History of the development of the direction of environmental design. Modern problems of science and education. Interior in eco-design

Ecodesign as a large and serious global business trend is divided into two sub-trends, one of which claims to be global and very serious, and the second does not pretend to be anything. We are talking about eco-design and, we would say, “eco-design”.

Let’s first deal with the “small” business trend - “eco-design”, which, as we stated above, is nothing like special does not apply. And having understood it, we will understand a lot about the big trend.

Nevertheless, the trend of “small ecology” is of interest, and in general it brings benefits to people and profit to traders.

The main idea of ​​this “small” business trend is to give people illusion Nature. Well, or the illusion of “caring for Nature.” When you come across an advertising slogan like: “We care about Nature, that’s why we...”, then you often understand that these are just beautiful words - a play on fashion trends.

Because the problems of human ecology and human life are so serious and global that they require joint systematic efforts of the most advanced scientists and large financial support from both state and non-state funds. It’s sad to admit, but serious concern for the environment (and not “eco-friendly” product design) is an incredibly expensive and very knowledge-intensive thing in our modern world. Plus, as we have already said, it requires universal joint, synchronous - complex efforts.

Today you cannot build a log house in a “wonderful place” and at the same time be sure that with this beautiful gesture you have “benefited the environment.” No, most likely, the “author” of the log house “in a wonderful place” caused significant harm to the environment.

Eco-design is often just, alas, a simulacrum, a game of city children playing “Indians” on a “deserted island.” That is, everything is more than “make-believe”... Well, a modern person cannot do without everything that he has surrounded himself with over the past two hundred years!

And yet, this global trend (“Ecodesign”) brightens up our lives and, at least psychologically, gives us that natural comfort (connection with the earth) that a resident of a metropolis is deprived of.

And in this sense, primitive “eco-design” can help a person very significantly if it is able (knowing at least some simple laws of psychology and balneology) to provide his stressed body and consciousness with some semblance of relaxation. So, by simply reducing the noise level in your premises where you provide services or sell goods, you will make significant progress in the field of “eco-design”. By properly organizing leisure areas and placing light that does not depress the psyche, you will be known as an environmentalist. Remembering the benefits Green colour(chlorophyll and photosynthesis - glory to them - the lungs of our planet!) you will help people find an island of harmony in your space.

Therefore, one should not discount the benefits of a very simple (and not very science-intensive) way to make your space “ecologically friendly” to people. These approaches to service are studied by ergonomics, some branches of medicine (hygienics), and the same thing - Feng Shui.

Another thing is how we can be “ecologically friendly” in relation not to Man, but to nature itself. We have accumulated enough information about what has a bad influence on us. But we know almost nothing about what adversely affects entire natural ecosystems - the sea and stream, soils and forests, the atmosphere, plant species, insects...

This question has been studied little by us, people, since it has never been in demand. Before the era of industrial capitalism, although human damage was caused to nature, it was not at a catastrophic pace. In the era of industrial capitalism, advanced science was engaged in the development and use of subsoil - that’s all the interest in nature. Other but interest in Nature is in the initial stage of development exclusively in our days. Therefore, when we come across genuine examples of real “eco-design” (and not businessmen’s game of “ecology”), all these examples, firstly, are isolated, and secondly, are developed exclusively in the countries of the “golden billion”, countries that are already have solved their pressing problems and can afford to devote money and leisure to selflessly caring for the happiness and health of both the individual and the Planet as a whole.

Here, for example, is how many copies have been broken in conversations about the decline in physical activity of modern man. About the load of information that he is obliged to process every day.

Have you remembered the children who are forced not only to “process” this “load of information”, but also physically to carry it on their fragile unformed vertebrae?... I mean - of course - school textbooks!

Come on, sleigh, go into the forest yourself!

According to studies, the weight of a backpack with textbooks that children under 12 years of age have to carry every day is more than 4 kg.

Naturally this is not in the best possible way affects health - spinal deformation occurs, scoliosis develops, problems arise with the back muscles, etc. And why don’t doctors sound the alarm?! An entrepreneur from Malaysia has developed a lightweight, ergonomic, multifunctional backpack for schoolchildren, Smart Bag, which is made from environmentally friendly materials. Its peculiarity is that this backpack can be used as... a scooter.

