What does a new version of yourself mean? The best version of yourself. Take care of yourself

“MEDICINE IS ONE OF THE GREATEST MISCONCEPTIONS OF HUMANITY” VOLTAIRE, 84 years old “I, WITH MY OWN HANDS, MADE MYSELF HEALTH AND EXTENDED MY LIFE” KANT, 81 years old Newton 84 years old Hippocrates about 100 years old Pavlov 86 years old Edison 86 years old L. Tolstoy 82 years Churchill 90 years Pasteur 74 years THEIR COMMON: ATTITUDE TO HEALTH AND LIFESTYLE: “IF THE PATIENT WANTS TO LIVE, MEDICINE IS POWERLESS...”

IN good conditions years In an urban environment 1-2 years

HEALTH AND LONGEVITY DEPENDS ON A PERSON’S WAY OF LIFE AND ON LIVING CONDITIONS: HIS AND... HIS CELLS ALEXIS CARRELL Nobel Prize in 1912 in Physiology and Medicine “The cell itself is immortal. It’s only a matter of the liquid environment in which the cell is located... Periodically update this environment, give the cell everything it needs to nourish it, and, as far as we know, the beating of life can continue forever.” BASIC REASONS FOR CELL LONGEVITY => HUMAN LONGEVITY: COMPLETE NUTRITION + CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICALLY CLEAN ENVIRONMENT HUMAN LONGEVITY: COMPLETE NUTRITION + CHEMICALLY AND BIOLOGICALLY CLEAN ENVIRONMENT">


7.1 the cancer cell stops reproducing at pH >7.4 the cancer cell and all pathogenic flora die at pH >7.4 p" title=" Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1931 (research on the relationship between oxygen ( pH level) and oncology) At pH >7.1, the cancer cell stops reproducing; at pH >7.4, the cancer cell and all pathogenic flora die; at pH >7.4, p" class="link_thumb"> 9 !} Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1931 (research on the relationship between oxygen (pH level) and oncology) At pH >7.1, the cancer cell stops reproducing; at pH >7.4, the cancer cell and all pathogenic flora die; at pH >7.4, friendly flora actively develops OTTO HEINRICH WARBURG pH balance (acid-base balance) condition of health or cause of disease and early death pH control (alkalinization) - control of life pH balance (acid-base balance) condition of health or cause of disease and early death pH control (alkalinization) - control of life 7.1 the cancer cell stops reproducing at pH >7.4 the cancer cell and all pathogenic flora die at pH >7.4 active p"> 7.1 the cancer cell stops reproducing at pH >7.4 the cancer cell and all pathogenic flora die at pH >7.4, friendly flora actively develops OTTO HEINRICH WARBURG pH balance (acid-base balance) condition of health or cause of disease and early death pH control (alkalinization) - control of life pH balance (acid-base balance) condition of health or cause of disease and early death pH control (alkalinization) - life control "> 7.1 the cancer cell stops reproducing at pH > 7.4 the cancer cell and all pathogenic flora die at pH > 7.4 p" title="(!LANG : Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1931 (research on the relationship between oxygen (pH level) and oncology) At pH >7.1, the cancer cell stops reproducing at pH >7.4, the cancer cell and all pathogenic flora die at pH >7.4 active p"> title="Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1931 (studies of the relationship between oxygen (pH level) and oncology) At pH >7.1, the cancer cell stops reproducing; at pH >7.4, the cancer cell and all pathogenic flora die; at pH >7.4, p"> !}

SIMULTANEOUSLY AND BALANCED!!! DAILY – CONSTANTLY – POSITIVE – RELENTLESSLY 1: thinking: sound “pH-psychology” and “pH-thinking”: responsible, constructive, adequate, “recognizing”, open, social, creative, sublime 2: movement: sound and “physical” logical", natural 3: nutrition (water + food): healthy "pH-drinking" and "pH-nutrition" Three conditions for a HEALTHY lifestyle - THREE CONDITIONS FOR LONGEVITY

“This one died without finding meaning in life, and that one died without finding meaning in life, and that one died without looking for meaning in life, but this one is still alive! We need to talk to him...” So what is the meaning of longevity? P.S. “vodka in small doses is harmless in any quantity” - Mikhail Zhvanetsky, 77 years old, by the way, this is what he also said years ago...

