How to make a king-size pull-up bed. We make comfortable furniture with a “secret” - a bed with a lifting mechanism with your own hands A bed with a lifting mechanism with your own hands drawing

In conditions of shortage square meters have to look for a way to extract maximum benefit literally from every piece of furniture. Even from a bed that seems to be intended only for rest and cannot perform any other tasks. But as practice shows, some furniture models are very multifunctional. For example, a bed with lifting mechanism– it can be used for sleeping and for storing all kinds of bedding. Do you think such a bed will cost too much? You're wrong - you can even make it yourself. And our photos, drawings and assembly videos will help you with this.

Preparation for installation

Making a bed with a lifting mechanism should begin with the preparation of drawings, materials and tools.

If you are doing this kind of work for the first time, it is better to use ready-made furniture assembly drawings to avoid serious design errors that will cost you the functionality of the bed.

Materials and tools you will need:

  • Chipboard and MDF;
  • lifting mechanism;
  • screwdriver and screws;
  • jigsaw;
  • bars;
  • boards;

  • wooden slats;
  • furniture stapler;
  • upholstery material;
  • sheet foam rubber.

As for the lifting mechanism, it can be of two types:

  1. Gas – operates using gas spring-shock absorbers. It can be blocking - with fixation in a certain position, as well as standard - without fixation. Main advantages: noiselessness, ease of operation, soft finishing.
  2. Mechanical - operates using metal springs. The main advantage is the ability to adjust the operation of the lifting system by adding, removing, loosening and tightening springs.

Advice. If you are planning to assemble a double bed, choose a gas mechanism - it is more durable and durable.

Now you can start making furniture.

Bed assembly

First of all, you need to build a solid foundation for the furniture. To do this, make:

  • sidewalls, drawers, headboards and bottoms for drawers - made of chipboard or MDF;
  • the frame for the base is made of bars;
  • mattress cover – made of wooden planks and slats.

Then assemble the bed base from all these elements:

  • secure the bottom for future boxes on the timber frame;
  • install the drawers and sides on the frame, and on top of them - the mattress flooring;
  • secure the headboard to the base.

Use self-tapping screws to connect parts.

Then install the lifting mechanism. It is already on sale in finished form, so you only need to firmly seat the system on the nuts that usually come with it in the kit: first, the lower steel bar is attached to the timber frame of the base, and then the upper one is attached to the side part.

Advice. If you want to get the most durable bed, install it on a steel frame: take a profile and use a grinder to saw it into pieces of the required dimensions, and then weld the parts into a single structure - then fix the bed frame on it.

Sheathing and finishing

When the bed structure is ready, it needs to be sheathed. This is done in order, firstly, to hide the frame and frame elements, secondly, to obtain a comfortable and soft bed, and thirdly, to give the furniture an aesthetic appearance.

First of all, lay a sheet of foam rubber on the base - optimal quantity Define the layers yourself. Cover it with upholstery material on top. It can be not only fabric, but also leatherette or leather. It is best to attach the sheathing to the frame using furniture stapler: its steel brackets are firmly driven into the base, but at the same time remain unnoticeable on the skin, so they do not damage appearance furniture. Also don't forget to line decorative material and the sides of the bed. In those places where the finishing will often come into contact with the lifting mechanism, you can place small pads under the main material.

After covering, all that remains is to install the finishing accessories: support legs, wheels or rollers.

Thus, if you understand the instructions, then even making such a complex piece of furniture as a bed with a lifting mechanism will be a completely feasible task. So don’t rush to spend money on a store-bought product - with some effort, you can get an equally attractive model, but several times cheaper.

Do-it-yourself bed with a lifting mechanism: video

Bed with a lifting mechanism: photo

Small apartments require compact placement of furniture for organization free space. For perfect solution For this task, you can make a bed with a lifting mechanism with your own hands, because this design has a considerable number of advantages. The most important of its advantages are reliability, versatility and practicality.

