How can you develop the habit of evaluating your own actions? Developing habits. Limit your sugar intake

There are many stages that symbolize “adult” life: turning 18, graduating from university, having your first official job. But the main realization that you are already an adult comes at about 30 years old. By this time, a person becomes an emotionally stronger, mature person. In the period from 18 to 30 years, people usually go through a stage of formation, formation life values. We get an education, grow professionally, many start a family. And over time, our principles turn into habits that make life after thirty much easier. Forbes magazine recommends developing these 10 habits.

Keep your word

If you promise to call, call. If you say no to someone, have the courage to look the person in the eyes. Don’t chase comfort by holding back and deceiving other people’s expectations. If you feel guilty at any point, then you will get peace of mind in the long term. When you keep your word, people respect you, and this is important: your authority is built on this.

Be responsible

By the age of thirty, you already understand that two jobs, children and a dog and a cat are somehow too much for you. This means that you overestimated your degree of responsibility. After all, when a person takes on a lot of tasks, the blame lies with him for the fact that he cannot cope with them. Always calculate what you can afford to be responsible for and what you can’t.

Be punctual

Isn't it true that the worst thing is when someone makes you wait? As a child, this didn’t seem very offensive - you could hang out under a friend’s window for an hour, waiting for him to help your mother wash the dishes. But by the time you're 30, being late doesn't make you cute or funny—it's just plain annoying. Punctuality gives you points as a good professional and to a friend.

Manage finances

Living one day at a time and spending what you earn on whatever your soul asks for is childish, don’t you agree? At 30, you already need to be able to manage your finances by saving money every month, making deposits or buying shares. You should have financial goals: pay off your mortgage, save for a car, etc. If you pay off loans, keep your payments in order and avoid late payments.

Living every day is interesting

Do you know how the most successful people spend their days: when do they wake up, when do they go to bed, what do they do on weekends, what are their daily schedules? People eat oatmeal, ride bikes, and do yoga, often to imitate the rich (as if oatmeal will make them tycoons). To achieve more, find a schedule that works best for you. What gives you more energy? What are you unwilling to give up? Successful people know their tendencies and create schedules based on their strengths.

Be able to organize

You can’t live without this, especially if you have a family. But first of all, you must learn to organize yourself: get up on an alarm clock, go for a run, have a healthy breakfast, go to the office... We are not perfect, and perhaps you will get used to self-organization gradually. For example, for some it is a huge feat to get up not at noon, but at least at 10 am.

Donate to charity

If you are still looking for a job or changing your field of activity, then it is unlikely that charity is in your plans. But if you have a stable job and receive a salary, you can determine what is most important to you in the social life of the country - the fight against corruption, treating children, finding a cure for cancer... You can set up automatic donations and give small amounts to good causes.

Watch your health

You are no longer a student who suffers from any flu on your feet. It's time to take care of your health before you have to shell out a ton of money for treatment. If you haven't quit smoking, quit: your skin doesn't look younger, and your morning cough only gets worse. If you like to drink, consider being more active and useful types recreation.

Know your strengths and weaknesses

Why is the struggle for self-improvement so difficult? Because a good half of this struggle is that the most difficult thing to cope with is yourself. Look at yourself and honestly identify your weaknesses and strengths, both personally and professionally. Yes, it can be unpleasant, but if you learn to tolerate temporary discomfort, then there is nothing that you cannot achieve.

How to develop a habit?

1 Habit formation is when you decide to do something a certain number of times every [working] day.

2 Stop thinking every time whether you need to do this, whether there is time for it. Decide once, and then take it for granted. You don’t decide whether to brush your teeth every morning or not, do you? You always have enough time for this, right?

3 Link each approach within the day to a specific time or event. At 9 o’clock in the morning, after lunch, before fitness, when I’m on my way home from work, and so on. Not “sometime in the afternoon,” but in a clear connection to a specific time or other regular action.

