Install a hot water meter. How to install residential water meters. Installation of water meters by campaign representatives

According to the adopted law, all homeowners must install water meters. Deadlines are constantly moving, but sooner or later they will have to be set. There are a decent number of organizations that can do this for you. For a fee, of course. Some operating companies offer to do this for free and are even willing to provide a counter. But the bills for these water meters are cosmic - the figures are too high. Therefore, installing water meters yourself is the best way out if you don’t want to pay a company for services.

Profitable or not

There is no longer any need to think about whether a water meter is needed or not - a law has been passed according to which everyone is required to install one. But many people wonder how profitable it is. If there are as many people living in the apartment as registered or less, installing a meter is beneficial. It is also beneficial if, say, someone moves to a dacha for the summer or spends a vacation there. If the situation is diametrically opposite - fewer people are registered than live, it is not profitable for you to install a meter. But there is no escape from this.

How big will the savings be? permanent residence depends on the calculation method adopted in your management campaign and how intensively you use water. At a minimum, you will save about 30%, but there have been cases when payments after installation were reduced significantly. This may happen if the house has a common meter. In this case, based on the results of the month, the consumption of those residents who have meters installed is subtracted from the total readings, and the remainder is divided among the remaining apartments according to the number of registered people. Usually those who actually live with them do not install meters. more people than what is prescribed. In this case, the consumption per month per person can be 8-10 cubic meters of cold and approximately the same amount hot water. In fact, even if you don’t save much, you get about 3 cubes of cold and 2 hot. So it really does make sense.

Install it yourself or through a company?

According to current legislation, the installation of water meters is at the expense of the home owner. That is, you must buy a meter and install it at your own expense. Representatives of the water utility or DEZ seal installed water meters free of charge.

Self-installation procedure

Self-installation of water meters is possible. Nobody should object. You just have to do everything yourself - install the meter, and call a representative of the housing office to seal it. What you need:

All papers are reviewed and filled out standard contract, you sign it, and it is considered that you pay for water according to the meter.

How to hire a good firm and what they should do

There are two ways to find a company that installs water meters: take the list from the Economic Protection Agency or find it on the Internet yourself. The list will definitely include companies with licenses, but obviously not all of them that work in this area. On the Internet, you must check for a license. A copy of it should be posted on the website.

Then you should read it anyway standard contract, who will enter into a venture with you. It must contain a complete list of services. The conditions may be different - someone provides their own meter, someone installs yours, someone comes with their own spare parts, someone works with what the owner has. Based on the combination of the list of services provided, you make a choice.

Previously, the contract had a clause about after-sales service and without it, companies did not want to install meters. Today this clause is recognized as illegal, since in fact there is no need to service the meter, and it should not be in the agreement, and if it is, you have the right to refuse these services and not pay for them.

Preparing for installation

If you have not chosen any campaign, you must leave a request to them. There are two options - some companies accept applications on their website and may even offer a discount for this, while others prefer to see you in the office and sign an agreement.

In any case, first a representative of the campaign arrives (you agree on the date and time of arrival), inspects the “field of activity,” assesses the condition of the pipes, takes measurements, and often takes photos of communications. All this is necessary so that you can develop a meter connection diagram and quickly assemble it. Then they should call you and confirm the date and time of installation of the water meter. In this conversation, you need to find out who negotiates the disconnection of the risers with the operational campaign. Normal companies take care of this.

Installation of water meters by campaign representatives

At the appointed time, a campaign representative (sometimes two) arrives and does the work. In theory, they should agree with you on what and how to place it, but this does not always happen. Upon completion of the work (usually takes about 2 hours), they give you a certificate of completion and a special paper on which the serial numbers of the metering devices are written. After this, you must call a representative of the government water channel or DEZ to seal the meter (in different regions they do this different organizations). Sealing of meters is a free service, you only need to coordinate the time.

The certificate that you were given during installation must contain the initial meter readings (they differ from zero, since the device is verified at the factory). With this act, a photocopy of the organization’s license and the passport of your water meter, you go to the DEZ and sign a standard agreement.

How to transfer data

You will need to submit actual consumption data monthly. The procedure is implemented differently in different regions, but basically there are several ways:

  • pieces of paper torn and filled out from the subscription book are placed in special boxes;
  • leave data in your personal account on the website of the water supply organization;
  • send emails with testimony to a special address of the organization.

There may be other methods - each water utility or diesel power plant develops them itself. If there are several ways, you choose the one that is easier for you.

Water meter readings can be sent to the campaign website, to their email address, or tear-off slips can be placed in a special box

Water meter installation diagram

It doesn’t matter whether you install the meter through a company or with your own hands, you need to know what the correct diagram should look like - it is very desirable to control the process.

Where and how to install: choosing a location for a water meter

The meters are installed immediately after the riser in a straight section before the first branch to the plumbing fixtures. There are water meters that can only be installed horizontally, while there are models that can be installed vertically. Just keep in mind that in a horizontal position the accuracy of the device is higher than in a vertical position and it is not a fact that it will count less. So it is very advisable to find a way to place it “lying down”.

What and why should be in the diagram

The standard water meter installation diagram looks like this:

Now let's take a closer look at what each element is needed for.

A ball shut-off valve is needed to turn off the water if necessary - to repair the faucet, clean the filter, change the meter, etc. Therefore, its presence is mandatory. It must be placed so that it is convenient to turn the valve.

The coarse filter catches the largest particles that are in the water supply. It must be installed so that the outlet is directed downwards. Otherwise it will clog quickly.

All these elements most often have internal thread. So that they can be connected to each other, connecting elements are used, which are often called “slopes”. They have on both sides external thread And small area flat pipe (in some cases only a few millimeters). with their help everything is connected to each other.

Optional Schema Elements

Often after the counter they put check valve. It is required so that in the absence of analysis, water does not flow in the opposite direction. This also prevents the reading from increasing in the presence of unstable pressure.

It also cuts off two more unpleasant situations: and prevents cold water from flowing from one pipeline to another. This happens if someone has a riser installed hygienic shower(on the toilet or bidet), shower with cheap faucets. They do not have check valves and such overflow is possible.

