Growing Jonagold apple trees. Jonagold apple tree - a late-ripening variety with high consumer qualities Jonagold variety of apples is it possible

Need 2 pollinators different varieties

Grade: 5

The apple trees of this variety are vigorous and grew very quickly after planting. The crown is not prone to excessive thickening, there is not much hassle with it. Fruiting is mixed, apples are formed on different branches. main feature variety is that it belongs to triploid, it needs 2 pollinators at once. Idared, Orange Pepin and Jonathan are the best. The fruits on the tree are formed large and ripen simultaneously; smaller than 180 grams are not obtained. With good weather conditions and proper care, it was possible to get giants weighing 250 grams. The skin of apples is very smooth, dense and elastic, covered with a waxy coating. Therefore, there are no problems with transportation and storage. The fruits are very tasty, and the pulp is juicy and quite dense. The variety is universal; apples are well suited both for fresh consumption and for canning, baking, and drying. I usually harvest at the end of September, but full ripening occurs only in January. The keeping quality of the variety is excellent; apples can be stored in the cellar until April without any special tricks. Fruiting began in the third year after planting; the apple trees reached their maximum capacity at the age of 10. One tree produces a minimum of 55 kg annually.

Long shelf life

Grade: 5

An apple tree requires at least 2 pollinators. When I took the seedlings, there was already a Jonathan tree growing on the site, and the neighbors have apple trees, which is quite enough. planted in the usual way: I poured ash and fertilizer into the hole, our land in the south is fertile, you don’t have to bother. At first, I watered it abundantly and dug holes around the roots so that oxygen could flow. The trees grew well, leaves and new branches quickly appeared. I did some form pruning, but the crown is still spherical, the branches grow almost at right angles, the older the tree, the more difficult it is to harvest. A year later, the first fruits appeared, large, 200 grams each, greenish, but with a blush, the skin was hard, shiny, the flesh was juicy. The first year the apples were a little sour, but then they became sweeter. The apple trees are 5 years old, I harvest almost 30 kilos from them. I collect them in September, while the fruits are still green, then I store them in a dry, ventilated area, and by winter they will ripen and become rosy and juicy. They last until spring and do not lose their taste. Usually everything goes into use, the wife makes jam, some of it goes into cooking, and most of it is eaten. Nice apple trees, excellent yield, tasty variety, they just get sick often, no matter how you spray them.

Variety for everyone

Grade: 5

The Jonagold apple tree has been bearing fruit for me for the fourth year in a row. The tree grows quickly and tolerates pruning well. It loves the sun, so it should not be planted next to tall, branchy trees, such as walnuts. The tree is particularly unpretentious and productive.
An important point is that this variety does not pollinate itself; at least two pollinators are needed. I have Champion and Idared, they are already old, but as pollinators they perform their function perfectly.
Apples are very good for winter storage. The tree is still young, and the yield is quite low - up to 15 kg. The fruits are medium in size, round in shape, sometimes with a red-orange side. Juicy, sweet, slightly sour, the peel is hard, due to this they tolerate transportation well.
I store the fruits in the cellar until February-March. Three trees provide my family with apples until spring.
Jonagold does not require any special care; I treat it against codling moths and leaf rollers, as well as against scab (required).
Winter hardiness is below average. Trees do not tolerate sudden temperature changes very well. Here in the Kuban, as well as in the Crimea, in the Steppe and Western forest-steppe, trees survive winters well.

Delicious and juicy apples

Grade: 5

I have known this variety of apples for a long time. On our summer cottage In the Voronezh region, trees were planted 5 years ago and have now begun to produce a full harvest. They tolerate winter well, but we never experience frosts greater than 28-30 degrees. I read that at lower temperatures trees can die. We don’t wrap tree trunks; they overwinter without problems. They began to actively bear fruit in the 3rd year. We collected about 5 kilograms of apples from one tree. Apples ripen in mid-late September. In the summer, be sure to thoroughly water the trees several times, especially if the summer is dry. The fruits of these apple trees are large. Often there are 4-5 pieces per kilogram, no more. In the cut - slightly yellowish flesh, hard. They fully acquire their taste by mid-winter. They can be stored in the refrigerator until April. Good for juice - it turns out sweet and sour, rich.