4 Each approach is the implementation of certain actions required quantity once. Do ten push-ups, write 100 words, publish a post, write down one business idea, and so on. Don't aim for quality - aim for quantity. Not “come up with a brilliant idea,” but “write down three ideas.” Quality is the child of quantity.

5 Do not overdo it with the number of actions within one approach. Each approach shouldn't make you feel disgusted by having to manually set the sun. Each approach must be completed completely. This is only possible if the target number of actions is minimally reasonable.

6 Don't skip a single approach. Never. Therefore, choose the time frame and the number of actions in the approach wisely.

7 Find or come up with something that could become a regular reward for you after each approach or less often, but with sufficient regularity? This will greatly speed up the addiction. Blogging is one of the fastest habits to learn. Likes and comments after the publication of each post provide the desired level of dopamine stimulation.

8 Habits are not learned quickly. One theory says 21 days is enough. Other studies suggest a period of 17 to 254 days, with a median of 66 days.

How do we know when it becomes a habit?

1 We feel bored when we do this. Habit is what remains when enthusiasm and motivation have disappeared. “Yes, it’s boring, but we do it anyway” - this is a habit. You're not bursting with enthusiasm from the habit of brushing your teeth, are you?

2 It bothers us if we miss a set. A feeling familiar to all fitness enthusiasts and athletes – you missed a workout and feel out of place. Yes, a habit is a drug. We have to get ourselves hooked on a daily dose. The need to do something every day so that withdrawal does not occur is a habit.

Does this method work or not? Works. You are reading my channel now.

Here you can find examples of mini-habits. There is also a link on the website to a book on the topic.

06.04.2016 06:01:23

"...I started keeping a gratitude diary - I gave up. I started taking notes on the task of the first month on my image - I gave up. I started working on the wardrobe, style, makeup - I gave up. I started healthy eating- gave up. Etc.: I begin to develop the necessary habit, behavior in order to become a woman corresponding to my oligarch husband - and after a few days I quit.

I sit and cry into a rag. In 2007, I did not live up to my oligarch husband... And over the past five years I have not changed anything about myself to match him. Therefore, I understand that I will not become the wife of an oligarch, either now at 27 years old, or at 40 years old.”


Irina, your letter contains reproaches towards yourself - and this is wrong. The first thing you need to do is to stop yourself from being angry and upset once and for all. You are an amazing person, you constantly strive to achieve more, you try - and this alone is worthy of treating yourself with respect and love.

You want to become better, strive to find the key to the treasured spring of your soul, which can be wound to capacity - and act, act, act... delighting yourself and those around you with wonderful changes in life. Are you looking for the key that opens your warehouse? strong-willed qualities, but so far they just haven’t been able to find it. But if you continue your search, you will definitely find this magic key. The main thing is don't stop!

I, too, am looking for the treasured keys. I know from experience that every person needs their own golden key, and I collect them all on the pages of my newsletter. Today I will offer you another one, and I’ll tell you a secret - it’s the best!

It's not easy effective advice- This scientific approach, tested by hundreds of scientists and proven to be effective. Well, I won’t intrigue you anymore :), I’ll just advise you to read carefully, take notes on what’s important for yourself, and get all the possible benefits from it in life. And they may open for you very soon...

Why do we often act irrationally? Why are we not able to act as we see fit?

Because human thinking is not so far from the animal world. Most people do not live by logic and common sense, not by conscious attitudes, but by ordinary animal needs.

Animals are not capable of thinking, they live by reflexes: a sparrow sat on the ground near densely overgrown bushes, and a cat jumped out and grabbed it with its paw, stripping off its tail and half a wing. In the memory (subconscious) of the sparrow it was deposited: where the bushes grow thickly, it’s dangerous, don’t go there! After checking thirty more times, the sparrow will be convinced: where the bushes grow densely is really dangerous (cats jump out and scare, and even eat someone). He will work out" conditioned reflex", and he will never again sit next to a densely overgrown bush.