It is equipped with a comfortable handle, ergonomic shoulder straps, and 62 mm aluminum wheels for riding.

The dishes are made from leaves and water using a special technology using steam and heat. Moreover, no chemicals, dyes, plastic, wax, etc. are used in its production. Important Feature this utensil is the possibility of using it in microwave oven, oven and refrigerator.

Indeed, a worthwhile development is an environmentally friendly product that does not pollute the environment and at the same time is convenient to use, in the sense that it does not need to be washed. Costs $1 per plate and is sold in packs of 10 or 12.

I don't carry anyone...

As you know, the motto “I don’t eat anyone” flaunted in vegetarian canteens in Russia, in the era of the intelligentsia’s craze for the philosophy of the so-called “Tolstoyism.”

"The vegan shoe collection was born out of my love for living animals and fashion., says Detroit TV host, blogger and young mother Elizabeth Katzman, “ Although these two are usually mutually exclusive, I don't think they can't be combined".

Its new collection of eco-friendly shoes for women called “Elizabeth’s”, which brings together fashion trends and Liz Katzman actively and intelligently promotes compassion for animals.

Everyone should be such gentle and tolerant (towards other people’s opinions) newsmakers!


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Millennial pink is a popular color in the fashion world, which is sometimes called a symbol of the so-called genderless generation. And today many brands are in a hurry to paint themselves in this color, regardless of their niche.

The popularity of pixel design is not only eccentricities from fans of the game “Minecraft”. The pixels contain nostalgia for the past “sacred” childhood of many people on our planet.

Avocadomania trend. 33 examples of how avocado helps to promote any business

The business has been gripped by a real avocado mania. Today, only the lazy do not make money from this trendy fruit in the West. In this material we have collected more than 30 examples of profitable uses of avocados.

Ecological design emerged as a response to mass production that was harmful to the environment and insensitive to needs. real person. Globalization, unification and mechanization of everything allowed giant corporations to achieve profit, but standard urban development, objects devoid of individuality, artificial materials of unknown origin over time began to cause consumer dissatisfaction. In time - the end of the twentieth century - this coincided with a rethinking of the role of man in the world, and in the wake of the new, “green” philosophy, a new attitude to production appeared: the main principle was “harmony with nature.”

Responsibility to the environment, naturalness and uniqueness have made eco-design a mega-popular trend. Labels “100% Natural”, “eco-friendly”, “green” attract the attention of buyers who care about their health and do not want to participate in polluting the planet. Connecting with nature, and being “green” – conscious and ethical towards nature – has long been considered good taste among city dwellers. But “eco” is not only fashion. Let's look at five principles that make green design a true philosophy.

1. Connection with nature

First and foremost, ecological design helps restore our contact with living nature, because in most cities, and especially in megacities, very little space is allocated to nature. Not everyone has a beloved grandmother left in a remote village among forests and fields, and getting out of the city is a real problem for many. Ecological design strives to provide people with as much opportunity as possible to come into contact with nature without leaving their familiar environment.

For example, in so-called ecological construction, some part of the original landscape is deliberately left untouched: the building is “fitted” into the existing natural form (hill or depression) instead of leveling the ground with excavators or, say, changing the river bed. This approach gives users the opportunity to feel inside the ecosystem; In addition, significant savings are possible through the use of water or wind energy.

In large cities, where there is not enough space for parks and squares, vertical gardens and “green walls” are becoming increasingly popular. The city gets the opportunity to breathe deeper.

Green wall

One of the most interesting manifestations of this design is the so-called “green graffiti”, which consists, for example, of mosses, does not require special care and perfectly decorates the city.

We can say that gardens on the roofs of skyscrapers are also an ecological design, because this is another way to approach the problem of space in the city in an inventive and, most importantly, “green” way.

Of course, environmental design is not only the greening of the city, but also attention to the most ordinary objects that surround us in the world. Everyday life. Natural materials, natural forms, images of nature - all this makes environmental design a separate aesthetic category. One might add that this is the philosophy of “raw”, unprocessed, close to the original. Simplicity, harmony, naturalness - this is what we can learn from nature, and what is so lacking in the modern world, full of stress, illusions and unnecessary things.

