Autonomous sewerage system of a private house. How to choose the type of autonomous sewer system for a private home? Forced and natural water supply

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The problem of water disposal and wastewater treatment is relevant for any owner of country property. Therefore, if the developer has chosen an autonomous sewer system in a private house: how to choose the equipment, the characteristics of individual elements of the system - the most pressing issue before installation.

Autonomous sewerage in a private house - the best choice for a summer residence

Scope of application of autonomous sewer systems

Any home equipped with running water needs drainage and wastewater treatment. If the project includes an autonomous sewerage system in a private house, how to choose equipment that combines the minimum construction and operation budget with high performance- the main question of the cottage owner who does not have special education.

For garden and country houses, a budget option is septic tanks that can clean wastewater by 60 - 75%. Due to the seasonal, periodic operation of houses, the underground reservoir does not require annual pumping of sewage, which sharply reduces the operating budget. They are inexpensive and, if necessary, are made from concrete well rings.

For year-round housing, VOC (local treatment plant), SBO (biological treatment station), and aeration tank systems using highly efficient anaerobic bacteria are more suitable. This equipment allows you to reuse treated wastewater; pumping is rarely done. However, the construction and maintenance budget is increasing sharply.

Autonomous sewerage design

Before you find out what an autonomous sewage system is in a private house and how to choose an option suitable for specific operating conditions, you need to consider the design of treatment facilities. There are several options for wastewater disposal systems with subsequent post-treatment:

  • septic tank - several internal chambers connected by overflow pipes, in the largest of which the wastewater settles, loses large suspensions and mechanical impurities, the rest contain anaerobic bacteria that decompose organic matter without the presence of air;

  • aeration tank - the design is similar to the previous one, however, air is forced into the chambers, necessary for aerobic bacteria, which are capable of breaking down almost all organic impurities present in sewage;

Anaerobic aeration tank

  • combined systems - at the initial stage, anaerobic bacteria participate in the purification process, then the wastewater is purified by anaerobic microorganisms.

All autonomous sewage systems consist of individual elements:

  • external sewerage line - pipes through which wastewater flows by gravity (less often under pressure or vacuum) from the home into the chambers of the septic tank, aeration tank;
  • treatment facility - a metal, polymer, concrete tank, partitioned into several chambers, there is no additional equipment in septic tanks, compressors are installed in aeration tanks;
  • infiltration system - a well or filtration field in which treated wastewater is discharged into the soil through a natural filter (40 cm layer of crushed stone, shungite, sand) for natural post-treatment by soil.

Filtration wells have a minimum construction budget, but are suitable exclusively for sandy soils and areas with a groundwater level lower by 1.5 - 5 m relative to the mouth. Filtration fields are buried below the fertile layer and can be used on clay soils. At high groundwater levels, the only option for an infiltration system is a ground filter. The effluent from the septic tank is pumped, collected in above-ground tanks, and usually reused.

Wells do not require filtration ventilation system, for fields it is a prerequisite safe operation. The filtration field consists of several contours or beams of corrugated pipes perforated with small holes. Unlike drainage systems, liquid is not collected in them, but is discharged onto the underlying layer of crushed stone. After which, the wastewater seeps into the soil, is purified, and ends up in underground layers.

Autonomous sewer design

The industry produces underground tanks from different materials with different characteristics. Therefore, when purchasing an autonomous sewer system in a private house, how to choose the appropriate equipment and characteristics for a particular facility is the most pressing question for the developer. At the design stage of the drainage system, it is necessary to take into account the following nuances:

  • anaerobic bacteria reproduce on their own, septic tanks can be used periodically;
  • aerobic wastewater treatment systems are energy-dependent, microorganisms die during seasonal operation, long-term power outages necessary for the operation of compressors, activated sludge must be periodically renewed;
  • in gravity pipelines from the building to the septic tank, a slope of 4 - 7 degrees is required, if you make the angle smaller, the wastewater will stop flowing into the tank, with large slopes the self-cleaning ability is reduced, blockages are possible due to the accumulation of large fractions;
  • When backfilling plastic tanks, they must be partially filled with water so that the walls are not compressed by soil, which is important in areas without sources;
  • in septic tanks manufactured industrially, the pipe entry points have high tightness, and it is much more difficult to insert lines into concrete rings;
  • polymer septic tanks are not always loaded with wastewater; during winter heaving of the soil, these structures can be squeezed out to the surface, so a slab is laid or poured under them, to which the tank body is tied.

The size of the septic tank is selected based on the volume of the first chamber; this figure should be 3 times the daily water requirement of the family. For the convenience of periodic pumping of sewage, underground tanks should be located closer to the roadway. The depth of the treatment plant is always individual. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the length of the sewer line, the slope of 4 - 7 degrees, and the winter freezing mark in the region.

Making an autonomous sewer system with your own hands

In principle, to install a VOC or septic tank, it is enough to determine the location of the tank, dig a pit for it, and connect it with a direct trench to the outlet collector of the internal sewer riser of the home. Then install the tank, pipes, make an infiltration system, and backfill.

However, there are nuances at each stage. Therefore, you can accurately choose which autonomous sewage system will be used and how to select individual elements with a minimum budget by following the recommendations of SP 32.13330 for external utility drainage systems.

Integration on site

When choosing a location for operating a water treatment system, you should take into account the requirements regulatory documents:

  • distances to objects considered significant - trees 3 m, water intake source 30 - 50 m, border of the neighboring plot 2 m, “red” line of the roadway 5 m, driveways 3 m, foundation of a dwelling 4 m, natural reservoirs 10 m;
  • infiltration systems - safe distances are similar to the previous case.

In addition, you should take into account the passage of paths around the site, recreation areas, and parking to ensure maximum living comfort.

Attention! It is prohibited to discharge drainage, storm water, or drain water from ponds and swimming pools into an external sewer septic tank in order to avoid overflowing the chambers and soil contamination.


Any underground structures are inevitably subject to the forces of frost heaving. They are eliminated by insulating the perimeter of the base of the structure, drainage, using non-metallic materials in the underlying layer, and backfilling the pit sinuses.

For septic tanks, the first two technologies are not used; the sinuses are filled with ASG or sand. Therefore, the dimensions of the pit should be 40 cm larger than the size of the container around the perimeter. The laying depth is calculated as follows:

  • underlying layer – 10 – 15 cm;
  • concrete slab– 10 – 15 cm, only for plastic structures;
  • level of freezing - due to the fact that the wastewater comes from the building, it always has a positive temperature, during decomposition by bacteria, organic matter is released thermal energy, a depth of 1.5 - 2 m is sufficient.

