all other living beings on the planet.


The larger the finger, the more significant success a person can achieve.

It is known that Napoleon had unusually large thumbs, and this is not surprising. There is one useful and exciting exercise: watching the hands of people speaking on television. You'll probably notice that many actors play roles that... real life completely unusual for them. An example of this would be an actor with a medium-sized thumb, playing the role of a financial tycoon. In India, it is believed that the size of the thumb is directly related to the level of success that a person can achieve. This interpretation seems too fatalistic to me, and yet there is no doubt that it is people with large thumbs who are more likely than others to take leading positions in modern world. The fact is that they are more purposeful, ambitious and persistent than others. Charlotte Wolf conducted a study of the thumbs of highly accomplished people and found that almost all of them had thumb lengths that fell within the average range. It's just that people with long thumbs are much more persistent and persistent in achieving their goals.

If you happen to meet a person with a very long thumb (Fig. 84), know that he is capable of taking on the role of leader in any situation. This person is smart, determined and has tremendous willpower.

People with short thumbs (Fig. 85) usually lack willpower. They can be extremely stubborn, often unreasonably and for no particular reason.

People whose thumbs reach medium length (reach at least the middle of the lower phalanx of the index finger, (Fig. 86)) are fair, independent and can stand up for themselves. They think clearly and have significant willpower.

When the thumb, when viewed from the side of the nail, looks wide (Fig. 87), this indicates that a person is capable of anything to achieve his goal.

A person whose thumb looks fleshy (Fig. 88) is harsh and straightforward and at times may seem tactless and even rude. He is stubborn and strives with all his might to always do everything his own way. He won't stand for the price when we're talking about about his own independence.


Each finger on the human hand is divided into three parts, which are called phalanges (Fig. 89), although it seems that the thumb has only two phalanges. The Mount of Venus - a fleshy section of the hand at the base of the thumb, surrounded by the line of life - is its third phalanx.

Ideally, the length of the first and second phalanges of the thumb should be the same (Fig. 90). The first phalanx on which the nail grows symbolizes the will of a person, and the second - his logic. When both phalanges reach the same length, this indicates a person who has both logic and willpower in equal measure. He is capable of giving birth good idea and has the necessary will and energy to realize it.

If the first phalanx is longer than the second (Fig. 91), this indicates the predominance of willpower over logic. Such a person will make a lot of mistakes, but not one of them, no matter how serious, will be able to force him to abandon his intended goal.

Even after the most crushing blow, he will find the strength to rise and continue moving forward. This combination of phalanges indicates a person who is extremely purposeful and persistent. He is ready to work hard and long for his goal. Tends to suppress others and dominate them.

In most people, the second phalanx is longer than the first (Fig. 92). This indicates the predominance of logic over willpower. A person with this combination is full of ideas, but is not able to find the strength to realize at least one of them. He thinks, and thinks, and thinks, and then thinks some more. He has everything except determination and motivation. This explains why most of us achieve only a small fraction of what we are capable of. Too much logic, too little will.


Most often, the thumb is located at an angle of 45° relative to the hand (Fig. 93). This indicates a person’s ability and desire to maintain traditional social principles and his moderate conservatism. IN general outline, the larger this angle, the more generous the person.

Accordingly, this angle is sometimes called the “angle of generosity” (Fig. 94).

If the value of this angle is less than 45° (Fig. 95), this indicates that the person is selfish. Most likely, he is cruel, narrow-minded and proud. His look at the world very narrow.

If this angle exceeds 45°, this indicates an energetic, open person, with the ability to charm and influence others.

He loves adventure and always strives to learn something new and unusual. If, in a relaxed state, the thumb is kept at a distance from others, this indicates a calm, open, sociable and carefree person, a practicality angle

The utility angle is the angle formed on the outside of the thumb where it meets the palm (Fig. 96). You will soon discover that most hands do not have this angle, while some people have a noticeable bulge in this place. The larger this convexity, the more practical the person is. These people are what we call jacks of all trades; they are skilled and dexterous and enjoy activities that allow them to actively use their hands. This angle is also known as the time angle because it gives a person a particularly keen sense of time. Such people are always punctual, they know how to seize the right moment and pause brilliantly.