Their best works I did it when I was already over sixty, or even over seventy. Not many people can say that about themselves. I think the reason for this is that I am learning all the time. And while I have not yet fallen into insanity, I have no reason to think that I will stop there. If I weren't a dreamer, I wouldn't achieve anything. Clint Eastwood, 81

Evgeny Litvin: Good day, Andrey!

Andrey Levchenko: Hello, Evgeniy!

Eugene: Andrey, very often you repeat that you consider yourself an expert on a healthy lifestyle, not a healthy one. In what way do you think these concepts are fundamentally different?

Andrey: To the ultimate goal. As the name suggests, the goal of a healthy lifestyle is health, and a healthy lifestyle is pleasure without harm, even if it is harmful pleasure. Unfortunately, a healthy lifestyle often imposes health on a person and this deprives him of pleasure. Another difference is that for me, as well as for my clients, health is not an end in itself, not value No. 1, it is a way to achieve specific purpose mine, or my client's.

For example, I explain it to my business clients this way: “Health is either your income or your losses.” And activity can also be converted into assets. Thus, my task is to ensure the health of my client to the extent that it makes him both happier and healthier. And, by the way, about the difference in these lifestyles. Harvard scientists have spent more than 70 years of research finally formulating what happiness is. Among other things, they wrote the following: “The feeling of happiness is added by a healthy lifestyle, including a minimum set physical exercise, as well as the lack bad habits- smoking and alcohol abuse. Normal weight is no less important for happiness than the ability to adapt in crisis situations.” Even here there is a sense of healthy balance. Therefore, if my client loves cognac, cigars, wine or chocolate - please. I won’t tell him: “To your health,” but I will say: “For pleasure,” and I will give him additional knowledge and skills on how, when receiving these pleasures, not to receive harm from them, but even to benefit.

And returning to the issue of normal weight, mind you - normal, not thin and slender. If my client likes to be fat or thin, if he considers this normal for himself, I will not pester him with stories about the Body Mass Index, but will help him make the most of being overweight or underweight.

When I’m introduced somewhere in a restaurant, everyone expects me to pull out a carrot or a leaf of lettuce and chew it all evening while I talk about the dangers of cholesterol.

Eugene: Yes, yes, this is a very common cliche.

Andrey: People are amazed when I smoke a cigar, wash it down with cognac and eat cholesterol-filled nuts or cheese. Like, how is he? He talks about health, but what about himself?.. I’m 45 now, and my metabolic age, that is, the real age of the body, is significantly less than that of those who eat low-fat yoghurts and carrots. At 45, I am no more than 33-34 years old. I can make my metabolic age even lower, but why? I’m not going to live forever, but as long as it’s interesting for me to live. Because the main task health - to provide us with the opportunity to live a full life, that is, a life of pleasure. In my opinion this is common sense. Therefore, I am a speaker and consultant not for a low-fat healthy lifestyle, but for a full healthy lifestyle.

Eugene: Very interesting answer. So, for a healthy lifestyle, you shouldn’t sacrifice your little pleasures and addictions for the sake of chewing carrots and lettuce?

Andrey: Well, if chewing a carrot gives you vital energy to achieve your goals - amen and hallelujah. But, if this makes you sad and feels, then you don’t need success at the cost of carrots and lettuce. I don't mind carrots and salad, but only when I want it. Let me give you a textbook example: Winston Churchill, who never parted with cognac and cigars, lived for more than 80 years, but in his youth he received serious injuries and was considered a sick person. Nevertheless, what vigor and strength of spirit!

Eugene: Yes it interesting example, which does not fit into the canons of healthy way life. Okay, Andrey, here’s a question. Now in the West, motivational speaking is considered a very fashionable activity and people earn a lot of money from it. Here, in the Russian-speaking space, this is just beginning to come into fashion and the market is just beginning to develop. Numerous speakers, trainers and coaches teach everything, but mostly it is still teaching purely material things: how to be rich, successful and famous. Why did you choose such, let’s say, not particularly advanced direction as “health and longevity”?

Andrey: Firstly, any sane person, if he is sane and not healthy, understands that a sick person cannot have any happiness, success or wealth. If he does not understand this, then life and fate will soon provide a chance to understand this. And yet, I am not only a speaker on this topic, but also a consultant and trainer, i.e. I don’t just talk, I say what I do. You can talk about success and leadership as much as you like without being successful and a leader. But hardly about health.

And as for the area of ​​health and longevity, yes, it is not particularly advanced and there are few speeches on this topic. But this is precisely justified by the fact that talking about health just like that is possible only with appearances on television. Because TV is watched by those who want to listen about health, but who will not do anything to become healthy.