The trench from the tank to the cottage should have a slope of 4 - 7 degrees. For this, a height difference of 2–3 cm at a distance of one meter is sufficient.

The underlying layer is made of sand on dry soils, crushed stone at high groundwater levels. Layer-by-layer laying of every 15 cm with compaction using a vibrating plate is required.

Tank installation

Polymer containers are usually installed manually, while metal and concrete septic tanks are placed with a crane. If necessary, for lightweight structures, a concrete slab without reinforcement is cast on top of the underlying layer. The tank should be positioned horizontally to get the most out of it. inner space working chambers.

Laying external sewerage

The main is assembled from red sewer pipes with a diameter of 11 - 20 mm. Before installing the communication system, it is necessary to carry out the following work:

  • laying a geotextile fabric on the bottom of the trench, the edges of the material are launched onto the sides;
  • underlying layer of crushed stone or sand 10 - 15 cm;
  • tamping of inert material with a vibrating plate;
  • laying pipes with a gravity slope;
  • backfilling with crushed stone or sand;
  • covering with geotextiles.

This technology will eliminate soil subsidence and spontaneous detachment of bells. Geotextiles prevent mutual mixing of soil with non-metallic material.

Video: how to properly lay sewer pipes

All input nodes are sealed with rubber and silicone cuffs to prevent leaks. If necessary, internal equipment and overflow pipes are installed. Most difficult to seal PVC pipes when passing through concrete rings. For this purpose, penetrating mixtures are used, added to the cement-sand mortar.

Infiltration systems

The infiltration well is made of concrete rings. The structure does not have a bottom; instead, a 40 cm layer of crushed stone, shungite, and gravel is filled in. Filtration fields are manufactured using the following technology:

  • soil is removed in an area, the size of which depends on the filtering capacity of specific soils in the building area;
  • the perimeter is covered with geotextiles, preventing siltation and mixing with a layer of material;
  • a drainage layer is created from crushed stone, on which beams of corrugated pipes or contours are laid;
  • the structure is filled with the same natural filter, then with soil.

Manufacturers of septic tanks produce special infiltration elements, the design of which is a hybrid of a field and a filtration well. They are mounted in a standard way.


When using non-metallic material in the sinuses of the pit, it is possible to completely eliminate the pull-out loads from freezing soils that act on underground tanks. To do this, a 40 cm layer on all sides of the septic tank is enough, but layers of 15–20 cm should be laid, each compacted with a vibrating plate or hand tools.

Decorating the hatch

To service septic tanks, openings with hatches extending to the surface are used. To maximize the integration of this communication element into the landscape of the site, decorative products produced by industry are used. These are usually made from polymer materials figures of animals, fairy-tale characters, mushrooms, stumps, boulders. They are easily removed, weigh almost nothing, have a reliable fastening, and are not blown away by the wind.


Autonomous sewerage in a private house is done once and for a long time. If you are the owner of a small summer cottage, then many of the elements and installation steps described above are optional. If you are planning to organize a drainage system for a large house where several people live on a permanent basis, then you should approach the design with the utmost care and responsibility.

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Correct selection of treatment facilities is a very important indicator in the work of the company and the formation of positive customer reviews about this company.

Discussion of details with the client is necessary for the most correct selection of the type of treatment plant, as well as the selection of the most suitable treatment technology. There are a number of questions, the answers to which will provide a complete picture of what kind of autonomous or modern local sewerage necessary.

These are the questions, divided into groups:

1. Calculation of the volume of a local or autonomous type treatment plant

  • you need to know the total volume of runoff per day
  • runoff characteristics (grey water, black water)
  • periods of residence
  • peak periods (depending on the number of people living in the house at the same time)

2. water disposal.

  • presence of slope in the area
  • the presence of elevation marks on the site in relation to the general state of the relief
  • groundwater level at the site, mandatory recording of snow melting in autumn
  • height of groundwater underground at the highest and lowest points of the relief
  • availability on site drainage system(ditches, ditches, etc.)
  • Availability stormwater collection structures and its cleaning
  • it is necessary to determine the composition of the soil, its ability to filter

3. Sources of potable water and their sanitary areas

  • it is necessary to clarify the presence of a well on the site with drinking water or water well
  • situational characteristics (being near the site of neighboring residential buildings)
  • presence of wells with drinking water on neighbors' property
  • location of the site close to the water protection zone of a special-purpose reservoir
  • it is necessary to clarify the spillway point

4. Technical characteristics of the object

  • the depth at which the sewer pipe exits the house
  • the presence of a riser with ventilation, the presence of an internal sewer system
  • distance from the wall of the room to the approximate installation location of the cleaning equipment
  • availability of constant power supply
  • the possibility of approaching the sewage disposal truck to the distance required for pumping.

Autonomous sewerage of a private house or Autonomous sewerage system with your own hands.

To make a decision regarding the manufacturer of the cleaning equipment, the client needs to have knowledge that could help him navigate the market.

5. Manufacturer and brand

  • manufacturer's productive potential and market reviews
  • presence of distributors in different locations
  • availability of areas allocated for warehouses
  • installation and maintenance services
  • transportation services
  • Availability of stocks in warehouses and delivery times of equipment

6. Technical characteristics of the equipment

  • material
  • design features
  • strength characteristics
  • modular design
  • universal equipment

7. Price

  • value for money
  • ratio of market prices to manufacturer prices

8. Warranties

  • product warranty period
  • warranty period for installation work

9. Maintenance and other services

  • Availability of services in your area
  • availability of contract groups involved in equipment installation
  • the possibility of consultation and implementation of the process of drawing up the binding of treatment equipment directly in one of the company’s offices

10. Differences from similar products on the market

  • ease of use
  • reliable operation
  • the ability to carry out maintenance independently
  • lack of complex technologies in equipment
  • high quality cleaning
  • Possibility of different configurations depending on the characteristics of the object

