Cleaning the chimney in the bath from soot: methods, means, folk methods. How to clean a pipe in a bath with your own hands and what to do to prevent it from clogging up with soot? How to clean a sauna pipe without disassembling

Those who like to take a steam bath in their own bathhouse often have the question of how to clean the chimney in the bathhouse in the most efficient way at minimal cost.

If this is not done in a timely manner, then soon it will be possible to notice a significant decrease in traction and incomplete combustion of firewood in the stove, which as a result can lead not only to the failure of the chimney itself, but also to a fire.

Regular cleaning of the chimney from soot is necessary even if modern modular systems are installed in the bath.

The accumulation of soot on the chimney walls is a serious problem that can be dealt with today without assistance.

This situation is also relevant for fireplaces equipped with their own chimney and installed in the kitchen in the house or in the apartment.

In most cases, cleaning is carried out with the help of special devices and tools, which are now presented in a large assortment in specialized stores.

Some owners resort to folk methods to get rid of soot in the chimney. How to clean the chimney is described in detail in the video below.

Chemical cleaning methods

Chimney clogging, including in the kitchen, occurs due to the fact that the smoke in its composition contains small solid particles that settle on the walls of the channel and are held together by water vapor generated as a result of the combustion process.

The formation of soot in the chimney from the stove in the bath or kitchen, as well as from the fireplace in the apartment, contributes to a significant deterioration in draft and, as a result, the inability to operate the furnace equipment.

Also, the chimney can become clogged from accidental falling of leaves and other debris into the pipe, collapsing brickwork.

Before cleaning the chimney pipe in a bath or kitchen, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with each method separately and choose the most effective one.

So, a fairly old and time-tested method of cleaning the chimney (and in the kitchen as well) from soot, which was used by our ancestors - a stove with dry aspen wood.

When this type of wood burns, the flame temperature reaches sufficiently high values, which contributes to the burning of the plaque and cleaning the channel.

In addition, you can try burning potato peelings, the smoke of which loosens the soot deposit and makes it easy to clean it off the surface.

Nowadays, in specialized stores, you can purchase special chemical compositions that contribute to the quick and effective cleaning of chimneys in a bath.

They come in a variety of forms, ranging from powders and tablets to liquids and briquettes. These funds are placed together with firewood in the stove and completely burned.

During their combustion, they emit smoke, saturated with chemicals, which promotes the decomposition of resins, as a result of which small particles of soot are carried out with a stream of air, and large particles fall down.

As a rule, when burning these chemical compositions, the color of the flame turns blue or green. This means that the remedy is effective.

This prophylaxis should be carried out at least once a month, until the chimney is completely clogged with soot.

Mechanical cleaning methods

Chemicals are not always effective when cleaning a chimney in a bath or kitchen.

All kinds of debris can get into the pipe, which will prevent the formation of traction and interfere with the combustion of special chemicals.

The pipe can be cleaned with brushes, scrapers and brushes in various sizes and shapes.

In addition, in some cases, you may need a special core with a cable attached to it, with which you can break through fairly dense blockages.

All these tools for cleaning smoke channels can be purchased in the store or made yourself.

It is best to start cleaning the chimney from the top of the chimney, gradually going down. Carry out cleaning through the equipped cleaning doors.

The last thing to do is to clean the firebox itself and the ash pan adjacent to it.

Before starting all work on cleaning the chimney on the roof of the house, the ladder is well fixed. You should also open all the dampers and vice versa, tightly close the openings of the firebox and ash pan.

In addition, the head head from the chimney is preliminarily dismantled. All work must be carried out in a respirator.

It is a cable, at one end of which there is a handle for rotation, and at the other end there is a special nozzle, the diameter of which should slightly exceed the diameter of the pipe itself.

The cable is moved along the smoke channel by rotating the handle as accurately as possible.

If the movement of the ruff stalls, then it has stumbled upon a dense blockage, which will have to be pierced with the help of a kernel.

It should be lowered into the pipe with sharp movements, without touching its walls, otherwise the brickwork can be broken. After removing the blockage, continue cleaning with a flexible brush.

After the pipe is completely cleaned, it is necessary to remove the soot through special cleaning doors.

In most cases, several such doors are equipped along the entire length of the smoke channel.

To begin with, they clean the channel from soot that fell from above, after which, using a scraper and a ruff, they clean its walls, gradually moving downward, where the firebox is located.

