It’s a simple recipe to bake bread without yeast at home in the oven. Recipes for making yeast-free bread at home

In distant childhood, when I was still very young, my nena (grandmother) taught me how to bake delicious bread. Despite the fact that at that time it was very hard work for me, I liked this process, but most of all I liked treating my loved ones with homemade bread, which I baked with my own hands. And how proud I was of myself when it turned out big, beautiful and tasty. Back then we baked it using yeast.

Two years ago I attended a master class where craftswoman Gulnaz showed us how to bake yeast-free bread. Why without using yeast?

Such “living” bread has a number of useful properties:

  • it contains many vitamins and minerals;
  • yeast-free bread made from wholemeal flour is self-sufficient in its composition, which helps to reduce excess weight. It also contributes proper operation the digestive system and the whole body in general;
  • its use, as microbiologists note, strengthens the immune system and stimulates the formation of new healthy cells;
  • It is stored for a long time, and at the same time does not lose its taste.

Today I will show you how easy it is to make yeast-free bread at home using homemade sourdough starter.

How to prepare primary starter?

It is prepared only once. Just then, each time you prepare the dough, you need to set aside about 200 grams. in a separate container until next time.

So. Pour about half a liter of warm boiled water into a bowl. Add 2 cups of flour to the water. Mix the batter. You can use any flour, I made primary leaven with wheat.

Ready? Cover with a towel and put in a warm place for 36 hours. After this time, you will see that the fermentation process is already in full swing. The starter will have air bubbles.

Add 1 cup of flour, mix and put again in a warm place for 12 hours.

It is important not to touch it again, not to disturb it, but to let it ripen quietly. We will get a liquid mass with bubbles - this is the primary leaven.

Making bread

When baking for the first time, take about one liter of warm boiled water. Add a tablespoon of salt and the same amount of honey to it. Stir and allow the ingredients to completely dissolve in the water.

Then add the sifted flour.

Can be combined different types flour. I put about 2-3 cups of rye and the same amount of whole grain wheat. And just recently I started adding flaxseed meal. Believe me, it turns out very tasty. Mix until smooth. Add the prepared starter and knead the dough thoroughly.

Be sure to leave part of the mass, approximately 200 grams, in a separate bowl. The starter must be stored in the refrigerator.

If you rarely make bread, then the starter needs to be fed every 5-6 days. Add 2 tablespoons of flour and the same amount of warm boiled water. Stir and put back in the refrigerator.

Add more flour to the rest and bring the dough to the desired consistency. You can add various spices, spices, bran, nuts. My kids love bread with dried apricots and prunes.

Ready? Place it in molds greased with vegetable oil. Cover with a towel and leave in a warm place for 6-8 hours until it fits well.

Keep in mind that the mass will increase approximately 2 times.

Let's bake

Preheat the oven for about 10 minutes. up to 180-200 degrees. Then we carefully transfer our forms with dough into the oven. In 50 minutes the bread is ready. We take it out and cover it with a towel. Don't try to remove it from the mold right away. Let it cool down. After 2-3 hours it will be much easier to remove it from the mold.

Bon appetit.

Next time, before cooking, remove the starter from the refrigerator and let it brew in a warm place for 40 minutes. Then knead the dough as described above. From the new mass, set aside the starter again until next time.

As you can see, the recipe for making bread is very simple.

Main good mood, your love and kind thoughts about your family! And then you will definitely succeed. See you again!

The benefits and harms of which will be described in detail below are simple and quick baking. It is almost impossible to purchase such a product in a store. After all, all manufacturers, one way or another, add yeast to their product. Therefore, to obtain real yeast-free bread, we suggest using old Russian recipes. By using them at home, you can make very tasty and healthy baked goods without putting in much effort.

Yeast-free bread: benefits and harms of the product

Experts say that with frequent consumption of fermented products, the human body begins to suffer from rapid fatigue. Increases susceptibility to adverse effects environment. In other words, lovers of lush and ruddy products very often have decreased immunity, which contributes to rapid illness. Therefore, among all homemade baked goods, yeast-free bread is the safest. The benefits and harms of this product are the main topic of discussion for many experts.

Store-bought yeast-free bread does not actually contain baker's yeast. But to obtain fluffy baked goods, manufacturers add special yeast cultures or so-called wild yeast.