1) Calculation of the volume and productivity of a modern sewerage system

1.1 Applicable as autonomous sewers or local sewer , treatment facilities must be installed only after an accurate calculation of data regarding the number of people simultaneously living in the house, as well as the number and volume of plumbing fixtures. The following factors must be taken into account: the average number of people living per day, a possible increase in runoff volumes due to the arrival of guests to calculate the reserve.
1.2 Effluent volume sometimes changes when composition characteristics change Wastewater. To do this, you need to understand the issues regarding separate drainage. Wastewater is divided into gray water and black water. Black water involves the presence of fecal effluent, which constitutes approximately 5 percent of the total wastewater composition in a combined drainage system. Gray water is the collection of wastewater from all types of plumbing fixtures, such as a bathtub, shower stall or sink.
1.3 Seasonality of residence is an important factor that must be taken into account due to the fact that the full operation of the treatment plant depends on the continuous flow of wastewater. Runoff water contains organic substances necessary for the implementation of the biological treatment process due to the work of microorganisms. Uneven flow can disrupt the functioning of such organisms, which will lead to a decrease in the quality of the treatment process.
1.4 The size of the third chamber of the septic tank must be determined in advance so that peak loads do not disrupt the complete purification process and do not wash out incompletely purified water along with some beneficial microorganisms.

Calculation of daily flow volumes and the required volumes of treatment equipment for local or autonomous sewerage.
The volume of wastewater in one day dictates the volume of treatment equipment. The calculation must be made on the basis of regulatory documents, in this case it is SNiP 2.04.03-85 Sewerage. External networks and structures.
Calculation of water consumption volumes per inhabitant is made on the basis of SNiP 2.04.01-85 Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings (Appendix 3 water consumption standards for consumers)
Calculation of water consumption volumes per inhabitant is made based on the data given in SNiP 2.04.01-85 Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings. The average rate of 200 liters per person is taken as a statistical average and used in the calculation. This standard includes all plumbing fixtures that a person can use.
The calculation of the required volumes of treatment equipment is carried out in strict accordance with the standards of SNiP 2.04.01-85 Sewerage. External networks and structures.
The daily influx of wastewater determines the required volume of the septic tank for country house: if the volume of wastewater does not exceed 5 cubic meters per day, then the volume of the septic tank should be 15 cubic meters (that is, three times more). When the volume of wastewater exceeds 5 cubic meters per day, the volume of the septic tank should be two and a half times greater than the volume of drainage. Such calculations are valid for at least one use of cleaning equipment.
The volume of the septic tank can be reduced by 15-20 percent only if the average wastewater temperature in winter exceeds 10 degrees, and the norm per person is more than 150 liters per day.

For example: five people live in a country house at the same time, therefore 5 people. * 200 l = 1000 l/day. Therefore, the volume of treatment equipment should be 3000 liters (1000*3=3000). This tripling is necessary for the cleaning process, since the work of beneficial microorganisms is carried out over 3 days.
Calculations of the volume of cleaning facilities at industrial enterprises, campsites, hotels, and hostels are carried out on the basis of the standards specified in SNiP 2.04.01-85.

2) Water drainage

During planning systems local sewer or modern autonomous sewer Very important points should be clarified regarding the place where the purified water will go. These factors can seriously affect the packaging of cleaning equipment.

2.1 The presence of a natural slope on the site allows it to be used during construction systems water drainage
2.2 The general topography of the site in which the site is located can provide an indication of what will occur as a result of the increased volume of wastewater discharge, taking into account the groundwater level and the infiltration capacity of the soil.
2.3 It is strictly forbidden to neglect knowledge of information regarding the groundwater level, since this factor is extremely important when constructing treatment equipment. The water level can be determined by test drilling. After such an operation, a special document is issued that reflects the most important characteristics of the soil and a description of the soil layers.
Lack of groundwater information can be filled with site data by checking the following:
- depth of the laid foundation of the house
— the presence of ditches, ravines, standing water at the base
— determine the direction of water movement in ditches (if any)

Failure to periodically change wastewater can lead to unpleasant odors. The three points above can provide information about groundwater levels, taking into account seasonal changes (snowfall and rainfall in spring). The level of water under the ground can radically change the drainage system and transform it from gravity to pressure, the discharge of water when used is carried out using a pump. In cases where the groundwater level exceeds the depth at which the outlet pipe of the treatment plant is laid, a sealed water intake well should be used to install a sewage pump with a float switch.

2.4 If the site is located at lower points of the relief, then the likelihood of seasonal and permanent flooding, as well as periodic complete or partial swamping of the site, should be taken into account.

2.5 Artificial or natural systems drainage are pluses when considering sewer equipment options. In this case, we can talk about ditches on the site, as well as other drainage systems at a larger scale. Such systems make it possible to reduce the groundwater level and thus facilitate the installation of equipment for the disposal of treated wastewater.

2.6 An equipped drainage collection and treatment system allows it to be used for the disposal of wastewater that has been treated.

2.7 The composition of the soil and its ability to filter are very important indicators when selecting treatment equipment. Everything that was described in paragraph 2.3, as well as test drilling of wells and geological data must be strictly taken into account.
The components of the soil and its ability to filter greatly influence the water drainage system, and therefore the required length of pipes sewer and the number of wells providing filtration.
There is a need to consider different options for water disposal:
— dependence of the design of water treatment equipment on climate conditions, soil type, groundwater level, conditions for water discharge after treatment, terrain, conditions for discharge of runoff water (with a sufficient level of treatment)
The project for the construction of a treatment facility is developed taking into account a special connection to the object; At the same time, a detailed study of the hydrogeological situation in the area of ​​possible location, the presence of karst rocks, the level of protection of the underground aquifer, the height of groundwater, and the ability of the soil to filter is required.
Where drainage of wastewater after being in a septic tank is impossible according to sanitary standards, a filtration field should be installed, which is a system of pipes for drainage laid in crushed stone on sandy base. Water will pass through it and enter the layers of crushed stone to undergo filtration, and then be absorbed into the soil. It is recommended to use a filter trench, a filtration well, a filter with activated materials, and ultraviolet lamps for disinfection.

Equipment for soil purification:

  • soaking trench
  • filtration well
  • filtration trench or gravel-sand filter
  • underground filtration field

Their installation is carried out on soils for filtration - sandy loam, sandy soils, and on soils that are not capable of filtering runoff, provided that the groundwater level is more than 1 meter from the base of the well, drainage pipe tray or irrigation pipe tray. The equipment is equipped with risers for ventilation with a diameter of 10 cm, and their height should be greater than the probable level of snow cover (usually 0.7 m). Vents should be installed at the end of each irrigation line and at the beginning of each drain pipe. Determining the length of the irrigation system and the size of the well is based on the calculation of water consumption per 1 square meter of surface for filtration (walls and bottom of the well) or per 1 square meter of irrigation pipe length.