But having flown into a park where people are crumbling crumbs onto the sidewalk, the sparrow will develop a strong reflex (habit) - fly there, there is a lot of food there and it is relatively safe.

The conditioned reflex was discovered by the great scientist, laureate Nobel Prize Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, who conducted experiments on dogs. Remember from the school curriculum? The bell rings, the dog is given food, and it produces saliva. Several such reinforcements - and the dog begins to produce saliva only at the ringing of the bell. By the way, Pavlov also worked great with people and proved that we are not so far from animals.

Scientific experiments prove that we are only outwardly intelligent, but in reality... Human thinking can be compared to the work of a factory, where the role of the owner of the factory is played by the Subconscious, giving instructions: “I like it - I do it, I don’t like it - I don’t do it; I want this - I go left, I want that - I go right.”. The managers of this plant (our Consciousness) take note of these instructions, find logic in them and justify them, and then stimulate the workers (the man himself) to carry out these instructions.

But why does the primitive subconscious play a dominant role in our thinking?

Because we have been animals for millions of years. All this time, our thinking was controlled by the subconscious, and only 50 or 70 thousand years ago the rudiments of consciousness appeared in us.

The subconscious was the first, it is older, it sits stronger in us, and the degree of its influence on our behavior is enormous! Although we don’t attach much importance to this.

The subconscious is primitive to the point of madness. When it is nourished, warm and good, it will sit in place UNTIL THE LAST, as long as this “GOOD” continues. And only SERIOUS incentives can move him from his place.

When you are eating cookies in the evening, sitting in front of the TV or reading a detective story, you will never raise your butt to do some physical exercise to maintain health. It’s good for the subconscious - and that’s the main thing. It gives instructions to continue this “good”, and your Consciousness, as a helpful manager, will find thousands of excuses for not doing anything.

In the morning you get out of bed and go to work, although you don’t want to do this at all - only because it is VITAL IMPORTANT. If you don’t go to work, there will be nothing to eat, it’s life-threatening - that’s why you go to work.

If you are sitting in front of the TV, devouring your favorite cookies, and a fire starts in your apartment, you will definitely jump out into the street - since this is a vital necessity.

But if there is no fire, and your life is not in danger now, you will sit and eat cookies, even if you are obese. Why? Because now there is NO SERIOUS PROBLEM, and the Subconscious is GOOD. Just as a sparrow flies into the park to feast on crumbs because it follows a conditioned reflex, so your Consciousness will always find smart and correct excuses for any of your behavior. Consciousness is a manager, its job is to serve the Subconscious and force you to do or not do something.

This is how our Thinking works.

Man is as primitive and conservative as a sparrow. The sparrow does not sit near the bushes - because it is dangerous, and we do not lie in bed in the morning and go to work - also only because it is dangerous.

We have developed a “conditioned reflex”: in the morning, without even thinking, we get out of bed, brush our teeth, get dressed and go to work. And in the evening the crane cannot tear us away from the TV and our favorite cookies - it’s a habit.

To manage your thinking, you need to understand that it is impossible to influence it with ordinary arguments. A scientific approach is needed here:

To accustom myself to walking, I did not persuade myself, I did not convince myself that physical activity was good for my health. I acted simply - I removed all sweets from the house. In the evening I will definitely want something sweet - but I don’t have it. What to do? Suffer from grief, or go to the store. And so I go outside (to the furthest store) and buy some sweets. It has been proven that to develop a stable habit in an animal it takes from 20 to 200 reinforcements, in a person - from 2 to 20.

I did my best. For two months I didn’t have a single piece of sweets at home (who doesn’t like sweets, you can replace it with coffee, sausage, tangerines, watching your favorite movies, etc.). After such a serious period of time, I formed a stable conditioned reflex: if you go for a walk, you will feel good. My Subconscious has developed the habit I need.