Ecological design is perfect for this: in the production of “green” things, nothing unnecessary is used, everything corresponds to the harmony that already exists in the world. The buyer only needs to make a choice in favor of the fact that “organic” is made by nature itself long before factories and factories.

We can say that designers rather strive to preserve nature in its original form, to convey it untouched, rather than process or change its properties.

Vertical gardens at home:

Sitting among the branches:

2. Real things

Human perception is structured in such a way that we need constant confirmation that we are surrounded by a real, living world. Programmers and web designers will immediately object that they feel great behind the monitor of their favorite PC and they don’t need any birch leaves. However, the life of even the busiest freelancer is impossible without contact with the material world, and here the needs of our body manifest themselves, which wants to feel the varied texture of the objects we touch. Natural materials are something that human senses have been accustomed to for thousands of years, therefore, whether we notice it or not, the need for the real/natural forces us to choose familiar materials such as wood, stone, natural fabrics.

Modern interior in eco-design:

Modern gadget:

It is not for nothing that so much research has been conducted on the importance of contact with natural materials for children's development: the body learns to recognize the properties of the world through a variety of natural forms. The principles of ecological design are perfect for creating toys: safe materials are left unprocessed, open to contact; natural shapes and colors do not overstimulate; different density, weight, smell and even taste constitute the very diversity that is necessary for harmonious development.

Wooden doll houses Great for developing fine motor skills

Wooden toys

Of course, an environmental approach is required not only for the manufacture of children's things. For ourselves, we choose quality and durability, and in human culture these properties are firmly entrenched in natural materials such as stone, metal or wood. Often, “naturalness” even becomes something elite, and the item does not have to be made from exotic wood or alloy: perhaps the exoticism here will be rather a negative aspect, because a lot of fuel was spent on transporting it from a distant country, or the material is considered endangered in nature, and this is not environmentally friendly.

The sophistication of simplicity:

Natural materials of high quality, with proper care, last a long time and do not go out of fashion, especially if modern fashion puts health at the forefront. Ecological design allows you to create things that can be passed on by inheritance, as it was many centuries ago, when every item in the house had a certain meaning. Perhaps this is what constitutes the concept of “comfort” - comfort for our sensory organs is contained not so much in the perfection of forms, but in the feeling of authenticity, reliability, or even one might say, predictability of familiar natural materials.

Comfort of natural materials

To promote their products, designers use appropriate visual associations: eco-design is something cozy, “warm”, “real”, made with care for people and does not go out of fashion. It can be noted that often environmental design is a return to something that has existed for a long time, time-tested. Maybe that's why it's so popular?

3. Well forgotten old

Indeed, there is a category of things that will always occupy a special place: things with history and meaning, things that reflect cultural tradition, have symbolic meaning. Most likely, such items are made by hand from natural materials and are passed down from generation to generation. Ecological design is attentive to tradition: designers refer to the cultural memory of people, using techniques, materials and patterns characteristic of a particular area.

Ethnic style in the interior as an example of eco-design

Designers creatively recycle the experiences of people who have used local natural resources economically and efficiently for centuries.

Elements of traditional Japanese architecture in modern design

One could say that ecological design rethinks the relationship between man and nature through a return to what has already been existing methods respect for nature.

4. Do it yourself

Ecological design strives to keep materials unprocessed, “raw,” and shapes and designs simple and clear, allowing the buyer to personalize things themselves. This approach develops imagination and inspires creative interaction with the subject. Perhaps the most famous manufacturer that works with this theme is IKEA.

Moreover, some things can be repeated ourselves, which allows modern man to move a little away from using everything ready-made and get into contact with real materials, as his ancestors did.

A chair made from what you have on hand

Perhaps this explains the incredible popularity of handicrafts in the modern world of gadgets and digital technologies.

The simplest pieces of wood

5. What will remain after me

Finally, an ecological approach to the design of things solves the problem of waste disposal: an object made from natural material can, in many cases, last longer, and then it can be recycled, “returned to nature,” or used for another purpose.