Only for southern regions

Grade: 4

The fruits of Starkrimson apple trees are some of the most beautiful. They are a rich carmine color (sometimes they become purple shade), with a shiny skin, with bright white subcutaneous specks. Cone shape with 4 legs. All fruits are large, form the same size and ripen at the same time. The taste is excellent. The taste is rich, sweet and sour, the flesh is dense, juicy and very aromatic. Unripe fruits have greenish flesh; when fully ripe, it turns light yellow. The keeping quality of apples is amazing. This is facilitated by a thick waxy coating on the dense skin. During storage, the taste improves rather than deteriorates. Productivity is abundant and stable, there are no obvious fluctuations. The trees do not grow particularly large and have a sparse crown. There are few branches, but they are thick and powerful. Fruiting began in the 3rd year after planting with a gradual increase in volume. The main disadvantage of the variety is its low resistance to frost. With a slight drop in temperature, the shoots freeze. Therefore, the variety is suitable only for cultivation in the southern regions of the country. Apple trees also do not like excessively dry soil; in unfavorable weather conditions, regular watering is required.

Variety name: Jonagold

Synonyms: No

Parents: Golden Delicious x Jonathan

Homeland of the variety: USA, 1943

Ripening period: autumn, mid-September

General description and facts from history.

Triploid. The variety begins to bear fruit in 2-3 years.

The fruits are stored for about 7 months and are well transported.
The fruits are highly marketable and attractive. The variety took good coloring from Jonathan and good taste from Golden Delicious.

Clones with more intense fruit coloring are spreading: Jonagored, Jonika, Wilmuta and others:

Jonagold Decosta, larger and richer bright scarlet color (Belgium);

Jonagold king- low-growing, spur-colored, fruits of light red solid color, highly winter-hardy, highly resistant to disease and drought (Belgium).

Tree size: large, rounded crown

Best location:
Full sun, promotes bright coloring of fruits

Rootstock: low-growing according to the scheme 4 x 1.5 m, or 5 x 2 m medium-growing.

Soil: depending on the rootstock

Flowering time: late

Fruiting type: mixed.

simultaneously flowering, except for Golden Delicious - Idared, Alkmene, Melrose, Spartan. Self-sterile. Poor pollinator.

Fruit color: the main color is yellow, the cover color is bright orange-red, densely striped, blurred blush along the illuminated part of the fruit

Fruit shape and size: The fruits are medium and large from 150 g and above. The shape is round, slightly beveled at the top. The fruits are one-dimensional, smooth.

Fruit taste: The pulp is light cream, very juicy, dense, pleasantly sweet, with a harmonious and strong varietal aroma, reminiscent of the taste of the Jonathan variety.

Productivity: high, produces low-cost products

Damage by pests: scab, cancer, moderate monilial burn, almost completely resistant to powdery mildew, moderately damaged by codling moths, weakly damaged by rot.

Formation: spindle, bush, fruit wall, ............................ tiered

Winter hardiness: below average, short-term tolerance winter frosts; for temperate and warm climates

Drought resistance: average

Purpose of the variety: for fresh food;
.................................... ... in cooking;
for making juice;
........................................ for making hard cider;

Difficulty of growing: average

It is impossible to imagine a good garden without winter red-fruited apple varieties. One of these varieties, a favorite of gardeners and collectors, is the Jonagold apple tree. It was the result of an interspecific crossing of the fragrant and tasty winter variety Golden Delicious and the late winter red-fruited Jonathan.

Appearance of an adult Jonagold is a medium-sized, spreading tree. At a young age - with a crown in the form of a wide oval, with the beginning of the fruiting period - a round, spherical shape with skeletal branches widely spaced from the trunk. Basic external data:

— leaves are large with a pointed tip, matte, bright green;

— flowers and fruit ovaries in Jonagold can form on ringlets and fruit branches;

- Jonagold apples with a short, slightly deviated stalk, medium and large in size, round shape, sometimes slightly elongated. The skin is crispy with a pruin coating, the fruit pulp is cream-colored, juicy, very aromatic, sweet with a slight sourness and a tart aftertaste.