Very often, to obtain such bread, they use dough obtained by processing hop cones or However, researchers claim that wild yeast is no different from ordinary baker's yeast.

So what is the difference between yeast and yeast-free bread? The benefits and harms of these products are absolutely the same. In this regard, experienced chefs recommend preparing real yeast-free bread, making it without any kind of yeast (including hop cones and willow twigs), and using only

Making yeast-free bread at home

As mentioned above, true yeast-free bread should be prepared without the use of any type of yeast. Therefore, to leaven such baked goods, we decided to use But first things first.

So, to make homemade yeast-free bread yourself, we will need:

  • quick rolled oats - 1 full glass;
  • whole grain flour - 1 full glass;
  • table soda - dessert spoon incomplete (optional);
  • table salt - ½ small spoon;
  • liquid honey - 2 large spoons;
  • sunflower oil (take without aroma) - large spoon;
  • warm fat milk - 1.6 cups.

Preparing dough with rolled oats

Before baking yeast-free bread, you need to knead the base. To do this, warm fat milk is poured into a deep container, and then combined with a spoonful of honey and whole grain flour. Both ingredients are mixed until the consistency of thick sour cream, covered with a towel and left in a warm place (about 5 hours, but longer). During this time, the flour mass should ferment a little. If this doesn't happen, then it's okay. To obtain fluffy baked goods, you can add baking soda to it.

Thus, after keeping the ingredients warm, add rolled oats crushed in a coffee grinder, the remains of liquid honey, and table salt. By mixing the ingredients, you get a fairly stiff but soft dough. It is immediately used for its intended purpose.

Baking process in the oven

Yeast-free bread bakes quite quickly in the oven. To do this, place the dough in a greased sunflower oil form and send it to a heated cabinet. In it, the product is cooked for 45-57 minutes at a temperature of 197 degrees. During this time, yeast-free bread rises, becomes fluffy, rosy and tasty.

Serving homemade bread to the table

Homemade bread without the use of baker's or any other yeast is much tastier than what is sold in the store. Moreover, such baking is much healthier. After all, scientists have long proven that yeast fungi, which are used to make bread and other products, contribute to the appearance and development. Therefore, we recommend baking bread exclusively at home.

This product can be served either hot or already cooled. As a rule, bread with rolled oats and honey is presented to guests along with the first or second courses.

Preparing yeast-free bread with kefir

Fermented milk drink can serve as an excellent starter for making homemade bread. It’s not without reason that this product is often used for baking various buns, pancakes and other sweets.

So, to make real yeast-free bread at home, you need to purchase in advance:

  • whole grain flour - about 450 g;
  • baking soda - dessert spoon;
  • table salt - dessert spoon;
  • fresh high-fat kefir - about 420 ml;
  • sesame seeds - 2 large spoons;
  • small egg - 1 pc.;
  • pumpkin seeds - 2 large spoons.

Preparing the base

Yeast-free bread with kefir is prepared much faster than the previous one. After all, to knead the base, there is no need to keep the dough in a warm place for a long time.

To prepare homemade bread, fresh high-fat kefir is poured into a metal container and heated slightly over low heat. After this, the fermented milk drink is removed from the stove and the table soda is quenched in it. When the product stops foaming, add table salt, sesame and pumpkin seeds, as well as whole grain flour. All ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous and soft dough is obtained. Cover it with a napkin and leave it aside for 15-19 minutes.

The process of forming products and baking them in the oven

After the dough has rested, it is divided into several pieces (3 or 4) and then molded round shapes. Having laid out the products on a sheet, they are greased with whipped chicken egg. This procedure will ensure that homemade yeast-free bread becomes golden brown and acquires an appetizing glossy crust. In this form, the formed products are immediately sent to a heated cabinet.

Yeast-free bread should be cooked in the oven for 47 minutes at a temperature not exceeding 200 degrees. During this time, homemade baked goods will noticeably increase in size, become fluffy, tasty and very aromatic.

Serving homemade baked goods to the table

After the yeast-free kefir bread is baked in the oven, it is immediately taken out and presented to the guests. As a rule, such a product is served along with hot tea. Eat it with butter, a slice of cheese or jam.

If you want to get sweeter baked goods, then you can add a little granulated sugar or honey to the dough.