The angle of pitch, or angle of sound, is located at the very base of the palm under the thumb, where it connects to the wrist (Fig. 97). The height angle indicates a person who feels rhythm and has an ear for music.

Gifted musicians, dancers and singers in most cases have pronounced angles of height and practicality. The practicality angle gives them a sense of timing and pace, while the height angle gives them ear for music and a sense of rhythm.

Take a closer look at photographs of the world's leading musicians and performers of all genres, from classical to popular music, and you will notice how obvious these angles are on their hands. The next time you see a photograph of Elvis Presley, pay attention to his hands - they have a very pronounced angle of practicality and angle of height.


The thumbs can be placed on different heights in relation to the palms, therefore they are divided into high-set and low-set.

The thumb is considered high-set (Fig. 98) if it starts high above the wrist. People with such fingers are distinguished by originality, openness and optimism. They are typical extroverts.

People with low-set thumbs (Fig. 99), on the contrary, are reserved and cautious. In most cases, the thumb position falls somewhere between high and low.


Few modern palmists use D'Arpentigny's hand classification system, but the terms he developed are still actively used in the analysis of fingertips, including the thumb.

If the tip of the thumb is square (Fig. 100), this indicates a practical, simple, down-to-earth and fair person. Such people always try to play fair.

If the tip has a spatula shape (Fig. 101), this indicates a businesslike and active person.

If the tip has a conical shape (Fig. 102), this indicates a sensitive and refined person.

Often the conical tip is combined with a second phalanx that is tapering and concave on both sides (Fig. 103). This indicates a person’s diplomacy and tact. When he says no, he does it so politely, kindly and intelligently that it is impossible to be offended by him.

The pointed tip of the thumb (Fig. 104) indicates a subtle and insightful person, who even the most bad news will be able to present it softly and calmly.

The wide tip (Fig. 105) indicates a cautious, thorough person who has his own convictions.

If the tip is wide and flat, and the upper phalanx resembles a bump, such a finger is called a killer finger (Fig. 106). This finger shape is usually hereditary. People with these fingers can be very patient, but sometimes they explode over trifles. There is no doubt that it was thanks to this feature that the “killer finger” got its name.


The thumbs are divided into inflexible and mobile. If the finger bends freely back at the joint, it is considered mobile (Fig. 107). A person with mobile thumbs is open, positive, and optimistic. He does not tolerate pressure and conflict situations prefers to retreat without entering into an argument or causing a scandal.

If the thumb is inactive and does not bend back at the joint, it is called inflexible. A person with this type of thumb is reliable, constant, stubborn, persistent and purposeful. He never backs down, even if he finds himself under very strong pressure.

There was a period in my life when I worked as a salesman, and knowledge of palmistry helped me a lot then. If a customer stood in front of me with flexible thumbs, I could press lightly on him, and, yielding to the pressure, he would make a purchase.

If I had to deal with a person whose thumbs were stiff, I didn't even try to put pressure on him. If I tried to click on such a client, all my attempts would end in failure. Moreover, I with my own hands would put obstacles in the way of future success.

The thumb on the hand is the basis of analysis in Indian palmistry.

This finger will tell us about how a person makes decisions and how he implements them. Unlike the others, it does not have the name of a deity, although in some books it is called the Finger of Venus, after the mound that is located at its base.

Our thumb distinguishes humans from other animals, including apes. The basis of this difference is a nerve, but not a simple one, but a radial one, which contains the same nerves as our brain. It is no wonder that stimulation of the thumb has a positive effect on the frontal lobes of the brain and enhances intellectual activity.

First of all, palmistry suggests paying attention to the length of the thumb.

Indian palmistry states that the length of this finger is directly related to success. Because according to observations, people with long thumbs achieve more in life than others. Majority famous personalities, actors, managers had a well-developed thumb.

  • If the thumb is long (the length reaches the middle of the second phalanx of the index finger), then the person in front of you is most likely frank and straightforward. At the same time, he is a real dictator, striving to gain absolute power.
  • If the thumb is of medium size (its length reaches the middle of the third phalanx of the index finger), this indicates development leadership qualities. Such people are balanced managers who are able to believe in themselves.
  • A short finger (its length only reaches the base of the lower phalanx of the index) indicates that such people are more irrational and susceptible to momentary moods. They are enthusiastic and impressionable. And in achieving goals they are stubborn and stubborn.