Check valve circuit

If the pressure cold water higher than hot water, then cold water reduces DHW temperature, and in the opposite situation, hot water may flow from the cold water tap. Therefore, installing a check valve for both cold and hot water is highly desirable, but not required.

Sometimes it is recommended to install another shut-off valve after the check valve. It is needed so that when removing the meter or when cleaning the same filter, water from the pipes in the apartment does not drain onto the floor. In principle, you can substitute a container, but this is not always possible. There is water in the pipes ordinary apartment about 6 liters, collecting from the floor is not the most pleasant experience. But this element of the harness is installed or not at the request of the owner.

There is another device that can be installed - a pressure reducer. It stabilizes the pressure in the system, extending the “life” of the entire household appliances and taps/mixers. Placed after the coarse filter. Not the cheapest thing, but very useful.

Some subtleties and nuances

When purchasing a meter, you need to make sure that the number in the passport matches the number stamped on the water meter. The device must also bear a sign that it has been certified. The passport must have a stamp with the date of factory verification. The “newer” the date, the better - the more likely it is that you will not be forced to check it before installation. Another one required part— store record of the sale with a stamp. If the meter malfunctions, you will be given a certificate with which you can demand its replacement.

It is also very desirable that the factory verification date be “more recent” - you will not have to carry the device for verification longer.

Installation features

When installing water meters, all threaded connections must be sealed - the pressure in the lines is serious. For this, linen winding or fum tape is used. If you use a winder wound around a thread, it is advisable to lubricate it with packaging paste - it will make the work easier. The fum tape does not need lubrication, it is itself elastic.

One important point: when tightening connections, do not use excessive force - microcracks may appear, which will then lead to leakage of the connection.

If you have a riser coming from the outlet steel pipes, you will need welding or a grinder to cut off the now unnecessary piece. You will also need to cut a thread at the end of the pipe (if there is none) - this is the only way to connect the shut-off valve. WITH reverse side the same situation - you will need either a transition fitting or thread cutting.

Flow direction

When assembling all the parts, pay attention that there is an arrow on the body of each. It may not be there except on the ball valve, since it doesn’t care in which direction the water flows. Although, if installed incorrectly, you will have to turn the handle in a different direction, but this is not fatal. For other devices - meter, filter, check valve and reducer - the direction of flow is critical. Therefore, when assembling, position them so that the water flow follows the arrow. This is really important.

If there are no arrows on the body of the listed parts, most likely you have the cheapest and possibly low-quality part. If possible, it is better to replace it with a normal one; if not, find out the direction of the flow yourself; by examining the structure, you can understand where the flow should move.

As you can see, installing water meters with your own hands is possible, but there are quite a lot of features. And one more thing: when you negotiate to turn off the risers, ask not for two hours, but better for four. And pre-assemble everything without winding, measure the length, figure out where and how everything will be placed, draw where you need to cut, weld, install holding clips (if the pipeline is from), etc. In general, do as much preparation as possible. In this case, installing water meters yourself will take place with a minimum of hassle.

Video on the topic

Control over accounting for resource consumption by the state has tightened. Paying for water consumption with a markup of 10 or 20% of the cost of the calculated norm leads to the conclusion that water meters must be installed. It is better to pay for exactly the resource used, especially since the prices for public utilities grow regularly.

The homeowner, in order to avoid future troubles, needs to know certain rules, procedures and water meters in the apartment.

Rules for installing water meters in an apartment

Regulations regulating the use and installation of metering devices are mandatory for all participants - users, resource providers and service companies.

Requirements for metering devices. Devices manufactured in accordance with GOST R 50601 and 50193 and included in the register of measuring instruments are allowed for installation. The diameters of the device’s pipes must correspond to those common in the Russian Federation. The design of the device must exclude the technical or physical possibility of changing the readings.

Technical requirements for the operation and installation of water meters in the apartment. The rules require:

  • where to install water meters - the location of the devices should be accessible to both the resource supplier and the user himself, and the room temperature should not fall below 5 °C;
  • sealing the device, the procedure is free for the consumer;
  • registration of the installed device;
  • regular transmission of evidence to regulatory authorities;
  • verification, repair or replacement of the meter by the homeowner;
  • for organizations carrying out water supply systems, the obligation to install, replace and verify water meters at the request of the consumer and at his expense, but with possible installment payments;
  • service companies must have the appropriate license to carry out work on installing metering devices.

The homeowner should remember that neither the organizations supplying water resources nor the management of the condominium can impose any meter models or services. If the housing is considered dilapidated, the project for installing a water meter must be approved by the responsible organizations.

Water meter installation procedure

Information on how to install water meters in an apartment can be found faster in Moscow than in small cities. From a huge number of metropolitan companies offering all types of work and full service, you can get confused. But, in any city, the installation of water meters is divided into two stages:

  • installation work;
  • registration of devices.

Water meters in an apartment or private house

The work begins with drawing up a project for installing water meters in the apartment. It is necessary to determine how many supply pipes (risers) there are in the residential premises. The number of devices to be installed depends on their quantity. Next, select optimal place installation of devices in accordance with current regulations.

The device is installed at the point where the apartment water supply branches off from the riser, at a distance of 20 cm from it. In private households, no further than 0.2 meters from the central water supply main. Installation sequence:

  • check the reliability of connections and integrity plumbing fixtures for possible leaks;
  • turn off the water supply to the serviced area;
  • installation - filtering the water flow entering the meter from debris and rust will extend the time of reliable operation of the device;
  • connection of the metering device - it is recommended to install it with rubber gaskets and so that the direction of flow through the device follows the marks on the body;
  • for hot water meters operating at temperatures up to 90 °C, it is necessary to take seals and sealants that can withstand such conditions;
  • installation is an optional design element, but will prevent unmotivated inspections of devices by regulatory authorities, as it eliminates unauthorized interference in the operation of the device.

Specialists perform such work in 1-2 hours, if there are no difficulties in the apartment water supply system. For individual housing, installing a water meter may be complicated by installing a special well to accommodate the devices.


