Which is cheaper: brick or clinker tiles? Clinker tiles or artificial stone. Which material is better? Prices for facing clinker bricks

Among the various facing materials, the reputation of the most reliable has long been won fake diamond and clinker tiles. They have been in excellent use for many decades - there is no need to update them. In addition to their durability, these materials create a comfortable indoor microclimate and look great.

However, in modern realities Many homeowners and developers are having a hard time: the exchange rate against the ruble has risen, resulting in a “financial impasse.” Products that were absolutely affordable just a couple of years ago may be too expensive today.

Of course, first of all, the cost of imported products has increased. Their prices almost doubled, because importers converted them into conventional units. At this stage, the prospects remain unclear, but I would like to believe in the best and think that over time circumstances will change in better side. One way or another, the current situation in which thousands of developers with ruble savings find themselves can hardly be called favorable.

Concerning Russian manufacturers, then they spend their own budget mainly in the ruble zone. Of course, this does not mean that they do not depend on exchange rates, but the increase in the cost of goods in this case should not be so sharp. A 100% rise in price is unlikely to affect them.

Currently, the market for facing materials is developing at a rapid pace, and more and more attractive offers are appearing. Clinker tiles is rightfully considered one of the best facing materials and is in demand in the construction field.

Of course, one of the most important factors for her success is her attractive appearance. But the advantages of the material do not end there. Technical and operational characteristics also deserve the highest praise. In particular, it is worth considering the naturalness of all components - this kind of material is absolutely safe for human health and the environment. Moreover, clinker tiles are characterized by minimal water absorption and are therefore resistant to very low temperatures. In addition, it must be said about color stability, as well as its durability and high strength.

All these are properties of real high-quality clinker tiles. The same excellent characteristics are characteristic of paving stones, paving road and facing clinker bricks. These are products that have received the unspoken title “indestructible”.

All this sounds great, but this barrel of honey is not without a fly in the ointment. Thus, the production of real clinker bricks with a minimum absorption level of 3% is concentrated in Europe. For example, the famous clinker factories Roben and Feldhaus Klinker are located in Germany. As you know, the cost of German goods is measured in euros. Taking into account today's exchange rate, we can say that 1 m2 will cost 3,000 – 4,500 rubles. And if this option turns out to be too expensive, you have to look for an alternative: a material with the same characteristics, but more affordable. An excellent option in this case could be artificial stone in brick and stone models. Its range today is very wide, so even the most demanding developer will be able to choose his own option.

In the production of artificial stone they use modern technologies and materials that allow you to create a product of the same High Quality, like clinker. It is taken as a basis concrete mixture, which contains stabilizers and fillers. Artificial pigments perform the function of coloring.

From the point of view of economic benefits, artificial stone has a serious competitive advantage - its affordable cost. This can be seen especially clearly if we draw a parallel with clinker tiles. To prove this idea, it is enough to cite one obvious fact: the price for 1 m2 of artificial stone is 800-1200 rubles. As you can see, this is several times cheaper than clinker.

Above we talked about the many advantages of clinker tiles, but artificial stone is not inferior to it in almost all respects. And if we talk about construction estimate, then artificial stone is the best option.

By the way, if we compare artificial stone with plastic facade panels, it will become obvious that the first option is still preferable. Artificial stone looks much more natural than any plastic counterpart. This means that houses lined with this material look more advantageous.

Today, clinker is a popular material for finishing facades due to its characteristics. For finishing facades it is used as clinker brick, and clinker tiles.

What to choose: clinker tiles or bricks?

In order to determine that we need a brick or tile, let's figure out why they are needed. Clinker bricks or tiles are a finishing material, a kind of clothing and protection for your facade. Someone will say that brick is stronger because it is thicker, yes it is, but when finishing the facade it does not bear any load, so this indicator is not decisive in favor of brick.

So what should you choose?

Today, those textures, formats and shapes that are produced in brick cannot be produced in tiles and vice versa, for this reason when choosing finishing material on the facade, you need to take into account the architecture of the building and color scheme what you want upon completion facade works. Depending on the architecture of the building, it is more advisable to choose brick rather than tiles and vice versa. I'll explain why. If we start calculating required quantity bricks or tiles on the facade, then we will see the following: if your facade requires the presence of decorations on the corners of the facade and window frames, then in this situation the tile will be more profitable due to the fact that it costs less than brick, but if on the facade it does not imply the presence decorations on corners and around windows, then it is more profitable to take a brick for the reason that it will be necessary to use a corner element, which is several times higher than the cost of one brick.