In some stoves, the chimney is a straight structure, on which there are no cleaning doors. In this case, the soot removed from the channel walls is lowered into the furnace.

At the final stage, the ash pan and firebox should be thoroughly cleaned. To do this, you can use a vacuum cleaner, which is previously recommended to be equipped with a disposable paper garbage bag.

At the end of the work, the stove should be kindled and the presence and quality of draft should be checked. If everything went well, then a previously removed head is mounted on the top of the pipe.

In order to keep the chimney from the stove or fireplace from clogging up as little as possible, it is recommended to use only deciduous wood.

It is dangerous to use conifers because when they burn, they emit an increased amount of resin, which tends to settle in a dense layer on the walls of the smoke channel in the form of a viscous mass.

It is also undesirable to use even a small amount of diesel fuel for kindling the stove, which contributes to the formation of a dense deposit on the chimney.

All wood that is intended for burning in a stove or fireplace must be thoroughly dried.

When burning, wet firewood emits wet steam, which not only contributes to the accumulation of soot and soot on the walls of the chimney, but also destroys the chimney itself.

It is worth completely abandoning the burning of all kinds of rags, plastic bags, rubber products, as well as plastic bottles and other similar garbage in the stove.

The fact is that the combustion products of various synthetic materials form a very dense coating on the walls of the smoke channel, which is extremely difficult to clean off.

In addition, these materials emit smoke during combustion, which is hazardous to the health of both humans and animals.

As a preventive measure, at the end of each kindling of the stove, it is recommended to burn several aspen logs in it or sprinkle abundantly with salt the remnants of smoldering firewood.

This will help prevent soot from settling on the flue. In any case, plaque in the chimney forms over time, regardless of the firewood used and the observance of preventive measures.

You should make it a rule to regularly inspect it, and, if necessary, carry out cleaning.

The cleaning of chimneys from combustion products and soot should be approached with full responsibility.

The stove will not be able to function properly if it is clogged, and this can lead to serious consequences, up to a fire.

In the event that it is not possible to independently cope with the cleaning of the smoke channel, it is recommended to seek help from the appropriate specialists.

How to properly clean the smoke channel in various ways is described in detail in the video posted above.

The Russian bath is not only useful, but also responsible, requiring careful care. One of the attributes of the careful operation of the sauna stove is the cleaning of the sauna chimney from various contaminants.

When it is necessary to clean the chimney in the bath

  • it takes more to light the sauna consumable than before;
  • the chimney emits thick black smoke;
  • the flame in the furnace changes shades from bright orange to blue.

Timely and will reduce your time, costs and relieve the sad consequences.

Cleaning methods

There are several ways to safely clean your chimney with your own hands. The most popular methods are:

  • Mechanical - is the most effective method with a high degree of contamination. Cleaning the pipe in the bath in this way will not be difficult even for a non-professional. To clean the pipe, this method will be needed special brush... It is desirable to purchase such a brush with a hard nylon bristle. It must match the diameter and length of the pipe. Since the main soot settles in the bends of the chimney, the brush handle should be comfortable and maneuverable, with the expectation of clearing all the dirt in the most secluded nooks of the pipe.
  • Chemical - for cleaning the oven in this way, various chemical cleaners are used that release active substances. On the shelves in specialized stores, manufacturers offer a large number of liquid and powder products... The essence of this method is as follows: it is necessary to put a chemical cleaner in the melted firebox in the bath, which is subsequently burned, releasing active substances. Under the influence of such substances, the soot layer becomes pliable and one part of it flies out of the oven with smoke and the other crumbles down. Cleaning the oven with a chemical method is absolutely safe, as there are no toxins in the chemicals. However, there is one drawback: in calm weather, all the dirt from the pipe will end up on your site.
  • Calcining the pipe - is considered in the most unsafe way... In order to clean the pipe, it is necessary to load into the firebox aspen wood and kindle well... The firewood should be thrown up until a strong fire appears in the stove. At the same time, the stove will begin to hum strongly. It is imperative to open all the valves and ensure maximum air flow... Under the influence, the soot will simply burn out, and the chimney will be cleaned.
  • Better to trust such cleaning for professionals, as any damage to the chimney of the stove can lead to a fire while cleaning the chimney.