Registration and commissioning can be carried out by the service departments that installed the meters. But, in most cases, the consumer independently notifies his HOA about this and submits an application for sealing of the devices. The responsible organization must complete the application within three days. Commissioning is carried out from the beginning of the next month and from this time you can pay according to the meter readings.

Guided by the rules and procedure for installing water meters in an apartment, you can avoid many troubles, not succumb to provocative offers and not run into unscrupulous performers. Know how to protect yourself.

Many people try to save on utility bills. Water meters (hot and cold) operating in the apartment can become effective assistants in this. You can install such meters yourself.

The massive installation of gas, water and electricity meters in the housing stock is caused by the regular increase in tariffs for these resources. Meters allow users not only to monitor the consumption of natural resources, but also to seriously reduce payments for its use.

Consumption rates, for example, water, do not correspond to the amount of liquid consumed in real life. Without a meter, each resident must pay monthly for 5.5 cubic meter theoretically consumed water. However, by installing a water meter, you can analyze and notice that the actual water consumption of one person who does not limit himself is about 3 cubic meters. For those who intend to strictly save and consume this natural resource in minimal quantities, monthly expense will not exceed 2 cubic meters.

And this indicator differs significantly from the standards. In this state of affairs, installing a water meter is very useful, as it will lead to rational management of the family budget. If you plan to do the work yourself, you should first learn how to properly install a water meter .

The installation sequence of a water meter can be divided into two phases: installation of all its components and, in fact, installation.

Installing a water meter

For high-quality work, in addition to the meter, it is necessary to install a coarse water filter, which sifts out all mechanical impurities from the water, for example, sand or rust. The check valve must be installed based on the technical specifications developed by Vodokanal enterprises. In this way, it is intended to prevent cases of meter reading fraud. These components should be mounted in one unit, which will perform the functions of monitoring water consumption. It is necessary to fasten nuts (snap nuts) to the filter and check valve so that there are no difficulties when dismantling the meter.

For successful operation of the counter, it is important to select right direction installation of components. The manufacturer always puts specific arrow-shaped marks on the device; they set the direction of water flow through the device. Using your imagination, you need to imagine the process of water moving through the meter, which will significantly help to rationally install the device.

Union nuts are attached to the filter from the point of the arrow, to the check valve, on the contrary, from the end of the arrow. Tow, like other similar windings, cannot be used. It is necessary to use paronite gaskets, selected strictly according to size.

Full operation of the meter depends on the direction of water flow. The manufacturer also put an arrow on it to facilitate the installation process. The arrow should point towards the shut-off valve located on the riser.

If the direction of the arrows is strictly observed, it is necessary to fasten the meter to the filter and check valve using union nuts and paronite gaskets. Violation of the sequence of arrows will lead to incorrect operation of the counter. This may manifest itself in the fact that the meter will spin in the opposite direction, or water will not flow through the meter to the taps at all. Not a single Vodokanal employee will allow such a meter to be put into operation and will not install seals on it.

Counter insert

The difficulty of inserting a water meter into the system depends on the technical characteristics of the water pipes. The most difficult process will be the insertion if the water pipes are metal. In this case, a metal saw and a machine for making threads will come in handy. As the first connection point, you can use a shut-off valve with a ready-made thread; the second counter thread must be made additionally.

If the water pipes are propylene or metal-plastic, it will be much easier to install the meter. You can cut such pipes with a regular knife. A specific soldering iron and soldering skills may be useful if the pipes are made of polypropylene.

To insert a water meter, the pipe must be cut, and the fully assembled water meter unit must be attached to the shut-off valve located on the riser using tow. Then you should firmly attach the meter to the tap, determine the point for making the counter thread, and cut off the excess pipe. At the selected point, a thread is made or a fitting of the metal-plastic system is soldered (attached).

Then the check valve and union nut are unscrewed from the mounted meter, and the valve is attached to the newly made thread using tow.

Next, you need to fasten the union nut to the meter, open the shut-off valve and carefully inspect all the connections made to ensure there are no leaks. If necessary, eliminate existing leaks, after which the water meter can be put into operation.

It is advisable to once again carefully follow the direction of the arrows on the device; they should all point in the direction opposite to the shut-off valve. Then you need to invite a specialist to seal the water meter.


For instructions on installing water meters, see the following video:

To control water consumption, it is imperative to include devices for measuring water consumption in the water supply system, namely, install water meters with parameters that comply with current standards.

Agree that such a device will not only allow you to control real consumption and pay only for used water, but also teach you how to save this resource.

But first you need to buy it and, following the rules for installing water meters, connect it correctly. And we will look at how to do this in detail in the article. Here are the basic rules for installation with clear photos individual stages of device installation.

As a supplement to the main material of our article, we have selected video recommendations for self-installation of meters. After all, metering devices can be installed with your own hands, but with the permission of the services performing the sealing.

Devices for recording water consumption in a specific residential building are installed on the communication networks of apartments and houses connected to centralized water supply systems.

Installation rules with a number of requirements and commissioning procedures have been developed for management companies. Although the installation, if desired, can be done manually.

They are easy to use, but quickly fail in an intermediate state between “closed” and “open”.

Before you begin installing the control measuring instrument water consumption, you need to think over the installation scheme and stock up on the necessary parts

The coarse filter is used to prevent large insoluble particles such as grains of sand contained in water from entering the device mechanism.

Filters for mechanical cleaning There are two types of flow: direct and oblique (only oblique is used to install the meter).

The check valve serves mainly to prevent the meter readings from unwinding, and also, in the absence of analysis, prevents water from flowing in the opposite direction.

If necessary, American women will help dismantle the water meter without consequences for the water supply system.

You can also install other elements in the water metering unit. They are optional, but will be very useful.

This is a shut-off valve after the check valve (so that when removing the meter, water does not drain onto the floor), a pressure reducer is installed after the coarse filter, which stabilizes the pressure in the system and extends the life of household appliances.

Before installing water meters, you must carefully prepare workplace and stock up necessary tool, for carrying out the entire cycle of work

Now the water meter itself:

  • When purchasing, you must check the identity of the numbers in your passport and their analogues stamped on the water meter.
  • You need to make sure that there is a certificate and a stamp in your passport with the date of factory verification.
  • And it's nice to pick it up at the store sales receipt and issue a guarantee; in the event of a malfunction, if there is a certificate and a receipt, the meter must be replaced.