Famous moss rugs that you can make with your own hands and then “return to nature”

Some items are made with special recycling in mind. For example, biodegradable sneakers from OAT Shoe

Thus, ecological design takes inspiration from nature and rethinks the role of humans in relation to it. Modern man has the opportunity to minimize the harm caused to the environment by production by choosing practical and convenient things made from local materials using long-established technologies. Naturally, no one is forcing you to give up smartphones and cars, but you can try to find a “green” alternative to many of the items that we use every day.

Creating an eco-interior.

The environmental friendliness of the interior is very important for those who live in it. It's not just about beauty, but also about the well-being of homeowners and visitors. In addition to the safety of the home, the health of people staying in it for a long time is very important. The main thing in design is not only aesthetics, but also the correct use and choice of furniture and finishing materials so that they are not harmful to health. If the designer takes the health of homeowners into account, then he strives to create not only an aesthetic, but also an environmentally friendly interior.

Let's look at several techniques that help create an eco-interior.

1. Using plants as decoration.

Nothing can be better than adding plants to your home. Plants can help create an air filter and will help remove harmful chemicals from indoors. Apart from the health benefits, they will also add beauty and comfort to your home and give it a natural and fresh atmosphere. If you are looking to improve your indoor air quality, you can add lilies, bamboo or gerberas.

2. Allow as much sunlight as possible into the premises.

Another great way to create an eco-friendly interior is to allow maximum sunlight to penetrate into the room at daytime. You can do this using roof windows and light shades. When purchasing, you can also choose an apartment with windows facing south to get sufficient quantity sunlight. Usage daylight instead of electric lighting can be a big advantage for you, not only from an economical but also an environmental point of view.

3. Use organic and natural materials.

This is the most effective method when creating an eco-house. Of course it costs more, but we strongly advise using minimal plastic, chipboard and vinyl in the interior, especially in bedrooms.

4. Use energy-saving lighting.

This is very important not only for the environment, but also for the users. Using compact fluorescent lamps can help save energy and electricity, and prevent the release of greenhouse gases and pollutants that can be harmful to your health and the environment.

5. Choose low VOC materials.

VOCs are volatile organic compounds that are harmful to health. This can be seen in paints, household products, furniture, carpets, etc. Thus, when you buy things for your home, always pay attention to these points in the instructions, choose only those materials that have low VOC content.

6. Use energy-efficient windows.

Even your windows can help create an eco-friendly aura in your space. Choose windows that are coated to reflect heat and have good insulation. This will keep the area warm, especially during the colder months, and can also help you save money because you won't need to use air conditioners or radiators. Windows that are energy efficient are already a good barrier to heat loss in cold weather and unwanted heat gain in summer.

7. Choose eco-friendly wall coverings.

For walls it is necessary to choose paints that do not highlight harmful substances. You can also use a variety of wall coverings, such as eco-certified wallpaper. As a rule, these are paper or non-woven wallpaper. Can also be used wooden panels, cork or ceramic tiles, which are environmentally friendly materials. In addition to being eco-friendly, they can look very beautiful.

8. Furniture made of natural wood.

Well, of course, you should use furniture that is made from organic materials. It can be made of solid wood: the countertops can be made of marble or stone. . And it will be more individual approach to the decor of your rooms.

9. Use stone or wood for floors.

Apart from your walls, your floors also require eco-friendly materials. You can use stone for your flooring, such as marble or the modern material porcelain stoneware. You can also use wooden parquet or massive board. In addition to the eco-friendly atmosphere, these materials will add more appeal to the interior of the house.

10. Use wool, linen, cotton and silk fabrics.

For your mattresses, pillows, carpets, bedding, upholstery, curtains and bedspreads, use natural materials that protect against dust mites. Dust mites cause allergies and are harmful to health. Choose the right material to protect yourself.

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    An original point of view on the process of globalization is presented, which can become a catalyst for the integration of humanity in developing a strategy for designing socio-environmentally safe planetary interaction. The article is based on understanding the phenomenon of design as a technology for designing an objective, material, spiritually integral environment of human existence based on the principles of “biosphere compatibility”. This approach to the socio-cultural assessment of projects for the technical development of nature is considered as a real project alternative to the modern environmental crisis.