Read also: Chimney cleaning

Folk remedies

  • Potato peelings - cleaning the oven with this method was developed by our great-grandfathers. In a melted oven in the bath, you need to throw half a bucket of potato peelings. Everyone knows that potatoes contain starch. Namely, starch is the active substance that decomposes soot. Chimney pollution completely will collapse within two to three days After this method, you will also need to clean the chimney with a homemade brush. It can be built from rods.
  • Aluminum cans - cleaning the pipe in this way is rather unusual, but effective. Cleaning the stove will not take long; this method will require a hot fire, add a lot of hard coal to the furnace... Once you achieve what you want, you need to throw aluminum cans into the fire and make sure that they really burned out. Complete combustion of one can occurs in about five minutes.
  • Watering hose - possible cleaning the oven and in this way A glass is removed from the bottom of the chimney, and a regular watering hose, preferably of strong rigidity, is put on instead. It is recommended to put a brush or a cut bottle on the hose. Just a few sliding movements down the chimney and effect achieved.

Clean the pipe with a garden hose quickly and economically!

You can prevent the negative consequences of pipe pollution in the bath and avoid radical methods of cleaning it, following some simple rules... Each attendant needs to carry out preventive cleaning of the chimney, should not be thrown into the fire plastic and other debris, it is undesirable to burn raw logs. Timely care of the bath - guarantee of its durability and your comfort!

Russian baths are associated with wet steam and a wood-burning stove. And where the stove is heated, there is always a chimney. Caring for it includes periodic cleaning. If this is not done, then the heating of the bathhouse will be worse and worse every year. The thrust will simply decrease, and this will reduce efficiency. Sooner or later, everyone thinks about how to clean the pipe in the bath. We will tell you how to do the cleaning efficiently, at no extra cost.

How to clean a pipe in a bath with a special brush.

Not everyone thinks about what consequences, apart from a violation of draft, blockages of the bath chimney can lead. Meanwhile, one tenth of fires occur for this reason. Cleaning the oven is only a small part of the whole prevention process. And the chimney gets clogged much more often than the owners think.

There are several reasons for the blockage of the sauna chimney, the most common are:

  1. Soot and soot.
  2. Condensate.
  3. Various foreign objects.

Each of them causes trouble and requires different cleaning methods.

Soot and soot in the pipe

Soot and soot will clog the pipe and the draft in the kiln is reduced.

Soot and soot accumulate inside the structure in a thick layer, in a year it can reach 1–2 cm. Such overgrowth depends on what kind of fuel is used for kindling. So, if the stove is fired with wood, wood briquettes, coal, then soot will be minimal. But in the sauna stove, not only firewood is burned, but also household waste, which emit a large amount of soot. Coniferous firewood also behaves, the resin, when burned, forms soot in large quantities.

There are special briquettes on sale with chemicals that destroy soot when burned. They are simply kindled in the stove and after 1–2 days the dirt itself will fall into the firebox. From there it will not be difficult to clean it. But it is not recommended to use such products in the bathhouse, as the chemicals get into the premises and can negatively affect the health of the bathers.

To clean the bath pipe from soot, it is easier to use a special brush, a brush. They are suspended on a weight and lowered into a pipe. Craftsmen suggest using cut plastic bottles and other devices as cleaning. But you can use these if the pipe has a perfectly flat and smooth inner surface.

Condensate in the pipe

Soot condensation can almost completely block the chimney.

The resin in the wood contains a certain acidity. The resin content is different for each type of wood. With the constant use of the bath, the condensate in the pipes has a small resinous sediment, but with a rare one it can reach a thickness of 3 cm.

It can be difficult to remove such contaminants, because of the increased oiliness, the resinous condensate will simply be smeared along the inner surface during cleaning.

Such a blockage can only be cleared with a special "chimney sweep log".

It must be used once a month for prophylaxis, especially if firewood with a high resin content (pine, spruce) is used. If a birch is used for kindling, then every 2-3 months.

Foreign objects in the pipe

Black smoke from the chimney is the first sign of a blockage in the chimney.

The ingress of a foreign object into the chimney is noticeable immediately. The smoke stops pulling out and goes back to the bathhouse. With such a firebox, you can easily get poisoned by carbon monoxide. A foreign object can be a brick from a pipe masonry, a nest of birds that has been blown down by the wind from the branches of a nearby growing tree.

Getting rid of such a blockage is the most difficult thing. You can try using a long pole or stick to push the object inward. At the end of the stick, a hook is made from a nail, so you can try to hook on an object if it is not a brick.