Try to purchase a water meter in a specialized store rather than on the market; it will be easier to replace it if it breaks.

After making sure that you have everything you need, you can begin installing the water meter.

Before purchasing a measuring device, you must carefully study its passport. It contains not only the characteristics technical device, but also information about the verifications carried out

Water meter installation technology

You can install a water meter yourself, or you can seek help from specialized institutions, a management company, or a structural department of a water utility.

When choosing a company, make sure it has a license and provides a warranty period of service, read the reviews.

If you do not trust the work to others and are confident in your abilities, then you can, just first consult with specialists from the water utility to see if they will allow you to install the meter yourself; usually it is not prohibited.

Regardless of who will install the water meter, the procedure for installing a water meter will not change:

  • Before starting installation, you must turn off the water in the riser. You should submit an application to the management company or, if you have a shut-off valve, close it yourself.
  • It is necessary to determine the installation diagram of the unit and its position (vertical or horizontal).
  • Then you need to connect the shut-off valve and the coarse filter (without plumbing winding) in such a way that the filter pipe with the mesh is directed to the bottom, determine the number of turns when twisting.
  • Now you need to remove the filter again and completely assemble the entire assembly, taking into account the number of turns, using a winding.

All threaded connections are carefully wrapped with sealing tape and treated with plumbing mastic.

When assembling, pay attention to the water meter; there are arrow marks on it.

The direction of the arrows must coincide with the direction of water flow through the device, otherwise the operation of the installed meter will be incorrect, which is why the water utility representative will not accept such work.

It is important to ensure the required position of each element. In the direction of water flow, it looks like this: shut-off valve, coarse filter, water meter, check valve.

When installing, pay attention to the order of the elements in the assembly, it must coincide with the direction of the water flow

The next stage is preparing the pipeline for installation of the system. This is a rather pedantic process, since the length of the assembled unit must match the length of the segment on the existing pipeline with a minimum error.

Of course, you can use flexible eyeliner, but it doesn’t look aesthetically pleasing.

Before cutting out the pipe, it is advisable to place a basin or other container into which the remaining water in the system will be drained.

Depending on the pipes, it will be necessary in the case of metal pipes or to use fittings in the case of polypropylene pipes.

You may also find information about the rules useful, which is given in our other article.

The final stage is the insertion of a water metering unit into the water supply system. We install the assembly we have assembled into the prepared system, and we need to seal all threaded connections using linen liner or Fum tape.

When tightening threaded connections, do not apply great force, as this can lead to the formation of microcracks and subsequent leakage. If everything is done correctly, then there will be no leaks when water is supplied, you can proceed to installing the seal.

Insertion into the system using a flexible connection is less labor-intensive, but more expensive

Seal installation and technical documentation

After you have installed the metering unit and checked that it is working properly, the question arises, how to properly seal the water meter? You should find out who is doing this, whether it is possible to put a filling yourself.

You should entrust the installation of the seal to specially trained people: representatives of the water utility or the management company. To do this, you must submit an application to receive a meter.

Do not hesitate to apply, despite installed counter, water consumption will still be determined to the maximum before official registration.

Installing a filling is a free procedure. You shouldn’t install it yourself; you’ll still have to call a representative of the management company.

Within some time, usually from three to five days, a local government representative will be sent to respond to your application. For normal working contact with him, you must have a verification certificate and a meter passport with you.

The specialist’s responsibilities include checking the correct installation order of the water meter unit and all its components, and also checking the integrity of the unit elements.

The water utility representative does not have the right to control the qualifications of the person installing the meter.

After checking and sealing the unit (with his own seal), the inspector will draw up a commissioning report, where he will enter the initial meter readings and provide you with a service agreement.

After carefully reading the contract, making sure that you are satisfied with everything, put your signature.

It is not allowed to use data taken from the meter in utility bills if a seal is not installed or there is no polymer film with a verification stamp printed on it.

After signing the contract, you begin to pay for water according to the meter. Among the documents, the owners should have one copy of the service agreement and the act of putting the meter into operation.

It is also necessary to leave a technical passport and a certificate of verification of the water meter. Technical certificate An employee of the management company will need it; it is better to make a photocopy in advance.

There are times when re-filling is required. For example, the service life of the devices has expired, one of the elements of the unit has broken, or a new element has been added to the system.

Therefore, it is better to store documents separately from other papers, so that in case of an unforeseen situation they are at hand.

Problems during operation and their solutions

During the operation of the water metering unit, some problems may arise. Let's consider their types and possible solutions.

Whatever the problem, it is not recommended to fix the problem yourself. Use the services of specialists - this will save your time and money.

High-quality sealing is the key to long-term service, but do not overdo it. A large number of winding may cause leakage

Symptoms and corrective measures:

  1. Water flows poorly through the water meter. The coarse filter may be clogged. It is necessary to call a representative of the management company to eliminate the defect; he is obliged to clean the filter and re-seal it free of charge. Under no circumstances do this yourself; breaking the seal is tantamount to voiding the warranty.
  2. Broken seal. Don't fix it yourself. Notify the management company as soon as possible. You will have to pay for re-sealing, but this is nothing compared to the fines if the inspector discovers that the seal has been broken. You will have to pay the full amount of the tariff since the last inspection (maybe several years), as well as a fine for missing an application.
  3. Water passes through the water meter, but the readings are not recorded. The counting or rotor mechanism may have broken down. If you are sure that your water meter is faulty, you have the right to a free unscheduled inspection. This is the case if the warranty period has not expired.

During the inspection period, water payments are calculated based on the average minimum for the region. The inspection can take up to several months; sometimes it is easier to buy a new one.

Don’t delay installing a water meter – it will help you save up to 30% of your monthly payment

Inset individual meters water is becoming an integral procedure in every home, the process is not so much labor-intensive as it is troublesome, but completely worth it.

By following the order in the sequence of work on installing a water meter, you not only save about 30% every month, but also have an incentive to reasonable use water.