Useful information about homemade yeast-free bread

Now you know how you can bake delicious and aromatic bread yourself without using baker's yeast. It should be noted that this product has whole line useful properties. Among them the following can be noted:

  • Homemade bread made without yeast contains an incredible amount of minerals and vitamins.
  • Yeast-free bread made from is a self-sufficient and balanced product. Thanks to his unique composition, it helps to reduce excess weight, as well as normalize work digestive tract and the whole organism as a whole.
  • Microbiologists say that regular consumption of yeast-free bread homemade significantly strengthens the immune system and also promotes the formation of healthy cells, preventing the formation of various tumors.

Among other things, one cannot help but say that bread prepared without the use of yeast can be stored for quite a long time without losing its taste and beneficial properties. It is this fact that encourages many housewives to make baked goods at home, rather than purchase them in a store.

First, sift the flour into a deep bowl (it’s better to do this 2-3 times). Then add sugar, salt and vegetable oil, mix well with your hands.

Now you need to add the pre-prepared starter. Everyone has their own recipes for making it, I make it from flour and water. In short, the recipe is as follows: on the first day, mix 100 grams of flour and 100 grams of water, cover with a cloth and place in a warm place (it is important that the wind does not blow there). During the day, the starter needs to be stirred 3-4 times.

On the second day, we add another 100 grams of flour to the starter and add water so that the consistency becomes the same as it was on the first day. Place in a warm place again, covered with a cloth, stir 3-4 times a day.

At the end of the second day, we will see small bubbles on the surface of the starter - this is a very good sign. On the third day, add 100 grams of flour again and again water, returning the consistency of the first day. Mix thoroughly and place in a warm place. During the third day, the starter will increase in size and become thickly covered with bubbles - now it is ready.

So, back to our bread recipe. We added sourdough starter to the mixture of flour, salt, sugar and butter. We begin to slowly knead the dough, gradually adding water. When it becomes elastic and elastic and does not stick to your hands, we cover it with a towel right in the bowl and put it in a warm place. The dough should double in size before we can continue working.

Store-bought yeast and industrial baked goods rarely fit the description healthy food. You can make your own homemade bread without yeast to avoid negative influence on the body of refined products and industrial dough bases that are hazardous in composition. However, for this it is necessary to use reliable recipes with precisely described proportions. And you should learn all the secrets of making tasty, soft and healthy yeast-free bread.

Cooking features

Before you make bread, remember a few rules for preparing not only perfect baked goods, but also sourdough for it:

  1. Making perfect baked goods won't happen in a few hours. Preparing the starter takes from 1 to 6 days. However, the base for the dough is prepared in large quantities, and it is enough for several times.
  2. You can speed up the fermentation process of the sourdough by adding a spoonful of melted honey or sugar to it.
  3. During the cooking process, at first you will have to check the readiness of the bread using a toothpick. It should be dry when removed from the bun.
  4. Before baking, the dough must be left to rise for 4-7 hours so that the necessary processes begin in it.
  5. Strictly following a recipe is not always appropriate. The difference in the quality of the components can be critical, so liquid and dry ingredients are mixed by eye, achieving the ideal consistency. The starter should turn out like thick sour cream, but the spoon should not stand in it.
  6. The ideal temperature for sourdough is from 21 to 25 degrees Celsius indoors. The product does not like drafts. During the ripening process, the starter is covered with a towel so that it does not dry out on top.

Each recipe for homemade bread without industrial yeast has its own cooking subtleties. But the quality of the final product largely depends on the starter.

Exact scheme for preparing universal sourdough

Healthy bread without yeast cannot be prepared without sourdough, unlike other breads that require. And she doesn’t like hasty actions. Set aside 5 days to prepare the base:

  1. First day. Take 4 tbsp. l. wheat flour and mix with warm water(30-35 degrees) so that you get the consistency of sour cream. Place the covered mixture in the dark in a warm place.
  2. Second day. By this time, beneficial bacteria have developed in the sourdough, and it becomes slightly sour in smell. Add 3 more tbsp. l. wheat flour and a small amount warm water so that the consistency of thick sour cream is not disturbed.
  3. Third day. Bubbles appear in the leaven and it becomes more liquid. Add 3 more tbsp. l. flour and a little less warm water than yesterday.
  4. Fourth day. Sourdough smells similar to sour yeast. Add water again and 3 tbsp. l. flour.
  5. Fifth day. If everything went well, then there will be about 1.5 times more leaven, as well as bubbles in it. Add water and 3 tbsp. l. flour.
  6. Sixth day. Feed the starter one last time with water and flour. Now it can be used for baking.