Preparation for any furniture creation process consists of the following steps:

  • drawing up a diagram or drawing of a future structure;
  • preparation of materials and tools that will be required for work.

Creating a bed begins with constructing a box. Most optimal material it is considered chipboard. It is also possible to use materials such as particle boards or OSB. This choice is determined by financial capabilities or personal preferences.

You also need to select the material for the insides of the bed and upholstery. Foam rubber is most often used for the interior. The cladding material is selected according to the overall interior design and personal preferences.

To build a bed with a lifting mechanism with your own hands, you will need the following set of tools:

  • building level;
  • marker (pencil);
  • roulette;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • grinder equipped with a disc for working with metal;
  • screwdriver with a set of different attachments;
  • construction hair dryer;
  • welding machine.


In addition to the listed tools, the work will require a special stapler for furniture, steel strips, self-tapping screws, and wooden slats.

It is also worth paying attention to the choice of lifting mechanism. There can be 2 options:

  • mechanical type, in which work is carried out due to the operation of metal springs;
  • gas type– the work occurs due to gas spring-shock absorbers.

When installing a double bed, it is worth installing a gas-type lifting mechanism, since it is more durable and durable.

Manufacturing stages

After preparation necessary materials and the tools are completed, you can start assembling makeshift bed. This process can be divided into several stages. Let's look at each of them in detail.

Main frame

A do-it-yourself lifting bed requires the preliminary manufacture of all parts of the main frame. Their list includes:

  • side drawers, back, headboard, bottom for drawers when using chipboard (MDF);
  • frame for the base made of wooden blocks;
  • special flooring for the mattress, which can be prepared from wooden boards and slats.

All of the listed details must be prepared; pre-developed diagrams and drawings will help with this. Assembly of the prepared parts is carried out in the following sequence:

  • the bottom for the drawers is attached to the frame made of bars;
  • the side drawers and the back part are firmly fixed on the same frame, on which you can immediately install the flooring under the mattress;
  • after this the headboard is fixed.

To make the bed you made yourself comfortable and safe, you should use self-tapping screws and special corners.

Base materials

The process of assembling a bed with a lifting mechanism requires the use of large quantity tools

The sides of the bed are attached using corners and screws

Lifting frame

The lifting mechanism is important element transformable beds. It is thanks to him that access is provided to the hollow internal part of the structure, which acts as a storage facility. To create a lifting mechanism for a bed with your own hands, steel strips are taken as the base. They are assembled into a kind of movable structure and are equipped with pneumatic shock absorbers. Of course, in specialized stores you can purchase a ready-made lift designed for a certain weight, but still experienced craftsmen prefer to design such an important product themselves.

So, to create a lift you will need the following elements:

  • the top bar, which, in order to be secured in the desired position, must be additionally reinforced with a bar made of rolled angle steel;
  • the base of the lift, consisting of two steel strips;
  • height regulators for the bed frame, also consisting of two steel slats;
  • bottom bar with a support function, which also simplifies the operation of the hinged supports.

All elements used for the lift must be tested for strength, since the load when lifting the bed frame to the ceiling is distributed across all parts of the structure.

Orthopedic base

Lifting mechanism elements

Mounting the lifting mechanism

Installing a lifting mechanism on a bed with your own hands consists of the following steps:

  • the top bar of the lift must be attached to the bed frame using a bar made of angle steel;
  • attach two lift bases to the top bar, which are responsible for controlling the lifting height of the bed frame along with the mattress;
  • secure the bottom strip to the main box;
  • check the strength of all fastenings of the lifting structure.

Gas lift mechanism

Mechanism on gas shock absorbers

Spring mechanism

Installation of gas shock absorbers

Sheathing of the product

So, how to make a bed with your own hands has become clear. Now you need to figure out how to sheathe ready product. The following materials can be used for this:

  • leather (imitation leather);
  • fabric (velvet, velor and others).