Size and location

  • Large - speaks of a developed will, that a person can not only set a goal for himself, but also go towards it, no matter what, overcoming himself over and over again.
  • Small, thin, undeveloped - suggests that this nature cares more about its emotional side than the physical. He is a poet and a romantic, and by no means an athlete.

It is important to understand how the thumb attaches to the palm. This is very simple to do; in palmistry it is customary to divide the palm into squares with two lines. One line should run from the lower phalanx of the middle finger downwards, horizontal line should intersect exactly the middle of the vertical line at a clear angle. In order to calculate the middle, it is better to use a ruler.

Thus, you can have three types of joining.

  • Joining in the middle (when the finger joins the palm at the intersection of the horizontal and vertical lines), this attachment strengthens everything positive characteristics thumb, namely the strong-willed component, leadership and determination.
  • The connection is high (connects above the intersection point of the horizontal and vertical lines), such people are creators, they are able to take an unconventional approach to solving problems, and most solutions come to them unexpectedly, like an insight.
  • The joining is low (joining below the point of intersection of the horizontal and vertical lines), such people are endowed with courage and bravery. They know what a sense of duty and nobility is. They are flexible and able to adapt to the most unexpected life conditions.

The next thing palmistry pays attention to is the angle at which a person is ordinary life places his thumb. The angle refers to the distance from the thumb to the finger of Jupiter (index). Usually this angle looks on the right hand.

  • So, the angle is less than 45 degrees (i.e. quite close to the index), such people are stern and straightforward. They don’t hide anything in their bosom and say everything directly and to your face.
  • At an angle of 90 degrees - such people have a developed sense of justice, they tend to worry about both themselves and others, and fight for justice. Such people are friendly and understanding.
  • An angle greater than a right angle means such people are open and trusting. The team and reliance on the people around them are important to them; they easily lend their friendly shoulder to colleagues and friends.

Flexibility is the ability to bend the thumb back at the joint. Everything is quite simple here.

  • If the thumb bends, then the person has flexibility of character, he is a merry fellow and a joker, the center of attention of any company. Such people resemble grass, they easily respond to any blow of the wind, and are also able to adapt to different conditions.
  • If he (especially right hand) is firm, then this means firmness of character and intentions, such people are stubborn and persistent. They can be compared to centuries-old oak trees; they stand so firmly on the ground that nothing can break them.


Palmistry places emphasis on both the shape and size of the finger and the shape and size of the phalanges. If the phalanges are equal in size. Then a person has equally developed perseverance and enterprise.

If the first phalanx is longer than the second, then such a person is stubborn and restless. He will go through difficulties and obstacles towards his goal. Such people are able to climb the career ladder from the very bottom; mistakes do not break them, but make them stronger.

If the second phalanx is larger than the first. Here the situation is exactly the opposite of the previous one. Such a person has a flexible and resourceful mind. He is not eager to fight until he has calculated the tactics and strategy, and then he will think a little more and only then, perhaps, will begin to act.

Tip shape

Palmistry pays special attention to what ending the thumb has.

  • The square shape speaks of the practicality and prosaic nature of a person. Such people are down to earth, do not have their heads in the clouds and do not build castles in the air.
  • The shape of the shoulder blade means that such a person is businesslike, energetic and very active.
  • Conical shape - found in people of art, sensitive, sophisticated and emotional.
  • Pointed form - such people have the abilities of a soothsayer. They are balanced and can find the positive, even in difficult situations.
  • Wide tip - these people tend to be careful and measure seven times before cutting.

A wide and flat shape (especially on the right hand) - such people are extremely patient, they can even tolerate unworthy behavior towards themselves from others, but they need to “drain” the accumulated tension in the gym or in extreme sports. Author: Daria Potykan

When reading patterns on a person’s hands, palmists not only decipher the lines, but also pay attention to other parts of the palm, including the shape, length and location of the fingers.

Particular importance is attached to the thumb: in palmistry, this limb is considered the key to understanding a person and his destiny. Experts believe that this finger carries much more information than all the others.

Size value

In palmistry, the thumb (Venus finger) symbolizes vital energy. Its strength can be judged by the size of its limb. A long finger is a symbol of an active, active person with a strong will, who has the right ideas about life and knows how to use his knowledge. Owners of very long thumbs are often endowed with tyrannical and authoritarian character traits; they are capable of committing unseemly acts in order to achieve their goals.