The method of water disposal should be chosen depending on the ability of the water in the area to filter.

The filter well is installed on soils for filtration (sandy loam, sand) with a filtering area of ​​1.5 square meters of sand or 3 square meters of sandy loam (per resident of a country house). The larger the filter area, the longer the service life of the well. The groundwater level should be 50 centimeters below the crushed stone layer and 1 meter below the base of the well. The filtration well is made of brick, precast or monolithic reinforced concrete.

Absorption trench (platform)

Where drainage after treatment with a septic tank is not recommended according to sanitation standards, you can install an additional absorption platform or make an absorption trench, which is a pipeline route made of porous material. Water enters the soil and passes through a layer of soil that is ideal for beneficial bacteria to live. Trenches and sites for absorption are used where sandy loam or sandy soils predominate - in this case these systems They are a pipeline or system of pipes for irrigation installed at a depth of 0.6-0.9 meters, and 1 meter higher than the groundwater level. Systems Irrigation pipes are perforated pipes installed with a slope of 1 to 3 percent, which is 1-3 cm per 1 m of pipe. The pipes rest on a bedding made of broken bricks, fine gravel, slag or crushed stone. The ventilation riser must be located at the end of each pipe, its height must be at least 0.7 m. Almost one hundred percent cleaning efficiency is achieved through the use of such additional systems cleaning.

Filtration trench
A filtration trench is installed where the soil has low filtration capacity. It is a depression with drainage and irrigation pipe networks. Typically these trenches are located near swamps, ditches or bodies of water. Water that has been purified in a filtration trench enters there by gravity. The space between the drainage and irrigation networks should be filled with crushed stone and sand.

The sand and gravel filter resembles a filtration trench, with drainage and irrigation pipes arranged in parallel.

An underground filtration field or filtration trench is usually located along a natural slope in the terrain. 12 meters is the recommended limit for the length of one drainage or irrigation network. The slope in the direction of water movement should be 1 percent (that is, 10 millimeters per 1 meter of pipe). When choosing the configuration of an underground filtration field (linear, parallel, radial), one should take into account the general layout, size of the site, topography, plans for further landscaping or landscaping.
Uniform distribution of wastewater when using several irrigation or drainage pipes is carried out through a distribution well.

Parallel pipes are usually made either in separate trenches, or in one wide trench in which 2 or 3 lines of irrigation pipes are installed (it is important to maintain the distance between the axes). 1 or 2 drainage pipes are installed at a distance below the irrigation pipes. The water that has gone through the filtration process will subsequently be collected in drainage pipes and discharged into a ditch or ravine, etc.

A post-treatment filter is a device that is used when there are increased requirements for the quality of waste water purification. The material used as a filter can be granite crushed stone, sand, granulated blast furnace slag, gravel, anthracite, polymers or activated carbon.

Calculation of the length of pipes for irrigation (Extract. Sewerage. External networks and structures) SNiP

6.190. The total length of irrigation pipes should be determined depending on the loads presented in Table 49. The length of each sprinkler should not exceed 20 meters


  • load indicators are presented for those areas in which the average annual precipitation is up to 500 millimeters.
  • with average annual precipitation ranging from 500 to 600 millimeters, the load values ​​should be reduced by 10-20 percent, but if the annual average exceeds 600 millimeters, then it is recommended to reduce the load value by 20-30 percent. For climatic region I and subregion IIIA, the value decreases by 15 percent. The percentage reduction is greater when considering sandy loam soils, and less when the terrain consists primarily of sandy soils.
  • coarse bedding with a thickness of 20 to 50 centimeters requires the use of coefficients of 1.2-1.5 when considering the load value.
  • with a specific water disposal of more than 150 liters per person, the load values ​​increase by 20 percent. The same applies to areas with seasonal residence.
  • Calculation of the approximate length of pipes for irrigation in underground fields for filtration in accordance with SNiP 2.04.03-85 “Sewerage. External structures" taking into account the increase in the coefficient of coarse bedding and the increase in load if the drainage rate exceeds 150 liters per person.
  • area with 70 millimeters of precipitation
  • use of coarse bedding in a layer of 20 to 50 centimeters (1.5 - coefficient)
  • specific water disposal per person is 200 liters (the load increases by 20 percent).

3) Water sources of drinking water and sanitary areas

3.1 Consideration of the issue regarding the installation of sewerage systems on the site involves taking into account such factors as the presence of a water well or drinking well. In this case, it is necessary to determine the depth of water in the well and the depth of the well. Such information will allow you to approximately determine the depth of the level drinking water in this area.

3.2 When considering the option for water drainage, one should take into account the presence of devices for water intake not only directly on the site, but also in the territories adjacent to it (neighbors, water protection zones). It is necessary to take into account the location of the site on the general scale of the area, and also determine the area of ​​adjacent sites.

3.3 If the neighbors’ plots are located close to the water drainage point, then the sanitary zones of the neighbors’ plots should be taken into account, and also determine whether they have devices for collecting drinking water.

3.4 If the site is located in the water protection zone of a fishery reservoir, then this implies additional restrictions regarding the use of wastewater treatment facilities, as well as their additional disinfection using special equipment. Chlorine cartridges, ultraviolet lamps, ozonation, etc. are used to carry out the disinfection process. At the design stage, all this is agreed upon by the supervisory authorities in accordance with existing scheme within the framework of regulatory documents.

3.5 When carrying out work on the project, the supervisory authorities agree on the type of treatment facility, its necessary indicators and quality characteristics of wastewater treatment. All the above factors are carefully taken into account, sanitary zones are also determined, and the final point of wastewater discharge is agreed upon. The most important thing when agreeing on the water discharge point is to take into account the level of protection of the aquifer for drinking water.

4) Technical characteristics of the object.