After two months, if I didn’t go for a walk, I felt bad.

And now pay attention, now I will give you not just a golden key, but a key studded with large diamonds and insanely expensive black pearls! If this knowledge penetrates into you and sits very deeply, you will be able to manage your life, do great things in it and achieve extraordinary heights! Yes, this knowledge is so expensive, because it can change a person’s personality and destiny beyond recognition. So, read carefully and understand.

I said that if after 2 months I didn’t go for a walk, I felt bad. Why?

Because the Subconscious is conservative, and if something in a person’s life changes - it doesn’t matter whether it’s good or bad - it begins to seriously panic. If everything goes on as before, the person experiences pleasure.

Therefore, if a person has the habit of walking, reading, working in the evenings, this brings him the same pleasure as watching his favorite TV series or a hearty dinner at night. It's all about habits.

“And a small victory over oneself makes a person much stronger.”
M. Gorky

Do you understand?! It’s enough to go shopping for sweets for a couple of months (at a distance of 3 km) and you will instill in yourself the habit of walking in the evenings. This means that you will be much slimmer and healthier throughout your life. But that is not all!

If you stop walking, you will experience anxiety and restlessness, since your Subconscious will demand a walk (you will develop a stable reflex).

That is, you will change your personality beyond recognition. Imagine, 2 months ago walking long distances was an unpleasant pastime for you, but now they give you real pleasure. Cool, yeah!

You have become a different person, now taking care of your health gives you pleasure. And for all this you only had to pay with sweets.

You can change your habits, and with them your destiny. After all, in this way you can train yourself to read a lot, work in the evenings, do regular manicures, or praise your beautiful personality while looking in the mirror.

Our life consists of habits, and now using this method, you can create from it whatever you want!

You can reinforce the habits you need with anything.

If you are the mother of a six-month-old baby, then you can force yourself to go for a walk. It’s enough to go for a walk and visit somewhere. As we know, young mothers, sitting at home with their baby, suffer from a lack of communication. A change of environment and pleasant communication is a great incentive for forming the habit you need. Today you go to visit your grandmother, tomorrow to your friend, the day after tomorrow somewhere else. And in a month or two you will train yourself to walk just like that.

I didn’t have a strong habit of reading, much less working in the evenings. Intellectually, I understood that this habit could make me more successful professionally, and therefore richer and happier. But sitting in front of the TV, my Subconscious categorically opposed the arguments of the Consciousness.

I did it simply - I removed the TV from the house. The next evening I was already howling with anguish. After a couple of days I started reading out of boredom.

This is where the most important thing is! Allow yourself to have fun only by reading popular science literature. No detective stories or love stories! All of them in the trash (or take them to your mom for a while)!

"I'm bored! Hwaaaaaatit!"- and Consciousness, as a helpful manager, immediately gives you logical arguments that it really doesn’t go anywhere - to mock your body like that! That it’s high time to drink tea, chat on the phone, look through your favorite magazine, go to Odnoklassniki, etc.

Above the Subconscious and Consciousness of a person there is also a Superconsciousness, which is capable of not being fooled by the chatter of these talkers. It simply says: "Like it, don't like it - be patient, my beauty."

Turning on the Superconscious in time, clearly and persistently moving towards higher goals in life is also a “conditioned reflex”, a formed habit. I still continue to develop it in myself.

To accustom yourself to introduce something new into your life, and to introduce useful habits into your character, you need to act in the same way.

You want to train yourself to work in the evenings. Wonderful! To do this, you need to prohibit yourself from having fun reading (as we remember, the TV has already been thrown away). In the evening, any person has free time, and he can spend it on entertainment and pleasure. But if you don’t allow yourself to have fun, then there will be nothing to do, and then you will start working according to the plan.

Any work should be rewarded.