  • A short thumb can be seen in people who are weak-willed, weak-willed, and incapable of decisive action.
  • It is believed that the longer the limb, the more success its owner can achieve in life, since he always persistently and persistently moves towards his goal.

It is also worth paying attention to the size of the phalanges, each of which symbolizes a specific sphere. The upper part of the finger, on which the nail grows, is responsible for willpower, the middle part for logic. The last phalanx is not taken into account, since in palmistry it is referred not to the thumb, but to the Mount of Venus.

Ideally, the length of the upper and middle phalanx should be approximately the same. This symbolizes the balance of willpower and logic, indicating a person who is decisive, but reasonable in his actions. He can develop interesting ideas, at the same time knows how to implement them.

If the nail phalanx is noticeably longer than average, then impulsiveness prevails over logic. This means that a person often makes mistakes, but they cannot prevent him from continuing his path towards his intended goal. A similar picture is observed in individuals whose main character qualities are perseverance, determination, and perseverance in fulfilling assigned tasks.

The wider middle part indicates that the rational principle predominates in a person, and willpower is weakly expressed. The owner of such fingers thinks a lot, but acts little, so he rarely puts his plans into practice.


The thumb can have different mobility, this is also important for palmistry analysis. If the limb can be strongly inclined towards the wrist, this means that the person easily succumbs to the influence of others, often gives in under pressure from more strong people or circumstances. He does not like conflicts and steps aside to avoid them. At the same time, such people are open, optimistic, positive, and easy to make contact with.

If the finger bends poorly in the area of ​​the lower joint, then the person is stubborn, persistent in solving assigned tasks, he does not deviate from his position even under strong pressure.

Interpretation of the form

Studying the shape of a finger can provide a lot of information. If the limb is short and thin, this indicates an insecure person. If it’s thick and wide, it means excessive stubbornness, as well as dependence on material wealth.

If top part the finger has a shape close to a square, this is a symbol of honesty, justice, and practicality. People with this type of thumb are simple, down-to-earth, always approach things thoroughly, and have strong convictions.

The wide and flat tip of the upper phalanx, which is shaped like a shovel, is a sign of a business character, an active life position, and the ability to think analytically.

If the nail phalanx has the shape of a cone, such a sign indicates the subtle mental organization of a person. These people are vulnerable, sensitive, they have a developed sense of beauty, and love art.

A finger that tapers in the middle and widens towards the top and bottom (with a “waist”) is a sign of a tactful, diplomatic person.

The pointed tip can be seen in people who have special insight and know how to easily establish contacts with others.

If the phalanx on which the nail grows is round, wide and resembles a bump, this indicates the explosive nature of the personality.

Location value

By the way the thumb is positioned in relation to the rest of the hand and to the base of the palm, you can also tell a lot about a person’s character and even get information about his life purpose.

If the distance between the bases of the thumb and index fingers is wide, then this is called a deep (low) landing of the moving limb and indicates that the person is withdrawn. He does not trust others and behaves extremely cautiously, especially with strangers.

A high Venus finger, located far from the wrist, is characteristic of optimistic, open people who are called extroverts.

You should pay attention to the distance between the palm and the limb, which forms an obtuse or acute angle. If the angle is approximately 45°, this means that the person is conservative, follows generally accepted norms and rules, and honors traditions.

A distance between the limb and the edge of the palm, forming an angle of more than 45°, indicates people who are generous, sociable, energetic, and who are constantly striving to learn something new.

If the angle is less than 45°, this is a sign of a selfish person who values ​​his own interests above all else. Such people are very proud, and sometimes they are even cruel to others.

Sometimes the thumb on the hand is positioned in such a way that at the place where the process connects to the palm, an angle is formed that resembles a noticeable bulge. This detail is often found on the hands of talented people involved in music. They have an absolute ear for music and an impeccable sense of rhythm. This convexity on the hand is also called the practicality angle. Owners of this sign are skilled, dexterous, and love to work physically. They know the value of time, so they never waste it, they are punctual, and try not to be late for anything.

What do the signs tell you?

Lines on thumb often form drawings. They contain a much deeper meaning than the signs on any other part of the palm.