Let's consider the situation that you have chosen a color and format of tiles that is not made in brick and is not intended to use decor on the facade, but you want to save money, then you can cut the tiles on the corners at an angle of 45 degrees.

Another important factor when choosing brick or tile is weight, the technology that we want to use on the facade of the building and the purpose of the building.

But what to do if you like brick and decide to use it to decorate the facade?

The following must be taken into account: you need to determine what size your brick will be in order to correctly make the preliminary layout and indentation on the foundation. This is necessary in order to create an air gap between the rough masonry and the front one, which is necessary for removing condensate between the masonry and calculating the required length of flexible connections. Flexible connections are necessary to connect the facing masonry with the rough masonry. Designed for multi-storey construction hanging system BAUT.

Also an integral part of the choice of clinker bricks or tiles is the choice of color masonry mortar or grout. This needs attention Special attention. Depends on the color of the mixture color perception clinker The color of the mixture can either lighten your facade or make it dark. The mixtures must be specialized, frost-resistant, resistant to external influences; today the leader in our market is the mixtures of the German plant QUICK MIX. The mixtures of this plant have proven themselves at the highest level; they meet all Russian and European quality standards.

Well, yes, transit is an unpleasant prospect. But the brick at the fifth house is unlikely to start falling off the walls immediately after the end of the 5-year warranty period, is it?...

  • Michael likes this



  • Name: Maria
  • Moscow city
  • House 17

Mechanical strength

Frost resistance of the material and water absorption

Vapor permeability, thermal conductivity and density of tiles

  • boots likes this



  • Name: Vereshchagina Natalia
  • House 17

I completely agree!
It’s amazing the desire of people who have nothing to do with houses 16 and 17 to prove to us that clinker tiles are much better, despite the fact that they themselves will live in monolithic brick houses.

Monolithic-brick is generally a marketing term. Buyers think that their wall is brick, but designers know for sure that the wall is aerated concrete with insulation. Specific insulation - brick with air gap. The insulation layer with another technology is calculated based on the required insulation. The technology is generally called " wet facade", one of the most popular. But in high-rise buildings they are rarely used - there is a lot of fuss and buyers already have a persistent emotional craving for bricks. In private construction it is widely used. It is described here, there are many similar descriptions. http://strport.ru/iz.. .giya-utepleniya Either plaster or clinker tiles are applied on top of the reinforcing layer, this does not matter - a matter of taste.

  • artem20 likes this



  • Name: Lyudmila
  • House 17

Popular message!

Mechanical strength

Here clinker has no equal. It successfully withstands almost all loads - impact and bending, compression and abrasion. According to the accepted classification, even the cheapest clinker facing facade tiles has indicators not lower than M400 (400 kg of effort per 1 sq. cm.).

Tests carried out show that outdoor clinker tiles can easily withstand more than 150 deep freeze and thaw cycles (F150). In practice, this figure is even higher - an example of this is old buildings without any visible facade defects.

In many ways, the ability to successfully withstand temperature changes is due to the low moisture absorption rate. For clinker, this figure does not exceed 2-3%, which allows it to be used for cladding basement or window sills, and even paving paths.

Many consumers have questions about the vapor permeability of clinker tiles. Leading manufacturers guarantee that the products they produce comply with the requirements of European standards in this regard - the number and size of the pores of the material allows the walls to “breathe”.

The thermal conductivity of clinker cannot be called low - it is about 0.95-1.2 W/(m K). However, this indicator is of little use in practice, because such tiles are used not as a thermal insulator, but as a protective and decorative coating facade.

The density of clinker is quite high - 1.9-2 kg/dm³.

Hello to house No. 16. This information is from the Internet. The technical characteristics are even better. Then why is the brick facing tile worse, the look is beautiful, of course the quality depends on the manufacturer, as well as the quality of the brick.

Maria, did you take this information from the website of the clinker tile seller? Can you indicate the source?

When I came to choose an apartment, the manager of the UG colorfully talked about how a monolith-brick is the most The best decision! No monolith can compare with him in life, he painted a “pie” of the wall, etc. Literally 20 days later, the position of the UG changed. Now they are trying to prove to us that we do not understand our happiness from the fact that there will be clinker tiles instead of bricks :) Strange, right?