That is, you completed the intended work - rewarded yourself with a cup of coffee (chocolate, sex or cartoons). Ivan Pavlov developed conditioned reflexes in dogs with the help of pieces of meat, and you can develop healthy habits for yourself with the help of small, but DEFINITELY PLEASANT rewards.

If you have completed serious work, you can reward yourself with a whole day of doing nothing, some kind of thing, a vacation and other pleasures.

It goes without saying that before all this organizational work, you need to give up pleasures. "Abstinence from pleasure is the greatest virtue in the world." Many of the greatest minds spoke about this, starting with Buddha and Diogenes, and ending with the instructions of our great-grandmothers.

And that's really smart. After all, a person will always strive for pleasure, this is the meaning of his life. And it is possible to educate a person by instilling useful habits in him only when these pleasures are given with meaning.

Irina, you just need to understand that the habit of quitting what you started is just a conditioned reflex that you have formed. To instill the habit of finishing what you start to the end, you need to develop Superconsciousness in yourself.

To do this, remember that in addition to the Subconscious and Consciousness, you also have the Superconscious. When your Subconscious demands “I want it, I don’t want it!”, and your Consciousness finds thousands of well-founded convictions that you need to quit what you started - tell it: “Like it, don’t like it - be patient, my beauty, I’m not an animal - I’m a human!”

Remember, we are not far from animals, and we still live by our reflexes. But we always have the opportunity to refuse them and instill useful habits in ourselves.

"The essence of man is realized by those who
whoever kills the essence of the dog in himself first.”

Saadi Muslihaddin Abu Muhammad

To instill good habit- you need to consciously deprive yourself of pleasures, and give them out in doses, only as a REWARD for the work you have done.

Only in this case does a person have the opportunity to break out of the vicious circle of bad habits, rise above himself and make his life better!

Someone very smart said that it takes exactly 21 days to develop a new useful habit. In connection with the new year, we have 12 months at our disposal, in which we can add another week to the period required to develop healthy habits.

Since I ate a dog while developing one super-healthy habit (morning self-care ritual), I can note some features that help to integrate the habit into life.

1. the need to acquire a habit must be well justified, preferably in writing. While you are writing, make sure that it is really important and that it is you who need it, and “not three women from your work.” And the need to acquire a habit outweighs the hidden benefits of not having it. Many of my habits “didn’t work” for one simple reason: if I implement it in my life, it will become my daily responsibility. And so other family members do it perfectly, although not quite in the way I need.

2. It’s better that the habit didn’t start with the word “not.” Because it’s still a habit, i.e. acquiring a skill, not getting rid of an addiction. Getting rid of bad habits has a slightly different mechanism than acquiring them.

3. I have long believed that once a habit is acquired, it is forever. Nothing like this. A certain number of passes are enough - and it’s all down the drain. Everyone has their own certain amount of “freebies” (missed days), when a habit is still a habit. For me it’s three days, if it’s more - that’s it - you can start getting used to it again.

4. It’s better to introduce one habit at a time: gradually, consistently, constantly.

5. It follows from the first: it is better to write down the habits that you are going to implement with a rationale for why they should be implemented and a diagram: in which month, which habit will be implemented. And write down checkpoints in your diary to monitor the success of the implementation.

In short, the habit being introduced must comply with the rule of the four Ps: good for you, gradually, consistently, constantly.

1. eat until 19-00, then only kefir. Caused by heavy New Year's excesses, after which my pancreas ached. Plus - when I returned to work from maternity leave, I began to gain weight sharply, because... I have a good lunch and then an even better dinner. My kefir is not a hindrance to the atmosphere of a family dinner, so go ahead.

2. hug children 10 times a day or more. They don’t have enough - they themselves speak, and stick, and hang, and caress, and are offended.

3. plan daily expenses. Monthly planning works, but daily planning stalls. The main “hole” is books and disks. For now, I will take a certain amount of money to protect myself from unnecessary spending.