I don't just talk, I do. And I work not with a television audience, that is, with the people, but in a business environment. But my client, a businessman, doesn’t care what I say, even if I hit a tambourine, it’s important for him to get something as a result. And at business conferences “blah blah blah” about health won’t work either - you need results. But with effectiveness it’s very big problems- few can show real changes in health without dramatic, radical lifestyle changes. You understand that none of the businessmen is ready to move for health from Moscow, to a village in Altai or a cave in Tibet.

Eugene: Of course we are not ready.

Andrey: Here. And with my system, it’s possible to be healthy in Moscow, Cherepovets, and Kiev. And I talk about this publicly only because I and my clients have these results without fundamentally changing their lifestyle. We're all fine.

Eugene: Let's talk about your techniques as a speaker and trainer. Many speakers and trainers, when working with an audience, try to almost literally “chew” every last crumb of information and put it in the client’s mouth. And when you give speeches and work with people, you often use definitions and terms from mathematics, chemistry, and physics. Why are you trying to teach people some intricacies of the alphabet and arithmetic?

Andrey: I love smart questions because a smart question already has an answer. You correctly noted that I try to teach people. That's right, I teach, not heal. This is medical pedagogy. If I want to bind a person to me, I will treat him. He will be grateful to me for removing the symptoms, but sooner or later he will come to me again because I did not remove the causes. Medicine and most healings rest on this.

And my language, as it were, was requested by the client. For example, I can explain the theory of free radicals and antioxidant theory extremely simply - using the example of two bottles of vodka in the evening park. And I can explain with all the complexity, as in scientific literature. The main thing is that my specific client can use this to his advantage. And when he understands this, applies it and learns to manage it, he will forget the whole theory. It doesn’t matter whether I spoke about vodka or in scientific terms. And this is correct, because the criterion of theory is practice, that is, the result.

In general, health, understand correctly, is chemistry and physics. In order not to lose your health, you don’t need to know them, but to restore your health and control it, you will have to know physics, chemistry and physiology. Well, how can I explain in everyday language what homeostasis or oxygen-hydrogen balance is? And without knowing this, you will not be able to manage your health yourself. What will happen? You will again depend on me or on doctors who don’t really understand this themselves. And even if they understand, they can’t do anything. And believe me, all these terms are difficult to understand unless you want to manage it. And when you want to live long, you will understand everything quickly.

Eugene: Yes, good motivation to understand.

Andrey: And that’s what I always say: I just want to live long. And let me remind you that the topic of my speeches and the topic of the book I am writing is “Managed longevity for those who already have something and why to live long.” Well, then, I respect my clients, and they, as a rule, are developed, educated people and they understand this language. At least it is more understandable than the “bird language” of doctors.

Eugene: At one time, the satirical poet Juvenal uttered the catchphrase: “A healthy mind in a healthy body.” What do you think, is it possible to equate a healthy mind with a healthy body? If for normal human life one needs something more and something less, then what exactly: a healthy “spirit” or “body”?

Andrey: The phrase is correct, but you need to understand the context. Buddha also said: “You cannot achieve enlightenment without having a perfectly healthy body.” Only our ideas about a healthy mind and a healthy body are very different from what Juvenal and Buddha had in mind. This must be understood. But I wouldn’t put an equal sign now. And they didn't. I very often counsel the physically ill with a strong spirit and the physically healthy with a weakened spirit. But there is a pattern - a strong spirit is more important than a strong body. During my 4-year practice there was not a single case of significant improvement physical condition, recovery, without a significant desire for the client’s mental work and fortitude. But here are the cases when I healed psychological trauma they changed a person even beyond recognition many times.

The other day, one of my friends, a very famous person in Russia, avoided another cardiac intensive care unit simply because during an attack he told himself certain words about acknowledging the feelings of his body. But later, he ended up on the operating table to another specialist because he did not listen to the words about cleansing the toxins of his body. Do you understand? The heart hears words, but waste and toxins do not understand words. We need to deal with them differently - we need an integrated approach.

Eugene: Throughout history, humanity has accumulated many aphorisms and quotes. So in the previous question I remembered Juvenal’s phrase. There is probably not a single person who, at least once in his life, would not cite a wise expression from an ancient or modern philosopher as evidence of his rightness. What aphorism or quote do you think can reflect the attitude towards health so that, literally, all people think about the state of their health and, perhaps, decide to change something? Which quote do you think is the most heartfelt?