1. Circles or curls on any phalanx predict material success, profit, inheritance. Such a sign at the base of the finger warns of the need to pay serious attention to the state of health.

2. A star-shaped pattern located at the base of a limb promises difficulties in love relationships.

3. The square, which is located on the upper phalanx of the limb, indicates that the person has something important to do and all his thoughts and actions are aimed at solving the task at hand.

4. If a triangle is visible at the base of the finger, this is a sign of worldly wisdom.

5. A sign on the thumb in the form of a cross, located on the upper phalanx, can indicate frivolity and frivolity. If this pattern is large and located in the lower part of the limb, it indicates that there is great, strong love in a person’s life.

Lines that do not form any pattern also have meaning. For example, horizontal stripes often appear on the phalanges of the thumb in people who are dissatisfied with life and often experience stress. Vertical lines on the finger are a symbol of a strong, energetic personality, possessing a sound mind and loving the world around us.

Indian interpretation

In Indian palmistry, deciphering the meaning of the thumb is also given great value. Most palmists from India can reveal a person’s character and predict his fate, focusing only on the lines located on this part of the palm.

The features on the finger of Venus can be located vertically or horizontally. They are interpreted as follows:

1. A straight thin line running vertically from the side of the index finger and going from the top of the thumb to its bottom is responsible for wealth. It promises its owner material well-being.

2. The line that runs parallel to the previous one on the opposite side of the Venus finger also indicates monetary success, which is associated primarily with the family. This means that a person was either born in a wealthy environment, or will be able to achieve financial success in life to give everything they need to their own family.

3. A thin vertical thread that originates at the base of the thumb and rises up it approximately to the middle is considered an unfavorable sign. She can neutralize positive value other lines.

4. The horizontal line running on the border of the 1st and 2nd phalanx (wheat line) can tell you whether a person will experience difficulties and at what age, as well as about his personal life. Defects in the line at the beginning indicate problems in childhood, in the middle - in adulthood, and at the end - difficulties in old age. When a line begins as a single line and then intertwines with a second line, it symbolizes a meeting with a life partner. By the beginning of the interweaving, one can judge the approximate time of formation of the union.

5. Thin, deep horizontal stripe, closest to the wheat and located slightly lower, happens to sociable people. Such individuals are always ready to help in difficult times.

6. A line forming a line around the thumb at the level of the middle of the second phalanx suggests that the person loves to travel.

7. A line located across the limb below the middle of the second phalanx indicates the flighty nature of the person.

8. The deep line, forming a chain and passing on the border of the middle and lower phalanges, is a family ring, a symbol of marital relations. If this trait is broad and deep, it will be difficult for a person to meet a suitable partner. Line breaks warn of possible problems in relationships.

9. A line located above the line family life, is also a sign of love. If it is clear, without breaks or other defects, a person will know happiness in his personal life.

Indian palmists also pay attention to signs and drawings near the thumb. Thus, a symbol in the form of a fish predicts that a person will be able to achieve a lot, a design in the shape of a flag means wealth and success, and in the form of a tree - prosperity and a comfortable, quiet life.

Write your opinion

In palmistry, not only palms tell about a person’s fate. The shape, length and flexibility of the fingers tell the palmist no less than the location and type of lines. The thumb in palmistry is responsible for the decisions made by a person and their further implementation.

Thumb Meaning

In palmistry, each part of the hand is endowed with its own special meaning. Not only lines, but also fingers are responsible for certain areas of life.

For practicing palmists, the thumb is unique - no single deity is attributed to it. However, some experts call it the finger of Venus because of the nearby hill of the same name.

Main characteristics for fortune telling

When analyzing a thumb, a palmist pays attention to many details and characteristics. They help reveal a person’s character and his destiny more fully.


According to Indian palmistry, the length of the finger directly indicates the level of success achieved: the longer the finger, the more successful the person.

  1. Large size indicates a frank and straightforward person. Such a person usually tries to gain maximum power and is a dictator.
  2. The average shows a good manager who believes in himself and is able to lead others.
  3. A short length indicates irrationality. Such individuals are usually influenced by momentary moods.

This parameter is determined by the ratio of the tips of the thumb and index fingers. The long finger usually reaches the second phalanx. Average length ends at the level of the middle of the third phalanx. The border of small length is the base of the lower phalanx.