  • Name: Gregory
  • Moscow city
  • House: 16

Let's say all this is true. But...

1. Until now, the developer has not officially explained what made him change the project and when it was done.

2. So far there are only vague statements that everything is being done in the interests of shareholders. However, there are no details about what materials will be used. So it is impossible to assess the “scale of the disaster.” Doesn't sound like caring about shareholders.

3. If everything is so good with clinker, then it was necessary to talk about it openly before concluding agreements with shareholders, talk about the advantages, demonstrate samples, in one word, convince, and not lie. Anyone who wanted clinker would buy clinker. Anyone who wanted a brick would buy a brick.

It's not as bad as I thought. It's even worse.



  • Name: Vereshchagina Natalia
  • House 17

Mechanical strength

Here clinker has no equal. It successfully withstands almost all loads - impact and bending, compression and abrasion. According to the accepted classification, even the cheapest clinker facing facade tiles have indicators not lower than M400 (400 kg of force per 1 sq. cm.).

Frost resistance of the material and water absorption

Tests carried out show that outdoor clinker tiles can easily withstand more than 150 deep freeze and thaw cycles (F150). In practice, this figure is even higher - an example of this is old buildings without any visible facade defects.

In many ways, the ability to successfully withstand temperature changes is due to the low moisture absorption rate. For clinker, this figure does not exceed 2-3%, which allows it to be used for cladding basement or window sills, and even paving paths.

Vapor permeability, thermal conductivity and density of tiles

Many consumers have questions about the vapor permeability of clinker tiles. Leading manufacturers guarantee that the products they produce comply with the requirements of European standards in this regard - the number and size of the pores of the material allows the walls to “breathe”.

The thermal conductivity of clinker cannot be called low - it is about 0.95-1.2 W/(m K). However, this indicator is of little use in practice, because Such tiles are used not as a thermal insulator, but as a protective and decorative coating for the facade.

The density of clinker is quite high - 1.9-2 kg/dm³.

Hello to house No. 16. This information is from the Internet. The technical characteristics are even better. Then why is the brick facing tile worse, the look is beautiful, of course the quality depends on the manufacturer, as well as the quality of the brick.

Yes, claims can be applied to urban sudden changes, but we still need to try to figure it out objectively. Otherwise kindergarten: “I don’t want porridge! I want candy!”

Clinker is not relevant at all; it is a purely decorative element and retains its decorative effect much longer than brick. Instead of clinker, plaster can be used with the same success. You need to compare other things, two different ways façade insulation.

The unique properties of clinker brick are evidenced by the fact that after dismantling the buildings in the construction of which it was used, it is cleaned and used again. Clinker brick is characterized by high strength, moisture resistance, durability and elegant appearance. It is used in construction, for paving sidewalks, in finishing works, as well as when arranging stoves. Bricks on the market may differ in size, shade, surface type, shape and some performance qualities. Let's figure out how to choose the right clinker brick so that it will delight you with its impeccable appearance for decades.

No. 1. Features of clinker brick production

The process of producing clinker bricks is in many ways similar to the manufacturing technology that is familiar to all of us: the clay mass is molded and then fired in a kiln. By by and large, clinker brick can be considered a type of ceramic brick; the differences lie only in the characteristics of the raw materials and the temperatures at which they are processed.

For the production of clinker bricks, special refractory clays. In firing furnaces, the temperature rises to 1200-1300 0 C (for ceramic bricks temperature indicators 800-900 0 C), which provides complete sintering pre-carefully compressed raw materials. All the voids are filled, and in the end it turns out monolithic brick With unique properties. Due to its structure, it has high strength and wear resistance, surpassing all others in these parameters. The absence of pores inside the product allows us to talk about minimal hygroscopicity. The moisture absorption rate of clinker bricks is no more than 4-6%, while for its closest competitor, ceramic bricks, this parameter reaches 15-20%. It is not surprising that buildings that were built back in the 19th century using this material still retain their original appearance.

To obtain a truly strong and durable material, you need to be very careful in the choice of raw materials and production technology. Place of Birth suitable varieties clays are present in Germany, Poland, Austria and Holland. There are very few of them in Russia, so almost all clinker bricks on the market are imported, which affects the cost of an already expensive product.