You may also find information about and features of this procedure useful.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The video will clearly present the process of assembling units for installing cold and hot water measuring instruments:

The clear conclusion is that installing meters is beneficial for every family, since water becomes more and more expensive every quarter, and the supply of clean fresh water becomes less and less.

Installing a meter yourself or calling a specialist is a personal matter. As can be seen from the step-by-step instructions given in our article, you can perform the installation yourself by carefully studying general recommendations and purchasing a meter and components that will be useful during the installation process.

And although a representative of a water supply company during sealing has no right to be interested in the qualifications of the technician installing the meter, in practice users are faced with different situations.

More recently, 15 ÷ 20 years ago, almost the entire population of the country, having central water supply, everywhere paid for water supply services in accordance with established consumption standards for each person living in a house or apartment. In the corresponding proportion, payments were made for water disposal (sewage) services.

Currently, most homeowners already use water meters. The installation of these metering devices is usually planned at the stage of building a house and connecting it to engineering communications. In old houses, water meters are installed into existing wiring by specialists from specialized companies or master plumbers, whose services are widely advertised in any newspaper. It is quite easy to install a water meter yourself, if, of course, the owner of the apartment has certain skills in working with plumbing fittings and equipment.

This publication will be devoted to the need to install a water meter, the rules for its selection, self-installation, as well as what will need to be done after installing the meter.

Are water meters needed?

The imperfection of the payment system based on the number of residents is obvious - these standards, which exist in many regions, by the way, to this day, of course, are always calculated taking into account the interests of the water supply organization, which under any circumstances must remain profitable.

In this case, the possible absence of one or more family members is absolutely not taken into account. Even if no one was in the apartment for a long time (for example, summer living outside the city or a family vacation trip), this does not affect the regularity of receipt of bills for payment.

It is no secret that, probably, in any multi-apartment building there are representatives of the category of so-called persistent defaulters. And the real water consumption that remains unpaid is often scattered by management companies among the bills of those residents who have not yet bothered to install metering devices and pay for water according to the bills that come to them.

But even if we put aside all these quite probable points and turn to purely statistical data, the benefit of installing a metering device still becomes obvious. It is estimated that the average city dweller uses up to 4 cubic meters of cold water and up to 3 cubic meters of hot water per month. But according to existing standards, you have to pay almost twice as much - 11.7 cubic meters!

The situation is often even more complicated for owners of private houses - they are charged additional payments based on the area of ​​the house land plot, having your own car. Again, it is never taken into account whether the site is used as a household plot, and whether the car is washed often.

Installing individual metering devices will help you avoid paying extra, but give your money only for the actual consumption of cold and hot water. Of course, this will require certain primary costs - for the purchase and installation of equipment. However, as practice shows, in a family of 4 people, such expenses already pay off in six months.

Another very important positive aspect of installing such metering devices. In most regions of our country, we are accustomed to treating water as something that has always been there and, of course, is not going anywhere. At the same time, few people thought about the fact that water reserves- are by no means unlimited. And installed water meters significantly discipline consumers, involuntarily forcing them to be more attentive to the reasonable and economical use of water. Probably, such an apartment owner will never again have a leaking faucet, or a faulty tank in the bathroom.

Maybe at the level of an individual consumer this is perceived as some kind of trifle, but already on the scale of a district, city and larger ones, such measures give a very impressive result.

How a water meter works and how to choose it correctly

In order to correctly install a water meter with your own hands and operate it correctly, you probably need to have an idea of ​​its structure.

Most water meters used in domestic conditions have a single tachometer operating principle. The flow of water passing through the device causes rotation of the impeller (impeller) or turbine. The torque is transmitted mechanically or electromagnetically to the counting device. Each revolution corresponds to a certain water flow.

The principle is the same, but its technical implementation may vary.

  • Small water meters used in apartments usually have an impeller. The number and length of its blades are precisely calculated, and give an accurate calculation of the consumption of water passing through the chamber of the device.

As a disadvantage of this scheme, it can be noted that the wheel with blades has a certain inertia and is more susceptible to the influence of turbulent flows created by the abundant passage of water, which affects the accuracy of flow calculations. However, on the scale of consumption of one apartment this has no practical significance, so such meters are the most common.

If the water meter is installed on a more “serious” main line with high water pressure, then, as a rule, turbine-type devices are installed.

They do not have the disadvantages of an impeller, and their level of accuracy is much higher.

There are also combined type meters with a system of valves that ensure the passage of water at low pressure through the impeller, and when it increases, through the turbine. However, they are usually used only for general house accounting, and for household level Most likely, you won’t have to deal with them.

  • Water meters can be single-jet or multi-jet. As is probably clear from the name, in the first, water passes through the chamber in a general flow, which, in principle, helps to enhance the turbulence effect. To reduce this negative phenomenon, in particularly accurate meters the flow is divided into several channels.
  • Based on the degree of isolation of the counting mechanism from water, metering devices are divided into “dry” and “wet”.

In water meters built on the “wet” principle, the counting device has direct contact with water. The transmission of torque from the impeller is carried out in the usual way mechanically, through a system of axles and gears. Advantages: insensitivity to magnetic influences, low price. Disadvantages: short service life due to the constant interaction of the mechanism with water, special sensitivity to the purity of the flowing liquid.

In “dry” meters, the impeller or turbine mechanism is separated from the counting device by a sealed partition. The precise mechanics of the meter never, under any circumstances, come into contact with water. The transmission of rotation is carried out through a magnetic pair - a ring magnet is installed on top of the impeller body, and the same one is in the counting mechanism, which is also located in a sealed cylindrical flask. Such a scheme dramatically increases the service life of the device, which is no longer so demanding on the purity and temperature of the water. The disadvantage is vulnerability to the external influence of magnetic (electromagnetic) fields, so such meters began to be equipped with an additional protective anti-magnetic coupling.

Such metering devices are currently the most common in apartment conditions.

The diagram shows the basic structure of a typical modern residential water meter:

The housing of the lower part of the meter (1) can be made of non-magnetic alloys based on aluminum, brass, and less commonly polymer ones. The housing has channels for the passage of water (2) with a central chamber in which a paddle wheel-impeller (3) is installed. The impeller axis of high-quality water meters is equipped with watch stones (4), which ensures its rotation with minimal friction and gives high accuracy of readings.