To make the covering more airy and soft, sheet foam rubber is most often used. To attach the materials used to the furniture, you will need special glue and a furniture stapler.

A bed with a lifting mechanism is the best option For small apartments, which allows you to solve several problems related to the improvement of the room at once. Practicality, reliability and versatility are its main advantages. She can act not only as sleeping place, but also serve as a chest of drawers for storing various things and accessories. Making a bed with a lifting mechanism with your own hands is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. If all the requirements and recommendations of specialists are met, the bed will turn out no worse than the factory one. In order to figure out how to do this, it is necessary to divide the entire process into several stages, each of which requires special attention.

Features of such models

Beds with lifting device have a number of features that must be taken into account when making it yourself:

  • the dimensions of the bed, which mainly affect the strength of the lifting device. The larger the bed, the more weight will be placed on the mechanism. According to the standards, the bed size is 2 meters in length, the width of a single bed is 0.9 m, a double bed is 2 m;
  • beds with a lifting device can be single or double;
  • the mechanism can be mounted horizontally or vertically;
  • The height of the bed affects the capacity of the box. If the product is planned to be made with legs, then the box will be much smaller than a bed without them. A product without legs has another important advantage: the absence of dust underneath;
  • assembling a product with your own hands requires consistent, responsible implementation of all its stages, these are drawings, preparation of materials, manufacturing individual parts beds, their assembly. On average, it will take 1-2 months to make a bed, subject to the simultaneous completion of other daily duties;
  • the choice of material should be made not only from personal preferences, but also depending on the design of the room in which the product is planned to be installed.
Bed with steel frame Diagram of a bed frame with a lifting mechanism Diagram of a bed frame with a lifting mechanism
Bed assembly diagram

Materials and tools

Any construction process or making furniture with your own hands begins with drawing up a drawing, as well as preparing the necessary tools and materials. The choice of material begins with the base of the box. The most common and inexpensive material for the manufacture of any furniture are chipboard sheets. But other materials such as OSB, particle boards and others can also be used, it all depends on the preference of the owner, financial opportunities. Next, the upholstery material is prepared, the choice of which depends solely on personal preferences and the design of the room.

The filling of the bed consists of foam rubber and upholstery fabric. Their dimensions and thickness are prepared according to the drawn up drawing.

The most accessible and inexpensive material for making a bed is chipboard

To process the material and prepare it for installation work With your own hands you will need the following tool:

  • level;
  • roulette;
  • pencil or marker;
  • jigsaw;
  • screwdriver with different attachments;
  • grinder with a metal disc;
  • welding machine;
  • construction hair dryer;
  • steel strips;
  • furniture stapler.
Orthopedic base
Base materials
Elevator transformation system

Which lifting mechanism to choose

Design modern beds allows them to be used in rooms of different sizes, while having a suitable lifting mechanism, thanks to which the bed can be reclined both horizontally and vertically. In addition, lift beds are classified according to the type of built-in lift. The simplicity and ease of use of furniture depends on it. The lifting mechanism is divided into 3 types:

  • with manual lift;
  • spring;
  • on gas shock absorbers.
Gas lift Spring Manual

The manual lift mechanism is the most accessible device, because it does not contain additional accessories in the form of shock absorbers or springs. Beds with such a mechanism are mainly used for adults, since when opening the box you need to make a lot of effort, children cannot cope with such a load. But, besides the shortcomings, manual mechanism There are also advantages - strength, durability.

The spring mechanism is convenient to use, but its service life ranges from 3 to 5 years, after which it will need to be completely replaced. The main cause of failure is wear and stretching of the spring. The big advantage of the spring mechanism is its price; it is relatively small, thanks to which it is very popular and in demand.