Telescopic brushes are commercially available, the handle extends to the full length of the pipe. You can try to push the object to her. If none of the methods worked, the pipe will have to be dismantled.

Folk ways to clean the pipe

Pipe cleaning problems have arisen not only in modern saunas. Our grandfathers also fought blockages in their own ways. Some of them have shown themselves to be on the good side and are still in use. Moreover, it is better to clean pipes in a bath without chemicals. Choosing a method for yourself must be based on the following factors:

  1. Metal or brick construction. It is easier to clean a simple metal sandwich pipe as the inside is smooth and even. Brick is harder to clean.
  2. Design, with bends or straight (straight line is easy to clean with a brush, chimney with bends is more difficult).
  3. What is the complexity of the blockage.
  4. Pipe diameter.

How to tell if it's time to clean

A kettlebell with a ruff will clean any blockage well mechanically.

There are several ways to determine if it's time to clean the pipe. The most common one is to use a kettlebell. It is selected according to the diameter of the pipe. On the rope, lowering the weight into the pipe, they watch how it passes: free or not. If the weight gets stuck, then the time for cleaning has come a long time ago. In this way, throwing and lifting the weight, you can clean the pipe from large contaminants.

The second popular way to observe the smoke during kindling. If it is colorless or whitish, then the chimney is clean. The appearance of clouds of soot and black smoke should alert the owner and be the reason for the beginning of the cleaning action.

Of course, with the exception of damp and pine firewood, since when the tar is burned, the smoke also has a dark color.

For kindling a bath, it is generally better to use dry chocks that have been under a canopy for at least 1-2 months. Linden and birch firewood is preferable, since there is practically no soot from them.

Cleaning with water

You can try to clean the chimney with plain water, an ineffective method for severe blockages.

If the structure is made of iron, with a small diameter, then in winter it is possible to shove a lump of snow 9–10 cm in diameter into it. It will melt and wash the pipe, and gradually sliding down, it will scrape off with sharp pieces of ice to dig. But after that, the stove must be heated, so the pipe dries out and does not freeze from the inside. And on metal, without drying, rust can form inside, this will shorten its service life.

In the same way, 1-2 liters of warm water are poured into the pipe before kindling. This is done gradually along the walls. With such cleaning, black smoke clouds of soot will appear from the chimney during the furnace.

In factory expensive models of the furnace, there is a special overlap system. It is not worth throwing snow into such a structure, but it will be easier to shed water. A container is placed inside the furnace of the furnace where it will drain and dump to dig and soot, only then water is spilled.

Cleaning with aspen wood

Cleaning the chimney with aspen is the oldest and most proven method.

Our grandfathers noticed that when aspen firewood was burned, pieces of soot and soot appeared in the stove that fell off the chimney. This phenomenon was later explained by the composition of the smoke from aspen, which can erode deposits on pipes. After such cleaning, the layer of dirt will crumble into small pieces inside the stove for 1-2 days.

Carry out cleaning as follows:

The stove is melted as for a regular sink and at the very end they throw in aspen firewood 1-2 times. They will not give much heat, but they will clean the pipe. Later, the procedure can be repeated as a prophylaxis 1-2 times a month.

Before cleaning, a special device is attached to the top - a spark arrester. You can make it from an old tin can: the walls are cut out and rolled up in the form of a cone. The cone is attached to the pipe at a distance of 5–7 cm from above. Combustion sparks will enter the interior of the device and the possibility of fire is reduced.

Sellers often offer chemical cleaners Kominichek or Stumpfyre as cleaners. But it is unacceptable to use the compounds in the bath!

Whether or not to clean the bath pipe is not a question. Cleaning is necessary and systematic. Once a month, do prophylaxis with a "chimney sweep" or aspen wood. Only in this way the bathhouse will serve its owner for a long time, and the chimney will not burn out prematurely. In addition to all of the above, it will be difficult to get ugly in a properly functioning bath. And the video suggested in this article will help you choose a convenient cleaning method.

When blocking the chimney in a bath, a number of unpleasant consequences can occur due to blockage - poor draft, long temperature build-up, and even fires.

Therefore, it is necessary to clean the pipe regularly, since there are many effective ways for this.

Content of the article

Why is the chimney clogged?

There are several reasons due to which the pipes are clogged in the bath, this may be:

  • bloom of soot and soot;
  • condensate formed on the inner walls of the pipes;
  • foreign objects caught in the pipe.