The “water” part of the meter is hermetically sealed with a polymer partition (5), which is fixed either with a special nut or a locking ring. For meters with antimagnetic protection, a special protective coupling is located in the same place in the center, protecting against the influence of an external magnetic field.

A sealed counting mechanism (6), which is most often made of transparent plastic, is placed on top of the body. It is attached to the body with a special ring, which allows it to be rotated around its axis so that the scale can be set to the position that is most convenient for reading readings. This fixing ring must have a factory seal.

The transmission of torque is carried out by a pair of ring magnets (7). One of them is located on the impeller, not its upper section, and the second is installed coaxially with the first on the main shaft of the counting mechanism. Thus, the rotation of the impeller is “copied” by the precise mechanics of the device.

The rotation of the main shaft through a system of gear wheels (8) is scaled in a certain way and transmitted to pointer indicator flow rate (9) and on a digital scale with rollers (10) that count water consumption, usually accurate to the third decimal place (from 1 liter). Thus, on most meters there are three red numbers, showing fractions of a cubic meter, and five black numbers, allowing you to count from 0 to 99 99 9 m³ of water consumed.

Video: how a regular water meter works

Many modern water meters are equipped, in addition, with a special reed switch sensor, which converts a certain number of revolutions into an electronic pulse.

In this case, the metering device is connected by a signal cable to a special indicator panel, which can be located nearby or even located in the entrance. Such a panel can have programming functions and show not only consumption, but also its monetary equivalent in accordance with current tariffs.

Hot water meters, in general, completely repeat the described design, but are made of heat-resistant materials that ensure accurate readings when heated to high (up to 90 °) temperatures. In addition, some modern water meters with pulse output help solve another cost-saving problem - they can monitor water temperature.

For these purposes, a temperature sensor is installed in the pipe near the entrance to the meter (sometimes in the water meter body itself), which is also connected to an electronic display unit. If the water temperature drops below the established standards, its consumption will be taken into account in a separate window. When the temperature is normalized, recording is carried out in the usual way. When paying for hot water consumed, the average figure is displayed. A two-tariff charging scheme can also be used - for example, when the water temperature is above 50° (optimal), the coefficient for calculation is taken as “1”, but if the temperature falls below this contractual mark, in the range of 45 ÷ 50°, then when calculating the amount to A reduction factor of “0.7” is applied to payments.

How to approach the problem of the required water meter?

  • First of all, you should find out from the management company in charge of the water supply at the homeowner’s place of residence which devices are allowed for installation by the rules in force in the region. Perhaps the city has already implemented an electronic metering system and a multi-tariff payment system, and utility companies will require the mandatory installation of a meter with pulse transmission of signals. Most likely, the client will be asked to purchase a water meter from them with the provision of a paid service for its installation. If not, then the Vodokanal should provide information about trade or service organizations that have the right to sell such metering devices.
  • When purchasing a water meter yourself, under no circumstances should you purchase it secondhand or from retail outlets that are not completely trustworthy, even if the price seems very attractive. Firstly, there is no guarantee that the device is not a fake or “refurbished” used one. y-counter, and no one knows how long it will last. Secondly, you can run into trouble when, after installation, the management organization refuses to register this water meter, and you will have to buy another one.

What data should you look for? Special attention:

  • As already mentioned, there are meters for cold and hot water. Temperature Range must be indicated in the product passport (for example, from 5 to 40 ° WITH– for cold and from 40 to 90 ° WITH– for hot). Similar symbols can be printed on the front indicator panel of the device; in addition, color coding(blue and red bodies). There are also universal models - they usually have gray color markings, and the panel indicates the possibility of their use for both hot and cold water supply.

  • Next important parameter - diameter conditional diameter (DN). Od must correspond to the actual pipe layout at the intended installation location of the device. Typically, apartments use pipes with DN 15 or 20 mm - this needs to be clarified in advance, before going to the store.
  • Meter accuracy class. The current rules allow the use of devices with accuracy class “A” (±1%) or “B” (±2%). Usually modern meters provide operation according to metrological class “B” when they are horizontally positioned with the scale facing upward, and according to class “A” - with any other placement of the device (with the exception of placing the water meter on a horizontal section with the counting mechanism facing downwards is prohibited).
  • It is worth clarifying the maximum permissible water pressure in the system, since some metering devices may have certain limitations. Typically for Du-15 meters the limit is 1 MPa(10 bar), and for Du-20 - 1.6 MPa(16 bar).
  • An important indicator is the maximum (Qmax) and nominal (Qn) water flow. For the most common for Du-15 meters, these values ​​are usually Qmax - no more than 3 m³/hour, - about 1.5 m³/hour. Such an expense should be more than enough for any apartment or house. Exceeding these values ​​will lead to very rapid failure of the meter.

All necessary technical information is always indicated in detail in the product passport and is very often applied to the front panel of the counting device, as shown in the figure:

Everything is very clear:

— SV-15G – water meter with DN -15 mm, for hot water with a maximum temperature of 90° C. This is also indicated by the red color of the connecting ring of the device.

— The symbol “V-N” means that the device corresponds to metrological class “B” when positioned horizontally (H).

— Accordingly, the designation “A-V” indicates the class of the meter “A” when it is installed vertically (V).

— Maximum permissible pressure in plumbing system– 10 bar.

— Nominal water flow Qn – 1.5 m³/hour.

— Red pictographic symbols in the center below indicate that this device model has state certification.