The gas shock absorber is the most convenient, reliable, durable mechanism. The device operates smoothly, silently, with virtually no human intervention. The service life of such a mechanism ranges from 5 to 10 years, with constant use. The choice of shock absorber is made depending on the dimensions of the product and the weight of the sleeping frame. The mechanism on gas shock absorbers is expensive, but at the same time in demand.

When making a bed with your own hands, a lifting device can be bought in furniture stores or ordered online. You can make it yourself from suitable materials. But when choosing materials, you need to take into account the fact that the load from the mattress falls not only on the shock absorbers and mechanism bars, but also on the fastening points with fastening fittings.

The mechanism is fastened in the following order:

  • first, the upper strip of the device is installed, to the base of the box, the lathing of the sleeping plane;
  • to completely secure it, a bar is made from rolled iron;
  • assembly of the next two slats will allow you to control the height of the rise of the grid with the mattress;
  • the lower support bar is attached to the main box; it is necessary to facilitate the sliding of the hinge supports;
  • Having finished installing the mechanism, you need to check all its fastenings.
The gas lift is mounted on a rack base
Mechanism on gas shock absorbers
Installation of gas shock absorbers

Making a lifting frame

Assembling a lifting frame with your own hands consists of two main stages, these are carpentry and carpentry work and the processing process.

Carpentry work:

  • assembly begins with the preparation of parts for the frame, according to the drawing, which indicates all dimensions;
  • Next, the base of the frame is assembled, this is a box of calibrated boards. The process must be carried out on the floor to avoid distortions. To align the corners, you must use a construction square;
  • The structure is tied using metal corners, and for strength, the joints are glued with wood glue. When fastening, you need to pay attention to the heads of the screws; they should sink into the wood, but not too much. It is recommended to immediately treat any cut areas that appear;
  • when large sizes it is recommended to make a central partition along the frame for the sleeping place;
  • the next stage is the fastening of the slats, which are screwed using screws with inside sidewalls, aligning them along the bottom edge of the box. They are needed to attach lamellas to them. The size of the slats should be within 20 by 80 mm;
  • The same slats act as slats, only their length will correspond to the width of the bed. They are fastened to support rails along the frame, in increments of no more than 15 cm. Plywood is also suitable for slats, but in this case the installation of a central partition is required;
  • At this point the carpentry process is completed and the lifting frame is ready.

Frame processing:

  • this process involves refinement wooden parts using sandpaper or a special sanding machine and coating them with varnish;
  • one of the nuances of preparing the frame is plywood sheet, which rests on the slats to evenly distribute the load. Or you can lay the lamellas with a step frequency of 8–10 cm.

Frame assembly
The sides of the bed are attached using corners and screws
Finished bed frame

Making the main frame

The assembly of the frame, like all other components of the bed, is carried out in stages. First of all, to manufacture the main frame, its components are prepared. Design, height, size of backrests, presence of legs - all these nuances are reflected in a pre-drawn drawing. The main requirement in the manufacture of a product is reliability, strength and quality of the material.

As mentioned above, any material can be used, depending on financial capabilities and personal preferences. For a double box standard bed(2000x1800) you will need: for the side parts - two boards 207 cm long, for the end elements you need two boards 182 cm long. They are assembled according to the same principle as the lifting frame, using screws, corners and glue. In the assembly process, this moment is the most critical, so before attaching the corners, you need to check that all corners correspond to 90 degrees. Excess glue that has come out must be removed immediately so that in the future it does not cause difficulties when processing the frame.

During production large beds With your own hands, you need to install a stiffener in the main box, through the longitudinal axis of the product. If the bed design includes legs, then the last stage in the installation process is their installation. The simplest option for making them is to assemble two bars (40x50) and install them at the depth of two crowns of the bar. To strengthen the structure, you can also install a leg in the center. Having placed the structure in its original position, you can proceed to its processing, clean it and varnish it.

Fastening slats for plywood bottom
Bed legs
The legs are attached inside the frame
View from outside
To prevent the floor from scratching, you can glue pieces of linoleum to the ends of the legs.