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    An increasingly complex set of modern processes of cross-border interactions different levels, which includes the intensification of contacts between cultures and social formations in modern conditions, is usually referred to as “globalization”. In conditions of large-scale socio-natural changes, this phenomenon is a kind of catalyst for the process of integration of humanity in developing a strategy for designing socio-ecologically safe planetary interaction. It became clear that the Cartesian model of cognition of the world, a fragmented, partial view of the world, receiving information without understanding the meaning is the cause of a systemic socio-ecological crisis. A civilizational “macroshift” is possible only on the basis of a change in consciousness, correction of modern culture, the formation of an ecological culture, the formation of environmental consciousness, a new rationalism, and an expanded view of the world. Ultimate compliance with ontos (existence) in all types of activity in nature, society, culture, spiritual production, education - this is the “philosophy of the common cause” that is in demand by the modern sociocultural and spiritual-moral development of civilization. The time has come to reunite the logic of thinking and the morality of feelings as a condition for human self-preservation by preserving the living environment. Based on deep transformation pedagogical science and educational practice, the ideas about the natural conformity of education and upbringing of a person for the realization of his essential strengths and abilities are understood in a completely different way.

    In relation to the environmental education system, as the most promising approach, most researchers today consider the definition of strategic guidelines, goals, objectives, content of environmental education and training within the framework of the “UNECE Strategy for Education for Sustainable Development”, which was developed by the Committee on environmental policy Economic Commission for Europe and adopted at a high-level meeting of representatives of the ministries of environment and education. The strategy considers a competency-based approach as the leading approach to learning, which is designed to expand people's ability to lead a lifestyle in harmony with nature and take care of social values And cultural diversity. Thus,

    modern stage social development places ever new, higher demands on a person as a professional and citizen, as an individual. According to a number of scientists, the 21st century. is intended to become a century of human qualities (Peccei A.), a humanitarian century (Levi-Strauss K.), the beginning of an ecological era in the development of mankind (Girusov E.V., Liseev I.K.).

    By affirming a new algorithm for cognition, comprehension and transformation of the world - “consciousness determines being”, we come to the need for ontological, essential understanding, reflection of the world, realizing that the essence of a person is not his bodily biological form and social organization, but the possession of a spiritualized mind. The utmost correspondence to the ontos (existence) in nature, the world and society and of man is the methodological basis on which understanding, comprehension and correction of modern culture is possible. Moral philosophy, incorporation into nature, its cycles, natural conformity, biosphere-replacement - these are new axiological guidelines that can help humanity adequately respond to the global challenges of our time.

    The aggravation of the environmental crisis has prompted a critical analysis of technical forms and structures from the point of view of their impact on the environment according to the criteria of non-harm to natural ecosystems and “fitness” into natural ecosystems. In environmental philosophy, the above-mentioned concept of “biosphere compatibility” is justified as an approach to the socio-cultural assessment of projects for the technical development of nature. Increasing attention to the “nature - man - society” system has led to the emergence of a number of “borderline” areas of identification and activity: social ecology, anthropoecology, geoecology, environmental consciousness, environmental culture, environmental design.

    In cultural studies, the concept of “ecological culture” is actively asserting itself. We share the opinion of Anisimov O.S., Kozlova O.N. and a number of other authors that ecological culture is a culture of a new quality, in which the essential powers of man, his spiritualized mind, harmonizing the relationship of spirit, consciousness and human existence are realized. Researchers are unanimous that environmental culture is a way of human self-realization within a certain - ecological - framework, that it is an internal determinant of any human activity, including design.