  • Important parameters are the dimensions of the water meter, on which the possibility of inserting it in a particular place largely depends. Of particular importance is the so-called installation length of the meter, which takes into account the size of the device itself and the thickness of the connecting elements. This is a standardized value: for apartment water meters it is usually 110 or 130 mm, and for house meters - 190 or 260 mm.
  • The device passport must contain marks indicating that it has undergone technical control at the manufacturer, indicating the date of manufacture of the product. The warranty obligations for the inter-inspection period of operation of the metering device should also be indicated there. As a rule, for cold water meters it is 6 years, hot - 4 years. It is necessary to check the serial serial number of the device - it must be indicated in the documents and on the body of the counting device.
  • The store must make a mandatory certified note in the passport about the date of purchase of the water meter.
  • The completeness of the water meter delivery must be checked. In the minimum configuration, as a rule, the device itself is supplied with two connecting fittings with gaskets and union nuts - “American”. If the meter has the ability to pulse readings, then the kit may also include the sensor itself with a connecting signal cable, although it also happens that they have to be purchased separately.

Prices for water meters

Water meters

DIY water meter installation

If a metering device has been purchased and a decision has been made to install it yourself, you should first of all become familiar with the basic rules for its installation.

  • The meter must be installed in a heated room (with permissible temperature air from + 5 to + 50%). Natural or artificial lighting must be provided. The location of the device must provide full access to it for taking readings, inspection, and preventative work or replacement, eliminate the possibility of mechanical damage.
  • Before self-installation It is recommended to obtain technical installation specifications from the management company - they may differ slightly from one another in different regions.
  • The water meter should be installed as close as possible to the entrance of the water pipe to the apartment (house). It is recommended to choose, if possible, a straight horizontal section for this. Between the input and the meter there should be no tees or other branches that are plugged or blocked by valves. Nothing should give a reason official representative Vodokanal assumes the possibility of unauthorized water withdrawal by bypassing the meter.
  • The meter will work correctly if the straight sections before and after it are observed - this reduces the likelihood of turbulent flows. The length of the straight section to the meter should be 3 Du, at the outlet - 1 Du. In relation to the most common water meters in apartment conditions, Du-15, this will be 45 and 15 mm, respectively. As a rule, this distance is ensured by the connecting fittings included in the kit.
  • At the entrance to the apartment (house) in front of the meter, it is necessary to install a shut-off valve. This will make it possible to shut off the general water supply to the intra-apartment water distribution system if it is necessary to carry out plumbing installation or repair work.
  • The counter impeller mechanism is quite sensitive to insoluble suspensions in water - grains of sand, pieces of scale, rusty flakes, etc. Not only do they have an abrasive effect on plastic parts, but the assembly of the upper and lower fastening of the impeller axis can be damaged, and the water meter will quickly fail. Therefore, a dirt filter is always installed in front of the metering device. Usually this so-called "oblique" a filter equipped with a mesh that retains T solid suspensions. Mud filters on horizontal pipe sections must be installed with the beveled part down.

Required element - strainer mechanical purification of water from large inclusions

As a rule, such filters are made of brass. For polypropylene pipelines There are also polymer models, but master plumbers do not praise them and still recommend installing brass ones.

  • By technical specifications When installing a water meter, which operates in many regions of the country, it is necessary to install a check valve after the water meter. This is done mainly to eliminate the possibility of the device readings “rolling back”, for example, air flow, which some Cunning consumers sometimes try to achieve this by somehow connecting a vacuum cleaner.

However, this valve also has quite practical significance - it will not allow the impeller mechanism to remain dry in the event of an emergency - loss of water in the system. There should always be water in the water meter chamber - it provides a kind of “lubrication” of the support bearings (stones) of the impeller axis.

On vertical sections of the pipeline when water flows down up such a valve is installed not after, but before the water meter, preventing water from flowing out of the device chamber when the pressure in the system drops.

By the way, when buying a water meter you need to pay attention to one more detail - some devices already have a built-in valve in their design reverse– installation of an additional device in this case is not required. In addition, such a valve can be a design feature of the water meter connecting fitting.

So, if everything has been purchased and the location for installing the water meter has been determined, you can proceed directly to installation.

The universal installation diagram of the device is shown in the diagram:

“Classic” water meter connection diagram

1 – entrance from the water main.

2 – shut-off valve (faucet). Its type is not of fundamental importance. Nowadays, ball valves with a lever handle or “butterfly” are more often used. If the installation is carried out along a polypropylene pipe, you can also use a special polymer tap, but only when you are confident in its quality, since, judging by the reviews, they are not always highly reliable. Many craftsmen recommend installing high-quality metal valves, which, by the way, will be easier to replace in case of failure.

An important note: if a ball valve is installed, it should not be used to regulate the intensity of the water flow. It should have two standard positions - “open” or “closed”. The half-closed state of such a valve leads to its rapid wear.

3 – “oblique” mud filter, which was already mentioned above.

4 – connecting fittings with American union nuts (5), usually included in the delivery package of the water meter.

6 – water meter.

7 – check valve. Its “classic” location is shown. In a vertical section with upward flow, it should be moved to a position between the filter and the connecting fitting.

8 – entrance to the internal water supply distribution. All water points without exception are allowed to be connected only after the meter.

Video - Basic guidelines for installing a water meter yourself

  • Before proceeding with installation, you should first lay out all the elements in the order in which they will be assembled. In this case, special attention should be paid to the arrows marked on the bodies of the products - they indicate the direction of water flow. A mistake in this matter is unacceptable - the system simply will not work.

In order not to make mistakes in the future, it is recommended to first arrange all the elements in the order of their location...
  • Now it is advisable to carry out general assembly the entire structure is placed “dry” on the table without the use of seals. This is necessary to pre-calculate the number of thread turns for correct assembly(for example, so that the oblique part of the filter is guaranteed to be at the bottom), and determine the total installation length of the resulting assembly. The resulting length must be compared with the existing section of the pipe on which the water meter is planned to be placed.

... and then perform dry assembly. Be sure to check the location of the arrows - the direction of water flow

If you are “lucky” and there is the possibility of such a direct installation, then installation will be greatly simplified. But in some cases, the conditions for the location of pipes may force one to come up with more complex circuits– this will be discussed below.

  • It is advisable to start the installation by installing a shut-off valve. This will require turning off the water supply to the intra-house main, so it is better to carry out this stage immediately so as not to leave the entire riser without water supply for a long time.

After the specialist responsible for this has closed the riser, you can begin installation work. Usually there is always a tap at the entrance to the apartment from the riser. The pipe after the old tap must be cut with a grinder. In this case, a certain amount of water will definitely flow out of it - you should prepare a basin. Then you need to try to unscrew the old valve.