Sheathing of the product

The final step in making a bed with a lifting device is its design decoration, sheathing. Depending on the design of the room, the personal preferences of the owner, as well as banal financial capabilities, cladding can be done using:

  • fabrics;
  • skin;
  • dermantine.

If the product was made from quality wood You can treat it with paints and varnishes.

For the cladding process you will need:

  • fabric (or other selected materials);
  • construction stapler;
  • sheet foam rubber.

The covering is done on the main frame and headboard. To create a small volume and airiness of the upholstery material, a pad of sheet foam rubber is made between the wood and the fabric. A construction stapler is quite sufficient for fastening fabric; its metal staples, thanks to the spring mechanism, are driven quite firmly into the wood and hold the fabric tightly.

Legs are wrapped in upholstery material
Final installation legs
The sides of the bed are covered with foam rubber
Foam rubber is nailed on top with an overlap of approximately 3-4 mm
Leatherette upholstery
This is how the side around the leg was finished
The leatherette was lined at the bottom with a slouch, without a turn-up
The corners of the upholstery are fixed

Making a headboard

The headboard for the bed can be made of the same material as the entire product, or you can use a regular sheet of plywood. On plywood or other material you need to make necessary measurements and use a jigsaw to cut out the shape of the back that you like best. But you need to keep in mind that during the cladding process it is easier to work with rectangular shapes.

A headboard blank is cut from a sheet of plywood
A wooden border is attached to the workpiece

The upholstery of the headboard follows the same principle as the main frame, using construction stapler, sheathing material and foam sheets. The difference is that for the headboard the covering should be more airy, so two sheets of foam rubber are laid between the plywood and the material. Depending on the design of the bed, using foam rubber and different types material, you can give a unique look to the headboard.

Fastening foam rubber
Second layer of foam Thick batting finish
Stretch the fabric Finished headboard

To summarize, we can say that when thinking about how to assemble a bed with a lifting mechanism, you should not be afraid of difficulties, because it is quite possible to do it yourself. The main condition for receiving good result, this is the sequential execution of all installation stages, the first of which is drawing up a drawing, where all dimensions, amount of material, necessary tools. If all geometric proportions are observed, the bed will turn out to be of much higher quality and more reliable than the purchased version. The material for its manufacture is selected depending on personal preferences, financial capabilities and room design.

Despite the wide range of furniture items in stores, people still prefer self-production beds.

After all, in this way you can choose the type of construction, materials of manufacture, design and dimensions of the sleeping bed. Besides, making furniture with your own hands is a very pleasant and useful task. You yourself will create a comfortable place to sleep from safe and environmentally friendly materials.

Exist different models beds. But most owners of small apartments prefer models with lifting mechanisms. Their advantages include:

  • saving free space;
  • original and aesthetic appearance;
  • Availability extra space under the mattress for personal belongings.


Before you start making a bed with a lifting mechanism, you should choose the right Consumables. You can make furniture from the following materials:

Advice: in addition to lumber, when making a bed with a lifting mechanism, it is worth paying attention to the fittings, guides and the lifting mechanism itself. The durability and strength of the product will directly depend on it. Here it is better not to save on the purchase of furniture components, but to purchase products from proven and well-established manufacturers.

Types of mechanisms

The lifting mechanism itself is:

Which option to choose should be based on personal preferences and financial capabilities.

Advice: if you want to make a practical and durable bed, give preference to a mechanism with gas shock absorbers. If you are going to make an economical option, for example, for installation, you can choose a simple mechanical mechanism.


After choosing a bed model, its dimensions, materials of manufacture and type of lifting mechanism, it is worth making a drawing based on a preliminary sketch of the product. Thanks to its presence, It will be easier for you not only to detail individual elements, but also to assemble a complex structure. There are several options for making a drawing:

  • you can make it yourself if you know how to draw;
  • you can use special computer programs, downloaded from the Internet;
  • you can contact furniture company, where in addition to a competent drawing, you will be offered to do the detailing of all individual elements.