Today, almost all clinker brick production plants use machine molding, which ensures high performance qualities of the material. Brick hand molding receives much lower strength and higher moisture absorption rates.

No. 2. Advantages and disadvantages of clinker bricks

Features of raw materials and production technology make it possible to obtain bricks with a unique structure, which has a lot of advantages:

  • durability. The material retains its original qualities for 100 years or more;
  • strength. If we compare different types bricks in terms of compressive strength, then clinker confidently takes the lead. The parameter, of course, can fluctuate within certain limits, but will never be lower than 250-300 kg/cm 2, which corresponds to the strength grade M250-M300. By the way, in the construction industry, bricks of these brands are used for laying apartment buildings;
  • low moisture absorption(4-6%) is explained by the almost complete absence of pores in the structure of the material, because the raw material is transformed into a monolith during the process of pressing and sintering. That is why clinker bricks are used for the construction of critical structures, especially those whose operation will take place in difficult conditions ( aggressive environment With high level humidity). Efflorescence does not appear on the material. By the way, clinker brick covered with glaze does not absorb moisture at all;
  • frost resistance, which is due high density material and minimal moisture absorption. Even the simplest clinker brick can withstand 75-100 freeze/thaw cycles, and some types can easily withstand up to 300 cycles. Excellent frost resistance has made the material popular in areas with harsh climates. The most frost-resistant products are created for;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • fire resistance. The presence of refractory components in the material and high firing temperatures provide clinker bricks with record resistance to fire. Experiments have shown that the material can withstand temperatures up to 1800 0 C, and structures do not deform or collapse after a fire;
  • environmental friendliness. The product is based on natural raw materials, so there is no need to talk about harm to health or the emission of toxic substances. All major clinker brick manufacturers check raw materials and finished product for radioactivity, therefore own safety you can be 100% sure;
  • great appearance. Clinker brick looks natural and noble. The shade depends on the composition of the raw materials, so each brick is unique in its own way. If you take into account the variety of sizes and shapes, you can choose a material to suit every taste;
  • versatility and wide scope of application. Clinker bricks are used in cladding, full-scale construction, and sidewalks.

Among the main disadvantages of clinker bricks it is worth noting:

  • high price, because material with such impressive performance qualities, as you might guess, cannot be cheap. However, if we compare the cost of the material and its durability, then the purchase can be considered an investment in your maintenance-free future. Clinker bricks cost twice as much as ceramic bricks, but are durable and resistant to negative impacts. external factors outperforms him many times over. On the other hand, it is worth noting that precisely because of the high price, clinker brick is extremely rarely used as a building material - it is preferred to be used for cladding;
  • high thermal conductivity coefficient as a result of the almost complete absence of air pores. For high strength and moisture resistance you will have to pay with quality;
  • low sound insulation qualities, which again emerges from the lack of pores, so enclosing structures made of this material will also need good;
  • Laying clinker bricks should be done by professionals. In addition, it is necessary to use special solutions– ordinary masonry composition will not work, since the material has low moisture absorption.

Separately worth noting low vapor permeability . The minimum number of pores gives clinker bricks resistance to moisture, but at the same time prevents air from passing through the material. That is why when using a material as a construction or facing material, it is necessary to take care of quality.

No. 3. Types of clinker bricks and areas of use

All clinker bricks on the market, depending on their purpose, can be divided into the following: kinds:

  • construction, or ordinary brick. This is a solid, durable brick, which is used for the construction of critical structural elements, incl. foundations, plinths, columns, and pillars. Sometimes this type of brick is used to construct some parts of the kiln. Starting rows of heavy furnaces and internal channels are made from it;
  • facing, or facade. From the name it is clear that this type of material is used exclusively for decoration. The chic appearance of clinker bricks can decorate. In addition, the material will protect load-bearing walls from negative external influences. To save money, clinker is combined with other materials for finishing. Often clinker bricks are used for cladding the base. The material will retain its original appearance for decades, so you won’t have to think about facade repairs for a long time. Clinker tiles have also appeared on sale today, which are much thinner than brick, but after installation there will be no differences in appearance. This solution allows not only to save money, but also to lighten the load on the foundation;
  • paving brick used for paving paths, alleys and pavements. The material is characterized by increased wear and frost resistance and excellent resistance to mechanical and shock loads. Streets in Europe are often paved precisely, knowing that it will last at least half a century.