If everything is fine, the valve is unscrewed and the threaded part on the pipe is in in good condition, then you can pack the new tap. To do this, it is best to use flax tow with special sealing pastes “Multipack” or “Unipak” - this is guaranteed to ensure the tightness of the connection.

It’s worse if the tap does not budge, or the threaded part on the pipe is unsuitable for further use - rusted or deformed. You will have to cut it off with a grinder and cut a new thread with a tool.

  • After the new tap is “packed”, it must be closed, and then the water supply to the entire riser can be resumed. All further internal installation work will be carried out from the installed valve.

“Packed” unit: oblique filter + connecting fitting with union nut
  • The next step is to screw together and pack the “oblique” filter and the meter connecting fitting. The assembled unit can be screwed into the faucet, taking into account the number of turns so that the filter bevel is at the bottom.

  • Next, the second connecting fitting and the check valve are assembled into a single unit. Funny, but very widespread A mistake made by novice home craftsmen is to “pack” the fittings, forgetting to put the “American” union nuts on them. You have to take it apart and rebuild it again.
  • The next, most important stage is connecting to the existing plumbing in the apartment. If it is made of steel VGS pipes, then the section from the meter to the nearest threaded connection, suitable for insertion, made of plastic or polypropylene pipe - this will greatly simplify the work. The fitting transition is screwed onto the polymer pipe, and a section is laid required length, which also ends with a fitting. The distance is maintained such that after connecting the prepared “fitting + valve” assembly to it, the required installation length of the water meter is maintained. For convenience of work, so as not to make a mistake, you can attach a water meter to the inlet and outlet “American” - this will make it easier to determine the required area.

If the wiring is already made of polymer pipes, then no special problems should arise at all.

A good example is meters mounted on metal and polypropylene pipes
  • After this unit is assembled, you can install the sealing gaskets and make the final installation of the water meter with the “American” tightening. The kit usually includes rubber gaskets, A experienced craftsmen It is still recommended to replace them with paronite ones of the same diameter. When tightening the union nuts, the required location of the meter scale is immediately established - so that it is as convenient as possible to take readings.

Very often, apartment owners combine the installation of a water meter with the modernization of the entire intra-apartment wiring and converting it to plastic or polypropylene. After the meter, you can install a collector comb, from where you can “distribute” water to the points of consumption.

It is much more difficult to get out of a situation where the conditions of the room and the location of the pipes in it do not allow for “classic” piping of the meter. You have to use imagination and ingenuity to fit everything in a limited space required elements designs.

For example, hot and cold pipes may be located too close to each other, and you have to move to the side:

The insertion section may be too short - then you will have to install hinges to ensure the placement of all the components:

It happens that water pipes are hidden in niches or boxes, but here you can find a good solution:

  • After the water meter and all subsequent communication water supply units have been installed, the correct installation has been checked again, and a test run can be carried out. The shut-off valve must open very smoothly, gradually filling the system with water, in order to avoid water hammer, which can damage the metering device. To do this, open the tap at one of the water points to allow air to escape from the pipes.

After the system is filled with water, you can open the valve completely. The water tap is closed and all connections are checked visually to ensure there are no leaks. If everything is normal, then the installation work can be considered complete.

Video: master class on installing water meters in a high-rise building

What to do after installing a water meter yourself

The first step after installing water meters is to invite the responsible employee of the water supply or housing maintenance organization. He must check the correctness and reliability of the installation of the device and seal it. Both must be sealed union nuts on the connecting fittings, which makes it impossible to dismantle the meter yourself. In addition, the plug on the filter will probably be sealed, since unauthorized water can be drawn through this hole. Very often an additional seal is placed on the plastic retaining ring connecting the lower part of the device to the housing of the counting mechanism.

An employee of the management organization will take the readings available on the scale on Mom nt pl ombration. It should be remembered that the transition to payment by meter will be made from this moment, regardless of when the device was installed and how many cubic meters it has already accumulated. The readings taken at the time of registration become the starting ones. This will be reflected in the acceptance certificate and in the product passport. At the same time, a deadline will be set for the next control verification of the water meter.

During operation, certain rules should be followed:

  • It is not allowed to carry out welding work on metal areas of indoor wiring.
  • The section of the water supply system with the meter must be securely fixed so that there are no vibrations in it, otherwise the device will quickly lose its functionality.
  • Water hammer in the system should be avoided. If the water supply to the house is stopped, then, if possible, the inlet valve should be temporarily closed, and when opening, follow the same principles as when the meter was initially put into operation.
  • If there is a possibility that the permissible value will be exceeded, a gearbox should be installed.
  • The meter must be constantly filled with water - how this is achieved was described above.
  • Cleanliness must be maintained outer surface device, do not allow the accumulation of dirt or dust on it, or the ingress of chemical active substances.
  • If the pressure in the system has noticeably decreased, the filter mesh is likely clogged. It is easy to clean - unscrew the plug and wash the mesh with a stream of water. However, do not forget that the cork is in a sealed state, and to carry out these actions it is necessary to invite a responsible employee of the management organization. It is prohibited to independently violate the integrity of the seal.
  • When the next inspection is due, it is necessary to ensure that the device is delivered to the appropriate metrology laboratory. You should not do this yourself - suspicions may arise about unauthorized water withdrawal. It is better to invite a specialist who will dismantle the water meter and temporarily install another meter or simply a connecting pipe in its place. During the inspection period, payment will be made in accordance with current daily water consumption standards. By the way, some metering devices do not need to be completely dismantled - only the upper counting mechanism is sent for verification tests.

Video: An example of how water meters are verified

The verification procedure, with calling a technician for dismantling, carrying out the tests themselves, reinstalling and sealing, is, as a rule, paid service, and can be expensive. On forums on the Internet there are many recommendations to simply purchase at the time of verification new counter- it might even turn out cheaper, especially since the used device should have paid for itself more than once. In this case, a new one should be chosen with exactly the same installation length. In this case, installing a new water meter will not be difficult - it is simply installed in place of the old one.