4.1 Pre-design binding during development autonomous sewerage and installation of treatment facilities, as well as site planning and installation diagrams are the first step. When choosing the type of structure for treatment, you should understand that the structure itself is not at all a complete complex for water purification and that it requires the installation of utility networks.
Linking the pipeline to the outlet of the waste pipe from the house is the beginning of calculating the required depths. The pipeline should be laid on a sand bed with a slope of 2 to 3 percent per meter of pipeline. This slope is responsible for ensuring uniform movement of dense inclusions, for example fecal discharge, in the general flow liquid substances and also prevents the formation of any blockages.
The depth at which the fan pipe is laid is determined building codes taking into account the freezing depth characteristic of the area. You can use additional heating elements or insulation materials that can maintain temperatures from +2 to +5 degrees. The use of moisture-saturated materials is necessary when installing insulation that can withstand soil loads. Such insulation materials include energyflex, thermoflex, extruded foam when insulating foundation structures. The thickness of such insulation depends on the depth of the pipeline.

4.2 Sanitary zones of 5 meters are required for septic tanks, which should be taken into account when planning the site before installing a treatment facility. If the distance increases, then the volume of work also increases, and the point of connection of the sewer pipe to the entrance of the treatment structure and the exit point from the treatment structure when using a gravity scheme are deepened. This factor is very important, because a slight increase in the depth of the exit from the structure for cleaning leads to additional difficulties in the arrangement drainage systems . If it is not possible to remove purified runoff water from a significant depth, then you should convert the circuit from gravity (gravity) to pressure, and, as a result, order a sewer pump and a well for receiving water as a set. This factor has serious significance in the presence of a high groundwater level, since a high level can lead to flooding of the treatment facility, which will make it impossible to use.
If the exit from the cleaning structure is deeply buried, the existing slope to the point of lowering the relief should be taken into account.

4.4 When installing a pressure circuit using a sewage pump, the mandatory availability of a constant supply of electricity should be taken into account. The float switch on the pumping equipment carries out the process of periodically turning on the pump as a certain volume of wastewater accumulates and drains the wastewater into drainage systems .
Treatment facilities are not 100 percent power dependent because the treatment process itself uses technologies that do not require power. The use of electrically dependent devices is inevitable only when a pressure circuit is used. If there are interruptions in the power supply, the treatment facility has a reserve part for storage (a well for receiving water and a biological filter chamber in the corresponding systems). The volumes of the reserve part of the well and the biological filter are 0.62 m/cub.-1.5 m/cub., which allows residents to use plumbing fixtures in the house for quite a long time.

4.5 The dimensions of the site, taking into account sanitary zones, must be considered when drawing up the installation diagram.

4.6 Periodic maintenance is necessary for the correct operation of any type of treatment facility. Systems When using a septic tank, it must be serviced once a year. When using additional bioenzyme additives, it increases the percentage of wastewater treatment, and also extends the period between maintenance of facilities for cleaning with a sewage disposal machine to three years.
Due to the fact that the length of the hose of the sewage disposal machine is 7 meters, when planning the installation scheme of the cleaning structure in such a way that the machine can drive up to a distance of no more than 4-5 meters.
As a last resort, you can use a sump pump or sewer pump to pump out the accumulated sediment. In this case, pumping is carried out into a machine container or onto a heap for rotting and subsequent use as fertilizer.
The use of the resulting humus without preliminary heat treatment is unacceptable due to the fact that it may contain pathogenic bacteria or helminth eggs.

5) Manufacturer

5.1 Due to the fact that the manufacture of this type of product is a complex technological and production process, this fact should be taken into account when assessing the cost of such equipment and the durability of its operation. Therefore, it is worth excluding consideration of the option of purchasing complex structures produced by handicraft.
Additional financial costs always result from purchasing equipment from companies that are not specialists in a particular field.

6) Technical characteristics of the equipment

6.1 Some of our cleaning structures are made from fiberglass.
Scope of application of products made from fiberglass-based composite materials when used different types resins expand as much as possible due to the strength of this material. The strength characteristics of fiberglass are comparable even to metal, and sometimes even exceed it in some indicators, such as corrosion and chemical resistance, specific gravity, etc. Thus, cleaning structures made of fiberglass are much more convenient to use than equipment made of polyethylene or reinforced concrete.
In fact, septic tanks made of polyethylene are cheaper than fiberglass, but they require special installation due to its low strength. Such a process requires the installation of a special reinforced concrete box, which will significantly increase the cost of the equipment and its installation in total. Reinforced concrete has a number of significant disadvantages - it is very heavy and requires mandatory use special equipment for transportation and installation, is also not sealed and is capable of allowing water to pass through. Aggressive environments can destroy reinforced concrete structures.

Therefore, fiberglass is one of the best options, since it meets all the requirements for cleaning facilities. It is light, strong, durable, and these are the qualities that must be taken into account when choosing sewerage system for a country house.

7) Cost

7.1 The price of our company’s products is in the middle compared to other manufacturers of cleaning equipment. It is safe to say that almost all systems Russian-made, made of polyethylene, cheaper than imported products. We have already explained what the advantages and disadvantages of polyethylene and fiberglass are.

8) Warranties

8.1 Trademarks Graf and Traidenis provides a warranty for treatment facilities - 10 years for the underground part and 3 years for the blower and compressor.

8.2 The work carried out to install cleaning equipment by any organization is guaranteed directly by this organization.

9) Maintenance

9.1 The necessary consultations of our specialists are free of charge. The company provides the necessary support in selecting the type of treatment facility, which happens right in the company’s office, where they also provide all the necessary information regarding the treatment facility.

9.2 Our company also informs you about the existence of related organizations engaged in dealer activities, and also provides information about the location of an authorized representative of the company in your area, performing the entire range of services from the purchase of equipment to its installation.

You should be guided by the Product Data Sheet, as well as the installation and operating instructions when considering a possible arrangement in a country house autonomous sewerage .

Activated sludge is sludge located in a biological treatment structure (aeration tank), which is formed from solid particles suspended in domestic wastewater. A variety of microorganisms (bacteria and protozoa) serve as the basis for activated sludge. The process involves the decomposition of organic pollutants by bacteria, which in turn are eaten by protozoan single-celled organisms. Activated sludge is an accelerator of the process of wastewater purification and oxidation.

Anaerobic bacteria are microorganisms that can exist in an environment without oxygen.

Aeration - This is the artificial saturation of the medium in water with air for oxidation organic matter, located in it. Aeration is the basis of the process of biological wastewater treatment in aeration tanks and biofilters, as well as in other treatment facilities.

Aerobic bacteria are microorganisms that require oxygen to function. Aerobic bacteria are divided into conditional and unconditional (the former can live on a small amount of oxygen, while the latter live without it at all - in this case they receive oxygen from sulfates, nitrates, etc.). Denitrifying bacteria, for example, are a type of conditional bacteria.