    One of the most important tasks of environmental education is the formation of future specialists, regardless of their professional orientation, skills, attitudes, values, motivation


    Ecological culture in the context of sustainable development

    to personal participation in solving environmental problems to improve the quality of the living environment. Purposeful scientific analysis of objective and subjective factors, conditions and means of constructing the educational process in higher education educational institutions is also due to the sociocultural need to develop students’ abilities, to educate them to be environmentally oriented life values and attitudes of a humanistic orientation. A special role in this sense belongs to the modern phenomenon of design and directly to the specialist designer. When understanding the phenomenon of design as the design of an objective, material, spiritually holistic environment of human existence, its importance in designing the quality of human life increases extraordinarily. Thus, the training of designers, their professional development and environmental competence are moving to the forefront of pedagogical science and educational practice. In this regard, and against the backdrop of a growing environmental crisis, ecologists, psychologists, teachers, and sociologists are jointly searching for methodological, theoretical, technological and methodological foundations for the system of environmental education for future design specialists, which should give hope for the real practical implementation of fundamental developments in the field of innovative educational technologies.

    One of the leading contradictions in design education is related to the insufficient theoretical development of the essence of design as a cultural phenomenon, the opposition of science and design. Design methodologist K. Jones, arguing that design cannot be confused with either art or science, emphasizes that in the search optimal solution inside ideal model, an abstract image, the designer sometimes has to reformulate the problem itself. In essence, the designer implements hermeneutic methods in understanding the problem, strives to understand the meaning of the problem, and not just to embody knowledge and information about the subject in the project. To summarize, we can say: science explores what exists, design projects what should be, which would agree with the aphoristic statement “science is analytical, design is constructive.” Design gives impetus to the creation of new forms. Therefore, the opposition between design and science is unlikely to be productive. With all the specificity of creativity, knowledge in art, design, science, one should not forget that all of these are just different languages ​​of culture, different ways reflections of nature. Design creativity is distinguished from science by the embodiment of an idea and plan. But science, which generates ideas, introduces them and implements them in the practical sphere. Sometimes ideas from science fuel design projects: advances in the philosophy of knowledge,

    epistemology influenced the development of design. At the same time artistic creativity, figurative, personal, subjective perception of phenomena and objects contributed to the emergence of a need in science and education not only for analysis, but also for synthesis, an imaginative, and not just a “knowledgeable” approach. We can say with confidence, based on the research of design classics K. Kantor, K.I. Christmas- |

    skiy, V.L. Glazychev and others, that design cannot develop successfully and

    outside the culture of its time, a culture that is increasingly becoming ecological. At the same time, design enriches modern culture. A figurative, metaphorical understanding of a phenomenon, an object, a thing, including one that does not yet exist, as a preliminary to their detailed understanding, equalizes the ratio of analysis and synthesis in the knowledge of the world.

    Thus, ecology and design are closely linked and intertwined, but at the same time a certain hierarchy is preserved, the top of which is ecological culture, understood as corresponding in its limit to the ontos (existence). Non-harm to nature, living things, society, oneself, and culture is a criterion for environmental friendliness. The usual “measure” of an action from the point of view of ecological culture is the dilemma: threat - compliance. The absence of a threat in the actions of an individual or society is defined as environmentally (culturally) consistent. From these positions, ecological culture is a universal measure of any activity - the principle of biospheric compatibility as an axiological guideline for development is substantiated in philosophy.

    So, it can be noted that the metaphorical nature of understanding is characteristic of both design art and environmental culture. However, the problem of measurement certainly arises both when assessing the design product and the level of formation of environmental culture as the basis of environmental competence. In design, this is the assessment of experts, the customer, and the consumer. To assess the development of environmental competence, a matrix of structural levels of a specialist’s environmental competence has been developed. At the same time, by “ecological competence” we understand a personal phenomenon, the essence of which is the ability and readiness of a person to subjectively perceive surrounding reality in the unity of natural and sociocultural components with awareness of responsibility for professional activities. So far, environmental criteria for competence have not been included in the process of training designers, just as the ideas of cultural conformity and environmental compliance do not act as one of the components of assessing design activities. “Greenization of design” does not happen “directly”, through standard regulations.


    Ecological culture in the context of sustainable development

    Ecological culture influences design indirectly: through the formation of aesthetic preferences and tastes, through the environmental consciousness of consumers and experts. A special role in this process belongs to higher professional education in the field of design, designed to ensure the development of environmental competence of a specialist.