The length of the thumb is determined by its relationship with the index finger

Size and location

The development and thickness of the thumb also reveals the character of the individual. This characteristic is no less important for a palmist than all the others.

  1. A well-developed thumb indicates that the fortuneteller faces a person who is capable of moving towards his goal by overcoming himself.
  2. Subtle and undeveloped - indicates that the individual pays most of his attention to emotions and the sphere of feelings. A person can be an artist or a poet.

Palmists pay attention to how the thumb joins the rest of the palm. Thanks to division into squares, this is easy to determine. The square is obtained by drawing two lines on the palm. The first of them runs down from the base of the middle finger. The second intersects the middle of the first at a right angle. The type of alignment is determined by the ratio of the point of attachment of the finger to the point of intersection of the lines dividing the palm into squares.

  1. A high type of affiliation shows that the person has creativity. Such people approach solving problems and tasks in a non-standard way, and the decisions they make come like an insight.
  2. Medium - serves as an amplifier positive qualities, for which the thumb is responsible.
  3. Low - indicates a person who is familiar firsthand with the concepts of nobility, courage and a sense of duty. She is characterized by flexibility and the ability to adapt to unexpected circumstances.


The angle between the thumb and index finger in a relaxed state of the hand is determined by the right palm.

  1. Angle less than 45. Indicates the severity and straightforwardness of the personality.
  2. Right angle. People with this finger placement are able to empathize with others and take care of themselves. They are distinguished by a developed sense of justice and friendliness.
  3. An angle of more than 90. Indicates a person’s openness and ability to provide support in any situation.


A clear indicator of character traits is the flexibility of the finger of the right hand. Palmists convert Special attention on how much it bends at the joint. There are only two possible interpretations here.

  1. A high level of flexibility indicates that the individual is the joker and the soul of any company. Such people have a flexible nature that allows them to adapt to the situation.
  2. A finger that is not flexible is a feature of persistent and stubborn people. Such people are clear in their intentions and do not deviate from their intended goal.

Finger phalanges

The thumb has two visible phalanges. They allow you to learn a little more about a person and his character.

Equal size of phalanges indicates that a person has a similar level of development of enterprise and perseverance. Such people are capable of not only giving ideas, but also turning them into reality.

A longer first phalanx indicates great tenacity. Such an individual goes towards his goal, regardless of obstacles. He does not break after failures, but becomes stronger.

If the second phalanx is longer than the first, the situation is diametrically opposite. A flexible and resourceful mind forces such people to carefully think through many paths and strategies before taking action.

An inflexible thumb is a feature of persistent and persistent people

Lines on the finger

A drawing of shapes and lines will tell you a lot. First of all, they pay attention to the family line. An even ring without breaks or other possible defects is considered ideal. This line indicates the characteristics of family life and a person’s parents.

Also important element is the "wheat line". This line serves as a phalanx separator. She tells the palmist about the living conditions of the person whose fate needs to be read. A clearly visible line indicates that conditions are good, there is prosperity in life, good level education and comfort.

If there are special signs (cross, diamond), then they need to be interpreted individually. In this case, the palmist should pay attention to what other lines or figures are combined with a special symbol.


The thumb helps reveal a person's character. Every detail has its own special meaning, as the Universe sends its signs through everything to help a person fulfill his destiny and live his destiny with dignity.

Building a psychological portrait of any personality is not limited to studying the lines on the palm alone. An important role in determining a person’s character is played by the analysis of what structure the hand has as a whole and each of its elements separately.

Fingers, due to their physiological characteristics, perform numerous functions, which are often not given due attention, they seem so familiar and natural. Each finger has its own given name, they have their own line on the palm, they take part in a clearer expression of thoughts using a variety of gestures.

Indian palmistry claims that the length of this finger is directly related to success

These are the most easily moving parts of the hands, and this feature is reflected in the interpretation of information, both about the person himself and about the events happening to him.

It’s not for nothing that the thumb got its name. It symbolizes a person’s own “I”, is the main one among his fellows, with its help the striking force of the five gathered into a fist increases, it seems to cover them from above. Palmistry pays special attention to the thumb, because its structure can tell a lot about the characteristics of one’s nature, aspirations, preferences, and predisposition to engage in any type of activity.