Andrey: Firstly, you know this very well, quotes no longer excite or engage anyone. One mistake of your own is worth a thousand other people's quotes and examples. That's why I don't use quotes, but use my own phrases. And I don’t have the task of making everyone healthy and happy - this is an inherently meaningless and bad task. I want the tech to look for a solution - it will be found. And I say three phrases.

If a client is a businessman, I tell him: “Health is either your income or your losses.” This is either your asset or liability, and you choose. To people who are not involved in business, I say this: “Health is either your sorrow or your joy.” Again, you choose. Well, if you need to make me laugh, I say a phrase that Igor Mann gave me after our conversation and consultation on this topic: “Health is like air - you don’t notice it until it’s spoiled.”

Eugene: Yes, a very interesting expression. Let's now talk about different times, morals and attitudes towards health. At each time, each country had its own “recipes” for health, consisting of different components. Tell us, as an expert on health and longevity, which ingredients can be called basic, without which a person cannot be considered healthy, and which components can be called auxiliary, which can be used as spices to season a dish called “health”?

Andrey: The answer will not be short, but I will try to make it logical and algorithmic. By the way, an algorithm is a certain procedure for achieving a specific goal in a limited time. In our case, when the lifetime is limited, we cannot do without an algorithm. So, the lifestyle on which health depends is just three points: thinking, movement and nutrition.

Thinking, first of all, is an attitude towards oneself, which means towards one’s health. First of all, this is an adequate attitude (I emphasize). Not positive, but adequate. There is no need to have a positive attitude towards everything - the psyche cannot withstand positivity, especially looking at surrounding reality. The basis of adequacy is the recognition of reality. By the way, this is the basis of the emotional and emotional healing technique that I use. This is the basis, and the seasoning for this can be everything else that fills 99 books out of 100.

Movement. This is not a sport. This is a physiological movement, first and foremost - walking. Ideal - fast walking, sometimes light jogging and gymnastics. In principle, this is enough.

But movement is also breathing. Especially for those who sit all day long at desks, computers, steering wheels, etc. They stop breathing. As soon as a person stops breathing, the cause of death or life is activated, No. 1 - the rate of oxygen dissolved in water and air. Therefore the 10 minute breathing exercises must be. As a seasoning and spice, you can spend hours breathing, exploring breathing techniques, or practicing bodybuilding. But this is already unnecessary, as the Poles say: “It’s too much, then it’s not healthy.”

Here, in motion, is hardening. People have completely forgotten about this. You can at least overeat with immunomodulators and stimulants, but if you sit, lie, and walk under air conditioning all the time, there will be no immunity.

The next point, fantastically simple, but fantastically difficult to observe, is rest and sleep. In old Chinese medicine, in their idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle, 6 hours a day were allotted for rest, and 6 hours for rest. Note: rest is one thing, sleep is another. How long does a person rest now?

Eugene: Eight hours and all at the same time.

Andrey: Yes you! At best, 6-7 hours, and not from 10-11 pm, as needed to the human body, and after midnight. When we diagnose a client’s blood and see “live” blood on the screen, and not numbers and letters, we see that in people who do not get enough sleep, their immunity drops by half. And again, you can take immunostimulants and modulators as much as you like and go to doctors, or you can rest and sleep. The choice is yours, you control it.

The third point is nutrition. But not just food, but water plus food. But water is not what “Water” is written on. In most cases, anything that says “Water” on it cannot be drunk. I will not name these popular promoted brands...

Eugene: Yes, we won’t engage in anti-PR.

Andrey: The water that I, my family and my clients consume is water with strictly defined indicators. The second is safe water so that no one swims there. Third - soft. Fourth - structured. Fifth - low mineralized. Then - negatively charged, slightly alkaline and body temperature, not hot or cold. Because only such water fulfills its functions: to dissolve what we ate, to deliver nutrient solution where it should be - into the cell, remove the products of its vital activity from the cell, and protect vital important systems and body organs. Only such water gives energy, and does not take it away, collecting swelling throughout the body. And water is not tea, not juice, not coffee. This is food, not water.

And another vital parameter - the amount of water must be physiologically sufficient. This amounts to 30-40 milliliters per 1 kg of weight per day. Calculate how much you weigh, multiply it by 30, or better yet, 40, and you will get the amount of water that a person must drink per day.