Positive characteristics Jonagold:

  • rapid onset of first fruiting, precociousness;
  • high yield rates;
  • excellent, harmonious taste of the fruit;
  • yield does not depend on bad weather conditions during the period of fruit growth and ripening;
  • drought resistance;
  • versatility of using the harvested Jonagold crop (fresh, any types of canning and processing);

  • apples are transported with little loss and retain their taste, juiciness and presentation for a long time.

Features of the Jonagold apple tree:

  • weak immunity to diseases and harmful insects;
  • poor self-pollination;
  • poor winter hardiness, does not take root in climatic zones with extremely cold winters.

The Jonagold variety became the parent of many clone varieties, such as King Jonagold, Jonagold Decosta, Jonogold, Jonagold Red Prince, Jonagold Morrens, New Jonogold and several dozen more hybrids. They mainly differ from each other in the intensity and nature of the outer color of the skin, slightly different taste characteristics and timing of ripening.


The Jonagold apple tree loves sunny, open, south-facing positions land. The soil on them should be light, with neutral acidity, preferably sandy loam or light loam. Best time for planting in early autumn. To make the adaptation period of engraftment and rooting more successful, follow the planting rules:

  • hole under planting material prepared 10-14 days before planting, its width and depth are 1 m. The removed fertile soil must be mixed with suitable fertilizers before planting;
  • drainage should be laid at the bottom of the dug hole to a height of 15-20 cm;
  • soil is poured half the depth of the hole and a garter peg is installed in it and the seedling is immersed, carefully straightening its rhizome over the surface of the soil;
  • fill the hole with the seedling with the remaining soil layer by layer, constantly compact the soil, make sure that the neck of the root is above the ground at a height of 4-6 cm from its surface;

  • The planted apple tree is tied up and watered abundantly (40-60 l), when the soil settles well, the soil around the tree trunk should be mulched.

Advice: when planting a Jonagold apple tree, do not forget that it cannot pollinate itself and is not able to help pollinate other varieties of apple trees. Therefore, it must be planted next to or together with 2 or even 3 apple trees with good pollination properties.


Agrotechnical rules for growing Jonagold:

  • watering mode. The planted plant, for better rooting, requires mandatory watering during the first 30 days at a rate of 2 rubles per 7 days, 10 liters. V trunk circle. In the dry season, the watering volume is increased to 20 liters. After harvesting the apples, autumn water-recharging irrigation is done;
  • nourishing and enriching the soil. The Dzhanagold apple tree requires annual application of foliar or root organic and/or mineral fertilizers. They can be applied at the root during spring loosening of the soil or when autumn watering. Foliar feeding is carried out in the fall, by spraying the entire plant and only after harvesting;
  • mandatory seasonal spraying of the Jonagold apple tree against diseases and pests. In spring: before the buds swell - spray to prevent fungal infections, against insects that survived after wintering, with the beginning of buds - preventative control with scab, powdery mildew and bud pests; during flowering - combined treatment against scab and garden pests. In summer - spray only if clear signs of disease or mass attack of pests appear. In autumn - preventive treatment against insect pests and diseases is carried out only after the entire crop has been harvested, before the leaves fall. For young Jonagold seedlings, the entire surface of the tree and branches is treated, from the trunk to the top. Advice: in order to avoid chemical burns to the thin bark and shoots of the seedling when performing the spraying procedure, experienced gardeners It is recommended to carry out a test spraying on any branch of another young plant. If the branch remains healthy, you can safely treat the planting with Jonagold;
  • plant pruning, thinning, crown formation. Formative pruning of the crown begins in the 2nd or 3rd year of growth. For the Jonagold variety, sparse-tiered, cup-shaped or bush-shaped formations are most preferable. Adult Jonagold apple trees need spring rejuvenating pruning;
  • spring sanitary pruning of broken, frozen, fattening shoots;
  • cleaning the trunk bark from moss and lichens;

  • It is better to wrap young Jonagold seedlings completely for the winter.

Fruits and yield

Jonagold begins to bear fruit from the 2nd or 3rd year of growth. The ripening fruits are beautifully colored - there is a striped reddish-orange blush on the greenish-yellow background. The average weight of apples is 170-230 g. Gardeners note that the yield of Jonagold increases year by year, so if you can harvest from 20 to 35 kg from an apple tree that is 5-6 years old. fruits from a tree, then upon reaching the age of 7-10 years - from 30 to 50 kg, at 12-18 years - 60-80 kg, in adult 20-30 year old trees - 70-110 kg.