Take 3 tbsp. l. sourdough and mix with 6 tbsp. l. wheat flour, diluted with a small amount of warm water. Leave to ferment for 6 hours and discard the rest.

Advice! To prepare, use glass jar 2 liter capacity or enamel pan.

The starter can be stored for 2 weeks in a cool place. Before each use, 3-4 tbsp. l. The product is left at room temperature for several hours to warm up.

Recipe No. 2: Rice Sourdough

The basis for homemade bread without yeast from rice is prepared for at least 5 days. You can use it for buns and fluffy pancakes. Rice gives the final product a delicate aroma and porous structure, allowing the bread to be fluffy.

Important! Prepare 100 g rice, 250 ml water, 8 tbsp. l. white flour and 2 tbsp. l. Sahara.

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Rice should be soaked in 150 ml of water for 3 days, combined with a spoon of sugar. Leave in a cool place, and on the 3rd day add 3 tablespoons of flour. Then on day 4 the remaining water is added and left to ferment. On day 5, add the remaining flour and sugar, and on day 6, start baking.

Recipe No. 3: rye sourdough

Sourdough is used to make the healthiest bread – rye bread. It contains reduced white flour content. Suitable for making pancakes and pancakes. You will need a glass of sour kefir and 200 g of rye flour:

  • combine the ingredients in small portions;
  • cover the container with gauze and leave for 1 day;
  • add 2-3 tbsp. l. rye flour and leave for 2-3 hours.

The product is prepared quickly, you can start baking already on the 2nd day.

Ideal yeast-free bread in the oven

To make delicious homemade bread from wheat flour without yeast, read and use the first sourdough recipe. The following quantities of ingredients will be required:

  • approximately 650 g of 1st grade flour;
  • 3 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 2 tsp. salt;
  • 7 tbsp. l. sourdough;
  • 350 ml water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. unrefined oil;
  • seeds or raisins for filling and decoration as desired.

Now start making delicious bread by kneading the dough in a deep bowl:

  1. First, combine the dry ingredients, stir in the starter and add oil and water. The ideal dough is dense; you need to mix it with your hands. When the mixture is ready, it will no longer stick to your hands.
  2. Now transfer the dough to the table and knead it with the lower parts of your palms, pushing out the air. This process can take up to 20 minutes, good dough loves "attention". At the end of kneading, add seeds or raisins.
  3. Grease the bread pan with butter and sprinkle with flour. Transfer the dough into it and, cover with a towel, leave for several hours. The dough will be ready when its volume has doubled. The rising process depends on the strength of the starter and can last from 2-3 to 8 hours.
  4. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, and sprinkle the bread with water so that it has a golden brown crust.
  5. Place a baking sheet with water on the bottom tier of the oven, place the bread on the middle tier.
  6. After 25 minutes, set the temperature to 180 degrees and cook the bread for another 40-50 minutes (depending on the power of the oven).

When the oven is turned off, they don't get the bread right away. After about 40 minutes, remove the pan, take out the baked goods and place them on a wire rack, covered with a towel.

Delicious rye bread

To obtain perfect baked goods, use the third sourdough recipe. You can experiment with a rice base. You can make sourdough with raisins. Taking into account the components for the sourdough, you will need: 1.5 cups of rye flour, 4 cups of white flour, a handful of raisins and 2 tsp. salt, 3 tsp. sugar and a little vegetable oil. Also, for the starter you need to take 550 ml of whey, 600 ml of water and a quarter spoon of soda.