When soot accumulates on the inner surface of the chimney, clogging occurs, and the traction force in the sauna stove is significantly reduced.

A layer of soot can "grow" by 1.5-2 cm per year. It all depends on the characteristics of the fuel used.

You will have to clean the pipes from soot much more often if you use coniferous wood for kindling.

Condensation and soot deposits in most cases lead to an almost complete chimney shut-off.

The clogging occurs due to the kindling of the bath with wood with high acidity. Condensate forms resinous deposits on the pipe walls, the thickness of which in some cases reaches 2.5 cm.

It will be possible to clean the pipe when the furnace is kindled with a special chimney-sweep log. At the same time, it will be almost impossible to clean the chimney mechanically - resinous condensate will simply be smeared along the inner walls of the pipes.

Cleaning of pipes in case of ingress of foreign objects is necessary immediately, since the smoke will stop coming out and go back into the room.

It can be harmful to health. In this case, it will be quite difficult to clean the chimney, but it is possible.

To do this, use a long stick or pole with which you can push a foreign object inside. The stick can be equipped with a hook to help clear the blockage more efficiently.

It should be noted that thorough and regular cleaning of the stove pipes from deposits (soot) in the bath is necessary even when using expensive modular-type stoves.

Cleaning methods

The most effective methods, with an orientation towards which it will be possible to perform pipe cleaning, are:

  • mechanical;
  • folk;
  • chemical.

The easiest way to clean the smoke outlet of the bath from soot is with a regular nylon brush equipped with a hard bristle.

The nylon bristles adhere well to the inner surface and are highly flexible.

This product will help the inner surface of the bath pipe with your own hands without unnecessary hassle.

However, before cleaning the insides of the chimney, it is important to correctly select such a brush.

In this case, a nylon product will be most suitable - such a brush can easily penetrate into the most difficult-to-reach areas, and cleaning will not take much time.

It is important to remember that the brush handle has a high degree of flexibility for better control of movements.

Folk methods

You can also clean the chimney in the bath with the help of folk methods. For example, using potato peelings.

To do this, you need to throw a bucket or half a bucket with potato peelings into the pre-melted oven as much as possible.

Cleaning will be carried out due to the fact that during the burning of the material, starch will be released, which will effectively contribute to the destruction of soot plaque.

After 2-3 days, unnecessary sediment will completely disappear from the inner walls. For prevention purposes, a brick and a ruff should be tied to a strong rope and the pipe should be additionally cleaned in the classical way.

Another way is to clean the chimney with aspen wood. For this purpose, aspen wood is placed in the stove, and it is well ignited.

Such raw materials provide a fairly high pressure temperature. It is important during the kindling process to open all existing doors and latches and from time to time toss in new logs.

As a result, the soot will begin to burn, and the stove will emit a characteristic hum. Perhaps a fire will come from the chimney, and the entire area around the bath will be covered with soot.

It should be remembered that such cleaning is carried out only if the pipe is not designed for a temperature of more than 1100 ° C, at which the soot burns out.

You can get rid of the sediment without bothering too much and using a regular garden watering hose for this. For this, a glass is removed from the bottom of the chimney, and a hose with maximum rigidity is inserted from above or below.

You can clean the inner surface using reciprocating movements, as a result, all the sediment will be at the bottom.

To enhance the effect, you can attach a cut plastic bottle or a ruff to one end of the hose - this will help you get rid of plaque with ease and without special material costs.

Application of a chemical cleaning method (video)

Chemical method

This method involves the use of various chemically active substances. They are produced in the form of special powders, briquettes or liquids.

This method is especially good for preventive removal of deposits and is characterized by high convenience and low labor intensity.

When implementing this method, in the process of burning wood, the required amount of chemically active substances is added to the furnace.

When burning, they will initiate the release of gases that are not capable of harming a person. The gases are capable of effectively destroying the internal structure of sediments, which will crumble downward.

The most popular chemicals for removing soot deposits in the chimney are an anti-carbon composition (PCC), a chimney log and a product called Kominichek.

PKhK is sold in the form of a powder, which must be burned in a package at the same time as firewood or charcoal. Following the instructions, you need to ensure that the powder consumption does not exceed 150-200 grams per one kindling.

Kominchek is a product that is produced in the Czech Republic. It is packaged in bags containing only 15 grams of the active substance.