Collection and storage

The period for harvesting Jonagold fruits begins in the last ten days of September/early October; during this period they reach ripeness. Jonagold will reach its edible maturity (the apple acquires its characteristic taste, aroma, color) after 25-40 days of lying in a cool, dark place. When harvesting apples, they follow a certain technique for removing from the branches:

— the tail of each fruit picked is preserved. To do this, you should not pull the fruit, tearing it off the branch with force (they can be broken), but take it in your hand, slightly lift it and turn it, and it will easily detach and remain in your hand;

- First, fruits are picked from the lower tiers of branches, then from the upper ones. For very high branches, it is worth using a fruit picker rather than shaking the apple tree;

— the skin should not be damaged or squeezed; the waxy coating on it should be preserved.

The Jonagold apple tree variety has gained great popularity among professional and amateur gardeners. What are the advantages of this variety over other types? Jonagold apples are distinguished by their fairly large size and excellent taste.

Jonagold is a variety characterized by increased early fruiting, so trees begin to bear fruit in the third year after planting.

The winter hardiness of the variety is low (even below average). Apple trees have a very difficult time withstanding the change from a normal winter to a harsh one. Extremely cold winter conditions can cause great damage to trees, as a result of which they are not capable of full recovery, and the recovery process is quite long in time. The result of such negative impacts is a sharp decrease in yield.

Apple trees of this variety are characterized by average resistance to scab and low resistance to powdery mildew, so it is necessary to regularly prevent these diseases.

In early spring, apple trees need to be additionally treated with Bordeaux mixture, and after buds open - with preparations that contain copper. The number of necessary treatments directly depends on weather conditions: in rainy weather it should be treated more often than in dry weather.

Jonagold is a variety of apples obtained as a result of the work of breeders in 1943. The variety was bred in 1943 at the Geneva breeding station, located in New York, USA, as a result of a successful crossing of the Golden Delicious and Jonathan varieties. The developed variety did not receive recognition from American breeders, and therefore no further work was carried out to improve it and distribute it among gardeners.

Only 13 years later the variety first appeared in the Netherlands and Belgium, and in 1970 - 1980. Large-scale production studies of the Jonagold variety began to be carried out in the steppe and forest-steppe zones of Ukraine. It is on the territory former USSR and the potential of this variety was revealed, thanks to which it quickly gained well-deserved popularity among the population of the country.

Apple tree Jonagold: description of the variety

Apples of the Jonagold variety ripen on fast-growing and vigorous apple trees. Feature young trees have a wide oval-shaped crown.

In mature trees, it changes somewhat and takes on a more rounded, spherical shape. The degree of crown density is average, primarily due to the fact that the skeletal branches extend from the trunk at a wide angle.

Every year an average number of young branches are formed on the apple tree. Fruiting is concentrated on ringlets, fruit branches and even annual growths.

The flowering process begins early. Apple tree Jonagold – fruit tree triploid type. This means that it needs at least two pollinators to bear fruit.

Thanks to open pollination, no more than 20% of the ovary can be formed. The best pollinators of this variety are: Idared, Gloucester and Elstar.

Fruit characteristics

Jonagold fruits are large in size, and the weight of one apple can reach up to 250 grams. The diameter of apples is up to 9 cm.

The shape of apples is round, slightly elongated with a faintly pronounced ribbed surface near the fruit calyx (this can be most clearly observed in large fruits).

The thickness of the peel is medium, but dense and smooth with a pronounced waxy coating. The main color of the fruit is green-yellow, and the outer color has an orange-reddish tint, which is often called “blush”.

The apple pulp is yellow, juicy and dense, tastes sweet and sour with a clearly visible tartness. They are harvested in September, but the fruits reach full maturity only in January.

Apples collected from this tree have a universal purpose and are widely used for canning, fresh consumption, for making juices, wines, purees, various options desserts. IN industrial production Such apples are used to prepare a powder intended for baby food.

Nutritional value of apples:

  • carbohydrates – 48 kilocalories (about 12 grams);
  • fat – 5 kilocalories (0.5 grams);
  • proteins – 2 kilocalories (about 0.5 grams).