To make a bed with a lifting mechanism you will need the following tools:

From materials you will need:

  • lumber (the easiest way to make a product is from chipboard, OSB, MDF);
  • upholstery materials;
  • foam;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • fasteners;
  • lifting mechanism.

How to do it yourself?

Manufacturing and assembly

Let's start the workflow:


The mechanism itself is sold ready for installation. First you need to secure it to the timber frame of the base, then attach it to the side.

Advice: The mechanism will hold better if it is welded to a metal frame. You can also assemble the rest of the bed on it.


Concerning finishing, there are several options here:


Such furniture is both functional and attractive:

Useful video

All stages of assembly can be seen in the following video:


In conclusion, it is worth noting that it is possible to make a high-quality and practical bed with a lifting mechanism with your own hands. The manufacturing process will take a lot of time, given that you will independently develop the design of the product, select a lifting mechanism, manufacturing materials, and draw a sketch.

As practice shows, it takes people about a month to self-assembly beds with a lifting mechanism. But as a result of your efforts, you will get a durable, practical and comfortable bed that meets your personal needs, general interior rooms and features of the bedroom.

In contact with

I realized that I no longer have the strength to sleep on a fold-out sofa corner. The sofa is old (8 years!!!), the filling is wrinkled in places, the back feels hard unevenness and hurts in the morning.

To begin with, my wife and I decided to drive around and look at the shops and fairs bed + orthopedic mattress. We decided on the size of the sleeping area - 1400 x 2000. This is also suitable for the subsequent layout of the room.

The bedroom set (bed, wardrobe, bedside tables, etc.) is not suitable for us, because... The bedroom is small – 9m2. What remains is just a bed.

The prices were different - from 6500 rubles. (chipboard + plywood) up to 50,000 and above.

I liked something similar:

just without the headboard. (Soft sides without sharp corners + simplicity... in short, I liked it!)

The price of such a bed (without a lifting mechanism) is about 15,000 rubles. You can put a lift in the bed you like (more + 12000). Total – 27,000 rubles.

A lifting mechanism was needed because... The apartment is small and the presence of additional compartments for different things is a resolved issue.

I decided to make the bed myself (no experience, but I know how to work with tools).

An orthopedic base was found for 4,500 rubles.

Transformation system - elevator: 1200 rub.

I sketched out a sketch and thought about how everything would be arranged. I roughly calculated the lumber and went in search of boards for the sides and legs. ( Important: Solid boards required size No. You need to buy a tongue and groove board (window sill or something similar). Without knowing this, I bought floorboard with veneer for gluing (thickness - 35 mm, width - 150 mm) at the rate of three boards per side. For the legs I took 100 x 100 mm timber. Upon purchase, all boards and beams were cut to size.

At home I picked up and glued together (PVA-based carpentry glue) three boards each: Long side– 2010 mm, short side – 1420+35+35=1490 mm. (I first estimated the gap with which the gas lift works - about 10 mm from the lifting bar to the wall of the bed to which the gas lift is attached. Hence 1420 mm). 35mm - board thickness.

The disadvantage of the floorboard is that it has a slight curvature - a “propeller” (take the window sill - it is straight). That’s why I spent a long time choosing and adjusting which boards would fit in what way.

As a result, I picked up and glued 4 boards. Board size: L1=L2=2010mm, L3=L4=1490mm.

Because the orthopedic base rests on 4 corners and a longitudinal plane in the middle, I glued another board that will serve as a support for the base. L5=2010mm

Leg size: L1=L2=L3=L4=450mm. The timber was damp and therefore cracked slightly while it was drying. But this did not affect the process and quality. It is important to let the wood dry. I made the bed slowly, so the legs had time to dry.