If a person drinks this much water, he will not have a stroke, no heart attack, no problems with digestion and joints, no headaches or muscle pain, he will have a normal weight, normal skin, he will not suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome or irritability ( except, of course, in force majeure situations), he will be more efficient and even... have sex longer and more excitedly. And this is all other things being equal. And all because he will simply drink: enough and correct biologically available water.

The last point is food. There are two sub-items here: the first is regular food, ordinary products, the second is smart food, or “smart food”, what used to be called dietary supplements, which have changed for the better.

And again, food is not something that is sold in packages, it is not food. Food is something that does not contain preservatives and dyes, something that is not packaged. If it can remain in the package for six months, then inside us will not change either: as it goes in, so it comes out. And this is real for residents of big cities, you just need to set a goal and see the method that I show. I also live in a city with a million people and buy food where everyone else does. Only I don’t buy the same as everyone else. And I cook food like everyone else, but not the same as everyone else.

To live long, we must consume a strictly defined set every day. These are building materials. After all, no one would think of building a house from bricks alone. As he comes, he will go when he sees the result. And for some reason people attack... Although I know why this happens - because of the corruption of doctors and the savagery that is happening in pharmacology.

Every day we must consume in order to live: amino acids, minerals, vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acid(these Omega 3-6-9), enzymes (but not “mizims” and “festals” - this is horror), fiber, fats, carbohydrates and water. Not only the vitamin-mineral complex, but the entire list that I mentioned, because vitamins and minerals themselves do not work. They cannot work without amino acids, all this makes no sense without enzymes, etc. Just as all this is of no use in a “dirty” body. Therefore, before eating right, my clients undergo cleansing. And this alone gives them, firstly, serious cost savings, and secondly, serious results and several extra years of life.

The last vital point is cleansing. In humans it must be systemic. It's not just enemas or the notorious fasting. Or bold experiments with drinking urine. Or no less bold and even more dangerous experiments with colon hydrotherapy. A soft, physiological systemic cleansing of three levels.

After this, it is imperative to restore the microflora and immunity. Water, fasting, and “smart” food already help here. And after this cleansing, which takes me about a month on average, tens of kilograms disappear, both outside and inside. Unfortunately, the main kilograms are inside. I think many people can guess “why” a lot has accumulated there. Dozens of diagnoses go away and people look several years younger. By the way, we record all this with diagnostics, tests, and instruments. And only after that you can start eating right.

Otherwise, imagine: we mix the “clean” food that we paid money for with toxins in the intestines. Or we will feed the worms with vitamin-mineral complexes. By the way, ascaris, which is abundant in people, especially children, lives 2-3 times longer with vitamin C and grows larger.

Eugene: Very interesting. Thank you for such a detailed answer. And let's reach the finish line of our release. I think that many of our listeners are looking forward to the final practical advice from an expert. Please tell us, Andrey, how to achieve success, earn millions, move mountains and still stay healthy? Some easy to understand and apply tips.

Andrey: I think the British say: “A disease should be treated 5 years before it occurs, and not 5 days before death.” Therefore, as someone else says, I don’t remember the author: “100 grams of prevention weigh more than a ton of treatment.” There are only seven points:

1. Attitude, the same thinking, but: give up packaged, canned, sweetened, colored, etc. drinks and foods. By the way, and from packaged juices. Limit their consumption for adults and prohibit them for children.

2. Restore water balance, i.e. drink bioavailable water in physiological quantities.

3. Cleansing the body, but not with pharmacy “vormils” - this is terrible, but with normal natural remedies.

4. Restoration of intestinal microflora, strengthening the immune system.

5. Complete balanced cellular nutrition. By the way, stores only sell fats, carbohydrates and, sometimes, fiber; everything else is not sold there.

6. Protection against free radicals with good, effective antioxidants. Imagine that regular intake antioxidants gives a person an additional 10 to 20 years. The cost of this program is $100 per month. Comparable?

7. If after all this my clients still have some diagnoses and problems with which they came at the very beginning, although there is practically no such thing, then I develop an individual preventive program: correction of weight, shape, fight against infertility, restoration of musculoskeletal apparatus. But that comes later, because in many cases the problems are caused by an incorrect lifestyle, the essence of which is outlined in the previous six points.