    The presented problems are still far from being solved and comprehensively understood. However, they demonstrate the fruitful nature of the metaphorical nature of ecological culture for exploring the complex, dynamic, contradictory realities of the modern era of change. The verdict “competent - incompetent” can be made according to the criterion “threat - compliance” with life, biological, social, cultural life. Thus, environmental competence acquires a basic meaning in the concept of a person: it has a supra-economic, supra-ethnic, supra-subject character. This universal characteristic person.

    So, in modern conditions of greening science, technology, culture and education, all spheres of social life, we can rightfully add that the successful work of a designer is impossible outside the ecological culture of his time. A modern design product must meet not only aesthetic and technical, but also environmental requirements. We have made an attempt to consider design in the mirror of ecology in relation to the conditions of globalization.

    The English word “design” is most often translated as design, modeling (other design concepts are also used - project, model, plan, drawing, drawing). In Russia, design as an activity is most often understood in a narrow sense - as artistic construction. However, in recent decades, everything in the world larger number specialists call design a third culture, organically uniting humanitarian, artistic and scientific and technical cultures. The third culture - design - English experts figuratively call “Design with a capital D”, characterizing it as the total experience of material culture and the total array of experience, skills and understanding, embodied in the art of planning, invention, creation and execution.

    The sociocultural role of design is manifested in the goal-setting function, reflecting the connection between humanitarian and technical culture in shaping the appearance of the subject and spiritual environment. From this point of view, the boundaries of research in the field of design should be expanded from highly specialized to fundamental - socio-philosophical and cultural. Note that aesthetic and environmental ideals have historically

    changeable, dynamic. The industrial landscape with smoking chimneys and powerful reinforced concrete buildings of factories and factories fit well into the aesthetics of “conquering nature.” This did not cause environmental concerns either - it was believed that nature’s resources were limitless and the restorative forces were enormous. Everything was subordinated to the goal of achieving social well-being at the expense of industrial power. |

    Nowadays, this or a similar landscape causes enormous environmental and

    concern and aesthetic rejection, rejection. In design, along with the principle of goal setting (according to K. Marx - a conscious goal), the principle of value orientations is increasingly involved. The axiological component gradually becomes the center project activities, determines aesthetic preferences and guidelines, participates in the formation of artistic taste. Design, as one of the ways of spiritually-objectively reflecting and mastering the world, is forced to take into account environmental values.

    With the discovery of the theory of relativity and the laws of thermodynamics, a rethinking of ideas about the picture of the world occurs. The role of the cognizing subject in cognition and reflection of reality changes fundamentally.

    In the words of J. Updike, “The world is as we imagine it.” Let us take the liberty of asserting that in the era of globalization, design is an exponent of the basic values ​​and norms of a certain culture, the core of culture, since, according to K. Kantor, each culture occupies its own special place in the “cultural field of the Earth.” Fundamentally new requirements have arisen both in relation to the working environment (ergonomics) and surrounding a person environment. Natural conformity as a requirement to take into account “ human qualities» during design technical systems is supplemented by the requirement of cultural conformity - compliance with environmental criteria of inclusion in the world based on a holistic view of it. The embodiment in design of the ideas of art, moral philosophy, ecological culture and, on this basis, the transformation of the spiritual and objective environment of the surrounding world, the design of a new holistic picture of the modern world is the high purpose of design.

    Philosophers claim that a humanitarian transition is taking place from the pre-ecological era to the ecological era, humanity is passing the test for spiritual intelligence, and modern technogenic civilization is testing for biosphere compatibility. Thus, the ideas of a holistic perception of the world, conformity with nature, and cultural conformity penetrate into the real process of higher professional education and training of specialists. Let us show this using the example of a study of environmental


    Ecological culture in the context of sustainable development

    preparing future designers for professional activities. With all the diversity of definitions of design, the core is design activity, organically uniting humanitarian, artistic and scientific and technical cultures. This is an activity to transform the objective and spiritual environment surrounding a person. Design education is designed to ensure the readiness of a university graduate to carry out such transformation-design of the environment, which does not create a threat or minimizes the consequences of the design project’s impact on socio-natural systems. In other words, he must have environmental competence. The scale of the tasks to be solved in connection with the environmental requirements for professionalism in any field makes it possible to define environmental competence as key. It can be formed at the global level - as a worldview, at the general educational level - as a mandatory component of education, and at the professional level - as component any activity. The idea of ​​a holistic subject environment is rightly considered in Russia and around the world as a real design alternative to the modern environmental crisis. From these positions, ecodesign becomes the core, the core of the designer’s nature-conforming activities, a measure of the environmental culture of design projects.