This nutritional value contributed to wide application apples of this variety in dietetics.

Suitable growing regions

The "Jonagold" apple tree is distinguished by its versatility to its growing areas. The most important requirement for the regions is moderately cold winters. The apple tree prefers a temperate and warm climate, so there are many suitable regions for it. This variety can grow in America, Europe, in the middle canopy and in the south of Russia.

Popular variety clones

The enormous popularity of the variety has ensured the emergence of a large number of clones, of which there are currently over a hundred. The more intense coloring of apples is the most important difference between the varieties.

Conventionally, based on color, all clones can be divided into five main groups:

  1. Varieties characterized by bright red skin, spotted, slightly blurred blush. Representatives: New Jonagold, Wilmuta and others.
  2. Varieties distinguished by a bright red skin color with a somewhat blurred outer color. These include: Jonika, Nicobel, Jonald King.
  3. Clones with dark red skin. Representative - Navajo
  4. Varieties with dark red skin color, but a blurred blush: Jonagored, Romalgold, Decosta.
  5. Clones with dark red skin color and uniform blush: Rubinstar, Jomured.

Productivity, storage, consumption

The period of fruit ripeness falls at the end of September (some differences may be observed depending on the climatic conditions prevailing in the growing area).

Harvesting of Jonagold apples begins at the moment when their color acquires a yellow-orange color, and there is also a slight pink tint. The fruits reach full ripening only after three months (in January). In the refrigerator, apples keep well until April. The variety is highly transportable.

The harvest from the apple tree can be obtained already in the third year. From trees aged 5 to 7 years, about 10 - 15 kg of fruit are harvested; at the age of 10 to 12 years, the harvest volume reaches from 40 to 55 kg.

If the storage rules are followed, apples of this variety have excellent shelf life and can be stored until April.

After the fruit is removed from the tree, then:

  • they need to be cooled in the basement or in the refrigerator;
  • after cooling, each fruit is carefully wrapped in plain paper;
  • fruits are placed in a dry, clean container so that the stalks “look” up;
  • containers with apples should be placed in the basement or in refrigerator For fresh vegetables and fruits.

The main purpose of apples is to eat fresh, but many people use them for preparing preserves, for preparing for the winter (jams, jams, five-minute preserves), and even for making homemade wines.

Reviews of the Jonagold variety

Many gardeners emphasize the following obvious advantages of this variety:

  1. Large in size, appetizing fruits with excellent taste.
  2. High rates of early pregnancy.
  3. Possibility to store apples for a long period of time (until April).
  4. The widest possible use of fruits for culinary purposes: compotes, preserves, jams are made from them, they are also used for the production of natural juices or apple wine.
  5. Apple trees of this variety do not require special pruning.

Many reviews also highlight negative points:

  • winter hardiness coefficient is too low;
  • poor resistance of apple trees to diseases.

Planting and caring for Jonagold apple trees

Apple tree planting scheme:

Apple trees of this variety are found in regions where moderate Cold winter, since in conditions harsh winter trees may be injured. In this regard, it will not be possible to grow this variety in the northern regions.

Average drought tolerance should also be taken into account. Therefore, the maximum favorable conditions trees are grown in regions where the climate is warm and temperate. In central Russia, Jonagold apple trees can be grown only if all the rules of care and preparation for the winter period are observed.

Choosing a landing site

For normal growth and development, it is necessary to choose sunny, open areas, protected from drafts.

The soil for planting should be fertile, loose, with neutral acidity. Trees of this variety do not grow on peat and marshy soils.

Apple trees can be planted in both spring and autumn. In the autumn season, planting should be done before the first frost.

The scheme for planting apple trees of the Jonagold variety is similar to other trees: hole depth – 0.7 meters, width – 1 meter. Minimum distance between trees – 5 – 7 meters.

The top part of the soil is mixed with ash and potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, after which the prepared soil is poured onto the bottom of the hole. Here it is also necessary to additionally install a peg to which the young seedling will be tied. Remaining free space Cover with soil, lightly compacting each layer.

Apple trees of this variety are resistant to drought, but even despite this, they must be watered weekly at the rate of 25 - 30 liters of water per seedling.

Feeding rules

Starting from the second year of the apple tree’s life and over the next four, it is necessary to apply nitrogen fertilizers, which will contribute to the active growth of the apple tree.