The process of preparing dough and sourdough for rye bread without yeast:

  1. An hour before cooking, soak the raisins, then mash them with a pestle and put them in a 2 liter glass jar, fill them with water and add 0.5 tbsp. rye flour with 1 tsp. Sahara. Leave the mixture in a warm place overnight.
  2. On the second day, strain the starter and mix with 4 tbsp. l. rye flour and a small amount of water so that the mixture is thick enough. Leave the composition for another 1 day.
  3. On day 3, add 2 tbsp. l. rye flour and the same amount of whey. Leave for a day, stirring occasionally.
  4. On day 4, add 2 tbsp. l. rye flour and heated whey in the same quantity.
  5. On day 5, add 2 tbsp. l. wheat and 2 tbsp. l. rye flour, 4 tbsp. l. whey until a consistency similar to thick sour cream is formed. The starter will be ready when it is 3-4 times larger.
  6. At about 6 days you can start preparing the dough. The ingredients must be warm. Add 9 tbsp. l. starter and 250 ml whey in glassware. Add 2 tsp. salt and 2 tsp. Sahara.
  7. Add butter and sifted flour into the mixture in portions. Additionally, add soda to the flour. Mix the dough well.
  8. The composition should be left in a warm place for about 2-3 hours to increase its volume.
  9. Transfer the dough to a parchment-lined pan. The oven should heat up to 200 degrees. The bread is cooked for about 50 minutes, checking with a toothpick.

You can make cuts on the top of the buns– this way the bread is baked better and there is no raw crumb left inside. If cooking is uneven, place a damp towel on top of the bun for 20 minutes.

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Whole grain bread in the oven

Whole grain flour is ideal for making dietary bread, you will need: 150 g whole grain flour, 10 g baking powder, 1 cup oatmeal, 0.2 l whey, 30 ml vegetable oil, salt and sugar to taste. Process for making homemade bread:

  • sugar is mixed with salt and added to chopped oatmeal;
  • add baking powder and wheat flour;
  • Make a hole in the center of the mixture and add a glass of whey and vegetable oil;
  • knead the dough while the oven is heated to 220 degrees;
  • The dough is placed in a greased mold, cuts are made on top;
  • Place in the oven for 30 minutes, turn off the stove and let it cool slightly.

Cool the finished bread completely on a metal rack after removing it from the oven.

Kefir bread in the oven

Full-fat kefir is suitable for making quick bread if you don’t have time to start a starter: take 220 ml of the drink, 330 g of white flour, 2/3 tsp. soda, 1 tbsp. l. butter and a little salt.


  • slightly heat the kefir (30-35 degrees) and mix with soda and salt, then pour in the oil;
  • gradually add sifted flour so that there are no lumps;
  • transfer the thick dough to the table and continue kneading it;
  • place the prepared bread base in a mold and place in the oven at 200 degrees;
  • Bake for 40 minutes.

To make bread without sourdough softer, place the pan on the middle shelf at 250 degrees. After 10-15 minutes, the baking sheet with the mold should be moved higher, and a baking sheet with pieces of ice should be placed on the lower tier.

To prepare baked goods according to this recipe, you can use all-purpose or rice sourdough. Or you can use a unique recipe from church ministers: you will need brine without vinegar from cucumbers or cabbage, rye flour and 2-3 tablespoons of sugar. Cooking process:

  1. Add flour to the brine so that the mixture looks like thick sour cream. Add a little sugar and leave in a warm place for a while.
  2. The correct composition for baking increases in volume by about 2-3 times. After this, prepare the dough by mixing the starter with flour and warm water until the consistency of a soft and viscous dough.
  3. The dough should rest for several hours. During this time it rises.
  4. Knead the dough, adding flour in portions. Sugar and salt are added 1 tsp each. or a little less. As a result, the dough should be light and airy. It doesn't stick to your hands.
  5. Divide the mixture into the molds and leave for 30-40 minutes while the oven preheats. Bake at 200 degrees until done.

The time it takes to prepare baked goods directly depends on the oven and the products used. You can check readiness with a toothpick. And to protect against uneven baking, the wet towel method is again used.

Homemade rye-wheat bread in a slow cooker

It is not necessary to use whey to make bread. Take 1 glass of kefir, 1 tsp. salt and soda, 1.5 cups of wheat flour, 0.5 cups of rye flour and the same amount of crushed oatmeal. You will need a little more breadcrumbs and 2 tbsp. l. oils

The oil is mixed with kefir, and the dry ingredients are mixed with each other. The dough is kneaded quickly so that it does not have time to become too hard. Grease the bowl with butter and sprinkle with crackers. Then spread the dough.

Bake the bread on the baking setting for 30 minutes. Then the bun is turned over and baked for the same amount of time. Finished product take it out and wrap it in a dry towel, placing it on a plate.