That is, if you do what I said at the beginning, you won't worry about what I mentioned at the end. And let me remind you once again that this approach is fundamentally different from the approach of medicine, because they usually begin to eliminate the symptoms, not the causes. But when a person understands that he wants to manage his health, and not catch up with the departing train called “health,” he begins to treat it that way. The doctor needs the sick, but I am not instead of the doctors, I am with the doctors. The doctor needs sick people, otherwise he will be left without work and without money, on the contrary, I need healthy people, otherwise I will be left without money. Therefore, it is economically beneficial for me that my clients do not get sick. Well, these are, one might say, the main dishes, everything else is spices.

Eugene: Thank you very much, Andrey, for an interesting and informative conversation in every sense. It seems to me that after your words, everyone, everyone who heard this episode (or reads the text of the interview) will immediately want to improve their precious health at least a little, or at least change something in their life.

Andrey: The Germans say: “Welfare begins in the head.” I absolutely know that health also begins and ends in the head. By the way, this is an addition to your question about spirit and body. Therefore, I wish all your and our listeners, you and me: let’s not be healthy, but healthy. And then we ourselves will decide what is good for us and what is bad. And then we will have both health and something that gives us pleasure, even if our pleasure is a little unhealthy.

Eugene: Thanks again. I join your wish. This concludes the next “Conversation with an Expert”, thank you all for your attention. The program director Yulia Rys and I, Evgeniy Litvin, the author and presenter of the program, worked on the release. Thank you for your attention, see you again on air.

Andrey: All the best.

For a whole year, at the beginning of each month, we published - to acquire and develop skills that will be useful in life. If you've been putting off our program for later or simply haven't found the time, now is the time to catch up.

Chance to become the best version yourself in one month.

Let's start the first week. You must take the right course, get in shape and learn how to handle money. Don't worry, this is all real. At least you will be able to take the first steps in the right direction. We will work on ourselves on weekdays, and on weekends we will relax and prepare ourselves for future achievements. Shall we start?

Monday. Analyze yourself

You can't achieve impressive results without careful preparation. Set yourself a goal to become more effective. And the first step you need to take towards your goal is to ask yourself questions. Imagine yourself looking at yourself from the outside and answer: how satisfied are you with your situation? Are you comfortable at your workplace? Are you happy with your financial situation? How are things with your personal life? Do you play sports? Are you happy?

Answering these questions will help you take the first step towards the life you've always dreamed of. Take 40-60 minutes and analyze yourself.

Tuesday. Imagine your future

Do you have a purpose in life? Do you know where you are going and what you want to get in a week, month, year, five years of your life? It is quite possible that you find it difficult to answer these questions - there is nothing wrong with that. However, today you should think about your future.

Just not as usual - “I want a house with three floors, be the director of a beauty salon and live in Hawaii,” but we will be guided by our feelings. Isn't that what we set goals for? To feel happy, energetic, strong, peaceful - to each their own. This is Danielle Laporte's technique (described in more detail), which turns goal setting on its head. Try setting goals in new ways.

Ask yourself:

  • What are my true desired feelings?
  • What do I want to do, experience, or have in order to feel my true desired feelings?
  • What three or four intentions and goals will I focus on this year?
  • What will I do this week to feel my true desired feelings and achieve my goals for this month?

Have you formulated your answers? Now you have a plan for your life. At least for the coming months. It's time to start executing it, but before that, let's do a few more important things.

Wednesday. Start playing sports

If you have health problems, then you will never be able to achieve your goals. So it's time to take care of yourself. And the easiest way to get in shape is to start playing sports. And you don't have to go to Gym. You can do this at home too. Take 15 minutes and do the following set of exercises:

How are you feeling? Are you capable of more? What day will you schedule your next training session? Write your workouts down on your calendar, otherwise you'll keep putting them off.

Thursday. Leave the consumer society

Each of us wants to dress well, have a tasty dinner and live in comfortable conditions, however, not everyone knows how to handle their finances. And, as a rule, such problems arise from your internal consumer. He is the main enemy of the wallet.

Research shows that 53% of purchases in grocery stores and 47% of purchases in hardware stores are made situationally. That is, you could easily do without these purchases, but you have already paid for them.

Stop wasting your money thoughtlessly!

And the most reliable way save money - start thinking before you buy and stop impressing others (yes, you have to admit to yourself that sometimes you do this). Believe me, others don’t care how modern your smartphone is or what brand you prefer. Handling money wisely is best indicator your wealth.

Friday. Learn to rest properly

The life of each of us is full of stress and worries. However, we can take 15-20 minutes a day to deal with them through meditation. This magnificent technique will add awareness and concentration to your life, and also relieve imaginary worries. Just try to meditate - meditation has been proven.