Adult apple trees should be fed throughout the year mineral fertilizers, and in spring and autumn it is necessary to additionally apply organic fertilizers. When preparing for winter, it is advisable to mulch the tree trunk circle with peat, previously mixed with sawdust or humus.

In the event that freezing of the lower branches or root system occurs, it is necessary to use foliar fertilizers containing 0.5% urea solution. The first time such fertilizing is done after flowering, the second time – two weeks after the first. Potassium chloride is additionally added to the solution.

Trimming and shaping the crown

This variety of apple trees does not require special pruning, so the main task facing the gardener is the formation of the crown. For this purpose, you should cut the conductor from the upper branch of the lower tier by 40 centimeters and leave about 5 (±1) skeletal branches.

If the tree is poorly developed, the conductor should be shortened by only 20 centimeters. A year later, it must be shortened again by 40 cm, and after 4 years the conductor is cut out at a height of 2.5 m, transferring it to one of the side branches.

In the future, you only need to remove crossed or crooked branches and strive to maintain the crown in a cone shape.

Diseases of Jonagold apple trees

Jonagold apple trees are susceptible to diseases such as scab and powdery mildew.

Scab – fungal disease, the causes of infection are indicated by the appearance of light spots on the leaves (there is a feeling that the leaves are discolored), after which the spot becomes covered with an olive-brown coating, grows and ultimately the leaves become completely black.

This is how gradual infection of all parts of the tree occurs. Young trees affected by this disease are capable of producing crops, but their apples are often deformed and often have poor taste.

With a disease such as powdery mildew, white appears on green leaves and petioles. fungal plaque, which quickly spreads from bottom to top, and after some time the spots become brown. First, the affected areas wither, and then die completely.

Kira Stoletova

Jonagold apples are popular all over the world and are characterized by high yields. The hybrid was bred in New York from the Jonathan and Golden Delicious varieties. The fruits are large and retain freshness and taste for a long time.

  • Characteristics of the variety

    There are more than 100 species that have General characteristics with this apple tree. Similar varieties may differ external features and taste.

    Description of the tree and fruits

    The crown of an apple tree has an oval shape at the initial stages of tree development, but over the years it begins to press against the edges, forming round shape. The branches grow wide, occupying a large space.

    Although the buds open quite quickly, young shoots appear slowly. Fruits that appear no earlier than 1 year after planting usually form ovaries on twigs and growths.

    If trees are planted on frost-resistant seedlings, they can live up to 35 years, and if they are planted on stilts of medium height, they can live up to 25 years.

    The apples of this variety are quite large and weigh from 150 to 250 g. The description says that their shape is round, but sometimes there are fruits that are slightly flattened on both sides, with roughness in the calyx area. The peel of the fruit is of medium thickness and has a sweetish taste.

    The calorie content of an apple is 45 kcal per 100 g. Its nutritional value has the following characteristics:

    • carbohydrates – 12 g;
    • fats – 0.5 g;
    • proteins – 0.5 g.

    Sometimes the fruit is covered with a kind of rusty mesh. The pulp of the fruit has a light yellow tint and a dense structure, and its aroma attracts with its sweetness. Often the color of the apple is yellow-green with a red blush on the sides and closer to the stem. The pulp has a sweet and sour aftertaste with varying degrees of astringency.


    The first harvest can be carried out already 2-3 years after planting the tree. On average, during the first 10 years it can produce 15 kg of apples per year of fruiting. Subsequently, about 60 kg of crops are harvested from one tree each season. The apples ripen in mid-September, when a purple tint appears on their sides.

    Pollinators and clones

    Breeders have bred a huge number of clones of this variety. Among them, these varieties stand out:

    • fruits with a smoothly stretched red crimson over the entire surface - Rubin-Star, Jomured;
    • apples with a bright red, slightly blurred color - King Jonagold, Jonica;
    • varieties with dark crimson colors, on which stripes are sometimes visible - Jonagold Decosta, Jonagored;
    • fruits whose color varies from the lightest to the darkest are Novayo;
    • fruit bright colors with clear lines - Wilmut.