The larger a person’s thumb, the more persistent and ambitious he is in achieving his goals compared to others, the greater success will accompany him in life. It is believed that it is much easier for such people to become leaders and achieve significant heights in the most different areas activities. After all, they are persistent, always know what they want, and firmly pursue their goals; they can make a strong politician.

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The length of the thumb is easily determined by straightening the palm. To do this, all limbs must be pressed tightly against each other. Based on the level of which phalanx of the index finger the tip of the thumb is located, a conclusion is drawn about its length.

  • Very long thumb. Its tip is located at the level of the middle of the second phalanx of the index finger. The owner of such a treasure has a strong will, determination, an extraordinary mind, he is able to be a leader and lead people.
  • Average length. The tip is located opposite the place where the midline of the lower phalanx of the index passes. People who have this distinctive feature, are characterized as fair, sensible individuals with great willpower, who, if necessary, can stand up for themselves.
  • Short thumb. Its top is at the level of the Mount of Jupiter. The meaning is that these people are very stubborn and weak-willed.

In addition to length, large it can be narrow or wide. This sign can be seen by looking at it from the outside of the hand, where the nail is located. If the structure of the limb has narrow shape, this testifies to the inherent tactlessness of a person, some rudeness, stubbornness, the desire to always do everything only in his own way. A wide finger is characteristic of purposeful and persistent natures.

Characteristics of the phalanges

Each human finger has 3 phalanges - the upper, on which the nail plate is located, the middle and the lower. And Bolshoi is no exception, although at first glance it does not seem so. Its lower phalanx is located under the Mount of Venus, located at the base of the thumb.

Most optimal combination is equal length upper (phalanx of the will) and middle phalanx. A person with such a skeletal structure has equally developed logic and willpower. Similar people They always finish things they start and are generators of interesting ideas.

When the upper phalanx is longer, the person's character lacks logic, but there is persistence and determination. With enviable tenacity, he will move towards his goal, despite the many mistakes made along the way. This is a sign of a tendency to dominate others.

Thumb - personifies the energy of the Almighty, is considered the main one on the hand and is called “Vishnu’s finger”

If the second segment is longer (phalanx of logic), such a character is creative personality. He has a lot of ideas in his head, but there is absolutely no desire to implement them, no sense of purpose.

The shape of the tip also plays a role in determining a person’s inherent traits:

  • square silhouette - honesty, openness, fairness, practicality, even some simplicity;
  • the shape of a shovel is businesslike and active;
  • conical shape - sophistication, sensitivity, diplomacy and tact;
  • pointed finger - insight and softness;
  • the tip is curved - extravagance and spontaneity;
  • broad outlines (large phalanx) – solidity, having one’s own opinion, caution;
  • very wide and flat first phalanx - patience, unpredictability, violent reaction to any trifles.

Thumb location and mobility

The finger of Mars can be positioned in relation to the palm under different angles and at different heights. And palmistry also takes these details into account when it examines a person’s personality and character. So, if the angle between the index finger and the thumb is sharp, then we have a conservative and a follower of traditions. The higher this indicator, the more generous the person is. If the index finger and thumb form completely small angle, then his nature is very selfish, narrow-minded and cruel.

The Romans gave a thumbs up if they wished to grant life to a defeated fighter

The outer angle, located where the second phalanx of the thumb meets the palm, is called the practicality angle. This trait is quite rare, characteristic of punctual, practical people, skillful and dexterous, masters of their craft.

The bulge that is located where the thumb meets the wrist outside, is called the angle of sound. The more obvious this feature is, the more talent such a person has for music and dancing.

The finger of Mars, located at a considerable height from the wrist, is characteristic of optimistic, cheerful and open people; energy flows from them.

A low landing, on the contrary, speaks of isolation and caution.

The thumbs vary in their mobility. They can be flexible or immobile. In the first case, a person is open, positive, and prefers not to participate in conflicts and quarrels. The meaning of the second is that the personality is characterized by stubbornness, constancy, perseverance, and inflexibility.

Signs and marks

An experienced palmist will be told about important events occurring in a person’s life not only by the shape and size of the large fingers on his hands, but also by various marks that appeared naturally or artificially - moles or tattoos.

In the East, it is believed that the size of the thumb is directly related to the level of success that a person can achieve