For interior decoration clinker bricks are used very rarely - such cladding hits the pocket and loads the foundation. However, today designers have already begun to use clinker tiles to decorate individual areas. The material is well suited for decorating stoves and.

No. 4. Hollow and solid clinker bricks

Like other types of bricks, clinker may vary according to the nature of the filling:

No. 5. Dimensions and shape of clinker bricks

Clinker bricks are:

  • standard in the shape of a parallelepiped, the most common;
  • figured, or shaped, has an unusual shape.

In the world of brick production, it has long been established single standard, which all manufacturers focus on. Single brick, and this applies to clinker products, has parameters 250*120*65 mm and is designated 1 NF (the so-called normal format). Such products can be solid or hollow, they are used both in construction and in cladding - in general, they have found the widest application.

Standard bricks are also available in other sizes:

  • one and a half brick, 1.4 NF, 250*120*88 mm. Used in the construction of critical structures when it is necessary to save time;
  • double brick, 2.1 NF, 250*120*140 mm. Usually produced hollow and used in lightweight masonry;
  • "Euro", or 0.7 NF, 250*85*65 mm, found application in cladding;
  • half, 0.5 NF, 250*60*65 mm, also used in finishing work;
  • modular single block, 1.3 NF, 288*138*65 mm, used extremely rarely.

There are other less common formats of clinker bricks, for example, 240*90*52 mm or 240*115*174 mm. The weight of one brick, depending on the size and filling, ranges from 1.6 to 3.3 kg.

TO finished product, or rather its geometry, there are some requirements. Yes, maximum permissible deviation from the declared value in length - 4 mm, in height - 2 mm, in width - 3 mm. The product must have the shape of a regular parallelepiped, and the maximum divergence of parallel edges is 3 mm.

Brick is often used in cladding non-standard shape. Figured products may have a wedge-shaped, triangular, rounded, etc. complex shape. With the help of such elements they usually decorate window openings, corners of the house and other architectural elements. Shaped brick allows you to create something unique and show your imagination to the maximum.

No. 6. Clinker brick color

The shade of clinker brick depends primarily on the type of clay. Adjustments are also made by the firing procedure, after which products made from the same raw materials may have slightly different tones. New shades are obtained by mixing different varieties clay, no third party color pigments are typically used. A huge impact has a shade mineralogical composition of clay. So, for example, clays that are located near iron ores get a terracotta tint, clays that lie near limestone get a white tint, and about coal- grey. Each deposit has its own unique color - no two are alike.

By mixing different types of clay it was possible to obtain several dozen different shades clinker bricks, but all of them can be combine into three groups:

  • natural terracotta and brick tones;
  • light cream shades with a transition to peach color;
  • dark colors.

Considered the rarest white clinker brick, which is made from the best varieties clays that are fired before sintering. The result is beautiful products that retain their original shade throughout their entire service life, are almost completely waterproof and have excellent dirt-repellent properties.

Products that have undergone an artificial aging procedure, or on which an imitation of efflorescence or soot has been created in the factory, are in decent demand. This brick allows you to create a unique architectural appearance of the house.

Before choose a specific shade, it is necessary to clearly imagine, or better yet depict on the layout, how this color will be combined with the color and other elements of the site. It is important how well the chosen color fits into the environment And .

If you want to get a special result, you can combine several shades in the facade cladding. For example, highlight window and door openings with darker brick. You can randomly use bricks of two or three different shades. Any experiments are welcome, but the main thing is to think well in advance about what result you want to get. It is advisable to buy bricks in quantities that are enough to complete the entire amount of work. Otherwise, you may encounter the fact that products from different batches will differ in shade. The difference, of course, will seem almost imperceptible, but after all the cladding work is completed, you will see a clear color transition.

Pay attention to the color of the decorative grout. It can be the color of brick or, conversely, be contrasting. The shade of the grout radically affects the perception of the brick surface.