4. plan a family menu. This is due to the fact that my husband is mainly involved in purchasing food, I don’t write standards for him, as a result, he, with the tendency towards excesses that is characteristic of all Leos, brings a whole warehouse of “loot”. Which smoothly flows into the trash can, due to the limited volume of the stomach and the shelf life of the products. He gets offended by my complaints and asks to see the standards. This means there will be standards for him.

5. plan self-education. I have a lot of things I want to learn: languages, crocheting, baking cakes, dancing tango, driving a car. I came to the conclusion that it was time to stop wanting and learn something. And for this, develop a system of some lessons.

6. check what is written in terms of vocabulary and spelling. I write a lot on LJ and at work, and then: when I look, when I see what I wrote, it becomes bad. Some kind of professional deformation.

7. ask for favors. This has been difficult since childhood - it just breaks me when I have to ask. Several times I lost a lot from this character trait. In the New Year there are many plans related to what you will have to ask big people about “small” favors. Will learn.

8. remain silent or tell the truth. It saves energy and maintains self-esteem.

9. mark boundaries. So that those around me know: where it is better not to touch me.

10. negotiate mutually beneficial. All family life and effective sales are based on this, so you have to learn.

11. family dance warm-up daily. For now, I'll start with the weekly one. At home I’m in some kind of hibernation, my husband has gained a lot of weight. Yes, and it unites great.

12. Wet cleaning and airing the bedroom before bed. Recently discovered required condition For good night, and therefore in good condition.

What habits do you want to introduce into your life this year?

Habits make a person. Aristotle said: “We are what we do all the time.” If you want to be productive, you need to have the habit of planning. If you want to be in shape, you need to get into the habit of exercising. What do your habits say about you?

In the life of each of us (it happens more than once) there comes a day when we decide that we need to part with bad habit and get a useful one in return. If you have to decide every day whether you will go to the gym, whether you will go out, whether you will read a book, relying on your mood and circumstances, in the end you will not do any of this. You have to make the same choices every day, and when you don't remember your goals and generally break off all contact with yourself, you become less confident in yourself and achieve less success in everything you do. The first time you call yourself a failure, it can be quite a prophecy.

If life seems hard to someone, it means they have failed to develop good habits. Every day is a struggle between our desires and what we do instead. There are people who never find pleasure in the habits that make them stronger, healthier and happier. Enjoyment comes only when these habits become automatic, giving you that same feeling of satisfaction from life and constant progress.

If you are unhappy with your habits, below we will give you some tips on how to improve the situation.

How to develop a habit

1. One thing at a time

Many men I know never change because they try to change everything about themselves at once. Sometimes it happens that you are so dissatisfied with yourself and your life that you even make a list of things that you need to change. For some reason, you believe that starting from the next day you will definitely transform. This idea drives you to exhaustion. Changing one habit is already hard enough, but changing five habits at once is almost impossible. When you juggle ten balls, you eventually get tired and fall to the floor.

For example, to repay a loan, there is good method snowball How does he work? You need to make a list of all your debts and find the smallest among them. First you need to pay it off, and then find the second largest debt and pay it off gradually using the funds that you allocated to pay off the first debt. Success with paying off your first debt will motivate you to pay off your debts in the future. As success develops, everything goes about the same way. Start with the habit that is easiest to develop. You will gain confidence in yourself when it takes root, and immediately take on the next one. Your confidence will snowball and when you get to the hardest habit, you'll have the strength to do it.

It’s hard not to grab onto everything at once: at the first moment you want to do just that. But only gradualism will lead you to success. Patience my friend.

2. Start as intense as possible

To take off, a rocket needs a lot of energy, otherwise it will not be able to overcome gravity. To develop a habit, a person also needs a huge amount of energy. When you're developing a new habit or trying to quit an old one, you need something that will keep your spirit up and make you receptive to change. First let's go all out. Say goodbye to your negative friends, pack your bags and move, buy an annual gym membership, throw all the cigarettes out of the house - whatever. This is already a big deal.