    Frost resistance

    The apple tree variety is often classified as an early winter variety, because Harvest at the end of September. At proper storage the fruits may not lose their taste until mid-spring. It is recommended to grow the tree in regions with moderately cold winters, because... Low temperature changes are dangerous for him.

    Resistance to diseases and pests

    The Jonagold apple tree can easily tolerate diseases and pests when special products and solutions are applied. The description suggests that most often the crop is affected by scab, but this variety is resistant to it.

    Frequent pests of trees such as apple trees are codling moths, apple moths, silkworms, etc. Powdery mildew– one of the main enemies of culture, because signs of this disease can appear at any time of the year. This disease is known for causing white spots on foliage (fungal spores).

    If no action is taken, the spots darken and spread throughout the tree: to the shoots and fruits. In the spring, the shoots must be treated with Bordeaux solution. During the period when the buds begin to bloom, it is recommended to spray the tree with products containing a high copper content.

    Growing regions

    The regions for cultivating this apple variety are quite diverse and occupy large areas with moderately cold winters. Such places have a predominantly temperate and warm climate. You can grow apple trees in Ukraine, Belarus, America, and in the central and southern parts of Russia.


    The Jonagold apple tree variety loves well-lit places, so it is better for it to allocate an area that will not be darkened.

    The landing site should have the following parameters: diameter – 1 m and depth – 70 cm. The bottom of this pit should have a loose consistency. It is recommended to fill half of the recess fertile soil with admixtures of fertilizers.

    Place the seedling in the hole. Please note that the grafting site should be 10 centimeters above ground level. Fluff the roots over the entire area and sprinkle with soil.

    Water the tree with up to 40 liters of water. During the development of the apple tree, it is necessary to provide it with abundant watering and fertilizing.

    Also, the distance at which trees should be planted depends on the type of rootstock: dwarf (2 m), semi-dwarf (3 m) and vigorous (3.5 m).


    To get a good harvest in the fall, you should carry out a set of agricultural technology measures, which includes these basic procedures:

    • watering. The Jonagold apple tree is a dry-resistant variety, but still requires abundant watering. This is necessary to get big juicy fruits regardless of weather conditions. Seedlings especially require watering, as water helps them better absorb minerals from the soil;
    • fertilizing is useful during all periods of tree formation; it is applied to the very root and the space around it. In the area near the trunk, it is recommended to periodically plow the soil so that the air well permeates all layers of soil and saturates root system. For the winter, it is necessary to mulch the apple tree with humus, hay or humus;
    • Crown pruning plays an important role in the formation of a healthy tree. It is not recommended to prune seedlings until the main part of the tree has formed. The crown is formed 2-3 years after planting. IN spring period It is necessary to carry out sanitary, formative and rejuvenating pruning, with the help of which most of the nutrients can be transferred to the fruits by removing unnecessary branches. There are several suitable crown shapes: cup-shaped, bush-shaped and spindle-shaped. If on early stages branches growing upward are pruned; at a later stage of tree development, it is recommended to trim the side crown.

    Ripening, collecting and storing fruits

    Get the first harvest at correct landing and care is possible within 2-3 years after planting the apple tree. In the future, the number of fruits will only increase. Apples begin to ripen in mid-September, and picking can begin in early October.

    During this period, the fruits will have a yellowish color with pinkish splashes. Sometimes you may even find green fruits, but don’t worry about it. Over the course of a couple of months, the apple will ripen and acquire a reddish tint.

    Full ripeness is observed already in January, when the fruit acquires its best taste and aroma.

    The harvest volume depends on the age of the tree:

    • 7-8 years – up to 15 kg of apples;
    • 9-13 years – you can get up to 50 kg of fruit;
    • apple trees over 13 years old bring up to 80 kg per tree.

    You can store apples in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2-3 °C. With this approach, this variety can last until April. The higher the temperature at which the crop is stored, the less time the apples will remain edible.

    Species diversity

    With various crossings of trees, quite popular varieties of the Jonagold apple tree were developed:

    • King. Fruit yellow color with red splashes. It has high resistance to diseases and frost. In terms of their structure, these are low-growing trees with apples weighing 150 g;
    • Morens is the most popular variety of the variety, with high tasting scores - up to 5 points. The fruits weigh up to 230 g and are stored for up to 7 months from October. Fruits are resistant to low temperatures and good immunity.