Bake without yeast in a bread machine

Homemade bread without yeast is ideal when using a special oven. Here you can also use the recipe without sourdough: 0.5 cups of warm milk, egg, spoon of salt, 1.5 tbsp. l. butter, 3 cups flour and 2 tablespoons sugar.

Important! You need to load the ingredients into the bread machine in strict sequence: first milk, then egg, then butter and finally salt and sugar. Butter should be softened. At the end, add flour.

The size and color of the bread in the device can be set as desired. And it should bake for about 1.5 hours. It is recommended to cool the finished baked goods directly in the bowl of the device.

A variety of recipes, sourdough starters and methods for preparing homemade bread without yeast enable a person with any level of culinary experience and knowledge to prepare delicious and healthy baked goods. Following the presented recipes, this is very easy to do. You will succeed the first time!

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Day 1. In the morning, take not an iron or, better yet, not an enameled one, but a ceramic or, at worst, glass container with a volume of at least 1.5 liters. Pour 100 ml of warm boiled water into it, gradually add 100 g of rye flour, mix so that there are no lumps. Cover with a napkin and place in a warm place. If you make it in a jar, then wrap it in something. Yes, stir not with an iron spoon, but with a wooden spatula or something like that. I stirred with a wooden spoon, and carried out all the manipulations in the jar.

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Day 2. The next morning, bubbles should appear on the surface; if there are none, it’s okay, it just means that the place where you left the container is not warm enough. Add another 100 ml of warm water and 100 g of rye flour, mix well and cover again with a napkin, leave in a warm place.

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Day 3. In the morning we do the same manipulations as the previous morning: add 100 ml of warm water and 100 g of rye flour

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Day 4. In the morning, add 500 ml of warm water and add enough flour to get the consistency of thick sour cream. Leave until the next morning in a warm place.

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Day 5. In the morning, pour 3/4 of the resulting dough into a container where we will knead the bread dough, and add 100 grams again to the remaining 1/4. flour and add enough water to get the consistency of thick sour cream. ****With this 1/4 you will do the same as above to make another loaf 5 days later. I will also note that 1 cup of dough roughly corresponds to 40 grams of yeast, so essentially any other baking can be done using the prepared dough instead of store-bought yeast.*****

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Add salt, honey and butter to the cast dough. Stir until it all comes apart. Then we start adding rye flour. I first stirred with a whisk so that there were no lumps, and when the dough became quite thick, I began to stir with a spoon. ATTENTION! Do not mix the dough with your hands until it becomes stiff! rye dough sticks strongly to your hands, it is difficult to wash it off everything: if it sticks to the sink, to furniture, to dishes and dries out. But it is soaked with water. When it becomes impossible to mix the dough with flour with a spoon, start mixing it with your hands, first opening a stream of water to wash your hands if necessary. Another point: kneading is not a quick task, it took me at least half an hour, and it’s almost impossible to move away from the dough, again due to the fact that your hands are in it, and it’s not easy to wash off. So keep this in mind. Knead the dough until it no longer sticks to your hands. It will still stick, because... This is a feature of rye flour. At the very end, I dumped the dough onto a board sprinkled with wheat flour and kneaded it like this, adding wheat flour.

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When you finish kneading the dough, i.e. when it stops almost completely sticking to your hands, you need to form a ball out of it, place it on the board and cover it with a napkin so that it does not dry out. Leave all this in a warm place for 3 hours. I did so, but when it came time to shift future bread on a baking sheet, it still stuck to the board from below, no matter how much I sprinkled it with flour. The fact is that while the bread sits for 3 hours, it acquires the required form itself, cracking on top, and if it sticks and you start to tear it off, the shape is lost. Therefore, next time I will place the ball of dough directly on a baking sheet greased with sunflower oil, which is what I advise you to do.

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In 3 hours. When the bread takes the desired shape, it can be baked. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees. If the dough is not laid out on a baking sheet, lay it out after greasing the surface of the baking sheet or mold with oil. The surface of the bread is also greased with sunflower oil. Place in the oven for 40-60 minutes. It all depends on how the dough turns out. So you need to bake at least once to find out how long it takes for YOUR bread to be done. I baked it for 60 minutes, it didn’t burn, it was nicely browned, and there was no dough left on the knife. But I think next time 50 minutes will be enough for my bread. The crust on top will be hard, and you can even knock on it: this means that the bread is ready, as it should be)