Aerotank (aero - air, tank - container) - This is a container for purifying wastewater from organic contaminants due to their oxidation by various kinds of microorganisms that are found in activated sludge. Using a pneumatic or mechanical aerator, air is introduced into the aeration tank, mixing the runoff water with activated sludge and saturates it with the oxygen necessary for the life of bacteria. The continuous supply of oxygen and the strong saturation of wastewater with activated sludge provide a high degree of intensity of the oxidation process of organic substances and make it possible to achieve a high degree of purification.

Aerofilter - This is a device for biological wastewater treatment, which differs from a biofilter in that it has a larger filtration layer area, and also in that it contains an air supply device to guarantee a high degree of oxidation intensity.

Biological wastewater treatment - This is one of the methods for removing unfavorable substances and microorganisms from industrial wastewater, based on the ability inherent in microorganisms to use pollutants of organic origin as food.

Biofilter - This is a device for artificial biological wastewater treatment, which is made in the form of a container with a double bottom and coarse-grained material for filtration inside (crushed stone, slag, expanded clay, gravel, etc.). Accumulations of microorganisms form a biological film as a result of wastewater passing through the filter material. Microorganisms mineralize and oxidize organic substances.

Biological oxygen demand (BOD) - This is the amount of oxygen that is necessary for the final decomposition of organic matter contained in runoff waters. An indicator of the degree of water pollution, which is characterized by the amount of oxygen spent over a set time on the oxidation of pollutants (5 days - BOD 5) contained in one unit volume of water.

Nitrification - This is the purification of wastewater from ammonia nitrogen.
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) This is the amount of oxygen required for the final oxidation of wastewater.

10) Differences from analogues on the market

10.1 No difficulty to use. Installation and operation of treatment facilities brands Traidenis and GRAF do not imply special skills or technical knowledge.

10.2 The reliability of our cleaning systems is also ensured by the fact that cleaning is carried out through the use of natural biological processes, and this is an indisputable advantage over systems that use complex technological solutions in their operation.

10.3 Sewage disposal vehicles service treatment systems. Using a sewer pump or transfer pump, pumping is possible if it is impossible for a vehicle to travel to the site where the treatment facility is installed.

10.4 There is no need for complex technological solutions due to the fact that the operation does not involve the use of complex instruments in the operation of the facility for cleaning and drainage systems treated wastewater during water disposal.

10.5 Quality of wastewater treatment:

Water drainage:

A septic tank that does not use bioenzymes (up to 50 percent). Maintenance periods after 1 year. Mandatory soil purification.
A septic tank that uses bioenzymes (up to 70 percent).

When considering water discharge into a drainage system closed type or storm drainage system, it should be taken into account that systems , which are analogous to our company’s systems, do not have water seals or blockers in their design, without which only 35 percent of wastewater treatment is achieved. The lack of a stable water surface does not allow such systems to use bioenzymes.

Discharge of treated standing water onto the terrain is prohibited for all types of treatment facilities.

Systems tertiary treatment is a mandatory addition to any water treatment scheme when considering the option of water discharge in a fishery area. For this, sand filters, physical and chemical devices, reagents such as coagulants or flocculants, disinfection with UV lamps, ozonation, and a chlorine cartridge are used.

Qualified employees of our company will help you make the right choice of system autonomous sewerage and will answer all your questions.

Modern autonomous private sewerage system for a country house, cottage or dacha. Selection, description, advice.

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An integral part of every country house is an autonomous sewage disposal and recycling system. The life process of each person involves the appearance of a fairly large amount of sewage. If they are not removed and recycled in a timely manner, an unpleasant odor will appear in the area and other problems may arise. That is why it is quite important to create autonomous system sewerage. Before execution installation work you should choose the most suitable septic tank. A septic tank is a device represented by a sealed container in which sewage accumulates and is processed. Let's consider all the features of choosing a septic tank and pipes for it.

Definition of septic tank: what is it?

Many people ask the question: what is the difference between a septic tank and a regular container for storing sewage? There are many differences, and they are significant. The container can only serve for the temporary storage of sewage, which over time should be drained and thrown away, or taken for recycling. The septic tank is complex system, which processes sewage. After a sufficiently long process, it will be possible to discharge sewage into environment- an important advantage of septic tanks.

A septic tank is a structure for treating household wastewater and fecal matter; it is an underground settling tank into which sewage flows through a pipeline from the house sewer system.

– a sealed container that can consist of several sections for step-by-step filtration. After filtration, the processed effluent can either be pumped out by a sewer truck or released into the environment. Having examined all the septic tanks that are on sale, we can say that they have the same performance properties, but still differ in some parameters. Let's take a closer look at them.

What should you pay attention to when choosing?

There are several parameters that you should pay attention to when choosing septic tanks. The main ones include:

  • Performance.
  • Volume of chambers.
  • Maximum salvo release.
  • Quality of cleaning.
  • A type of bacteria that processes waste.
  • Application area.
  • Price.

The above points should be taken into account when considering which model may be suitable for a particular case. Let's consider these and other parameters in more detail.

There are many modern septic tanks on the market, which allows you to choose the optimal one according to all customer requirements.

Performance indicator of modern septic tanks

Most important parameter The thing to consider is performance. This is due to the following points:

  1. If the septic tank does not have sufficient performance, then there will be an unpleasant odor in the house, and sewage will rise through the pipe to sources, for example, into the bathroom or sinks.
  2. A high degree of productivity cannot be called a disadvantage, but it is worth considering that when this indicator increases, the cost of the septic tank increases significantly. There are cleaning systems that are classified according to performance.

Manufacturers classify all septic tanks according to this parameter. As a rule, the performance indicator is indicated in the name of each cleaning system model. An example is Topas 3 and Topas 5.

Important! To simplify the process of choosing a septic tank, the manufacturer calculates how much sewage a septic tank can process in one day.

This takes into account the average amount of sewage one person can create per day. The ratio of these indicators determines how much, according to the manufacturer, a person is designed for a septic tank. If necessary, you can independently calculate the performance indicator.

The above information determines that when choosing a septic tank, you should take into account how many people will live in the room. As a rule, manufacturers create septic tanks with a reserve. have high performance with compact dimensions. This combination is determined by the fact that processing occurs due to active bacteria, which natural conditions They also recycle organic matter. Therefore, a seemingly small septic tank can process quite a lot of organic waste.