    The analysis allows us to conclude that modern ecodesign takes into account the theoretical and methodological principle of greening all project activities, understanding the integrity of the subject and spiritual environment, natural and cultural conformity, and the idea of ​​designing an integral subject environment. A holistic view of the world, ecological culture, a holistic worldview, the ecological consciousness of the individual - mastery of these categories by a specialist in the process of design education - a new, time-demanded task of pedagogy high school.

    The axiological meaning of ecodesign education is to form value-based environmental attitudes based on a holistic perception of the world, recognition of not the utilitarian, but the universal value of nature as the basis of life, and a responsible attitude towards all manifestations of life. This leads to the definition: the environmental competence of a designer is the ability and willingness to implement environmental values ​​and guidelines in professional activities, to design an integral subject environment.

    Of course, the pluralism of opinions regarding the definition of the deep essence of the ecological approach to design has a right to exist - this is one of the perspectives. In turn, it seems to us

    that the true origins of environmental design should be sought in the works of domestic philosophers, cultural scientists, researchers of nature and man - psychologists and teachers. Based on the analysis of relevant theoretical sources, we can say that the modern understanding of design should include harmonization

    of man and nature, design, environmental optimization, |

    reducing the contradictions between the uniqueness of man, human communities and the standard nature of the artificial world.

    Today, there are many branches of artistic design (design): technical design (aesthetic and ergonomic design of production spaces), art design (one of the lines of development modern design, in which there is no distinction between the functional design that forms the basis professional design, and pure, high art) and environmental design, which includes various areas of artistic and design activity related to the development of the human subject environment, visual communication and information systems, the organization of human life and activity on a functional and rational basis (interior design, furniture design , graphic design, etc.). The main focus of the designer’s activity is the production of a beautiful, convenient and understandable product for the consumer, “second nature”, based on artistic and imaginative models, functional analysis, stylization and layout, the study of mass psychology, as well as modern knowledge about culture, the environment and its protection . Thus, the modern understanding of design includes wide range design disciplines covering all areas of human life, its cultural, moral and social aspects. But first of all, design is the harmonization of the environment, the path to a holistic worldview, perception of the world and awareness of one’s place in it (Fig. 1).

    In progress expert assessment current state in the field of environmental education and training of future designers, it was noted that the environmental competence of a specialist in modern conditions of global environmental problems is one of the most important competencies, which is interprofessional and supraprofessional in nature, that the implementation of professional activities of a specialist of any professional orientation today must take into account environmental aspect, for which a specialist must have such personality qualities that will contribute to the implementation


    Ecological culture in the context of sustainable development

    professional activity from the standpoint of its environmental feasibility.

    The rating of environmentally-oriented values ​​showed that in the first place among future specialists are values ​​of an ecological and aesthetic nature that do not require significant volitional expenditure: enjoying the beauty of nature. This may be due to the fact that students are rarely involved in practical environmentally oriented activities; it can also be explained by other, in particular, organizational and pedagogical reasons. The results of the rating of socio-productive environmentally oriented activities as a value confirmed this position: the highest indicator relates to gaming and leisure activities. A high indicator is typical for a number of universal human environmentally oriented values ​​against the background of a rather low indicator reflecting the attitude towards environmentally oriented sciences; as well as for the ecological and humanistic value “man as an integral part of nature” and personal values ​​that characterize the environmental friendliness of one’s life position.

    reflection of the connection between humanitarian and technical culture in shaping the appearance of the subject and spiritual environment


    Environment Optimization

    harmonization of man and nature

    Formation of a holistic worldview of a person

    Problem field:

    The uniqueness of human society Contradictions Standardity of the artificial world

    Fig.1. Eco-sociocultural phenomenon of design

    Thus, for fundamental change The current situation requires a breakthrough, which is possible only on the basis of a scientific analysis of social reality and the training of new-thinking people through social and humanitarian education.


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