When carrying out preventive maintenance, one package of this chemical can be enough for more than 3 months.

Kominchek is most effective if the thickness of the soot deposit does not exceed 2 mm. In the course of the resulting catalytic reaction, all deposits become oxides and burn out without residue.

The chimney log is considered the most popular way to remove soot from masonry chimneys.

The product is presented in the form of briquettes or bars, which release active compounds during combustion.

As a result of their action, the creosote sediment on the inner walls of the pipes dries up and falls into the furnace. The chimney sweep is also highly recommended for preventive purposes.

Self-made brush

In order to clean the chimney in the bath, it is not necessary to purchase a finished product, you can save money and make a special brush with your own hands. For this you will need:

  • synthetic round broom;
  • steel cable for the entire length of the chimney;
  • stud and washers with a thread of 8 mm.

After purchasing all the components, the pile of the plastic broom is unbent in different directions. Due to the fact that it has a certain elasticity and rigidity, physical effort will need to be made to bend.

Then the fixing nut with the washer is screwed on. It is important to know that the tighter the washer is tightened, the more the pile of the ruff will diverge in different directions.

After that, with the help of a bracket, a pre-prepared steel cable is attached to the ruff. Then it will be necessary to measure the diameter of the chimney and cut the pile taking into account its dimensions.

To achieve a high accuracy of trimming the fluff of the ruff, you must first try on and make a round template with the corresponding diameter from cardboard. At the end, any load is securely attached to the cable. Its weight must be at least 2 kg.

Operating procedure

Chimney cleaning can be done on your own, for this you can use both special sets of brushes with compound handles, and a hand-made brush.

First of all, it is necessary to remove all loose parts from the oven and free the room in the bath from foreign and interfering objects.

The brush is screwed to the cable along with the load. If the tool is factory-installed, the ruff is attached to the first link of the compound handle.

The tool is carefully inserted into the part of the chimney that is located above the firebox. It is necessary to wrap a blanket or other prepared fabric around the handle and press it with weights to the edges of the firebox opening.

The brush is pushed along the chimney until there is a noticeable weakening of the resistance.

This means the tool exits. It is not recommended to make rotational movements with a brush - this can lead to twisting of the cable and untwisting of the compound handle.

The product must be pushed until the blockage is removed, while you can feel how everything moves more freely in the pipe. After carrying out the work, it will be necessary to remove ash and soot from the firebox.

If you have already cleaned the pipe and it clogs up again, then it is worth checking if you have made mistakes anywhere. By themselves, they cannot coke so quickly. Soot deposition occurs during fuel combustion.

Let's take a look at the reasons why the chimney is clogged:

  1. During the wood burning process, the moisture content exceeds 24% and steam is released. It is thereby mixed with the smoke and sent to the chimney. Inside the pipe itself, hot and cold flows meet and thereby condensation occurs. Moisture begins to settle on the walls and accumulate over time. The soot will coat and coat the interior of the chimney.
  2. The stove in the bath must be heated with dry logs. It is strictly forbidden to use chipboard, plastic and garbage. In the composition of such elements, soot is released during combustion, which also clogs the chimney.
  3. If the pipe from the side of the bath is not insulated, then condensation occurs. Hot smoke meets cold chimney walls and forms droplets with sediment. Soot will stick to such a damp surface.

How to clean a chimney in a bath

The cleaning procedure involves removing soot from the walls of the chimney and removing excess debris. After proper cleaning, the firebox becomes clean and thus blows the stove. Cleaning can be done independently thanks to the chemical and mechanical methods. If you fail, then you should call a specialist.

So, mechanical cleaning is carried out in this way:

  1. From the very top of the chimney, the head is removed, an inspection is carried out.
  2. Soot always accumulates at the bonding point of the cap and the pipe. It can be cleaned with a scraper, you can only clean where your hand can go.
  3. Next, tie a ruff to the rope, just below the weight, lower it down. You cannot swing such a mechanism in any way. If the load hits, it can damage the walls of the chimney.
  4. Move the ruff up and down.
  5. From the side of the firebox, the chimney is cleaned with a brush with a long handle. A cable with a bending handle with a handle is also perfect.

Now let's take a look at vacuum cleaning. This is already a professional chimney cleaning using a vacuum. A nozzle is placed inside. The motor, like a vacuum cleaner with a strong air flow, begins to blow soot out of the pipe. This method has an excellent effect. The disadvantage of this option is the dirt.