Septic tank Topas is a deep biological wastewater treatment plant developed based on experience in operating large wastewater treatment plants with intermittent fine-bubble aeration.

Volume and number of septic tank chambers

The next indicator is the displacement of the septic tank and. The features of this septic tank parameter include the following points:

  • The larger the displacement of the septic tank, the less frequently maintenance is required. The peculiarities of the cleaning process determine that sewage settles in one of the chambers: large particles sink and oxidize, turning into sludge.
  • The number of cameras is also a fairly important indicator. The more stages of cleaning, the faster the cleaning occurs, which means the performance of the septic tank increases.
  • As a rule, all cameras are hidden in a common housing. Individual chambers are located close to each other so that sewage flows naturally. Cameras may have various sizes, which is due to the design feature.

Septic tanks can be one-, two-, three-chamber. Calculation of the number of chambers: wastewater volume less than 1 m³ per day when using a 1-chamber device, from 1 to 5 m³ - a 2-chamber device, and over 5 m³ - a septic tank with 3 chambers is required.

With increasing displacement, the overall dimensions of the structure increase significantly. The cost of the septic tank, as well as its weight, also increases significantly. Therefore, it is not necessary to look for models with a large displacement.

Maximum salvo release rate

Among the important parameters, the maximum salvo release rate should be highlighted. A volley of water is the volume of sewage that can be released into a septic tank at once. Many models of purification systems do not allow for a burst release or have an insignificant indicator, which does not allow them to be used in a house with large bathrooms and a jacuzzi, with a large amount of equipment that works with water.

The maximum salvo discharge rate is indicated in the specifications of each septic tank. When considering it, you should take into account how many bathrooms there are in the house and what total displacement they have. Paying attention to this indicator, you should consider the strength of the pipes used. During the release of water, a certain pressure is also exerted on them.

The quality of sewage treatment in a septic tank

As previously noted, a septic tank differs from a regular container in that it can carry out partial or complete treatment of sewage. How the cleaning process is carried out and what results can be achieved are quite common questions, which we will discuss in detail below.

The quality of cleaning may depend on the following points:

It should be taken into account that large particles, including those of organic origin, cannot be processed by bacteria. Also, substances that are not of natural origin are not affected by bacteria.

What can be the quality of filtration? Some septic tank designs can perform filtration with an efficiency of 70-80%, others have an efficiency of 90-98%. As previously noted, everything depends on the number of chambers and the type of bacteria added using special preparations.

If the quality of cleaning is 70-80%, then the sewage must be pumped out by a sewer truck and taken for further processing. At the same time, it is forbidden to throw such sewage into nearby water bodies and sewers. Some manufacturers of such septic tanks recommend creating fields for further wastewater treatment.

If the septic tank can purify wastewater by 90-98%, then it can subsequently be freely discharged into reservoirs or fields. However, private sectors are densely built, which does not allow waste to be disposed of freely. In this case, you can create containers in which sewage will accumulate.

The type of bacteria that performs the processing

There are several types of bacteria that can process organic matter. All of them are formed naturally, since in nature there is a process of decay. The type of bacteria that are added to the septic tank determines the design features:

  • The first type can process organic matter by no more than 80%. Their peculiarity is that they can live in a sealed container, into which fresh air does not enter. That is why they are added to systems that do not require an electrical connection.
  • The second type allows for rapid processing with purification up to 98%. This process occurs in conjunction with the oxidation of organic matter. The oxidation process can only take place when the environment is saturated with oxygen. Therefore, the septic tank is equipped with a special compress, which pumps oxygen into a sealed container.

At first, as soon as septic tanks went on sale, the problem during operation was updating the microflora. This is due to the fact that bacteria are living organisms that can live and divide only under certain conditions. That is why, after some time, drugs appeared that could be used to saturate an area with bacteria. Their cost is relatively low, their efficiency is high, and their use is simple.

Bacteria for use in septic tanks are grown in laboratory conditions. These are microorganisms that disinfect wastewater and remove unpleasant odors.

In practice, users cannot determine the effectiveness of bacteria, since with proper operation of the septic tank it works stably. However, in some cases it is necessary to replenish the microflora with bacteria.

Scope of application of septic tanks

Another parameter that should be considered is the scope of application. Almost all septic tanks are designed for domestic use. This is due to the fact that bacteria cannot process chemicals of inorganic origin. For industrial buildings, sewers are created that have a large displacement and productivity. Their work is also based on the sedimentation of large substances and the influence of bacteria.

Materials used in production

The operational parameters of each septic tank depend on what material is used in its manufacture. Quite often, a septic tank is made using plastic or other polymers. This is due to the following points:

However, there are also a few disadvantages. The first is that the material is flammable, and during combustion it emits quite a lot harmful substances. Therefore, septic tanks can only be installed underground and away from fire sources. Another disadvantage is that the structure, made of plastic, does not withstand strong physical impact. Therefore, you should think about how to protect the septic tank from environmental influences.

These qualities of plastic determine that it is ideal for the production of a septic tank. Recently, tanks made from other materials are practically not available on sale.

Design features of the equipment

In addition to the above points, you should also pay attention to the design features of the septic tank. Manufacturers strive to achieve the best performance qualities and add various structural elements for this. Let us pay attention to the following features of septic tanks:

The above design features should be taken into account when considering the most suitable septic tank model. Each manufacturer creates septic tanks with its own characteristics.

What can determine the cost of a septic tank?

When choosing equipment for autonomous sewerage, it is often paid Special attention namely the cost. The price can vary over a fairly wide range. Let's consider what features are associated with the cost and how to choose equipment for wastewater treatment according to this indicator. The price may depend on the following indicators:

  1. From the popularity of the chosen brand. It should be taken into account that the cost of equipment may depend on the popularity of the brand. Some are popular, which is why they often increase the price; others, due to poor quality of workmanship and other factors, are not popular, which means their price is significantly reduced. There is no need to look for wastewater treatment systems that will have exceptional performance and are cheap - you have to pay more for quality.
  2. An important parameter that determines the cost of a septic tank is its performance. This parameter determines how much sewage the system can process per day. The higher the performance indicator, the higher the cost - a pattern that can be seen in the example of all septic tanks.
  3. The presence of additional equipment can also be called a fairly important parameter. Some models have compressors and pumps that can significantly increase system performance. They also have a fairly high cost, which is included in the price of the septic tank.
  4. The price may also depend on the strength of the case, the presence of special stiffeners, and so on. The more advanced the design, the better the performance, and also, as a rule, the higher the cost.