No. 7. Clinker brick texture

The classic and simplest option is smooth matte surface. In this case, nothing special needs to be done during the production process. To diversify the appearance of brick, to give it relief or gloss, the following technologies are used:

  • standard way involves applying a certain pattern to a formed but not yet fired mass. After the product is processed in a kiln, the design is preserved, and the result is a brick with the required relief. Such manipulations do not affect strength;
  • shotcrete- a popular method of decorative processing of clinker bricks. Before firing, mineral chips are applied to one or more faces. Under influence high temperatures it melts and sinteres with clinker, forming interesting color transitions and a unique pattern;
  • engobing involves applying a thin layer of ceramic called engobe to molded, dried bricks. It is a mixture of clay and metal oxides. In the oven, the engobe melts, sinteres with clinker and makes it possible to obtain a product with an interesting shade, and the color depends on the composition of the engobe. If engobe is applied only to part of the surface of the brick, then it is possible to obtain a material with smooth transition colors. This is exactly how artificially aged brick is produced;
  • glazing allows you to get a brick with a glossy slippery surface. The production technology is similar to that described above, only in this case the ceramic layer is replaced by a layer of glaze. Let us emphasize once again that glazed clinker bricks do not absorb moisture at all, and they become polluted less intensively.

Any type of clinker brick is suitable for facing the facade - it all depends on personal preferences and tastes. For paving paths, it is better to take a product with a noticeable relief - they will be less slippery.

No. 8. Large manufacturers of clinker bricks

Germany is considered the birthplace of clinker bricks. All major production is still concentrated in this country. Here they honor traditions, develop new solutions and are very scrupulous about product quality. There are more than a dozen manufacturers in the country. On the domestic market you can purchase products of such large German companies:

We would like to highlight the products Feldhaus Klinker. Among Chinese manufacturers we can highlight the company Houseon, which is one of the few that actually produces quality brick and sells it at very competitive prices.

Not long ago, clinker bricks appeared on the market. domestic production:

Of course, domestically produced bricks are cheaper than imported products, but when purchasing, do not forget that clinker cannot be very cheap - the raw materials and production technology are quite expensive. Carefully inspect the brick for defects and geometry accuracy. Quality products will always have the appropriate documents. First of all, this is a certificate of compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents.

Clinker tiles and facing brick- two types of building materials intended for finishing the external walls of buildings.

Clinker tiles are construction material, intended for cladding buildings. Represents ceramic tiles with a fairly smooth surface and good strength. It contains various dyes that provide good variety color range. However, facing bricks also contain dyes. With your tasks as facing material clinker tiles cope quite well: protecting walls, sound absorption, moisture absorption, thermal insulation, giving the walls of a building an elegant look, etc. Let us also mention the so-called clinker brick, which is essentially the same tile, only larger in size.
In terms of dimensions, clinker tiles are smaller than facing bricks, however, there are facing panels with clinker tiles on sale; naturally, when using such facing panels, the installation process is significantly accelerated.
Advantages of clinker tiles:
  • High strength and reliability, practically not inferior to natural stone.
  • Clinker tiles are resistant to humidity and temperature changes.
  • There is no chance of the so-called appearance on the surface of clinker tiles. efflorescence (white spots)
  • Long service life, up to 50 years or more.
  • Light weight.
  • Fire resistance
  • Environmental friendliness
Cons of clinker tiles
  • When installing on a wall surface, you must strictly follow the rules (however, this applies to all types of building materials, but in this case, mistakes can be quite expensive).
  • It has already been said above that this building material has good strength. However, like any ceramic products clinker tiles have the same fragility.
  • Quite a high price, but this parameter depends on the manufacturer.

Brick can generally be considered classic look building materials that have been used for hundreds of years and are still widely used today. Facing brick is, as the name logically suggests, a special brick intended for cladding the walls of buildings.
Compared to clinker tiles or clinker bricks (essentially these are two identical building materials), facing bricks are more durable, massive and heavy. In addition to the fact that bricks perform the functions required of any cladding, bricks make the walls of a building stronger and stronger. Significantly more durable and strong than clinker tiles.
The main advantages of facing bricks:
  • This building material has stood the test of time and has been used by people for several generations.
  • Strength, reliability, durability.
  • Excellent heat, noise and moisture insulation, fire resistance, environmental friendliness.
  • Giving appearance a building of solidity and respectability.
Disadvantages of facing bricks:
  • The so-called appearance may appear on the surface. efflorescence, white spots. However, they are easy to clean.
  • Facing brick is one of the most expensive building materials. Although prices are approximately on the same level as clinker tiles, the cost largely depends on the manufacturer.
  • Brick, compared to clinker tiles, is heavier.
  • The level of difficulty when working with facing bricks and clinker tiles is approximately the same.