The sides of the bed needed to be rounded. This was done in two steps: 1 – electric jigsaw at an angle of 45°; 2 – belt sander(approximately).

Next, all sides of the bed were assembled using corners and screws. The difficulty was that the three boards turned out to be almost straight, and one of the sides (it was supposed to be placed with this side towards the wall) was a “propeller”. Therefore, the “straight” sides were attached first:

Coming to the 4th corner, we have this curvature:

The board was forced to fit and fastened with a long self-tapping screw into the end of the board:

Things are not going well at the bottom of this corner either:

Due to the fact that the bottom of the board was pulled to the side due to the “propeller”, a wedge was placed. WITH outside I simply cut off the protruding board.

I rounded the corners using the same technology: (the holes for attaching the legs are visible)

Since in the corners inside the base of the bed there are metal corners, there was a need additional processing legs (grooves with a belt sander):

The holes for attaching the legs were measured and drilled. The height of the legs is the same as the width of the sides. Shift of legs downwards by 60mm.

Trial installation of legs:

All screws are in place: (There is room on top for an orthopedic base + a side to stabilize the mattress)

Pieces of linoleum were glued to the ends of the legs (top and bottom). From below so as not to scratch the floor, and from above for an orthopedic base:

After gluing the overlays, I glued and wrapped the legs with upholstery material, and secured the edges with a stapler. Holes for mounting screws are cut:

I set up the bed and figured out how the orthopedic base would fit:

This is approximately how it will open on elevators. There is no support board yet under the middle of the base. It moves down like the legs - by 60 mm.

Let's start tightening the sides of the bed. First, foam rubber S-10mm:

This is the underside of the side of the bed. The foam comes from the edge of the board, because... there will be slats inside the base for support plywood base boxes. The foam rubber is glued to the sides.

This is one of the corners. The foam rubber is turned, cut and nailed with a stapler.

The foam rubber is nailed on top with an overlap of approximately 3-4 mm.

When joining the foam rubber, an insert was used locally and by eye (it will not be noticeable):

This is how the side around the leg was finished. Bottom view:

(This is exactly that leg, in a crooked corner. This thickening is the wooden insert).

The leatherette was lined at the bottom with a slouch, without turning up. The width of the overlap is equal to the width of the slats that will hold the plywood bottom. At the top it was lined with a collar for beauty. I haven’t figured out how to start the corners yet...

The corners were brought in and secured. If there was leather, maybe it would be stretched beautifully with small folds.

This is what it looks like from the outside:

I turned all the corners. It turned out soft and rounded. At this stage I glued a strip of linoleum onto the support board.

I covered the ugly corners of the middle board with the remains of leatherette:

I check the tight fit of all four legs and the support board to the orthopedic base. (Note: The middle board is difficult to fit in one go. Do not rush to screw all the screws into the corners, screw 2-4 at a time and check the fit of the base).

The next stage is slats for the plywood bottom. I screwed slats with a section of 25x40 along the entire internal perimeter. Drill large holes in the rail for self-tapping screws.

Son Andrey helps. He lubricates the screws in soap, places them in the batten and hits them with a hammer so that the screw fits into the board. And I'm just spinning

Almost done…).

Since the resulting roller on top of the side slightly overlaps the orthopedic base, when lowered the base holds and does not fly up.

Gas shock absorbers are selected depending on the weight of the orthopedic base + mattress. My gas shock absorbers are rated for 80 kg.

We ordered a mattress and it finally arrived. Moisture-resistant cover on top:

The mattress lies high and the gap between the mattress and the base is visible.

CONCLUSION: It is necessary to move the legs and the middle support board not by 60 mm, but by 90 mm. This will allow the mattress to fit more tightly into the base.

All. The bed is ready. Estimated cost materials (without mattress): 9 – 10 thousand rubles. We bought an expensive mattress because of back problems.

The bed has been tested. Very stable, nothing creaks. The wood used was dry and should not dry out.