The price of a septic tank depends on the manufacturer, material of manufacture, as well as on additional equipment, because the presence of a pump or aerator can significantly increase its cost.

More important point you can name where the equipment is purchased. Some sellers set high prices, others include installation work in the price. That is why you should take great responsibility when choosing a septic tank seller.

Foreign or domestic manufacturer?

A common question is whether to choose equipment from a domestic or foreign manufacturer. As a rule, domestic products are treated with a certain distrust. The advantages of domestic septic tanks include:

  • Low prices are perhaps the main reason why many pay attention to them. The price reduction is possible due to the fact that there is no need to pay customs duties for sale. It is worth considering the point that the reduction in prices is not associated with a decrease in production quality.
  • You can find everything you need at the time of service. Despite the fact that the design of a septic tank is quite simple in appearance, in some cases spare parts are needed, which are installed at the time of service. At the same time, the cost is low.
  • Many domestic manufacturers use foreign technologies and equipment. This moment determines a significant increase in production quality.

This image shows modern septic tanks from domestic manufacturers: Tank, Tver, Leader.

The disadvantages of products from domestic manufacturers include the following points:

  • Modern technologies, as a rule, are used quite rarely in Russia, and only after they have appeared abroad. That’s why you shouldn’t expect that domestic septic tanks will be the most effective.
  • It's hard to really choose high-quality model among those provided by domestic manufacturers. There is a possibility that the chosen model will not be worth the money.

When considering foreign proposals, attention should be paid to the following points:

  1. The cost of foreign septic tanks is quite high. This is due to the fact that their price includes customs duties.
  2. If you need a truly effective septic tank, the creation of which uses only modern technologies, then you should pay attention specifically to the offers of foreign companies.
  3. It is quite difficult to find a real specialist in foreign equipment. This is why maintenance causes quite a lot of difficulties. Difficulties also arise when choosing the materials needed for maintenance.

The choice of septic tanks is quite large and varied, they are represented by domestic and foreign manufacturers, but do not forget that purchasing, installing and maintaining a model from a domestic manufacturer will be much more economical.

In general, we can say that when searching for effective and high-quality equipment, you should pay attention to the products foreign manufacturers. If you need to save a lot, you can buy domestic septic tanks.

The sump is an important design element

Almost all septic tanks are designed in such a way that the primary stage involves screening out large particles. The process of settling waste takes quite a long time. In this case, it is taken into account that the sump should be periodically cleaned. This moment determines the special shape of the sump. The features of the sump tank include the following points:

  1. The walls are at an angle, which determines the slow descent of large particles to the bottom.
  2. Sewage is usually fed from above. Quite often there is an element called a damper. It prevents the entire liquid from being shaken, which could cause large debris to rise up.

Allows you to significantly increase the efficiency of the entire structure. That is why you should pay attention to how it is located and what shape it has.

The septic tank must be sealed, because the contents of the sump should not penetrate into the ground or groundwater. A modern sump tank is made of plastic, so there is no need for additional sealing at the installation site.

How to choose the most suitable septic tank according to its parameters?

It is quite difficult to select a septic tank even if you know what parameters it should have. Recently, many have begun to use online stores to solve this problem. Why you should select and purchase a septic tank through an online store is a fairly common question, which we will discuss in detail below.

The features of purchasing in an online store include the following points:

  • You can make your choice in the shortest possible time. There are quite a few parameters by which septic tanks are selected. All of them can be specified through special filters. By setting the necessary parameters, you can carry out a fairly quick filter and search for the most suitable septic tank model.
  • There is also a quick search by name. Almost all online stores have this kind of parameter.
  • Another important point is that each septic tank model has a similar description that can be used when choosing a septic tank.

The filter protects the septic tank from small objects and insoluble debris that settles to the bottom of the septic tank, gradually reducing its working volume.

Purchasing online has many advantages, which include low cost, delivery, guarantee, and so on.

Is it worth ordering an installation service?

When choosing a septic tank, you should pay attention to the fact that some are sold with installation services. As a rule, the cost of providing the service is included in the price of the septic tank. Whether it is worth carrying out the installation work yourself or leaving it to professionals is a common question, which we will discuss in more detail. Doing the work yourself allows you to:

  1. Significantly reduce the cost of the septic tank. As previously noted, some models have a cost that includes the price of installation work. Therefore, many people decide to do the work themselves.
  2. If you do the work yourself, you can carefully consider the sewer system. Please note that installation can be carried out without experience or special tools.

However, it must also be taken into account that lack of experience can be the reason why significant mistakes will be made. When ordering services from professionals, you can count on:

  • High-quality and fast performance of work.
  • No faults.
  • Carrying out system diagnostics.

The figure shows a detailed fragment of the sewerage plan for a private house, dacha or cottage.

Is it worth making your own septic tanks?

Another common question is whether to install industrial versions of septic tanks or create a home-made version. They are quite simple to implement, as they involve the use of a sealed plastic container. Why should you not install homemade septic tanks? There are several reasons:

  1. The system does not have high performance.
  2. Strength and reliability are relatively low.

In general, we can say that you should make a septic tank yourself only if it will be used rarely. As a rule, ordinary polypropylene tanks are used in production. They can be combined into a single system.

Selection by complexity of maintenance

In order to reduce the cost of maintaining an autonomous wastewater treatment system, you should choose systems that can be operated for a long time without human intervention. Maintenance can be carried out as follows:

Expert opinion on choosing a septic tank

Choosing a septic tank can cause quite a lot of difficulties. This is due to the fact that they have different efficiency and performance qualities. When choosing, we recommend that you seek help from professionals, since if you make mistakes, you can doom yourself to a fairly large number of problems.

I work as managers in an online store. We have to recommend septic tanks to almost all buyers. I note that before choosing, you should make a list of requirements that the septic tank must meet. Only by thinking through these requirements can you choose the most suitable septic tank models.


Septic tanks have a fairly large number of features that should be considered when choosing them. I recommend paying attention to domestically produced septic tanks: they are inexpensive, easy to operate and install. Foreign versions are very popular due to their unique performance qualities.

Brief summary

It is preferable for consumers to choose models that only require cleaning from plaque. They are easy to use and have high efficiency, practicality of application.