3. Aim for 60 days

Perhaps the theory that a habit is created in 21 days is true. By the way, it was created by plastic surgeon Maxwell Moltz, a self-proclaimed psychologist who wrote the book “Psychocybernetics” (the same “Secret” from the sixties). There is no scientific evidence for this.

Recent studies have found that on average, a habit is acquired in 66 days. The number of days depends on the type of habit you are trying to develop. Simple habits like drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach take hold faster, but exercise takes longer.

So give yourself 60 days to form your new habit. Two months is a long enough time to grow into something. But you're a man, you can handle it!

4. Don't break the chain

If you decide to develop or quit a habit, you cannot make any exceptions for yourself. No “This time doesn’t count”! You can find any excuse you want, but such an action will be imprinted on your brain and on your attitude, and from that moment on you will begin to cut yourself some slack.

If you missed something once, it will be easier for you to do it a second time, and then abandon the idea altogether. Every day counts. Any excuses harm your personality, your self-esteem and doom your intentions to failure.

How to motivate yourself? Create a chain of habits. We need to make something like a calendar and hang it on the wall. Every day, when you finish what you started, put a big and beautiful cross on this day.

In a few days you will have a chain. Just don't interrupt it and it will get longer every day. You'll love it, especially after a few weeks. Your only task is not to break the chain.

I've used this system several times and it works. There is something in it when you see a series of red crosses following each other on the calendar. She motivates you to go forward, and thanks to her you are afraid to interrupt the sequence.

5. Give someone a report

This is even more motivating than a calendar full of red crosses. You need to have a person to whom you will report. It's easy to give up everything if no one even knows you're up to something. A reporting partner is someone who can ask you about your progress and hold you to honesty. Even the thought that you will have to tell him about your weakness motivates you to continue on your way. You can ask your friends to ask you about your progress every week, start a blog (so that people read it!) and write there regularly about your achievements. You might end up making a bet.

6. Replace a bad habit with a good one

Based on my own experience, I will say that the only way to kill a bad habit is to replace it with a useful one. Nature abhors a vacuum. If a hole appears in your life and is not filled with anything good, it will definitely be filled with something bad - for example, a bad habit: old or new.

For example, several years ago I tried to quit drinking Diet Coke. Why? First of all, it contains the sweetener aspartame, which is a very carcinogenic thing. Secondly, you can spend 300 rubles a week on something better.

Every time I decided to give up soda, I managed for a week or two, and then trudged to the store and finally bought the coveted can. Looking back at my failures, I understand what I did wrong. It was necessary to replace it with another drink. Now I decided to replace the Diet Coke with the mat and things have gotten much better.

Your habits, good and bad, create well-trodden paths in your brain. It’s like walking through the forest: at first it’s difficult to make your way through the grass and bushes, but then a path forms in this place, and walking along it becomes easy. The brain wants you to follow the beaten path because it has already been paved. That's why it's so hard to give up bad habits.

You can't just erase the paths. Instead, you can tread a parallel path. At first it will not be very easy, but finally the good habit will become a clear and comfortable path, while the old habit will grow into grass and gradually disappear.

7. Just do it

No matter how much something inspires or motivates us, we somehow fail to take every opportunity to put our ideas into action. If we never do this, no habit will form. It is important to act constantly. Personally, I find it hard to do anything for longer than a week. Everyone likes the idea of ​​starting over with a clean slate; it’s nice to think about changes for the better in our lives. Buying a new planner for planning is also interesting.

But when a week or even two passes, interest subsides, and this time is what distinguishes a man from a boy. Developing a new habit is daily work. This is an endurance test. The main thing here is not to give up, not to stop striving for what you want because of your current mood. Don't let your brain tell you that your discomfort in the present is bound to last a long time. Will not be. In the end, you will blaze a new path, and everything will become easier, it will become automatic, and you will see how pleasant it is.